Ontario Community Newspapers

Barrie Examiner, 13 Nov 1941, p. 8

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LPAGE EIGHT mums tTANAlni mm ItlURSDiVg NOVEMBER 11 1941 In the Fight 21 char Mrs Twill Md ll il Burnt flu COMPLAINTS COME BURCH 10 OLD AGE BOARD VIVAREGARDING ABUSES For Freedom Pimple Covered Face Kilt Many Romance 4W frii tl iiiip llufiliii lll 3mm taac Charges Made that lcnslon Nut Necessary 15 llcinbcr uf Peiisiuncrs ll leuiiily Should Support Re AV 11 lic IVsalli iii AV tlpltiit vHVVV VVVV ma yum mph VG made VAN tlilf l1 tlit insliitlg iitll ill pimples an iiu ruliulilt him it rich $31 2t3illiimli 1553 dill iA LLLLlLl nglVLllf is initVVianuclinhVi 531an pain lint llm VV siiip iilltili V1 A1V mg VVVVVK Vtry VV thrilliii 11 will urn ifliftiiliiipiill The quickest way to get rid of pimples is to imer ttw tllfl hmlih by it tlmrnugli charming ol the blood lVlurilwk lllnul ltitterx helps to cleanse the Mum sail with the blood VV VV 11V CHILIch Vi mitile tlm iuiiiplenuii should clear up 1151 ililbuint 11A VVVV VVV llt ti1l1ii vuttl lZL Ai nun it lt MMLLLLLLL VV UNEMPLOYMENT IN LL imiilimmnl 1111 lainix llw Mun til Scimiil lLluur iimniuinn lllllllt lliiililiiigLa It 1V VVVV VV VV VV VL VV VV LVVL VV VV VLVV Wm L1 LLL 1LLLL11LLZLltitL1E 11L111L11L 11L LL iL LL LLLLL LA LLL su LL LLL L1 LL LL LLV Lil LIA it 211 1m RETAILERS TO THRIFTY CANADIANS 11 tw llilditv LL LL LLLL LLLLLL LL LLL LLLLL LLLL LLLL LL LL LLLLL VV 1V VVV 3V VVV VVVVV WV mm VV lm 21 19 111 11 1111 niitlr Bl lllltllll lluy things you nerdbut llt sure to buy at prices that are VVVV VV le 11 171 1111 le an easy on your purse lonwrrowziiid every lilyclicck chlcrs Values t111l 11111 llrin my vlhrtilwhnon in V18 Vhr Sh VVV VVl VV VV VVV VVVVV VV VVVVV VVVVV VVV VV VVVVV VVVVVVVVVVVVVV iV lt It lt Hr hit ileOX VVVV VVVVVVVV VV VV VV 31V VVVV llltllts Stt lllt 1111111 llllllihCltlSLtl Ullts VVV VAVV VLVLV LLVVLLLL1VVVLVL1 LL 1L Lil 11111 iinvVVV 1111111 nViV VViV VVVVV1V rVV VVVVm1 fmmmtzfvguww VlLVfLVI VlLVlVLVIV lldiiLVWlilll my ll ti 1121 11111 rAA1Vtzttl VL V1 uVV VVVVV VVtrtl th1VV1VlV1l iliViliiiiziVisl Ill3111 11A lL11lc liicliixV 11 111 In li 11mm Lhttl fir 11 lH ll LlilLll Ll ll LL VVV VV Vi1VVVVlVVV UV VV VVVVVVV VVV VV VVVV VV VA VVVVV VVVVVHV hVNV hVVV LL LLLLL LL LLLLLL RicIi 2w 1111M 111 lirnuuli ti ltL lVL LLLL LLLLLL LLLLLLjLLLLLLLLLL1LL LL LL LLL iwl 11 in We 111111 nu unl llagiin Sutin Sliipc tutti1 twu lVlVVVLll LV th Hr10 yVVVVLV NHL 131 VVh 31V 1m VVVSg ltti Pyjanin llutclicr llu 1111 LLLLLLLLLLL LLLLHLQ i111 air 1itliii tlii witc UlL till Culilrart buitunu Lnlmirs 11 1111 LLLLLLLLL LLLIL llLlllUlLl lf iixiL dwzii l1i iciurym ruse uui bluc lltdnnn and laiiir HLL JLIILA ILl Ll 11 111 Illl 11 law 