Saving loans SAIIE LEND T0 VcANAOA livestock for feedingdairy activities and other seasonal re quirements of farm operation Safety Deposit BoxesCos ing of Cheques Produce Tickets etc so ANG liar ILAs Lavft IIcz and BANKING for the FARM and Checking Accounts to nance purchases of Money Orders and Drafts for Remittances Our managers are in touch with umIdIlIons and will gladly ctropera to in any possible direction nI IILAYOFF LlSTII 5cm ESTDI 1832OVERA CENTURY 0F BANKING EXPERIENCE ilixes Smokers CONTINUED BOUT AT MONCTON iumlon lllllfl uggir Irtguson slllt Unt member of tin lli at No still III Ilril til the II lJliull ed at llrlntt Mrrl lrir or HllrrI Inning show for him Int night Itigthuil substituting for iItr Litton p40 zirh Iilin linum llooIIIy In the am gnu style In winning dell VV non our Billy lire Hid Lui II III toIIIIeTIt of this city but ll no 111 the tIudIJII Arm at II II lirderietou lltll once spar II llllt mute lulV luilllll Iarr IIIII II If lit rt oro lit Salllkli gt II Ihllutktlul utir lllll htlllill II II iiiVkII Villa It ltlllliltltl NVV Jt2gti Atlt ititalttl 313 bVV It iihiiilinnifi VIVII run or VVV pvrra or ngltLX lt the xiisie 1llltllllt It ieague iimtlnu Ilaiiie tr lunar for pr min Ls VVV we lte was liililL oIII defence sit imt 21311 II IIIII lg VI Il II iii Im VVLV VlVVVIVVV lEl IV iTo it lt lior yr Ii 21 it IxI It 21 it II ii =1 VV VV IV VV liliiti IxvliailttIcil rionhnrinw iI IIIIIIIRIIIIrII llii lzot rhi titn Alaiitie tucixsox lZIt nowir an In iii1 gt ity hea Stills it tsunami by play with lsnnwa tieIai ti A1 III ioston llllpit Iiil AI le ilednestiay an then tliiiilrl llzllllUIliilS llIItilJtgtIIiLtl Providence Iagoinst Atlantic Itx Wm dI Iivr it 70 tun liAV1i 11 perinisiion from npiitd it oati the government to cross the border inm off the are but he Ia for IIIIIC It looked to if Aililtillll all riilit oil iII1 would he Iuaiooned li Cornwall tor WraithIL coalie IIr1 trrc VVV the winter time last season iliflt on rmq VI VI Il itI Iti1tit the mad tau iill lr Grow lioclev train in league 111 ntiti in ttIii Ilt ii IIH 33 IM iliisIsIeusoII President Bill ItiarnIer ItlIrIi Is iiIIItIltItlIIlIlrl Ile IiIIiiItI Il rII II It iI IIIIIti IIIIIII OI ILIIIIIIGI IIOIIIIIICIGy IIIIIPIIISC Of League IIII IIIIII II IIIIII III III II IIIIII IIIII says the Lions hih may help illtligtrnitt Ollie VV WM up team finaiieiatlv lliIl llyirzent IliISI HAWK IVHS HVVV VV VV IN lliliV VV ilm IUH nd vr mum In offered iiis miniIi Ijoath and erN SUITNI miners SENIORS DEFAULT I1 Iiiiiitll Mr illr 51 it hint llleUV Eliotinitial White 101 Ital Hui my 1m Um IVJI Milllfrt lulu lHIl Ilal hand AV league of liar llt oilii last week VIIr Iv from Ila HIM VV 304 ltlzdiia Iarkt and Times le he most luiiiilt WV II il wood Midland iuul lililm llldri 51 gtllllllli to was win IIi MM law Jlillia LIltlItinId qllislllute Junior tier1111M 15 Hub lll MW era more possible entries is IlltrirLI Ha ppm 15V VVVVVVV linmhnn VV IV VVVVUVy Im NH no ir1fVmH41my iV IiVitiVl1iV thrs lriViIVv Vernie Ii iirri Illi itwy VIIIIn ed Ortliia wont have any llll illicit refused to rIleaI Imr in rm mm spun JHHHWH when onVVVLVIVIVsVlV lUiVlVLV 155V 11 or w1 mediate or Jiltlllrt teams this seiIV1ral to return Ironic wt 19 on oil aim ward tIIlltl5iilti liititt Juniors Irv air 0an Tm HM itll ilzilll WWW Willi IV VVVVV VV VV VVV VV hill Vpliund Vt till Is it 11an not kc Vlloyli Vlilglil III in in lp mm rm my Wimp mu miw mi hltc mm mm 105 n1 iii xt the rot Ititt pine sinned it mun on VtllA iI lit ltarro jtlhttili cnarnprorn IIt and NI MN HHV llinliyl ninzhl just as well have saw the ill SeniorHa It tte ltiillliuli die the Col were Ontario seiIIIiinalists In IIIIII atrd would have been quite star li it