Walls Publisher PAGE flip Examiner 16 Hayeld Strut Barrie Ontario Kerry Lunbio General Manager MePharwn Managing Editor mm Manta Does Second Ice Surface Outweigh Practical Needs Umemainty fact Bmries 11mins committeeaaitrtrugglesuirumdtya capital budgafor1970fhemmmmee radlzeshwmbeollthtrmtoallor governments amnna ion mild and the first parlor dismrded may the proposed second artldaHm arena The committee me to the oondudon this week that it would probably have to defer $473325 In apical worn to main dn total bud of 31859000 the name gure as yarr Detnfls of the budget rave not been dtacmed but it known that street widening and mom Sioux mm sewer and exta sewage disposal equipment to serve Formost Brewery bulk largely in plats 110a of thtsc project came under the bending of nemcs an man does not dair ablemitmaybetopmvidenmice time for budding hockey players and gmeslmters Ibefacttlmancwmnaisapotpro lectofblayormCoolceandanumber of the aldermen could swing annual op inion in favor of start on the arena However council does not make the final decision This rats with the Ontario Municipal Board Members of the board are the watch dogs of municipal nances They have the of approving both the total experddture on publiewurls and the details of the civic program In their While the United Naons may draw much critidsm as pm keeping force and It Eamonyvgcneml Thant may be driven to attacks on the cmme ons mania hr the Spiro Agnew style thatlsonlyatgmtofrapicbme Although ey rarely make the head lines the miracles of social and econo mic achievement performed every day by the United Nations madmm summing else They must prove ulti mtely tmnendma force for that world peace which the General Asembl Vs tomnain sometimes it woul in rather futile manner Inst year the United Nations through Its family of organizations Vzodnated 19 million children against mbmlosis Protected 52 million eluldren against malaw Served 10 countries with 1300 techni cal experts In the eld of food and agri culture Supported feeding prong In 55 counbIes Developed literacy programs In 48 more countries sautinyofpmiocts theycouldand probabl WQLMQy that an is Whanotnmytomegrwth ofieoornmuni tymathemowld bestamtedanldcmawtumcetotn eoonomicweatha and lower lnterst mtes If the annals dderred woulde regrettableofomnse3mxieneecbase condlcesurfacebutttnlm rmdstosermlmddinglnd new wen ascxbarisionofmersidewalkandroad service What comes rst The decision on what com first will benndebydtyCotmdlandthennp or rejected by the Ontario Mun pal Bamd However there are some Intangibles which favor the arena just as there are practicalitiw which favor the sewers and roads For one thing we believe the lite style of community Is Important We believe utuemustinvestmnmomeyaswell asourtimehrthed entoforn young people We believe that second arena could make major contribution 00 the try in whim look at their dty If the choice boils down tween our young people tonne b1 lntmrgibles and momma It willnotbemmsydedsionforourcoun cillors If they must decide in favor of sewers where sowers are needed we will regmthhefactthatsuchadedxlonhad to be made but we should all that it is councils duty and nize ity to determine such priormes United Nations Effort nanced and assisted research pro jects in budinghouslng planning dia easeoonbolh2rbom weath er observations food production abom ic radiation narcotics control civil avia tion and more many In the role of world peace promoter itlsaadonnctlmahugrypmson wrote angry person thatan beomneadisudmtaged Isan boywtll man Who cant compete and conversely that stable nat ised populations do not start aggrede warm or revolutions some for the UNESCO glt ortmvleie edin grounds melanoma estaseaonbvenag And international plans coupon program concentrate on the of strong economic and social mm for na tionsand the development of human re ounces that ls their pr plan deals with people the uisilhe The ungry the sick the 1115mm the untrained and gives them chance to help weave bet ver life for themselves and their famllta It helps the worker the businessman me scientist and hmrsawile too It aids na tions large and small to maloe the most of what they have DOWN MEMORY LANE 35 YEARS AGO IN TOWN BanIa Examiner March 1035 Am culture Society seeks to have Banlo Fall Mr upgraded from to status for Inueased mute from federal govt Board of Education decreased esti magces as econk bggly move ma po see eggors toes gramme bucks grading of ceased oga inboduced rst Coop eradve Packers of Ontario Ltd at Allan dale plant Filling of relief vouchers aired at Town Council by George Shan nqngmcer and Harry Beatonh but uherRoyNlckngeleotedhead