lIIS ISABEL Nash shows reading book to twotonner home ease pupils seven Home Instruction Teacher Finds TeachingIPtewarding tion because of his varied lessons and the teachers who are specv lalized in those subjects The practice in the case of ger bcnig away from 001 is to arrange for in Structlonal help in his weak ub iccts and then the other lessons are Sent to him along with cur rent projects being done by the rest of the class Ily SKYMR IEEUIJACKSON when child is forced to stay away from school because of broken limbs asthma or for emotional reasons he or she re ceives more personal attention from visiting teacher than in classroom Mrs lsabcl Nash Home in struction Teacher for the Simcoc County Board of Education finds one to one teaching reward ing Working closely with the child means it is easier to catch childs interest which may be developed into his life work she says Three hours week is the time Mrs Nash spends with each home child teaching haste sulr jects with few frills like crafts art and library Depending on the physical or mental state of the child she uses her ovm judgment on the length of the usually one hour visit three times week Before visiting new home care Mrs Nash collects infor mation about the child from the childs teacher principal and medical recordisba confers with the regular teacher to find out what kind of work the child is doing and keeps the teacher up to date on the childs progress Mrs Nash describes her pro gram as heavy with library to encourage the child to read bethEen visits and for total family involvement she given the child project which may re quire trip to the library for the parent With this home instruction the average child should fit back in to his class without much diffi eulty For elementary pupils in hos pital ii in no different though Mrs Nash does not find it as effective as working in the childs home Even if there are six children in hospital who rc qulro instruction she continues to teach them individually An elementary teacher in the rural areas in Slmcoe County for 20 yearsMra Nash moved to Barrio six years ago when she began home instruction Whtn there is lull in child ren who are away from school Mrs Nash works full time in the library of Prince of Wales Public School ller hobbies include horticul ture and travelling in Canada and Europe She is also taking photography course at Georgian College In her kind of work WI Ofcers Spring Meeting Mrs loueph Lennox chaired the annual meeting at Slmcoo Kcrnponfelt District Womens ln stitutc executive held March with 20 in attendance lira it Newmn reported on tho Fun Fair attended by 125 gutom anil resulting in $14455 luau cxpcnsea to be forwarded to the WI fund for lheduiogate the District President who will attend the National Convention in Manitoba in August The leO has requested donu tlons tn the arkenamcnt fund for expansion of lilacdonnld 11 Guelph The District Annual will take place at Stroud on May 20 with the theme This Lund is our Lund ital call octiveiy en gaged in farming to in our wercd by ccnveners of agricul ture and Canadian industries May in the deadline for brunch secretarlcs reports to district accretaiy Standing committee couvencta are requested to send public relations reports of branch district annuals The Associated Country Vo men of the World convention will he held in Oslo Norway in 1071 Mrs car old Maureen Cooncs and eight year Old Jamie Fort Nash finds she must adjust to dillercnt types of situations from the child in the lap of luxury to the child in the warst living conditions imaginable But ll doesnt matter what the environment is the child Is the some At the secondary or high school level it Is difficult for 11 student to receive home instruc TIIACIIING ALSO extends to children who are in hospital above shows Mrs Nash with WHAT THE IOII TOMORROW It may take some extra pa Home and perseverance to him dlo certain situations you are likely to face on Sunday but forewarned you should be able to take them in stride Most will be concerned with personal ro lutlunuhlpk ho itn lnrgely matter ofhiing more tactful than usual FOIL THE IIIICTIIDAY it tomorrow is your blrllidn planetary configurations of the next year indicate some inter esting patterns in your job business and tlnanciul riffoirii For the llsceon tiie next three weeks all of June late July and the 5month period he glnnlng on Oct should be not able for making fine strikes along occupational lines but youll have to put forth best ct ferts of course And look for good op urlunl ties to advance your fInancInl ulnluu between May 20 and Aug also in November mid January Ilo avolil cxllnvn gance in July however and on no account engage in speculu tlon for the next two months Personal relationships will be governed by good aspects for most of the yuiir with social and romantic Iiitorehtii promis lag in be highly stimulating dur ing liluy uintr lute Itlly into September It Ii lciuhtl itntl throughout mlltl Except for short trips which may be taken at your pleasure travel may not be much part of your agenda this year but if planning longer Journey most nuspirious ninullis will include July October and Decemberw teen high so Bothchildren attend Prince of Walt Public School nies entertained their mother 15 and Guides Each Browoi Guide Lady HadeoPmrell VIII BARRIE EEOWNIES Thinking Day with spcelu guests at their meeting Are As Birth Control FEIERBOROUGH an end 10 masterslave rel lloasbips were proposed by re rcsentativcs of the Womens Uberation hloveme here Thursday with the University of 110nm student council told about control question THE BAHRIB EXAKIXEX SATURDAY MARCH 71910 Brownies And Guides Meetings Observe Thinking Day Activities Thiaklng