SmutMajor ilencioss and Scrgt ftlltlttllllll iIli HUI lillli Hint IHH iitt rlis seii pzi itll ilahhiil tyioil iiri ltIA Iliuniiw liii mi liILIs il Itcv II SI Iltlt lJIIlIiIIt line llaII lim the IillIl Illl Ilitli liic liii Illl iill ili lli ii ii ln tl llv IliJIL Ititl il lliil tliiiili ri llii iil til Iiiiali III II Iiloi lb Hf il io1 lI Nutried Ill ti itirtii illitltiril Illliliili Il ullli1 iiv iii if vi tIIV Ianmnii lIx Illll Iiilil tn II ti ii ll oi iimrimot flit lolllil Iii Ill ii Iiii Ii Iitltl ii vI III ii il ilmi i=civ tll1 iiw Ittt Ili Iiiiilt Itil ifl iiil HM and iii ulflliii Mi Iii Mic iI liwiiil lcl to luiulio ifll iii 13 iiil Iliiy il It ic Nina Fellini XVIIliIIiI IllNil illIl 1i tlic Iiiiiii will be illliil lioicl tl tail lliiirdii ili ii iniipli ll ldlillll IIIH tllIl vlliiIII ird to which Ill it ciiiiii Iiiict ji iminillcl of youin liilioi Iiiciiilwi iiii Iiciidc lhc liliiIill2lili Ma ou loiiiiilo loolliii ol lil llic Lou it lonoititully dcwi iled IIiI piotii in 33124 of Hlli=l lioli ltttlllliill flitl iliiiiioii tlicbiiih icccniiis Ill on llltilI illi Illii uic Illtl roi vIllt ILIHHIIITv willie blilc slicci iilli iiiatcliin acic vil ic and Ill not lciiiii iili bride xorc llll iitli Iliil loliiili lIltlS ii in it ill lllt III iii Ililll lii vi ii Iiiiii Ii iii In iiioi iicHi It liliilllti iii iilt iiii tllliil1i Ill iiiibl pl IIIIII iiiIi III lic23ii tlltigtyj ic IlliI III Iii iii iii in icliiiiilii llilll oip Jillil Mi liiiow II IIIlllt iiil in Iliaiitfoiil Illi llll il IIIIHIII1Ilil i113 illt Sl AI IIIL liiiiiic til Alla Sliiililrtlillb Humid Villlllilt uiiil ol the iziooiii Iill Jiiili IliilI Zil lllll III iiiaiiiiiizc looki Ilii itio illl liiiilii place ol liiiio oipoizil lliisil Slllllit IiIIW illl Iol IiI liatt of iiiip linidcii Hill of fill WIiili lliiliil lcoiitc liatt IIHIIJIIHI Manitoba to ll Miss Laura illlilillll daughter otfll Illi 11 NH Mr William Graham of llolliiiillfl Man The ceremony conductcd III at six oclock by llev ltoy iiinI1 Ill of iiilliiic United iliuicli in the living Illfll uni IIItIIiI decorated lIIl pliil sticaiiicis white bells and ligislutIpacc in St Marys clan of llltlliill rioi wlicii llicibridc win iittiactively iillr liltllllllil HI Illl lutc Mi ed in royal navy blue cicpe Il1illw5l INSIHIiIiHc corsage of Sweetheart ioscs SiltilIIiIIIIiIIl Iii Jiibcpli Villlt Wore the iiiooms gift licartiMIZ and Mrs loscph shaped gold locket with army cicslSliiillilllli1gt IIW Valli ill Iii tl ll il inuloi gigcir viiic Ilitll ili iiriil li ii on by iiid lis ii mom Iii Saturday iiioiiiiiizt Attending the bride is matron Malone celebrated the nuptial mans ofhonoc was Mrs Scottplilil Ilic Iiiidcs biotlicr Shanty Bay who voie becoiniiigillll llliil dress ofsilvei blue Ill vith iiavy lhc bridc iithIl III lilitllllllt ID IllflsltpIillliti Mr Vincent Noon 1iiinniings Ilic fiance Corporal Camp Borden After the eciciiioiiy there was lainfy icpast at which Illltilllldtfh cake was served on plate which behinng to Mi iloddails areal grandniothcr over our hundred years ago Among thosc present were the brides llliillltll Mrs li Crawford Mr and Mrs Sloddart and