Running Deer At Minesing LESI WM yearold nee chewed by local dogs and with mixails turn out was lound by Departmnct eI Linda and Forests in lilinrsing swamp The dogs were arm animals and domestic petI allowede run loose in the country by local residents By letting their dogs run deer out season owners could lace chargen under the Fish and Game Act may also risk hav ing their dogs shot by game oI ficlnls Paul Dreycr game war en in AIllstan says Wallace Mchlcezone ores lcr in Angus says that so tar only one carcass has been found lbcrn an probably many more in the ma not found by of Icinls The dogs and deer trav el through the swamp and oil the beaten track he says The swamp major gather Ini place for deer in Simcoe County covers 2400 acres oi llclnls estimate that there may be over 100 dotr there inking winter cover and lccdins on or trees RUNNING DEER Mr hlchice says he has pass the swamp and heard or saw running door at least three on this winter He believes hourid was responsible lor the ace Irlilcd inst week in some cases owners oI the age are known and have been added that they must do up Is in ii deer urea or isir having thcm shot andlsnllibedagadonotlet thedcerthcy arcnmninx the dccr may die exhaustion ll towards 541d Mr 313612 For doc 5131 is the worst time Ea is carryix be and even If she doesnt die in chase she may roller is mly carriage and law the lawn In 1th and Adlai tmnshrpe in the soullrIEst net at tbs county two deer can casses have been found this wim tor Game wardens in this area also eel that there may be out or carcasses lying in remote spots which have not been Iound Two German shepherds have been blamed for causing the trouble says hlr Drcyer grime warden in Sirocco county south lligtxway 90 NONE IN NORTH In the northern part of the county Harold Van Wick who is in charze at tho Goldwater Lands and Forests oice say no cases oz dogs running deer hato come to his attcntlon this war Last year Incidents in which deer were killed by dogs accuer in cm and OrIllia townships Foul iocol residents weru taken to court and round guilty at allowing their dogs to run deer out or season Each was Iincd $50 This made local people mom cautious this your Mr Van Wick says They iiio keeping their dogs tied up The deer season in the county lasts three days from Nov LowCost Hons Plans Meet Wit Ipaial actuary committee mlbwcnsthm1will nscet to explore details at at uni condominium develome sketch plan of the develop ment proposed by Sir Stallar I20 was shown to the on board last night El unit townhouse dcwlopmcnt on the name silk north of Omdles Road to at St Vincent Street was tum ed down by the planning board two weeks no Ellie iarrir CITY NEWS WEDNESDAY lm 1970 15 District Two Area Plan Approved An area plan for residential district two at the citys propos cd olllciul plan was approved in principle by the Planning Board last night llowcver the board will wait until LIJI proposed alllcial pliln and zoning bylaw are npprovcd by tho Ontario Municipal Board boloro taking any Iurtlier action on itie plan Thu district comprlsns the arch nurui oi Napier Street between St Vincent and Nelson Streets The area plan brldes the pop between the generalities ol the 11 comttee may also con tact this Ontario limos Cor Iiih local buildrr Jack Sindsr ponlian about itsllama Own ship 31nd Easy plan End the 1303 program lower income Emilio can buy their llousiag costs under the llOllE program bro reduced by land assemblies in which in imum The bomb is sold over own mos the home donor an my has Mn very 5M1 areas like Brennan Puusninn consultant in mo pbcrscn who suggested the commcllce Lake look at the 031E plan said be 01 one the function ol the commim should be to establish the need or law cast housing and what at at land is kept to min type at law cm bousinl Un long term with low interest cs and the land is leased to Examiner drr the noun program he said Lb riiy could get on no in the cl rho idi$ory commltlce will rcport on Mr stoliars propos al at the next maxing oi the planning board Planning mcrrbcn George Harper and Val Bruckcr rout cslaic board representative Norman Snellswcll and