THE BARRlE EXAMIIER Lid 1854 With he Barrse The Barrie Eta detolhi to and he Past Ll friars3 The lJfllllrl li Member of the Christian Hilli ti As Lollin iIK ii ii til ht lillllt in Aiilee ital ll Ham Eltx Zv ir THE BAlUilLillxUlllill LIMIIED it llll Presideiii ii thter that iiiziiany iiii attack in lipiii happy ailment =ip on War uiompn and help of lll 39393159 TOWN Illlllll ll 51 lllilJ lllt lillllilKlllllll ni lllli crops lll llt flilzll lioviiietg llll llll year iiil liiij lli im anti lEl help lioi the peooie Ill the towns llltt xlllt lJlEll llil Lil lilli lei TIME iiiiiltr lizloll1lllti inns lll il oils ridden is llle l5lliliiv xiii the tragic deathsth whom were well lnttllllll limb gt mnlfntly loslliti the on iltll tlleii ll liiti wu tililit liaiizi lauy inphlvvpmm the drowning ot younghi tlt1tlillttl iiii erosionnee these deaths can beltt rMtllrtl lnlil Hii iinl litaltl il Illttll lll mind Elm llt he toility lowil one oi the llli est illllllilllllll an ii tnuara oioiip oi the lawn oiiiieil lll leilldlgi llarrle this Lilitl lllllilltl limits iuiiiy ciliaus represen 31 Kiwanis Barrie Farm Labour eniinln tioii blue is ill tile lown leiiare Hillel li llllltigtltl Si and illt Marshall Welfare itiieer The purpose of cal volunteers days at time or for only iew hours at tliiie during the haying and liariestinu should register The farmers are little willing to pay rcasain able remuneration The voluntary registration will be actould local business lltillsthi during the next few days as to the possibill lty of securing greatlyvneeded help tor the farms in this vicinity Citizens are lllttl to realize that an emergency exists and at all costs the crop must be saved opportunity for urban people to show their rural friends just what real cooperation is aiid lion have WV tltllll o1 all Liilliit luneilrar is Keith silitlit ii that are war iiierwas and anotht lhe young lady lostii bicycle was struck by on the highway and the voum eldter lilielit never have seen Lake hiiiicoe had it litii been for liis training for Iatrln lo EM on duty her lite when heay arm truei oliltlilliec is tlia lo wt who ninth few rush soon its llilslsllt Lll eltiii lhesi dimiiix oi yoziuo people ciil off in the pere oi lite should awaken us all to the realities of iilt day in which we liveThere are unfortunately iliosc among us who still they did in days of peace If these truuedies are to cease the war must be successfully concluded and that means every shoulder to the wheel and every mind turned to the war effort liven if people do nothing to actually hinder the war effort they can still tllllllll sabotage by refusing to do their share to aid that effort and to bring relief to the Flllltllllfi aid to the wounded and comfort to the prisoners of war panled by canvass want to il It is great RAIININUF SFGAR rationing into effect shortly according to Ottawa re Tlie only reaction to tlils announce ment mustbe an impression that voluntary rationing has failed as litany expected it Now the country starting Coupon sugar is to come ports vasr soiucii or silrlialis On behalf oi iieat Britain and the United States Prime Minister Winston ict is right to the sys niiist go rationing tom for sugar with possibly tea and coffee to follow because some people refused to cooperate The same thing was true of gasoline ra tlonlng Service stations were closed at evening would expense announced this Week lllth formation of tion and resources Board and com produe kc the most effective billed Food Board to ma use of the production resources and food supplies of the two nations Never before in world history has there been so much cooperation between nations as exists at this time Britain andthe Unit ed States are pooling everything to defeat the Nazis and bring victory to our cause The lease lend arrangements and the new co ordinating boards are proof that nations can get together We have the proof now of What interna stional tadoperation can accomplish These two great Englishspeaking nations have pooled all to win the war Surely it suggests that when victory is achieved all should be install too iviiftliiieaeelasting peace EDITORIA lt9 and Sundays and while the consumption was reduced it was not reduced sufficiently to provide the armed forces