RED CROSS HAS PAGE 13117117717 1311113111151gt51aiizs H1131111111r5=31lt111 LilfWl 1117111 11717715593217211m 77777 2715 ffffjfj fi 71 gt Hon wuson ChurCh Attlon II ltritzm Other Nominees Totalassets at $1822 millions were 111Lpottagesaidhewawn4cqi $1mi1iinnsaboye ihepreyious My ois it amp lSuzilii lamhind liitiuziiizix tliiul IIIIIIIIII 7177 II II II II 1I1I ETAiLE T0 TriRiFTY ANADtANS I1 r1 II 1111111 1111mm rs $1 Willi lillrii1niiiiil =1 11 3311 HAN lII I1 $1 mm Mil 11 Nix iiuiimli 111 gym 15 II II II IIIIIIIIIIIII IIIII II IIIIIII II IIIIII II Ali l1l Iwn In 1111 121 111l lulu itlllMl II IIIIII 1l ll 11 11 11 Hi LL III 1I ili 11 11 i1iiiii111 not 111m pm lNlANln Jacnirrs 171ll lll LwiilliLllt 11 LViiI 111 gt AI III iIIIIIIi 1101147 777 ynl milvri ulni in 1134 it wiuivimt II III IH vnvn 117 11 ml nxcizicly 111111 1111 1111111 11 11111 II sac III lII II11 ItIlli1II icianIird 111I 111 111 Filthilltil i111 01x II II III II III IIIIIII III II IIII IIIIIIIIIIIHIIIIIIIIII =I mm WAIKIKI tlllJilliill lriilii II II II XIII II II IlII 11 mtI =11 11 1I1I1 111 11111111111v1 IIIIIIfII III II 11111111 IiI IIIiiIi LiiIillI1 AIII 23c amp 11 iin mil iii 1111 iii III7 I1 II II Emu lucc 01 111114111 111112 LADIES SVWHIHN ON 111 11 321111 11111 11111111311114 1011111 thui 5111 ll 111 11 ilioiiiilniiz II I1 11 II It II II 1711 ll 11T1i 1ii jlttxilliil l1 vli lllllc liil llEltlllll 11 17 III III IIIIII IIIIIIIII 77 111 111 1110 Hospital Violin oziiinittw if 57 11 173711 11 111 gt1 lli 111111111 II II II =1 111 111w ziIiIHHiII mm 1111 tiwiiilui Mk II IIIIII IIIII17 I7 lor ltlltiiNH 11 Soul iru 11 111 dorm1 L111111 1111111 1ri7 1riiiic1li unit LADIES RAYUN 115 III II it 51 i1111i1r lltdl for in 111m 111 111 gttl1 111111 Lil alur llIS1211111l1niii11ciit ll 114 ililinn iii li111l iltl 11111111L iiltla 11 hr 1105 W11 Nl 51 llI llliil lain rcm lltltl 11111111 51 1711111 iIHI mm iillmu IIIII II II III 111 ii 111 111 1141 ilii pl tl 111111 11tl 1110110 361 111w and liil 111 ii II 11 1l ii 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llriclli hit illltllltlillhlilw Huh Hm 7m 711191 111tl717171171117 will 11111111711111I 1h III 11 III Id 77 IBEX BLANKEIS of 13le 1m ilkimw Hm iv iiiriulli L10 llltfuurivilfli lti lLllliLtLtiji 113111111 ilziiiiiclottr iiiitli The WIII Hm OIIII mom IIIIIIIIIL mkch ha IIIIV ImiIiiitlIi llili 111 111 iiitaiIiIaita 11tiI vultoI lliirrit thc SiilvgipoI 1hr lioiilcis of pink or liTiiiIi lomoIilISlitI is sick and Ufllttl by the never ending mm ZIIIIli 11 HIH lmID It WII III 11 II17IIIIIIII III III II7II IIIIII Milo of lcnnics and the Kiwanis iIHMui III IIIIl IIIIII WHY ousc 10d illicit ll 11 Um7 Killlllthll in concluding ll spolii 73 37 She Iris run down and ltlllll nrrvoua and lli 111151111 1111i 11 illliillll 11 1111 Hill liInil 111ml I1ih I111 1141 111 1111 111111 1111 11111 1111111111 c1iIIIIIImII III Unmunm 11 III VIM gt1li oi ilillllilL 1I III irritable1 lownlicnrtcd lllllltllsCOllliltZNl cant rest at ltitic li117ul tanaduin r111 SciVici ii11111 111111111 11111 11111 liii 1111111111111 111111 