builders ssociutipn representative Gob on ait arc the members or the advisory committcc it was armed two weeks ago on the suggestion Mayor 11 Cooke to speed up the procossinz oi low c057 plans through in planning board Concrete Zoning Changes Concrete product mobilizich crs in the city vnil soon be In cluded in lilo Iicaiy industrial Winter is the most dangerous oason or door Tho snow In deep and It is hard Ior them to move quickly During late win ter when tho mow has crust across this top dogs can run on while deer being bcav er animal will sink ounder to Nov During weeks he oro and alter the season poach crs do take door but wardens hove iew problems with them during cold winter months Cars hitting deer also take toll but in most Incidean thcso accllt dents cannot be helped official plan and tho rcstrlclions oi the zoning bylaw The plans also generally cstablt llsli the size and location of schools marks and churches thc areas for varying intensities of rcsidcnilul uses and range at housing type areas at conven iriii commercial Iacilitlcs and road senor and service pattcrns The board also changed the priority ol preparation or nmi plans Work on residential dis trlc Ilve whch takes In un 11ch north oi llgliway 400 on Bay Iicln Street will be deterred uri tll decision is reached con cerning shopping pluzn In that area lnsicnd tho planning consult zonlng it recommendation at UM planning board is accepted by city council and the Depart ment of Municipal Allahs The zoning committee ol niiit board last night rccomm ended certain areas in the ciw coniaining ready rid concrete and concrete block nianlaclur crs be rezoned to heavy indus trial It further recommended that this typo of industry bo Includlt ed in the permitted uses at heavy industrial zonc At present concrcto product plants are considered to be special lndustrinl usu Although Three Months them are sevorul concrete pm duct Iirm In tho city none at Wmmnu 59mm tltn land they are built on is NIXON T0 SPEAK Robert Nixon leader at the Liberal Party in Ontario will be guest speaker iii uie nrilt nunl meeting oi the NorthSim coo Liberal Association or night The meeting Is schedul ed to start at tho Continental ion at ll pm uotnmo 111E door Iourid killed by dogs in the Mincsing swamp area um Wallace lclt Nelcc leit and Paul Drcyor both with Ontario Department of Lands and Forests Exam iner Photol GE Layos The parts sbortagu has loch one reason or the Incrcasc said Mrs McLeod but the lawn Conomy Causing Many parts coming in The number oi omploycoa at State is only the plant uctuate trorn 600 to Inclor behind leyotis at the poo during the year lrom mlinulacturcrs The result is less work tor Inctorics and necessary Iayolls in several He cited the current tighten Ing oi the economy by govern mum and business as another dinn Gonorol Electric Iant in Barrie plant manager bcrt Thompson said today Last Friday in male work or and nine men Wm laid all bring the total to all slnco December The blmst luyoll 4r ohm 1502 91 ions iho Planning last night rocommoru ad the ty approvo by site proposed $1300 bulldlng on Baytlcld The shortngo oi ports has re witcd from last years strian in American GE plants As oombly line production at tonsb era and iron has been alloc ted Paris shortages moyoot ho tho most important reason nurture cuitlnnotthu work area said Mr Thompson street lltolil LEFT exam ining model at the building are Ed Thompson chairman ii the board Millet Salter tho architect who doslgnod the reason behind the layolts his reason he added may increase the numbcrn laid oII In Iuturn months The tlghtoniog has nitcctcd consumer buying Fewer pea plo um spending money on con aornnmpwducts and 4m aiorce are demanding lower supplies generally loco lnyoiis at this Limo 01 year said Mrs Pot Mc Mod secretary of tile Ilniicd Electrical Radio nlid Machine Workers of America union Local 51 which had 515 members ems ploycd here before Dec 19 tho usual number or workers luld 0H since December in other years the number has been approxlm cly building and Georg llnrpci board mombcr Tho plans for the budding must now be or proved by city council