hill ll HINTS i7 34 ill ikuw 5U HOMEBODIES ilztitncr nearing blue chiffon ii JESS ALLEV BHUW IlzIvIIiII1I Itite baby ziitilis The grow it was il arr L1LLn U5 li All tl ltl Brantfeiil thriinilx of 13 li he brich par is L10 Cpl 39d Cow=1 can it litlvwetl ittlll tf 41 tici It III sir kin lner wall WWW BMW wt Kip gt ham no id culled lthm am uv on itItmrooosALrsBrnr Hwy iii of the bride sang 1L Hm MC is UNA bi Aida cnurCh Tumult WAS phi crepe wmi rceseirrs the 02th of ii charming wedding Ind iiteptmn 125 held at the hone vm pull ILllltdny oculbm brick Pure 17 P33 Imiud ht NHL When ML Cum Glad Stm duhre ii FT irii ll llL Trixtth lrte lsli worry trv it 95 mm the WWW mother in tennis the tmlv Writs it bdltsdur and the late Mrrtle Lain Md MI viIHmm III 91M II priests out tilt imbei llJ i2 or Ibf II milk 1th 0d Rtfd Toronto liavenhurst lhdlaiid Ml AIW 3H va l1iiisl Itliilmv 399 bnd 53 Brazitfortl BlfiCCblilLC and Caiiilimi Aftii tn rte this in Hat on tilIhainI lraricis Girdwood of tho iBIIMmI my My iv Kidding RLAI lttHtilis to tho weldnd in Ill Mli 55 Turing imimmd Bdrm The WW anther was lllLulltltKl of llillliil at 51mm IOCI Vmmmy was lwfwd by RM D1 llLClltllitll liona uivei blot re is ii if 13 ll lTiiltsh lrs Harold lloriishv liie blltlr IILIMMC 35 IlllCllll KUWWI lert was the recipient of iiiam in mi in it Satin inaic princess str it it twins WI II beautiful gifts brought in in de 5311185191 Iiitli5trthiit iitckliiic and fiiIiIcmmw am mm 51Il1II ipliti in hos liii ity ljlltitl litttll llrricf14l 11P 11 5M Cilrltd It MUM Lymph Umw ipwl lllil np tfia ins the lit of title wedding lDUOk WM by the muutiis mother liraL Liilllltlti on tilt in lits Friday ttllli1 Oct thir ill ltllliit her wedding and white Show II III II III II IM WEI 51 Ian ye When the illv ll llirwdeii united icy QIlrdtinms HIM b0l1r1im lylilll IA eta ii as th iii lllill well 53 iii 11111 go Km tiitlllri Enligh Xt ritesttiaii was iss Irll l1 ituca vliil RIM MI 31111 NM ILIII III IIh Imd Ml JIIIIII MINIn 1mmGHIhHIUdISmelrnfwunmmI fictive till this lllgtillllltllllll in II Ind mmk 11m ll Dam isml or ii Wm Izimt the maid of honor Miss Betty IMu IM is the stuns on rmIIm If books min Arthur Sump CIA FI Imw BM lSalisbuly sister of the bride llolh it 1941 pit1y flLlllslllI when pick My Mum IM inr tiutrtr Ms Smith nidlwele dressed alike in gowns of li lll lllllll tlittvti ii no Lilli in ii iiid lliL me in InnI 5111 High SrIIlllltHb green Velvet trimmed with tiiilmliilz laughter tf Mrs rlliln wun platcsln ii Bump Iizold ariil halos to match Chapiimn was llllilll to ltcsrriIIhIIIIII Im um um mi fwd at it The hrrie exti lllllllallliltli linmmiluil HS Slit liaii cml llLlllil Allen Jarniesii svri limo LHCy to netrrtis um it fl he tilwtheziirtnw Air 10er Cut Ellii Mr RFAF ill WW not it do iiimiiiiiiianoi in what iett looked lliilfllllit in xtieet were 5341 HUMv m1 Ctm send ll11tllllkllll andtiftceil We mum an dm brim Wm ltlaclhiiizild and but James May Moulton ptliultilttl tlil LltJ II on mmr in and ma rd Muck Imd IM Mm mum or both of the ROAR loriinto which was fully choral with Mr lir kvmm ho mnwmed III pm mmin HM CMFIWIC BHIHTHHII FINN and Miss Sctice was the organist and re Lewis at the orrtaii berm MN MW mlt pom95 III IIII II III II mic njildmihmr for 51p WIIS mud IMITIII f3th MJUFMI tilt Mllttlht IM1 leririeh ILhapniall have liK magulnws Km up IhI gm Wurk II by her sister Mrs Cuddle wearirnz 03 the mnmy To in seritlirze reading matter to 1h blue triple shotr vitii black hat and mm tmkpluw Edgmmmi AW WW VL tmhimml 11 ll liirces malthint pccussnrie and yormgo or mu lmll the bride ml 131W Hi1 curried iii li=h point lace liiiii my ID IloIfIt on trin to Quebec itIrvI tho kereliicf carried by her llltlthrr1i III IIII IIIIIIIIIIIIIII IIIIII bIII 1W hiiIiIlo trnvclllllll in hliicllIstiitIfnx