lfitn4lvv Union AMIJr lIll llfl In lJll lyiii lltlll1i Muir ititiipiici ii ti width Li plant iii Kl li ieil iiiiiitii ii lIt1di ltit liil 11 ixcd Klllll1lli li dirslzy Confederation Lif For the men of Cunnilns nrmy only the I0$LWlll do From tin lints to serviealioo listliciruniipmeuLmusLJttLtlioliiiiLstCunudLtLutLproddccw Good equipment costs nioiicylurgc sums of money And tliiitvmoncy must lie provided by the men and women of Canoduoutourreniuom full Association rl llil Jilt lt lliliililli iI lie lint Illilil Itit lllt iii in lI toiiiidij which tl id Lci litl iiiiotiie lllt production lv it lllldi lziigirt in the country 1Iltltl dittciciit iiiucliiiies these machines milling llliltlllllt two ol llllllllltlt llll vithiii ineii lll one onethousandth very few and the ltliiclt irctiilviiiu drum ledges mill each olvcs iiiiiltiple boring machine lborcs the ill holes us it ofsix or seven seconds operation and the many depths and held in place iii iliiilli litlii ziii tllltvl by il axe tLlillll shop lociiled incur ltlli iiiiilersiouiixi lioiz one building loI into lirillit tllllt not one thin tlilt by hand that can be done itliiii or oie tiicihziliciai law ii We now enter the machine shops liltll ilitltltllliilly iiie ltiilllt of the There are runiinin int full blast to turn out 2310 coin Hilcti iiiotoru week To ilive you gun idea of the efficiency of tliist sliop let lls loolt foi ii minute First niills itxvilve engine blocks at both ends iiiiitil the unit comm to liit lvliiiltili illl XIX lllllli ill tll lIi lc lli lil llillltllttl llllltt the pll to bill eiiiiii tutidlrly ISIi tiir it lli tilrl ll II put iiiilj liltilll moneyi lizii iiiciiizlcil lltJl inove the lttli lilt lttl tiliiii lllt tlt ti lllt ltlttlfu lltcl tli tilt liillli unit iii tirder gasoline into the fault and lite oil the egtciiililj line own power lllllllt that the hurt irf ltltrllllgl types of liltlliiit Illltlldlr ictl liltll are the lieiil Ciii riet and the foil llttl tilltll lllltiy Tractors liie lnivcisiil tuo lll one tiitltlltill Il ii uniformity Uri iiiiiitites lllie blocks are fastened to ii lllllll cutting llie second machine is which in Ill engine iblock in one operation in matter Every screw hole necessary to hold the engine head pan carburetor trans mission etc are bored in this one holes are different sizes itCtllllll to whatever part is to be As the motor pass tcs along the assembly line the var ious parts to be attached reach the iproper place at the proper time All along the line operators con tinue adding parts to the motor in of Arturo ilur to that in the other two plants How By honouring pledges to invest in war savings certificates every This meanslliat every Ciinadian must learn to lowithout some of the things 56 normally enjoys spending Watch your Stern duty demands that we Save for Victory now Subscribe today iieurcst Brunch month By saying now to pay 81 taxes when duo By saying now to invest in Victory Loans should further loans be necessary gt This pack will help you save The Royal Bank Fumin Budch Book allows yoii how to budget your income how to save by pliuiiicd spending Ask for freompyul your liicie propelled by means of tank lmanufactured in Canada lhcy Itltl lCttll they travel forward they are able lhc some type of units are being Currier formerly called the lliiii liui Carrier is low gtlltll iui like treads This is the first llllltt that vehicles of this pe have been urinourcd against small arms and travel over extremely routzli Country with great iiiunoeuverubil ity and speed The fourwheel drive Artillery lractor drives