THE BARBIE SKAMIXER BARRIP QSTARIO CANADA 511311 11113111 351611le Luci in 11111V Miami tullcge ul lruthrn 13 P15 11113 with he Citing 1116 lor Maw 21 iuikuitf BXCK Vial Meson sad mm OVluulo Bunmamnm spot Sunday Willi Mr 111111 brilcml or 1V Badger Barrie 5131116 Meet tar Pilot 5111 Nellie La been 15 we inhrd 1121 EFTSClih=li1ilcor land N13 1s instructor utrd nilgfmm Mad VV Vcolitllilo1 Suihltiav or iirulmu Wk Mr and Jh 11111 iVbltE Unison llt111o 1113 111111 11111 1111M nggmlll Wll V211 Vrpaim 5111131 110mg Of Bmdcilck 51111111 Bruce my ll=l 11111V111ii ltX tilt11111 lViVol 111111 yuflnrvu 1L liltiiiczt At 511111 EVmini an 1mm Miller 11111 A11 Ilt merino 11 11 1111 FT 111 11 1V VVV all for Mrs VL Nelly Jug Yum SVVVVVVVVVV BVVVLVV VVVVVV VVV VVVVVVV Nillll 41 itllbl Shanty 131 Lilll gt hairy 11 hum tilt 11 Mr lt1 11 iiillagi OliPVhHkl 311 901i Blrthduv elrlimtirn 11111 VVbVVVjVV ViVVV lfrlkmliu grinds Juli Iuytm Vi1VmV1VVi wiixHilffi in tillil llll5i3lltl ll Tklndc iFrlVfVf VAN in 111 Rm Barn lit lli ltlH illlll 1051 Harry lit funr 0111 peeri1111111 Int M11111 jjV VV VV V1 V1 VVV VV Valli Lhan 1511 11 VVVVVVVVVVVV 1V 111 111H HT AIMVVVVVI VVV mVVVVVVVVV VV Sign iVViVVmV ll 11 VVVi VV ll 111 ext1112 its spent 1111 no 111 11111 11 ms 111mi 11 Anxiicah MZrtt Nviilts 11111 31111111 111 iii liilo b1115 11111 mman 31 pVVV Aye DVVVVV VVVVVV 11 Null NH 115316 111 111111 11111 11 51 I1 tltltt 1111111121114 Youth Davithifiilaiii 111 the A1i1tlicnn Ynungl V111 111 held in Letmy 11111111 Peoiiles 5111111111V Mn11311 Vma Sundry morning Wst 1111 111 during his tlillxlll 111111111111 1111 iv it is gt iil lliWWlldltltl Tilt lauwulllkllld MT W3 11 ff Villillk 1n ly Wm Wm lender em if mm luml Tm 11111 li11n 1111 be inllslc iii the anthems lino 3mg VIlVlri llnnin illle Bible Tip 111 gtllllll hc deseniit 111111 Hut he 91 it 1xiVVIil Sikkim RV to $13m 0111 gmqu SoupV we gum Huh V1 VVV mm BVVV 1V VVV VVi VVV VVVV my mlm 110015 0601111111lCOlmllutiton 11 11 1111 1111111 111 11A 13 111 1111111 11s the church zinditlit sermon Clnis the 3111111 111 gt 1130111311111 1l11ei on 1tiy to make this fun Life b1111 1111 111111111 in 1111 VJV isliu 1111111111l Mr mullmmc bunk 1ti Hr 11ml 53 ougllwl tin 19 Mllillli SlJilllll Hill WNW 111m MOW lie and in 111111111i the service in vr1 Vlmll Sunday Stimuli 111x1 Sun lt 231 1111111111 ti HS 11 klllVl Cam tr wwgmlx gvmllfl kl ilinmdi M93 lmltn 111111 ZlllllliALllllllYlo liik ef VV lqilVimVVVVVIV gill LIVJV 11llen si11i 11 Blitt Wiil Iiniontr 111 uiflji VVV Womens Institute 111111 21 311 12191111111111 11 11111 Mrs 01111 11111 1111111 wt meeting was 111111111w V141l1111u and sun Miss ll11llLs Mir 1V VV Als 1111 Nesttts with Mrs VV VVVV1 Villlln luiontu Mi 11111 Mrs los VVVLVV Vt HI VVV literton 111 the chair nlter sev llic Algwun Club 13141111115 11 Vii ii VLii=lltVM Vl JV 111l monihs ibmiice lheluyetic The regular Aiiri 111111111110 