SHEMir ii PAGE E103 1111 1111111111 lXli1lllBARR 1111111111tTANAliA MAY YOU HAVE IICOllS Play Markham immmscmgm 1942 Here New Years Day VVMV AA cwvw Ws ==============111111 1111111111 giilgiml DEPUTHEEVE Very Happy Slums3 11m the gt131 11121 114111 11 it riLr New Year 11 1111 lllili f1 We appreciate in your Kind pCIlIOll age during the 1111111V VVVlVlVVLV pClSl YECII Cllld 1i1Lli trust to serve you VV CIgCllll Wllll quell goods durin IIIIIHIJ IWI 1111 1i111 IIIKIiIJIW VV VVVV 11 111 1111 VV 1111111 51311 THE COMING TI II 11ll vli ll 11 11 1t 13 zuIr 1I1 11111 11 FVVV VVVVVV VVVVVV VVVVV VVV MVfiiVVV oV VVVV VV VV VVV VV VVV VV lulUllLU ll1lstV 111 VthV 111111 11111 V1 1i lliVVl11 lit in VliliVVVrlt CVJithlt VVVVVi VV VVVV VVV VV VV VVWV Tuhmx 111 Mr and Mis 1111115 11111111 lzioirt 11111 b111 lr 11 lilt 11 11111111N rad 11 t1 VVVVVVV VVVVVVV VxVVVVV111 111 VVVV hVVVVHVVV VMVVVV KOVVVVV VVVVVVVV VVV TVVVVVVV CENTRE VESPRA 1111VV1VV1VV1V1VVVV1 II b1111 1fr 11111 Mr Erraid 111111 II1 Allfa Jiu 11V1111111 111 11 11V V11f111131V 311 IIiIIIVIlVVuIII Max l1111 him1 Sillml 12 11 111111111 Mrs 111211111 P1111 my 311 Ruiiipl Vim VVVVVVV VVVVVVVVVVViV VV VV 1111111311 11 1V111tli 1111 111111111 Mix llill1l1 11 111 11111 Mb ID 11 IcRIfIlltllIIIIll 11 I11I1 iiIsl 1111 wt 111 ltllgt hilly IIiiwlIkIitIlIIt 111111 1l ImIIIIIiIiII IlIlm IIIIIIIIIIIII VV VV V1 V1V 1V 11 11V1 or 11V 15 t1 VV1 IV 11VVVVVVVVVV lVVVVMmH VmVi DIM IV 31 1111 V1 VH1VVVXVV1 m1SVVVVVlVV RVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVV iii All and tli 11111111 Mr Mid 3115 llltK pity 131111111 11x1111t11 Ninth My 11 with 11311 Us N11 VKVV VVVVVVVV VVVV VVVVVVV and ML de MVVV VV VV mm VV VVVV VVVVVVV VVVV ii VHV unnomw VHVV JVVVVVHVVV pVVVVV JVVVVVVV1 VVVVVVVVVVVVVV VVV1VVVVVV VV 11111 11 NH 3111 IdIii 1111 11111 who 1111 ll ltiltl Iv VVV NVV VV MVVVV IV NM WV VHVVVEMVV VVVIV 11 VV NHle VVVV leiVVtV VVVViVV1VV1VgtV VVVV VVVVVVV VVV 11tllittl 1111 D111 MMHA cut 11 ll 11 11 1iiiti1i 111111111 1111 With 11111211 llltl l11ll11gt11 111 31 VVVV VV 1V VVVV Vi1V1V1VV Mrs V1011 Pain My 31111 Mi IVVV VVVV WV VV VVV VV HM 11111111 11111 111 llii HPLII End SHViVV VLVm II 1H r1 tt1 111111 1111 tin 111Vs1 111 111 and ll blitllr UV VVVV VV VV FV tnIERAIl Voml 11V VilVMl l1l11111 Mp Ami 1s 1311 3111111131 Hams 111111 tiliii1 llzovvn INN1V 111 1m 2m mud 111 1n1111 11 11 51111 11 11111 Mi 211111 ll11l CVWMW 111111 1111111111 Ann 11111 11 1211113 111111 1111121111i and Mr and Mrs 111112111 11 1111111111111 111111 1111 111111111 111111 tmmm llmll HM ml IhI 51 SHOW II 111 11 11 1111 Prentice 1t Wests aiIitiI MRI IIWI Il AI IIII IIIIIII ltiziiirtiil Im my DNVI 1111111111111111111xsts1i1111l1t1111 1II I1 lis Jas 11 5151 Marion and l1il Rm UlI NH Ml Mrs John ioli111 11 111151 111 Ml Hm IIl BlIMmIO 11 1111 1111 11 111111 Mrs 1111 111111 HmI IKlw hd 1111111 loins 11 1131111111IIPIII tIImI