Ontario Community Newspapers

Barrie Examiner, 13 Nov 1941, p. 16

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PAGE SIXTEEN MW szl gt Went lt F531 his to ineNoIIIllllalIldtalilaotolr HERNlA tllltl Our complete servici iI zltttles both Fitter in all slllftittil rip llaiiees to serve you qualified hm7 ll mil ll rpClll lllll left ytsteida titotgc ill itnitai llilt for ll ft tine ill Waiirrs Phone 226 iiIiiIiI Vitamins Alone Not Enough Three essential minerals also found in Chases Nerve Food help to make this triio tonic for blood and nerves Biiyine the large ll li iiiaii lllttl llee ii Ll charm eel lie li NmNON omwoooououmowaoooooo llama iiIIiIchsai 1IItgttilSillildl iit Knox Church Rev Cooper ll rrc fe ll iitilpii in tli llltilllil llhhll Jiiiuilts llllhohdihll iii the 11111 ltll1iit llinins and sail i11ililll3l with lttlt Perm llm WNW mmm fur Illtwill WM ml Itll ill 11 gt llllsstll rteid lorontosicntlschool grounds and marched to hlehlIlc of 513900 and value of all the weekend in Cookstown icli iot and will leave on ir alarm for inoha wlrire they 111370 OW win lllCl Leighton llillllll fifty111110 lZinins 1in it tho city again and his bop There are Indica llllVC taken the first three games on that such building llheir schedule Iaiiigh Little visiting KCtIlL 10101111trcdiics thy ninotin If biiildiize lrs left Jacobs HIKllstruelion on ItCitlllll of inaiesizis Toronloined labour heins needed fvii tillitl MiNts Jean and Ruth Allison alicic nay will spend the winter more necessary wartime functions NewTUiUlILO spent Sunday at llfgillt is relurning to work very In Hm rst ho ltm pmztlieir home here soIn havingr almost recovered from iihc effects of an accident month Wiille changing life the rimi flitldinl lhlUWn by 11110111 333 including $7000 for the inpucruwiark Rutledge are attending till lbs air pressure Striking him on mddimm mum compCm for some Technical School at Weston ltli jaw it broke Ii bone and also knocked on most of his teeth Pupils Mark Remembrance Day King Edwaid School marked Remembrance Dd lol the service was from pamph Lorne today MDVCHCSDlS VEEVE FOOD and ldllLleili mon ensures supply foratlicfuiiiily 150 pills $150 Dr Chases Nerve Food eon tainsvitumin li The pupils The origin lllURSDAY NUVLM BER mill BAlilill iliiiiLR BAlliilE 0N1 ARK CANW imam iiiiitiititisr SOLDIER Blithe in Out mutual Sim tFuc weir llelir ire3pc Bevan5 Fnet mil on Satu Itis iidllarqalzigfluir vf Thalia 11 52 viaiity GA oi midribww Coltlded EASY WAY BE SAVED BY AUTO TRUCK OUR Biron 1N COLLISION Viki Willi it Miss lAng Lil cli Lil is vvfiil Lntrigi do Li Bosnell Pte Kenneth Stewort 28 Hn 111 wlllf5l my Citltfciblb With lulled in Accident North vim mm 59 ll Vciritllti LIt LIIIoci Ilitler Howkestone Curve my Sctatchintcito lttktli 21211142 th 31 htthrelieflvimxttnlifurnmamimgeguii lirn f11IAk90ilntlleivln aluttwutmltr wwvm $11er Am would In Ar out routine mu hiltd 151 the fives SCililll llcgi lild Em namlrn MW liilll iii Nllkfi his lltlil on War in Intricate an Act liAate liiincli Sit tiiiiiti Ii io tilt tmtihurtiulilyfwltll ll lliltltlfllln llia ititiicltit 13 lei foil mitten iim lijllitl Troulilesoiiie lightllloughs Are Hard on the System its the cough that sticks the couch that is hard to get rid of the rough iowuiiiptiiiml liv tickling In llie llinsnt that causes the nerve and throat wrueLiiIg llilllilt that la ope you awake tit nielit units Noniav liiie Syrup lltlfiw to relieve iltlrl coughing tiillilltlttll liv soothing the irritated parts Ift1llililll Illlizztll and stimulating the bronchial organs and lltll llilS ldone the lllvlllltllilllt irritating cough may be relieved llr lile 2ttlll line Syrup has been on the liltillul for the past 43 tlJtl Illt trade Mark lllit lrres lrivi do It liottlc large family rule about times as unit 11 title at all inth may be held 1= lltrthd lailt Vi ha Iiatlot with initiiliutiii litlltll ii fill Qtittii ni tender of You =liilinit aInIta Iii lllllt lllll lllltdv tin2x were all