EUARY 2942 int ll laiiixsriisrninsignia iftTAthi cannula may mags 7WWW MW inch Hi it LILLan uliii Lug Of EGIeCtions il if 1w 1mcoe Joun is Kiri it Polling in Only 81x One Wsttl not 3mm LL lt Ward it lltitl bi MumClpalltles in in mm link Ward Foil thrittltl il Out Of 30 llll illlllnlll cluii Jan imid firm Roiu if Liliollixiil lcdr tlltlfllillllcctc lllll it 11 Ward it lutlgiwet lrrl ll My in lotlclica ltibia Utilities Cominlw iiiliult iii ill slower tlalg iloulii lL llllt MATHHDHH Councrls Elected for Swill lRtrlHtvd12 Row ll TwoYear Term BEETUN 1th Uiotlttl ll lclliltltii 3mm mum ii In tit12F Join Sciiuui iiUfic iiui fit ll Fr ill in it Will tl2l ADJALA lliilllllruli Yachts so 1ml fiwviwimi ii imp llolil iMuir ltZill HW ii Hi eeps cu 2e my llec lattciroll otitltll Gwen McDonald amino ionMl it MM Spciitoi isullz Slmli RLf in excellell Tomc Delelnore son Martin llanilllell 9H IIh 11 and Budd Ottoil lilll Alli no 11 IUVmt MANOR llCVlllld l6oz Bottle lElected Dec 15 for 19131 llTlccted Jan for 194 NHL 79 VlilylllJ Kerr 2131 un Rec imiiw in is mums AND eg mnghm 43 me Board of htllltdlltlli ttwuycar tcrlll illcrrett ollncillols tartll Mal Kelltic Bcattie laltoll Boilcrlllan Williams Willialll Hunter ill Armstrong School lriistces acclinli 11 inch 11 Hawcs Bolt iublic Utilities Villuii CominissionerAllan Latiiuel Biltumiw lllollias Brooks 244 accl iclllge year 167 HARRIE miL llIlcctcd by acclanialion for NHL i133 ElllyolD Maclaireii Reele Buchanan Depiitiwllcercm George Clark Aldermen Ward ltccl well lbolollg lA Elli mJ 485 McIlih 788 732 cllell T50kt 572 Board tcrili M60 SAVE 30 MAKES mm your so axe647 AND SUNNY Public Gil Recl MADE IN CANADA lie AND traumas United Cigar Store SODA mill All At ayor 31 1129 11 Irwin 48kt Deputy Recvc vanadium TOBACCQL CIGARS stool AND INPEllIECTCOllDITlOtl roilfsuoiliiit szlrisrllcuoil lllllgt Rutherford Motion lllhs Public ltllities Collunlssiotlcl lll term accl ll ll olliliilsz llors ttlrst tour electele iaidilci tticwl 342 ii ll told ltitl Webb told toolnbs newt 15 Alfred newt 133 liurcll oldll CULDWATER tlIltcted for ltll142i Cllllltbl Miller Touncll lots Allde Dunlop llllLlllllgt Rowewnumiii Argyle Ilplett Geo Kingf ll COLLINGWOOI llllctttd Jan ii 1942 Scrallilagc 81le Itccvcwl lattcrson Fcrgtlson 1179 Foillis lullcillors six clcctcdlA isll 1105 Malcolm McLean Dione 784 Davis Bourrie 708 Dr Mit tll dcfeatcan McDermid Kohl 597 Ill Sanderson Bush 537 Percy Lcal 498 of Education4twoyear three clectedle Bond way 977 Finlay Cook 058 Chalmers iGorslinc 836 Wilkins 481 Utilities ConnnissiollIonc elected for two yearshAlbert Har vey 628 John McDonald 335 Keith 329 Wilbur Prentice 267 ismgton lnour 69 CREEMORE acted by acclamzltion for 1942 ReeveJ Lawrence Council lorsH Corbett Donald Thomson Wll Mil Mac School Trustees twoyear ALWAYS IN GRILL vurily and biological Value One 23c 69c SEPTOL and NASAL ooucuz Both 43c Cullagh Duck Smith teaspoonftgllls3 equivalenftlln fVicta ii Empirin compi CASTOR OILALRheAg 25 19 Reg 40 wi minAto teaspoOnuso ANALGESIC eg lili3212k 333323333 33133 20 to 35 25LJdlft eaterzzrrrsocrtel35c McPhee El cted STAlYNEtIF 1942 313 mm REQUIRE its mile Spend 