Ontario Community Newspapers

Barrie Examiner, 13 Nov 1941, p. 4

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lfHUltSDAIf NOVEMBER 13 HI THE emu emulator Barium oniiiRro camps MW gisvekiiiii ASSLRIION Lad it taicIiil lk1 BABY SISTER Illt Coil General llillJ led of tire babitlul tiiii gt toppcd titan vi Illti DRIVE ECelebrated Fittieth Wliy Canadian Soldiers Wedding Anniversaryi Are Marrying Overseas Probably Loneliness SVIJLPINU Lets Chat xiii Womans Viewpoint on This and That RA Phonon Todays Fashion fir tlij ltdt1 sit1 of titltiliinzlig 113 Olliti luA slzbele mil gt ltm them srp Inf pa llcintiidizzw Lilla IlI lts slei tin yaanester gilllli7ll1lIUl fwd5 lIllc lcai 5hr rdiro to in sud Ullm lllt to her NlllL in llirtl lrl Ltelztllcill illch iiilcricl in Lilli ilt itl li fitK lullu law2 ti lie Li5ltilrttl lllsllllllillivlt IBHMW 31 at this its liter an inc hes titre wt ll no at sttltllltL in ltlrll laet ltliilllll that nuzrtiimh i3lllIIIlI fllf Iitliiglliii lint trziairy taiiatlian girls or ltvl mu tar ind Via tila mm MUNW some neck eat lni illtatcvez dill ileum lrti rkwrncr that there one while till IJ cttl vcd Zartv name an Ls carr old Hriliy mwiiv in rtluiillzoatenr ltielllllyhlirh the Halalint ltli Jam and tubes La lit monthly report itlrzi iiiairvrng llt hiitX betatlst litlltllii inc eloie he Iit lls m1 MENTHOlATUMi Gives amour mail Iil tin IIll tiiilt ittviitl iti lii Ii extended tame are no hall eyewni cI son ltiliiii Ellt it Lilli to the ilt liv alliar and iinn iii Home lllnll it lm ll lIdwazd Wheeler of llamlt inc tied at the tea taivic ill the lllll ML Airliner lilili iilltgtlll lullK iialiain anti Mr William tliaiii ilt liulicrl iioozih in laiiyrvilh Mich Mrs illicl Eiinrll iii tiiiielnii linns to llie ltttllllull lialrani were the Lilligt latitiill at dinner party MTJU NV li mo of their daughter lrs In mm it rant and Mr lllllglliilll when um and NM rim13233iiiiiipiiiLifiin married at ll home of the hi iilcr parttilt ilirntl Mrs George ltoliinwn when the late llcv lto hiit tunlre pastor of llurns lltw liytczian church officiated llic hur Mrs lillltl McKinney Allan lillll four sons and daughter dale llev lohn illcCarten llawkcI loronlo tlna Mrs lslonc rll it i1 all lluit llinzham Hilario of llzlllttI ll lliIlllI1lltltfiIlHlIulilliluWilli ilthcn wire and tltrlt children tli lprwenl Mr and Pull ilailrlill lll the recipients of runny Lults and incu sages of ioiiciiiiiiiatih including bouquet of niiuns fiozn thc lloaroi of lrtistcer ol lIiin school of which Mr Graham yas trustee for over thirtylite yeais berm elrairinanE fotI number of years iii sou ir til ill lllttr i1i 57 titliltil ATTENTION it iiit ltti well in Ln ittcr Adult iu will 13 Loni iir it lilrlll Vitalil stands for lion for Victor and IiiM Barrie musical organization has vocan CiCS for number of instrumentalists who are interested in music Skill in playing an instrument not necessary but prefer able Those interested please apply by mail to Box No lOO The Examiner Amour litire from it lancc whi Called were l= aivl llr liobcill ltohinwaz oi Marrysvillc Mich ill ind Mrs llilllriritl Mctarlcn oi Ililill illoti Mr and Ellis Wilton McCarl ten of latertoiil Ml and Mrs ltrank ltindy St tathaiinctz lr and Mrs Edward Allan lillonbiirt Mr and Mrs Alex Jamison Arthur Mr and Mrs Wen laltersoii Art liti Iilanin Il ll tamer iiiorisiiiiii itl Vint liltlllt too lied and black is firmly culrcuth lint as llllliilli rlwr combination ust here tor mos attractivi ldaytunc frock that is villt of place till after dark activities The rid WINV icrcpe itll for the jet cmbroid ciy liu bodice buttons to llii waist wiitrc the inidriff is dram la bow tie in back There arcl men satinan money to open ritliii the ltolil of theskirt and el for men aizd arm ioIln pickets buttoned