IlIIISlI lIImIIIIId IhIIIIlI JIIIII Um Ml HM MlIIhlIIl III IIIIIIIZIIIIIIII SIIHIIIIIIIIHI III III IIIIIIIIII IImmnml INIIImIiII llllllllllli 11111 l1i 11i1l ML 31V VV 1V VV iilllV 1111 11 111 1353 1111111 Am VV IV V1 111 1111 1111111 111111111 111 11111111s1ia 111111 11111111 VV VV VVVV111 1111 51V11111V 111 in 111 1V11Vl11i111 111 11111 2111 antral BOXqu Ml Mm VS VtiViViiVVVV1 VVVLliiVVsVViVViViV 11 1f MVV VVVVVV MVVV hmG VVVVVV mu hm mm in ucm 111111 1111 lVV11VioiViV1Vi 111111 1111111 1111111 VVtt11 11111 111111 111111111 1111 VI liouiimn 111 quh tip1w erowo on 11 111 VVHmVVVVVVVNMV Wm HVVVVHVVVVVV up 1101me spent 1111 111111 la liioiiipsoii 111 11111 11111111111 111111111l 111 Smi 11111 1111 111t111 1111111121gt LiallfVI MIT Ami 110ml Jtl Mr lm RIEII II mum Him 11111 111 lIs mother here The 1111111111111111 cxtriidz ll 1111iRR 5111le day Mp mi 31 Mm 111VYVV0111111111 at Bluttlilltls lid llleV Hm Mrs 11 rod l1lurriv and llillic iiatlir to Mr 1111111111111 PittcrsonV 151 11 li 1111111 Vili11 l1Qti11l1 of r111f1c111AVC VHVV 1V 13115141 3111111111 VHSVX VIQVIVIKV liiiittsain 1111111 llllblliils Will and fainiiv 111 111111 tiltlItl ill l1rist1111s with 11111 i111 511111 111tt Lilrit at liiii1111 111111 IF lllJ parents and sister 11111 11111111111 11nd MM Mcrbmm HIV IO ilVUVV IIIVIIII Iif1IiII3IIII31IVIiglcnrthurhg 1111111 UiideriViill St EVItcllltllt VstiinVVtV 171111 1111s llliV 311 and Mrs 19111113 111Vr151111111 VYoiir 111r1=Vsiioiiiiniit VtXVllVlltliV to il VV 11 tar1111s llll 11o ric 111 Mr 11111 111 S1l 11111 131111114 11 113111 1111 1111111111 111 staff 21111 rcat tls 11 ar1 llVTl1VV VVV 111 their parents 112 iiid Mrs hiumi WV AV 511011111 Km TM 1VV GUMVM Hmviun 2V Tmnnmn hrmanVV IVXVVV mm de mm 111 gt 11123 171 11 SVVVVVVi gtVVVV1VV1VV1VVVVVV1VV1gtiiVV 11 iiVVllV11111V V11Q1V111 ll1i1V1V1 11111V1V1111 1V1VliViV11 16113 1Cithl EVlVVins 11VV11s1V111 11111111111 spent 11111 llllllililvq 1VViizi lrs M11 3111 Mpphum 111131115 h1VV111VV VVVVV VVV gPORTIVG GODS VV VVV VVmV VVV WV wwm HS AV 1V MV MI mm MVVV VHVMVV CHMV Bun Wm Cmth 111111 111 their parents Mr and Mrs Scott M1 1111i11u 51111 iilV W5 hm mil OiI0Il LAC 11111 111111 111 litisiil 1111111 oi 1111 iornicrs 11m Wlllm 1mm mm Mic 11111VV11111VV11 riiV Mm and hHVVmVVVVVV VVVVVVVVVVV VVVVHVV MVVV mm WVllVinxksVilipM tllllVVVA RleVV SVwailow 0mm VVVMVV hmeVVV mm Mm iiaV spent it lt0tiV 111111 Mil 61 lli and Mrs A11 lllair and laugh Mdistillh Alfred 51 11111 tiieGnm Johnston TZWHmIO I1IV1IIIE 111 41 113111111 MI lm W1 Vl mumii 31811 ImiIil Ah mil JVqu Muman VVH VVVVCHVHIVVV VV UVHVVHHVIV hthdVlV Tn ML deVVm Jolmmmi MYV and Mh John MtsV W111 l1111k sV VV 111111th11111 llVlllltllellltVtVV Willi MVVSV VVHVVVV DVVVVVVVVVV VVVV DVVVVV few days with the forincrs parents Mrs Melville Nixon and three sonsNobcs Sudbut at Arthur Nancy C1323Hilfigulrughjx ISIIiillI1I1 itle illiildIII