sWl Ur MW mm gt ppm 1IIiI Seniors seine lili1lrittl learn foldrd up and he IIII1IIIIII IIIII IIIIIII III IIIIIIII IIIII IVIIIIN fIthIVIVII SIIMINI IIVIIIIIII IIII IIIL Inriiitj I11ti11 ill Altti IIIIIZI iltli in tiil oil 111 lilt listlltl IrmJII11IIIIIIHIIIIUgh IIII IIII II IIIIIIIII III IIIIIIIIIIIII III IIIII llIl JUHHVH IIIHM bumt Hllt Itch out and alhlilwilnvmu farm and ii wittyoils were concerned An an Vtolis ounr Ilzil ltit also an Iliat liltllltitl the top stirttlll litre of another centre plaver Fred ltnl Wd ame mm 134 mp which lie YIIIH Kai ILgIlIUIIHutseed the coach comer tlltl AV Vng yV VV VKV Vi PM VIMV md waddld lit ll AS WWIid Iv lit tlr union the My allows pIavoff If the second place war In 0I Wlll likely ltlliiil ilit Iazn Inght II II If IIIIIi iI In Ida 1lur Ill not defettcd tied the rife ltlIIIIl orItIIIiIhdirIIIliihiithtIlIWIV its III us retuhu hit and provde It second an Vial rut ttlliiittll IIittc lust print an Irn Vim Summiw Esrnit mu want lIlUili but there tune to lake Sure schedule was dug up and the Orilliai IJuniors were voted out of playI off chance against UWeII Sound despite the fact that they were only two points Irehuid that team in tlrei final standing However the rillia Seniors were eien another chance of bringing back one championship to the OCl when the liarrieSeniors defaulted anyhow IIIS WEAKNFSS Ileies zrtale hour the Brooklyn Dodgers tryout tlll down In lexas rookie came to the plate and swuuc and missed and llltl and missed Asked what he thought the boys weakness was one of the coaches said pitched IIlliII lhey say 10 31 111mm Pulling OIllm iIIIIIIgimtLIiiibongragf 9w he is in for big season and was SEPARATE IEFENENCE Iv one point behind the Owen 910 fairlv flying lt the first practice eisi Iii Sound team Because the OrIIlIans Dmlsm mr hm LISTINGS two carries played they have the death playoff for the district titleila agesStrat Bakogeorge 224 Jack sion Orillia got the first of their Boxail 220 Cliff Brown 219 Elliott points inthe second quarter Orillia Reynolds 219 Harold Laking 218 tried placement kick from about Vic Berry 214Ghizis Bakogeorgethe 30 with Bert McIsaac doing the 207 Harry Cooper 201 Bill Gould booting Theball failed to go bel 2le tween the uprightslbut went over the lineadtheiilieltnlf was ants espousing RCAF Bonngeam Com ICOIts Lose anndLeod recordblinking tlttil out IOI that for the last two seasons defeated Owen Sound in one of tin spcuislis with the Kirkland iun tors right to meet them iii sudden ltitiior ilnal last spring Saturdays single Junior paint Clitlrv kAinexricans Vin the Llor other llltllllwrs ofyopr household an Ins III ICSIIIIIOII CIIIISII Imy ICIIIII It ineizrlrir OII lire Ciizv or names pronounced the same Irut ItltltIltI IItlng for lie enthusiasm on the part of the Club Cm 11 Mrs Ircton and VBeItv illCV sirlied Iiilirrintly tluuws litid Iniillit Ila un MTV 90 11 spending few days in Toronto Mam SIIOCIIIIIIIISI IIIIIII ICIIIIIS OIIICIIIII III mm to me Chem Black Hawm this week also want to Ire under Need ianre cautioust and played the en IfnhcNutlonal hcaguejthep3rcnt Mrs Fliuuk Km and children Vq uirot ru tire sixt minutes wrti more an 315 wwm are GROUP WON LOST one oycio their defence The rcsullI1 grad Ilklllf 00k few weekIsC zltI Geo KEIIIiIIIII II rrnraorit of Iavs were 110 IL in the Mr and Mrs Mcpndn and name lllllllll was that It JV arne duiinlr his primary school lilliIC Wholrsale it Vtosscd at the line and play ranged SI and mm making qum glans VMIISVEIIVlkgfmxmgn JOINT USER STINCS 1ttAIlt back and forth between the 25 yard n9 for himself 1451 school Shyp rm IV ISiIiDCS illmUSi 11 diiClIlUUll The tiles Three years alto he cam necen word ltiti by Scott III mm or