October lHl llll BARR AIIlRBRRll IINItAlA Modern Typesetting Machine lll ltl lKllllls l5lIIR llVlltllHlNU Messagi to Lend Meriliantsi iii singli llftt lith yet how It is ilittitult for to roncene of grids so grest in intlucncc in our life is advertising 14 people stop to consider what advertising really is dierlising is any means or method of liIIlIIltIIIliJUOIl oi rss sentisl infornution as to thcrr ihen and how commodity or urticc may be obtained and llll IS DESIRABLE Before people ill buy they must be old Tllt must nuke ip their mind that they want your goods or tlil more than any ilier produtt that their money will buy more than they want keep the momy Ilut lion tiII person find this niiigie lulllllll oi tomniriii pimpeets lll It IS IlLSIItIlll so the izisnir lies in the product or sernre itself by do people buy your produti Ito How do they iise it What ltlts it do for thrrn lltlt do they ll ll tiirn do tliry lht it ltou ettin do they use it NW1l1 lel your advertising message Itll your iict job is to tell them Why it is desirable from their point of view lteinciiibcr they are interested in their own ints and needsnot iii lot of adjectives making boastful claims The public doesnt can how big your firm is or how old it is or where it is they Jarc interested in theiiisclvc their health their happiness their family and their own beliefs Fix this thought in your mind WHY IT IS IISIItIlI FROM lIIEIIt POINT OF VIEW and you will achieve sure in your advertising Your local newspaper has proven that it is the most desirable medium for min Its messageswhat about you lllllllllllldlldlrflfIllll4 Dont cry little man Aliovi li pictured modern lintitype niarliiiie tiscd tli tllillf for tit tral news and advertising in an uptodate newspaper office llhe aminer is eqiiipped with three modern typesetting inieli history of the development of this machine appe in this special section THE COUNTRY am the Country Weekly lsilitss am the friend of the family thtl 5PMk mt llllts lltk bmgcr dings mm other mon man my words are fitted to 9fitiitls speak to the home in the hi5 lldtleillltllllfl Ml CIliltrh lcveinng light of summers vinelum lsllillktl ilNIl illid lclad porch or the glow of winters 1111 In Hum more than those in the school Iliclp to make this cvenint hot YWUZ and Id like Id in met ll record the great and the smut Stimulation ins tltthtil entertain the varied acts of the day and weeks Will lltllltlh Sitlitts Wllllitll mm make up th am the chronicler of birth and love am for and of the home followlilml dwm mm WW he tliose who leave humble beginningsmimb MN whlethcr they go to greatness or to Milli5 Wn mm buy Ml SClltll the gutter take to them the thrill btmm Null lilll fl riiiiiriiii iiiiiiisriir iiiiCiiAiiizrii MANY IMPROVEMENTS IN 40 YEARS pgtf old days with wholesome llt crc ex pcrts at tracking down lost point light face and strayed items point black face IOINI LIGIII CAPS POINT BLACK CAPS 10 Point Light Face 10 Point Black Face 12 Point Light Face l2 Point Black Face We are engaged in meehaniLcd war Our entire industrial setup is mechanized and thc printing in dustry like practically all branches of indus has followed the trend and iodi is fully mechanized At the turn of the century type for the average weekly newspaper was set by hand long and laborious task which required cithcr unrea sonably long hours of work for small staff or the only other ex Crying and feeling blue about lost items wont do nearly as much good as running an ad in The Examiner Clssiticds will if you want them returned Next time try The Examiner pcdient large staff Today that has other machines rlwtowttctl at 44w 14 Ponit Light Face tie marte aCe of tie ii 14 POlnt Face lonchour Compare this with thcito the home carry word of thel 18 MEMPHlslold handset method when it took grads hlth tiled Mid Nellie mdl an able printer six hours to set the 50 hlth mmls Cmli Same mom Hf WC with about 20 ML mm and happimx CC Wcl miimt me me to pm mm ltizttiili iiikuimiiiif till im gt 1d tutti Pthltd Pllmml The Examiner is equipped with Cllws How 10 no Ir presses have given way to modern We Les three typesetting machines which tSlillC and nation highspeed presses which are self llmtlfkdrhuc ling 3qu in the