or this do votive Ll Dim built in mail dung scattered city However OIIC housing more is def inite bred for that Ironic he says Jiy has set built or purchased in groups of one or two spread through the city where the residents can mingle in the social fabric of the nrighborhood one area intlftziyciryhsstlre nalswon where OHC housing will go shim it pays ls per cent of the capital and operating expenses liaiscver any tax revenue on the hmes one one pry the city In cquivalrnt grant for taxes on the units Mayor ks Cooke saidhr br lion than is place for OED housing in Barrie but he would like to 529 provuioiss for home ownership of ORG housing in the cit law rental isnt the only answer for peoplu living on low incomes be said The mayor said row housing should be encouraged in OHC housing for low rental Most of the 011C housing in Barrie Is at the semidetached variety HI said the building inde should be and is looking at method at building housing to reach greater percentage of the popu lation He suggests condomin ium developman where each townhouse or apartment is own ed Individually He also thinks maWnduccd housing should be looked into But so far everything Ive seen In that area loaves souwthini to be dcsircd he said Aid Macmillan chair man at councils city develop ment committee said he would like to see tho nnlts in small groups anywth in the city that Is compatible with toning would just as soon son the till buy existing homes in the You often hcar the ques tion Ald Mmllm said Shoplifting Fines Total $150 Following Incid tines um assessed in pro clal court yesterday af ter convictions of shoplifting from Barrlcs Allied Towcrs store mam Vandcrnwnn took can of spray mist and two rolls of film worth $1234 from the store without paying at 130 pm Doc 10 Ho was fined $100 An Orlllla youth Robcrt Van vnlkcnhurgzwoaIinod $50gtWhon he pleaded guilty to taking our cans of spray paint worth at ccnts each from the store Nov 29 His companion Ronald Wes Icy Wattcrs pleaded not guilty to the same chargc and the chargo was dismissed by Judge Guest Store security investigator Gloria Campbell told the court she had Ilrs soon the two youtlis walking ough the mens wcur section Vanvalltcnhurg was our rylng box uscd to ship items to tho Towers stores but not gcncrnlly givcn to customers The box attracted Mrs Camp brlls attention At the check out counter Van valkcnbnrg joined the line up to pay whllo Walters wont to the record counter Mrs Camp rbcll said that she saw Walters nod his head to Vanvolkcnburg who left the linc up to join him Both then left the store when the two were stopped outside thorn sccmcil to be some confusion as to who had paid Would you want door to you far as Im coa corned dont have any control over who lives next door to in anyway the city does not lose he said PIAXNLVG CONSULTAT iau llnchcrson ram housing way Mr Maophersou said them ncat Aid James Perri also favors typo ii He suggests the hours he object to massgrouping The citys planning consultant OHS The fundamental intent of one housing is to try to into gralc the occupants into the neighborhood ho said This can only ho achieved by geos raphical distribution of the units throughout the city Ilc said tbcrc is an attitude that the occupant of public hous is secondclass citizen have to get away run he said They are work tng peopleley deserve ade quate clean housing 011C isnt the only solution to the housing problem an Mao pherson indicated We have to look for combination of soiu Lions have to look to private entorprisa to supply alterna tivcs Cast of land and highinterrst roles are putting even cmdomlm turn housing out at the roads of the bottom third it the income scale We will have to look for more rudicnldcpurturofto uli trugltional form of housing he an Indirect public involvement such as provincial and fedcral land assemblies as opposed to arbitrary markup of price by land speculators might be one ent At Towers for the paint Walters hcld up $10 bill and usked Vnnvnlkru burg Didnt you pay for it Mrs Campbell said Toronto Hospital Charged By Union TORONTO CPI The Conn dinn Union of Public Employees laid