1111 111111 miw 1113115 1iili lIIIIII and ITIISUICFI IIIIII IIIIIIWd Cloth 15111111 rayon with Mn leQ nightaiid gets up in the iiioriiingfccling as tifCil when she wont tolwd 1111 l11111111 111111 11111 11gt Mar 11111 11111 11l 11 Now l1i1l 1111 nit111111 llltl 1111111 l111l Vlr II IIII IIIQII IIIICIIIIIII CIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII IIIIbIIImIIII IIIINII IIII 111in 51111 5101101911 Women sutlcring in llliH way may iintl in Milburns Ilonlth and Norm 21111 11111111111 Mm 317 1010 When llouviy V11 1111 1oilt 11r11 1iill 1111 iliil 11111 tNlittYt liitin tlthllttl chicken iciitli 11111111 till 11 to all thoat oiit mm Pills arcinch With IlllCll to lliflp rccupcmto their health build up the run Ill171l 1it1ili1ii 1111 111 812111115 and Stiiuiiilalc tiiiiun illllll 1111 llll1l illll 13177 llltlll roiliitil do III AUQIIIIH who hwu IICIIXIdI LlU11r Mb or covered llll print don system and most tIlicm hik to healthhappiness again 1141111 11 liillilttltltl 1711101 the at lircniwiimi 11111 liarlicr 11 T11 1111 lliilltgt lor1gt1 v11 fourth III IIIIIIIII IIIIIIIL III IIIIII IIIIII 13 11 20 $235 Vulur rd iickiiiu Stir Prlcoq63111x 15 plustIfllldlllKCOlllllcm It 11ul 111 incurK11 lhn Hill and 1111111 11ri Bunch polix llt lilil 411111 iiiiiilur lttll rouiiril MIM iii 11 511li11ik 1111 lic SinCi mm 17 23 cm Look for our tmdo mark Red Ivan on the pman IIIII DIS OI MCI IIIII CIAIS CI WIIIIIIII IIII SWIIIM IIIIICIICIIHI IIII 1IIIII RIM CIIIHIIIIII WIHI mm IIIII IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII The Miilnirn C0 11m1wdlomnto 0m 1111111 11L1 the Sinhals lincx hallois mat 1011 to iiialic the grade HM vi WW gtv At Nomination 31141111 Ferris wag 11117111 1mm at 1r1ck IImljh lurnbull Hmmmy Sllllliiltll SHIRISI 31min mi X431 1IIIHIIIHII muhm mi The llxainiiiir l11gtl Cttlt lllillrl 11115 Srhml Mrtlill at 11510 and If wk Chi rm H7 CL lur style White and popular palm11 635 itd gtliorl arciiuii 111 Sunnul11 75110111311171 liiirnuii at liltlt and SKIHIUIHI bf lm RC Syllculmjs inc Si 11 toIltilg Uloiinsliip iiiiiiiiiialiiiii iiiotrtiiilt 1111117 lantcl ill Slitphirtls Britta1 iii 51II11IIII llllIIIIlIIB diKl MENS WORK PAN Inmd VIIIIC IIIIII twud 11 Grey 11 11 11111 tumult 111 IlliiI AlhtllIIHIIS If rtcran Clcrk Landed DANNY irelidenr SlilDCd patterns four porlictsiifirc hull loops wzs unri IpI II II II nix rvic nominatcd for more lurnbull lrcsidcnt Mrs Chit 31 It 43 pair II II 41 II II III IIIIIIII IIIImI 1m TUUIICH Ili meilICkI WCrlilcmcm MD RI III 17 II CIINIIIII IIIIHI gm ICE INL lU lbw 111111111111111111 11111311111 litlil in the C1 new Sump lito III IIIIIIII IIIIIIIIIIIIIIH IIIII III II 15a cuc 11 is 11111 11111 111 pocitrt llt3lllt ripiir of tho rm 111 lllt 11100111111 mmwfw 111 Mlle ll Will prevClllilCl1lli Treasurer Mrs ll th 512125 to IIIi IIII IIIII IIIIIIjI II7 iIuiis 1th hull was barely hulfjiieton Suit1111c Comiiiittcc Miss DI II cIIItt II II Hull and 1156115511111 11 roiiiplctclyWanda WattcrwmmI MISI dI hr EPIUII LIUV I7lI 7lLIL ill of argument or rccriiiiinaichiujck work