Ontario Community Newspapers

Barrie Examiner, 27 Nov 1941, p. 3

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day have flown altogether some MW5 it by 3122331121 12 1122111111 oyal Dutch Air Lines and British 12 tor WESLdCQ OverseasiAirwaysI have visited ance Corps 229 BRITISH IBermuda the Azores England 30 311 FLOOR PSoutliern Ireland and Portugal 1mIII 3Speed Control Pure Medicinal have talked with Winston ChurchillY lnmm 1Year Guarantee Paraffin Oil many members of his Cabinet Bri 2Qua 53 saer men RedBlueGreen Mb 33 Constipatinir former Canadian Prime Minister and the Canadian High Commission Fremh North Whlc mlgh Special 01 ea er the Canadian Corps Commander very wen mans mm that whim Softens the Touglmt Board MOTHKn and many ofhis ofcers and 501 area into base for operattons on Forwoouen dierSIIand host of the common the Side of the free peeplcs We Large ProIecIIon 1404 Reg 98c II pedpler of England who have come have latherto been unable to and Tube cr 73c those forces adequately because of 35 lb 33 THURSDAY NOVEMBER 27 1941 THE BARBIE EXAMINER BADill OXIIAIRIIO CANADA PAGE THREE 191 IT ALI l11 Cl$5ad3 cost little 111 it It 11 xi III 11 11 Br III II Across tam 25 Years Ago 001110011 15 iii In Refugee Shlpl 11 if Do You Smfer 11115 111 1m 01 Serif or Im llarne hunnmr 1M JUN mudmnm War that 1715 pron The lied Tells of Britain Today 111 struggle aim 2113 that who AI 11ml 11111411111111 other Hits 11110116 mien cwiustvcty for the neckly nexnpapers of Luv yetv1 like 1211 headache real not tr an illness in itwsi but 1133 lie 21 11511111 symptom 11 intestinal 35 coolj min by Hugh Iempiin of the hrgus 52115111 an yIMBL 50 15111 IngIIIIIIIIIIId WIN nW 411 ii 11 791 u7 II 10 hijp iiiermine this 113 ef lsdula it is 17 fun go no the system Burdms Blood guild lug tho ll estivo I1 WV up the Anzllpnlltl Nilels tn If 5r ti litLl IK1I aceuupdshed IN 12ml 11 111 Ill ilkltlllllll LliaiiiLet 101 111mm Warden Tli1 111 ltll and 11 addition in tu we II Helllms and Lifter14 of 113111 11 11 there ere p11 Ht 111 1111 11 lininrimpaiit 11 the Far gentleman you want to remember from Siriicoe Item 1111233 ltrlgfttlztttl With 112 11 Simplilies Christmas Shopping Overseas Christmas Gifts are already on their way and so we turn to the question of suitable remembrances for those at home Doing Christmas strapping is most interesting and grand lun but it always has us inirdilemmo loryou are usually in doubi 11 talent llw 111i 1le1 reerci 1111i emcrfrvc 1m Illeztllllllk all 1111111 530 lstl lultlllltl II 11in Battalion tllt um 511 II an several districts acenoon IIIGH TEMPle 1111111111 Delegates lllt recruit I1ll ltillllllt 1111I l1l1tnl of IllL lellitl roposltmn expressml gloom Neivsllecaod who Is eiiitrlbiti11 detennined to do the litow who llome and l111n 1111 1H 111111 11i11ewk liiear tf ll 1l1 linye lei 111 yhiii igned if possible liveied addresws llltllltlitl General sew111 71 1111111 1111111 11 year Il WW some WWWW IHI All IIIIII IMP1 as to what iogive and in mmy instances you start out to look around Without even clung unearthed Bright Idea lllillill 311 gnaw my Ifd 11 n111 lllIr result you go about your daily routine looking here and there for an idea or it possrblc the Very City You Tgmblyn SuJIcllbrlil German 1po who DmmoY mum 2001 Mlle Drug Store we are sure can be cl sconce to you in your quest for the appropriate Gilt and we suggest that you iil tinJ it the British diplomaix service or 31 MI mm hm did llarrie anIrlIrepicthrill cl extreme impmtoncc to toll on them 15 they have very extensive choice of Cult Items which will surely meet your require Fig 11111111111 41 11 It lj 1111 chance came to leave by Imwllmlmw merits and incrdentotly your Pocketbook tor they are all moderately priced as may be gathered from the partial list ct Rccom Bowl to lulmiovo 1211 023 The same condi mendations included in these Lovondol Shaving Lode too ottushcvlng Mutton Cum 111 eonfrdnitml main IIII Hymns NM SPECIal oi1111111 15111111111Iand there III III mam mm WI liozi regarding recruituw appear 3c Suggestions and Bargains for the Bulrmceol the Week gt cit1111111 111112 returning from There are two forced to notice 111111 and 111 hangs connected With 1111 111l 111 jumpl he Lhanee ltfth 1H ll 1151 113111 III Vi mm Sh 1051qu 5111111 01111 to 111 in 11 Im II II III III Would my 1114111 51100110 11 the hmenbn 111111 111 isozd 111ml 1L tL for war purposes made up of 5111 