01 11 1r 111 111V 111V 31V 1115 VVV AVIMVllVf VVLllll kl lol Bllldill 113 lLsnlitiHl mm the Alumni 11111 was held Mrs 111 1111 11 11111 11 l111 1111118Villiljilm hlilm 35 i1111 WWI Vlii Umillttlti AWE BLIktIV SliLLSiitlls wnli npe 11119111111111 1i 311 Hire llllllil evens llill 1931 17 V1V 1zVui Vt1V1 V11VV11VVVV VVlV1 V1 FVVVVVVV MVSV Apple 11 11 11 VVVVVV NH VVVVVVVOVAS mowing wVVVV gVVfVVIZVEVVVI AVngfVVVthlgc VVVVlVlVLZInfVVVVYVJVJ MKS UM Rm 111 in gt 1mm 111 1111111 1112 11 11 11 Mil ll 715 ll 11 11 ll llrlln 01 in ML Eddy and Mrs Hutch lil Will Wt Ni 11 =5 lllti ior lll illlill r1 11111V 1V 11111 11 11111111 11 11 111s 111111V11 111111111111 V1 wt res 11111111 1111 1111111111111 1s list 111 VV VVVVVVVVVVVMV VVVMV lm IVVVVVV pVVV 1111 lllllilllllCV 1111 01111051 ll Ntsbitt let Victltl1es work 511111 11 Rod 311155 Dr March WNW CNN Prlilrill it llillltl 1111 11 111 1111 11111V Cllllllli Twines 111 Me was 1111 lMr VIotlrl 2nd VicePres Mrs piilr sciiniails stockinizs pairs VVVVVVVVVVVVVV VVV VVV VVVVVVVVVVV VV Ml UVV11V1VVVVm de VI1V1lllViVll 3111351 hiaSVJJllllll 511ck5VV2 1111111 quilts e111 quilt vw WA rwww rrv itttlllsistct oi btlil iiitcrestinc 111 115 311111 Lss 0t ive turt 11111111 111111111 much 1111111 111111112 01 the ninarini pro Mir1111 Diic1toi M15 was sored by the hostesses Mrs gt 1511 111 he 1111111 or the Church V311 1111 Pianist Mrs 11111 Nelllv 12 Johnson and Mrs Benham 1n China ltl1iiet 11111 unnoti vordon Jory v1itin his Vll 11111113 Mrs Baker Mrs We The annual meetingr null be held le 11111111 1111 whis lr1sby111i111 tcr M1s Wood Toronto Vlilllilll Mrs Gibbons Audi 111 Mrs Wm Hutchinsons May F1 VV 111 Ltllllittltll lll Mai and 013m 09W 17 nlilfl Ml Cillllmrk Ms5 Ellllml The club 19 ill Mrs1 UlllCh were 11min 1111 11 1111111h11 111 1111 lill Brrie ie lltill he 1111Vs111111151ck and Flower Cour Mrs Jen iiisons Inursdav utternoon April MS to give short nissiouarv lllltl V1111 Mrs Gibbons Mrs H1r 23 The afternoon was spent tiilk in the Similav School 111 VTlll Womens Assuviniion 1111 3111 MllllltWS Standing Commit niiiltlng for the Red Cross pot lirst Siiii1l1 of each month meet 11 the home of Mrs laiiiiitheis Citizenship Mrs Kcll IUCk supper was ciiioyad vcrv Am showers Huiidy iuesdny May 11111111 Economics Mrs Ken much by all Mm wmn Wk OVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVV VV Mr 111111 Mrs 1111 112 lllOlVllliAVAtifltlllllllt and Canadian Indus VVVVVVVVVVVVV VVV VVVVVVVVVVV VVV VVVVVV VVVVVVVVV on son and Mi 11111 Mis MetiloiJVtiiis Mrs Cronan Soc111 5531 VV Thompson are visiting here Wellare Mrs Leonard Gibbons Eildisldliiik liriwliiliolgiI Milli ilifV Womens Associznion 1211111Vlulillcity Mrs McRoberts Wm iefiesi 1411 p7HVVU 11 lill155 was raid to 11111 by M1 IL 005 hlll 15 M15 Todd Aftel ll VVVVV 790 Ollll Viiitssinu Itiiihiidtll mm rum owl 10 Iillllii5011n ll llillil llinCh was serr Crow fund 