immuimumm at 19 wide HIT IIIlkalII IJtItgiibIIXIJCIIiCIIIIdI IIIII Inst W1 IWldlllu lC5Il1f r111hiiiquet was of Joliiiiiiia llill roses 11qule INS Rpm Fair ll Dulllllmlth Nb llll houviirdia Miss Sheila Clilil $31151 NW hI1I convomr or imair was her sisters maid of honor mafick has BAKERS LUNCH AIKENSLAMHERT CNV Hm lilinliidibiiilsltiltiirmnsliiibi for gt hab moved to CONNI 0f In Burton Ave United church on ISSI118IISLUI1flmi MMifillitkiit them She scesha great many Dunxo Uld unleash Fm WI 0mm WI were CIIIIII nrLarct cs Ellt iss ancne II In Ivum and gtrcet roan bratetl the ritiptials of llAC Stanley Hunm bridmmuid we mmkdllilillllilirillothbdllliit they like to at John Aikens of Calgary Alta Still tiittftit Th0 Ml Sboulder Slim dmv mc Um Jm bum we of the late MY and Mrs Aik mm mg puscm mini of the me fare Rooms oils of that city mow stationed mm 1th VCIS ld C1 momham Num gcr lhe VISIT with the equipment section RCA mutt flultsmlmc bag so in hitiii as it BAKERS LUNCH Camp Borden and Miss liltlithm RC dlcy Hymns was holds their personal things after For 00 Loomr um lmnimrtI daughter of woonhtiiiiii and the liSlltrs were IIIIIIIIIII NIIIIII IIIII IIIII lIstI About Inc Mr and Mrs Lambert Barrie RC mud mml Rev Mumlcc mpbulunhic 15 n115tjifp tprol 0MB LOOKED 100 The ceremony was conducted by llllI5lllIf1lMrslm Ru mmwd hmIDI This is mm with xAme RCV DUO pm MW $Ildllnmlll 1ii1ltllllf packms and flannel leaf 01 HW lwatt at itr tome weeomar ier noodles It should have gtC1sgtUIb 1mm mung 2mm Mr mWncedles sitcy ins black and white thtl blIiCk Lhet hat trimmed thrmd WV blue and grey dalnlfll llll orchid ostrich plumes and cor mlmblcs cw ms 15 my 311 ClllliDltENS FREE CIZTIIII gllflllllgmiEIBIIJCHESH33 thiiii the men mentioned most small lcstaiiicnt socks pair of init IHURSDEVL NOVEMBER l9 Osteopathic CLI AT HIS CONDUCTED BY NICI EDWIN WILSON OFFICE SIMCOE ST oN SATURDAY MORNINGS 810 oclock Beginning firSt week 0f November and continu EDWIN WHISON mg until last Saturday in Doctor of Osteopathy May gt some is years of age appom men ordyrnlrisfconflricd to THE HARRIS EXABUNER BKRME lrie bade was charmingly gownl matching hat and corsage or pink roses and violets For her wedding trip the bride ehosc costume of hunters green Iwith Corsage of rosc The bride and bridegroom will live in Toronto where the lattorhas justbecnap pointh rector of St Saviors Church Nottawasaga Pioneer tens handkerchief face cloth and small towcl gum cigarettes tooth brush and tootlipowdcr preferred to paste writing paper and pen cils playing cards dominoes rais ins tin of oxo orbovril chocolate barsfpackzipo or tin of toffee Di gests or other small magazines or story books tin of adhesch taper foot bandages or plasters safety razor blades have given this list to because it might be helpful in chtosig gifts for any of the men in Passes olAge of 97 Mrs Davitl Atkins or at the lmodtmles Home of Her Daughter Mrs ommomsc on lp There comes day in the life of Wiggins in ON Had Family of lllcvcn most growing girls when they feel it is time to use rmikciipI Mother invmiably thinkslthCy are too yoiiiigl and the struggle is on with lipl stick usually being the chicf bone of contention Perhaps it is time fOr coinpromisc Mother can show Another one of the noble pioneers of Nottawasaga iii the person of Mrs David BAikinshas passed on Mrs Aikins was nearing the century milestorm having bcgn bornaLan ONFARlO EANADA CHANGES t1 SSESSMENT it or FRESH SPRING SPECIALS llll on I1 SHOUL CHOICE SPECIALFANCY PORTER SPEClALCHOICE iAUTHORIZEDserif LAMB Roasus EXTRA VALUE HEINZ DILL PICKLES LAMB Laos 29c LAMB Fronts 189 LAMB Loins 27 Tender Economical PRIME BEEF LEAN BONELESS BRISKET THREE LITTLE PIGIPORK SAUSAGE COUNTRYSIDE Brand SAUSAGE 19 Largr irc POT ROAST 20 LEAN BONELESS DER POT Roast 1t PRIME