the front wheels as well as the rear Should the front wheels beeoiiie bogged down the hack vhccls lll push them out and it the lltl wheels become bogged down the front wheels will pull the buck wheels out The units can clinib grade as sleep as it per cent In other words for every ten feet to climb six feet Lets journey now to another automotive pliiiit llere we find an assembly line similar inpriii ciplc to the one just described produced as deseribed lit the prev ions plant IIerc however we find plant equipped with technicians and Engineering experts that have been of great iliclp to ourwar eft fort in way hitherto undreiimedl of When the government was faced with the necessity of producing heavyariniunent consisting of large field guns and iuivul guns nobody in Canada had had any experience in this line The government then turned to the automotive industry for helpTFhUnCtUTYlmdLrtnok to direct operations of theiicw armament plant that had just been built and get it into production Today hugc field guns are rolling iiff an assembly line in mass pio duction far ahead of schedule and Cnnudu for the first time in its history is producing heavy calibre field guns All the genius and efficiency of this iiutoinotivc factor has gone into the produc tion of these guns Another item that this plant is quantity is motors to be used in Britain to haul down the balloons producing in in the burrages overland and sea We have time for hurried visit to one more factory This plant is also producing equipment Slllll In addition to this hovvever large new building is under construe will be into production in fev This lant has already produced tota of more than 112000 motors student of the last 10222 motors produced vyfor domestic purposes have tried in brief way to give youd picture of what the ahtomotive industfyi is doing for Canada at War time alinhstlOO per cent of the smallgirms for the fightingfoices BARRIE BRANCH ici=JouNsr0NMunugu OThis is the beliutiful magiizind is that is making nature so popular Its fascinating articles and pic tures about birds mammals raowersrtreesfand other nature subjects and ifourcolor reproduc tions lofieminent mature paintings makan idealzgiftiand clean and wholesome magazine which is neededvin every homeFive num bers yearly Canadian Nature has been en dorsed by the Departmgnts ofEdu cation of every Provinciylso by the Girl Guides andBoy Scouts Only $100 year Currency accepted Money refunded if not satised after re ceiving therst issue Canadian Nature 175 JarviSISSt Toronto l6 oz Hand Pabimiffiir4sc total automotive output in Canada Ih 25 Box 15701 waf purposes Universal 22 43 49 109 219 $528 Agaiol69c 93c 129 gt Carriers Artillery Tractors Am chlersohfalt7gNith1gig bulances TractorszReconnaissance DR CHASExs itqr Cars Air Force Refuelling1ciideis Gian Kruschen Salts 69c Trucks etc have been shipped and Kdney and are continuing to be shipped in even greater numbers to every part of the British Empire andevery fighting front inthe world Continued frompage two country they are likelyto re mark baloneyft 5This generation does not think it is fin thingto get snuffed out at home intheair at sea or any where else On the other hand it ment is distinctly unpleasant But if it is necessary to face these facts it is willing to do so provided they are facts The pointisthat this hardboiled generation must be shown And they figure that the only agcncy lwhich can show them is the gov ernment which has all the facts ziskd why had iieglectdto volunteer for even though he had been called up forliom defence and knew he