pad the Ontario Municipal ll Examiner Photo Commend Approval Buyiield Office Bldg tlgo oLlico building on lipid Street just south oi the Bell Canada building has been for city calmed the Platinum Bond SMWMIM is be opcd by Kemp Boy De The tourstorey Milton to 58000 munrodoot build innwill have to be built under uiieplnn bylaw becousn var lotions from tho proposed zoning Minn Architect Millet Salter whose designed the building out vanlanccs In brie arc the board last night liio lids nine loot ol roar ilrtyIivo not are require or no zoning bylaw ohuilding wiill have 05 or ill nil spaces depending on WW $3000 or wooosuuaro rem spaces lager 5in gig eight well la Muir on no use par rig in railits brioi air Sailor nod nonetoot butler strip on Tho building meets or is well over all other standards such as rent yard side yards lot coverage and density Mr Sai tor said He told tho board the devel opcr duos not yot have tenant contractedto rent the propos building ltnwovcr innit look good mount oi tins lmo that ho wishes to proceed he an PARKING UNDERNEATII iho hulidimt has an entrance on Bayiiold Street to poiking lot under the building and also mls on Maiplo Avonuo soclt and parking lot at the roar oi the building would hovocntronco and exit onto Maple Avoniuw Mr Salttr said tho number oi parking spaces was adequate tram lino mopootivo units point at view He added that the economics oi the prodeot wore out vory line and to meet oil the requirements oxoctiy might mean not build Ins lie sold tho Iiannelai back or oi the scheme did not be llcvo the cost oi land in lionIo when they were first approached by Kemp llay Clay planning consultant ion Mocphcrson told the board ho was prepared to recommend LIPlt provul oI the building He sold two oi the variances rear yurd and butler Sirius were sciatlvon ly common with this typo or de vtopmcni lie sold the parking spaces woro close enough to tho requirement The project is entirely meas onobio or hi dovolopmont oi this block tit this time tho con sultont said VERY DESIRABLE illls development is ortle ly desirable and complement to the Arturo at Baylioici Stacot he said nnln board member Gonzo Ilituptu moved the plans be sent to city council or up pmvnl by way of all plan bylaw Mayor Lcs Cooke second ed the motion mix5 ir1 cluding the automotive and cl cctricui appliance factories Mr Thompson said terry In Bantu has completed its quota or lawn mower produc tionIor tho cominciyuarolrnru November to am hired to help with produc tion lawn mowers and also or the Christmas rush When quotaa are reached the work ers are laid off if no other posh tions are open bylaw authorizing the construc tion oi sanitary sewer to areas retail production in Another mason Is that the lac March iwrirm Workers at the Barrie plant There have been more than COUNCIL BRIEFS hiday may he on Indication MEI Mk district watl given Richard Goorgu Fur nine tho Tllnhtlalo other moio basic reasons arcn HAS NO BEARING Mr Thompson said that the contract negotiations boinlt car ried on bctwccn unlonhltlclals and Nproanntnllvcs in Toronto is bad no bearing on tho Iuyoils Tho thrce year contract betwccn workers And management was up Dec 2i Solar no urncement has been ronchcd Sluarl manaizor oi the Canada Manpower Control in Barrie said that the celllrc has nothing special to oiler those Iultl oil Thu CG Iliyolls may taper all us it Itiiilliblu from the United States increase he said There are adult retraining courses rivallublo or thoso workers who would like In tulip them but the outlook Ior employ ment elsewhere In Burrlo is not too opilmlsti Hotde Program Gets No City Money motion by Aid Dorian Par ker tiiiit the do pay $60 to wards advertising in the pro gram for the Little NllL tour numtnt be held here Mulch 26 to 29 was turned down by city council Monday night bocuusp of council policy oibldding pro motional advertising or the city witiiln tlio municipality Aid Pilttl had also asked in the motion that the Lliinrico Industrial Park Sanitary sewer City council iiris approved servo tho Boyvicw industrial Pork area It also guvo Iirst and second reading Monday to bylaw nu thorizing