PAGE gwo 77 mm Examnmssasm WWIIWRVMWWW gt iirssnmaavmmmvmvl V1 54 jJ TKUPKMV Christmas week IV VI GREETVNGS Merry Christmas Otters Chance to XWWHmimmH Predict Weather And Abundance Of gilliQS Evt Lt 34 CHRlSTMAS CHEER zttr pvvguH1nf CY Ll initial llttJil til luff ai le Hi tumult VV gt II it tzlrrz tithing su lflt xkt timing lifhli 53 rink lnn m4 mt hr mt lgt1l in v3 Asr Vi rm Hhmf VVVV VV VVV llHLll hrhtnmi nit liilli iltruu ti tl ig is lilt Hil Hh Ilih II MO 95 mr or simt hm mm if immn rvm 12 il ill not hr irtl Im ttttl liglittunt lEl imk illlJllN intnli it Elli Ktiitlrr ti Alli mow tlsitisgv if Mr ti il Huxl lnlnzlv thn ANN Sh HnntjlVVV iitnu llfillll night li llll llthll lriv on lull ll tn litttl mi ll lilllll llllll was lll ttllllll with li tilll lilislllle tli nun mil llllllt mull fruit thmmw wt rum mlh THE COAFI SIOIL ntl timi II lllillCSIN til iiii izitix Irrt i1 llllxllll llilkt Vi Extends Sincere Greetings cuiti the host of Good Wishes for Christmas and the 8T VIV Vllltllilttltllllllllitlttilttllll1lllrlx mot3mm lt IIRNW mm 35 VAN4 Edit tmii if vtup3 57 1751 16 lil ltll 1v till lllillll cold xitl win ltllll llllt ii til Qt wit 51 LEGT VCrV Rotil llwilt liqi Vet ittitzl lflt=l OUR CUSTOMERS May this Christmas be Very Happy Ortc and may l942 lfizlfszrf Ir 931333 54 smsons auctions bring you Good Luck and Prosperity HARRIS MOTORS PhoneMBIrVZ WLIMITEDV Barrie it it 775 if my 30 he it 89 214 5154 L727 41 av vv 51 41 44 anti1 21 57 llllInut sax7a zit To Irs MANY FRIENDS Ayn ilistltlllllllfi lN BARRIE AND DlSlRICl llllL lllANS PORT CO xrnyns llilllAL noiiimv GREETINGS Ann riin iiitmiisi oiv ttlll UED SERVICE iu nits ltltililttl jllillll Iiu intuit1 hruuti lhui illttl lli night lliui llilltrlttttts llh 73=a 75a dropped ll tha vllivgtt tll tiz illilitzmttn lfl ll lll flt xi $3M ltlltl ldi tll ltlllrll 1i iirmirmyf ll limiWl llv lt tV lhitriliwt lt tll Yltlllllllll Al hum ilt lllIlelJli plot llll liir ti ttnz HZ is lli tl=l out it xffiz itllY ll VICW ORLEANS FIREWORKS rl VVAVVVVV VV VVIV AV nutrition mlHAB hluhONV ilzt llfll II TRANSPORT COVI LL co BARRVIE lOltONTO llit tultln lhv in ittt ii lgtll YUM it Him 7754fffazH75 gfRz 1m firclt Vi mmmn WW itf iwithx gt lllllllllltll Inlummctcd gggygygiyjyvjvacLly llirlt the tiicitwics the nuts it lhlls ttct mlt lllctlJtliklS lrJJli in of rate nus nnVhV WVVFF rhmfhji gtWdfyr W1HiuAlAzmuqu=41LJ31izfL1 Till5 itit somehow St Nitlirlts rules Vodcns huts lllwlllill foil to open their 011Cth lt cw iii llolluitt lVhtrchuritllc ii lllu lziiulttl Oncc 1m lmdvr intense thetchiltliti put up thcli itwnlviitliv ltl2 tum limeVn 15m VV hell Outside IKE snots Vin inchhitiiniy comics its punch lt tilllV units mm in stop Signal tor the merry ltlltitLSitlt Hut now mqlgegfliniml 01 Children of France lollourotl ilu an msw litl bu forgotten custom hy illucmp thun smut to ChmstmnSV OldFashioned Hm my JUIV BUllhOllllllt Noel by the hemth ln including illL lilifhom if lunglztnd unit the Ulllltfd Shut boys llit pivscnts your fun lics itshttl lISI reehng VIN V1n bi and girls inmva on tho idcu hymn send along WM Cl Il VL hangingfup stockings lluuw can Bill and lint lttitlwtl ouch otiicrI ilmf lmsmixst msmld hold more cltts illOti hm llt lmm bROmm Merry its asked TO OUR CUSTOMERS