Newsy Notes 111155111 to 11111111 Voted drauumwnamma bandwagonadidccnazdiaradrdmudwmma mwgu GOOD NEWS VALOR LAVENDER tlaltll lll herone they led their entire 131111111 11 II army tltlti tl monti oi Ullt 111 111 such as 11 to 511111 lliil In ever 11 11v actinnpginies them on 111 FM lid Dull11 11 Idol11111 Mllld Lmugl 91 All biog GIFT 551 Talcum None ll IIIIIIIIIII II IIIIIII IIIIIIIIIIIII IIIIII IIIIII Im WIN Ur that Cm T11I111IIht lIo 1111I1II111I1 IaInItI and glut Tamblyn Drug Store wa II 11 11111 11 en 11 ya Ii wn 11 ourelrd two Driiltvtlltl units ltl ll1lxI 1111l marry 1III1o1tII1gI1IIIIII1113 IijiliIIIICSIIIIIIId IIHI II IIIMI IIIIId IIIIIIIII rmm and and every moynmg Monday to II Excellcm cm rd hm Mllimmmil It my 10 minute 11nin at the closing 505311111 ol the ouw Villtl dayover OFRB atl0303m and then run not 111 111111 on vl 5111 1rd lestmed for the United mull RH mmuL mm mm hu m1 1w has resigned Allnidile chnpe of 1110 um Mm mu Us Ky the lresbyternm Church to go to Mum mourning the deaths of two British families from Portugal returning to England until their Ship was for pedomtdldho coast 011 the way o1iltbon this same steamship Ex licton The farm buildings at the County House of Refuge to gether with the seasons crop and nearly all the stock and imple ments were destroyed by fire tile was gone And motlur family from Unoceupicd France at noth ing hu potatoes for their first few meals Therefen Stntciyhng Woodhurys 3119113611156 lish woman who 11ll out 1111 der barbed wire entanglrmcutx ut CIlblvll W115 ml by it 017111111 Ionmp and this Shm 11111111111111 plane which circled around MM MHY Mm limp Lades 59Cm Artistically gt BCl won the First Carter Scholar1 Dentallnc Editors on Refugee Ship 11 midihigh and then flew MN Gt Too packaged 111 such crowd as this eleven uglnn 11 the day we sailed from mm mm set powd gtllolto11 was fatally injured when Im Lam lo ot 350c Box at 75 Lisbon news came that tlicGer mans had torpedocd the American destroyer Kearney Two days out an American freight boat was sunk in the Atlantic straight south of where we were This very morning Canadian edltols may seem rather out of place and truly 110110 of us ever cxpeeted to be on this 8111 his car was struck by train at the We had planned to go flying level crossing south of Aurora Thomas McKnight Cookstown was appointed inspector of the House of Refuge Business is brisk at Barrie Tannery some overtime hc 69c if COLGATE MENS SET ln Irnllimo Palmolive MENS SET through the air f1o1111iltbon to New York returning as we 11111 eome 1311 in October flying Conditions are When we awoke it was to see 1111 uncertain We seemed liker togothcr ship Comian Closer As it mg CLLWU Shave CI Ca wait 11 lSltlIl for weeks before our drew near we could see that It Shave Cmam palm he him come to go on the Clipper One wasnt the merchant vessel it prc the MC Khaki Iliollmd Lotion Malhins vcckin that city 110 11s 111111111011ie1 to be but had businesslike The 177th BattthonI expects to Takum and Lipsmk Iand It had no flag make good showmg 1n the Q1IA 30 Tooth Paste Cheekmck III Those who 11111511151 actually sick guns fore and aft were entirely uncnthusiastic about nor gave any Slgnal nore Lisbon meals or Climate or our bows and went on but crossed with its hockey teams this win We all rc ter The Battalion plans to 225 Williams I1 lZCt rese 1111 3Wg1 ipasscd and our boat continued on to bring the unit up to strei1gtli its way the tension relaxedrflhe Several lettersof appreciation have set pade restfnl monotonous lays on board been received from thc front by ontaxnln ship gave us all time to recover from Mr and Mrs Edwm Longman re Lades shying Clem Sh Dental strenuous and exciting times over garding the esteem in which the Set LIEICILMIO Cam and $8118 late Lieut John Longman was Face Powder Brilliantino Talcum II When the invitation came to me held P10 George Copeland Ragga Mr Lotion and II so 24 son of Mr and Mrs William lovelyglfl Tooth Pasto to go to England for few weeks to represent the weekly papers of Copeland Cookstown wasIkilled 111 Canada 111ch were many who cn action 011 Sept 17 he Wnl Over Vicd me becauscofthat opportunity seas with the Ttith Battalion was drafted to another unit and went gtIf it is any comfort to them now cansay rquite truthfully that there 10 France In June LIOUL Your PERSO AI ETING GIFT FR MED ENLARGEM NTS CARDSNow White Metal and VI In Mdmr werc timcs whenIwouldgladly