1111 laul1 55 13 171 1112 Willain liat trirnnq 11l 111 in 11nd 11111 l1llwl imiaaw Curran lab1111 VVVH11v1LVVlL 11 1111 111 lli Lil lllllltl Mar VVVVVV HVVV1VV swim 11H Ahmmnh AL L1LAIHA11A 41111111 llirunr inn mail 1u Winw 111mb AAAA LlL l7ll IMLWL mm lm 11 111 Litiicit lliiiit A1111 G1$r VVVVVV V1VVVVVVVVVVVV1VV 1VVVVMN VVmVHVVVVV VVVVVVVVVVVVV VV VVVrVuV VVV VVi VVV VV VV llllilv 201 111l1 Walter SliCliltVA im LL1L1L LLLL LLLLLLL LLLLH LfdliLkLLirtl LILllh lilllllill gtUlUHlgtUlgtUlIl btCillll Hi 11gt t1 rd i11LVA1V1u1 lltllllt Stanley CV1an VVVVVVV VVV VVVVV 111 and duialrlityAAAinadv titDublltpltttflllttl 1IA=111 iii1111 ct lAllliiilbtill Shlli Sucih laftct1 lilil 11f lluii Satin lcaimc ll 1ni =11 11W ulkll1m1irr latiuicr Wauhauslum5 LVVLVLV l1LLLL1 iLLlLin LiLLALLLLfliLLfLuszlch LLLLLLLLL SLILLS 32 70 Thrmrriccl 11 =11 unplm Zli tivA1V1V1VVV V1VVVVmV mer VCSVVVVVV HVVKUVVV VVVVVfVVVVVVVV VVVVVVVV bVVmVVV bVVVV ml l111 Aizi mar LL CRISP hummus VVVVVVVVV TV VVM rilhiVVAiA mmVAnVVVtVium Albu we litmum 11am need Spitl 11 111 inningV armci unis 151w hi1 c1col llc lt1iiiitu1l Wm 0A gciitl li111cctiV VVVV iVVnuilVViViViVVlVVV MainV t1liicscs iicnrd need lll1l but 11A nuid tu giwi till tliilt liclps liLkP LLLA KL LLLlNlllllJLlLCl LLULLLLL LLLLLLLLLSSCLL LLLLL CSLLLLUL LHLLLZLLLLLS ILL GLd Lr LhL LLCILIT 7LNLLL tllo tijal were Dr Brown uni 11111Lt lm ult ltlt iiil 11111 of this 14 it and ilcrt Uitlci V1 VVVlVVV VlV VVVVVVVV Dr Baillie Orilliu Dr P1th lirmany lias lune 111111 001 115 A3VA posthlel 115de VVVVVVVVV VVVVVVVVVVVVVV VVVVVVVVVV 1VliL1 lVltllllllllht D1 it IVui Dim lit curl iViV ill hank tliingi GL1 Vb IAHI humid Dr ll LillCi11111rll said lrust 111 God but 11ma pupiiw vile151 MumV 1131 mi wlmi AliluuLll VV VVV niuntonat lotihlt Chief of iilltt1lt1 uur prmthl dry We mus 11111b111V slimfitting Cclasucdc 111 small VVVV ewe V50 Dd CollhlVi1b10liVi=1gti Guilt mliic must 1in 111111111 W1 large 51m Terri050 white LLm OLH 011 111 blwd went 1011 and 1011 Donkl This stilt in 1m Lchlci ThriftPriced VV llllllll Dclcncc llllCStS ircrc lc iiur cffuit bu winis lct it bt number of appealing coluurs Mrs 11111 Barkley the accused and 11rl Lduni in he lcirlarations trimmed with appliqucs Of llariev BlllV 0911 01 ii 11 iii icr liu hi it in huts 4t English Angola and md ixustralirn Botany W011 101 WW 450 19 tgtgt it counsel and judge 1m Thrialriced CVruun Attorney llamnmnd inilii 11w ViiiryAJulm VIllllS fur Mix 1111 My Hm THE bibm Wm nul 141 11 LliisHillcllf girl lived in the Iitiict linur and fifty liiiiiiltcsUClmSii LXLtL 00 my SlllDGSVV TVLlltllUlSC9lfwill blle 1059 VVV VVVV 11 Parry Sound and had b0011i1k tnrani Hilllllllnlld for 1110 plosccu VWIHC 13170 V14 to 20A rrygggm VV 4113 re She had