Vl Dont try to kid If they real ion covenngscveralucremmcb ii only 30 Of them were At the present in the early twenties either here regards untimely deith or disablev As one young fellow put it when oversfas service must serve for theduration of the 1y need me theyll send me fast iiu lot in BR Ft Obstin IRON with Vitamim Bl An ltlil Stimulating Tonic and General Budd Req LOO 9c Listcx MRS Fbl Reopen3nd Inter Comment You Will Erin SIOMACH POWDER 59 Moms 25c 59c 147 ll PERFECTED Bill LIVER Ill Punliettir lusting rich in Vitumiiritlic heat or er fifty yenn I001 200 75 125 lllSllB SlllKlNllS that look like fine hose IF you mm hv Hippo of llll nodlnu tun welcomr nlw liuucillIch Mr or ilirud new Hullo nothingitmtlscoolnndcom lollhit mil light In wright Tluy an wuhrd lr quinily loo wilhoul lnunn iltetnimpi in VOIIXIIOCIOI li Con it crownmu 425 El ct 500 Each durum RELIEF from CHEST cows AND BRONCHITIS MAkE YOUR LIVER WORK LIVERBILE ND lAXATIVE PILLSI TAMBLYN BEEF WINE and CFRB 1030 Each Morning EVENTS PEOPLE PLACES gltlllN ilIIll ii Ill ONCHIAL SYRUP itie Ru litl cl tcSrcnchiiiCouqlis ITKEN llkl liiittuclivc ll cuis ll vlll lltr HALIBUT LIVER OIL CAPSULES such Acid Alcotsiimiaci For Relief of Colds Headache Rhcuniitic Pains Ynz 1hr Sirth Claim Qiiipim Kai 33c 18c 33 2i 35c 5w Lantivc Emma Quflmt 11 of Colds 246 44C TJmlilvn Cold Rutch MM Rwunm NH Sls Rel Bio 636 For Chest Cold RN 31C 23C 12 24 my 10 127 005 Re I49 93C 49C98C Rm tit 43c 22 39C 98C cm at tilitidgiui 22 Tumblvu Cough Sviiip R17 19C SALOTYN ii at 39c MILK of 16 DENTAUNE Clilllilullli Cough Syrup if Ems is MAGNESIA ANTISEPTH Reg39c 33c TAMBLYN ATOMIZ ER For Oil or Aqueous Solutions cities of 100 TJhlLIS 65c Reg 63c 49 Tamblyn Gold Seal Cod Liver Oil Reg Sl79c Cod Liver Oil Capsulcsoy One capsule equal to one tcaspoonlul of Cod Liver Oil iii Vitamin Potency Box of mo 98c 115 245 Frosst Nco Chomicnl Food vim Istl WC hitw aiiiv tic Sgestions tin Fa lvv THERMOGENE COD LIVER OIL Will help the children through long gt sunlcss Winter Vapine Nose Drops Biologically Standardized Reg 25c 19C For 40 ssc 1601 129 vipine lnlmlant semi cooin rffjrq 34c2 for 65 mil II HEAD ttvazr ill iiyi =cj tlin ii dBurguins for lie lluc list cl TAMBLYNI TlSSUES illii Slit Cli ldcil for Cold Hat tever and Nuncrv Uh 15 About Vitamins RESISTOL BAYER CAPSULES ASPIRIN for inure in if Kiliil Biitli 29 ltll lliliy Own Cough SHUp 23c39ci$ Virks Vapollub 43C AYERST VILAMIN PRODUCTS Build Strong Healthy Bodies ALPHAMETTES Standardized concentrates ol dclsttcd Cod Liver Oil in convenient capsules 25s 50s IOOS 500s 100 185 350 1500 toyo limos geiuimuli Neutralizes ACirlity lioiilc Large 3270 Jrd mouth Ril Special 43c TAMBLYN PURE OLIVE OIL OI Unsurpassed Quality 4702 Battle 29c 305 48s 59 85 49 Ellison lrlld ihroitliitis 4OCT75C Frosst Allersol 100 200 ii RazMab Capsules 50c 100 500 it HayTone it 25c50c 100 Ephazonc Tablets Aygu togi coo LIVER OIL The leottlcd Sunlight Brand Biologically tested for your protection Vitamin Fortified Capsules125 225 Tamblyn Extract of Malt and Cod Liver Oil 47C 796 139 Allens Malt and Cod Liver OilKeg 69c 49c 23c fa LFLYIOX TO KILL THOSE PLIES EASILY QUICKLY AND if There is only one FLYTOX FarHCh RIGoz Reg enough Let them makeUp their own minds before they ask me to make up mine Over and over again onecan hear thiststutemciitz Do youmean to tell me that they would conscript me for home defence where thre is no fight ing and then not make me go where the fighting is if they really need ed me These youngsters are Worldly wise slogan hardened depression educatcdpnd nobodys