ONIOBER 353 ifil LAST Acm WWW EHRISTMA THE BARRYE EXA MIN FIR BAR ll SP ONTARIO ANA DA hi6 ELEVEN John and Arthur RichardsonBar The Red Cross Society held WWW IIMI WWW 7IWIIIII II II mph Vim WM Vivv MHWAawgi WW WWW III III II III IIIII IIIII ITII II II III FIlfIIII IfIIIIIIII II IIIiIIIiIIWI mi rm intuit mm EIII IIII IIII IIIIIIIIIIIllvmfiiftWS to ha 31 li Deli 3m 1111 till llzlr 1llrJe ll iixhtitrN lmw WM rw fat FW hwan II II IIIII IIL II gt III in Mi II II Ii l1 ITIIII lli ll rktl ill it iii in lil min 11mm Itrr Lilltlitl 11 rim tII1I he IilIretl Zit IiI 11 21111 1x to iii lt 1r rwr sirl hawm rtuiriwit ii tw iIf 1111 helped llilfl It lllk gliit where II II ll 1t 1214 121111 lli 114 91 if THE OVEIseaS Ilgtrru40d 2111 lllt Iilllltit ll III ifmWW iliw MM nimiw 111 is In IIIIIIII IIIIII IiIIiIiiIiIIII 11 maI RSI IIIIIIIIIIII MINI II UNI MIMI or mas ti 11x 21 11 411 Uh Smut1 rum XII in if IIIII INN he wdmrI 1w Imam mm 13 11 1211 1111 iiiviruiiz Hllu ltlhlAl DEPT ilWtiiiurii lllrillll 15 WV 1r ifwi uwl mumI ath 11111 lilujl 111 SIIHIMIIII MW IIIIIIIIIIt MI HIIIIIIKIIIIAIIIIIIIIIII ItIIIIII IIIIII IIIIII IIIIIIIIIII II II III 11 llt ill 1li1 II HIM MMHIVI iit 21a r1 Stroiitl In 14 MI II ifpi 11 Iv HI my lomomomon iliv Tliilliuilitl on lltlllitl ill liram tliii liiltrx1iii11iiii IIii11lildiiiJl Luigi iiiiitiidilfiimiiiui It illtl iii ltli vil1ittitllli Elixirlittlitt ith Mi ruininiiiiiarii wt hxH 51 3111 Currie Mi 17 in tluruiitn ll hint1111110 ii home and lllxi mini Lurk 1m tt 1i11t im Saul 21 me 11 ltiuii1l li11i11I g1mm MI and III Illltwlig IIII Ipl iI 1m to ll yrag tr l111i1111a ltlilltl1gtzlitll xii II IiI tltSNlng and lie lurl ilwi followed the mnl thmhnUr llwml MrhuihrnIIWi will Amid Him iw lm it Bru will PM vliiiliiir gt III1IUI IIIIIII II II II ill lit in his lute irridence to Mit II lI llhHIl 61 riilWIIi Milo ti r1111 11111 am 21 llllt TH hn Iis gt1 111 amt iii 11 or tll lticu 11s it 11 it Eii Math 12 tlllillll ut the lid rollNJ l3 Sh Will high nfdzgk lgIiIIllifIII ll Ill llll i1iitl1i lli tilillorin liv 5hillii iii AriIlifiiijl II Uixll IN AND CONSULT l1igii1f Mimi md Sqhmi iltl l1 titltusm ltiriiiila III II 111 iltr1 12 lwlii Hat 1110 tlirilhhl 2W1 lllht lll iln tliill lltifliitn1iI Tut US ABOU Mat llHlknlll for the 11111t11 nightinii IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIliluiilIgI RllI 311 My t1ilmI1I OIIlI Hullthrlli iilill llttllili by John phylumIII gliwgnxL r0 11 21 iiil niiiiet llltlll5 from the Iii ll mil lwi ii tl1l taxi 111 l1 it Lunwui Enlfl hum IIiWIth Milllifl lilt OF Hiimm 11 mm Illiihtutcs lbw 011111111 larciitsl ClOiit 1111111 id 111th tie 111111111 inhyriiiriir ll itlrtarten llawltestone lnit= Mrs ltotii llLilll paused awav 11111121 who 111l 112 till l2tllll 112 the first lBERT llnlNTOV ml Chm11 Rtlvv uph Suiwml iIEIIV Iml=l ltL litt Iltume hiro 011 Illffiuv Imd PM II that In 111 rman llllllgtlll tiriiisgi 11Iule111m CIImp Burden and DR Imam ng IiI IHII ill 11111111 heirIiiIrilitIItItII BIlI AltIhouIilei 111 ItleliI1Ih twig mi Im anti 1i ll the Sault 11 liliitl Kill 511 of p1ia Iytzc tilittitlII Iq gt1 $011 lllllIkiltill lat llt 1t 1i him 111 ifirmi itlltl in lllil lu r313 lilllltll liiiiur thtlzzilnri Zlnltl away itlwil 11 lugsgiilngggi 1le