CommjimCI Mm BI lI1III 11111 11 11 mm 111 15 Mt ion IoIIIIII III II IIIIII wcrc ll piiiitlciiiiililitiii Jliiic had m7m1cvu IIIIIh Ikanwn Id bILC 1111 11011003 llllIlIllt 0011C llllS paid hiuh tribute to lmriil rillng11f7Wagtuua llcach lhc police amp Wk IhIIm IWIII IIIIIIIIIII1 1111121140 lcricd 1111 52100 Ifm 1011 I01 III IIIIICIIIIIIII MII KICIIIIIII sum and it Dccviiihci the hail i111 1mm III 1mm had sowed In the ll Ul 311 l1llfutildnlicipicilv of civil tlll tllillllltll for lb 10 Ill mill lit 11110 Ufiftr vourlt and in all that time had The Cllml llillCCS 11 bet seldom iiiailc mistake and hail tcr shape than in 1111111717Vc111s Mr practically no critics He had done Bates said good job The audience applaud Coun Carruthcrs cd loudlyI Colin Carruthcrs chairman Reme Demmu 1of finance discuxscd the fiiiziiiccs of the mwnship lads and hlkidgcslltiilfillliti were the only itcm higher than last 12M qIIIIIIIIIIIIIII1IIIIIIed vcai due to the erection of two new UIII VCII IIIIII IIIIDIIIVLL bridges HQ wag surpriwd hm xi iniciit iii the proled for the Al when he found the roads in terrible Ilia condition These were being im irhc ICCVC IIIIVC III account of mg proved Hc iiutlincd the duties of work III CIIIIIIIy Council Imd said 1th 93lmen Il the ISUPCI11t11111 iossomntio 111111 rcccivcd tiiIrIlIeIiiItII II1IltCibsII$I1IIyII1Im sham of work on C111y71ads gym in the spring and $3117 instead aiIIIIlIllI7IIIblfeIEI 03135 I$liieil III the WWI IIIIIIIIIIIIIICI IIIII lt IIIIIIIIIIICII GIIIIIIIII IIIIII IIICII Coun Mchi placed in liberal quantities all the Coun MCCort reterrin to way from Tiocito Alliston He ex Kr IIIIIIIIISI IIIIIICEI IIIIII the IIIIm III $2350 peeled III WIe WIIIIId bCI done had been spent chiefly in oiling1 and 111 1942 as this road was very opCInianIup nIcgw streets at the west Iheavily travelled and would need on of the cacti Wasaga Beach considerable tllC because of its1 11710 nt 1pm 1501 he ficquent use by dint VLlllLlEh tom It Sdld but in llilVllla fl township Slip iCamp Burden rSimcoe County said erintcndcnt the provincial grant the rcevc was never in better shape II was made availlzl financially After granting $2000 to iI Coun rant the British War7 Victims Fund and Conn William Grant referred to 132000 to the Greek Relief Fund the 1war conditions With regard to Council was able totaka up $25000 IIIiIIIIII linads he was of the some opinion aslin war bonds IIIowI 11117 111 tiignicm tlrlLIlllb 111111 so ninth IsoIIthoroughlyhmclits your LOIl IIEIWIUI If the fmlnmrs doingwm7 condently through the night llow loos liiloticc work with the small grader in the er Sse own liclstiiow the track is 11111 to is told llvou are hard on batteryif you stop Splllg and fan BY Bank OfTorono if 74 77 iiiliillilily7l1y signal lights alongr the way and start allotit you have uradioahcatcr IIIIITZ New I0 IIIISIIEIIIIECEIIIII II 7777 or defroster ask to see thoExidc Hycap Gmm HI Id IhI IHSh 11mmblh 71 1145 IitllllllllC to thodependability of Exnlc BI II 77 Wetslillolllcnt the Bank Of T910019 IBIW II II II 771 1I alter lI