THURSDAYEJANUARY 10 1942 THE BARmr EXAMINER moms oirAnro mums ===1=I===xo=ao=====o=o====a==o VVV Lemma PENETANG FANS mvrnr PENALTY BOX ttzgsmng or BARRIE COLTS Bertie Piotr3 Attached hand new When Fight Break Out ll RCAF Team Overseas Penetong SBorrie Army CLUTE Vvs ABBOTT End of Some ====or=on===z ===a ==== ouo Lccols Lose to Pericltiig is 0atriumf3rr gt BAD INTON II IIII of Mcatord Itir RCA niroicil VVVVV lllC til VLCri olfrcer Iiti Bay Latzvc til land iilortt and graduate of llriic HVKNVV D17 SNIRV 6in Wk IV VVV VJ Mi ff IIIII IIIIII II IICHVI III II III III III IIIII IIII II II II II II II IIf II II ivyI liill in this district Jrci vlirtllll llxiwriri tirc VV lV VV VV VV VV VV VV VV VVVVVV VVVVVVV gtrzi instruct at Collin llindci Will tllltl VV VV VV Mule ilx Niiilnvin tint V= VV VV VV llt thool it llitii lil tic VV VV VVV VVV VVVVV VVVV VV VVVVV VVVVVVVV ttti lcitev VV VV VV VV VV VV VVV VV VV Ail luiu aid are icy 4lltl VVVV Imri vllli iillla jal uh who in latitude mim 41 igt playingfor VthrllllilLl Native Sui tmt lilt lrit now hintith strut MuttMm ZltlliUKlgt win to im having plriJ holds down illftlCt berth with Hf till ill liiillltV Jillills illtilstlw iticlph lliltnioics Grey and Siiii VVlzic nights if play are lmwtav iV leVV VV VVVV VV VV VVVV VV VV we Foresters ullli the baschalillVlllll LV Silllltlixll 15 VVVVV VV VVV VVV VV VVVV VV VVV VV chainpiornliiti of the Fiurtli Rinaliiiiiiiciinzit VV VV llhll Umsiein zit Catnip Dchcrt Sui last summer 1th picture it tlici ltt Ai SlZNltilt ll iliVnLC tram team which we saw iii other dziyllt lruiitor hau nt formerV IHy 31 Vw VVV Noticed harlic fillllJlVUI who used oih rciluiais and Wilton UlLVlVV lVVVVlVVVV rVVVV gm VV to pitch for iilha and Lloyd Starr LIYIIIINIIIII KIWI liaiilis lir tl Itl in icy who rsinnrtoutfielder with to heVme it tin Lmlmi iV UMII SIIIIIIIIIIIAIIIIII HBIIIIIHIIIIIIIII IIIIII IIIIIIIIIIII III IIII and international irr IIII III ll urn rim IX IIlsI II intend 3110 Hulp HuiiI le II VV VV VIV ltll 11 prom Miill nith also in ill ii hutkw fur iic Cliulcs BtllcJllit MW WWl tro it Whitby and llrtj luhtth pimhitctl plriit lll iiVVVV VVVVV VvV win HW II OHM wk EIIII storied tor the jliii lflllititll Owe Smqu VI been downy their great nals and xvii and funnel mmI mummy hp Vmls one 1min litl lialtlrtl VHl lsglV llairic olt of played Wm II it out Wilil Baltic tul in luilllV VVVVVV VVVVV VIVVVV VVVIVVVIV VYVVl EMT lilil is teamed mm In Vllillltili That was lllt ltlililrill tiitill up with he 19 III my Um when Bill VIIiitit iiiNo Ktih LARRY norvxitarx vI llitiiici viiiirr lirirtii 1V lakt it tilu rugged Jimmy 11 com Wm iicdy Ioc Stun lllimtlv will lam Orlando on th VtVVlrVVV VT Scotr All lltilLAlll VlrKmnp Md li Viltilllimlx lilmd EV VV gt lli4tll iii linth maruw THANKS To YOUR KIND PATRON uyl Ln 51 tilli tht IClilly LIVINGSTON saw illill at A1 lllltliiei had such utililllll as llrhto VV All lli ill1liliil Ulmm NVZV WwR handed putr yumK MI hm um ml tritium up MU til Allliuiiuh lt lliltl mI may it oirig If fill llVlllh lii lila tft iu italii it IV ltiitl ii JOlNFb llllt to loiontt llcrt orlicau made turn into dc iimiix All chiwi In CI II IIIII Vim Up 2CVDTVVVCVllgVVlVVtthlltbluilxixgiuiii SIII133VELTVIVI$RumiiilfIfIlIiflIII IViniT Vlm WNW iililiird iiii Hillili riiltll livid Killi NW down between