Iililuiliwi Willi lliirtonitllll W1 Hillghlllr IlhI llllltlul iiisiirri to it riimsiiiu til gIllltlillltl t1 lllll ilistrici iii the hi While llilllttlil0 till lllllliithtllI1illi1 lfiwlrlil Iliuml imliifih mm xiii in IIoIliIVHKEII1 IIUI1IIIII dIIfIIImIIIII IIImx III My mIHIIIIIIII MIR VII IiIIII1IlinorIIIltciimIIaIliIIlaIidszo iIiluI III SII PIIIIIIS AIIRIICIIII CtIIIIAIIIIIIIIIIW iSir li1iin nipAI lion llirmiiim wliltltlll iii 11 lo1ltltI llltllllllltll RSI DI GI BELL hme EIIO the lllltltl Iaiiiilr te exttiitl SlCGliSlHlNS ll Onliy hi 51 lligtiitl home rluru ltull ill 80 of StiViicr tilill fimhlli Mini tilJlOmliammoi Svmulihy IlI v1i rm Hi Illllrti 1005111 beans liiizor Blades WWW Hr htl Iil vuhh known mi Itimhd ILSI imt at 1111 llllitlflltllllll ww gt lrwrtt lLquqgod Biscuits 1101 111a lifn Lilltzlitirs Miss lliiiloltlh lite funeral was held from his lent pugs way at hm home II II IIIIIIIIIII 11gt HH lI Ummnthmu11gtuhlirwhwgtltczwh lift 1lf ffl 0IIvisaturdayOctober 1911 Silt llll Am If 011100 mm hi II IIv ll Iimt vr the 5111111 and Mikxllurold ighh lIlI IIB=IH WNW Ilhr gtIj1iiiutiiin ailing 1mm im mmc mug Mm WI Children hm Tlgilrc l0 ea tsump Ur wm shump 11 MH 11rr is Ir was inierrw lll 1105 in II III II II III II it iiiitia sLiVice iiti new 10 gimme AMI 51w vi 11 riistos iioroiiitr Bars ownstumunitHum11111105111111 Pde hum mowi Ihv vIll iiiguy attended was 110111 in Stay iI and mm Im In 113 ppm 117 5111 Illhhh II II ilovk lt lilhtiry and iletll iii MUHTS Hm Mmlism ThifiillCl United ClllllCll ill Mnhdil hundred liiriiiit tiltit time ST noononutnu 1i Fllnlll Bllttfl In SplClill nit IAIIJII pcmcld MINI illitht it1 Sllmlltl Ril ROWHLIOCIObQI 27Imd us conducted by Th0 IIIIIIIIIIIIIIII hem IIII TIIIIIN II MIIS itll Fltllin igt llt11i11int Overseas linI IhunsI in OINou IBiunijclgI is 1111111013 UI ltll llIillll lllltlI Jiltk Rlllllll0 Ilmr Ruben Graham The interment he HI 3th mm hm hm IIi ilnurlrmisxxglsi IQ iIhI II ltlllltltlts llotftv Crossc EgIllllllhlIuIliain of lortinio and sister mulls Illlt llrLilllllllIll tIlImhl 11lll1ltI5t00k place in Sterner eiiietery The liltlitt lIH Baldwin street where SllllI uiidar I311 illiiiilliv liliiiiilE II 11 15s Cunningham 11f the wire those rum tie lellt lflllClIpunbgnrerg were JI wI Dovm To VIII II II lml Iflitlfuu 31 mt ISaull also survive of the Canadian Legion and theirontol Swallow Archie Wat ll Din I1i llllltillUilinildlhiilgill Lilllttllhi1li2Cingtlljiiillliil11 mas 11 ings in ver Iv II II Hmsdnlc IlublicschUHL Irritmdymdk IIII CI II II IIIIII seas Package Kleenex ill thiidtIgclllltiltxlls6151Ile men ililllVU illtthtltd the Lillelill fldmiiiilrgl DArcylgiiirllfiiiht minim lliiiiiitiililiriiiiilliiiiietiiirB Pliililieiii aim comm has rmlrllm 11mmii Toronto Barrie ervale Wyehriduei mm the Royal Victoria Hospitall 11 g1 It may mum Imd Oval ieic LIL many tau 11 011 tl 11m trim llltllllols John NEEDS LLALIxOli llgNCIlh QI II II MI III lL llltlllt 1111 tlillllll title eiidensed Milk Iflll1min ild was0mElolf5g IlflIIbEmEI I01 flhf Bollgt IhMI lhihr dud The ypUI mm its 31111113111914 Iht hut Ml MLC lhhm gt llll tiom 01 1111111 inc lt1ll0 wkmod Chm II Idol III II IAI UhII IrCtIomI $81 00 IthuI 111 tau Ailhiu Knot loucm lllrlflltlildl and box