with the oil required Rationing is not the most pleasant thing and lot of people will now have to usdpoihl pons not because they have failed to co operate but rather because some others aye so little imbuch wth the spirit of patriotism that they must have as much sugar and tea iidfcolfedas they want Elmirirbrave men have to risk their lives to bring it to them There is no doubt that had the vol urltary honour system of rationing been success there would have been noneed for One can only gather then that despite all the lessons this war has taught it has still failed to remove the self ishness from some peoples makeup IHs runderstoodihat temperary cardiis to be issued to be followed by permanent Probably the Government plans to try out the rationing on sugar to before applying itfto other oclock the NOTES coupon rationing Yesterday was the second anniversary Italys enterlnuf tlieiyvar finding anything irbmhatve had P1 to celebrate hard time lone later on abgut The inanyBarrle friends of Air Commo dore Eric Brookes officer commanding Labor AS Partners inmand were highly had been advanced size how it work things With ration cards it will be easy to keep No Air Training Co track of how much sugar is used and the pie proposed systemywillgboimuch fairer to ev to the eryones used to learn that 11 rank of Air Vicehlvlarshal has not yet reached the ghobjectivc set fornit in the Red Cross campaign it is gratifying to know that the objective for the whole of Canada achieved thus assuringthe full Although Barii EfmmSWbfHRGHESAW 71ZMFGREAT SERVICE sf Amldmeautifulsurroundings overlooking $900300 iLakeaSimcoeatShantyBagstandsihe his GfVENFl34 has been lllitr liips llllh ll is lit Elli llll lilol ll ll lrl ltllllii litlllll iml ltt lllliltl llitlle oi il 1hlll ori llltlt Aiai know that every llllllllltllllli authr ority tllllll with advantage methods used their Lamllubber Afloat Kaiser who tintil year ago had made his oildvlde ieputation as the engineer on liui construction projects Kaiser has applied many astonishing innovations in shlp building for which he was recent ly awarded the flag for outstand months production methods When Ford said something simi lar about mass production of plan the critics said that the old man had better stick to automobiles But goods AS SEE By Elmon Philpolt 41 ll llt gel finll the ll ltl tree to consider the lim Iistefuliiegts of our way lttlll hn North Ameiiea iiieltiilinj in ieli ll is liiu tlia fl tiid tlieie me people done now ueiiliiil work in llilil of ii it ill luln llll li tia llit eye il ill Nolil lilpliialdini liticly rlli ill to me we could live ill Ion what you Waste in aiiada till we he meant his owl lila iinli in no tVllttl of sliipbuild init sue and heard enoiiuh toll lliillll that we have been the liltir R1piidlal people in liistoiy Ve pnmh mh 151113 uhliished down our priceless hard mono and to apply many of lliilWWl l15 lll Ullltlli lo ieplzice them We are now slash llie ltltlllil ienius in the lttll land rilllllllllllll od is llenry li lint merit from the us Maritime Commission lie is already building ship ill 31 days from keel layiin to launching This compares with the average of 33 days which it took to biilld the same sort of ship in the last war Kaiser is convinced that he can produce one ship per month in each of his 73 ship ways and that he can reach this level by the end of the present year Maybe Kaiser literally bristles with ideas and has plans for the turning out of light crude aircraft carriers by mass production methods and ill quantities which would change the whole Pacific war in matter of The point is that these claims cannot be ignored in view of the fact that we are relatively as short of ships now as we were short of planes in 1939 Since the Japanese entered the war more than 200 Al lied mcrcliant vessels have been sunk by enemy action The entire shipbuilding programme of Great Britain calls for the completion of only 170 ships From January the lst toMay 22nd the United States actually produced 138 ships Kaiser claims that this production could be doubled lira single month if all shidhrdspphed his own mass theJacLisihat Rodi nonJ2m ducing planes exactly as he said he could It may be equally true that Kaiser is right especially as