Initirrd and eel1y 1M Mlllm Ami HV littctiia lr ittiiitit loiuiitiig liteiiaid kliil 1vtillLlUL Tuna to and the three ti l7 ioiiti it know It ltll tar iiiiixt not it to the erd o1 iiivnit Illllltl4 an lilill ecl to inculcate limb that one in ti It ll It til it Illie liliuin Limited Toronto tut nutter llilrl priiiiciple Il already 1it II citati It is re iteii it tester it lELll tlit lord that lilitith ll IesIit= in the breakiast table and liltllkll ll I1Iie thioitzziirttt the 11 llli gt if llttlllltl to Ii ltltdiifdttt of our own Ae 211 leH be towed to InnIre have our children Llllllil nl 32 ens eil in war llti Il if our out choice and tliet 11 Steel tar torp gm 11 to lllltlit our Iliiveiniiaent lt liltllitili oi we see fit ual iiiippreciaw llze speaker die vivid picture iiiii tt it has passed Hi the lack of lzlierty tinder total ii 31 11 iie1iesidcit jiiaiisn dictated xva there libl than ll iieIied llllil titty has died Do we like that pic Iii iti iiT tae formal llihlillliilltlll tune he illitill it is 11 horrible llttt Al 1lkllltlllUllillttlZtillll EBOHW Tclixltlll llllll lit2min llxlll livnlllllll lictttoship lli1 made the issuel of Perntttg RQQChgg li1 introduced the lrii clear ltlttlll freedom and hairy GapiummKt itIiittil cf lIIi 11 tiiiiitlt ii ll ltlllllLl iii tni lltll RIJAL BARGAIN few days Ccord of Ibl 21w et 11 lIiiiilI lul The itaste he stated lltl Iii the lIi ce expiessed ilosncll said intelligence is 1C ti lthe keynote of liberty and we mustE Jlxl itii1iilited the Iiltl an intelligence that looks fart lr pit in the lltctss of it tItenl of us As an oruanilation ourt SALE PAINT ARNISII through lotruc which hitsb endli FIVE STl 1N tat tributcd all throngh 115 lzl in it rI activities and faces ilillgtl lie turned toward iI 01 Ctk OUR ENAMEL aii Ii li the lace of service xorld of liltxllllll benefit to iiiiitkiiil prl 01 the cowl L1 lll er llat llll is iii llli call on the Lions of this llSl 25 40 60 100 watt SHUCOC Abftlll llrl ll VARNISH STAINS we tiitl 11vI iiii mm 20c each items shown weie made Mat and Ground Colour lltlll tllllb and lbtlflflllllts to put their shoulders to the ll ttltt tttttereni count lvdtcel in the great cause of free 311 Hid II UV EMU lll Vl ilkx the maid would do their ioznf he declared ur nations Malli =gt illiHi ll will 113 he til to answer the chal safety is founded on one Conviction illt prioi lai 3t ml the hour ythat there is divinity iti Inuit llll IIIil oleiii liil Eli illsbli iiiiln lalieity what It he asked ldividiially as well as Service club lpeiad lililti IIl tli 1910 icle We rw rm Mr gt ww THE WEEK lN CGOKSTOWN in the USA and PllCCS from 10 to 20 polCtlit higher than our Relllm VELVET FINISHES and CL Ian vanmsu flitoz Can This is rare bargain and it will pay you to buy all you need at this time Clothes Hampers Ivor blue Inauv Prices white green Special KINDERGARTEN SETS Table and chairs red Blue ivory rose 5595 and green trim At Padded steel stools $239 1llilil1 Iitl of $1l39tltl qu Hill of Stpcniln li Illivlllllls ierei1iit iet 121 total valu of 519101 im the United Church on Sunday at 11 In Slliilitl ltiltltdue spent the week ternoon where Capt Rev 1111Il5d up end with friends in Gravenhurst Robertson Stanley Barracks an Mrs llztftlllllll Toronto Toronto assisted by RevJ l5 humor ll lmckcvil WM Ancni5midv with Mr and Mrs Douglas iducted the servicezfhe Band Following thc service the parade was marched to the Cen otaph where WlCillliSVClC placed and the cross decorated with pop pics in memory of the fallen com radcs who gave their lives in the First Great War and those who have passed on since Last Post and Reveille were sounded by buclcr of the Allistoii Band Mr and Mrs Beattys 35111 Wedding Anniversary Mr and Mrs Vivian Beattvf were pleasantly surprised on FriI day evening Nov when nuin bcr ofrclativcs and friends pathi ercd at their home to extend bestl wishes it being the 35th annivch sary of their wedding About 50 friends from Toronto Elinvalc Fergus