andcmbrold it llalllt introduced by ered on either side The bellslecvc tlic lorncns Canadian Club byilliVt tllllllllltl 11 llh Willi l1lixbe1h Rodgers Illiursdayi rllltltllrlll Illll llltlllbtl wIIAIIIFIVRIIIVIIIIWiIIaIIt ind Eie tttllllt endorsed the rci zlaLloa The YtlU had litrlt vipa usly endorsed it Monday Miss Rodgers Lieut hit mien if the and Mrs appeared before lliat it for icliy awful but true inert lltlil Sarita rillallllllt lri tliill l1l Sir toaster the highways For liae lunch will be vital tll Planting lllAl lllNCll lItilltl tIiltllltgtltili Daily Mail VVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVV COMPETITIVE PRICES AND PERSONAL SERVICE Mrs Leighton lairke la delightful 12 lira lnmr last yjtilatiys Sliaipe liliry lSliiipe Latntiiirtl Soulu Atrica The ma tabl react ii lltllldklllIHTlS cd with lace cloli ct iiicil with lI1tltltti lli lelllJ The regular monthly meeting at the Barrie Branch was held in the rooms at 730 lhtirsday November Club and that cluh7iiic President Mr llainilton tireIr yell1w and itcill consider illc resolution at ailvsideq Misc1in mm treasurer sidcd over by ll =xecrituc mettho 1le are DC reported that $11400 and six pairs lrs Ross rim made to have other olganiZLIlblankets had been received in rc llunean McCuuio as winh lmns in town back the resolution spouse to the appeal for blankets Alina Russell M11101 in Ht uolore sending it on to Toronto for overseas lrs Cliitlick res ilic living room lIlnrp is mum such hostel parted on the visiting at the Camp The guests thClllthLl Nir Soul badly needed in this military Borden Hospital Owing to the fire l5 West Camp Bordon and iiioirilimvnu pm when soldiers on the visitors were unable to carryon Denatured Alcohol her of the lied Cross Auxiliary 181 can get bed cheaply for the as usual but will continue nexti scaled Tins visiang committee to th Cainplqigm unit where soldiers Wives canlweek From January l94lto Celt Borden Military ldtlbptldl is when rst reaching Burr um her out ladits lllL isiled wualiL1 No charge for container in Immum boarding 000 boys who have been confined Independent Diiiggists Alliance The an iiint Nor title it his SPECIAL VALUES AND REMINDERS for Thursday Friday and Saturday We reserve the right to limit quantities hit an arid iitl ll NonCorrosive crtificd ANTI FREEZE Retarded Evaporation $159 gal No charge for scaled tin at it LYSOL RUBBER SOAP GLOVES For all uses Good Quality 50 Latex for 10 230 Velvetla BRILL IANTINE oz bottle 35c MEIICOL IZEI WAX For the Skin 89c NAIL SCRUBS Special Value 5c fw Protect Your Heaiihl at it 1V iu they can resolution to be sen to bloomL to hospital Burton tread of die War Services Mrs George Brown lcpoilcdr asking that the Salvatiuli riny be 1hrcm an inmrmalgumcrmg on the meeting of the Wornairs Car the urncc Scott Caulivlnli Culllllllltllto ofltho ll tunicends Ontario wrici me in mop iiim front Thursday last thcu number oft 50L bl OODb ra Rowe honored lier prior to her dc Cne 10 Swim 91th10 00 pmmm rm ammo whch She ported anatlendlailicz lilonr 41ml not ias acceptedia new position ifiexeilifllmgnfjclf 31 Appmq BLOSSOM 3P II Cl IIIII gIIIIS pIIIIIILIIIth LUCIICIIII IIIIII Home Nursing classes have been SlMIIIinEVIIIIIC 50M IOCI IIOII DIG urpose lCllle EDS ear gem made by Mrs Mai aiett Out congested Sinus Areas Brock gt 9111 thistlattfxifgc in 1mm 011er to ie NEbCSl11togetlelltlflOmlOIllll Foil Ill SIlIvcdlling Ewe tioii imptirled by lhcdramed lcticlt ng sinus rain is to clear congestion pouring ca rs rigi from nasal passages and give sinuses lace and Jean Morrisonassisted ho hm hm gm FOR the HAIR DETTOLM FlTCl snanroo BRITrsH 150 lira090 AINTISEPTIC We SI Girl Guide friends of Lucretialocmbcr 23 MIS mm CanI Rth W50 lresenlalm leonducted in Barrie for the last six lACQUlNS FREE 