Pluwll di bl ii Ic in el pa inc in ii to strum Ivouyl AIFRyvrcsa moi El RhOiGE I233 SE13 acumen nassnnr In= nunso al canteenono Ibe Imute terest He was introduced by Felt student at Victoria College and thanked byGeorge licConkey walk We Elie Emir Examiner MPPs Wage Strong Fight Against Hydro Move Hydrousersthrmghonceorgiansa amlnvegoodrasonforshowinginmr in the efforts of members of their ridiugsudaroringtohavelhereginu HydrooiceranzinatBarrie TheCeutruSimmemanherDArtlxr mus amt his East We oozing Gordonmwemmmendatim meludinmbaaleagzirxt pmpcmdtozxavette regatta Disztolflowdnle new reported on ati meet inren Hymawtscnuu use about mngmusonmmplan Hydro ofaals have argued that the change would died saving in excss 7f $501000 However this nonhuman crowned emailing hmmd to receive considerable hamng for thur ew that sexnae to the area should be of prime consideration Mr Smizh strss sinrise when he plazasdtbelzsebeforetheOrzzrtnLeg nlamreinaspeedlazmemses titan His words in this team memSnncoemembamtmonz hlr Spats mo of mummypati annsstoimnlmswhaze mementheGeurgzaanzrrszinn formanznzserrimlilnnmzl mmcanszmrzrseieni wort dare3 will 59 13 DaemLrznzalbmnnofthz 7521 for taking mommuydm mumnshne hasbeezl wall entry of 11 one 23 afx Indulizrg oinefianieiEydmpemnclze togiwgoodmviecwmemuid mmumxmum mmwwelmamu perimthztthissenmmkldae mmm Wanna DOWN MEMORY LANE WARDAYSBOYEARSAGO Mach 1940 137mm mdedjedmprfmm 21 mm Barr2 325 diam by we Canny Swine Wm her can market mend olesome if more Town Couodl passed ve slot machine licences refused ve ap John Woods reelect ed president Barrie Conservative As Barrie tax rate remained piications KOCH unchanged at455 mills sergeants of Permanent Camp Borden Bldg Council to protest ear for merchants mont Everett and Adjala way home from pia Owen Sound mem Church en for book of 60 songs girls hockey QUEENS PARK Municipalities They Are By DON OHEAHN TORONTO major event of this spring will be provxn clotmunicipal conference being opened by the provinces in late April Onos rst reaction is cyni cal so what Conlcrences habitually dont produce much in the way of progress Practical dcvelopnrmii have been few out of any of tin long series of IEdClfIlDfovlnclol cm fcrcnces And conferences along with select committee and rvyal commissions can be handy dc vices to postpone actionto put embarrassing situations on tho shcif for while Second thought on the confer ence hcwcvor is more reassur Irl could be constructivo and very important new step Municipalities and particw iariy the large urban centres have been trying to put pro sure on the province for long time Mamas amenisssammm epicriedconiusiaiandrec2ima tion of present federal eiei0n aza paign MKiaamsClnbdinner in Wellington Hotel Pm Kingsley Job haofDeerParkUniledTomntosid mbemadedeanzrand peopieiooxtn lug Ofcer hilham oi Stayner said Barrie had 5700 voters eligible for elec tion 700 more than in 1935 dent Warren Wilgar extended welcome to Force Mess being entertained by Lions Club of Barrie at dinner in Wilson Charles 5250 representing John Saso ii Sons ap red at Town closing bylaw Camp Borden now has fulltime Protestant chaplain Rev Capt Cuthbert ll liacbean who been rector of Anglican parish Rose off hockey match at Barrie Colts as slsted fighting serious fire at Clark Edmund Hardy organist cho aster St Andrews Presbyterian gaged by Ryerson Press Uni ted to write musical accompaniments team beat Stayncr 10 for district title Erie McEachian scored goal As 32 cause Barrie Donald amusement Return don King Ken Walls Presi town league Tony Bill Kaiey 0n Barrie beaten Mmw WW complaint the tame as the prov with Ottawa not enough 1717 or menu resources Am this is tlz main point they will be advancing DONT lerrccr SOLUTIONS Mimis or rm any ensue can in Mad from the par1w any rrwro than it gets specific answers mm Ottawa at the hype iing fmirftlx La lbtt it would be mutt xurv pricing any practical advance at all came out of the meeting But htre still is one distinct cvntribulion it can and most probably will make This lies in the simple fact that the government has agreed to sit town in public and discuss probloms with tho municipau tics The old saying that the way thing are done can he as im portant ss whiil Is done is usually very true in politics Much of the bad feeling in words the Province among the municipalities can be based on Pete Sinclair scorers in fivepin bowlers this