Indianapolis and De today with Clcvvland if he had not and in mmohmlv VfVVVnVV1 Imp VVV VIVVV IVVVLVIHVV VVVHVFVVOHXWISlIVthV 15 1VVV VS Vi VVVHll lllll ant VlVll l=ttlll1illSlli thhllitttilt iinVVViniVVsVrnVVtiiiiiidVVchiifhii ViiiVVsVVtVinVkaiii iiViVlViVLVVchViltVVVimiV ddViVxVn VlVlVlViVll ViViiiiVVtVluVlg VIVVVVViVViVIV11iViV fm llllith llic 31 Vwi Abbott and humid litn the bit tinn right now i1i 533s 10 Billiit litil Cziii out to the limitch who turned llllll HVVtlV VlVlVlVVVVVViVlVVVrVVVVVV MUMV 1W Vt ll sltate anybody in the group and is to Qupbm rm WWII IIf IIIIII HI PM thrcc years and imilics his BILL MAGUIREI IWhII pitched playing whale of game on 10 sons He also lid low turns llil VIVVtllllllttlfVVVVVV VVV VVVVV VVVVVV VVVVV for Barrie omenill team in 193334 lCIiCO The Flyors llithllVl been uti Philadelphia RallihltlS litftilt ht pp GROUP SCHEDULE VVV VVVV VVVVV VV VVV is now ii Ctiiiiniissmiitd lillicel lll WIJ 1mm IM ih WW rVIVVVrVi=VdV VVAVVV7VVVA VVV VV Jon Iolliituwood at lcnttaii the CAR Administration sliiiioih riff XVICQ if fie all mrmvr wa up tam ormer eras er Ville VrroVVVlVyVlVVeV cmth shadipimVversity and Syracusc pros is tliclBARRlE ilIIHImI IC1IFI qmp in 1934 it Wm be recanQdI conch lie is director nowl y381l3m10htm Lemmg the among phn Murchudnn and if his team keeps losing he male CVIII1IIILI In CnIIIIWYIIUd penemng in pound duet in the gel illl011w same liiliisclf lleibic tilultrrit at 0mm III DI II II TI II Dyment and Lloyd Goring another BilNilctiing at larric 0W um Now Twice as Much Space lied his cars of cx yItI copnmwoml at Comme Over former Mmrham It few Changcs yet as IIII II hm Btmu at Codwm ellcrIv Stora Available to lire ur Scrvicc lll art nial IV VV licllr Batikll III II III liIli Tzo boil rotito llll llthllll rrinaui illl allot Vi IV Ell lim till 101 illrl itui llli1l gm ihc Rtllltl pup IIIIIIII lilt illi Ilt liltltlttl to itllll limit linkkpy ti TI pair of cxColtsI have been tryino pericnce in senior ball at Tmonlo gums MarchndnnS Speed Bin ritIitIytih tCthtIIamI bIIiIrItIIlvaenIt Ingddt Meet ButterI BUIImIsterS IIII III PIIIICIIIIIII III OIIIIIIIII Barrie Sewn WM Who pdc OlfV VV VVVVV VVVV VV VVVV Collin wood Tea VV V0 31191 lll mma arm he was Instmle to 05mm by 200 players tryint for places at the 15 IliIiIospccts lllilHli lAinhiI ppmmmp MI Goldwynin mo BI Telephune CIII start Werchcvc still another Bar Group Begins Ihixim Newman linlr MuxV Fl Coldlliilci zit Oilllia III Irieith Flying Officer Log IUUkI to II Richardson oolr Ali llowm KwplI lliarric at ollhigwood managcrotthc team Bobby Dixon Icv Mciy Bowltr Oiillia at Pcnctanu nuj Km Hubs jg pug SOME NEWS of llllClLSl to local BILL DYMENT COA Mm will lxnntin Orlllia at Collintzwood of course is Sldlllnl at right wniL Ilithaidson inMmm IIIdII II III up gunt5 in basehill rm toInnIiqu iionsI Ir we them Elston BmckenburyI Hinds larh Mtiitland Kcntrh flPc1ivianP rtt CollVirirwooil and MW Bl we who played centre for Camp Borden my NOX Culvl Mlkinnon lcarncl llnrris 1th ll TollinIivVood Ollllll of Toronto on the birth of daugh my me smmnsng0 when mrrlu Lions Juvenile hotkey It is ml mum IIIR IIIIIII III IIIII 11 C01dul ItpIIIIIIIII wLMSWJQIW Load D340 Vs 1IIIII hm 10 Jiivciiilc games tn IVllVIlmf 1M 13 Knowles Diiry Lunch is happy toqiiiimmp mm it hlg inlnrupd 11c