fam ily Oio Station Mr and Mrs Scott and family Guthrie grooiiisinan lloward wzis pmuiaii wore gown of Iiiloorlength veil of wliiti cied net and carried iid jof olliiigiviiotb who glilue triple sheer gown of the groom was grooii the ushers were Mr Din of Detroit and MixJose iNoonan sang appropriate Following reception of the brides aunt lrucn the young couple motor trip They will res ronto Glenny Camp Borden Forthe wedding trip to Toronto andother points the bride wore green costume with beige iICLCSSUl ies They will reside in Barrie ii la Vailgwuui Ilii to ltIlIIillgtlllIN ll will yw it 135 gttli It liirli ti iTIviiilcd by Miss Hull HIIAillNIiSSYIIIISJAIUIINII ml win lltll very pretty lillll1 Ilmlilew 15ktnldI iciicvicvc wasattciirtcd by Miss Alice Dinccii dial and carried pink io Mr Bergan Shaiiulincssy At the Otfeitory mid duringi thc signing of the rcgistei Mr Vincciiti Mrs rs mam mama nitrite osr risen IftlllHi tNli llitl us iivl iiiii It i17ii if it Swain IIi litu lli it tii Iiiilii IiiiI wl iil liill iElLfil III II Iiili Illlt IIirllll Iiiiil tittll liiiicl iliil ilittlIiI llii iilincoii iiii liio onw lllt Illil1l Ilfliitfililll iii iiiil IilmiL itli an I4itiil liw Mm fiiui lciiilh boil oi rill liiiiici ii limilt iitli iei Lilli lullI bishops Ii lilkl illltllt oin liaiiiliilu iiillx ImII of inalcliuiix II iit iiiiicil ii ioiiliiii llliilllll iiiooiiiiiiiii lliui liroilli liflltltlllll llic icccplioii uni Iliillti of tlic biiitcu lillt liiiili cnuplc cii leltll tlllll by tlic Illllt an orchid navy ltliillf llllI iiiati one iiid tlic Violin5 iiio IiHIItlIHHIl lili ulnl Ill Jiic ii 31 tlillili IIIIIIilll ltll lloci loliiiiiii cg Bibi Iilltllldil lftll lyi and IIIII iiii liblltln lic llt lotiir iiii Tiiii ii llltl ioic itm ii iila it wearing ili lid to iiiiili ltI rhcui with why ilttt iiiii Iillltl twotoned ciiisiiit ii IIhi biidc liid McMachii Vcaii Ioiiiii liiiiiiiicd black III lullli climatic ol Sliili gla It licccivcd All Wit For the wedding illdlliaiiuiilhii ladies HIVVllinlilziiids the llllli with lo lit and IilItlt limit with maroon accessi thcir return they will ialillc dillch Ill ul of town gucstk 11 live It Will Illbllllltlll and llairic Mary and bliI united in int son of William Aloysius KNOXJIIIOMSU liiiiily Anglican buic was the cciic of very thtlilllltt ll hivcthirly iuiday afternoon August wlicii Iiiiie Toopcr tlziiizghte of Iostiiiuster iNicoI ibecaiiie the bride of Mo served liitc satin ciiibroitb roses She iMrs Alcxaiider Knox llii ltmtilly was hy Vcii dcacoii of Siincoe ire 2i sky with halo dale llic wedding biotlic moan and man Gillis pli Irueii loigariist of Trinity Chi lStlllll Perfect Love signing of the rsgister hymns the home Gerald left on idc in To iiilllltfi wth eladioli and int shrubs and flowers lguest pews were spikes of pink glitliolban liciiIicd with white iiillc il Hll iiI iiiliiic iiid grinidiiiotliii trip marked lulu niLi of ii iv pillow ir ii dmii in ii lill nil lip cl 134 Iiil II ill let linintrij iiit iliuii si tor of tin iiiiilo upiii l1ltl HW It IIIIII evc iiil tfll itlltl lll Iill litittltlltf filtiil of satin and IIliIlliiIltt1 imi llllil