WING Boast malt ousn Roost i339 omm ma Roast mzec laint 2793 10c owynouoa PAGE FIVE IVES BlGGES VALUE This will romind you that Drliuses Syrup is just as do pendoble as ever in the relieloi Coughs Golds Bronchitis etc Allen The War What LECTUREIBY REV JAMES kor UNDER AUSlHlIS Bflltltll BRANCH BRITISH ISRAEL WORLD FEDERATION PUBLIC LIBRARY HALL Don iistairs MONDAY NOVEMBER 10 llBlJt INVITED llillillthl 913 sharp 6V on vs on w+ +5 sp iiiir lJXlllA illi British Columbia DELICIOUSZgG APPLES GOOD Slllillilt DIOZEN California Emperor RED GRAPnsz 19 Selected Ontario out on WHITECELERY us 15 Selected Largo Ontario $553918 ONIONS Ssciiiiiiiiiiiiiriirors 19 Selected Ontario WASHED CARROTS on carticr Quo in 1844 Her maiden name was Elizabeth Brooks She died at the horn of her daughter Mrs Wiggins Oro Township on Monday evening October 27 Her husband died 27 years ago thorn tlllltllpthk aridbright fiTii gernails are not in good taste to wear to school but she can corn promiscby letting titch havc them for their prtics dates and social events gCllellBlE instead of squel The greater part of hcr life was chingthcm her go along and Spe1ltitNQltawaSgitllleigxssl 919 mothc raised family of eleven sons an daughters nine of whom are left to 10$ salesglFIS Fe WW help There is lipsalve in tubes survive In recent years Mrs Aik ins has lived with her daughter at like lipsticks that has been in use Oro Despite her years she was re IlS long as IIcan remember it comes markably alert and retained on her in both white andIred and the rcd is so natural that its use 15 not ap faculties to the end She was bless ed with good health mest of her life parent but it docs keep tth lips so and rarely had occasion to see doc arid motst ProbablyIthe girl might tor She Was associated with the not feel so putupon if she were al wed to use it for school Liquid on to on idrtnl Nestlis every member of the fmily pouchesishaving brushcsIg bdg and manyothers FIoR cHRiSTMAS and send it to us today IADIATE There arc over 60 giftpremiums listed indie VBQQKL Things for things yoquill saVe dollars by getting witthetls labels school supplies tea towels sheets aprons QI dbllsLIcameras mens hoscIpipcs tobacco nesttowels table covers silvcrwarc kitchenware USeNESIIiEREMIUMS slits Writ hr Promiuin Gilt Book Youll needthis free book that givea all the dc tails Dont Wait Writeyour more and addressop the sideIof thin Advertisement gt IAddrdsI Neatlsr Milk moatcorona VictorluStrIoItyToIroritt VAPOFtArEo IESTLES MlLK PiYS TWO WAYS Ltd AtllABIt FREMtUMS up NV ROSE Brand AbsoiJIZiy PURE JAM ll Slllll nr NT ll lIK It 53 Jar MatthewsWells Qualin Produclsli gt07 41 ROSE Brand SWEET MIXED PICKLES ROSE Brand SWEET GHERKINS ROSE Brand Spiced Church is so universally The surviving members of her nailpolish family arcDavid at Long Beach that even young girls fccl rather Calgary Alta nade Without it Let them have George and Thomasat Richardson two shades natural uriobtrusrvc Sask Andrew who is seriously ill Variety fOfSChOOI US8 and then at Kenaston Mrs Burkholderman giddier and for occasions IIIhis has been known to cure the girl who kg nah at Bladu 01th 835 Mrs Wig IbIIeSIIIhMHSIIaBIIIIIIIISIIIIIIuIIbgmcs gins Jennie at OroStationrMrST Amos McLaughlin Alice Wand 15 harder to successfully Isaac in Nottawasaga Her funeral took place on Thurs Tomato Hamburg II day0ctober404vithintermcnt in BrownIIa pound of hamburg in Ia the family plot in Creemore Ceme Stu teryCrecmore Star gently with fork tobfeak lumps When it llaS browned add can ofcondensed soup either tomato or etable cover and cook slow 1y for about thicken with four ru smoo Viofomomr$kziUP with coldrwater before servrng Soa son to taste Instead of potatOes Newmarket Era sometimes serve this with spaghetti Crops on the Holland Marsh are or hot