111 11 was decided that in future Plenty of the summer homes VtVlVlVlVglVVVVRV lVVVVizVLV TheVYPU will 110111 the closing only snniiwiclics 111111 tea would in were hominid 0V6 tliC Wthlld decoritivilitlc1151111311 11112an with muml mm MW WW 91141an lid laughter Elmal Vnisccikmwus iris VVVVVSVWVVVVVVVVVCVI Crown HVill and EdeaVi SCilitgt drove to Richmond Hill with ll 11w 111111 Mnrian 811111 of Tliorn 10mm Rd 01 team of bonus last week 0111s Minesinc will be the spenker Mr and Mrs H11 11 ton and 131111 Blackot SliOlltl 1111 or VVVVV VVVVVVVVVVVVVVV Vent the msVV Mooic to an expert in home alterations and Your CIL Paint Dealer is lk two weeks with re urs to 11m qmut vom Vgllj VVHIUVVIVVV The mm 11 1M Mr VV VVVVVNWVV tin daugmm 1mm Pam Vp HV Bttll littilli lornieerv rtkL Ti pans chan g1 yuu Short cum Vmecmmn 01 the lowly mm VVVVVVV of VV VV VV VV 1V VlL post nee summer vm Biro you painruchowuw 1Ihc remainder of the eiiiiii was to VV VVlVfVguriniiity R011 1Vni M15S VMVqlVv ConmmnV TorontoV thei With the thermometer around 101 will look in thomm 311d SUEECSUOHS mmlh Cxllcrllllte spent 111 games after which lunch Rev IV BVVVlVVVVVV ithVVVVVPpllljf VVVVV is Liielslttllli ichVtiarcnt ggdantlegvcri 1115 brought ch0 155153 diifchcnt VcVoiguVr impugn many EustommV nd VDVVVmaVVy was served ii an rs on ie most can 11 wuht i942 oionr 11v11p n1 3111119 um 11 buy 99 About 111111 111011115 01 011w VV lento Visited the hitters parents rule of tie 1cm rm chuaVy aids 1111113 lispgntilVVgJL BurritSVVVVV VV Shering brideelect gathrrcdot mlszV Wmij If UlirltdChlllth$0it8t 730 weeken ck visrtors Fcrilcr ff$3f$u$13 Vrc ty iml of the hi Vh VVVVm home of MuVV FWRVLQVOVV last qu SVVVVV Vigil4H Sunday School at 1030 anVlFalkcnburg with Moore upth anware Four VVydnpsdav own to extend btevc Rawn has returned norm and Mm CurtissV and family Colour overlays ofhmnu merchandise he sells W00 11d M15 1191111034 41 11101 iltc 1011 Cl ti St llld Mr md Mrs Lco Tro blc V1011 1st tisis on it illllOlC1 BV VV 11 in ills 051 mg myme address Was 11 11111 and 11111 be cicith 1111 Toronto wrtli ClllllSS Mum URRY BROS GEO ll JOHNSON ll HANDY read by Geraldine Smll after mSSCd by WW 11 00 Another old landmark is being Tromblcy and Mr and Mrs BARBIE EVERETT LISLE Tronibley and family Toronto With Wm Tromblcy Mr oners Ruffctt and Ronnie and Miss IichVmn1 SHOWNS of confetUV llllmlii licrc as they both llVW torn downthe Methodist Church Va Venlmded basket of gum was been 1110s tOitliy Vand helpiiii 11311 1211111 SHINGLES Diesented Oily very fittinle re eglbm 16 WW db em up over fifty years 1i PVAINTS r011 LAsriNGTVVPRorVECIION SDOXidc1 thanking her friends or The Federatiog Agrlcdlllture Evelynjnttery Toronto wrtth VV their thoughtfulness During the Vinet at Mr an rs re 00 You knoVw that Jllsl illlyVOlti tooling wont i0 when you ievmmg the VVVVESVS present made memrs on WedViesdnyV April