Ontario Community Newspapers

Barrie Examiner, 6 Nov 1941, p. 7

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lliE BAthlE EXAMINER BAilitlE ONTARIO CANADA For Freedom 77557lt1 TIME 1N POWERLOADDRIVE MAKES Cars for 42 Stress Safety in Lower Body Styles ir the Lew at Lindxt Ztgtlizce 24 THURSDAY NOVEMBER 1941 WWW HIGHWAR WEAPONS uulJLlLhaJ ulnt All 41 its tliaila all in VV tic raft Li it lla st imv AN kA Ax wrung Ilaoqu upon Al ts tin irtl3 il 15 Ot Nint Baflx Eail isi it ttAbii Izizlziat Jc ti tlltll will WH lttlillttliull Ali JilWM uh hydraulic gt31 Lkl if fff usualr at ed mum tl1lll mq it effect plovuxulnl Mauro rcuiuolltt lav PM ni gt 5M pi lou must do men on gt tit ix vitic 5V1 nil thallium itutlgll country loads Jul lll3ll by bltllil1tlttgtitl steering is another In ix It it 31 1g at tfl Bun samu hw rudely lLulJIL of the lJi iord lilt ind id to cl sl Fold ic lcctl Ct lllli is hciriei ind llt gt lvxf on xi lu gt chairmen nunms vw 15 fl xylltllt tr Dime simaa 11111livifittptll il lirl am PM Wm AX glitlui lltdrile included Mayor ll Robert ucalmsruin of the li i1itcc Mauro tlLliltillzlllil stridingin ImuJw Ni the Payroll lllts ILm nd ll lit llK Leniunan treasurer of tlu our 5de lulu 331 tiipllu 77 it xx 4r Allltd kid lltltlllal ttit it in it ll lwvmi lrmlllllidllhl iWV on it=llnilozx 11 Iulv Idl gt wm lllv ice nun mg tllll ro general manager of Faun Iii NlllllllllllllllllllalvllOtltllllIl in it rl illllllltll Sili Cu lillll1l UH IIIIOIIOIOIlfg WV EH ml idth NWmmtldnnmml ti 1bit out My Wedypt 31 li it lt hr thriftluzctdl cc rcll ill txrtlhut address an titty as We cant expect mnmm vise See these Styltiif1lll ihrlttMaktrs priced to go easy tl tllll it ll and win our war for us pn on will Muse iomouou ind even lav slioialound in Veal Beef Ind Pork hp TIpp Eli Milntvrc said llc pointed out elici swhc1ctiuiltisiheoidei oitlieday LrLlyltt and in Apple la cum tlill tumle my had CH of ill bu ll lllllltii lt ll 18 ii El ll it Ikwlvylhlll Mt 1m we Hf Minors um mud in QM wigTWMMZWM 01 rt3 v4 cl llltht us ll it gt12 Lu llttlil ipph vlllirlli lll lltltllll Filer umnmrmcd Nulmm 13 to no to spill ex innit llt ittiu ltlltltlpt ion lltitll Ul Lilith ll lt Dunnqu LNHHIY llt Slllll hymn1 not pro inou ill the Battle of the Atlantic if my gt3 in Ell hitJudi this sum mu NM mm NH WM lts ot Limit lh lt Shmlpning ll ltlc luv prurutcd to the Baden hllmn ml ivrum lgttll lllt lip 13mm ful BW lllt ltltoill llil llllillttltt lllllltlnlog Lamb hops lh it Hot Smith ill iltil llllllilll who hmfplmuu has built up in his slow climh 5k mi Durk lb am mp htmuu out cultibmm tinmm 1m up from harlmrism lrtlih hops lo mt Frmh rumim inux Ml NHL Tm prwunthipvl rmme mum iron out mm SHmmm Mlml with carncslnocs and cnthus blloil lttl lit 11 llotttl lec tol ltuius Sirloinr who acccplctl 1mm secure in the knowledge that on lwhalf of the llnvuwlu luo arc loinv orihhilc job for xwmlmu lml um 111 1H mm Shle 1mg manly Nam 11 on tlu ptlttoit finances in cxcolullliill JNHS for ltllyimz War Stir lent l1lw 11 1Cjm5 rm moliniis Certificatcsi to prevent inflal lhum Hahn 5t Dun MI $637 MM expendl 1H HM fur up mma and 11 omacnuuuuuIunuuuuonounoauoouunooru ltllt amounted to $11 lcavina hmva weapons and machines for mm mud 341 Wm 211mm mm Mgd my HAt rento fervor ainoniglho lullth BAGS Copies Of highpriced 1110008 lCplOdllC mm All LEAR TVlllLlT so fidence If you are hard on batteryif you stop and start lotifyou have radio heater or defroster ask to see theExide Hycap Battery The Hycapis made especially for gt Batteries that railroads rely on them for such conditiom It has ampe power to take ryital signal operation as well as for carr tare of these extras together with plenty lighting and airconditioningrotOnlYTw of reserve for starting in any weather Unfalss however th Emmy Wnlpanics The Exide Dealer in your community has hfslllalsa coal and Dre mmcsa 51119131115 audrri sheenscarefully chosen for his ability to give llow can an Wm dWhisTrTin so confidently through the night Howdoes he know the track is clear He istold iniallihly liysignal lights along the way It tribute to the dependability of Exide 7777777 sign symbblbfonervicef riCarepreyerifs waste Avbid starlingl9l1hlice Cheek your battery now buses manufiicturing plants and various branches of the Army Navy andAir Force all have learned from long experience that they can entrust essential services to Exidc And millions of carrowners put carstarting ithe Boy