and ii yolzi it ioepoiiitc law and iii lill IHJV ii Illv Mr Ai Ililllilll III nl Illi cil iii ic lhci iio Illll dress with NI llllltti jacket buttoiiiiiii to liiizli hiiii coi llltl Mr fir11y roic lIIIw gladioli Ali 11 if ciepc dic dioli also to the Ialibilitoii donned ii in wins rcsidc lt from Iiillllt chariiiiiii clock Sol 23 lllll lhoinsoii land Mrs Thornsmp not IIiIIlKLIH immature arch and bouvardiii rton Itid ldcll Knox Barrie son of Mr and Barrie performed Moultoii issistcd IliLV II lamicson rector of St lcoiges Anglican Church Allan music lplayed by Professor II Wright Arch WilS Iicli and Victor Knox brother of the groom siICCCSSiilics uring the The chanch was beautifully drc late sum and the with Queens nemmmsnmmsaazagfmr Four Kinds Of HeinzOvenBake Beans Are ReadiifoTrve Remember those unforgettable aysbwhgmaftr hours of oven baking grandma set steaming pot Of beans in the table They were beansthe olstimekind Canada been hankering for ever since ving traditionaliways Nola Vogdiarlanyla Baked Beans in tomato sauce without meat Heinz Baked noa KldnayBoam with porn iIvlfIelnzBakad Burial rich tomato sauce with pork HellIi Bostonllyla Baked Beans with pork and molassessauce has Today Heinz brings you justisueh mouthwatering beans in tinsready to serve Theyre really ovenbaked till eachgoldn morsel is tender and four temptIvI delectablewthen sauced Inoc please your family ordering supply of Heinz Baked Beans todayu ilieiriztconipnyotdma1H Oven by brigwm SAVINGS 73 STAMPS Am CERTIFICATES The lliciiiii about Bill were by ushers tiiiici Iitff Sutor of he ItrilIK of lli flu llii fillil ii ltLilillilfi the illliln iii ill the iizimhiii All kliiillii Illiii il ii ii and oilie inniti Ii It iaiiiiid IHiiifC VlIIKI ii in the rltltl in Ville rtiiic xii ii vtll liieplin it background of ciiii iullillllliil It biiit Lieutenant iiai In the stiaiiis vii llu niiiziz lilli piieii by IIiIIiil ll Iiillllbttii lili iiiniwI tiii liili ili iii ilii nave tici in iiiaiiinic iiliniiiiii dtfi Vim iiidi Ili lilltr of 22 Ltlth Avviiiii Iillili and tllltl Flying Uiliiri loln Iltlllflijli and II ltziiiitail Ihi lovely biiiic chose ciir thin south of ivory iicl Ilic wt Ililllli liilhio over satin and iiiliioidcicil down the ceiific fioii II lllll iiid IIIl bodice vliiairi i7llillii Iil iiliill lilil will Eilu IIIJIIHI veil With pliolcii iilililtl til the net and car iii filiuillfi bouquet blciiili Iliilt glimrdy iLIiiiIIIiII lIIl Siltlbllllit loliilioll iiiii Iiiitx Iltl iIIl =niiiaiiiciit Mi llcgi wine iiiilc tiaiid of pearls Hill of tlicgimuiii liorcii by thc matron of Iioiioi pale blue lIt lillitllfalt vitli iiccliliitc and loiii slitrcs Slic wiiic natural Leghorn hat Ifllrlr iiicil with blue and carried pin tlulioli and iIititn lwitli swcct pciis The Itllhltl was sigiicd in the igaiiic room of the mess and aitcr wards the wcddini guests lllllllr rcccivi Iticer commanding at Mossbank and lioiict blue crepe dicss and plaid Mrs Ashton Wing findr and Mrs ioiics Mrs Sutoi wore an attrac live gown of white slicer flowcrcd in blue stiaii and roschud coinage llilflllllh crepe with icd and white soiics ICCLS ed about