V22 get your first repair bills Dotit take Chauffe 1m brides book dainty lunch with Georg Duff as chairman known mom VHSVSL on Britisn commbm CCdarV VCVOSCVV VIVCVVVVVV deliglmmivelmlgVVVV VVVV VV VV VV VVVVVLVVVVVVVVSVNVVV mspVVVVVVVgVaIVVVld VVVVVVEVVWSVVV VVVVVVVVV VV Wm vwfwwir VV VV msmmc Emth am Dame Vmg meeVmgV WV VV vanSV Shmgles ym home b1111th illlmlse up to date large crowd attended the BULK Dulksmore Kitchcnxt 1Scliool Inspector of Collingwood makes it outstmiding mVyVOl mVlVRV DO lnme lcuclirc and dance sponsored by it ma ms hum tmfggiibi 21931535103 streaked wailsmstained floorsm ruined lurnttuie to Women InstVVVuteV on Friday Mst Bm MVVVVVmVl CVVVVCVVWC ms meg together with SVV make your budget groan Call 3023 today 101 quality VnchitVVVEV 23ng eVVVgVaVre FViViieiVCVle evemiddgs 1111 111 par trustees for the joining schools on rs 1n roofing MODERNIZING ltOOMON BUDGET GET OUR MASONITE WALLBOARD FOR SMART WALLS switzcr Alter imade bv Mrs Black and We are pleased to welcome Mr was card la in for short lgk HugllelhVVVrKleVlS Wei Alran Valid Mrs Archie Gavin and Ron1117111113 and ii 13171151 was served All 01 time valngeVVDIlZCS Jillr005 nie of Arnstein back to Crownispent an enjoyible evening gmdonaqtbcdmoirengittomglg Hill mistake was made in the report LAC Fred Groat Christie st of th dera 11 ba diniere donated by Mrs Knicely Hospital spent the weekend with to nqut 1am VV week It va 12Pddisori won by Marian Webb bedroom his Wife and daughter at Won the conteit instezzid of EwVi bench donated bv Le Thomas Lucky Mumberson won by Murray Toronto report of 1110 death of MEMA quilt donated by M355 Maly Rich EV Partridm will bVV found VVV mi Weekend and Sunday VlSltOls Mr and Mrs Frank Rowe COMPANY LIMITED 321521511113timidle111tortoiralum EreW mime Timv with the 13 sonV VVVVVon by MVVSV BV MVVVhonandV Partridge andsympntnzes 111th M1 cnts Mrs Lawrence returning family in their 13 laundry bag donated by Mrs reavement 5316122fghdadggterMiorm iivbtiggiwgilatglfbiiilispmdiiieiqiggggt BusV Quilters to withMrrandAMrs Geo Duff Mrs Alvin Webb WOVV Mel on Wednesday afternoon 24 Johnston and daunhtci Anne Convov Torontoganon meta on 11111195 met in the United Church Hamilton With Mrand MrsJohr1 donated by Mrs Fred annolds basement and quilted four quilts Gordon and other friends Charles twon by Clive Sherma g5 Wm fothhc ReclV Qroso Another neigh Perry Washago with his parents Saving Certificate dnard by thp bomood quilting will be held May Jack Booth and friendsV with the Giofzens Dairv mpk Droducem 20 In this way it is hoped to foriners parents Herb Paddisou WO by Russ rclVeiVthnV $5 Wm have steady supply of quilts Gait with his parentsMVr and Saving Certificate donatd by the readV for the0m Rm cross DaCk Mrs Day Maunt Zion Frieemap Lakeview Dam milk producers ing each month Day Galt and Mr and Mrs Coc lengthy discussion there Laura won by