9c CANADIAN NASAL SPRAY ace ama ion or 7MamiwAfBlakbulniRvc JOHNSONS HOT WATER BOTTLES Edd James Grant Councll Head ben Besse Fred Malguliz Joelm 4989c159 5A Necesstfy Sinus Pain Siamont Harry Lucas Russell RUM HONEY AND 800 mm on 4779c In Every Home h3 omerville Morison Board asg 10f Education twoyear term Reg63c Assorted Coiors C95ll tlllcclctl Ll ltlltlliixili fwi itll Mayor ll Sililtll ltccac iIIl MAKE 1942 RESOLUTIONS lBRONCHIAL llanl Mailman leput1lev if lionse olllllzilol Ward At New YcJtSCt Haws tile insllaziullx mic ltlftlce ct settle COIN ClilfCttVGS mall cwllla mam Ya llarpcr Ward lwo Yeti lanrlgthaDrci1 to that rim and ohavc lCilFMd the l9 94 opcilo dllmvlv Vent Ward lhlce Alfred Alia solicd to mate Cit tr ne lljwv Cncly nosed tc htlELVt you Will JppIGClJiC Out but stance is ll can insane wmd yumV ii iiiiv igmiii ii centres around ourcar rlfvm urtllt ll futloo tcttrmznitlcn to otter you extra in all the Mitten branches of Education thawyea ciiitl llii 00 SCflCC YCU til SM it TJilgl 03 Sums answer YE CamsMIN athwhy llkllldll Mollon ll SlUbllon coughs FlShPCiSrildl0fy pyqa lml ell ihc mgr llllOLL that tnth into plum pumhase for you On lap of Llltlllllmm lublic lTlllltle LHfllllltvl and Lingering Bronchial that Otter Dene to comm Jl price so that all in llliwc lane hopes of enimml ism oatulerttc and patron snm titmu to it xii Aiiociion age and we suggest tliit rt mast quiltian at you see fit tc chzme your Drug Store IGQUHCWMS 1m Will JPPNI lzloic It Moguls Int puces as prevail in this at ll NOIIAAA liteelected by acclanlaiollior ltlli lltJlirlcs llrack Donut llrowll ouncll lnrs James Morrison ltlchald Mc Queen Jallles Iatton iiiluA Tamil Suggestions tutti Burg uins for the Balance lit the Week PAFINO Hs New Year For for Women Intestinal Lubricant Mi IlllLltllilll ltlldl F0 Cmstvitrn itliimll laclt 14ll tfltlll Blg Year ycart 13 Johllstul 1104 ll Curran 93 Reeye laccl lwA 11 New Ideas New Rowen mmcsclan sue 0m iimmh your Denim tiny capsules containing Dchllcd Con Ncw Food Prclrlcms confined Cod Liver Oil uh cupiule equilcnt in vitalnun and to the content at tuwoonluh ol the Oil 100185350 Rsslsirol Dchllcd Cod Liver Oll CONCENTRATE CAPSULES Listen in i0 MRS AITKEN At l030 in over CFRB Monday through Friday RecieW llinghaln Ltllll las Mercer 843 li Yale 382 Alder men might clcctcdlwA lrlnllall 1637 You 1508 Mclll tosh 1438 Cliff Dick 1381 Cook 1245 Orrf ll307 Tl Forbes 1020 Roberts tltl Hall 920 Barker 775 Spraggctt 281 Water Light and Power Comlllission twoyear ttiliil twoclectcdhDr Hipwell 1459 Stanley Coates 1323 to Colds and Infection Wilson 1000 Board of Education 50s Re Will Reg twoyear term accllIlarry Iis Malice Mrs Muriel Small Size 59c Extra Value Size 980 Fitch Han Tomc 15c 49c 98c Fitch Shampoo 15c 35c 69c 98c Dandeline 39c68c113 426 lemms Vitalis HJlr Tonic Bulld Up You Resrstance it ltfanlms and Cavana ORILLIA Toivilsllipl cootiVLli on Reelected by acclalliation for 1042 CAPSULES 54c 99C RCCC7Mlilfld Ilornc Dcplily One capsule approximates in vitamin Bchccm 259w 49C RCQVCJ Diiiikwuiei Coiiiicii potencyonelmpmmlul of Cod Liver Cocoanut Oil Shampoo lorsWilliam Heilncssy William