churgehursdily under the Ontario labor Relations Act uilnst tho Hospital for Sick ldrcn saying it unfairly dls missed dishwasher Ann Briggs Meanwhile hllss Brl gs of Clcchintl Ohio contuucd hunger strike at tho hospital She begun hcr lust Wednesday because she said she was fired for trying to organize the herb medical staff to lulu CUPE The hospital says she was dis misscd Saturday from her $250 altmonth job bocauso she was twice caught stealing food that patients didnt cut Art Risclcy regional director for CUPE said Our suspicion is that this girl was expressing hcr democratic right to organize the Workers there and the hospitul panicked and fired hor Sncddcn hospital ud ministrator said Miss Briggs Lie rest are existing housing scatlcrod the city in war by the mic and plcled in for appliunoas for the new unib and in 1968 the dly asked for Barr has 50 family units now and 60 scalar clump units of not enough Thirty family units are built by the CBC while They were rst recommended The OHC was flooded with report on applications ltis OEC had 107 on tile thcn ONTARIO HOUSING CORPORATION HOMES ON HEATH STREET THERE ARE 50 IN BARRIE lly 10mm Examiner Their an ms ml WITH THEIR antllu who move Into our housing are generally lot happier than they were In their previous accommoda tlou although there are few problems For the most part It Is on good says Mrs Alhlu Cub Shc her husband and their tlvo children have lived In la fonbbedmm seaside tnclled nun for the put two years The pay $00 month nilIL Its roll like house she said but several things have gum wrong Shc said the baseboard in the house had cracked Inc have curled up and tho faintly had to abandon the use at one of minim rooms this wtntcr until leak could be flxcd The Colts lived In lwuihcd room apartment on llcrozy Street actors they moved into The flnanci committee of city ouncil tiopcs to have 1070 capital budgctund fivcnycar capital budget forecast rcudy for Monday night Aid Hurscy chairman said this morning Ills commit too will have liic budgets ready for Monday nights council 505 Slim if meetings can be urraiig oil with the public wurILs comA mittcc and Um Public Utilities Commission before then The finance committee met iwas caught twice taking faod Thursday night for further can Comics To Teach It Works At This Comic bucks and television guides are good education alds That is What parents visiting Simcoc Sixcot school in Angus found this with Teacher Gary Reynolds uses some unorthodox techniques in his special oduuution class to hold the interest of his pupils W0 use texts and comic books television guides and newspapers to teach these child rcn all their subjects he said llc has found that the rcsults of using this material are much better than struggling with rift book llllCII the child my not bo able to rotate to There are 10 chlldrcu In tho spcclal education class at the school Most are slower lcarncrs than others In their age group but by being In smaller class the teacher can plOVltlo more individual attention As plltcnlrt movt from class to class or drunk coffcc In this stuff room they passed displays set up by tho studciits Oiic is display of proposed school crcsts that the pupils voted on today One guide Grade student said we did nt have any school spirlt before but now we hixvo sumo bccuusc ill the inlurcst in lhc crust coni pctltloil Another display compared Mr llydc oi Robert Louis Steven sons novci Dr Jekyll and Mr Hyde with tbc modctuaduy drug user in tho nuditurium students in ii drama class wcrc acting litlI parts of the poem the lllgli woyman in both its nrlglnal form and modern version In another room Grade and students displayed their pru Jccls llicy canslstcd of pictures and writings about the country in which they would likc to live Nations from Germany to Ja MR AND MRS Robcrt Plumtrco of 131 King Street Angus have look at their With School pan Wori cliuscii It was casual open house Paiunls wcrc free to roam the school drop in on classes or mad for liaising units was revealed the span said Con sidering the numbu of pli catiaus received by the housing mannch during the past yuan