Day programs were featured by Kempenlult Division Brownie and Guide meetings On Wednesday the 2nd Barrie Brow witb games and songs from oth er countries Each Brownie doov sled penny for each inch of her height to help sister Browm gare greeting from chosen country and placed that coun trys flag beside the birthday cake served to honor the birth day of the founding World Chief 9th Barrie Brownies marked Commissioner hirs Graccy Div Considers Abortion CPI More consideration of aborticn as means of birth control and Heather lilaroncy who works male and female students at Lady Eaton College Abortions must become part of the birth Laws ab uld not force women to have illegal or selfla duecd abortions Children must not be considered nasty conse isiun Commissioner llrs Bolton District Commissioner libs ale Gowan and Mrs Anderson div lslon public relations secretary as well as mothers of the Brown ies were present Golden Owl lilrs Edna Blonch was enroll ed along with Kathy Mulder lilary Ann Verby and lilaxyno Wilson Second year service star was presented to Marie Blondel and first your star to Lisa Brennan Sixes stripes were are sealed InPam Foxcroft and Boo ale Ooysehuk sceondcr stripes to Margaret Shaughnessy and Susan Tamblyn Flags of mem ber countries were placed round cake in 60 shape commemorating the organiza tions Diamond Jubilee EASIVIEW DISTRICT GUIDES shanty Bay Guides were hos bosses to Guides of Eastview Dis trlct during Thinking Day obser vanees Special guests were the Rangers of North District Kong or Captain liliss Janet lileNalm gave short talk with color slide presentation dealing with Ranger activities special Dla mend Jubilee candlelighllng cer cmony was conducted by 81h Barrie Guides Shanty Boy Guides presented display on World Guiding Campfire and the serving of WENDYS COLUMN Saving Makes Sense Collection Is Problem lady Called use this morn ing to tell me that was not the only one who had silly bab its She said that she couldnt bear to throw away the plastic bags in which she bought milk It all began when she felt that she should rash the bag before she threw it away he that it didnt smell think that shows very nice sense of responsibil ity towards the garbage dispos al gentlemen everyone should try to have larer garbage Then once the bag had been washed the water clung to it in little droplets and she felt compelled to dry them elf can understand that wet gar hope is not lovely garbage Then she foimd that she was the proud possessor of clean freshsmelling thick plastic bag far too good to throw away So she is stuck with whole my board full of plastic bags and am sure that that makes sense to lot of women besides me WONDER how many of you saw Mrs Margaret Powell on the Pierre Berton Show this week She started mrklog us kitchenmaid in England and gradually worked her way up to be cook She has written two books Below Stairs and Climb ing the Stairs and she was ke refreshing breeze blowing way all the claptrap and balder dash that we hear so often She has strong Cockney typo accent although she was born in Sussex and she has an infectious bubbly laugh that specially decorated cake tollow 57 ed Thanks for the assistance of the mothers of the Shanty ay Guides and for transportation provided by the mothers of 8th Barrie Guides was extended Dear Ana ladders Well mcanlng friends and relatives who know am nancially able to do as please ask me why dont trove lm sure they are completely mystified by my re fusal to take trip But cant tell them the truth am sleepwalker wash lingerie in sleep and Lilim airways ad rls hie gall pm 05 an DEC ll ll guess as bbwor rod to 212 morning Ive written letters in my sleep and scaled the envelopes The letters are friendly and fre quently amusing lva mulled many of these letters and when the replits come enjoy the joke which am unable to share with anyone ld love to travel Ann but lm afraid might turn up in hotel lobby in my nightgownoor worse Please tell me what to Ily ESTRELLIIA year old Susan Scott and miss Therein Kcovil register ed nursing assistant at Itoyul STARS SAY child born on this day will be extremely gregarious and will be endowed with line in tellect may however have to overcome icndcnclos selfindulgence DAY AFTER TOMORROW Planetary restrictions lift on Monday und stars promise highly satisfactory day E51164 cluliy favored Economic mot ters intellectual and artistic pursuits dealings with supe rlors and other persons of influ ence IDII TIIE BIRTHDAY ii Monday Is your birthday your ItDlOSCpp indicates good trend in occupational matters as of now As of 10 days ago you entered an excellent period gov erning these mattersa period which will last until the end of this month Do make the most of it since achievements during these next few weeks should act ndvunccs in June late July and month cycle is no tag on Oct weeks between May 20 Aug November and January it will be important however that you engage in no speculu tltm during the next two months mid that you liVIiI unduo ex travagance in July Personal relationships will be government by fine auspices most of the year ahead but be alert to tricky situations in fill springboard to still further during another nxceilc nt fl Most propitious periods for in creasing monetary assets 1h 111 iletoria Hospital Examiner Photos you should avoid friction at all cost Most auspicious periods for romance and interesting social activities May June late July late September late October and December for travel July October and December child born on this day will be endowed with an outgoing personality lofty ideals and on personality lofty ideals and an exceptional love of travel and the arts TRY EXAMlNEll WANT ADS PHONE 7202414 