Ontario Community Newspapers

Barrie Examiner, 27 Nov 1941, p. 4

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GE FOUR M77 77 777llhb 71 bMBtJl itll 77 77m 77 gt0 DYE 11 111 ft 77 7777 First Baptist YPU 7N Vi 11 Ch 71 13 21 72171 7V VV eme nstion omc Museum EXhlbllS V533 131171211114 111 SLIZLCUC ioniiiy 1i1i 11121 gt31 U11 and 211101 D1ceii1b7i lsi 1111 stori tlrliliilily 112111 Vii Oman Ve90nt 11 in 01 11152111013 abolish credit and 121 11111111 wzii itlinlvil 11 on This end That 11111 11 con 1111 11111111ii1g 11111 prices 11 11111 you Will ll AV Prion 31731 btlitlil greatly by payinu 01511 110 within17 lo gih 1111 1111 b7151 11115511111 11131111y 711m VAT Hm 11 175 10 1141111111 1111110 ulsl 1101 7m amt 11 117 llilll 177 yummm 11111 iiioir thr jtlul MJsllll 111 7111111 mt Noam 11 7x 111 1i lI 77 71 1101 one 111111111011 lulth 117 71 117 171 1iiiiic 117 11 vV 21l7l1ll Vclllicglad mull ouhow 111111 41 llh 17 easy it 15 change to Mac 1111 by lI 71i117 m1 0111 111111 lim UPC ml ml Il imlti 777 1111m717I llltLHJlnIy linjny 011 and all iii1r long the 711111 St Wm 17 H11 unequalled comfort and hearing satistauiun 131 11 1070 1111 i1 111 111111 1110 11111111011 11111 01 lllL mrlilsliiiuianiliraurelliom 113111111 111 117711 iit77 111liV11 111 II II in 1111111 1111101 1I 11 I11 WM 15 SNAOOWIIRdl Mm Dmiu II III II 111 11 501 I11 1V7x 17 17 1771717 117 111110 111 111 1111111111ti 70 71 17 11 27 111 MI Emily Tommi ll111W Mill 1711 will 11 11111111 11131 1i1 11011111111 17 177 s7l it 17 m1 1I1I7I tIltIit 1I 11 lIilIle II1 lliIlli lIIli 1110I11I11I11Ilt 11 7H7 Hm Win 711 17 the 77 gtl I11 I7 III II 11111 71111117 tilt 1111111 77M VIClONa Phone 2110 1111111 10 011 77 777 11 int will 17117 L7H ex 1171 Main 1111 1111111111 77 110211 11 111 111 11 11111 and 1111 7I II III II I7II Im II IIIIII 77 11511 1111112111111111 2101 ii 111 11 iJli or 01100110 $01 77VVVAV77 7777 7M7 iliwmltil ill iHHilHIlh 11 717 NlUtH 11 7H 31 iliIVl itll 1W 11 111171111 110 1117111 minitrlc Hlu 177 1111 11111117117411 mi 111 long 111111 111100 7111711111 11 121111 111111 V1 171717V 110 11 11101017 191111110 111 1110 010111112 11ic77w1110I HAM 111 1117 111 71 111 1113113 in NW Ill3171 mm 77111 km H7 mvnw 77m 77 77777 11 11001 11111 t1111hm1m177 117 74 mm 70 LARX UH In 771v1v7 1111 1111 111 1thtwlllil1t7ullil 1111 7111 11111 111111111111 11 lli My 1777757 11h 1V77r 1111 111117 11 1011140 1111107 1111 11 1111 HX 77 11117111 1771 111 1711111 ll 1111111gt11117 11111411111110 miiipos 11 11 17 1111111 11 11111111711l11h7r Vii1111 K1111xaccom 11 111111111111 11 31111111011 1171 111311 lutioid read1 1gt 1111111 71111111 010 oi Viillml id L10 Hf 97 Vtlillh ltlllHY Retarded Evaporation She is undouhtcdly 511110110 7011111 Packed in 50211011 tins 77 11 1117111111 cases iiii 11y 111111111 young and an in lmlcpmdom isiiiriizi 71111111175 liidec 117s SPECIAL VALUES AND BliMlNDERb for lhursday May and Saturday iIHIyIV I0 IIIIIIIIIV IIIII III llrlIlI II II WeIItLSCrvc the rlglll llmll qllimmis me N7 WW VSVVVVW Vim ll1145 Sflzlltfllifllsnl Always ippii lunar rm1 71 an withi inan IlluNTAl