Black Total rescints BUSY at Sewink Heln Scarce and Children all With Mr and WW 7r$34354alleginftitgllteiwishitOsin The faririisiof thismigth gggmlgafnhMggglgfrml 09r9t an 81 13 OsevWho in any 00d are busy with seedin melodtomake the evenin tions and cveryniiere oneg llggls lmgwood With and Mm success Dancing was enjoyed the hum of tractors as seed beds music by Powells orchestra are mVaderready Eammjindgt very hard to secure help and on every hand one sees young boys liming called on to help W111 much of the World at wart Mfg MCQHaYSemore Very pretty wedding took place unable to produce foodstuffs it at the parsonage on Wednesday VVVV seems so vitallv important that we Mnand Mm TV Robson and in Canada should do our utmost AW 22 1942 When Wuam Ne son VMcQuay and Mamie Lillian Joan spent Sunday with Orillia keel the supply of foodstuffs near Mn and MrsVMelvme Pap VV lOD Jos Patton SR Donald Patton EdMeirill HainW 1111 with Mr and Mrs Fred Mor your logical choice is RivcrdaleRenewed ca SOId With written guarantee WW Iriends as high as is possible Seymore were Vmarried by Rev Mrs Genie ismoving the fam Crpse The brlde rea dress mm gigk5 pOWderbme mil at tairmatc ARE YOUR TIRES GOOD FOR THE DURATION giteat Vgllgeyvmxi b1 alld georsage ofcarnations Thel lththersnownorrainnorheat When heres storm mos people seek shelter ARE XOU GETTING MAXIMUM GASOLINE W111 Side Von the Sunnidalc Road nor night stay these courier bunk is when Hydro is busiest VVBeMeen darkness The Federation meeting with talking dpictiges outagricuitur the war an er in eresting ings was well attended in the Orange Mrs Flemhel Toronto 15 for thosummer at Mim Adams VHall Saturday evening cottagm 5W5 WWW and dawn comehourici restand sleep but with dielr appointed roundsV Hydieyew hour beVgim new ddyVV Hdl Light foriiomes hospitals and factoriesheal for PERFORMANCE VV Make sure of your VdeVn was weekend guestant the home of Mr Vand Mrs gtLV Mlgh Miss VEsthoal Bagsbavy RN or London jspent few idays with the father andother rlaitives in the village Misses Doris and Pearl Shsls $31 Vigoronto srnt theweekend paren Mr and Mrs T1103 Shelswll Mrs Audrey Smith and two lit tle Vgirlsaccompanied by her sis terV Miss OllVP Leigh returned to VB family speni Saturday in Mrs Hauohton Torontost v19 ling with Mrand Preston Mrs Chas Rankin Penetang spentV several days withMrs Gen Rankin Mr and Mrs Jack Parks To mnto spent at fewdaysV 1111mm anVVVdVVlifrs 13VVDcgtiniliasd AC2 no aron wner an Dogincrfngonw spent the week Kim SHOWS en eir Daren MiltOn Edwards sptesni VSundayV COVNTRVOLROOM With friends here while hisiboat the doonjeVVyey clogeVEquy was clocked at Port McNicoli 194 day angngghh my day VV Mr and Mrs vRobans and daughters Fencing visited on in lthyquwqichfulunVondanlI are on tho clenVudylng melemkegping Sunday with Mr VVarrd Mrs record and 11191111111119 lhodw ofV inblno Hydro cugienl lo