he himself is already delivering the Onebf the greatest weaknessesof ll lXifllll BARRIE OXTAREO CANADA mince liillrliii i= ni men would rot Lke ll oz us is llii ii le lrt tin iL ll tlvi yllit 1econtl hance till LoinLtd itii1ii lwih it til thil zll llll toliil llltl ll Httl in in we ilii til the ltil ll line hunt line to Mail me Litaiii lueli ilitlttitlzill and lHUHliirlthlliillV ln liill gel iliirliiei iliiilici oi win our Sunday itl1lttil down in tin llil week tints We liiil get chance for Ili lay of io line llllll ll least wlllll of llllllvflnlliil in lime oi Not lon into northern lIiirop lhohalily that was not couiplete true But it is beyond argu in down the other kind ot tim her And for good measure we carelessly burn osl tracts each year Not more than hall the eut ititl or bluntover land is refor esteil either by natural or artiticial means We plowed up thousands of square miles of prairie lands which were never meant by nature to be anything else than grassland We robbed the soil in other parts as eoldbloodedly as robbers loot pH3 rippling my Mm 15 up ed lo return latter if their title he not definitely known they will he missiniz eoines official news of what pcned them Meanwhile there re mains the condition that no neWs is ban Asia Calling Now we are engaged in llfc anddeath struggle to degide among other things whether or not we are to get stiiul chance lb it ourselves into the World as good news The it is The World as it wasCould iioi go on as it did before tlic great collapse which really began in 1914 The world as it was in the dc cade before this war not oiin could not possibly survive butdld not deserve to SlllfVlVCAlllClc were millions of people in all lia lions who knew this orsensed it But the war has driven home the knowledge with cruel force talked to smart young sailor from the Canadian prairies He had helped take our boys to llong Kong fiewas haunted by the appalling misery he had seen there ethe almost unbelievable poverty lllO people fighting like wild ani mals loget vtlic Wrights to get rithe garbage from the kitchensof the ship Yet our greatest problem was how to get rid ofthe wheat we grow in my country wasthe thought that was worrying him Payus fairly for our production and we will rim it up far far be yond what it has ever been Perhaps that is the real lesson of this wa it that we alWiwsmrth united nations but only wait to put the capital letters on when we are the United Nations for War Peace and Plenty nghe problems Which will follow this war will not be easy to solve right direction toric StrThomas Church7which formore than century now has faithfully served the people of itscommunity One hundred and ten years ago this congregation was formed in the wilderness undone hundred years agomprcsent buildingAwas consecrated to yet Godaandthe Sellice or the coat ried on cketndimes repo the success of the Red Cress drive in that town was to no small extent due to the sys tEmaticplafi oficontribiitlngadoptedlrrOr illla factories about half the $12700 raised coming from this source Weekly contribu tions are deducted from the payxenvelopes and the resulting fund is administeredbyte committee ofemployees Llheamount raised under thlsplan included combinedlsubscrip ftionsdromseventeemgroupsStartingwith mGOHronrthe Ontario Hospital4lownto $541 This method gof raising funds for char liable purposesis being widely adopted in an auspi Canadia corded mentoring OBrien who had Charge of the work frequently bade the men cease theirwerk and join in prayer It uhat hhgultu so than 33 foundation as the prayers of the men who built it has right to exist and to live not surprising that this building today in excellentrepair hallowed Who built it PLANES MAY FLY OVER GERMANY mans audindeedv citizens of all Unit tlonsivverethrillcd some days ago when announced its first 1000 plane aerobicsanemonstrgtiion The Orillla Pa rts that the glor munlty It is lm possible to telkwhat part such churchhas played in the life not gnly of its community but of this nation From sljnilar smll churches throughout the country have gonefout men who have made noted names Wrtnemselvcmufgivenfgreatrsemcekto theiricountry There canjbe no doubtthat the AChurchflled an important role injthe building of their