unrecurnmendedthaisauniixis be dcveloped with the followle bedroom breakdown hem units Oreobed room units eight iotabedroom units The survey was an ansbsis go for coffee sons project during an open house Thursday Lit Slmcoo Street subunl If John could tho but at the analysis of apdiscadms which ed to be v27 interwcd and very needy applications on effective as tub MOST FAMILIES HAPPY OHQ HOME their 0115 home The Rat win about the lune Ibo utd nut we were pretty cramp zd Wiscould ucvrr got four bedroom place for the some hint Mrs Cah bald rho got along well wlth hcr lmmedlulo nelgh bots all to BBC housing but we have to lecp our yards ultr clcl so people on neighboring street wont look down their noses at us We mind our business Ith aitnd theirs she sold She Bid she know DWPlu In lW rental home between two people who own Ihch oun Everyone knows my bro low rental homes hurt Mn Cab pnfd The other the pcopla got IIDDB better with their neighbors The Cubs on boplag to own their own home some through an 011C program Hope 1970 Capital Budget Is Ready By Monday Night sidcrutiuri 0f the 1970 capital budget The committee is trying to find ways of deferring ccrtain capital items for year to meet requirements set down by the Ontario Municipal Board The OMB directed the City to keep capital budget rai this your Within last yours figure of $1 0B0000 City departments have asked for $105035 in capital expenditures in 1970 Dairy Policy OTTAWA CPI Agriculturo Miilislcl Comments Thursday that Olson told the the governments new dairy policy will hc announced before the start of the new dairy year on Wednesday Aurll Harold panama incKent Essex BSde whether the gov eminent plans tupay dairy farmers fornot producing as it will pay wheat farmers llvo anywhere In the world he would choose Germany llis project reflects that wish comes of Is than $150 Inth and live received social assist mu Average family size was iiics consisting of four or more peopleAtotnlolnoittle Inm diu vim living in quarters DI the 11133136 21 had in dilldren with of the fam lion ofcer with Lb out says the applications are Judged on merit no merit ls determin cdonapointrystemahidits based on many tam tome sin 01 family amount if ml paid pmen bousm conditions mum crowded number or Ill pm mm cu Ippb fnr one win the highest pole rating housing get firs dimer six Adams Bob Adams sailor informe ans Rents are geared to musing Winn mm 1m than $132 mum pass so mmthiy for one mm rcntisSopcrccnlolincomo over $330 mouth in maximum The units in Barrie Ire all health teams and otbars faintly units Mr Adams said Enminor Nwsfoatoro By James Haslrott FRIDAY Public Utilities Commission passcd by largo majority at tho recruit convention of the flap nrtu Municipal Electric Associa tion The rcsolutlun asks that Ont ario Hydro allow municipal ch ocLrtcnl utilities tn raisin theirle cctricnl retail rates by par nntaso up to but not exceed ing the percentage lncmasa last experienced by the utltity In Its ratio for power charged by Ont aria Hydro at Ollturto Hydro acccpls tho resolution PUC customers can expect their rates to go up by the same pcrccntngc as tho wholesan price to tho PUC For example If Hydro raiscd its Divo Toronto men who were accused of threatening people with knives at religious service in Angus Nov 29 yesterday were givcn suspcndcd sentences and put on probation for one year Jay Musoii 22 and Ronald Joseph Sauvo 24 pleaded guil ty torchurgcs of possessing dan gcraus weapons in public They were two of our men who interrupted mligious scr vlco at the Loyal True Blue Hall The topic of the service spun sorcd by tho llHVay Paniccos tal Church Barrio was drug abusc The men were asked to attend the service by those In charge dcftncc counsel Inch told court They went to thc meeting with knives in their possession bc cause they had been Involved in confrontation in the village john Is stndcnt at the school Examiner Photo is made on the basis of the Had Knives At Religious Meet Toronto Men Put On Probation Allocation of available units mil9 Barrie Resolution Passed At Recent AMEU Convention lad is the Barrie ratcs by six per cent