Scouts as one of the great but toilinema ire support me cessary 77 lWlmlll tlmmssioncr Gcotilclw liullowa prcwntcd First Aid Kitlllllu innka them believe they to turd Vounu scouts as cotirtcsymw in mod and Ille hm lilllls tor Applt li The Scout of their country were ill Blaiu of the 2nd Troop nuinlxor of reasons there it initial and Dollillas CllUWIl of mm INHHC in purplmw lliw lltt Two of War Savmcs since Sprinu While MIm Cam lll llllllll total had dropped al ltcv lawn Druidcd rm Illmtnulv tllnll savinus had ac vw elem Ulcers The Slum wildtiiih lllLlLNd 40 pct lint pwwmm by Ger Hulkle lullllll proved to us the hpvmlll Di chairier of itlllllltill system was the backbone of Hlm War Svvins the spoiler siid lmitlcc and was adopted unanimounl 13 iin hint of savuilis to be con lsixlcnthas not to have some sutcl Officers for ill1149 llLsitlan rrilillll Plloldnfautomaticrcgularrtv mm 111qu Slmwrrvfe in conclusion Mr McIntyre out WHL MUHIQ SL1 lLilf1liried the best plan to approach cm lAI Mudcmml THEN mgl ployecs They must be given plenty times iliiiiiiissioiidn Emit Mlmtnf good reasons appeal publicitv luck 1ll beforehand Stress the investment 31c1n $521 ICVlgggloll uncle but do not dictate Unless VHHMh CHML IIFI mwni man is makinu some personal sub Smpsm ritice to sme then he is not saving utncc Simpson M155 May Liv Cnnughn mid mgstoneCharles Lowe and Geo Th liliiiliililnotthat INQUEST LIKELY DEATH OF MACllll provided by the three local troops Crnnnuod frnn FNU and the 2nd and 3rd Cub Pucks combined to put on the Grand Howl while the lsl lack staged Junile Dance Mayor ll Rob ertson who had to leave early to attend another mccting briefly ad iresscd the gathering Col RfTEpooncr HidFem Vistting lhc mam speaker of thc cveii MaCInlOSll had been VlSlllnS Ingavas Col Rufus Spooncr friends in the Crown Hill neighbor Dnisional Commander of the sat hood and had had his supper at ration Army and member of the Vernon Caldwells He left torre Executiveoffrthe Boysiturhivtoihis home athilliamiaRincr Scouts Association Col Spooner harts Thornton where he had been who was introduced by Scoutmas workingreccntiy telling them that tor Bert Mortlock provided not he would walk or secure ride The only an address which will long be Caldwellcar was Short of gasoline rcmembcrcd by all who heard it Colin Macintosh was born in but also highlighted the entertain Scotland May 30 1881 and came to inherit with numbers on his concer Canada about twentyone years ago tina lliS imitation of the Bells of He wasa member of the Church of England and CorinthianLodge AF and AM Barrie He was unmarried and all his relatives iiv in Scot land While not employed working on farmsin the district he made his home with James Rugman Mid liurst He was Well known and London Churchesat Eventide on Sunday was Icivedlwith the highly regarded by everyone Community Shocked utmostienthusiasmrm In hisifgrceful address Col Spooner pleaded infdr sumo forT By our Crown Hill Correspondent This community was shocked on undaycvning to hear of the fatal accident to Colin Macintosh while on his way home from Crown Hill to his work in Thornton Colin as everyone called him had been visiting at the homes of Roy oughnndernon Caldwell the day and had only left the home of Mr Caldwell about fifteen min iites thnhhias hitbyacar on Highway 11just short distance south of Crown Hill He wasrkilied est forces for good in the world today We cannot all be leaders he said because that means we quate training character and an lappcal to boys But Scduting can be supported by the public with heart and soul Many oflt us he added were 00 busy withbusiness and easure and could not stop to taZnoteof the needs of boyhood So ting has reaLtraditionandarealLdeal gripes areto be active pub noifment is Around this Scout promise Col Spooner uiit the greater part of instantly acIntosh had been coat contrast buttons Colours intca PANTIES 49c ed in Keratol Each Bag neatly lined fitted with mir ror and change purse Black navy and brown $159 Ji Wloolle WA it MI SMART Gloves Mitts For Ladies For Children Warm Gloves nd Mitts that will keep you cosy the while adding colour Some are solid colour others embroidered in gay patterns ZELLER THRIFTPRICED Rayon Satin Gowns with dainty embroidery trims with capelet sleeves Also sleev flGowns with sheer yokes Tearose icebluein medium and large Sizes twopiece Pyjama tButcher Boy rose and blue Medium and Rayon Satin Stripe Taffeta