social 11I 41111111114111 05 res111 aria or uuci my 1111 Came Wilson llonourary iii tlieIowiishin Hall on Monday llillsdale for 22 years lle was njner womenS Instituth Library twinmg ML Mm 111li1I115 Mr and Mrs Chas Rtibiiis011i member or the United Church undiBmmt United Church dammitwt wmymmimfmm ngmmmgr Barrie and Mrs Bert Fictithmisri in politics he was ConservativeiMedical and Surgical Cli cs Pet 311 Jlthhsi Mrs 01105 and Mrs momnd Commwoml Sml ii lle served overseas or five yearsleibiirouizh unholer 13 Ii iii the first GmIit Win going overt The late Mrs Bell formerly Mar Many heautifii l111gp1ogsod Misldmfgdf Flillillgfa ElIlIllgOIIgSIlII with the lhSi COHlihlIChi FOI UClgziret llodgson was born in West lhi Slhlllillhy of relatives friends Allaiidalc and Mrs Scott Hillsii ll ll hast three years he had Served 15 Guillimbury in l866 She moved tltl of the members of the l0BA dale were Sundav visitors with 50 DINLOP ST 11 the Hum blacksmith being em to Sinynm in 1855i gt 33L BMW petunia IIITIBII 337I MrsI Jug ankcom OlNI 92 moved in the Shop of ThnSI DHWCSI Mm Be will be greatly missed mulcrlmd MI 0f wI on CINIRII The OL iiiid LTB eiitertaiti THEY WILL SURE Im 101mm his mum his wifeItby wide circle of Mandi having rmmhmd workmen Df CINIRII ed their iamihcs to it cold meat APPRFCI 1T1 GOOD formerl Ri1 lsibnlli Miller ohcltakeii very 1ctive 1rt in th liilllie CNR illicit Rtiff Burton 5mm Tummy mml Th IttvmocmmoW HAx lW rp ll trithl idi levemlm wag mum playing MONK cMMQUO00mmu3 I1l1uuhic1 liilllllllL Baiiic one 511111 omens Institute rllld Womciis LIhueI 111cc 1uic1 Md ouch ppm mme Worm ECDNDMY Fred at home one brother JamesiMissmnary SoCietics She was iiesi11nlt Ald SlClCW 911 0f BillIIC Mr Dixon and Ruth Smith Frei II MccimmrmTallomoI and 0m garment of the following organizatiom iOrillia London Life Ins Co First ett Rucmaii and Mrs ice Moni II Remember your AND lrs Arthur Brown Barrie flhe local missionary societies PresiCP1li 101W imd illt lh LillellLliLlll lfllltlllwillr liiyimt it I4 II AI Ibytcrmn and Unite1I the pat Iwllice stafff tlicsiime company minim ldeb md rIrfon 0f Bitter YONVEIIY lSociety Stnvner Womens Institliitbt Slme W50 New fm 10 Lyilillimi Ml mm rm Ham Eating Apples at Hinds May Ive also suggest TI 3qu VIII DIIIIIIIIH gsmcoe 0an wnmem IanIIIIIIIIimmnl WM gum Mm pom Orangmiim SI 1117911er and MN WV riffriii Pcnknlftx anthuzor Blades Iie Io iIiiII eRI III VICIIIIIIyIIShe was II mmber of the iIbIIIIIII Wilson and family and Mics SI Dam Gillespie Slielhurne Mr and Mrs mked moms and Bacon Flfmllllie on sndw QC Board mdmtor fourteen yeirs Hui Walsh Dllhdlllki MlS 8011 80 Ilivtlitth st lllonL 14 zotsim due to hm chdiUOIII corresponde secretary of Simmw IglatIm CtlIIlI 1111111 lEiIiklIillewgietr Presbyteriai 131911 01 WWW 31 190 tnm nomoomor 92112illigeieifgcgn21 demI ommg 51 and family Vaiihiiiishehc and many ov Arr mm Bens hugbmd who other friends from Collingwood and mouomouomonomono 31m RFYIE tininrifag former publisher of the cruiglemli Inc cegetery The pa sun died 1193 Left to mOIIIIII IIIIC Surviving are he husband Gm Torieisister Mrs Evlns 13 Wilson 0110 lIlUllhlell MIS Amh 31eggexIiiTIllIigFgggadlgi MOIIICSI IOWIII two aughtevr MI Brae 12385311311 thiIeIe sonsd