CANADIAN EDITORS WERE BOMBED AND UNDERSTAND BRITISH SENIIIMENT lltzx ix 1111 itll of rrlts ul tflltlP Hugh 1170113 uritltit Irtnplin Ncu viiicunt fur nrwsluprn of mud by their 111111 replnrlltuthr on the tour lrrgus THURSDAY JANUARY 29 1942 conditions the eekl of the 11 11v 111 =11111 tile11 Brtum 21nd other court lttrs 1iltiled rrrrntl 111 group of fllc tunuduli rditors It 11i Elitc II 11111111 agar 11 1111 Managers of Annual of 139 111u1 A111 111 shah 113 Pull Mali 2111 11113 giving lrl the 11 1111gr 11111 seen tenth 1111 the gtc1c1111g111lt tstIllalliF 13111 lljie Pnrit 1111 this Wu lllr 131de 111111 11111 11113 111t1h tllxrr had been any 5111 anruzri 11111 111111 Ionictic Th Iotirple 119311 31151 11111 pultttlllv Set11 the 11 lttcy lulled 11111 hiltr 111111111 but NW 111 Shier git41111 impunity lung 11111 1111111111111 All I11 111111111421 111t11g1r Square unit 111 11111 ktlt 11111111 111x 921111111 11111 1111111114 111p Tommi 1i gtrv It 11111 11 hunts 11111 111 iilftlnlizit1 elbo 11tl11lili 1111 11111p111j1 revealed II IIHNRIIII NIIIII bIIIIIIIII III IIIIII IIIIIIIIIIIII 111 75 rmly llrk my 3381433 lllt illtaltrl 11111 111311 nixvmcnnd ddmly my le 111 limitless 111 titlltt 1e111t11 111 111 124111 111111511121 3301111511 lIhtIqudIlhe utmiltiinc high 31111211143 lll lill 110101441111 71 ll Hiliill 11f 11111 ituli 511 11 111 we II III IIIIIIIIII IhI IIIIIhrIIIImI sh IhI IIIIIIR IIIII IIIIII IIIIIIII IIIIIIIfIIIIIIIIIIIIIII Vt 911 If tho 11111115 opened 1111 thv an MI I1I 11 HI cent11 tin11 and looked 1111 There 111119 luwd mun kph mIIn 1I1 My mi awn in 111 wt 11111 111 milled Itlltltl Itlt ntI ltdlItI III IIIII 4411I1hc 111m 11 15140 511111 111 H111 11 hour 1t 111 61111 awn mm MI mm iII1I rl51I ml dre55ld1 U1I H1 35 111115 intl 1111 pMlrnlmp in 1111 11 Tiltlml 41gt lllglll lhtn 11x 5111 11M 11 1111 391211111 1111 I11 111e1lt 1111tI1nor walk in tile bluckmtt would lkI controllublt item were 51111111111111 ii My phdmn Mqu mm mm r1101trllmtl walked to lzttvrlee Brldsf Surphu tor the our 111111 V18 II II 1111 111 11111 111tll11 solilttls hurl HI and IIIIIII IIIIIIHIIIICII IIIIIIIIIIII 11 1111 Xit111t11 111 11111 to cutcll tram then went 111tlt 31 II 1I TI II II 4A 11 1111 1111 11111 111 1111 11 111 tlt hot IIII 1I II whi II III IIIIIIIII1III1IIIIIIII Isniuvors of the Bhtr To Dimet campaign My 12 IIII I11 Yasnl mm 35 Sum IIIII 91 1II1h111 mm mm hmd NOWV second VCfory Loan tlbttl ll1l 1109 1lllld Nllbltd 1111 1111 11111 11111 11111 11111 III III III III IIII II IIIIIIbrugkttl about it It was ticks be IIIIIIIII VICIIPIIIIIIIIII IIIIII IIh II IIIII IItI IIIIilore knew hilt Toby OBrienleicenuml Hump CIqupI lrlt IlllflfII IPI IIIIZIIIIIlhust from the British CmmlL Md Bml 11f 111111111111 1m 1tc itittll gt1rw 11 14 11L 111111111 mm mined mm df rpm ppmmmem htmnm being bown out 11 its cut one With the Watchers 1m 1111 RUM liiiglit He didnt tlll 10 1115de 8le flxouuue my in ltlc 111111111 who 11111 it1tlltztttllfttlm Ill S1Voy 1199 hall 51 It 02311103liutlh limit 11in hm p1jI1I Hf Tummo IIII1I1Vm bomlygI 1119 winch bleIIw PIIIIIIIICIII IIlIIE IIIIIIII 911111 mitttli thnunn we might sec rztzulthccnd out of thelesmurnnt Cnn puny and 11 lcSullrV1tt1re1 11 11101111111i1s ktiller 