Ontario Community Newspapers

Barrie Examiner, 2 Oct 1941, p. 8

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up First Mk Lflossiiierds mi MEET Hume sum out oNooaortronooopo1Hur09401arcroooaarwloavlptloorltola ELuvALE FAIR PRIZE WINNERS rovotloavooctpo111 44 r111 lllllllrllllillllIlilllillldllll lam ii HA Cranium Bey HEREFORD Allin Sun LillaI lurh cl POLLED Axulfr unznuzzr IIKCI by Bantu em Mas Wzn JERSEYS ILL than Sure 8411 BK lii Oman But Imint II Comm 11 Italy in lmfm VV an El strum llrvnokr jw llliaxlgton Comm But Tudlt tl Illicit yltllldll Mas 7R LImhiui Ciltmb hll ll zurw 76th mourn JItSIilllln my VVVV VVVV gggyifVIVgtLVgt 1ILilllr tilttu at Itd IUIIKIAE lllOl Jiihllsnl linilhfl to ML Jam lcCiiciz zodiznui Lu Kldlilll horizon 5210 Ho 11 THIUIKU UCIEIIAI iron 0hllldl Ioi my IziiprIird iiziur Mr and Mn Won tinted or wru dnidmlf YIIh Mr and Mrs Ahz Cross 15 Grill 12 gglzigyIOWtl on lrIlIiv lth Mr Cross tillll Form lII 15 mullich to Ills bul hunt his 1Itu pit0 Mm l1 llmr iii llllll Errol Johnsonr Dlc ltd held on Monthly of um Thinning mks5 lllLs vcek it the lozmcr lnnrcrl In Mp nod maxim i3 acumen billlillln to MTV tin build DUWNS lnn GrillidIIlVll In and 13 up In blwmmu 11 Johns ww 14 Albalen rmdnicss for leaving further lhgxggn Dow no and lirrol Johnson l3 lltllh 11 WWW xm ull won It oum SOUIIIIKMVN iv taken by Aliau Brst pun oi l= when by Itll VSIECIAIAS It MCA tdlly CUgtV Kidd Mrs Smithdmm buf Kidd Reynolds lhllllulb Kldrlf COISWULDS my Mrs Smith Kidd ASOII Won All AWxllw mAzrnur Wolf llner Mr Cl LEICESIEIZS lnurlow Mrs Smith Reynold W215 first for mi Northern Spy leArlhur Ilium Wits Yzlofltl t7 miniu lttissvt Mrs Illurlowdllll IOI il Reynolds Pcwuukre Mrs 0112l547icll lIziirlow McArthur lulunizr SUROISHIIUC sirms McArmur Mrs lord Minmnx ltrlnirdson lllln Thomson OAV lili uppIis Mrs Smith Mc Alilllll Kidd A0V Winter ipplcs McArtlIIir7rui lllt Reynolds MI Ihurlow Mrs Jos Smith lmv Produce Clock diurv butter lbs Mr BHLI GRAD Apples MiIIJusll Ill atuilihy xii Silllll Inu Gold zcctur rilil ll Alla icrmmnn by Sflylng If lrllllilnmglxth II SW ndn lloxve II liln ill Klrton Ni throats 11 boy 01 IV El V7 iilr llotiln Illllk 1H Vv mine hullow Editor lltuldsull Mrs Arts Vlt MI 11 um Ios Smith llrvnolds lb Mod Allow prices Mix llliiiir lb Dlllilsi Ililllllsilll Iirrprccl rind lIs lirl Exzdmner Gafflog more lho hxzinnncr husnot chumd Iiil Adve isisn than any oihlrii11In=ui but one guuruntceu by Ho Cildlltlld ucrounuints iltldll In nun drill ltllill VV VV JV ownL TIts Smith Mrs Tlntrlmv Mrs fl Ilitchn Creunicrv butt2r guy lt null sim VlVllllllllK ororrto Nltllllllll Iotin zillissiillls VIll liti Lotkhurt tort Ilorsrs TIYIIISIAIFMBIULd Illir Richardson Draper SpIIIn colt Rogers Rnii uldson Draiptt Yiulllliumll Hyan Hump