biscuits mg is comen nearly all harviestdfpr this year ientmeatIaish as it may be preI and therewis eVldenCeDF greatcr parted ahead of time and reeheated prosperity among the marsh grow when needdI iI t3 SomerAMarsh Growers riavziowoosooo Bags nos Braiid THREE mum ORANGE LEMON GRAPEFRUITI MARMALADE 3207 Jar 3001 31 24 frroriiro 522139 PACKAGE NO2A $230 PACKAGE NO GD $240 To Members of HMForces Overseas Postage Paid PACKAGE do $295 Full details of packages available in all LOBLAW Stores Gt Br or Northern Ireland on no ROSE Brand llottlc 5131 33 SMLEELWAEER pickLEs 3333 27 soon MIXED PICKLESIIq Iillilil 23t SPECIALAssorted Shades NUGGETJ SHOE POLISH Tin fill GOLD RIBBON Choice nussnnr Puma GRAVES Pure Unsweetened 31W BEEHIVEBIbnd Mgr OP so use Domestic Shorterllng roman YOUR tritium 402 Pkgs rrAluu rrorrxus ELLAMIL Assortcd Flavours 15 INGERSOLL Plain or Pimento CREAM 62 lln ens arech Ig1imam Radcal Changes havi cup brown sugar tab poons in the system of holding land and cm Starch cups mm V4 Icup of growing and marketing crops Icoldwaten ieggI dunng the Past few year5 few Put the sugar in EFSaucICpanand years agomost Of them was Own cook slow1y until caramelized Sti ed andrrops weremanageby ring rrauhuy keep an old kw growergwho hmd thelrvhell saucepan for us inmaliing caramel NQ pracmany an the 18nd puddingrand sauces SCald th milk forkedby the rumours moisiemme cornstarch with cold little plot of about five or ten acres water and lathe bgtghrgqd it Asia tesuu Of this expellsets are and mix well Pour the scolded 0W hlgh arld lf the ye pool milk Slowly over this mixture then the gmw V95 EC add the caramel Cook slowly until onoinically and does not contract me mixture has thickenedI then heavy debts gt The averaa marsmandI groWer cook for three minutes longer stir ring steadily Pour into aIIselving has been progressmg as rapidly if dish and chm thoroughly Serve notmore so than the average CanA with cream adian during the past few years and now their longawaited opportunity Iv has come This year crops havibeen very good and the prices are better than the expectations of the most optima istic Small growers on their few acres have harvested sometimes3 000 to 5000 bagsof onions selling at $125 bagup They also have growth lettucg celery carrots pota toes etc tlhe result is that most growers will be able to paydoc their land this yeai pay for new trucksand tractors and some are buying homes in Bradford where their children wturvbe commenttome schools LJACK on SATURDAYJllo to to part CHUNKY ROBINSONS vaoet Orange MAEM NU3T ALA mimuun ote acages are at en ers rs Slim Coritilts Perfection 608M 249 am srsAIiicd slid SALMBN 101 Tim IACl TELLS 39de scrumarr 531 lnIlioiiizitii81iiiric with Cheese 5+1 Ti ii 23 II Gctvlour IlHZ LUX Kim ting BookScndOnc Largo LirIBox Top and 15 toIIiIs LD 6765le 13 urcI llr es 11 mm quila liii THINK4 VVVVHHLIICS BABY Forms Tins 25 ol Concentrated Reg IIIII likgI Maple Leaf 2m akc 15 SOGRIIIIII The F2 ily Loaf if astcrlTlicN omtoutcrr 22 19 miaagm 919911891 at liit uckci PEANUT lit01 lcc BUTTER Box JarII VI VOGILVIE MINUTE Use ISizc STORE HOURS 830 to Spam except EDNESDAY 8301012 Immmcama ee requirements ower En MAGIC BAKING POWDER Convenient on PorousEFFECTIVE caulifsultrunokr N1GHTNov 8th II railways BAKING SUPPLIES Australian Roclcaiicd PEEL Tllrllttlbflltllrcips Fanchccdcd Iii LlBBKS LEXIASt 1597 lilfiliiiemmge TOMATO lCalifornioxtralqncll GOltlf in ICATCHISP BLEA6HED 19 sAromA iloz If AustraliarrSmyrnqStylc Golden oz Ah IsII ciiiilrsmCiz 25 tangentW Minccmeat We eae re the right to limit quontltles of all merchandise to totally 22 222 unlit 5309mm in sander SilirIcifPolisi mtgHZ 19 Homemade IStyic Mrs Hamiltons Glcntoood or LirilioIIIIiIIIIIiI Pie Gharriesg INormandigStandard Pie Peaches fat 29 TvvoIdp slip Lumen