tho opening at tho Bayvicw Drive extension which will servo several industries in the park Tho sanitary sewer construc tion was given lirst and second reading several weeks ago then sent to tho Ontoro Municipol Board or approval Approval was granted In letter receiv ed lust week ltioroad opcnlnp byitiw now goes to the OMB lor approval bolero third read In and approval by city coon cll BUY LAND City council has approved Ilnonco committee rccommcndoi tion to buy strip 01 land iii feet by 1235 ieet or $2000 from James Ilart The acres land which lies cost at CAS grant oI 523038 to the Sim coo County Childrens Aid Sub lcly was approved by city coun cil last night it pays the city share for CAS services In Ear rio in 1970 TllENCII INSPECTOR Jim Woods the citys nsaist ant plumbing rind drain Inspec tnr has an additional job city council has approved his up poinimcni as the citys inspector ol trench excavations RED SHIELD MONTH Mayor Les Cnoko will dcclnro the month of May as Red Shield Month The Red Shield is tho symbol Ilio Salvation Army Iund drive The salvation Army also received permission Irom council to lly its ling and erect In Memorial Square thormom cicr indicating what funds have been raised ACCOUNTS APPROVED City council has approved for Dyrnoilt Road will be used in the widening at Vespra Street to 68 Kent payment city accounts in the mount ol $3972 or the month oi February Her Ambulance Broke Down Barrie Youths Barrio St John Ambulanco participating in an Emergency Measures Organization radio ox erciso near Thornton tools crit icnlly injured woman to Tor Orite hospital alter the ambulanco she was riding in broke down Dave Aapden and Dennis Vhlto two Barrio youths who work part time as drivers lot St John were lagged down at the Thorn tori overpass as they were driv Ing south on Highway 400 The woman still breathing by roanscitaior was transicrred to Help Woman the St John Ambulance along with doctor and nurse radio coil was mode to tho Barrio police department arranging or police rscort in Toronto Metro police cruiser moi tho ambulance at llighwny 401 and escorted it to Toronto hos piinl spokesman loo Toronto Gcnlt oral llospltol said tho woman Mrs Shirley Webb iirneo bridge was In critical condition today nvo other pcoplo died In the accident ncnr Gravenhurst late Saturday night nun nune Wynn Royal treatment is given to patients at the blood donor clinic as Ken McKeown lound yesterday when ho received the attention at Ryane Foo porno BLOOD OtiNic oven on Is 29 at no Foxmoad by Judge Guest In provincial court today on chnrgn ol break enter and thclt Fariapleadcltl guilty to the charge when vbo apponrcd bc lore luudgc It lnstcr Jan 21 He was wounded until tolt day or sentence lie was charged following on Incident Ian 25 when police chased him from tho Contincn tal Spcclaiiy Shop 16 Mary Street He liatl tnkon $993 in cigarettes and money GAIIIIISON BALL illo Barrio gurrlsous niiliunl spilliit ball will be held April 18 In tho armory Liout Var commiiieo oxamlno tho policy nuy of the Grey rind Simcoc For of the city to advertise only In esters ottlocrs publications outside the city elioscii chnirman for the event mess has been got left and Clarissavillor in both with the Canadian Red Cross Socioty Tho clinic tha Ilrst hold this year by the Remss in Barrio and can zoned special Industrial result those Ilrms cannot ex pand or rebuild Il they burned down recompiled tor zonind chanpc nro lands on southnido of lIilIn Street between Anno Street and to ivi mo loot of Highway 400 Thu chdalo area which already zoned heavy industrial could then accommodate cons croto product industries Tho dilemma of the concrete product industry in tho city was brought to the attention 01 tho planning board two weeks can industrial commissioner Him old Billistow Mr Balrstow pointh out some or Iho local concrete Iirnis wished to expand their operations but would be lorccd to go outsido ibo clty unless some zoning changes wcro made QUOTA at our held annuallyadded 501 pints olihlood toithe or ganizntlono blood bank DA those who come to die Elma 14 wore rejected or medl reasons Examlnor Photo