the sides of the bride table and white tulle surrounded the wedding cake which centred the table iJlie wedding cake had been made by the bride and was IliiiinnCd in silver and topped by Iltiid vases of summer flowers were colorful touches to the appoint inents FltIicut Bcgg and Iucsday iii the city the afternoon for Waskesiu Fill black felt and black and Her corsage was of sweet peas FltLieut Bcgg has been stationed since October in marriage by her falhcr wore rpm 10de brich who was givcnigown of white point dcspril lashl ioiicd in tight bodice long lily Her fingertip veil and she carried cascade of white her from Scotland The maid of honour Miss Mar igucritcr Thomsony sister rrofrtlie bride wore forgetmenot blue lchiffon gownwith large leghorn suiniiierflowers in pastel shades The groomsnian was Jack Craig Cameron Toronto and Edward TyrerfBarriE reception was held at the hmmmirbriacs parents Bayfield SL Barriefollowing the ceremony The vtssiidcs IWOIC gown ofaqdanmrine blue siasgladioli petals IThe grooms mother were navy blue crepe gown yviflihat of navy felt and Corsage of pink gladili petals Later Mr and Mrs Knox left on wedding trip to Northern Ohlt tariothe bride travelling in gray Iand navy plaid dress of sharkskin navy torsolength jacket with navy Guests fromna distance attending the weddingincluded Miss C1VI Thomson Detroit IMich IMr and MrszT fGieTntf and MissBet ty Grant Orillia Mr and CoopciIT0ront0 Mr and Mrs Remind Birchcliffe The grooms gift to the best man was travelling clock and to the Waldemar knife and chainiji TI Ia1 LEARN WHERE TO GO People naturally lookin Th Ex aminers Coming Events for dates of dances suppers etc In l940 The Examinercarried 2408 lines of this Eelass of advertising AN EASY WAY An easy way to find articles lost is to advertise in The BarrieExam in Classifieds SH minimum 25c iiitciiiiiiizzlcir Delicate pink tulle was festooii his bride left the same evening for the Hotel Saskatchewan in Regina and spent They left in On their return from their wed ding trip the bride and giooiii will lie in Mossbank at which poiiil point sleeves and full skirt falling into adrain Huiiii FURlElL iiiEIi BEANS was caught with white gardcnias hat and she carried bouquet of 169 mother crepe and large leghorn hat WIIIlI fiichsia trim and Corsage of fuch lAli rltilli wa bccoiiiiiii noxiiif white and blue Slllllllltl London TorontoAshton gown of white floweicib travelling Mrs Begg wore black tailored suit with touches of white whitt gladioli and white heatherscnt to Barrie and the ushers were James accessories and large red patent Ir purse On their return they will reside in Barrie gIVfrs ZGIIenn Mimico MrsIyr M0f8ltPElrb0IbIIgh Mr and by thc bride and promo the Ilfitl paiciits Group Captain Ashton ofI 35+ II $354 on ++$V$ to +4 Datacl oco $$V ocaco $$ ivns HZIIBraIden Mr andMrs Cults and Mr and Mrs One cent word An easy way to find aiti ts to advertise in The Barp Advertisein The Examiner incr Clas +++++++++++ no to on co vs Special MCCORMICKS DATE COOKIES III mp notion BLDG ambit miqu Atltfllllo Prices Effective Until Saturday Night Aug 30th He lrtll the Him to limit