11ml13i1liiiprirlqiigoi 11MftliiflSpirit Fidel 10 Imileliitl Oil are 10 hr i11111 Itllilllllttiilifi ltdec 11VIIII11IIJI1$ than the Acttve Army 111 the 21111I JURIIIIIVXILIIIcIIhIIm1133 MII IIIIIIIIIIIIIII 111910 ttlc So It Uh CWIY him Chant IIIWhWI won up megs CIIIb IIIIII IIIghI IISuIIIIId III IlLIIL ICIlhllIlIllJn and VICL ChattnlatLI Wm 1131 P1151 111 mks lmnzing stories of Fleet Street inllfmpetwebf Um OmIH 13301le 11Iitei 111 1111 top storey il11dI11111 111 m0 mm had bu hammered Int llnllllllfe 111ItlleIIdlllIthm 1111 roof wiltre two men 111 slee Ilmw to destruction who II great oan ampnign 1011 11s rovmcc hwl1ll lmsqu VT land mm mm mung down gollsuzletbll meci IItSSlJICtIIk II 5II llh UPI IldIIIIIIIIIII1 parachute If it had gone off every IZIVCII 1InC011111 III ye 11ch 11 gt11 tle Clly tlevcllcll arm would 51 IS lllnllll nur IIIII III IIIII msIIIIIIIIII III IIIW IIIIIIIII my1IpIgneftzIrIetsllIklsI row domIIII man III IIIC OIIIIIIIII DIVIIIIIIII III IIIII 111111 11111 111t1111C11f1 guns bllt thatIoe The parachute mum on Canaan WI SuvmgS Cortnmmes I11 rI 131 It wire across the street and the great campaign IIIIIIIIWIIIIlFIIWIfI lIIIIIIIIIflIIIII land mineswnng in the breeze 11 the demolltmn squad took it care we really 111 11 1151 runV down HllltlLILd 11111 the dmu of Tuuuumdd The there Vls th womin who 11 1111 T1 vet curl 0111 lt1 21 ll Isak mm Mam Chnsne ud ed WW An AIRIpI IdI In LIbCIIyS Somehow me III on IIII Ihe came shouted PIII IIIIII II Itlriftchtiroltmlto bombing II that light my might have been 111 we home one night and the shouting 11 0111 driver who didnt AND 71 roof VdSvff my house like eon wwwuueuhmnftiLILLLXJhnliWJHL 5111119 51 to me that cant in white lump on his bicycle mm saysI am gmng 1m Warm Welcome to Bournmmm here and 11 sister IlchsI hereIantt Wmr seemed down Relc gulllgo keepI lVlIilgEleIlL mo Sky head was incomprc 013 mg hensible but the gutters were full convenient in wtnter not havmg lroof on your house 2111 ItheIsldeb of tIheIroad Ilm IIIe 11 11s tlmc some oty spore The amazing understatement of ms have smashed II Nermumc these people was what impressed II was IIIIIII next morning me found it high dnd low One heard about IhIIII one bomb hIId night Canadian editor suggested burs In schnd 50 mm to C01 Astor that we would like to see bit of bombing Said the Col the Sky for mm or Lmlifn lztnd The were not born 61 let men would not adv1sc it we II seemed ybIII two of me dreaded Ekcpmlmmldnggogmgmf 01 have found it slightly uncongcnial lmd mms than Md mted down I11 II IIgzglisgIIIIlIl mired Positions experlonce on great white parachutes and 3x gtturitnteed 111 efficient grnd Tm Raid ploded on the beach Qne 111 the 1111111 aSoulhcrn water and the other on the side of Call phone or write for information Barrie Business College Phone 445 +InonnuIlnllllnu 1111 11111 machine portrayed Every Us will prize them re Flying reams udson Bombiro Tomahawk Kin Goon of the picture you want written on the backAddressDept KD The Canada Starch Company Ltd 49 wellington StZExToronto The Syrup will the Dallclous Flavour SYR LANA 3511 It nitmltr m1mr iiirwinstttrsh Oil zttttactive With Idcscriptic Beau IIIMI Hurricane ilell AIrIcobrIIl HMS IRodtpcy IArlrdyll HoodlWanpileno 