Barrie and surroundinu neighborhood attended The time was spent in cards games and dancing The highlight of the EVcl lil Cleo Parks li lllZ Mrs liiaiil Evans left this week me for wry lvnu as gmvern to spend the winter with friends lll loronto Ml mm hllllklm Alum ite Gordon Davis of 11006 ilaniilion spent Sunday with his parents liere SALE or CRYSTAL GLiis Eur CONNOR ELECTRICCW SHERS NOW HARRY ARMSTRON 98104 Dunlop St Telephone705 mm ll lnrf lon Galbraith RCA ml Stanley Barracks Toronto Visited Issued but in the latter iinlf lltccn dumb on Saturday were issued with value of slT trod Nixon Mac Lewis and Pie Charles Trumblcy of the Hum Grey and Simcoc Foresters Dc Ollltl 11311 ltvlmllf 113 Mill rt NS is on furlough with lfoi house for Aid Ross Commitfriends here 32300 for an office building Ind1 SSgt Markwick apartment for Saijeant Co LliniterllCAQTC imd MISi Mark IE1 about St Barrie spent the weekend with Mr and Mrs Jos Baitldry to of Education tiltiElizabcth National an Council ICitizenship Services under authority in rm Issued propriate address referring to the modelllsm BMde Cnnii med hm 0C 5M1 and M15 Dawson Bill merits of the couple was read by Nl llils one Of the ten Ammcans Lccson and the presentation thc Viiny Memorial was arranged 1631 were as follows presented JoMi and Mrs Ronald at Westminster Chime mantle the centre of floo 4rass and poppies were sprinkled Margaret Jacobs placed at Vl comm Mal Al 51m Ml ml Mls Wlllmlalldled and offeredthcir thanks after wreath at the base Moved to Allandalc Beeton WorldMrs Hill llho has been beam for some 18 by 20 feet frame cedar shingles Thomm 135 With Mr and WW BEETW WCTL time left on Monday for Allandale will in future rcsidcl with her dauglttcrfitlrs uT Mar accompanicd by herl and sonTom came down1 Miss Marshall lbeen stziyjpg vithM Hill during lthc suinmemis also returned to lhcr homcin Barrie Mrs Hill is one of Beetons oldest citizens friends will regret to learn of her serious condition of Hi about OVAL FINGERS armour loyAL EYES NEED A60 near where she hall who sband TCMOIII lclay who has Wm and wellSt helm camlme md Mb supperinwhe Town Hall on Sat marriage bvaev Higginson known and her many MADE IN CANADA continued health FRE$HMEATS AND FISH Br bacon Sliced lb 390 ylst GradewBologna 111200 5Pork Tenders aFreshCod Fillets flipped FRESH FISH v7 CISCOES ROASTING CHICKEst SPECIALS IN THE GROCERY DEPT RompvorticnPPLE JUICE 20702 tins PWMELAKESand kag Post oesrms CORN FLAKES JELLIJELLY POWDER JELnAMILKgPUDDmGS Museum for pkg StcwmgsLamb lb 15c freshdaily 1b 39o for 25 16 for 15 l9c 10c 23c vame both fOr GABON lt Mm lulc do $4018 AllenCooksth brick mom Tali Am 31 Mammy enmgteamevheirtherbiidandt groom were seated and an ap lToronto was Sunday visitor with 5mm Sick italmmtColinan while in Toronto last clock was made by Walter Beatty week Dwelling Both reelpieiits very ably respond vcneer 32 by 40 feet illllldlliEllll Mrs Chas Stone Miss dee lt rich lt fi storeys $1000 Ross Cowan owncrzconetand and Mr and Mrs chasdw me Buffet lumh 15 served Dancth continued until RETuck contractor Copeland spentvSunday With Carlthe wee sma hours Prl atc garage 107 Clappcrton Sui Copeland patient 111 Biacebridsel Guests Spending the Weekcnd Auaust lM Hl ale Wilstn 0llCl an rs iton Leeson and 20101 A02 Colw Prllw or 53 Betty from Toronto Mr aners JAM Ulllthtim RCAF Birch Ont AC2 Evans iAllan McLean fronilFergus and lieshtliklmg Ruins 131 Llwl RCAF Biantfotd ACl GoxdonIMrS Henrietta Leeson Toronto ford 81 $225 McGowan owner Dawson RCAF Toroiito ltd lackmor of the fit colrgilmcnonam mm Vi TraininciscliolcxltexquEeDSuniIllelmmc titanszlr Shnglnlioflvcvelgn mam day visitors at their respective McDonald Cookstown was in gene SIL 101739 01 C10 30mm Ecetnedof aNlovel flzglllwedlmgton Imcoc um er con ur my 0V en wo Remodclling shed east side Alfred Syohns Md Meal Supper widely known and popular young The St Johns EWA cold meat Cookstowmmome wem united in F91rgcevf11measplalll39l7Wurdav