ecctlvo 50 an was to January this PUC would his allowed to raise Its rates up to six per cent also effective In January Timbuktu resolution contends that utilities can suitor serious financial losses after rate change by Hydro under this pro scat system Undettbo system municipal utltitlcs cannot ruiso tliclr ratcs until rate study has been com plctcd by Hydro Th0 rato study takes Several months to com plclo The utility ls forced to bear the complete cost of any Hydro increase often causing losses until rate study Is compch cd and new rates approved cartin in the evening and ex pcctcd trouble Mr Inch said Police were called at 930 pm following complaint young men wielding knlvcs were causing disturbancc and thicatcning pcoplc said Crown Attorney John Alexander By the time police arrived the knich had been given to the proachcr for safekeeping Mr Inch said No other men facing the some chargc James York Surrey and Arnold Haig did not appear Hello Neighbor No Toronto drivers both with addresses on Vcllsclcy Street were Involved in an uccidrnt ncur Barrio last night which resulted in 51000 damage to each car Tho accident occurred on the Highway 400 cxlcnsion south of Hobart School road at pm Aubrey Bristol driver of one car was charged will careless driving Dcrck Crcwc was driv er of the second car Both men rcccivcd cuts to their faces and two passengers Clarence Mc Daniel and Claude Murray also were cut and bruised Want Regulations Keep Snowmobiles Oil School Land request to the dcpartmcnt of transport for regulations to keep snowmobiles off school prtr pcrty was proposed by Catholic school trustccs last night Pcrturbcd by trespassing of snmvrnobilcs on school play grounds thc Slrncoo County Ru mnn Catholic Separate School Board votcd to ask for tho rc gulatlons and to ask nth boards to back its requcst Superintendent Frank Maca Donald told trustees that was difficult to exclude the ma from anythlng but fenced off ulcn Signs might help but were not likely to do muci good and were hard to enforce He told the board that tho Barrie police said signs were but in Toronto the 011C is building more and mom units he Case For Ontario Housing Low Rental HomesIn Barrie Barrie Politicians Favor It Provided Homes Are Scattered 50 Units Needed Philhrook WI Live the Ontario Housing Cm poruum told uty coursed rc cemlytbmisangodlar at least so units of 011C housing us Barrie Council had mod dawn Dro pasal for constructim of an un its in three parents in the dry 29 in the Heath 5m ama 15 on Blake Street and six on nite Strut But it did egress to llpr the OllC find suitable land here for the units Oaxaca mmniltccs Plannin Board and the dc planning consultant rammed th OHC proposals bu turned down The Birdie Street site was re tooled because this proposal for 15 townhouses was incompatible with tho zoom However Aid Dorian Parker munchde the DEC curisidcr the site for semi detached units compat ible with the zoning This chth Succt proposal was also turned down bo cnuso of ovcrcmwding total of 21 DEC semi chicbcd un its were built on 112th Street In 1967 Planning consultant Ian McPherson said there was It now home danger of the area becoming rs ghclto snothcr 29 units were built adimnt to the existing ancs The Grove Stroct proposal sis more semi detached unit built on three lots owncd by tho OHC adjacent to ctght existing uniu was turncd down because of commitment made in 1961 to re sideots that no more 011C hous fng would bu built in the ini nicdiato area wn Home Is Unattainable Costs of new and old homes hnvo splrallcd in the past few years Interest rates on mort gages have skyrockclcd Bo cuuso of the cost must farnlltes are unable to afford home their own The chcnpcst thrcohcdmom is about 327000 ALTERNATIVES TO OIIC HOMES What urv um unimum to lawroute or public housing Barrio Bulldus Association presldcut Jack Stollm any the housing Industry mt look lowurds townhouse and condo mlntum housing um mm people can aironi Right now were nunring homes fnr Icss than an poi cm of in population lia said Mr Stollnr sufil single Inm tiy dweulags are priced out of tlio finnnclnl much of most