week Say Ignored Karim by Mary Ferry les Barre sunnxhebeamiakrrien Jerk Dr of 821 ned broke mymdgmmaaznc mummiladej beengmgzgiJSm mummmw wigtaratoreredlwlmrm ago aflamasrryaus 212$ 3121 mmwmmaaodm ofbmtareiaghtzmim 55 Dgizlmmm Com 22mm feat15d Wherry ems522 com by mmmmlgsedabfzm tedbyAnguslemhiarreaufzu tured piano soloist also Di Gearing violinist Paid Waite iniepretire mm Mae Reeve swans eiis Barrie orchestra dance at Ontario Agricultuer College 86 Pain played for alum Guelph Members are Bill Bell piano Gib Wiley bass violin Archie Barth dnims Bob Powell Eton Parker Gor Ali Shepherd saxophone Orv Fieetbam trumpets trombone leading were Dixie Corbett Bill Benin Jim Hadden Archie Hudson 5330 George LeGear Les Hook Bells King Ed ward School won junior hockey title with Gerry Kinsella Jim Vlseman and Larry laughzed standouts in win over Smiths Prince of Wales School which had Terry Harris John Feitis and Bill Hamilton starring OTHER EDITORS VIEWS THINNER THAN RAIL Edmonton Journal gram of gald says newspaper ll er can be beaten so thin will cover six square feet 50 figure seem to be avail able on how thin taxpayer can be sage of being ignored as much as say pertinent corn plaintv This conference will mean recognition and this simple fact in itself should mean better rev iatians and more constructive climate in the future PROPOSALS POSSIBLE Jim what the province can do to further help the municipali ties difficult to foresee at this point The municipal need is more mans7 But this also is the prime need of the province it is pledged to Incrcch annually the proportion of its assistance to the cost of ulucation Beyond this whal can it do As of nmv one can say But the municipalities un doubtodiy or at least hopefully will come up with some suggcs ttons Ami the province may have some of Its awn At least the two levels will be talking about thclr mutual prolr lcms And this In ilsci is devel opment of substance mwmwnaspei dmgboawmvarnes mmmsmate Gwrgianayzeamidhemdced agmalwlaedemammy would be mpmhe EemmndedhsLmancnzlmeeo nasal postinn nib he 33322 mytmerulmxmpz traps mmwhegxab mmingtheeemzlufrebnm dalemLESmCaleLurkgz we znl smgsmem emutmzym mmixhcmrehziru almmfmmmy 2232223203Izziiu5wt29rwm alymndmmvetnztenaxmfre Lummasmmgms zzlnhzleizbe Mixixseizsnszigh mmmwmgmmia nvjnczsr ishmemsmraszrem AROUND THE WORLD unimgizsazimemlzzcdmre azpaa ALL V30 HAW 50 IS mm LIDON ANOTHER GALLOPING GOURMET People Killing Land On Global Scale By PHILIP DEAN Yltdp am All In mmmmdemid Brokersi Knit 21 entrantsanth htemmmwi milk the Greek arzrl rev=21 33215 to re Lo drcce of culture L21 22d canted in Crete Home is as ante example mistress of the world she collapsed not CANADAS STORY Labradors Value Has Risen Sharply iny non oownum Thcro are number of anom alies about the map of Canada such as the YukonAlaska bor dcr and the way the State of Maine jlfLs north into territory that looks as though it should belong to New Brunswick and Quebec The strangest quirk of all is Labrador belonging to Newfoundland rather than Quebec It is the result of de cision made by the British Privy Council in 1927 and still not recognized ofcially by Quebec The awkward and costly terrid Ewan WWWJJL on gum ambit 16 Hayfield Erect Barrie Ontario Telephone 725com Second Clam Mail Registration Nunber 0434 Return postage guaranteed Daily Sundays and Stabutm Holidays excepted Subscription rates daily by carrier 55c weekly $2860 yearl7 Single copies 10c By mail Barrie $2360 yearly Ontario $1200 year th madl 2300 year Motor thrmv off 100 year National Advertising 01d ces 42 University Avemie Toronto ow Cathcart 51 Montreal Member of the Canadian Press and Audit Bureau of circulations The Canadian Press is ex clusively entitled to the use or republication of all news dispatches In this paper erod ited to It or The Associated Press or Reuters and also the local news published therein The Harrie Examiner claims Copyright in all original ad vertising and editorial mater ial created by Its employees and reproduced in this news paper Copyright Registration Nim ber wists register of amuse of barbarian attacks she had managed to repel bar barians many Limeshut no cause of moral and political decay and economic misman agcrnent Iraq or Mesopotamia is no othzr example more pertinent to us than Romes even fabu lously rich region it was the biblical Garden of Eden But the inhabitants overworked the land overirrigated