Eruclecand HI VI Dobson Jessie Peta IIII mm aura an eci ol WILL APPRECIATE THE LATEST 332511 lggfggsoelil HIdlly Fair and MIISI Wilson Dmthw IQIIIIIvI gnwood her ratherIJohikIPlateiII cu mme 0110 318 11 IS ionic and one so PICTURES FROM HOME SEND Fllendbind llfitlvteg ineld LOdi Ohio Five giiaridlchiidignliill Kinsey Ctdlrleith four brothers GROUP PICTURE OR YOUR 1313531 flOIITlIthZlIlStdlzfeMIOIShe in surviveI John Ben and RegI Collingwood SHIRTS TIES SOCKS wexe an 15 and ChHIlLS Clillgltllh The 01 SNAPS WILL BEBLEASED and IMTS RTEgamieligolql ixyf Wriii LirriiririjNniigiVT 31th mmldmrimh and pml T0 PRINT YOUR PICTURE G901 ge Hams edver on e1 GTON WEBB Ambrose 77 Giffen Mr and Mrs Peter Gifferi Stiotid Correspondence DATED MAKE ENLARGEMENTS T0 GM fusibleStilettos retireearctic32118111 gt MONEY BELTS SWEATERS PhOtOglaDh YOUR CHRISTMAS PARCEL GOI William Harrison Mr and Mrs Al in failing health for some time the ING OVERSEAS iiiin 831 Wiiidsiiii Mtiiesind gel Of Mrs wllington webb BBS IN TRAVELLING CASES Quality Work by Canadas Largest Photographers Ievm ohne IS on earring Itgggiiscggg Isfdaoiilifii 61 mamogrooome Iodv Smk II III Shem Ir xar chxson 3111 501 JachII MEIBIelg confined to her bed for two weeks SUPER PYR0 WhghdAfugnlIlIg vfgteIpIItIgd hOIIIII IIII Slumbea ay 15 deasgg 12 here her death after two weeks in Toronto Tgs Hrange Ind Mrs aBeIft The funeral serVice which was II II WilfIWai1inei 311d Alvin IDreIn II 101 the Mean753nuceILi 48EllzetbelhStr Phone 1739 mgr ahd En Tomntd held from her homelll Stroud 011 nan have tuned home from AIR If 50 Mondayi 061 20 Wasconducted by Wallen 01 ARMY ext Imperial Theatre IThe late Mr onne 35 Rev Paisley Interment was Quart Miss Evelyn Barton Toronto ouomouomonowmooo lltftelni isldnttocf Gnfei Hg made in Thornton cemetery The iireeliitnaiie leeknd mm Bern urc an II 3mg conservative in pontic He pallbearers were four COUSIDLYLQ The Presbyterian chOir had member OfIOL N0 73 Am lace Carruthers Charles Wright charge of the iiiiisicat Craighuist WV 15 Fred Wright Bert wright and two Guaranteed Quality anniversary Sunday evening gus nephewsI Ward and Harry webe 110m Own numberfrom here attended Imooa II LEfl to mourn his 1055 are 1113 the Presbytermn annuiersary ser mmmMWWDMWI Me One 50 Thomaswmiam The many beaumul oral tllblltes contamerGal vices at CiaivliurstVVSundaV III Met included thgse from BayIviewNChup $1 29 Eld us 11 Violet er arme and te eStem is eXtendEd t0 the bereaved fami FOR THE Nifisciyd lIllarbiigeoleleneli Technical and 00mmerclal School mm1 oo the late Robert McClinton two grandchildren Doris Goodwin Toronto This ceiiespondeiit wasI among Relatives and friends attending theuests of The Exammm at the and Gerald Donnell correspondents dinner inBarrie 011 II VI rem aI islance were from Detroit 13 lSamrday II ifww l1 IMRS RUBERTVFAGANImmliprontorAllistonrCoekstownrlvyw Im7 TM Kiwanmn Visit lThmtm 33 and Mandala Very successful banquet Was The death of Mrs Robert Pagan rt ca at he me in St ud on Mrs Webb WhOI was formerly held the PleIsbyterian ChUIICh II Ioo pIa if I0 re Clara Elizabetth in II 0n Tuesday evenmgII Oct 21IIw1th III IIIIW Tuesday October 21 1941 as the est dau Me thin Jrg Phone 108 80 Dunlop St Midland Kimmians