becnrkccpiiigiunn fruimimo 111n 111 11m 31 C11111iirrirdcniweigottaiiiiwaWimb LellerTlrIH d5 cm ivmpzmy lllll OliiCitVTIyUlL mime han Ln mmmcs and MIL 1rdv Kcriiul SilbCIll Jacquard towclS Culiil grcun Ema lerch Dr D0LL WILL LLLSLLCC MCILLLHLLHHCL from 130 LLULlll LL LLllllllLd finish bluc PLLDLLLLLLL LSLLILC LLL LLLLS HBIFT 1H lmliiv ll llll inarcli all through Canadian btlml 85 CUlied by Allie ulll li no chlcr ihrifblricc rm VV ithVqrVVViVV VVVVVIIVVVV on he furmV em in land he advised licr of her cunditimri lllr Wands rcvicwad the Lcasc in IVLWCIVI chlCVlkan LVLLd all JCHCVIUUVR VV VVVVVVHVVV hr WV rcqllircnqcnls D1 VIV MV Fishen GravenhurstV VVSVUVMVIHV 11d yigVmslV lilinminud blyltb lll bldL ll0ll lld gt ciiitsu tcd bv the vmiiiganan V119 truth of Mrs Barklch evidence AVV accoumm VVS Bank WV be mos useful in CW saw that on ADV 23V Vim She 1W1 not performed V0 LOOK AT THESE BATSROOM SETS gpdon andVV logic Stunning style YOUR THRIFT PROGRAM the 111 Visited 10 130mm that if lt1 or me 1265 12 lucciwcd 1101mm MrsV Barkley 11 tllVanl had taken place it had been POPUIQI COlOlllS Supigrior BE THRlVFTY Buy war saving cenihahh V113 mm on wle SLV Grimm dewulmiii her linnwlcdgc Hc maiii Consisting ul l8xV3iV Mat and ITlVlClllllE Lid quality atathrifty price gme VlIHri icluincd to Tryons home lflllwd tlHViVlVllWie 1131110 direct cri Cuvcr Floral or VSail Boat dcsxgn on rose VV Kimnnhy The gm Stayed NYC ucnce against M15 Barkley and blucV 5ch orchldV gold 01 peach back week and thcn went back to Oiillia ml 010 W35 11 great dtVll of doubt gruund Washable tutti Tubfdst LLL ADFI ZUTYETAiLlrslaymg at Mrs thkmmbcwsmniWWTUTr 5177777 rchlcriZIhrifFInced Onepiece Capeskin Mitts wii elastic wrists Lined Colours black 59c ndbrown the accused Mr Hammond 1lt0W011t over the C1ich11ccstc1 by step and mam 36INo laiiicd that chain 11 cildcnu had liccn built up which inevitably ed Stripe and floral designs Dandy for ULLJJlW bvllC1ial0llrlhixllhjf 5H chcLv llPnce autumn igAmglitwcarARcr+andi AAAAm and the isirl had cyiiuusted every yU cu frde to buy rllzirlileys home Shveas removed iii the hospital on May 21941 anc VVVV ldicd the next afternoon Chief ll VEHD l8320VER CENTURY BANKNG EXEIENC iillioUSilLlfthlCLS fbkundLhtLKliUlLarlg mLSTIllESn lli7iilidLii 361116lTL Dr Dcnhoim 01 pa IVVVV VSVVVVVVdV sVVVVCd VVV CVVVdCVVce VVVVVV mums VVnd meVV1VVV gone to 15 SuitmeiitV Von VVpictViy BVotVVVanyV VV Tnvon in mm Balntys housc twin lie Ci 11 WOOI Sdelh Llhe V1111 WOW lt1 Dist 105 colours and embroid LYO TVVHAV 19rfurnicd He held it lVIlS BlI CRY llimS 2110 an illVililtlQn 10 White with borders of pind or blue SizesV tVV 36 44 OliveA Trygn 24SKHLSOMV WV in had not called doctor to La Stock up Featured are ibsc 64x72 and 70x84 Two