Bamie Milk Producers Barn uet con cluded Short Courses in Agnicul and Home Econorrdm supervised bystewurt Page Clarkson Hotel was Barrio depot for Gray Coach Lines tickets waning room with Ml CubittNlchols agent John Clarks ower talk de hghted evening program at 10F Temple Barrie Horticultural Sov Sponsored by Alex Macinmn president Reeve Herb Itoan bmught bylaw amendments to Town Council for regu lating trucks and Binds Effort will be made by Barrie Public library to popu larize junior section Chairman Glrwood stated Librarian Lila McPhea sand more ammon would be paid to it in future Both Capitol and Roxy tlheanros grave away dinnerware to ladles to 511mm attendance certain nights Simeoe Foresters began school of In fantry In Barrie onuta Penetang Collungwood Duplicate Bridge Club held beamofdoura match at Marlaw Man or WLnncr being Flynn Mrs John Rogers Mr and Mrs Parsons second Mr and Mrs Garvin Mr and Mrs Ollver Cameron Harold Webb addressed Lions Club on use of leisure time Womens Canadian Club sponsored 13th of fine paintings loaned by Bunnie people Miss Grace Bry mncr gmve talk on Canadian Artists MraHenry Rooke presided Lazy repented on weekend sports 07 dent Council at Barrie Collegiate Mona day morning assembly McKin nun brought to Barrie another caulumi of homes from Western Canada Old Rees houseron Blake St will be complete Vikings 500 Years Ahead Of John Cabot By BOB BOWMAN For men years John Cabot was regmicb the dIscovmer Canada became of ma rut cesaful voyage In 1W7 Now It Is behaved that the Vlklnga were Krobnbw 500 years ahead of Im and there were many oth er who know about Newfound land and the Gulf of St Lawr euce long before 1401 They Included fishermen from the west coast of BrItaia Franco and Portugal who were gattlng bountiful catches off the caaslpf North America but dld not reveal the locatlen of tbulr shing grounds just us anglers today to keep thelr favorite spots as secret as possible It strange that so little known about John Cabot He was probably born In Genoa about 1450 and be war probably mount aconom CANADAS STORY drowned at no one year after but voyage to North Amerfca It not even known when he landed The dale wu June 24 but the place may have been In Newfoundland or We Breton Ha raised flag and the banner of St Mark and left mare and necdlu for making net as to kcnl of Engllrh several ty Addtng to the confusion uern lt certalaty la the fact that Cabot thought he wu In Allal may BENT HIM It was on Hard 1490 that King Henry VII of England au thor zed Cu at to make the vo age after be bad arrlvrd hr Brlatol wIth bl wIIe and three sans According to the official record his name was Ca boote King Hen ry tnatructlona were that the expedition Abould nus the flag of England over au land discode and acqulrv dominion tule and jurisdictlun over towns castlu bland and mainland so discovered Ceboota and his sons left Brlltal early In May 14W In the Matthew tiny ursvel with crow 0110 men The land they discovered was said to be warm green fertile wlrb trota gig gametedgc of theuua ay no see I1 VCI but knew that there must be aume lnhnbltantr because some trees had been felled and there war man for eatdllnx ani Inl John Cabot and hla crew were treated like heroes when they returned to BrIstol and the king gave Cabot an annulty of 10 pounds He probably lived only one year to enjoy It Truigeaus Action On Wheat Is Not Accepted In West By FRANK FLAHERTY Examiner Correspondent OTTAWA The nvudcau gov ernmmtlprogram for meeting the current marketing arm can fmatlng prnIrIe farmera met with Kood deal less than cn tbualnam from prulrla province member In the House of Com mnns 1111 wan to he expected redecorated by new owner Charles eofMontrealMenomeutaGar rison Badminton Club lost hutch at Damp Borden 52 but were royally enter tained by Colonel Gany Lee oom mandrmt and officers of Signals Corps Barrie Darling bunspie at old building on Club held oneday Glapperton St Rink of Doug Stephan Albert Sar jealnt and Hamy Armstrong wi th Rev Dr Shortt as skip Dr Shortlt of St Andrews is Moderator of the General Assembly Pres ads and re HmryHmkandHarryAmmrongmnh 11 Church in Can ed semiafimal round in Georgian Bay bonsptel at Midland Gordon Meek tngs Baarue Colts by 12 goals in junior hockey playofs play Peterboro in prov vinoial soonnals Fred Haynes defence Bev Kaslrner oentme antes Billy Ilvinmon Ab Kirby George Ooulson Bill Scott Roster of Calls Goal Scott Bud wings alter Arnott Jack Dyte Harry Crawford Leigh Garn ers Roxiea Bill Gamer Fred Ander tbn Jack Garner John Gray Tony Saso eliminated Tanners Electric Jack Ken nedy Jae Saso Les Pauley Don Tanner Eddie