mo Rm 25C 18C Gowanlock Rccd ii 93 Evan Wng Szhlimpogg Anacm Tabici5 BlSCARBCO Reg 49c 39C 0R0 BEEF men and WINE Reg 69 53c ml 100 69 98c Elected by acclamation for 104142 HALIBUT Tagbglgsmnc lac 22 MILK or MACNESIA 32oz Res 53 43C awangcmuwhwuisgsn Tudhopc CouncillorssJ Each capsule equivalent in vitamin 03 ovalon Inge CATARRH BALM Reg 25c 19 Woodrow ll Shelswcll le3 100 Beehm 23C 49C BABYSOWN coucn REMEDY Raglzac 18CRcs39e 33 Chappcll School Tritstecs area LgoR 83 69 NOR 74 i9 cidTm 15c Babys Own Tablets 236 COLD CREAM ox Reg 39 29c 19269 53c Awl Woodrow Cum eg oz etpl eggc 59c 79C CHM Pius 35c com REMEDY Reg 39 23c Reg 60 37c well wson SALTS Reg Is 11c Vaseline Hair Tonic v7 50c 85c Wildrool Hair Tonic Chases Nerve Food 60 Dodd Kidney Pills 43C Gin PlllS LlNSEED MEAL ch 20c 14c SOLUTION HYDROGEN PEROXlDE lieg lSc 11 Reg 25 16C PETROLAlUM IELLY Reg lSc chtlow 11cch 20 White 140 TAMBLYN rougt LABEL PENETANGUISIIENE Elected by acclalllation for 194142 59 109 39c 99c COMPOUND SYRUP Hypopuospums Reg 75 53c iAllewell Cascngnette Frcdi SWReel gglre KdneY 92 MAGNESIA room PASTE Reg 234 17c Laurin Marchand Attack 02 DENTALINE TOOTH POWDER Res 23 190 1G Thcrrien ISSUES NovaKelp Tablets 296 VAPINE NOSE DROPS Reg 25 180 specially refined oil from Eng 79c 139 279 VAPlNE LIQUID Reg 39c 33c PORT MCNICOLL 27c VAPINE OINTMENT Reg 336 vuusuv land that carries certificate of acute Liver PmS Charles Stone Ross Jr Swallow Complete With Atomlzer 100 Commissioner AYERSI ALPHAMIN CAPSULES 225375 Hydro RedBlueGreen artisticmttrcif tannin coll lWER mt 6716 ttrmjiiijiigmm StlUlBB ADEX liASl llllltElS 100239 EEG Hull CASH MEADS PURE Ctlll lIVER tlll Soc7 5c100 CElected Jail 1912 lilotill WIIII guifligziZZiEfidigjlltiitg gigEilmtlsllvtEIXgl gilmis 23138 Reg 99 es ounci ors ree cc Kc glgfgiISJbr $110335 illmill Mealsllleumlcomnrphumcapsules 75 250 59 TAY Palke 509 55 yum SRGADtEY FOLDER ax for Colored Elected by acclamation for 1942 45 256 Extra ReeveD Curry Deputy eveGeorge Widdes Councillors eGeorge Sheehartdied Tuesday Pattie Darts Naiula Capsules 7545215 PARKE BllVlSVllllMlll BEXT Tuz W5 WATERBURYSBUMPUHNB 93s 739 Mlthll THERMOGENE Minna Spray Complete 125 Milton Anlispelic night Jan Stanley McClung 25c 470 WT 4mm MA mm mm mi lmfy 139 Milton Antiseptic quickly reliaval yttrium sr TECUMSETH Rjelected by acclamation for 1942 ReeveW Apperley Deputy ReeveD Harvey councillors Frd Hunter Leonard Ransome lberlEliIroybw Children or Adults Mildly Laxativc 39c for 75 Castoria HEAD COlDS sonE muons Latex Baby Pants lohnsons Illaby Soap 15 lied Bilidltiiilplegf llHlllltlBllltANllE 8545011 llPJtlHNSllPERlltllDtllERllll45c90cIAO UTAMBLYNwsss aB=DAeAlgtSULEs untvnbuuvv WM Food Supplement 25c Santax unmetit inimems mailman IIIllIVIgt Elected byuc Pyrex Nursers Al wl hunt naln Inddlsmssl Your Ilvar llsv polsnlu you uentpermanent Ill health may be the result thi live it the latyes organ in your body aadmostlmportanttb your health plies energy to muvciel tissuesaml slap unhealthyyon body lacks niteneer and AgainyourIlvetpoursiout blleto digesifood get rid awasxe pndullow launch your blood your liver sets out of order proper digsugn and