IIIHIIH XI II SIHHI teams were well balanced With II IIlIIIEngd an NIIISI VIfIIIthO Mine Sharpe from Gm Lupus 11135 brig jointly un in Hwimiw Filwllr Goodyears 12 result tlratneithercouldshow quite 11V 11 ie Oiirltcstctn Quebec that 11 ms Ingeninm nah0W3 II rintut The follmvinc year he and mm Juplmmn rHankris 13 erroughipunch and power to irrtrxerkmled Bqnic Com in the OH from 1111111195 ltCHVUl semi iii Ilelephonc 17 any meal mills before tmyWereiluuior I13 and last SQtlSilIVI15 IIIti lltrIIlv Grocett ra iii forced to kick It was rare If team Vma of mm sun rmmVdsVVwml mf 111 Vs miwjnt 1ibatiis 19 made more than two first downs Intrack Kirkland Lake Juniors who All bricks mm in Germany 13 GROUP LOST any one march However the typelxlllli to the NQHA finals only VVHVV VV VVVVC VVCCVVVVdVVVVV UV Wagon Shell Oil 20 of rugbv played was of high orderi 1055 RFEVIIVIVCVIBHV StlllVesl to the VVVVVV gm VV AdCVV 1V II IIC acr are lll IIiznrio Tannery 19 lhcre was practicallyVno fumbling 115 VVVV Knights Ptigs 10 and the plays and kicking were vellV Ball Planing llill 12 executed Ifew forwards were United Cigar 12 thrown Orillia tried about four and Lakcview Dairy 12 had none completed while BLIIVllC Smiths Furniture 14 tried about three and had two of Brysons Bread 15 them intercepted Copaeo Tire first quarter was senieless iRubsoiiIsBalier althoughQltilliilidxglflIQ the illiuhthrccrVic Berry 76 Avcr 10yard line before losmg posses IIO CANADA Borden Pieter Deierxw lzii lIti iKlIitllIIHi Lake flash at the 5trorlotit and the raillrirds pickedl firm out as fawriio lie wasflri ini izoals with great repularity The two Iroys from Urillia Clay7 Nwmwn NEWS iton French and Joe Antonia alsoV KitMum Luke hotbed of Sculmllooked pond on the forward 111101 och when the famous Lukeibut the real star was Hill Bird Barr horc Blue Devils were blazing tie boy who has been with the Colts you are adequately listed Special To Kansas City Team gt listings that add greatly lo the value of your telephone includ Roam McLeod of the one Then there was Howard Kelly all IIor tiltll member of partnership tleo pie forget whether it Ir IIIIIIII IIrouII Jones or Brown Smith Jones SuiII as If no tillIVl call china aII iIIierIra iiivi number also night and Ilulillil listings iii went to the noun has signed nroirsronal contract with the forudefen sulatlon over for your home way it was last year MmiHwarm winter in your house Phone109todayfora free estimate 011 LANNG ii sew COMPA LEMIT PHONE i09 tThisis the beautifuljmagazine that is making nature so popular Its fascinating articles and pic tures about birds mammals flowers trees and other nature subjects and fourecoior reproduc tions ofminent hature paintings makean idoaIgift and aclean and wholesome magazine which is needed in everyhome Five num bers yearly Canadian Nature has been on dorsed by the Departments of Eduy the Girl Guides and BoyIScouis subscribe today Only $100 year Currency accepted Money refunded if not satisedgafter re ceiving the rstissue Nature 175 JarvisSVt Toronto or will it be chilly andVdrIafty th IaIInd save fuel BARRIEVONT cationof every Province also by Clarke Clarke LeaVVgue tackled behind the line for point II TEAMS Orillia was given another great op Sorters portunity later in the quarter wheat Dyers plunges by Clark and couple oIV Hatters penalties againstV4BaIrie took the WINTER IS SKIPPING SOME HOMES IN YOUR BLocK 31h 13 garIiiii i2 Bgiisgbyiirhiighe iii 1V THEIHOMES THAT ARE INSULATED Mechanics 11 blackVandr white stiffened and heldV How much of the outdoors are you planning to heat this Finishers 11 for three downsV Near the 30 or Winter DO you hop melt the IIOIII III 7199f Pick1rs 4t3 sessiIrIicloseIIto IIIIIIIEIS