BARRIE ONTARIO CANADA Qumfggf Chrutm durusaztni alter some ratepayers had hm rim to grmre t=naV IIIIIIIIIIIIIII IIIII mad IIIIIgIaIIIIIIII IIIIIIII 8PM ears 3611st the Superintendent of itzit WW mfg be mru me mum is IIIIW IIIIIIII III III to do hmi falling in do win that the Mir humrlg this Vim re Lad been lfislfhtllii Fill IIIII VII EIII II IIIIE llUutJ ile lf Pouu Alix him MIIIVIIIV HIVIIIVIII may WI $1 III yII II VI IIII VI Va II II II II rt it in ii MI IIIVIVVV um WI UIVIIIVVII iii infest iiu VI it li Au dkflulik vV II III II II II II An deu aumonled Investmen Indiwduuix 30943le P333 tivi2ii1 71 um itulttzruicd in IVIII OIIIII III OIIII III rm rlf it 1943 NIlilid dctitu luv irrtldk itpzrllliimiKV he Was cty ii WU mi stm is in trim compamex cemetery boards executors and uV morning lsnw other trustees to Have many detmerwm un The we i1rl td hilt gt day in ii ilirliiuz hf Lgtil to Hi um tind bike that all hurl proplt swunxi ir zlizmvvr htldllhllizll rxushms Wr 1xmroiiylpoihtvd on um iv had been wng cm hh ting MnMA HIL rile lJu IWlr fN rtAlt the lacqlilriilrin of new mfiixe him summer for loads and dew hi pm Lltlili ML hum mm MAJ $ng WM my lurks mama cm Am will iuvlh mould vine lurirn ii 11 Pix it xixNW yawn isderwk Jgtv no donut III WII II II IV HI if II IAIN Li unlimil illoi lltz Izt brought up lllc ubiurz entw Toll ldlcd 11er he ii 110410le lllllgtm HV ififhtb littii tinIv WAS fut4 my IIIIIIIII III WIIIII III IIIII II II Lili ivillilllt if the work 6dibtxrbltl wlziv zillrltltr 379 BAY SIRE MA p2 WVIVIiw 75 Muirshiij VI id mi 1122 hauls iurllagvfmltd lit Iflf llvvvr print NCAA the your lirl that ii mm lv lcivlov nitred ilwhrllvc til rzirihlmzl Xi1i VUX be partly dip to tho out that IIIICIIVHV dIVIVVII III II IIIIV tho VI II rdvvV ilit pillulmg tulizmi 23315 MAN Municiixllil F2 hrd rvpdiirinoituilult ilxl v1 5311 NW MHM illill le it ililllVIlilLit tu wusiVIhII Ni fiLl iiih lirV twillrzr 121 UZllilllilwi my ullil itll Lt Zilli vim Ulliilgtr lliix tlli Kim =L itlivm ml Hand Protection vac inud lljlalki Vvscvv no IV HA said ztil tho the linual Show and no ilillll to do all Hi hr III IIIII IIIII IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIV lIV or lidrl llntl lililcls tlfillldiiltti tlltuw isi iiLVilllti inhzrlv i3liik hs ens ilSilFt1l fill it th Viz VVV VI ltliztillor Si IIILIIL it lit not Reg 25 utlllti lw Hi leV jtf gthIIvgi Vt mnkx ll illti ill Hill IIIIII mm VIIIIII IIIIIWIIIIIIIIIIIIIII of ilicV II ICIIUIIWI III III III lrtllltd rilll itftlhltllhl IIlI IIIII and Connor and John Kliili gtiliiit at istillit it llitih regarding tho itilildliig II III VI VIM If VI 333m or use 393 dill 32 PmogevSponssmelvspur Gum by helimll iiiifi lllilriimliili iii Exceuen oualy yoiimm lyre tatcor Ihhasbew ourconmm ends tosewc if WCH bu we mime th at mes we in mien hr 2mm Vatronolglves valuable help IS mtICWIMV was msmgqld we um BIIAII 50 Whie ac uIevmgt at noyIv tIat someImsunccs we as lildlvlduiS Jvc errch on the other hand conditions beyond our onlml hiya 5mm mum membmmsI III III III IIIIIIICVHIIIII IIIII IIIIIIII IIIIIIIIIIli It at times contributed to indifferent SCHIce but whatever the 3USQ we hm appreciated you indulgence and me