in lzes VV VVVVCVV VVVC VVVVVVCCHVVV 0V VVV lOUVVf 1113VV11cn 11193 115 111 maroon green blue in51zes ThriftPriced groups Pr At hr thn SIJllllg lie lvorled ate NobclL iLLLQ IforLLfLLLpL LSLLLed LL 14 120 Vv 1n in gt1 is tics 13115 11 STORE HOURS SATURDAY AM TO 10 ZELLERSV LIMITED He knew MIMTEd BSSOMHC 01L cvideircekaiid the natural conclu four or five years and kept com1 Sims that might be dlnwn pany with her othand on He wasl engaged to her about two years ago and again twentyfour hours be fore she died About MaiCh 10 or 112 she told him she thought she was in lrouhia Witness related the various steps taken in bchaltct the girl leading up to the time when she went fri the home of the accused on April 129 19 to the hospital on May VIEW LLJmeiz Get the Bulb Wot the LDtningRoLomV WW 91311 Busvf ma 5V To MEET its WAR fjjWEAPON VL 10ersz UNIVERSAL ACARRVIERES EACH Accused in Own Defence Mrs Barkley the accusedwo min was in the witness bux for most of ThursdayVIn herexzimina tion by her counsel she told her side of the story which indicated that she had done nothing illegalund Vtliatthc illegal operation had Lnor Enumeuncglujmbuthmeum cne else Shexplaiiied the presence MONTH FOR THE by statingthat Tryon and thegirl not aIILIJeLLb bL dL Tl 10 tr 1min 19itazeioiriiitif DURATON L1 wekst holidays Ttyoh hyd paid 0ratfwmlcmar1$1fv VV her $15 for two weeks rental in ad VVV tE TSgPU FLOUR OCKS mg OnlyL La sliotLLVLLjimLeVlft LButthcreisLsLtilla liavLeVLiiiLtd etlort MoreVregulaJ putf Alongway toLgoL t6 reach our objective in Chases 0f Wl Sailings Certicates meat the War Weapons Drive Dont lets bLLog more Weapons for Vour forces Dont Vance and not focally other purL DoseL QL AAAVAUnder stiff crossexamination by the Crown Mrs Barkley declared that she did all she could 10 help the girl when the latter was ill at the foimerfs home anddenieVd that she wasneglectful in Calling adoc tor If could have got doctor 1woulthaiVIthad LdoCtor she are ydurself such embqrraLss lugm01i1enlsbylling every einply sockel with dependable EdisanLMazLdu lumpsprelesl ed to give brighter light longer 0010011185 mm WAR SAVINGS simiVBVVVVVVVVVy VVVVV dVVVVVVVVV VVVVV VVVVV VVVVV VVV me VVVVVVeVdV D0 Vet oVVV 11151 down itVsoiVirViespgusibility Seefhat hag SVVd Constable Aberncthy in 0W AVnV everybody does his VpVVartV VPush the ileVVof itll 2511 mmm1aii3 ae War Savmgs inmates whetch an gets for yingtoazmgeuow outVi your share We mus all pittevVerytliiVng we VVVthciieveVr you can VVV and1 guessVV 1111 have to takemy LL LL medicineRecalled theconStable id Mrs Barkley had madetiiege statements VAddressestollury The entire session ofthe Court uy WAR SVlNGS CERlllCAS 11119111 GE

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