III and MA mm wortI Mr 11111 Mrs irwi lliiizlicsl MR and MVSV BVVVVVV BVVVVVVVVV VVV VVVVVVVVVVVVVIVV YV MVVV de MVVVVi Tm mm friends of Arthur VV1 VVVVVfV VVVVVV VV VVVV VV Vde Alvin 1VVVmnV 0mm Sound 13x1l1lV1VI IN 11 11 1i AVCV 1VHVU11V11mleilVVHVMHVDWV1MmNobcs ill be clad to ltlllll that V$IIVELV333110LIII IIHII WIII mas tzitIetiInIizs to 11I1s IJ11I1l111igIIIm Ruhr and Russell lltilVIll llolll mhmly mum VtImUnlIlItIls llinloiilmll foulillylyooq 110 fi 111d lrs Don1111 liifKilt triviids from lltllllJX on Ihrisi Rd lImnI WoWomomom illli11lllilt 1111111 Borden $1031 II III IIS ItCIIIt humus dUIIMIss liiti MttKiVI Iillll Cllt 1mm EVIO 11111511 11111 131131 lllllVllllV1lV Officers of of of RT It Work of Prayer lBrixv 11110111 Christmas with Mr mlFi32393llIffNLIdll RllirvIIIilIndI i111111IIiIitli Miii VV VV Tm DIVOVVVVVVVVVVM or um WVVVVk VVV de Mm VmSV mXV VVVVV gnu VVVVV NVVVVVVV BVVVTVVVV MVV BO HVVVV VVVSVVVHVVVVVVVV VVf VVHVCVVVVVV VVr VVVLVVPV IHVWHHV NP Ymu hunnlmw 1mm LN as follows JVmV PIN Ml and MN Fm pVVltlldVVV VV VV and MW Winn Dobwn nh Mp VIVVleUVV AUXIHVUVXVU mu 1VmVlVV DVVVVVVVVVVVVV church VCSVVVVVLVO bv RMV SVVVVVVL Chrmnms in Tormle VVVVV1V1111VVVllVV1VV VVVVV VVVVVVVVVV VVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVV md Mm Ems Tummg Hmgi timed 11f lliHlWll 1111111111011 lll 1llVR11gtL Graham on VOVuVrV lnlirrit their sister Miss Jessie Robinson mm 1mm1MWC thohlt wood I10 81 mm b17153 V1s ncld lanirsdaVy evening Dec 11 Vince and Its Responsibilities JaiiV returned 11111 tllflil 110115 moms NDMOH Robins 11105 11111 spent 311115111135 horn VV VkV VV VV 1942 3111 1111 lliiililllLIlS hall Allandalt12IIIAIIIJKIIII1 Chum mvsmIHIml Mt and Mrs Russell JWV Billfoi Christmas Inc Mr Imd Mm 1912 wedlwIil WI II mpmb II Vlllc officcis 11e Counsellor Nttlllexxthld silienmlgl VVCDIACL VVIlVlV 111 and Peicv Vloi Ctlllllitil1ttill M1 and Mrs Roy Clark mm 11111111 VV lliaViniitVriiiV will VllPVVdVIVVl will be h0kfull Inp1 Vobb Pres Mrs lliiiiter VILUVFth Vim 7lulnign 1L1Vfllll SD01 1L Willi N111 111111 Ml 1411111112 Gllllltl Villlfl pent tlif 11I331mho rcwlld rrrrr ilrcs 2111s Vb Warcliainlic1s hiisamwnw by Re AV VJV PVVVVVVVOVVVVVV 11111 VVloiV thiVsVVV111V1kV VlVlVlRl1VIVVV itVlViCVVtlgiVVVnaiLnts Mi RV NV HVVVRHVVVVV MVV VVVVVV MVVSVBVVVVL pmcss 101 you lCliS IerImdm 37 AIIIChrlStm unit in F1 NOllChllS Clmstmilxhtms Ho 13 Brorkenshire and Cecil Campbell 11 of Sheriff 11 Inuiv wcic Mll Mi and Mrs Aitiiiii Dobsoi llyburii liiiplillll Mrs Wm Miller tian World Jan tied101111011111 PV ln 11 Mg mm mmm Mm Chmtm Wm Toronto With their nareiits Mr VV Church 110550 by RP 111111 11 11111111 1V lldCll Ml 1111WU1 11 uYOunfwT Chum it Ruth Plltlldl and son Domld oiMrs Dobsons sister Mrs McQuav 111 MIS loci111 V11 VV VV VV VV 1Cuard irs 11111111soi1 Outcr 1t Bltllll00l D01 15 hm ml VV VV 1WorlVd Evaiicclization Jan 97 VlllAVanmV