my hm VVV and 1Imyg wont Mm been so constant patient and gracious We most heartily thank you for your kindly acceptance of us and our policies and it is our giedgpiriiiiglglga hlgglSl5 M1 WNW mm Mch Mi MCGW ml MN Large nous hope that our pleasant relations with ou will continue nasal PassamVI PVVM ViVmei lm mVVuggf1121 Fmglo li 819811118 088mg Th 11 Ws mm mucus Enjoy the ruqutsttil to cull for itlndflii it 1h Fuodw mmmm Mr mmi for the rst sign of cold put few of the lmillshp lnltl plJllllSLti in W0 the members of the Stall oftlie Tamblyn Drug Stores tender in all sincerity our wish to youom patrons to of Vatronol up each nostril curry on il future us liliI lihl mus SS UE HAPPY and PROSPEROUS r942 against COIdSIV TU BHVIV pm Gr at ACZ Arrhio illltl And remembehen head com VMmmmVI pony Town and We would also like to tell you that we have appreciated your antinued support and we hape to be granted the priwiric of sewing Hm relief it brings tilliillll1l sill mililGV MYS ROSS Cumubell Toronto llllli VVli 11l Mr rind Mrs Fred CulnuhcllV blidt ill AltX Ctlmnhilis Rrv lmlunduIvhIIuu uua uuo Bhlllllill tit win CililiDbtliSZ Apura And Acetylsalicylicl People Places IN THE ALLANDALE CHURCHES Christmas Comm NV Headaches On Friday Doc 19 Guthrie Body Lubricant Illlnl llrovrzunmc and Christmas Bm 00 Oe CFRB at 030 1nd ML Ihilttt Milli inll Medicin Personalities Mildly Laxative TuesdayI JanI SMIH Essa Road presbyLmian Church U00 The school was crowded to nisfil Cmmoitv IV Monday Through may and Mrs Osborn Port Credit and SillilltV itISOHV For Mews IV VI VI ofr Tiilliiiltahflf Efngiftgllliiiil Pannin and rth Monday Jan 5wlll Burton Ave United Church hutccssful The um WM RNeWzia and 20 heumalic Pains teacher and minus hold their mr MRS AITKEN HIM Re and WednesdayI JnI 7M1 SLI Pauls Anglican Church In 873C The mm Dmmmm Thursday Jim 344 Sl Georges Anglican Vmmh was momm hm Durham mp mom mam or was IN IHE BARRIE CHURCHES rhythm band The costumes won Monday Jan 5111 Firit Bapllsl Chmcn 553mg$VfgggI 1101 CO SpeakerRev Howden very fine chtcrlainlmiit WV II II Tuesday Jan 6In Trinity Anglican Church with ywomc tmu Sparkle Tooth Paste Via Dontlfrice soc Tambl hs SpeakerMRev LGWiS Worriirrimiiiditurgeeiili ilefiriurii 313 iri Reg $313 Rggwionse Maw 40 75 QQI 00 as iVicks VJDORUb 43C Wednesday Jan 7In Central United Church Dg KMIAVIICIIllCXHIISII Dayan Too gameL 23 43c Tamblyn Cold Remedy RegI 30c 23 RegI 50c Buckley Mixture 40c 75c SpeakerwRev Roy LcDrew ofStnyner The mm reported on Reg 23c 19c pmr0 Canadian Nasal Spray 00 Themn 49v98 Thursday JnVI 8111 AndreWS Presbvtellan ditty bag 58 t0 ihe NBVV Mrs Gray dismayed several artistic Eulhymol Tooth Paste 33 Cong 29 43 lll 50 Dentaline Antiseptic pine Nose Drops Reg 43 33 Reg 83 63 Church Christmas novelties Mrer 438559 SpeakerCapt RokebyThomas of Camp Borden sneaker Ifor the afternoon took MSW Tool V89 Wernels Powder lieaiubfct Ifrom 111 trillknown 29 45 27 54 39 33 27 25 19 LIZrlnltewiers Wl ars are we IIoImII IIO do In T971 Imo II med II Listenne 2949C89 SmLCakgs 5for27c Sanlax Cascara Qumme Santax Belladonna Plaster Friaay Jan Gimmvummmmm hold high the torch lh 25 19 R93 23 again thrown to us aW10S 29 45 