BEEF WHOLESALE son Commercial Ich guaranteed to satisfy Front tunrtcrn lb tlle Sltle of fleet Ill 10 lllad Quarters lb 50c HOME FREEZERS nun nittun iiuuiv Front nuprturn is no Sldel 1050 lllndl 11 tile rm lb so all Beet 104ufforlng soraaambnlist Dear 88 You are we ing about 10000404 shot See walkers rarely do anything rt their sleep that they would not do While awoke if however your concern is preventing you from traveling suggest you engage companion or confide in friend or relative and invite Diamond Available Only at Authorized Keepsake Dealers eightyalxmovath cut uonu inton the null npualantaed 144 Facet Ono Hundred and Fortytout treats ha conventionally Diamond Fire The wolldl most Radiant Diamonds Keepsake You are turned to COMOIO COMDUIO Alonolhosmnzlnu ml li and MidOctober These will be periods in which Sltltll of rutTim iic Dycks Food Market 150 Collier Sr Barrie 7285339 Priced from 15000 WEBBS JEWELLERY Elsa lloau 7202267 difference brought an answering smile to The first one was out on loan to someone and here once gain must give our library yet another pat on the back so to speak Almost without exception they are able to come up with any book for which ask No mat ter in what subkct am inter ested there Is the book or which lamlookingorlfitlsnotn particular book then there are aetcral good books on that Sub ject cant imagine life with out public Wary and we should be wary appredatlve of the one we have here But back to Margaret Powell She writes exactly as she speaks in downbeard and some times racy style She sees life precisely as it ls and has some sensible views on many ABOUT CANCER she says how polish it ls of people not to ace the doctor because he might send them to the hospital and they might nd that they have can car She says Well the pain wouldnt go away would it But it they dont give it name it isnt there She has views about the youth of today She point out that in her young days young peoples opinions were not con sulted and were not expch to be given without being asked for They were earniog and when youre learning you cant advise because you dont know She writes that its no good us crying cnougb cnougb when youth gets up and tells us how my face each time enjoyed her so much that went to the local library and found her second book there AN LANDERS ADVISES Take Friend On Trip To Curb Sleepwalking Worry Motlth To Go Door Aan ladders Jerry and were married 15 months ago was 17 lie was 10 We went steady for two years and it was heaven Last night Jerry told me he wants divorce asked why lle said its because he hate being tied down He said mar riagu is like jail 1va been crying all day and are so shaky cant hold this pen My folks were against our getting married so young So were Jer chht atop lily hands rys flow can face them lm afraid Jerry is mixed up with girl who works with him she is divorced and very sexy Singers storewide sale this year Singer 21 289 Portable Lowest Pr ce Evert Sowinga dream because you out versatile xlgrao stitching and three noodle positions on this model 217 numbered tension dial cuts trial and uropwiton changing tabvlo weights it makes partaet buttonholu and overcoat with 9888 case Menus and dams tool Complain with rup ocd Model 028 carrying case invonom ouc an lfv val bv they want to see the world run Because weve made them like that Weve made them import ant What can Mind Dear Out From the sound of your letter lm not optimistic about your chances to salvage the marriage Talk to the cler gyman who married you Per haps be can help Are you NJ tening students EARN UP TO 5100 cormt My WEEK GILMORE sons warm is our Mum namnnusmo seneou In brln cum cIKIll offer exuuin RIut Complet alo aunvu Yauounns VEL annular 0113 can to mo Enthuru wrlt uI visit vat unnunr aeaoons pop moves for Eur views on husbands are is resting When you get use rled to man you never want tclctblmgpoutwithmnycn become once he runs that he will do ll forever When no man gets married its her whole life But to man marriage is just another part of bis 1112 be cause hes still doing exactly the same sort of work that he did before he got married And hes still got his pals and he doesnt want to give them up So youve got to keep tight rein on them She did tbtt when their first baby 1If fortnight old Her husband said that be was going out to have drink at Le pub All gbl she said ill come too So he said WThnL about the baby ICI your baby as much as mine she replied and it you can leave it so can You may not agree with all her views but they are cer tainly worth reading A8 FINAL quote this is what she has to say about euthanasia She agrees with lady who thinks that when we becometa misery to ourselves and our relations we should have the privileged removing our selves from lilo if we want to lifts Poweu says that old age anbeand dbeatbneof mm compdaloir gracious living ship But it also be time of loneliness and wretchcdocss Theres precious little dignity about coming into the world so let us leave it in the best pos sible way that we can As said you may not agree but its worth talking about DRAPERY PROBLEMS pr Jx The can be solved at the DRAPERY STUDIO lb COLLIER ST IIARIIIE moo at Toronto emu 72877I2 Ithaca our 40 run with iudlln mm Natcum nariul mil Column to smear an io welcome lplsndol Iran Bol lctnnplintld design artbrocade WIIVO non taryou man to rureoiin 05l ooiymi Isle hlbll sumrm on 41 wide bigger than ever Clean up This vacuum min are its worth th Bingo Eli fill lullablu lucilon powerful to remove deopiyumbuaood 88 out glnlle to clean lino dvlpas Aillat plowI toe Setllolhprooi Iinilh and lighimlgnt hen the cleaner weighs Iau III II pcundal SEWING AND FABRIC CENTRE with the Ell Vacl SelmaYuan on 7287960