VVV mn rm Erna Toronto and Mr and Mrsil 1111111 Mn Llhh rainficld 1111011 Chiistinis iisito vih 1011 1111s 111111 1111 aunt Baptist Church messalxe by RM Marshall Allandiilc With Nlll 111w r17 Wen mulsmmv ht JV VV VV CVV VVV MVVS PCVVVXVV 1x 11V 15 om VV 1V1 lllifflll11 ACCOUNT BOOKS glIIIuchOIIcliIiIiiIiIIdiIi11111 ToI111L hll8lglit0lifl Iillld Hilliiiiddiliiiiiw Millm Barrie were 1411113191 Christmas 5111001 701100 119 1VVVVCL VVVVV SCVVVVVCVVVV DCHV ToronLOVMVss Mymc chum Mm Richard Be rm hm SVSV NOV DV VespmV hem mm 1V of chack Oscar Channell ofVlJIIthtlai DOC 23VW111 B011 tIlZtilllllill Christmas concert 111 1110 SCHOOL SUPPLIES Kingston and Mr and Mrs Harry Hanna Alli Vllfd GOIlHlntula hall on Wednesday Dec 17 with FQIStO and Cllml OI MIIIISIHIII I1Illlq I01 lIIlII MIMI 11 good crowd in attendance Mitch 1111 18 10 11m MlSScridii is 11110 to Miss MacArthur Janet Mr and Mrs Tom McFadden Vand family Grenfel spent VChrist nias at the latters home Mr and Mrs Chas LisconiliI Stenhvns Barrie Georce and her 111111111 The lucky tickctl iStephens RCAF Cami Borden 011 the turkey was drawn 1111 Edward Stephens Midhurst and Nancy Cameron and the holder EXPERIENCEund MODERN EQUIPMENT keep banking Jack SUBDhVeiVis Toronto were of the ticket was Lloyst Harris VCllIVlSlilVltiS Visitors at the home 0fGrcnfel 1111111 entitled Bertha their sister Mr and Mrs Wilbuii Brings Home the Bacon was pre lip10411110 McCann 51111th bv the young people Bc Vi WEAYIhilIUTHS Bookstore 1Coiitinued from Page welcbratcd Christmas at the lat1 SVVVVVC of the brush eliminated mm it home at Essa Staiion mm the CIOSC of the concern It lakes only f0 mum to junk VV 30 Elizabeth Street the VVVVVVdS It collects snow keepg VT in Santa Claus appeared and distri an your uid in the SAVINGS and 00 as VCCI uted gifts to the children Phone Baffle VUidVVVjViVIEF V3 ieedrVVVV Cali VSyinesR lsVd Vismng friends Recondihoned CURRENT ACCOUNT departments Vor ms 10 S111 lt15 d1 11 OUSCYS am 1777 your purchase of MONEY ORDERS Mrs Bourn Miss Bourii andl TRAVEL CHEQUESICW Miss Archibald are visiting in ToV anm There is security and privacy in the Miss Irene Cleineiits Kirkland Eugene VMuimy TelomoV was SAFETY DEPOSIT BVVOX DEPARTMENT roads maintained due to the labor Leonard Tracey Hilda Syines IWNWWW Situation Oro roads were still inamVi Mer Geo Symes v151tedV fve VV good shape he thought despite the ntvgm mews and rclllvcs 1n wet weather Withrubber and gasoI line restrictions it was possible the 333 tarmade hills reittmInedBPQW 08D llllC Lake is visiting her parents tvlioine 101 the holiday loads would not be so difficult to after vely senoub opelatlon de VV VV 115 11 Couii Chappcll dealt mainly M155 DOTOthY Ruuan has 19 mother in Orillia for the Christi Miss Phil Gettims is spendim 81011 usmcos orlcrbonul and omelium Rhene With bridges in his address Council iffmlge 1133101 