nourishment SIQMOUIC potsone Wltl 3he waste that detomposea in your ingesting Nervoua troubles and rheumaticpunljnqe fro this Olson Youbccngggqnadpatedmomac and WToik properly The whole rst Wandi Ichmckmhy dizzyztlr for sickuesund disean Thousands of cople are never sick andllave won prompt re lei from these miseries with 3lmptovcd Fruitmums Liver liver is toned pie othercorpus function normally and listing good1 health xcsulis Today Improved Emlyntugs or Carin lmgcstsellingliverlubte cymusgbegp Try them yourself NOW 1h dew MI 25c 50c Auntvs continuancecant at becomesenfekbledeyouthfulvvinrdisappearsp mpernoutishment eLfcommlibeudu Ed outii ready prey Ilium The ll mjtlrllluy Slhco was twelve Iuered tom constipation and never felt WE5 started taking Fruitvulva and can tally mjhey ve me wonderfu teller Every one should syn lfFrrulta then and en oy have never can It years Mrs Normal WHunmIon lull DonFor Yuri Ila MM was lm con Itlpat Ftult lv and that lu nothln Ilka It for In on Well MM all you ad euer Meet aar A99 Ree itmtzzlineoitlt and nude Rectal Soreness 19 55c 29 Archie Gardiner Stephen Des 50 Reg U3 Gl Relief New Easy qu 802 25c Slot 145 Reg 43C roches WS Robins Sif In homforl riniani Swingek Stoans Linimenf VTOSSORONTIO Wm WAMPOLES aimdikfpltflidifitta Reg 25 339639133 Elected Jan 1942 High tested Liver EXTRA interiion it 111ch dicvcndhll rllieger oi Reg 40c Olympgne 50 100 ReeveDMtthcGrackenL24th ZEL fitotagfm 5163 Mmards Ltniment Vannoree 24o tierate broken by tiltmilitantandtractor NW =9n5c casting vote iTownship Idlerk grdhhbirdltcntlusl NufilFuoiirrease iv Absorbing Ir Thomaslrwin whoth held that of uplenexvrlivztctlhidsnddgnnllgfjsduiiagg Robinsons barley p33 Mecca thmenl fice for fifty years McCrackenhad Bwnchis PBQLARMON RECIAL RobinsousrCroatsi 37 ciicdia 9c now Mohtrul0yg waErbudly uni down and tatdbl II Ion villimound mido m6 better TonicFor VYoung or Old Germdlenez 23 55 ZamBuk Ointmegll 475 iTamblvn Pile Ointment tulle Reg 25c 18c Tambtyn iEczema Ointment Reg 39c 33 125 SPECIAL been member of Council for 12 years Loree for one Councillors four elected Thomas Ferris newman 286 David McGill 220 Johaniernan 217 ChatloatLowery 213 Robert Crosbie 208 iTOTlEN AM Elected byacclariitibn for 194142 ReeveWL Wray COuncillors Joseph Donnan Garfield Hall OlivrPettit Hammond School TrusteesGeorge Butt Dal loin Evans Chestr Taylor Public Utilities CommissionerJohn Ly 115 LLL VESPRA Elected by acclamation for 194142 ReeveW Downey Deputy ReeveeAndrew Cumming Coun othersCharles Harris Earl Rich ardson Colitis VicroaiAuAimoon Elected by acclamation for 1942 ADC75 Rixl 25 giggle sunupon WHEN You NEED TAKE FELLOWS Fellowu Compoun Syrup of Hypophql plum help to quiet jumpy nerves and ta induce rental deep it hclpl to aliniullte tho uppctite and 20th sum Ill and encr Try can OMINIE AGAINSLV WINTER ILLS HY nun kn mam fund hum Ind cream that may improve your humid Noxumanhe hulliipmedlcaid cream llmn smug for Sunburn and orSklnTmubteIHu now million In bwt in guaranteel when irritant 0H Iottanh Milieu your handn overnlhi or you my Wham couom will Wtmv vel yearnCouncillorsLWiltred Savage ms733m 131mm si399gf