iIcIII7ip isniadeIcspccially for special meetings had been held In for theyearmd Nov 30 are Sub II IlubrIvb Ml IO SIlcy or such conditions It has niplcpowcrto take 101 behalf They had asked rorIstantIial increasesuin total deposits inlalIIsrgnaIl olIiIcrationIaIs violins Ilor car Cure of these cxtmsx together with plenty We milesnfravment currentliians and totalnssets ProI I7 lightingund tiltCQIltllllQlllllgI Not only of reserve for Starting in any weather llalIJaIl 009i lhnIQIIthfItIIownslID fit WcreI slightlylbove thIOSIe 01 railroads lmwcvcr hutntilit c0111 iiinics 2qu Ya lpgnfc 01 lg hethe Duh10115 WiltI I7 v4 Earide Dealer myenHonnnumcyh thStlrlgLRCaldmgillPDhCBYThequuld pOSltlon oiathe bank hospitals coal and on iniiicsslniping and 77 7I1 I1 Ir amnion incatnd within WIISZIEIII continued 5mm Wm uid assets WI IIIUL 1050 or III It to glvc II II air 111108 large operators of trucks and 601 1mm service Look fdrqusExider Beach Calm Grant thoughtlhevil equal to 6865i or all liabilities to 17 IY 17ziceshould pay rent for ithe ubiic com area with71639 iuchsI iiiIaiiu ic urinb ante ant lelOllb Signsymhol of honcsbscwwm II Th II II II p7 hmmhcsohhe ArIIIIyINaivy IdeAir Force I7 cspei cIr cliere lIIIIVdIlI1nI7theI Iyear p17ev10us gt 11 courses and ditches 1n the lOWnshu Profit and 1055 statement shows are prevents waste v01 startniij llOU IJWW muck your IIIIUCII IIIOW niece attentioifcIIHeIpieisof millionaagain they can entiustcsseutial servicesto Exidc 1y thought ItIhis even more $77006 over I940 This was after gt And millions of ciir owncrs put carstarting IOdESII RCIAIIIII7ltIIII0II leovidiIng701stIaffII pinSIoaefunItIi 7I omiImOn axes gm re lQIExdc HHHSWSOHSDY the ye CUnSe ExIIiIeeve Joseph Spiche IVylio reIpenses andproviding for b21dandl 7I With actsllkctlwsc togUIJCIYIOHi 11 1570118117 111 speakers wire iiiiieiigd fogeliitgorehiiifiiinpiiiivigeiiiii 1p avoid guesswork when buying batthY the conditioner the road 7IIca1ise premises andpayingtheIusual divi 01 WWr gt in on actoun ewe condie balance of 7556 was Carrie 17 W7 77 two He recommended the purchaselforward to profit and loss bringing ana nower maintainer Hellilso re total profit and loss balance to $35 III IEXIDE BATTERIES OF CANADA LIanEl erred to $1000 shown in theiaudi millions transfer of $1 million 7t vI III II 153 DUFFERIN STRILLT TORQNIQI IggIsIncvrIepIoIIIItquIorh330Ih2nia32pigIgvajnigsdo bIIflSatneCIlntliIeleSllgI ii CgPyIsbr19411 1773 BMW Cam WW 1941 and loss account of$25 millions OI nd whether ornot he would stand year Included in this were com IIIIIIIIIRIIICIIII II III IIIIIIIIIIIII IIIIIIIIS of $39 IIIIIIIIOIIISIIIa gain ise orouc owns 1p re ie 07 m1 ions iqu1 asse swere officer said he was undecided $66Wihlllnsrhighel Short term HI no Ir those in 1940 Barker said he was undecid JIormanBrowncsaldgiehadnodIv 77 777 77 77 IV rm 7I whether or not to run Hehad not investments were Iup $77 millions II grtdeal of criticism andspoke and longatelm were $10 millions in kitten 01 rteelecting the 194 lower pointed ourtllatm lie 7elA II ThfinThoIOII