comumind curryw Li WEBkend Sims Mr and Mrsr Mrs Sedcre TOlontO blast furnacesor to cook meals in our home 914312611ldimllhwimir123311 it parents and erSsvlilmg Mg gllgmmnlm Spent the nrgvquurnlliousiindsefmolars iaialrmewines AV mitten elm 1218111111 11 shipyardshimiiework amourHydro it VVV V37 PW Ch Erlax Cam Bordeni at Was cheiiuest of Miss Agnes Mo friends hereOVer theweekendp 15 ishl Sim fh 000 000 VV Abe Truaxs Elba Brown John Mah th 1Mrs Tom tum VV VV VV en ewur Veil OUR LATE MODEL USED CARS AREVV and Armour Mme 0n0r wee end on pas gt 01 at Mr and Mrs Galbraith and west with l1rlends1in Merlin reeectlc ovsepower 01101 onwaimaiena the homes here familyfand Mr AStanleyTorontc Alvin Leonard is time after Lelusjollbeiliiiii innuriise 6iH dro Ne Reconditioned iiiVTVourVgown shop forAVcconomical 011 spent Vclay at their Cottage spending the winter 13me be wwqy anon Pte vwk cromher Camp BOY ML MTSH Almond abrasion VA pp eneglze Islmgrplqnls 590 mlWY beinglwiiesd 9th WOT ll9rl LQlfVWdrV mum 11 our RAW 110111 111111 on nm A111 111 Memo 11 ii vovv servo Mmu 11 rrnohc 11111111111T with 1111113111111 inspccied tires with in VV milchVofcarcfrecdriving 1ciroosiixFlinn con iswcn or Mon OINeiF wo home from To ronto ifthegweekcnd Dunn Toronto visited friends hereover the weekend P60111111 Makesand Models 11132 here VV VV VWHAPcpperell and Mr and ER cAnAcE TLIVMVITED 1111113177 13131111011111 Avriivtiii TORONTO Mrs Chas Pemercll Toronto Inmates Foremost FORDandV MEMUerneaiVr ere JH 111 am 15 on SunV her home in Burks Falls on Tug mummy11111111111111111 1110er ARE INVITED TO SEE common cnnswoox 01m Timon PRICE wing on 17011an Vnedsicom Firth VIANVAPVPEAI YOTHEHOUSEWIVFE You an 10 go much to mooieclriciiy Dont let the kele over oil Watch the switches oniyoqreleciric rangerum 6111 all lighlswlien Vr1thiVIccdedVU Resolve 10 save sonie current every day to hvlnmiss W91dilii ed1atthe parsonage last week on $3me jsnentw WedneSday her way home from Brooklyn NY where she has Cpl Murrav Yellan whose lfc and two children nowoccuoy the wmm been spend The Mission Band that on Sat Mr and Mrs Wm McHowell Frattscsemigo Statlmll 1357101119 urday aVan comllajedV rmngemenm have returnedPto the River Bend dmml amp krden ii for several fortvheirhiineseTs toVVbe held Cabins after spending the Vwintcr 8Y8 Wwee in the United Church schoolroom in Toronto Mrs Arthur Knecshaw Toronto on Fridayi evening May at Mrs Mortz Six has returned spent last week 1v1thLAC Arthur pm As well as the speakersrtihe the home of her son Boden Mom Kneeshaw at the latter5 home children of the Band will assist forthe summer months She spent here Mrl Kneeshaw returned to bribe programme and Chilise the winter with her daughter in 03Vunday curioswlli be on display Toronto 11on Arthur I$neeshaw and Mr and Mrs Mail Maw Av FIShel10Fillla Visit cum Amwrivn TrialHYBRVOVjrecrifle POWER coMMisvsion Vor oniAiiio