Slamismn In town league semi finals at Barrie Bowling Academy Hap Emma mme off injury list with New York Am Smythes Maple health enicams so they lost to Conn arts editor Andy Lyle of Toronto Dali Star com mented Emms was mucking around stunning up dirt on the Ice all night and not cleaning any of It up OTHER EDITORS VIEWS GRIM PROSPECT Financial IImes London Wars and the prospects of wars an signs of violence sooloty have rmde many disintegration people fear that there mght be no such flung us the com mon interest of mankind and that man might soon brlng his dominance of the earth to an curl either through nuclear war or thrnugh fatal pollution of the onvironme nt LM line must of the praIrIo con otItueacIea elected opposition rmly candidates at the last elec an If one looks back over the rec ord however one would find that rarely bus federal gov ernmcnt met wIIh much acclaim when It tackled problem mint mg wheat Nearly every op cratlun undertaken to solve praIrIc prnblnm in the Inst 10 years ha been Iniually condemn ed as either unwlne or Inade quate by Same spokesmen for western agriculture Back In the hard times of the de tossed 1930 Conservative Pr me MInIatcr Bennett westemer had to cope with Jr 53 mm Eattie Examtnn 16 Hayfield Street Barrie Ontario Telephone 7266537 Second Class Mail Registration Number 01114 Bettaa postage guaranteed Dally Sundays and Statutory Holidays excepted Subscrbtlon rates daIIy by carrier 55c weekly $2860 Yearly Single coplea 10c By mall Barrie $2360 yearly Ontario 800 year Other mail 83500 year Motor throw off 2100 ye National Advertising OIII cu 15 Unlvcrrity Avenue Toronto 010 Cnthcnrt St Montreal Member of the Canadian Press and Audit Bureau of Circulutlons The Canadian Pros Lsch cluslvely entitled to the use for rcpubllcutlon of all news dispatchei In this paper cred Ited to It or The Assoclutcd Press or Reuters and also the local news published thorcln The Harrie Exnmlner clalmr Copyrlpbt In all orIgInnl ad vexllama and chtorIaI matur IaI created by It employees and reproduced tn thls news paper CopyrIrht Registration Num bcr 203815 rcglstar 61 general crop failure and dc presscd wheat prIces on world markets He reaartcd lo cash handout payment on each bushel of wheat produced and blg Injection of money Into ppblie works in the prairie ra gum BENNETT AND WEST He got llttla thanks from the praIrIe voters who turnad galnst him at the next electfun But his insisted federal actlon and federal cash vura both ncc salary and jurtlfled because the prnlrIe farm belt was great wealth producer for Canada and deserved help In time of trouble No part of the world he used to argue ever produch so much new wealth In such abort time as the western fauna from thclr aettlemcnt to great criala of drought and depression The current pralrIe farm prob 1cm dun to draggy world markets Too many countrles are tryIng to grow more wheat elther for thau own use or for export They resort to subsIdIcs to reward thclr own farmers for wheat productlon In order to save foreIgn exchange Government have trch In Ica rcn such campetltlon by making agreements covering prices and trade rules the International Wheat Agreement and now the World Gercab Arrangements They dont work malnly be cause the exporting countrIc try to keep the prIcc hlghcr than poor countrlea can by and belt cause all food def clent coun rnes try to produce more gtaln for their own people BIG CARRYOVEE Up to now Canada basbeen obscrvlng the rules of the game fall1y closely whlla others have not Canada however has little cholca It has had more to gnIn from obscrvlng the rule than others Recent crops have been good Stocks now total 950 ml llan bushels about two ycnrn normal sales for home consum tlun and exports reluctant government has now decided It has to do some thlng about rcduclng the blg carryover whlla ut the same tIme mulntulning Inrm Income The obvmus method II to pay IllflIEKS for mat growlng wheat Thats the nub of the program announced last week Otto Lang the Saskatoon econumlst who In Mr Trudeaua mlnlstcr responslblo fur whaut market Ing lhlr has been done before wlth vurylng success The new feature In that the payments are dlroctcd Io Inllucuclng farmer dcclslons on what to In with luml taken out of wheat The government vunta farm ers to either rctIrn land from productlon or grow more paw turn to feed more cattlu for whlch there Is now good mar ket For each acre by whlcb they cut 11170 whcut acreage be law 1969 they will get $6 If they pm It Into summer fallow or 310 they put It In perennial on age Farmers with lot of unsold wheat on hand and llttlo cash wlll find the deal attractive Theyll