11 02 $1 size 49 chance to drain few drops of This Months Output Following is list of comforts sent to the Ontario Warehouse this month 45 sleeveless svezilers29 tank sweaters 2t helmets 50 pairs mitts 100 scarves 60 pairs twoWay mitts l50 pairs socks 250 grey caps tLtiirtlencckcd swewwghzmsc I130IIpiiiiIIcliilds illIlIlIlsIIIl2tllCCCE civilian clothing knitted caps25tl pairs boys shorts 250 pairs sus penders Barrie Report Appreciated Mrs Fraser Chairman Ou tatio Division Womens War Work ClmltteWMruGG Brown says We have read With interest the account of your Red progumi in MELBairic Exv ainineij This is exactly the lprof thing leiich we like to get from our branches Do sendyus any lllfUllllilr tionyeoucerning Red Cross activi ties inyour district We do appreci ate your cooperatiou so much Officers Chosen for wAl of St BCUIISL Innisfil The WA of St Pauls lnuistil met at the chiueh on Nov with good attendance for the regular meeting and the packiiiIg ofa splendid bale also to select ol ficers for 1942 The election coir ducted by Rev Knight reu sulted as follows Hon Pres Vicks Vatromol in each mm is usually enough to bring this comfort ing relief The gtBCl ambulance fund iii creased by over one hundred dol lars as result of thesuccessful band concert given by the Colleg iate Band Sunday evening at the Roxy Theatre tedly the most suc Va lro ml is so successful be cause it docstlnee important things shrinks swollen membranes of the STEPHENSONS 711033712helpmlemubpaineailslngk EWELLERY congestion imdt3 I18 Elizabeth St Phone 1832 Miles lmlllm Many sinus sul ferers say its best Iernnoor with Oil VllALlS HAIR 54912dlllctri 590 It was nndoub Veiamrconcertfcvergrvenrr Barrie with packed house and several hundreds turned away at the door The young pelfortnersl irrellef theyve well lived up to the expectations mund Try it of their large audience with gen WW orbits and well varied programme The soloists Helen Lambert David Gor on and Vi were an added attraction titling climax of the evening one an With large made of poppies as background patriotic music by the band the excellent choral recitatious of McCraes In Flanders Fields Rupert IBrookes The Soldier Binyons For the Fallen and other poems by group of Collegiategirls and boys was moststiinulzitiiiwMy it Changeable weather lack of sunshine shortages of fresh fruits and vegetables etctnesc factorsanay combine to health with products of oxcellche that can help you to build resistance overcome colds soothe nerves etc and Anaeiii Tablets 22c 430 690 980 linex Ciiinpound 350 for 690 Iamvcs LBQ Cold Tablets 24ciic TONE up THE SySTEM Horlicks Mailed Milk 480 970 if DialIliascs Nerve Food 600 $150 SOLD LAST YEAR NovaKelp 4rsizes 29c 79c $139 $279 EMULSION 49c $149 SCOTT affect your health if you dont watch out Protect your generally make you fit and keep you fit chocolutcd I15c 330 Spain Couth Remedy 000 $150 OVER 7000000 Boxm Nonpoisonous three sizes CHCIKERTlgdsAS SAL HEPATICA 3059$115 Special1lssOrlmentisT Lori BRAND Remotes lZline Caitdsall different each with envelopes in nice Special Moyiiiiiigwfriccs LaXative Coldublels ich 25c no box 25 mm Box of ill superior HEATING PAD Beef Inn Wine 16 02 reg 69c 49c Syruphie Iine ar reg 25c 19 cards with envelopes Canadian ArtistsI Series as 3llculI sortments at 500 and $100 $379 Mimi lupdin and Bile Salt ltiblels47izI 1llA ECONOMY Vegetable Laxative HOT WAT aaARuec Mentholuted ChestRub I29c BOUP Milk or Magnesia 32 oz bottle 2v or guarantee ABS Tablets lOOricgflile Vitamin BlTablelsrlfllls Select your II gt Christmas Gills soothe vichrange of pleasing gift suggestionsuowon dis play at your ll5A Drug Store 7v pleasantilutormal reception was held at the home of Mr and Mrs Girdwood Sunday afternoon in lionoulIof SerghObserver Bill Gildwood