ptpnligok remem ccnlrc Cmrgm my Fen III II WWHIIIIIIHAH IIIJLIQQH QFIIIIJIQWgums 5pm hI the Midlmd buseblu mm from Durham is on the team alsotcrtains the follinuwood kids he inti to koopa team in OVHA 300 Dim SVmqudV VIVVmeVV AVVVV VVTrVVVVUVkElzbelnweelr he hawHwauhmflWANLMMNWBUUJC 031 of 09 Ch LTIV Flcelvlio was with Marlboros and cording in the schcriuic rm iiroBIseiicsevery mgp 52 813 Dilllldht havr taken ovcr the store formerly occupied by Sparliams Jewellery and have years usu He also holds icoriiiiiisIIGaumieI nun Montreal West group rclmsrtl llllS week crnits vill licjiist the um rm MI Gmfmi 0WI VAI doubled the triplicin or our Lunch Room Here you will be assured as before UIlV II scumd Baum my mllmls J00 Ilmiicy from New Ciiruli Bill Dviiicnt has lllltd up lineups so lets see to it that they 7399 Colliiisiitiod the finest in homc coolrcd mods and cordial welcome in homclikc atmos Simcoe FoicstcisItReserve mmth is the gonna and good likelylookilit bunch of ytitliigsteisiLlItl il leai good hacking by tho it pm Vim 0m opium mm 100m md CIIIIIV nml Wm DI IIImeg lhe other note is he marriage one OOII They have quite team to wear the Lions livery and the fans VV BLACK CAT SIGNS MilrglC Wright l0 Himld CHPI1 on paper but will take some round kids have been practising hard First and second tennis play bestV NORTH SYDNEY NSN01Vh VVVVVV yOVV VVOVVVd WVSVVV of Toronto The latter is the former mg into Sham The group 0910 Irhoy 1wecxpcctcd give good iiithree smog rm group IIIIIII IIIIIIII SydneyVict0rizis 0t lllC Cutie Bre II IIII II III Ion IIII II II unmmg 13 lion is exceptionally strong too limiliiil of lliciiisclvcs lit the lVlVC 0er start Feb 13 and finish not lat they mlm32 II II WM 01 mJn Yedlh 15 it loam group which consists of Col 01 than lab 20 If title rot lip iegt11 54 II It Bdlrle one 0le 0n 10 51d mt WE MUST take MFI AI TissingI lingwood lcnetangiushcnc rilliabl llicn first team in stVandianViCch ticnl CaiViichVchViViVsV VVtVlidVVVlilitVViVVdiiVVil Phone Bank 0f cmnmme VVf ton of the Drillia PacketTimes to ClldWlllLi and Barrie DlCSCHt group in plidovn NcVutizil 11mm 10 0W llVlllnlttlll VZVV VV 1495 Street VV VV task for one portion of statement Sponsmvd by the IM Club meVldelee 1llllllfltii playoff he mka Cm 10 10 lllk EXECUTIVE of BarricBndmi lilISI fiistIziiiiiciirancc against Sva ton Club took this column over the is in connection with the amen Boys Work Committee or that Clt gttiVhllwnmlmr77 LIOdlS 5mm last VeEk thfft threat that Orillias skating arena MlmQQCUmLINW Badminton is very flat locally this would go by the b0nrdbut havem lent Ross Smith secrptary season They pointed out that on we heard that one before Am treasurer Jack Johnson mzm 0105 met WWM was below zero and not very com promem isnot 10 one onlyI mgeYIWhIITFTPtlgiliVCtlilCllT Li 11 lCLLllllSJllZlilllHSBUQQY the lllcj tenable for Playith the courts In many cenIIIesIIgIIeIII difculty IS Bin Dynmm twine Geoff JOMSI the Town Hall were 0de being experienced in the operation Una CUQChill Bi DYV evening with members waiting in of the StructureSIII In MidlandI for ment former Barrio Colt star the line mm was also put out to exampIe where large modem team Should be we IIIIIIIOdI As drop around some night and find brickbuuding is in use only conI many fans will recall the Juveniles out