llictnirdson Scott lr1ip Mn TrunkV ir lnorinrold filly Rogers no Oman ll1rlnirdson SpnnvL Scott 0w with CL Imr sil knit llillClllCllON on lIlIlGINw Honin 71tp Iongtcml 1m VITVVTVIVY count Il lIvuirt Mrs Brood mmir Stone Ihrl CllI furnace that 38v AHECI As VVVVVVV VVVVVVV VlVlznlow ird luhll rmtl 31mm at Son bccausc patented Steel VV VV Spring colt ClllllllIItV 1090mm vi 3V int II iouun Son MIN lnv iiiltnulr rxrnt iliv II VV VV vV VV 11 won urissorns IINII FITCPOL Slou Yiurllnu lillv ulhnn it ihli cloth ll onnn is guaranteed for huh more unratr 14 llxio IIviv Wupl llcnl as low as no biohsr than 229 pa pflcn nout furnace is sabotag better replace it our fuel supply mg AREHECLA the If on old WOT Huii lo In F0 NM TV with inn WM to econombh Son Sllitl Chun Illlllll sll while Mr Vpnll Stonc Ill IIIICUIIIUIIAII Brood Inurl liu cloth cut work liu rioth cml ers it Irunt llonuzdllllchlc ll nlr Itoiron Sprnn roll rW Grunt llow Hill liu rosev ulnl ltltclne ll Gibson lwovcnrt liogiiri r1 Thomson LIIlnlehi iillyltteo Kmsl Spun ll kllll oz rroclutwhlxk iUllhUIt Yourold fillv llov llirliw llriilszr or hruukfnst sci VuIson Vliout IliNlleAll PURPOSESririn Ilidroon ltilcdllvs BCIISDILHILldlVSllltllI YCIIIllIlizA Mc llnuv Mrs llo11rt Mrs MrIitlurruy Vlllllll lwoymrrold Pillow slip ll towun Mitillv McMurrny Elliott wt lIoirl Intst tonll emb lnltiilSpcclul decorutrd wugou uul hirrv mm Mrs Inulli ll lr IloIIl Airs Richardson from Scott Mu iloucl Ill loloIs ers McCiJil ROADSIER rln brood lI IIsltlll Illnk rnmn ep Mls llnlmrdson ll louan iltlll xvi Miss onIIILMIs ll sprlni colt nnd twoviuroll licklcd cuizunilms ll you tVl loot Laundry buzz Mrs Boom Jock Wuulcs took Musmo lIondon pillow Izmcv Mrs Mrs llicliirdson Mi Illnnlon Mrs lllchnrdson son lnh sxrurc Mrs Ilnlnrrdsonms VV Mm wmr of Bulkn Illa film11 Alix II III lt til lii plunr llirh ll Lli Smih ndwn Mrs svl ltIttlli rhubarb lx rivnsz lorkc lllllli liorkc Vlr lllliuilhd mar Ill IInptr llltlinttisoii IVJnd in fillv SWEEPSIAKES Brst llllllt Scott Anion Mills best more or ueldinu in classes und Wuples Victoria Harbour Best II Ill lflniilillcllllll tSlonlc on Dunlop St lBARRIE IInn1s tltl Ills Pullow Illll L113 ML Owni lhsilrs Snnlh MCde VV kmiltd Mrs Sportiils oroumil mm 10mm humid Mm llnirlnvVt1 SWkSV 001 nMl lmiltl lwlrw 11 Mrs lhurlow cam broun lllllll Mr WonH5mmsMlsno SIIORllIORNSWAII the prizes MIN Illlilldsml zirt Knit lllss or sliitIrs II lillii WWW Lawson Fich Itd apron llllf MIMV 10 ll Townn Mrs Bogart Service lii MIIiV llllllll Illllt work unron TAIIS Bogart MW IVV RlilllllIllm Ml Ihonrson lullovcr svCIIthivlls IClll Aid to fitness Locke Igor Rlnlscuits hll r1hlm pvjmm BMMW Itll HY 11 zuri Ionvulesrcni jacket knit or let P0 Bran lllld lFth CIUWIV tlillllll Mrs Bogart Boudoir llukeszit your groc