pcaPIl Builders he snld will have to look towards method of bulldln more luwcost hulls lug Wevu got to start VOLIISWDE on lnstcnd nl Cadillacs he said Six pcnplc wcrc fincd in pro Villciul court yesterday is pleading guilty to charges of im pallud driving Philippe Luiidlitlult of Mines ing wa stopped on Highway 26 and 27 Dec 14 The car he was drivnig was soon caving in the north lune Breathalyzer mud ings showed The maximum rcuding before person is con sldcrcd impairch by law is 00 Ho was fined 5100 Charles I5 Lawson of Aurora was stopped on Highway 11 at 730 am June 25 Ho was driv iiil north at very slow rain of tie bcliind him Puliuu saw him first when lie travelled through Painswick Lawson didnt know where he was going Ito wunicd to got to Aurora but was travel lliig in the wrong direction Crown Attorney John Alexand er told court Lawson was tin cd $100 Lou Andrew Poirler of Toron to was taken to Ontario Proviii clul Police Iicndquurtcrs in Bar rte alter the car ho was driving was soon swcrvlngalung Hiuh way 90 Jan 12 at 330 pm llo swcrvcd unto the riglii shoulder at the highway at 10 to 10 miles an hour four times before pol ice stopped him Bronthnlyzcr tests road 10 and 10 Ho was rincd $100 Alvin Mncrz of Thornton was involved Jan on Littlcs Road Ire found his car cnlunglcd in guard posts were knocked and 50 fact of skid marks were observed from tho north bound lane to when Moons car had stoppcd Breathalyzer tests read 18 nndulii He was fined $150 David Schellcnberg of Harris useless and would only bo torn down or defaced speed with long line at trnf in an accident Highway 27 hour 1015 pm Pol guidc wlrc facing south Four Frank Nollcs past president the Barrie and District Rout Estate Board said For pcrsan to buy home of this type it would roqidrous down payment of approximately $9000 plus this maximum allowable mortgngu at $13000 Paymcnts on the mort gage omr 35year pcrtod are $150 monthly Taxes nt course are extra thcy average about $40 monthly Mr Ncllcs said Tho murtgagu mquircmonts if person can raise the nec essary down payment put new single family home out of roach of anyone cumin loss than new your somIdctachcd homes um Iiltla chcapcr new thruisbcdmm semidetached will list for about 319900 Mr Nullcs said Mart girgo payments with $11000 down payment are npproxlmutoa ly $100 monthly Older humus too am beyond the reach of most Mr Nullcs said tlirueliudmnm home 12 to bl ycar old sells in Ltio $20000 to 525000 bracket Rentals can also dcnt the poc kolbook three bedroom house in Barrie rent or be tween $150 and $150 month averaging 5105 depending on the condition ago and location Mr Ncllcs said lvabcdroum apart mcnts in an older building rent for an average of $125 monthly In new building twobedroom apartments rent for $105 and up Mr Nollcs said Wanted To Travel To Aurora He Was Going The Wrong Way way 90 by policeman Invcstt gating fatal accident thero Fob Scllcllcribcrg was taken to Ontario Provincial Poltcu headquarters wlicic brcatiialyzcr tests showed readings of 10 lie was fined $100 Gcncvlcvc Nowell of Ban rlc was stopped by police in Bar ric on February 24 Slic had driven along Bradford Sirch straddling the two northbound tunes to Dunlap Street At Duii iup and Mulcustcr strccls she made 1ch turn and stopped In the middle of tho liitcrscctioii She was flncd 575 Leave liquor aIuiio hen bchind an automobile thcl Judge Gucst told her Careless Driving Man Fined $100 Now Lowell man Harold It Franklin was fined $100 In provincial court yesterday at or he plcailcii guilty to ti charge of curtloss drivtiig On Feb 14 Franklins car was found by police in snow bank on the left side of the south bound ramp loading from High way 400 to lligluvay 27 1t avas 75 feet off the roadway nanklin had gone off the mad while he was watching for traf fic defence counsel Inch told the court damage to tho EMERGENCY NUMBERS Fire Dept 7584131 Ambulance Service 1208103 was scan sidcswlplng vehicles parked on tho shoulder at High Hospital 7284 City Point 728$588 OPP 7255184 There was no ho Cri mpzrn obcbly of on this Cuulc up inilSCl cram lay to ho Isc uc lainf ir if may MEEMW