PRODUCTS 11011111111111101 311511701th heythcw lmith Paste 2H0 111 7113 liziyiicltl 51 on attaining 1111 1111 1111111 lil11l 2110 110 llntll RAZOR AM 35117 11 gm 111115iilll lit 11111 ll11p0s 15 BLADES Famous lech ltiimr IlltlI7 151s oldest iisiiiont and grand oluS gummmm mu Strength 177 G117 77 Bunk 772 111111711115 had 11710111 birthday cele ne mm illnaudn but this7ycaLQn account1 7777LNU Chamelm 1m 980 mm 17 ml being in poor health for seyemi V77V Olhrrhrifts ha W7 27777717 7777 IiiilIiiiIcI IIILII IIIII In IIIIIIIIIIII IIf tIII I1 ORDINARY my l1 ANlIlRELZI They get you 11113111 1111 lH 11839 lin inCllldtl enjoyment 1111111 Mt me F7 Of lnltrrst to those taking the EA 111111 111117 1111011 Cross 11111110 Nursing classes7 llnlllllfllduc1 11d 71110 Wm he mum joinL miv 15C liliSScs Gum Xl mmth so 1h WW 5mm lICI NM The lucsdir llll Wednesday niiiht III lcil his dis SETS 7711 71 11 111w $198 Drene IV VL 723 wgcliivnllbf play at will llA7 5101 Mimi It Rummy Mr wng and 11V1110130It 1813b 17 11 Theres i10 range to choose 111131II1Iprcn 711121 lmIll 0in hair Special for Immmn NUIISIng Im be Ive by lie r11 from 01 CVClythwCSpCClillly chiniz pencil in leatherette dlIIyIhmr What could be more welcome gilt this Christmas than one 01 1111sz 1161iiolxutsogtm nth 111 llic boys 111 1111 loicts bee iioiicgmer mmmd ms these gay colourful housecoats in popular Chenille They are 1171771 H7 77 Dec 167 theman 00 $150 from 745 to 845 Dr Atkinson will lecture on Criiiiiiiiiiiiciiblc Diseases Tuesday Dec 16V all classes will meet at St Andrews Lectur7e77r17711717ni when Dr Atkinson will speak on Emergencies and First Aid The remaining two lavishly styled and comein delightful pastel colours of rose wine and blue with designs in contrasting colours WILLIAMS 60 $115 IIDiene7norii coil tains an amazing new hair lectures iii the course Will not be Henry Perkins conditioner for dry hair given until after Christmas GenuineMoiocco Tuesday January all classes will Shavmg Soap imeet at Collier St United Church school riom to hear Dr Sprott M5 SDCIII III CIIe 0f the MOUIII III leud Mons Sets 731453195 SPECIAL ASSORTMENTS or 1911 Teeth The last lectiire will be Hes Palmolive Sets 59c $123 CHRISTMAS CARDS 77 ltist school room when Miss Edith Stationery Bows 500 756 $100 IMacey dietitian 0f the RoyalVici 43 box mar OXGS 0V9 YCilr 5ch Elflrehe bed Jackets have been extremely popular this yeai so tomwww71melecm10on1Did 33 School K11 with Thaimos $2257 design dilieien1vith envelopes Ou willmake no mistakein incl idln them in our gift list Reg 390 gt ht 737 Elfs 77 Tangce Gift ets 5570 89c Bo of 12 Baler Box of 18 777 77931 comgmjo 1797 blue Bubble Bath Gms 50 100 25C 49C 777V An interesting trousseau $7117 in honour 0f Gladys Hm was held at Patrician Hair Brush Other boxed assortmems the home of Mrs JackBoxall the VITAMIN b71 at 50c 1111113100 7+ ter Wednesda last 17 7777 any on 11st es $149 Sagwag 31 ds 10 SPECML 77 Prlced at Hingeis B4 en osure 01 Recevmgme guests we MFSIJ FAMOUS THE WORLD Pmkhams I7I7nmuMHMllu7nl7nuu How gowned in powder blue crepe Tablets 77 VOyERwww Luxury