large sizes large assortment of lovely Panties in FloraiPctaiCrepe Rayon Satin Satin Striped Suede Colours in white tearose and blue Sizsssmailg medium and large GIRiS HANDBAGS or simulated leatherf styles with chain or top handle Red navy brown All the great variety of new seasons styles nserve Help Canedrt toaVoid griessworkiwhcn buying battery Is thch an other bhttc stnn BATlEltlEISmOFVCitNlllitrLllelEll =1531oorruum STREET roiiouro Copyright 191ly IZch Buddies0Canirdrtnnlifw cks Sexv Stn BrysonsGarage AllchcollFrontenac Stations R0 DISTRICT DEALERS Archers Garage Elmvale Pete Robillard Eimvale Spring 62 Davis Elmvale Porters Garage Hillsdale Mather Son NewLoweil Chas Pilkev Stavner 1W BRENNAN EX 12 WHOLESALan All Britis Frank Jones Slroud Sherrings Garage StroutL McQuay lltornton Maiel Thornton All McCallFrontenac Stations Roy Mustard Allandale loinmAiiisjgn Aliiston lAltiston Stations Barrie Ont few Scouts ever get into trouble rlhe reason for this was thesoundir to close up to Exide in all seasons of the year his ad vess Recalling many true The late Mr Be sufe and see inchehts in ls own work he comV th e12 modes UH Wm IaCSIkedesc gmdc YOQL 3y mented with prideon how veri HY Pouh Underarm app Keratol Black landLhe first worked for the late ohn Chappell andrsince that time Ifi rrr uedultiisiamazing but true that 95per cent of all Boy Scouts try the comnit Of very upright and honest character thel te the beSt to uplo the$9M Malntoshs sudden assing is promisevof duty to God andathe mdumed by many men ng and0bedience torlheScoul This funeral was held irom Law Blair gxmssed the ap funerlchapel of GSm1thand preeiationof the delighted audience arme Pane5d ittir tn Col Spooner forhisexceptiond Prl Masomcausplesl With interment in St James Cemetery ally able address Geor Brown thanked the ladies of vthge church Efggegm Bell Wlham Newman for the dinner and the wardens for the use of thehall each yearvfor sOAKLANDHILL Apple Day headquarters Mr llIr and MrsfJ Kell and iam Brownalso paidtribute to Georgerl HolloWay on his retirement as lily jvtsitEd Wm Kell Holly Sun Commissioner Scouting could Mrs Bercy Glenn aners Os never have been the success it has been in Barrie Mr Browrr said car Bellgmy Stayner visited at mum on Friday without the untiring efforts and faithful service given the cause by Sorry to hear of the death of Colin McIntosh wispwas instant becoming Commissioner Flag lowering the singing of the Maple Leaf and prayerby Rev DSinclair DD for themen overseas brought the proceedings Mr Holloway who was himself Scout and Scout leader before 1y killed Sunday ht on High he was hit by way 11 when car mA nhmber of the mothers and friends of the pupils of Oakland schoolcwere entertained at Hal 3m 18 lowdenv programmewFrtday alter sellsat $200 The Examiner worth more 0f Yancygrained or Smoothtinished brownavy illthe group Stitched and tubular styles of Black brownred navy at ILJADIES Burrs calfette patent ems FOR in HOMEMAKEm 633232 Tililillii CRYSTALGLASS DISHES Mint Trays Bowls 10 ea BONBON Dishes BUTTER DisnEs SUGAR BOWLs vimusn msurzs 19c ea BEERY BQWLHeavy square baSe with straight flut ed design on sides Floral spray cutting 25c Harri to match Berry Bowls sizeloc ea GLASBAKE AsSortment ROuridCoVeied Casserole 59c Ovai Open Bakers 559c Pie Plates 9le2 25c Shallow Custards for 15e Loo CABlN cuoodmrjusz with cream nut fruit or hard cantles it armies LIMITED Individual Dishes 190 lb sriogiinoumsmnnn 9fam to lit pm PYJAMAS 59 Sires36 to 42 llliiili1tt$hii rlbitx Com binations Ribknit Combina lltllgt Med with flatlock cams throuuhout At price that illliS you to buy your Winter Needs now DOESKIN SHIRTS Grand Value force blue and maroon rvic thrifty ESQ Grand Value Superior quality at thrif price SHAVING ssrs Grand Vaiue of Lavender Lotion bu TIES Zeller ThriftPriced $100 Dotsktn Work Shirts in aur Zip prr syle with ncgligcc collar Designed to give plrnty of Priced to please the CAPESKIN $129 Sltpso and dams fastener styleslined or unlined Siz cs to 95s Popular colours 49c Shaving Soapand goodlooks voan bow14oz bottle attrac tively boxed For yourselff or for giftgiving dandy fine numerousSine Priced soilin warren Flannelette atterns Splendid qual tyl Splendid value Supeitgx Ties smart com panionsforSupcrtett Shirts Corrie in and take alook at FtPatterDS Pyjamas in sizesrBA to Avariety ofstripedi zuirrips Ll am

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