characters Bay had industr etc+4 WEwuL wins Kiwanis Mogazlnc springtime the hill diiifca 061 As surely 21 comes and melts the shows into blossoms we will win terrors of darkness we will win As surely as mother love comforts the doubts and pains of little children we will win surely as the storm clouds scatter before the Viyvorldis bright oncenmore we will bindTit gs AS real souls and the mm theg ynsnnight does notmake right and that virtue does win overvicecrmW Yes we will win everything that makes life possible We will win Auditthe more prom willingly the more tboroughly you do your part pen evenifuhey admit the sooner we will win gt As sure Doubt that all sh work oftliissiilendidorganizationbeing canSteel ships wooden Ships and any other kind of ship that anybody can build Nor are we confined to ships which float on the surface of the sea It may be yet that this war will be won by airshipsnot only airshlps for theiryflghting capacity but aircraft carrying supplies Nev ertheless the vital immediate need is seagoing vessels There is no greater patriot than the manorn wo man whohelps to iuildua ship in eginmng do better than men could the Canadian shipbulldlng pro gramme to date has been failure or the management to enlist whole hearted cooperabion of labor on partnership basis That is why the annodnceinenkofvthasettingiilprote joint councils in Vancouver ship yards is such real step in the rWe need big shipslittleshipsr The big aircraft factories or Emfshldftofind that cos thousandsofwomenrwho wero never in factofy in their lives are now doing skilledxwark The are doingit so well thattheana never be displaced hymen whn thewar ends For there arermany Canadianvsoldiers who had volunf darilyfnllsted an rarmywofficer ap4 peared On their behalf Nothing unusual about that may be said about his appeal kinds of thatwork that Women can The newspapers have started to use girl carriers Some day we papers if we operate them at all with staffLof old cracks like my self entirely surrounded by beau tiful females Or we Tnay find that the XYZ bureau of the govern ment has decrecdftlratmtei only one newspaper for ach city province or even for the whole you doubt country In their hearts newspa ermen ptly the more do not believe thatqthis wig hop hat itwine and letlln go acot tree any one fundamental and uni economic change Ma The greatest need realize lthatjwe cannotever agai live for ourselves alone have they liv ltllQESISTElT But there was ngII nu Illm SE Ml MBE Now 111 BE WATCHING llllill lt lllIllltN tloioiito llobe and Mailt illlilrlllgtllll of tlllttllll War iireiy iltiltl news iii entiiuenlal or peionil iitiiie llieienie bijet preliminary illlllitlllltllltlllf official citation llit IlllN Sillllsll siil oer illiilthll ml isked him wife think Llisiiiiiiil use of his poipos liltillltil altlivtiltx have hem iti tlji seems neither just nor fair The till onlrollti gtlltlilti cle the lttllllll his policy on tlil p52 which nl v1 lll till was the ill liic llllll to write per battles report and individual heroism iiiiiilel by decoration lllllt AdVertise in The lIxaminer lians We curlMAN CAPACITY For the oneman capricin of the individual tel rt 194 71882 Modern for Sixty Yours world of sliznifl the conclusion connniiiiioues Several bombers return heard aboard llul there canee many failed he the last ltllllll IllLll other That weeks of planes may lam liap listed and acting as executor this Corporation sub slilules the advantages of permanent men who failed retinn played well their part possibly did the most destructive work of the raid work that counts heavily shaping the outcome of the war Heroes of aerial bombardineiit may in the moment of their triumph in the flush of victory meet with mis hap in the turmoil of battle coili balanls know little of what hap comrades tlicy passed out of the picture in the smokefilled air Many stout heart beating high with courgige and enthusiasm held these brave fellows to their pur pose but the fortunes of war dealt harshly with them The chmbatants who failed to return did their duty of that there need be no doubt Friends ofyoinllg men whoiailcd lo return may read volumes in the announcement even be comforted by its brevity They know that in the discharge of ditty these