AllESKTRRVVVVMIVGVVS1V i1ll Mrs Bogart Collar and ruii sttriMls Bogart Frinev OdRY Bill lilllhlll purse Mrs Bounrl Gloves knit or crochet Mrs Ihurlow Mrs lilv Kid ulovts hand made Illurk mm IIllu M9FEATT MildlllilxiltilCA Boneless Round Stmk or 29C Roms ll lb 16c Porlerhouso SirloinTWing Cube or Face Rump 31 SHGHLDER 0rCllUCl HORST ilss gV MgrleT PRIME mo nousr 11025 MOOSE thlonlii l2 3mm nousr lb 21c WC suom mo nousr lb 23c Quilts comforters rugs Quilt GENUINEWSPRING LAMB Illllll cotlonMiss Law Loins Ib23c Fronts $11 Rib Chops son Mrs lhurlon Quilt piec CHECKENS Fresh Roasting lb 29c ed OllOIlMts Black Mrs Thurlow ComfortmMrs HAMBURG STEAK SAUSAGE COUNTRY STYLE loltlc Thurlow Bath nmLJMrs Thurlow Mrs Lawson Razz mat hookediIrs Bogart Mrs Thurlow Hearth rugwMiss Cow un Mrs inuson MiscellaneousMiss Cowan prizes Mrs Bogart prizes Mrs MCCIIW Mrs Thurlow Mrs Jus Black MissElla Thomson ono ouch JUNIOR FAIR 4to lbs IIIIHI VERIBESI UCY ma ANADASV telephone traffic is clirnbingllo new peakslV Engaged in allout war effort Canadians are depending ontelephone facilities more than ever Thats why telephone workers are determined 10 niuin min the fastest most efficient scrviceVuniler all conditions They Vare especially grateful for the sympulhetic cooperaliouof all tele phone ushfs Subscribers con aid in making severelytaxed telephone facilitieSVVyieldniuxlmunrservicc By looking up the numberirith directory By speaking distinctly directly into the mouthpiece By answering promptly when the hell rings Please be sure also to replace the receiver on the hook Over 120000 limcsilnst year telephones were reported out of order because of rcceiverslcft We off or improperly replaced These things are who we mean by co operation SMITH Mamiger Homemakers Class Hooked rugMrs Ross Usher Helen Stone Lorna Martin Dress voile or similar material44m Vllsher Mrs Gerald Stone Mar th Stone Cushion figured print appliqued or piecedL Mar tin Stoned Mrs Usher Thomson Childs sweaterMrs Thomson Frances Handkerchief Thomson Martin Emb linen tea towelL Martin Thomson Stone Mrs Stone ApplepleVL Martin Mrs Stone Thomson Doris Cooper Date squiresH Stone Thomson Mrs Stem Plain muffinsL Martin MrsgtUsher Thomson Cooper Canned berriesriand cherriesL Mamn Mrs Usher Stone Mrs Stone Flowers annualsM1s Usher Thomson Specxals3 spikes gladioliHT Stone Mrs Usher Thompson Stone Glass 2Best named gladiolus spikeers Stone Stone Thomson Mrs Usher Salad plateiMrs Stone Mrs Usher Thomson stone Mixed bouquet In vaseE Thom son Mrs Usher Stone Boys and Girls Display of Red Cross articles Archer 85 Elmvale Trav clothSS Elmvale 2nd SS Elmyale Collection of sewing Elmvale Public School Room 2ndR00m Apron factory cot er Lunch for school childBob Lambie Hn Archer Five stitches IGrades 14Glenna