Fame 29sc83c 3333 L37 cakes 21c 6g humnuuuuon SpeakerRev Clements Of Minesmg MEETINGS BEGIN AT OCLOCK My own wisdom and that of rill around mo seem lnsufflClent for the day IVEESEVVCQVVCCbCIgIdOivg $1 UP FOR THE For in gcenes of undescribable horror Willie the old ordertis destroying HEADACHE itself new order is takingr shrine We must begin notho work is Out Ialld Dreparc Iour mind and II wilyelp me Ipggstgs foiisg Vlgbglig 31m 02 Children Through VV good will 1nd nivinizo hm leansing Refreshing VI serviceI and helmmess to man IWmIter dl noun Yam Supply IlZs22 kind Biologically mm mum 30543 the 01051 0f the meeting the Standardized 50 69 05 655 serve to lunch so much these days of the New Colgate DentalCream Forllans Tooth Pasta Dominion Cascm Bromide Bronchial Syrup OrderV that is going to be lished What is this New oiiiii 294 25 lieg 50 gp VVWI Ws98 BurtenAvenugUmie olller StV United Church MIDHURSTSTATION LAXATIVE Church REV BB ENJkARGEIMiNT VI BROMOVVQUIN REV DOE MINISTER peca ast weeks cmrespondence MRI FRANK DUTCHERIII0rgani5I oragygnmgnngter Harold Bowen was home for the II To SI Weekend gt SUNDAY JANUARY III 1942 ARYII 1942 Mm RI Peacock and MISI MI SUNDAY JANU Adamson spent dayVin Toronto gt Mounted in Medium Size 11 IAMI II FridayI Jm ZI at 0clockVPVVe Miss McMahoInI HawkestoneI has WINTON H0 Communi communion Service and Reception LngfgeresisIImon of secretary at Smulm Kidne CONTAlNS SUNDAY SCHOOL of New MembersV The Reforestation has cut down FOLDER Large Size lt AA VITAMIN PVMOur Confidence for the VI sunday Jan 11 am The cup to Its Winter Staff there bemg Gt com of Sacrifice and ThanksgivingI guzcih Iggrgego be done at this 33 25mm MJm 393mm SCHOQPJ Jhe Forestry unmounted their Fg ihilgigyngili $011333 Sup iii ileEileniieiesiksail Collier St Baptist Church pet will berobservea at the mom IlIliIrSMcGinnisI lm on WedneSVIL AI OMAC THE FRIENDLY CHURCH ing Nice andatAheACIise the tiig gkigiosgwo more gums for mm Th ONLY IIII eI ceI IV IIeiIIIII isIsue in PASTGR vREV TL WHITE Ameylmg sf Your correspondent Wishes the II II pmemeumompackqga staff Iand members of The Barrie AY Exammerave sliqbinggEIilEgga 1942 =z=tg and Helpr aiid iffpeigstnei 3c UpsefIIitIonlacb 11 AMTheliealirig 0f the Fun Gospel Tabernade gliechrtiasconcerb out on in symptoms Ix Waters ipentecpstau WTOWXISND Hall by the nunils A2 digem II PMBIBTESGHOOL 75VCoiiier St 21 tbh asItlzhogIlhwas much apprgciatV 43 VII VI VV FOR 39c 299153 PMGo Forward REV BALL PASTOR ere were many an cl if MVFPA SUNDAY JANUARY 1942 the best and 0f ourse at WEDNESDAY PM santeagn was Wre PRAYEEtNlTBTBEFJSTUM MOPM SERVICE Sangkaened The skating rink Has opai ITISH again for theseasonwith Tor Iv gs VI The SamoanArmy tititsthiii git VlEZlSdltllf WWW met EET hdiM day ms co Sm megcgkrwsAStrefQ 3VCouusLegsIgnllif work mm div Pp IhnItahcidentI WetheI suppgf IA Bladder g33mmnm AgggwigeftgfyggVggggggggngth awmotbrbknburwwbadli MAt3v9mmrw Jim infrowers jbgrnd he Wm my be wed Sh Vquxmiawwe SIB fonmersiWA ir 969 StPaulSWAhietatthehome I1ch At be icaPsui g1 irian follow Anntmtsntc Mirandmm 2ch AA house SickvmmM nr Vs VA tr it um ales AV VI ILwas trickier II 19 wcggf 1331 irritation Wu lidllibrs