in HCOVUEVCYF masV feast VV the holidayg in UptcrgmveV had tried to 11x Vthc worstneeded andRder g1 an Miss Sylv1a VEthfrVidge Visited her Joseph ONCUI Fort Erie was 7V1 wear on our 011 Town bridge each yoaVVVThcy had comm 1Ver lalVVd Mrs gee JVVVVCEthVVC mother Vand Slslel 111 1111111111011 for holidav visitor at hisVVhOVe TRIPS erabic trouble with the bridge be rceived word from their son Snr Lheyohgaymd Mrs POIJV 1V= appv New Year to The Prompt SinIVice tween the first and second COMCS Symes An RioEu Who is SCFV All 0111 CilrsIIIllle Stored son Geortrespent IJIhristIriiinIs1 vsiihlaminer staff and all its readers VRVasonable Rates Sions which went through early last mg overseasV He wishcsV to VtiVmVnk Under Cover in the Base iMrV and MrSV Mervin Parker Miss AlbethmeV Cougmm Tomml 12 awWI summer At thatrtime theyVaVlready Vtng gglwmggopled atlhm Ohm1v 1R Ronald Graham has retlImCdmI to was holiday ViSimr at 1101l had blueprints ready for new thev have 56 131m 132 me er mmc hls 99ml REF few days Wlth homc FOR THE OPEN ROAD bridge But new blueprints were re them an nanny New YeaVVV 3V 19411LYMOUTH SEDAN zglifVRSlStl VMlSVl Fralick PainsV JamesVMaViVinVVDe La gallon To 11 quired and with the labor shortage Vi VVVVVV VV 1940 PLYMOUTH SEDAN Rev and Mrsw RClementsl igfigvgs Daren 01 the ESTD 1332 OVER VVCENTURY 0F BANKING expEmENCE lot of time was lost letting the 1940 DODGE COUPE and daughter Irenespent Christ Rev Terence LoftUSV OVMVIVV of JR bridge replaced It cost $1V763 plus mas withAVVheir daughter VVV HamV BVVHVVIOVWVVS with his VbrOmerVVVAVV VV $200 to Straightemhc creek and put 1939 CHEVROLET men VVVVVVVVVVVV be for ChrjstmasV COACH Rev and MisIH 31111115111111 Clifford Moore Victoria Har John Atherley and OliveLcighi Toronto spent Christmas with Mr 1931 ESSEX COUPE and Mrs Leigh IWWHRYSLER SEMN Mr and Mrs Frank HarriSOn and Frances Toronto and Set 19129wESVSEX1 SEDAN called to give rEport on how the Pilot Maurice Wells Dunnvillcg dggfeaazfg Len Leigh Torch0 ppm dq 1939 0RD SEDAN three sons from Hamilton visit1b0ur has boughtthe grocerv busi OI duringtherear With his mother Win 1939 ELYMOUTH Cd all and MlISIIJE MCKImley re W355 0f J1 Marrin MOTORISTS WV Tudhope stated that Steel Pte Eric Leigh Petawawa spent cell 11 and M15 JECk SEXWYL BaIV CH LandMlsAlhasBouman 416 were Sunday guests of M1 wthhs pare ts M1 and COA we carry commqu SIDCk or maIEIIIaIS for CUIVIIIIISV fence IPOSISI Mrs Jas Leigh 1937 FORD COACH famy and Mrs Ndweu1 Newmn and Mrs Hugh Sexmm tank lookmg caps et9W111 be almost mpossbl to 9b sMrs Richard MaISiwIellV 1111112 iglioqk WVlth Mrs BOUlnVVVfOI Bf Ed Mrs Fran Domnand If WE CAN GIVE YOU COMPLETE tam 9913139 EVEN 3031 dfifaVlVlngmV wood was the guest of her father 1934 OLDSMOBILE SE QVEVStmaw daughters spent Chflmas Wlth SERVICE ON NEW AND USED formation how the tdwnsmp road Bagsgam fig fewlddaysa LDKNIII