it in on of fort to make it sustain an ever corvan Population the irriga tion antnanny mpod down aver1e Atinn to salt layers and them rose to the slulacc turning the Garden of Edna into dessert one can see to this day the vestiges of the vast canal system that gave life to the land and finally killed the land torial divisions are the result of ambiguous treaties dating from the earliest days of Canada Newfoundland claimed Labra dor because her fishermen had bases along the coast and was awarded the area when Britain sot Canada from France in 17th However there was so much confusion about fishing rights that Labrador was trans ferred to Quebec in 1714 and the arrangement stayed in effect until 1809 when Newfoundland was given the area again be cause Quebec bad neglected the fisheries Nobody was yeatl interested 1n the interior of Labrador until nearly two when it became vai liable for pulp and pa devel opment lbo prob cm was where to fix the western bound ary and the British Privy Gotta cli was asked to make the deci sion in 1901 However It was not until 1920 that the contending parties reached agreement on the terms of reference and the case was not actually heard until 1928 in 1921 the Privy Council gave Newfoundland the aria drained by the rivers owing Into the Atlantic and this set the western boundary of Labra do as It Is today Quebec had an opportunity to buy Labrador from Newfound land before the Privy Council made its decision Newfound land offered to sell the are for $30000000 but Quebec declined the offer on March ms What would Labrador be worth today Recent iron are and by droelectric cr developments binlye probabgmpiaced it beyond cc BIBLE THOUGHT For Im not blamed of the gospel of Christ for It Is Ilte power of God unto salvation to every one that beilovzth to the Jew first Int also to the Greek Romans 116 If we would follow His plan it is likely that we would see more power Evcn In the spread of the gospel we ought to do what He says is essential rath er than what comes easiest We toosrs klillog the land Only today we are doing it on claim scale and for the first time In human history we are overpolluting the air and Wm tors We North Americans are the worst offenders We take from the land and we do not give much hack DESTRUCTION WROUGET Environmental sclentlsts have worked out interesting compari sons between the destruction wrought on the earth by the av ersgo North American and the The average Asian pcnsnnt builds shut ol mud which can disintegrate and merge again with the soil He assimilates food and returns it in form of useful fertilizer to the land returning what he has taken His pollution is onefor tieth thatof the average North American man INCHIQUIN shown In La bove photo was rated as the fin cst equipped residence in Bar rio when it was rst erected in 1370 by Mrs luring mother of Mrs William OBrien or husband Colonel OBrien MP of Shanty Bay was one of the leadlng citizens of Simcoe County in military and poli tical circles Mrs OBrien oc cupied the house later but it was better remembered by older cit izens of Barrie as the home of Colonel and Mrs Camp bell in the 1830 905 it was located on Duodonald and Ther csa Streets on the bluff one block above Blake St The es tale was bounded on the north by Amelia st and on the east by Duckworth St inchlquin was demolishcd several years ago and the site is now occupied by the new St Marys Roman Catholic Church The Barrie Examiner publish ed the following item about years ago Herbert Spar ham ioweilcr has purchased the lnchiquin properly in recent PHOTO FLASHBIICK pt prices us $7773 say no Canadian item for pounds at sirloin steak priced at 3596 in Canada two pounds of coffee came to 28 cents Ina two packets ofme peed um 32 centslels cheese at $159 per pound in Canada was only not few Items however are better buys cost la the 115 In Canadian grooetaias OUE CAM man We also priced car which had actually been manufactured in Canada In Ottawa It cost $3522 In the US its price is us $3071 or waverting into any $3317 Canadian dollars Why does this Canadian product cost 3305 more in Canada We priced few other cars dreamy ihimdsrbird twodoor hardtop quoted at $6087 in Cm ada is only 961 In 175 dol lurs and pricesa difference of 31126 of which ally reflecu dollar exchange Maverick is we cheaper in the us For similar style and quality womens clothes are remarks bly cheaper in