what was going9Dihd0 siderable negotiation between the or two years ago fumed some SO at the first opportunity and ma arena Company and the Midland really good players such as Howard f5h01dibt0lightrWhen arbigI mundr Councilwsurediitsopenihgqthis xyiggddlfy Qd mbm 15 Planned by captain Fredwinter In Barrie financial diffi t1 Whom 19 now dmng We Anderton What we meant In say cultieshave beset IhEJOmpanyIIdeI JIOb With the Colts III mg the game wasat was inter spite the fact that Barrie hashad ITherewercbetwgenIBato40boys ClUb CymDEtition There will be winning hockeyteam for years 10 the fllSt practice 135 week II very httle of mat this season for FARMERThaj last semence hasnIt wnIh an getting chance to Show the Simple reason there are almost as yetheen chrra malady The their stuff Out of the bunch these no other Clubs the dlsmct to Barrie Arena has been em alon were the ones picked for further g7 coaching although there maybe VV VV VV iIiIII VV VV ttiiiniiiasllidiitnfirrlliil THIS SALE 15 ALMOST UNPHECEDENTEMNBIIB HISTORY THROUGH APOLICY ORIGINATED BY us or the 194st recited of ANDCABBIEDL WEEK To WEEK WE HAVE NEVER rouun rr $2000 III II II III ONE OF THEIR IMPORTS who II Stalled tle Season Wth Penetang Rangers is no longer on the roster II Ton Sen defenceman frovaLl Chenerrdldnzt get along with cluinI II Ofcials md apparently they didnt II W4 II $1 Vget along nth mm something whichdoes happen in the best reg $313 $2213 aifrmfre THIS BOLICY HAS ENABLED usTo SUPPLY You WITH THE LATESTV STYLES iN DRESSESHATS VAND COATS AT THE VI II SAME TIME THEY WEREIIIBEING DISPLAYED IN THE LARGEST Camus THROUGHOUT CANADA THEREFORE WE Sweet ISIII IESIIIII $2 7007 manual TorontosrneBangersr HAVE GONIEIQINEWJIHQUTINEIEIDlING HIGH PRESSURE SALES IN ORDER TOSTIMULATE BUYING THAT THIS HAS IieneemvawImLomerDuheau games against OWen SOUndVand al however are well fixed for de We and AMUCCEISSEULJS ATITESTED BY THETHOUSANDS OF SATISFIED CUSTOMERS WHO KEEP RETURNING FOR THEIR homepWS 3t thjtV it Abb handil gEIVERY NEEDIFROM YEAR TO IYEAR HQWEVERIWEIAREI FVACIEIDIWITHI AN EMERGENCY WE ARE PLANNING 1941 ntermediate gt ChDlgE nged noticVe last wieekl gt that guy wbuld still be team ml look out for when theyWW WHIoIIj MAKE1T ABSOLUTELY NECESSARY FOR US TO REDU CE goUn STOCK BEFOBEVTHEIVSE II Corps plnying for them this scat II II sonJarVIS played fortheCamri VI Dr gt BordeVn Bullets last year They 11150 911 VLV Dunhl VV III star Cpllingwood Shipbuilders to jINNowuIltNsi ARELCABRIED our WE HAVE THEREFORE have most of theirI last years mm Si we wh AND WEVBEVL EVE TH 5V ANVOPVPORVTUNlTY YOU VHOULD NOT Miss WE NviTE YOU To Go THROUGHOUR RACksVV VV home ft VVtwo II VliithVVVlVlingW00dVVgnd ANDVSEE THESE VALUES WE ALSO HAVEVON SALE LARGE STOCK OF SWEATERS SKLRTS JACKETSiiBLOUSES VV Bgv Scott tartar of Bap pgusotsloyAQdEDmEN mead 1EH Engw VV ham io Junior team of 1935 is the as IIII solid pmde if the defence THAT SAME TIE GAME Mid landV vs Collingwood brought ginI other Scott into the news WhVen the game was tied in the second it fr is reported that Ferguson IV president of Clyde Aircraft told gt VV lt one of hi5employeeSDint Scott yVVV would gt lOCent perhom St Phone SQDABARIGRILL disturbsororities ITVTZQIDUNILOPTST iiiinrilr Barrie played for the Colts for Scott you know it wasnt long be