Ganley dikes 0V01 the duties MPMI havo traded places with any of them Quartermaster the 177th Bat if cm Fume Convenient Thom MM Travel across the Atlantic these days talion tomorrow cable was It nished mm you own inating set so personal as negativa Deck ldcrtakcn except from necessity men had been made 011 the 157th mud wimp YEULWH 21 linI To 119 Parchment 350 Achnturous Weeks Battalion and that it would leave val an Iofoldg c010 144 as low as But on the whole these have bccn for France NOV 27 Wthm SIX Rubbmci 49 RI To 157 no higher than wondcrful weeks have crossed 399 0f lealImg Camp Borden 51 am to tor 89c 209 tt 0C ester 1119 Atlantic by air one of the most GUS MCGUM 50 M1 31 25 189 Make other happy by giving uaox Cotovcd in 011 Each 15 Extra this Truly Personal Gift Mrs John McGuire Thompson St 179 VZgipupmon II II uggbwgwwm romanticvoyages in the world to arrived home Monday from the is something that shou1d not be unIrecerved that the first draft of 200 through bombings have lost their homes and their relatives yet carry on in Britains hour of need Ihave tasted the hospitality of great and small in England and have made new frineds there There have been plenty of thrills alltooshortsighted regard for the French Empire as such Chief of these forces is the PanArab movement which looks to the day of freedom of all Arabic peoples What happened in Syria has not been overlooked by these potential EEEuuc 753 KOTEx 31 Cant Chalo Cant Fall Cant Show ltI ITB Ihave flownmnggy of Bis ME cay seaplage 71mm 1g f$sch were forged alumLs 5ng and the hosme 9mm mast overcome the VichyFrench forces See these and other model FACEcEillllw HELPS PREVEI 11191 have bycostly military actionin Syria 99w on display they did What Lawrence 0f Arabia Bkowitmrd tant flashes of antiaircraft guns Ridggrtoggi 2225 Zaclgsyrlg cum cu lliill33m 5520 ANTIJREEZE Shtg at 98 ap Turks 300 lt1 f0 gate preaching the City have been necnorowmrf throuha blitz myselfhave seenT 1t 15 Wonderlul anti en SIX6 BROWN SIX16 1111 41 == 41 Wm anda1 and 511 exposrons rein us as thls war 435 of hugeenemy landmines and have dstb gt th Take 800d Pint1m come through the ordeal unscathed procee 5w we mEgmxlys Health Simple lo OperaleI Comes First Pint Sign of Hood colours Blllllllltl ttllSll SPRAY I109IIRe1111IsI 50 comm soAP to which too longiwe have paidbut but knowmg that if any one of up serviceI dozenthings had been slightly dif ferent would not have been here at all lrhavejbecn at bomber sita tionand have talked Itoi the boys Who make th longirips gover Franceand Germanyto unloaditheir cargoesof death and have seen We new demand handsoffbhina and Chinafortthhinese but it took an imminent threat to ourown interests to make us sjegmthe point We ar for Ethiopia 10911115 Ethiopians nonbut it cost thous ands of livs and hoardsof treasure KooAgt BANTAM EU theRoyal Canadian Air Force fight1 er pilots come back to their airportsto Fable 95f to 9deem 011 fmtr CI 4H3P5593Bdh 550 all 1351115 ill action neg lgence Ora ew years Ore 11 Em can wannaan komxvrcudm luuloas were attenuator11152111151ar is Irhave heard Churchill defend his cm Mad and contraction II Ix ofvital importance to our own way interest Experience is 1a good if harsh teabher Whatithe world is learn ing bit worms that an aggression anywhere is an aggression every actions on the floor of the Housaiaof Commons and have stood amid the ruinfCoVentry Cathedral hiya walked in thevLondon blackout and in the ploaSantEnglish countryside where every garden had its large ltL pfyrr CuticuraOintmont29c57 11er11111 The Family Ktiseptic SHARE have seen bullfight haveridi den on trainsinbusestin cars in the undergmundfand have talked to friendlyfolkeveiywhore Soda Water 500 latcrqses IIhavc been trailed by whalegdlghteiggvlosfeixggf the German gestapoin Lisbon and m9 lt Make You freedom anddemocracy the safer 295499 89 own more secuye andmore prosperous aresimilarfsystems whereverrestab lished uovxkaro wonOW These are the thingslshall Wll Get your 11 printing from The gt 111le 11 ulbs For Mildly Iaxutive real about in WNW mum Barrie Examiner Etest automatic blindly mth TABLETS will appear inrtltisinevvspaper dur ingtbdekt tumultuous Always provided ofcoursei diatztheExoomi submarine oriibombingplanes some bion does not meet an unfriendly whereAthis side of New York eld torkeoplll 12M 25 dialed

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