Graham Grace Archer Ten stitches Grades SADMary Draper Myr tle TrlpDDarnIngon sockGrace Millen Nelson Miller Collection of writing and printing Grades 13SS N0 Victoria Col lectiotrofart by schoolGibson School Bird houseRay McCon nell BetArcher Collection gar den VproducevThos Reynolds Myrtle TIIDD Bird house special Thbs Reynolds Graln Fall SwheaDLAL McArthur Wm Grant Drtnkle Barleywa Grant McArthur Stone Late oatsGrantMcArthur WJBrant Thompson VEarlv oatsGrant grant Red cloverGrantMcArthur Tlm othyW Elliott whoalso took the sllvemlate platter value $700 for collection of grain and seeds Roots Irish Cobbler potatoeslhos Reynolds Dooley potatoesJ Giffen Spence Percy McGrath Table turnipsW Grant Mrs John Elrick Robt Graham Feed turnipsMrs Ritchie VW Grant Medium mangelsMrs Ritchie Field neas Thompson Grant Long man Grant gelsW Grant Reynolds Field pumpkin Grant SquaSh Elrlck Garden Produce White cabbageAmos DemDIE Lawson Reynolds bBettyTwellz fArchl AlfalfaMcArthur Grant Stalks of cornMrs cabbageA Tron WVVGVroth eke iyhrr Sarilfoction moi Vs BAKED99095 BREAD Din nus 19c onnAISIN 24ml Wrapped Loaves BREAD Douulurs 12c ANEEI our on POTATOES unsound 10115119 Minn ANonELtow Tritium mu AND run noolrp IIIESIIII llilllllllll AT ME OFIOIIOIIISE Prices ouliject to market changes Purchases limited to 4miin weekly requirements Redifg Shortening E17 unseen New Pack Canned GoodsVai MP Everyday Low Prices EOIIN cosmos f2lc VEGETABLES COIIII Ollzllfni ll 19 SPINACH TOMATO JOIGEmw In 8c OICEIJIIEEIS TOMIIIOES 7c PEIISO EIIIIIIOTS miner TIII TS JAM colourfreciinjfV TOMATOES our In 79 TOMATO JIIIIII chw 2n TOMIITO JOICE 3E 25c TOMATOJUICE In WIIX BEANS 23c PEIICII JAM SOUP PEIIS sis IIIIIIOOIS 14c CATCH LII Tin 16 Vsuwiflylmer Tomorleg Edith Hilts Is 6567 Pkg Fresh FruitsVronokVegetdeles Avlmer Mixed Avlmer Choice 1602 ilflns lSoz Iln 16oz Choice Tln 1501 Tin le Del Muir Arron gzrmt AVVIIIIII Vlllltl Choice Red Iitted HOUSEHOLD 7H Ba IIIoz Pkg JIEINZ FOODS sous EggZia SPlllllIElTl Es Book 31 nun sun 11 DiorEons llllllOIl runs llETlilllllw Tom ONTARIO GROWN DOMESTIC GRiIDE APPLES Cookers iouirAmo GnowuICANAnA No Idwoz ouTAmo GnoWNIARGE snow WHITE Btl Cauliflowe Hallo SOllP Cashmere ONTARIO onowuiuoilonme Exclelrilllmsiufcw Vi lb BoliiEuget IIIIM skill PET 259 liraV Maole Leat ouiriimo Gnowu cookmo Noi GRADE ONIONS losses as me YHMS 3711 19 EALIroRNIA Tomw omens ziba 19a CALlronNIA EXTRA LARGE VALENCIA mowers NEW CROP LOUISIANA Excellent Source of Vitamin OIIIIIIEO OIIIS Pkg Pkg nuns 111 This 23 IIPPLE JUICE Am 576V drums llllllll Pkru Vlrlslliytlfnginh Tin WhiIeVSaiIV ForVlad Purim Excellent Source of Vitamin rVsEVLJSEIE fooo STORES OwnEdand inerated Irv The CIPlII Atlantic Pacific Tm Im Not Iii

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