still have wheat to sell an elevator are able to take It and they will get part payment on thelr reduction in acreage In July and the rest in the Fall The government expects the total cost will be around 8100 000000 For that If thngs go well the country will get bit more stablllty in pralrIr farm Income for the year ahead more bargaining power In sell lng wheat abroad buyers are hard batgainers with seller who is overstocked and hope fully more contented and stable pralrIo farm conununity AMERICAS FIRST The first girl scout troop In America was founded In 1912 Exxmumhmt About White By PATRlCK NIGELSON Finance MInIIter Edgar Benson ls being swamped with roartug crItIcIsm of the white paper on taxation comment the Evening New at New Glas gow In an editorial mum Is the rIgbt word An even better one might be smothered In any event the public up In arms Up in trout Yes that vivid comment from Nova Scotlu Is true report But if the edltnr of the Evening News were to walk round the Parliament building here he would quickly notice that the swamp armada beyond Smdrey Eeusonl ottIce Little snowakes of white paper are fluttering down In tbelr blmdredr of tbvusuda onto our MP1 The are the easytgtuso printed protest pended to the bottom at nowfamous fullpage admire menz published In Mal daily newtpnpen 1th navelLlama menun In large headlines Before you say youre for or agalnat Mr Eenwna white paper read these facts in facts fill the whole page and at the bottom are four of those snowflakes lust waItIng to be cut out stgncdand malted no postage stamp required to My Member of Parliament 130 Box 1430 Ottawa 0n tarlo lboae snowflakes read am strongly opposed to number of pmposab In the white paper As my eleclod representatlvo urge you to work toward Abelv Inga white paper for further stu Tbl week an especial bllunrd of snowflakes has submor ed Ottawa from the Orlllla disb ct following the reproduction of that fullpage advertisement in The Packet and limes of that city Its publication was patriot icully paId for In the Interests of our economy and our coun try by Ansdall Hardware Ltd of West Street South Orlllla Many angry Canadians are not content with just their own single slgnature on one snow ake or potest Mrs Hector Adams of Midland Opt for instance collected the algae tures of 30 oldage pensioners and promise to send more In an accompanying letter to her MP Dr Rynard she wrote have obtulned the rig mum of some of the people IT HAPPENED IN CANADA Allle slumLOW THEIR FEATNEIKAWS HAIR AND BONES ARE FORMS INTO SMALL PELLEIS TO BE QPAT DOTAGAIM EVAN ODD DFTHESTOMALEM vs PHANTOM of Perce RoeK For Maw warns pious esuwen mum woman an FAMED Panama our 5r LAWREME Wm BVAVOUNG BulbsnaeIIlmmy nmwmetmwxaur 0mm 52 mowermo IMM755 Mammew PEPY WHOLE ROTARY Marlon H1145 4t almvzzsmMMem wwwmamsamwamo kaWIIJMWIMchw morwxarwmrmAm LearnpmwmMa mam PlIP 57015 WI 5197 OTTAWA REPORT People Up In Arms Paper who wblcb the white paper as so disappointed and alarmeduraltffauyofltlx made law the people all acrou Canada wIIl rue up and maybe cause rcbelllon The protest Is swamplug and smothering and snowballlug Into man protest on acala never before seen on ParIla mcnt Hill The public Is Indeed up In arms and may cause rebelll taxpayers GIGAN FRAUD szre wlll bejlomn deletian from the proposals of that you can be sure and of that then has already been an admlsslcn by Smokey Benson But In the very delctlcns former Prlrm Minister Jobn DIefcnbakcr ace trap 1110 white paper 11m tIc fraud he told me The are some awful thing In IL And when these awful thing withdrawn wu an an ID tended everyone wlll heave slab of relief and say Now It not so bad after all So It Is not those awful thlng whlcb Canadians should worry about It In some of the other but also awful changes wblcb Benson plans to make under the amokeacreeu of protest aimed at the docoys Beware of that huge army of numbers needed to check on all Streamed capital gains What about that old collectlon of P051 tage stumps Unclo Willilrm gave you when you were kld what about that early Canadian pine furniture the abuser and II spinning wheel which Grandma gave you when you were man ed The value of these wlll rise to offset inflation Bensons infla tIon and some time those Snoopers wlll tax you on thal capital gain And what about the Increase In your taxes to pay the wages of that new army of Snappers No wonder CanudI ans up in arms BIBLE THOUGHT Then said Lu come In the volume of the book It ertIen of me to do thy with God Hebrews 10117 Can we say that His will uppermost In our minds Itu not so hard to find once we go our own out of the way wanks orpor even strike 01