65 Sagomy and litany others For each picture desired senda com plete CROWN BRAND label with your name and addres and F811 CROWN BRAHD SYRUP an LABELS 17s MES 10 mounts each of the War Canadian an the name RAN 11M1wrt1 11M1111 Ith9uhtoftllc words 01 the Kingz icrziwl aname white Iight went out Railway train without hearing bomb burst With their usual thor oughness the British Council had reserved two compartments Five editors took one of them Major Christie Grattan OLeary and had room to spare in the other Outside in the corridor man frOm the Royal Army Ordnance Corps and his girl stood in the1cqriridor We invited them in The girl was able to knit by the dim radiance of tiny light in the compartment did the man talked to us rather guarid edly the cliff Next morning picked up pocketful of splinters and part of the parachute cord The cord was over an inch in diameter The mines must have weighed 1500 pounds each The station wagon drew up at the Royal Bath Haterand we stepped out on broken glass and entered 111I side there was chaos The Bishop and Mr Rogers had been knocked over by the blast but were on their feet gain TWQII women were try ing to calm little dogs The door leading to the Iounge had been We left London on FHE BARRIE EXAMINER BARRIEI ONlARlO CANADA Hong Kong and Singapore Excelsior Lite Reports Confederation Life and Its Highest Income 11 21 11 11 powder $122264696 lnsuranca Cold Water and Mustard unwilling fI III 11 rtei L1 emer Itching Burning Stinging PAGE runs EWhot HappensilYou Mix Eczema orISall 1111 11 11 rum 11 113 1511111 ll 11 111 tinilll I4 II 111612 11 t1 11111 liy 111nu II II 111 it lilwal 111r 11 1111 11 11w Llitrwltdgl II II 11211 tlii 115211 513 fwillvg tlft 1zsilbttl MI In lI 1i11ilv1 11 19111 ll 1i 1111151 111111113 tho 11 2131r1 111115 1t1$lil1imt1 2111Mit1ii ital TAMYN HAS THE ECONOMY SIZE No doubt mJny 1111011 0111 PJImnS have had our 33113 311 recommend the purthase of the Economy Sizes and it is just posslblc some 01 you have wonderEd whether or not the giving ctlcctcd in the worm1 1i 11111 512w 1135 10111 wwth 1111110 We can definitely tell you Yes In producmg any commodity It is necesle to have ingredients ccntimcr 131111 and six 11 tor Mud and sunillrly Mapping or container and directions on other commodities In most instanCes tilting 11qu size requires very little more hmc than 1r 31 1111 511 11ihiC hitting stopping and other opchtions can be completed on Luger sizes about as Spiedliy is in smaller $1205 This 1JHS puttriily 11in 1111 maultots and container 081$101Cll110ndln producing cconomysucssothalwit1 the denite labor charge COmpJIJlliciy the SthC nlJnulMlurels 111 1111 to Htifltft l111jtr or Economy StICS 11 less proporttomlc cost It is the policy of the manufac turcr and rehller to pass the SJVInES so etlcrtcd en 111 1111 msurur with H111 mull that In most cases there IS dchnnc saving to be made in the acquisition of larger sizes Your Tamltlyn Drug Stores with 111111 rctnpzrhinme 11911 1nd sins are in the happy pontton of being able to recommend such savings tor your consideration and so we suggest that you JVJII OUHL ol the Economy which may be practised when buying your personal needs or requisites for your home from our list of