tutnclcs tntl tirccmckers Once jWlty itslho bcstcver Wztitllyzi alhwllttfl there this no mopping itI bllgtlllg mylllll has higvittllitylF V91 VV VV Vwe could say orchids to you people are shtmtmg lllt on July NW Ori lcuns is swelter iiri if 55 as 22 SVVVVVVVVVVVV SVVVVVVVS several CIVng VV Iraawn WI 7V bm mmi 9W night but thats too upto date What n1 tumultincrcuses lnieiits con FRENCH VILLAGE PORTRAYS 51 17 Ln 22 Jo sail ti Vt STORY OF IIRISTS BIRTH we leallylmcan is thaitsjor your It stnc the firccrucllters until thc r4 tyvcniyfiftli biICausc thcy Wont L05 Bill Flilnckt Village Of re in mOltVV The boys and girls 31931105lobFLjifle finlnlihf mOVSl masbe merry and 1942 yearol 7V lotus3 to believe this prophccy but gt 1mV llljl5 CL 13 ml ice that vaiclcnce Will not imow the not clutiml has none iTchbearly lappiness and prosperity them to go crack 01 0V HSim year9 elpea Elglhllehg VV 1le Elnin 1m have firecrackers VVtIlVlheO ICVityd 0f Vim will 0X9 gt the moreI The Puritans plemded the d5C1niut1nwse tb OlWgy lt were Wealthy Wm the appearance or Chilsmas cam Dd Ofee Olen envy of others did what they could to discourage with the mekels the CUSlom 0f Singing mem Blll it CAMEL DIbTRmDTES GIFTS EnthusiaSm is has grown more and more part of T0 CHILDREN IN SYRIA In limited to the young boys the Christmas traditionwhim bc WI AW but it is shared by the entire ganjneaychristjan days 311man gCluistmus gifts are presented oy mcom GRAHAM fnmny 5iiiiiris iiiirztd Tho Ftencit Noel dating to the Elev CaDlililzmlywf largoaw if pgtronage and may your Christ AT THIS HAPPY SEASON OFlHE YEAR WE WOULD LIKENVTO THANK YOU FOR THE CORDIAL RECEP TION YOU HAVE GIVEN onset man TO EXTEND ON BEHALF OF OUR STAFF AND OUR SELVES ALL Goon WISHES FOR HAPPY CHRISTII II MAS AND PROPERld7iNElL YEAR 55 and down the streets at night entli century and the German Weth camel which accompanied the Wis making racket with in trumpes nachtsheden have the same oringHiMcn is called tlicCamel of Jesus vf und instrqu hllt afrms the as each tear of VV othhe way They ring doorbells distributing presents NWIWWWMFiA Wm 1193 itit itW Wfrj My gt theiun awa with ful laughter They skyIis lighted xfpywim rockets V7 ind firecraciers heViituV constant staccato IIThe fun begins againIthe next morning with greater enthusiasm than ever VAlthotlgh boy may halve bankrupted himself the day be fore firecrackers have taken great drop in price He must have iInevg supplyhecause thyare cheap Now the juveniles grow reckless Whole packages of firecrackers go off at one full blow those who were iirecracker Ilgys yesterday VI are skyrocket VIII boys today As II night cores on christmaslreettngsI The Monqgeir pond Staff of Walker f1 VV VV iV VVI SioreSIIlmlledi lake this Opporttmity gt 77 torextend to all sincere good WishesIIfor View the streets seem ablaze with explo The management and the Staff oi the Tamuyn Drug stores lonusVChrIStmos and Happy 9nd PVrOSPeVQUs NewVqul VV VV The second morningVafter Christ mas the streets are strewn thick this of IV with burned Vpieces ofVfireWorks butfthexaiijis clear aLlie acrid Odor I4 VII Wo CHRISTMAS mswsnsn Sweden celebrates heriChrlsthas December 24th withtlsh andirice P9m8 it AI of fireworks is again replaced by Merry Christmas of II