fools would bet anything that if sent to the front they would do their stuff as films W17 Chlfttdiliif Uit ever Cl Id itat Ypres Vimy or Amicns But they are not going out of their way to keep somebodys politicalchick ens from going home to roost in Quebec the other kind of young fellow PHILLIIPS MILK oiMAcNESIA Mildly Laxative Corrective for Acid Stomach Clublbe F1 Himpmd niih ulna iiimsc iiv 05 okx 32T sit insect pens Intestinal Lubiicanl Almost every week hear from ich 119 79c Mia Indigestion SAEKA Catarrll For Constipation ronicICcnstipation 47c 405111 Reg 87c highminded patriotic with family obligdtionsand rcal and hzird decision to mnke about his own personal course of duty defy nnyQpc to answsome of these problems with sincerity and us should men have to try to do so Orily nation wide policy can de cide who should be workingiin 21 war industry or for that matter Only compulsory selective service will enable Canada to do what Mr King says the whole free world must do firescape disaster Incidentally only adoption of compulsory selective SClVlCC Wlll convince legiouof doubters in GLUCOSE Pleasant QuickAActing Ayerst Dry Yeast Capsules 28550cius150 AytrsttaltiitmltCapsulesusl 19ilns20tl l1AyerstltlphaminCapsulessrs225iiii53l5 AverstBeiiiinaltdmiiiiunil 1602175 AyerstBeminal Granules iii 100 CANADIAN NASAL SPRAY LiverPills assurimcc The point is that none of what war industries really are vitul 750167 1914 169 lSs i150 gt mmN 30s 250 Ayersr 100s 750 jjj1 Kelloggs Asthma Remedy llelw 23c9 50 119i In Powder Form Polargex Estivin Drops Energy Food Be Used Likc Sugar 16oz 65C Enlargemenf SPECIAL ToSize inclicsrin PREVIEW EASEL MOUNT 23c 245 ages for Select your favorite negatives for thisoffcr Beffer BELT Modes CASCARA atent BROMIDE QUININE dicing Wampoles Extractol Cod Liver 100 Scottermulsion 59 98c Waterburys Compprund Plain or with Creosote and Guaiacql 936 New Clasp With Bulldog Crip New Elasteitw Soft Comforting Web Head Colds Fellows Syrupiillypophos phites 89 139 Hygeol 9350 60 Pertiissin 59 139 Wincarnis 119 Sal HepaticzL aoc 59 4115 TOILET RAPER Soft and Absorbent 251 Cid1s Cdpd drry oz IS on 32 oz 336555C 89d Sentenccs lnc redsied Men Convicted In Army Camp Charges convicted on amadditiopal icount offorgcry Comiiion who acted for the AttorneyGeneral cuntended stiffer sentences Should be imposed to act as deterrentugainst sim ilar crimes in other camps under construction Gerrard was alsol dierjfoieinaii Eurr timekeeper and McMillan carpenter at the Camp Farr was convicted of hir ing trucks for less than he report ed andpocketing the difference They were coiivictedalso of theft and false pretences in the hiring of carpenters Jute cahMbeiE dwhihdustridlly in the Soviet Union experiments keep yiwiig by using Dr Chases Nerve Food Acting on plea fronrth At torneyGenerals Department Court of Appeal at Osgoode Hail To ronto increased the sentences of three men convicted of false prel tcnces and theft during construc tion ofNewmarket training camp The trio Richard Gerrard Norman Farr andSamue1McMi17 lan will serve one year definite It and three months indelelllllllille as result of the courts decision Previous sentencch imposed 1by Judge Otto Klein were Gerrard the United States that this British war one hundred percent and not justvgoiug through the motions nation Canada really is in the and Farr six months definite and three indeteyniinute rand McMillan nine months definite and thrEe inlt determinate McMillan had been indicate Cookcddricd shreds of Idaho po tatoes and canned edible green soy beings are on themurkct