and his bride Many friends and neighbours were present to congratulate the young couple and bid farewell to SergtObserver is leaving for coastal iiiriiiiiiisiziirriuriiiy PLAYGROUND Sold on MoneyBack Guarantee Large size Ill ounces $139 OME to CanadasifgreenPlay grOundv for your winter vacation Ifthisyeorl Heres Ia balmy climate in rite portsWithfxnw zestgolf 631375 iShing motoring hiking and riding LOWFARESI Vijljlbttels Offer specialiyvinter rates to Im vANCOUVER wvisitorsIla Vancouiec thenewsHotel and IVCTQRA jVImbouver ici Victoridstbiefmmess fHollI Offer Iaccdmmodatio youIlllyf Full Information likebandsurrdundiagsrtoImaeyourIfIV Local Viihilt that mushmOtefenjoyablel LfNRdgent n4 III LiAniviiAL ecuf monument ovieronm March 3141942 Full iidarnrdtionromainy ticket agent lbies giving donations to the Easy duty in Nova Scotia During the afternoon the guests made presentation ofla beautiful silver tray to the bride and groom Terr was servedby the hostess IIwith Mrs ThomasSinclair presiding al the tea table son assisted Jean Merrow opened the d901 Among tthnIaAny local wolneiifs organizations who aredoi splend id war work isthe local chapter of the Eastern Star acebinplishmentsto date are the king of layettes for British ba Miss Enid COI ern Star fund for ambulancesdud mobile kitchensand sending pages to relatives inthe Canadian Active Army To raise moreey for this wari thy work he lodge is holdinga gala dancea week from Friday night in the00F Hair The com mittee headed by Mrs Alfred Jory plans to make Jthisone of the out standing dandesof the season LEARN WHERE TO GO People naturally look in The Ex amlinars Coming Events for dates of dances suppers etc In 1940 The Examiner carried 2583 lilies of this pleas of advertising Amongviheirt Mrs Frank Green PresqMrs Knight lst VicePres Mr DArcy Lennox ean Vice PtesI Mrs Wm Warniea Secy Mrs Jars Leonard Asst Rec Secy Mrs AltWebb Corle Sponding Secy Mrs Booth Iizea MLS As Dorcas Fralic ing Messagengs Jabbitt Little Help ers Mrs Martin ExtILyCentuDay Mrs Reynolds Literary Secy Miss Nightingale 29mlde Sqy Mrs Johnston NAiitors Mrs Martin and Mrs ewi Prayer Partners MrsAitken Mrss Robins Flower gymmittee Mrs Peacock MrsHF ebbMrs Neely Red Cross Rep Mrs Leonard Lunch Com mittee Mrs Frolick Mrsi Arnold and Mrs Dalton Lennox After the meeting alunch was served by Mrs Carr Mrs John son Mrs Cookand Mrs Robinson II GREEN FEED FOR PouLIrmr Rec Face CreamsCI Cleans ing Facial fife or jar 256490 Fae owder 25c 49c ipstiek 296 wfillc Rouge Compacts I29c 50c SpeciaLPovvd PEPSODENT PRODUCT MED Sill 29 ANIlEPlIC room rowan Green leedIis necessary addii tion to poultry rations at any time but more especially during the long winter season Sometimes this tactis overlooked when the birds are hedged during the winter but green feed in one form octanother at that time is important Green feeds are available in two gorilla green and dried SROSSMND DRUG STORE 50LDunlop street wOODBWTOiLmiEs eiemd MatchingLipstick44e vuliie 330 308 Hopes iirrsron WllH PURCHASE OF ANY MEDIUM LAPGE or GIANT SIZE i001 IteiiIsru PAISTEI trite an 4951 DOUGLAS DRUG STORE Wellington Hotel Bloch PHONE 92 PHONers FOR MEN GILLETTE LATHER SHAVE and 10 Blades 9c BRITISH CousIoLsI 4voroARcTps2225c IPINAUDSS EAU DE QUINiNE risersies cAvENDER SHAVEzic Scibei1ltigt IFOlJNTAIN SYRINGE Complete Outfit use OINTMBNtI Uiiuallddfonsores yulcers burns boils etc 79 DENTAL NEEDS STERAKLEENLCleans false tegth trial size tree with reg 350 TEK TOOTHIIBRUSH geriuine bristle gt 29 pkg of 49 PEBECO TOOTH POWDER 190 29c KOLYNOS DENTAL CREAM 29c 470 KNIGHTS DRUG STORE bRUG STORE Next toOxy Them IIQPpsite P65 0W VI PHONE FASTEETH DENriALlppATga oonRp Holds plates firmly in place 299596 89c manners iv

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