Gifts for Vegetable 7wrth lace and forzage of mums 77777 Ladiesmy 77 Compound 77 MisV Boaall 1n7f rm er greelrrlcrige Regular 69c V7 W711coisggggmumsw11e77 100 for 470 FOR LADlES gmast of honorfir woie navyrhmeipe 77Perfume 65c to $350 MINIATURE gorsageocmum ea $110 111113252 A7 graceful iigui shieova mu me w1thihaigla It you own on7o7f7 these Chenille Spreads you will readily understand wlrattheycarferco transform bedroom into room of gay charm 137i centred With White taperSIand ld rIfyou dont just try the transformation they white mums The weddingcake omev mg V7 77 7777 Shavmg Bowl vial of iuani Will make and white candles made an effective gleen777rgse7White7 peach 1111711777 decoratin 01 the buffet Mrs mm Carl Brown 795 Gift 5015 51390131 5970 25 Regular blue with contrasting designs IIFiill7 double bed ahlegMhileM if td Th7 111 513 mg 0V7 50 Dunlop Street Wellrngton HotelIBlock Next to Roxy iifheatre size V7 sisted f77Assisting in showing the 111 trousseatiIwere Hazel BIowles andl banish 111111111511 Reid 11111 11 11 re 11 We fm Mrs swam had3115 egg Gm S815 Etc gt lupiower She 0011 or 7E311meouS Shower at he hPme 46 package of FPO rfumes Hot wdtr Mary St for Thelma Dunn whose Bottle 7Wh31l1 youngster QY parenttorithat inarriage took place17reeently 10 ALLENBf 77 Toiletry V7 777 7V matter will not get real kickfrom7 I77Pte Curl Seamanf The 13 Gift Sets One year OneVQfgthese Chenille cot or Carriage usefulgiftsMFWEPTesewed the Haliboranqe guarantee sprseads In pink and blue and bride in white and pink decorat 77 V77Makeup7 uv ed basket pleasant evening The nicest Gift Sets 07 77 7490 WhlteWllih contrasting C010r61 Was spent inuplayinggames Jvayl II chome lnlsetsvof spread and pillow 1113va SETS covr Citizens shopping along the main 710 lake 7Iol Manicure Needs UEi street Saturday were surprised to 47171131111 British Cons015 Cigaremsb50s 60cm $100 $2700 753 50 SlilEJfIlrlililq 777 see long white lineVpaintedValongi liver oil Export Gigarettes 50s 77600 47 7777mmithor7wr77i559 7V 17 him edge of Sidewalk through Cigaleue7TQbacgoL77 V7 the main business section It Ll Macdonaldts Fine Tobacco 1A 67 77 was the RedCross Auxiliarysmile ggag Brier Smoking Tobacco lb Lovely gift box $100 11 VEvery hat 1n the store must go They were priced from $195 members of the AuXIhary standin babies Children Cigars M3 EVEEINS roughened and ehapped 3395 Heres youthiance mtget arealQuality hat ataridiculous at intervals along the White 11 Cigarette Lighters 6901850$l00elc ow er ps an skinl price 01111 they EACH II 1paced the Coppers donated and adults Pipes1301311131 brands $14001 95150 VROVuge I7 Reg I500 size I290 llgleeghouto$2121wasralied for Humatic Tobacco Pouches $125 $175 $110 11 Bum83 $1700 size 490 111n77111111 ross in is moon 77 ThroughtheV kindness 70f Ix gt 17 Watson of the United Cigar Store the workers were given hot teafand 71 coffee to help take away the7ch1u DRUG STORE moo sroiui 77 1in scour VVlong The mmttee ch rge fthe Mile olOCopIpers IiiIicludIed1 1121s Boys Mrs Crossle and Mrs

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