famiilv anLdonidlgi 1338 IMrMilf EggggogrjRIIIgIgVn II II HAIMIDO II Wr TIRES money was spiead around and ex 30 0118 an SOn 1931 DURANT SEDAN JacobSV TommOV spent Christmas and Frances spent Christmas at with Mr and Mrs Foysion the iromrof ONeill SeVa inesmg WI will be Held at the Rev Gerald Loftus Victoria homeV of the DreSident Mrs Harbour Margaret and Frances Johnston on Thursday Jan TorontoV were with their parents Springs made women also radiatorsI repaired and recored Tubes re liners new and used parts for an makes of cars and trucks Satisfac 45 plained the systemof accounting for setupbyhthegovernment Andrew Bartholomew former chairman of School Area was For Li VI 111111 61111111111111 worm lion guaranteed otmongylglude 1929 STUDEBAKER SEI Amon those Spending Christ for EllaTFlNIdWOIkHt OUtiAeritWO Silent Chmimas With M1 rd DOMINIOI Auto WIGCkeIS yearsit was indicated that the three Mrs1T 11 Stone DAN mas here were Mss Beryll Dan sextml Toronm and 405 77 717177 Communin Shocked 1929 DURANTSEDANKV Parke Bernice Young Marlon Sexton Camp Bordenwere Christ MAPLE AVE PHQHEJZO sections joined in the area had lDownev and GVordorLCarripbellll mashguestsi ewit Eitheireparents of Toronto at theirhomes Mr Mr and Mrs Rh Sexton and Mrs Bourn and two chil John Coyne Rf Calgary dren also of Toronto With the was heretor Christ as on his farmers mother IEIIC Johnston way to Trenton for advanced Kingston Glenn Beilby Ottawa training in wireiess Ti Ifive Misses Ethel Johnston Beton years sinceJohn was she ElsVieVPlowright Newmarket a1 Mrs Donald Whittbni Bettyarid gt their parental homes Mr and Claire have gonetomakeI their Mrs VS Plowright sonuAllan home in Thorold where ZIMrI VaVVnd daughter Joyce Oshawa with Whitton has beenf6r some time relatiVes Mr andMrs Beshand Phelpston is very sorry to lose AvThIee iwhole community was shocked Monday moran to learn of thesudden death or Rev 13 1928 PONTIAC SEDAN Roy Gray Guthrie Mr Gravis influenceVfOr good 1112111 extended 1927 CHEVROLET far beyond the confines of his COUPE ownlocal chargesapd it will be Fopourseverul 1923 NASH SEDAN 01 WISHING YOUJtLLI1 ffI Jill YEAR hard tosrsemg r121111 May SCHISGEQIY DespiteIitIhIe stdrniirIIIVglIIiiIsdav evI ening the SS entertainment was nds LIrlhrOngh decidedsuccess Underthe can am HearV Many Thanks to our New Friends able leadership of Miss Agnes G0 ApplyVVCHIEPV 211111111an 71111111 ssur HARRIS iiv depicting The Children of the Northlandwere shown and ex 1Harman Bectofl Walkerville at them and exte cl MaCMahon short programme IHiBeewnIiS and Mrs best of luck it Singlishgwmhog COMPANYIiIniIed VV VV for Theirratrqnagg Virago rwas givenIby 1111 ValfildrenVVVEEFV 1940CHEVPICKUPf 33313 nggaegfzgefaHrr Scraoifconceri VV VV VV VVV VV 1V her STVLlt2VI8VY0VVVUEI2 pleasantVV afternoon Vwas held VV ptometrist 111 1111 111 11 111111 1936F0RD PANEL 61 P011011 