evening was great 5110 of Victoria Harbour The bride ceSs and meals were served con Ka tinuously from 530 pm until air47$ ltllliegngmlllishgglligg tcr The proceeds amounted tolDonam and me gmm Stewart EV $8100 PIMT lCorrigan son of M12 and MrsJ Renovating shed Wes StaciMaple xDmf 39 ol 1T Corrlgan both of Cookstown Ave bnmeen Simcoe and Elizabeth was swmg on LITB001D613111diThe bride has for the past five 7f Steel $500 all promenade at Reeds pavilioniyears been compositor for The lSi lame on Friday night when almost 400Cookstown Advocate Beach ownerbuilder danced to the music of Charliei Given in marriage by her fath Office building and apartment Hannigans Mountaineers fromer the bride was charming in west side Mary St between bayand CKCL This was the last dance gown of ice blue satin with Elizabeth brick cement foundationnOf the 895501111 the DaVlhoni and matchtng veil and carrying pink g2 300Smjeant Co Limited Nam everyone reported wonderful ev carnations Her sister Miss Eileen bgdf cning Mr and Mrs eedabMcDim was bridesmaid rand 91 gig St ab preciate the splendidifsponsc thevtwas gowned ln rose taffeta with DwelmESoums Ame had to meantPeel and Owen brick iveiieelwforts in providing No orchestras isorles Mrsqames Robinson NewJ ver00med bungalow wood Siting and Operating lone of the best ton Robinson cousiniwas rmat 3e5 $2400IH Earthler owner dancepavuions 11 this part ofthc ronofahmorand ivoreuadress of Jacohb contractor country rose crepe With silver shoes and mhg 701Pene church parade and Decoration matching raccessoxiesrMr Herman WilliaiiTRuskiowfeif Reshingling dwelling 67 High Sts $175 MissJaneSimpson own errBarrie LumberCoxcontractor movuomouicototoo Repair verandah149 Blake bars of the Active Service Force ding music $20 Caldweiirowner Moth and school children formed in the Followint the ceremony re Fo retina 393 Chicken housrenorth side McD 0113 51 aid St between Cippcctonana received anaroyalwbluedressi 777 trimmed with eggshell and with Gwen 16by18fecuafrwemL behind shoes to match The entflcor wood shingles overasbesty grooms mother Mrs Corri OS$200 Charles Kelly owner gap irecelved in black dress builder trimmed With cut velvet with hat Reshingliiig repair shop east side and shoesto match and With Bayfield St between Dunlop and corsage of pink and white carna Collier $60 AgF Dobson owner MOTOMSTS tions Mrs Fred Rowe Barrie aunt of the bride and Miss Mae Addition to factory west stde We carry complete stock of gas Mites Toronto cousin of the bride Baldwin St between Caroline and tank locking caps poured tea railway tracks produce department WE CAN GIVE you comLET Following vtheileceptlon thehab brick and tile Lshaped $7000First SERVICE ON NEW AND USED Dy couple left for brief honeY Cooperative Pickers of Ontarilp TIRES amnogn otgerngggt 11395 133 Limited ownerbuilder Springs made to order also radiators realm Will TBSlde Qnithe grooms Garagerenovatmn 17 91appe1tonrepaied and mama Tubes farm on the 2nd Ime of Innlsfil Stinew ceiling and partition $100 liners new and used parts torn vrlwlThe grooms gift to the brides FW candua 0W9 Wilson makes of 051s and trucks Sillist maid was bracelet to the 13 not honor com oh and to Knapp comma lion guaranteed or money refunded le organtst mull of beads ThehExaminer has not alc1aimed Dommon Wraith afsgcggmmzdma Circulation but 099 guaranteed by limp AVE Im Baotou Everett ITorontojarid AriL chartered accountants audit Iopposlnv Barrie Flmur Millard gus Reshingling dive Cenotaph CorriganfCookstown brother of lang S3$3i WysogladiDwner About thin Gillie Cookstowxi the groom was best man Miss H1 her Rem contraCtorl Vterans Asssciciatlon Wlth mom Eleanor Cbrllganmlydvthe WBd Rnces notbe KAr Isgsigcicsvviiibe tower gridofferleSSnssortmnt 95 Qudlity Willibelovver through Elewer lute models Notlpered rEaMsAREFAVQUBABLEnow HAms MOTORS CHERQUALITY CONDITIONED TLEPHOHE 7231 vs 8389EL12A8EW Saunas is Certificates Sehool

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