Suggestions and Bargains for the Balance of the Week Napalm in this changing world keep up with News of People Places Personalities Listen in to MRS AlTKEN 1030 am CFRB Monday though Friday This Weeks ENLARGEMENT SPECIAL To Size Mounted In Most Attractive BRADLEY OLDER lot 75 Coloer 55c Extra Soapsand Cleaners 24 Halibut Liver Oil Capsules 50s ch83c 69c 1005 Reg 149 119 Malt and Cod Liver 011 49c 89c 159 Iron and Wine with lit 5on Flake 1V0 Flakei iillllbo 306 Ivory Snow 24 200 114 uh nssuss 012250 Ritmioo 79 Lysol Soap 14C 105 40 mn cornscosmn1csron may Parke Davis Irradol 39C 150 325 Haliborange 79c 135 250 Old Dutch for 19 Buy Three Cakes Pay 1c for the NEHHEH Litebuoy Soap 7C MENTHOIJCED Kepler Malt Extract with Cod pAst WAX 1L3 75 125 1mm Fourth cm Palmolichoa 410125 101111111111 15111 All Four Cakes 75 125 225 Parke Dans Abdol Capsules Improved 115 200 345 Parke Davis Natola Capsules 75c 125 225 Abbott PentaKaps improved 160 285 550 do 1111115111 Lux 10c 24c Camay Soap 210113c 25c53c Lux Soap for 13 For 11 supcrwool and IlffCShInK shave try this grand menthol kod whisker will Rinso Tamlblyn CASTILEISOIAP Witch Hazel Fruilalives carotid largest Selling 11m Tablets 2c COLD cnenm 11 3i11ZIL W27 11 melts stung Bars RegI 33c 27c 5HAMPOO Small cakes for 27 Large cakes for 27 scescssc ENOS MUM Dcodonnf DRENE Shampoo lotion Nott 5051p 1111 3111 473 pg SALT bii1i5 98 NUXZEMA CREAM 811110011 931 Value 65 3525 13122 1111131111211 1111111113 29c55c98c 150396 111111 111111 1111111 2915515111c 11111 111111311111111111111 21155 673110 For nervous INERAMS MILKWEED CREAM 49c93c pEmussm 01530ch I4159c1 IIor Rundown 1111111113 11111111 1111111 211169 335311 Condition CONTAINS and Trial Affection PAUUINS HANll CREAM 8111115ao11295 MIAMIN loose from the stone arch way frameand all There was no light except littl leaning only one dim blue bulb enMghtswvhicluwealwaysccrpie burning Lilalked to the arch where the door Youfre in an air raid the young had beenand stood beside stran soldicpsaid We didnt believe it litere had been too many false alarms All right he said but if you hear machine guns lie Gnthe floor It must have beennearly hill an ur 7W came on an the train speeded up In no time we wereout on the station platform at Bournemouth An Imperial Air ways officer was there to greet us Therehas been an air raid but the All Clear has just sounded Perhaps he thought we looked dis appointed INo bombs were dedf 1on Planes Across the Sky Just thentwo planes IIwent ovcr quite low donor The longfinger of asearchlight swept across pick ing up one of them directly over head That was strange thought They dont put searchlights On our planesk Could it beIanothcr Ger man Had theyureturnedl 1117 Bishop Renison and Dave Rogers went away in the officerscar The other Siff us piled into starltm wagOn andfollowed few blocks awaywe Came over meter of the hillgand sTatvitlie Channel in the moonlightw Suddenly lCoaSt when the train slowed to lounge and as we stood there half the fancy plaster ceiling dropped past our faces few feet farther in and we would have had very sore heads ifnot wors My urgnmvn amt 2ITSIof tbbTeio in here laughed There it was again that British understatement Four people in the hotel