allSf=c1i811i1113hd111 1111111111111 concer VVV VVV ful and interesting lantern views 1934VDOVDGE SEDANDEV 31 Vcoggemgiilgwgh aneilV B13213 exchang of giftSVV brought LIVERY ford Mr School term 10 avhanny close and Mrs Abert Pirie 18 11112111111111 s1 11111111112 ONT Applicuiioa unmanned 1111111 111111 1111111 Aurora Mr and Mrs Jennetu Ch5tmaSCelsbrated 11111111111111 Rev Cross To 1931 FORD PANEL 911an Wdrkv the smaller children csuecially Thornton Vand Mr and Mrs Christmas dawned clear bright one very imoortant itemwas the Leonard Channel Barrie at ank and sunnyand made it ideal in ogyuomoogggomggg==f strinpmg of the Chrmmas tree bv Vw VV VUV genial 01d santa 0131151 Rev VV McCarten was chairman PublicVSchool Concert The public school concert was safe arrival in England of Pilot the da all ml Officer Frank Ftovston youngest mud be desued largecongregatlon attended the Chapnels 011s rrrstncimci crannies1111 VV Arrives in England friends Roads Were in perfect Word has been received of the condition which helped to make TWHENI 1100111110 111141in midnight mass hld in St Pat OI== PctccsiWAwasmcmuLthemo exceIIeIntIll TherarIOIds hnumtlers i8 anagmeigd Fred FOYS Vk Ch ch RE E0 were we given an sowe re 31 ur1 Terence zema or satr eum as 11111 common cull mesh deal Of fearml gremmuon 15 Peters WA Meets IgftustOIVllgLh 1V3uffallx 1a$isted laone othe most painful ofallskin trouble ed on nart sc olars and VV annual meeting of St 11281 The intense burning itchingand smarting es II yohailgbgrorawhentlieaectcdvparbisrexpdsdpl or an gramme Vwas the presentation of fountainnevi to Mrs Pearson bwable and mhIIIIII as token of appreciation of her mi uninching bearing ampleth awhile $1311clashMriuownatd1mmustha1es snen many ours over rs re earson on Dec eres Sim in the bundeVStaKei Wevare ready to give you tom the degree of perfection1 hone 37 The electio of officers resulted pm eyrygpnssime service shoWn It is understood that the 8389 Elizabeth as follows onPres1 MVrs Isaac II ii 131F11Srdion1iv $315353 CHEVROLET ghaveltlcglfrss Millsgs1JelIlsiiIgh Fglg work in the WA Besides th for the school now that electricitv AOLDSMOBILE VLV 2113 Seem 1IIllrs IGeo Dusto ual missionary 110111 the laced in hot water are most un gladly Welcomed The 11111111 oaereii Burdock 131111111 31111111 is 1111111111 on the 11116111611116 that such ailments as eczema aVngl other skin troubles 1111 caused by In impure blood rendition by using help clowns t5 BringVabout inner cleanliness lood of its imgritrities gcouuter for BB 111111111 $100 11 111111111 II Auk afiuny Macys only YOURSELF Taxi has been installed and the schoi Ireas Mrs Fred Paine Dream donated two ullts are will be able to hear the radio lst Mrs Biezar Dorcas secy Isiain an ofhantoq the mob3221i programme given by the Departi Mrh Jos muck Convener of afghans are nee wogomouoa 11111111 of Education mg OEO