first on the block And war there be enough heat left 5Alg mtdmomemeVm verages Ladies Mrs Barthlj Miss Tcrsigni 153 Mrs McFadden 146 Viiss Wade 144 Mens Berry 227 AMcDon aldiIQBTBaurie Clarke 195Leith ton Clarke 192 single anaioniiiaiedz too at the half fought but nothing of startling nature occurred Both teams stayed on theground and fought bucking and kicking duel which gained noVVi thing Then in the final fifteen mi while Oriilia tried to hold on tot their slimlead The blackand white started to throw forwards OtitI short flat pass was intercepted by1 Goddard and little later 10an pass was pulled down by Dougani position and they worked the ball Barrie curlers had general meeting Tuesday night at theIIrink incharge of President RoyAMcVittieL Several good working committees were appointed which inciudEdv Junior Membership Snior Mem bership Games Committee vprn spiel Committee Ways and Means Committee and Heuse and Enteru tainment Committee About 35 members were out the meetingwas enthusiastic and it looks like big Bama season secretaryITfCT Phillips reg The teams ported Qriilia snap dedard insides Payne Rolland middles Hipweil $011 CANT DENY IT Jackson outsiders IJIohnston Ben When rose to speak they Tier quartr Cooke halves Clark threw cdwardly eggs atmey McIshac St Germaine and Dougan What sort of eggs are those subs Thomas Horne Reid Perry Migtemi man Holmes RussellTeatherstone AC0W81d1erggis one thathits Barrie snap Higgins insides ygu and thenrunsExchange Hamilton BaldwickymiddleIs Cook Max RiehardSon outsides New man VWiseman quarter Nixon halves Taylor Lowe Clark and Murray Riehardsoni subs Gartner LoughedKelly Storey Marshall andConion Officials Hines oriliia McIsaae ran overwith0uthard1y hand being laidpn himIIe came right back and kickedfthe sextra Orillia won 8to 01 Mclsgac whoseoredeveryoae of OrilliaSS points was outstanding although he receivedpienty of aid from Dougan andIGlark Nixon and Richardson were amongethe best for The queen bee seldomuses her sting except in fighting other queens Thebigger the cow the more milk she is likely to give according to study of gt500 dairy herds in New York Stdce Aa4 HJ Again the effort failed but wentfor In the third quarter play was hard utes Barrie started to open Hila This gave Orillia an adifantage in to the Barrie 25yard linewherc pointjwith neatxfpiacement and Barrie and Ross mam TO lEAIDlN SERVES ON STYLING OTHERJERONTS PERFORMANCE fi economy MeetrCheVIoletvforsul iMoofIhghighestqualitymotorccnrrchowolihqs In everooredlathemotoringpuhlici iIsVgVt modernestyllngrandnow amoIIIrIgIIIriIllideIpritd CustomToiloiodxodysbylIshenIChamoiot5rlngsIyoutheinow stylethat cars length nwv lleaderLineStyling wdl stay new WithItsgossawngLoIIsavmg VolvemHeod VIoiory Boa hyrishepee Engine iibrings youopowereplont builtiof quality Materiulundidosigped Ihe Ulfm=5treafnlind Rear hnd Styling of to IeadInrcombIned performanceand economy INIth all Its ne com he new mediaea fort convenienceundrsoftyrfotuies Chevrolet for lmFitYoaroxAhoods Mrlosedm Rd Chevrolet alone com for Yearsato Comeisweeps forward again osahezbigggsiabuygnmotordomir him thirty time For upwardsloh30yeursChoVrolet hosbeonthe5ymhoirof Savings In automOlIve transportation Today means not only large immediate savings 00 in low purchaseprice butalo largeriVlongferm SavingsIIiIIIoWIosfopei minoxigedlohhiide olionondupkeep SeeIChovroIeidrive Chevroletut your dodlerisztoduyl $4an Ch evrolets VereneralMoItors of Canada is producing IthOusands of military rivehicles hundreds olTthousands ofsheil UnitizedKneeAcdon glider ride and extra easy VacuumPowet Shift at no exlra cost proved IValveinHead EngiueSafeTSpecial IdANAOIANBUILT In MOTORS Hydraulic Brakes