as guests gt result of cIIoronary thrombOSiSI Iohn an bounteousI chickenI supper VIIIng Jane Vanderburgh estic The funeral was held from the was or servedIby the ladies of the Dom1 24 th very eniovable and entertaining omeon ria cber wi IK vy programme followed conducted by RevIP night in arge oi the II gt if St heKiWanum serVice nermen was ma Rm It II Pau1scemeteryII rhe pallbearers ross odmizs oxes or were an neg phews of the deceased Nothihgcan do more Ito remind themiiofhom than aIIbox of these distinctive Canadian Chocolatesf II 12 lb lb $190 Boring 1b BonBOc JttSItleEtVl the addressWeiwvill package and mail mod11d bode IoD onnonnqoumoom ILw 0PPIPOSIQiFICE VIMWE TAKE DEBS IFor Cigarettes for Shipment Overseas I300I$l10 100032375 RAZOR BLADES snAviho CREAM Many appreciateditems to complete Iyouijbox bertsonsDfrug tore menu it II iRev Albert Flnlayson pastor of irie Arthur Richardson Stroud Innd Wilbert Black Stroud IMrsFagan who was formerly Ellen Rich was born onMay1l 1870 on the 9th line of Innisl few years in Midland She was member of St Pauls Anglican church Left to mourn are her husband three daughters Mrs Givens Iva Iroiitofers Peppiatt Elma Osh awa and onesenuStanley Streud The late Mrs Fagan was of quiet unassuming dispositionfine lcharacter anddvdtgdutg her home and family1 She Was highly esteem ed and wiltbe greatlymissedfby wide circle of friehds REV ALBERT FINLAYSON The death took place suddenly Iat Mitchell squhre Oro Township 011 Wednesday October 15 1941 of the Baptist Church at Mitchell HV Md Alex and Herb Black Craigvale Practically all her life was spent it in Irmisfil Township except for lStroud Mrs Hiliis Audrey To You VAFLASHLIGHT FILMS mum RAZOR BEADES 42 ultimo NEXT SENDLVTIIAMINS re MAINTAIN THEIR HEALTH ersease GrandIselCtionin our Store to Round out Christmas Boxesy EATTERIES TOOTH PASTES CREAMS oHOCOLATE Baits FOUNTKYN PENS AND PENCiILS BOXEDCHOCOLIATES SHAVING BRUSHES DRUG STORE Phone 546 ROXY onr Eriday evenings Due to the absence of Harold Rumble and MrsForsyth Jttck Rumble was eleCted as treasurer and Mrs Bury as converter of the Work commit tee Another meeting is being planned for the arrangements of packing Christmas boxes for sol diers overseas and at home United Church Anniversary Tlie United Church held its an niversaryIservices onSundav Large congregations enjoyed the services and the inspiring sermons deliver ed by Rev Geo Morrison BA of Wyevale The United Church vice the choirof the church sane and Harken Unto Meg by Arthur Sullivan Miss Eva Rumble semi solo Keep Close to God together the servlces were very of creditable endeavor in the work of the church The Examiner has not claimed circulation but one guaranteed by chartered accmmtantu audit public meeting in Jamieson Hell choir ofVasey1ed the service of praise in the morning and render Ar ed anthems which were thorough ly enjoyed At the evening ser God is wsuirtt unaccompanied successful and mark anothr year AA MALAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA SHOP Recognized by pipe house representatives as hailing one of theqmost complete stocks 0W optionally fine briarsinihls part of Ontario AICOMPREHENSIVE canon KAYWOODIESI COMQYS UNIHILLS INCLUDING 106 DUNE03M if AAAAAAMA