eager youths met unflinch lngly whatever fate had in store for them Though they failed to re turn they have been the strife organization ilicsysteiin1tie records the multiple business coulncls and sources of iultnnuilion lho groiipjudgiiimit of ruined ollieers Appoiul this Corporation your executor pened their save that tutti trite till Head Office 251 llny Street Toronto terse official heroes in SJIHIf RESTRICTEONNEFDEW Slmcoe Reformer 77 AS peacetimemeasuie therul ing that no carried 0n trucks could be under stood in these times when every effort is being made to preserve gasoline and rubber such ruling is difficult to understand going to market Or to town or to the station or on other duties the passengers may be Therewe advocates of some pet economic theory who are cocksure that they and they alone have the key to what must be done But When farmer often findsit necessary to take members10f his family or his hired help with him Moreover farmer sometimes has no other dbamhis trunk linden circumstances the ruli seeiiiiani Wesary lirdEip drastic adiustmentscomlng is to andifjs difficult to understand lwhat oseful purpose it can serve Farmers are lawabiding people but this ruling imposes restric be very hard for even granted that they are right the world will not be gable to adopt allwaitorice and everythre form onyeyance liege til witnldfin pa or the We have to be ready to do our bit not onlyto winltthis war We Yes thats ygur Monthly premium 13 lat ageSll company will not out checlgLoye for each n1ionlh of the year all postulated This system enables on ti meet the extra demand upon your Income 01 wnrtinie savings bettill teujwitluoutlcttin yonrj ace program an er North American Lifes monthly Birch get Plan is tihe safe modern to nancialindc deuce send the coupon 0le Budget Memo Booklet and folder tellinghow you can have lt1l1e extra protection you need fonts littleas $5 month tion that will them to observe and to sayvrthat Here is ynewkind of life insurance that isgiving thou sands of Canadians who could not easily afford other ty aof insurance the nancia pro tection they need security nowand augmented incdme in later life The planworkslilfhisr choose any policyjhat suits our needs but instead of py mg the vratyears premium ou pay foibumouth only or example at age 30 the remium on 85000 Dabblel roleclion life $615 As sexVice to you the 9339346eg toihelp hungry humbejinggjeewremiyeg theymvebeenarouscd wherever they array bewhatevcr the color ofthcir skins We have to be ready to help teach the ig norant and illiteratehpeople of all the earth how to read and write truthwgbou fall the put it very mildly DOES CATEGORY M0 OPOLIZE PLEASURE DRIVING Huntsville Forester Thee storyclimax of La motorist whohad category 61L losingahishighe he took apleasuretr holiday into the lakelan of the north granted vLther Vlaxcsdind win rjcate ory be arise the Collingwood EnterpriseBallotinl VIn the police court in Barrlehin ourseirofrahearingbfacharge of car robbery against two French le the case is related tous 93 Way on as rumor it may have fact at ltsribase bpause the Toronto Star raises the question as to what limits inpleasure driving are plac upon those who have been granted highefl categories for bus llcy is only and wine to these lads and then expect them to be the little saints they were before It doesnt fit And it doesnt Neither will it fit until there is real curb put on the liquor trafficFahd that will not be under existing conditionsliivith so manysigns painting to4he brew ers and distillers being inthe sad die No saints cannot be made by handing boys and girls beer and the realrienders It iswdlfflcult to justify any of ficial ruling which would deprive the holder of or any higher category from using hlscarhfor limited amount of pleasure driving Ilf category fA is granted to those isthb use their cars for pleasure driving only then surelysomelat itude shouldbe granted to those who desire to mixbreasonable amount of pleasure drivingw with business use To lower driver in category simply because at anoc HEAD period 112 King SlreelW Tomnto0nt Without obligation please send me Budget Policy together with its information about your Spool Veal Pocket Budgeting Booklet Name um 15mm 0FFICE ST 22 humor