the 15 but mens suits made of British woollen and worrteds are better buy this side of the bar dcr HIGH MORTGAGE Home purchase is very much more costly in Canada The rare father buying new home with the help of government mortgage in Ottawa today will lie on 8200me moodroom bungalow He needs an income of $1200 or more to quality for govern mentinsured mortgage under the National Housing Act this will total sumo and will carry interest at 1025 per cent So his interest bill in the first Your will be Ball $2480 On years known as Barrcndale Hail and will reside there with his fondly It was known in the late will as one of the finest homes in Canada Through the years lnchlquin has had num ber ot occupants since the days of Mrs Lorin and Mrs Brien Mr Darnoz Toronto wholesaler Colonel Campbells family antes Carnegie manag er Bank of Commerce In Ban rlo William Coulter William Baillie Rev Thomas Makes and families In 1900 inchiquln estate was bought by Judge Ch orie Hewscn who lived in it until he went to Manitoan island in 1909 it was rented to Capt Law son for year and then sold to Hugh Cslderwocd whose family lived there until 1932 After be ing vacant for eight years it was leased in 1940 to Ward Price of Toronto well known merchant and auctioneer on College St it was occupied by Camp Borden officers families until 1943 It was vacant for several years un til purchased by Mr Sparham in June 1952 luchIquin was was just will any litters at the gov armresthum outing of pa carl calling nose at in the rst year However dedmtad from boom when tiguana ones trams tax pays Ill thus wise and Lair provi sions applied to Canada deduct ability uuld save the Minoa yen mu on his lam tax and the lava tnliurt rats would bring on effective pay meat of latest on the mort uuo down to not in mum to the actual $60 Canadian prim surely wont fall this year the govern ments velvebxlors Stroll on infla tim are more than nflse by the gotctnmmts Savercent in crease in its own spending Inflation Is also feeding on wage claims organized labor all parts of heads is demand Inz me than the increas needed to keep place with Infla tion The recent case of this milk truck drivers in Ottawa lustrates ibe paradox In this economic civil war They asked for an increase of Ho per week but this Increase alone is more than the total income of hundreds of thousands of Cana titans LETTERS TO THE EDITOR REMEMBEAVCE DAY Dear Editor On April 1917 the Canadian Corps captured Viniy lildse it was one of the greatest victories of the war Canadian casualties wua over 10000 at which most woo were killed This was only part of the human sacri fice we made boomer 1914 and ms Total victory produced 170 000 wounded and over 60 dead during the four year hul ocaust One wonders how many survivors them are in the small towns and villages around Bur rie One can cotecturo how many of the men who gave their lives willbo remembered on his coming anniversary Por hapc this is the time to think very seriously oi Arrnlstce Day on Nov 11 which is hardly time for sdlooi holiday Ono wince at the thought of the galer that the last Rememb eranco Day evoked Surely We can do better than this by con celllncguthe holiday and loathing our dren to pay suitable ms pect in the class room They are too hour to be great not mehdehnll under stand when and how our fate was changed And by Whose hand Marble plaque Pence Tower Ottawa Yours Sincerely Aim Wardle Barrie INCHIQUIN VBIIRRIES FINEST RESIDENCE purchased by the Order of The Holy Redeemer the Redemplt torlstlne Sisters as monas tery Many modern changes were made earlier The Order completed the erection of large addition as living quarters for the Sisters and also chapel at the rear of the large wood ed property Inchiquln was featured in the Toronto World of Sept 1588 and in the Toronto Mail and the Toronto Globe daily newspapers of other early years in special residential supplements on Ont aria as an excellent type of El izabethan architecture sublt staniial brick mansion The in terior is fitted in the most ela borate manner yet exhibiting the most exquisite taste The house Is laid out in manner which adapts it to the require ments of closest any sized fam ily Adjoining the property there are beautiful grounds covering seven acres well wooded and an excellent young orchard pro tected by secondagrmvth Pine grove More than $20000 was inniiclcusly spent on it origin WW imam can