needed hospital care One man was nearly scalped by flying glass youhg girl was carried out on stretcher She was n6t unconscious Through it all thold grandfather clock in the lobbykept going The Airways people welighed us in the only room on the ground floor where if candle could be burned The lady who managed the hotel brought echellent Isaridwiches and coffee within an hour IShe apolo gized because she had no bcds for us They11Were1 fullof glass and most of the1windows were out Those on the side nextthc seawere $6kedivvifh water Sandwell and decided to 1I sleep on mattresses ad the floor The lady manager led us upstairs with theoccasional light Of torch She apologized that we had to sleep on the floor You see she said Weve beena bit pushed about here tonight There it was again Half her 110 tel was wrecked Plaster continued to fall here and there at intervals yet they had been pushed about After an hour or so we slept wall The only disturbance was the sound 61 men shovelling up plate glass off the streets all night Every window within mile was gone if it faced seemed nervous elm the 5611 Five miles away windows bought This is better thantiny were cracked fireworks at the Toronto Exh1tbi When we Came to think it GVer Plant Iweagrecd that if the German had In 1855 than second there was pulled his bomb lever half it second another blast That made it certain sooner not One of us would have survived Evidently those bombs nguje all in the trout line now did not have ournumber on them droppedI he ad there was terrific ex plOsion anda great fan of yellow light covered muchrof the sky ahead It had come knew it as surely as knew we were in Bournemouth Wastit frightengd In the least That segjns strapgc looking back but perhaps it walsbcauSe we were all newspapermen now on the path 011a bigstory Not one of the others 1812We400ked7baekiintorvtheihuger Bl 111111111111111111 11111111 25149c 2411011111111111111131111111111 251519 WUDDBURY 111111111 11131 11111th 39 Cinnamon BRITISH ANTIFREEZE Methyl Hydrate gal Can 133 Containr I25c Eth Rehirnable for Coughs andCold in the Head PUNDS 190341 DANYA lllllllN Exceptional qualify veldur pads Regular sin Hand sewn In assorled pastel shades EilliWclldE HOPPER Restorative Large Rolls Excellent Quality 31912511 M91391 Pleasant to Take 2369 THEIR 120111911793 Biylcrecm Danyd ne 39168I 113 Scolts EmulsioniSSi Ilows In ot hos phites 89731139 PinkhamIs Compound 39 Creo PinIe Igtj 69 Celery Nerve Tonic4 Reg SQIc 39 Reg 100 69 Triple Tonic Reg 189 69 Wampotes Phospho lecithin 100 Wittearnis 119 Parrishfs Food 89 Reg 49 392 for 75 Beet Iron and Wine Reg 69c 532 for 100 Syrup Hypophosphites leg 75 49 732 far 2100 Bronchitis lumbuo Vaseline Hair 71111 50sse 1IVifalts 54 else Tamblyn Brillianline Reg uI FiX i1 259 Gillette Blades 55 2511103 50 Valor Shave MI 49 Schick Injector Razor 1100 Lilac Lotion Mehtholated 25c hubbyIQ Electric Razor 903 bhlilt VGUAIANTIIQN IVIRYPACKAGI AGAINST WINTER ILLS CHEMICAL 255i for 19 Chappedands healed overnight Wm man 11 111m cums hurd wlln you can unicltly all than Imwth 1nd whln um Norma hi InoIIhlu medium man Mull walli miningIlen uh IkIn lth 80ko Ind Dillon land in Iranianm out than lingqu loo bani link Ill lolli DAYS 44