course of sinule month am the exiionent of thi lives of 233 them lemming NDW ndl Ildtls rk ll th rest feeding and mmpletely ICChZed 3090lm Lame Sizes 1V3 elm 0m hunmcas 0f mlmm th iiit kl ii Job pre sti hing maclunesl available in mdivrdual letters andEltzugnmm md 0f hem ll folders bapcr cutters and various set by mum fnhlugh large lb nc papers have zi machine called smecw if Exfminu ml mede Ludlow pcsetter which sctsl Th Bum Eminmer mes more 13 dale wmtws mu pnmmg hum may 00 WW 05 50 ErldtsditiimAdlilcrlmggmg any 0m limo midfldcf if trically driven The newspaper what the same principle as the Se am lm md 11th up linotype full magazine of tipointl ftic in lJll Li eiy from newspaper Office 1900 contains about 1700 charact Perhaps the most important art from the time saved by printing advance the tnvcn assembling printed matter in this tion of movable by Johann manner an cvpn greater saving is Gutenburg in 1440 was the inVCll created by its disposal Under tlicl tion of the linotypc machine the old methods all type had to bel mTTit Mergenttiale nd4ctuuied4o4tsplaccs The name linotype is adeduately in the type cases With linotypct descriptive because this iiirachinc slugs they are simply melted up actually does ide lines of type and the metal used again for thc for use in print next setting pace is not available to give at Mechanized typesettinb came in mllerdescripon of the Linoype to being about the year tagslbut it was not until 1886 that the lower maChlne sumce say that contains several thousand partsaz Lmoype the rst maChme 10 bear and is most intricate in design That the Linotype name was ml ufac motype has created for itself iiihidthelzt Iggtsvnifdiiiiy Blfrftims cylir uniqlle place in the r05 Of in ventions by reason of the universal stalled one of these machins and benets it has conferred upon mechamged lype settmg be me mankind individually and collec reality instead of merely in ventors dream tively It has been of incalculable benefit From 1886 until the present day to mankind for through its means BY EXPERTS These matrices come in nt in the linotype so many im provements in fact that ma chine of today compares with the first machines in the same man ner as modern automobiles com pare with the old horselesslcar riages of 40 yearsngo It isnot an easy task to describe linotype machine It hasa key board not unlike that of agtype writer andIby the pressu Yof given key matrix is release from magazine and deposited in aflining up channel the width of column or the desired width for the print ing to be set This matrix215 brass barAmpressed with alchar acter of the alhabet When row of these matrices are lined up they iare propelled to casting box which is electricallyhated lead is forced throtigh mold onto the matrices intake off the impresSion of the charakters Thiisia completeimpressiori nextrspaper is secured there has been steadyinirotre newspapers books and printed mat terof all kinds have been so great yr more readily auailable at pricesl within the reach ofall It might off course be argued that newspapersa cost more today than they did few years ago lhat is true buti the reader who is perhaps paying twice as much for his paper as hel did 40 years ago is getting five andl six times as much reading material In addition ithas made it possiblel to pay much higher standard oft wages than formerly prevailed Through the Linotype the works of great minds of all ages can be all languages of the world greatlyl increasing the spread of educationl and civilization By cooperationt with schools colleges and univerl sities the Linotype haslhelped tol broaden the possibility of instrucl tion and it has enabled students to acquire lucrative vocation LThe ulatest linotypo machines are thelast word indesign in spee and in adaptability making it pos sibltho set several different Sizes single slug at the one notypes FAIR PRICES Good printing is an essential to most business men and to many private individuals Weare equipped with fine modern printingmachinery mannedcbyigxpert craftsmen and are in posi than to offer fineprinting affair market prices Youll find printing doneto the most exacting standards when its done by us and youll find also that its done economically