lIUilIliUs of all niiiliiiiiliw to ll luniily weekly rcqziirrinciit trymaau no oAno us ROSE Brand SWeet Orange Marmalade 32m 31 Iar 563 PUitlTY FLOUR 74b Ila delicious lioniemmdc type of cookie made up of an oatmeal biscuit with dc lighttul date fill ing Atlccidedly economical pur chase Average 21 Biscuits to the pound Vrvvvvvvvvrlvlviwvv mjvvlrlv Sron EAEQEFR Em Be Wise Drink Frir unis FRYii GQCTEA Allens Pure Uivioatciicd APPLE NICE Nabisco Shredded Wire Glenwood Pure VAN SpecialAMeaty LKMB tries Specialdean LAMB Lot SpecialThick Lane rnonrs EAGLE Brand QUAKEH coiiiirLAiiEs FRENCHS Diet lleei Diet Fisli QietC Cheese mivnnmnn uoRN SYRUP 93 Johnsons msrn Arum tiii IiLQOR WAX DAVIS GELATIN LAINGS 01 sAUiiE Pies Elm Cglll PREPARED MUSTARD The 3Flavoured Dog Food iiriiiiiniiiiioii rooii Iii Feed In Rotation liiozl Tins 1W AW Mon at if 239 LA EXTRACT SpecialMeaty BLADE oz Tins llb Tin 3a SI SI Fl 07 Bottle oi nr ieaozar 7f5BANANAS Tons normal es stow ornn in one in fmtead Ioi mm as fornierinv Sept 331 CLQSEIF ALE 331 wenwnson if sen 3RD PEN Hum RM EAMm Viizlam TARIO if Diriiig Ili ill il 133 Hi FULL BLOOM in plentiful supply for EATING SIIORTCMSE P252 and PRESERVING rainy this fanimn Ontario Fruit rich in vitamins lhonphordus Cccuti ifY etc while prices 8C per IilIIIIIlI llClAlSlilli IIIl ILDIIN IIIII HiItlllIIIHIII ripcncd in our ripening room Roast Prime Beef visa for fit llllIlIllllllIIIIIIIlllllllllllllIllIIllIlllllItlllllllllllllllllllll coaiisiisrii MILK 8412 Pkgs 602 Jin SpanishThick suits are finest SpecialLean Prime Beef BONELESS BRESKET Special42m Prime Beef BONELESS NET Roast lb SpecialLean Tender Prime Beef Prime RIB Roast mkAAWAAMAM GENUINE FRESH SPRING Flank lllllllllflll 8f an int 3c Bottle 2on Boz IO Julie Pkg BEVERAGE minim um 25c 1789 23 II lrime Ilecf lb I3zi 15 rAMB Iank 33 53 AS NOW is the time to PillI JRVE the Pick of the traps if AIJIORNIAHIIiSII AIIIIHIAL SICIIDLESS GRAPES l9 blulillIllcl ONIAIIIC WIIIIII CELERY cannors lllllIlllllllllllllllIIlIlIlfllllllllIllllllllIllllllillllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllflllllFt iwntario Brown Fruits and Vegetables At LOBLAWS youll find complete assortment of RESIJIIVING and PlCKLING SUPPLIES iied 355555 89t s105 pAnuwa tIb PkgI12 For More and Better Jams anil Jellies OERTO 8511 Bottle RED or WHITE D02 RUBBER iAii RINGS Small Size llIALTJCIDER WHITE lGzzoz Bottle WGATSUPASPIIlE LOBLAIW writes rips an Heinz winning 25 HROUND PARA SANI 24 sheet iil rtinglishlnnfii JR Pure Raspberry or Strawberry ii JAM 1207 Vllartoir siaiiniItuNa and Ernssnma GINGERALE LIMERICK DOUBLE SODA Ilhiii llie Usual 60 deposit on each Bottle GROGETEBIA sale in store end copies oflhe Examiner on Biirtoan resta at 10 inupni ci LIMITEII largo size cacli EEG ED 13c viMuuuniwfo corrami 2402 1591 BRAND Ii loaves IWhitc Wholr Vllicat rnekcd Wheat 177 irirsiumnuuin llIIllllllllllllllllllllillllllllllllllllllllllllllIllllllllllIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII giiiiiso iilru 23 LirEBiioi SOAP zcii11 supra suns Riitrgi20 PALMOLIVE SOAP Esiii 1c OXYDOL and 9c CAMAY Cakes Ic IVQRIYSOA 6c HARRY IIIOIINES PQQDSP iiiiAiELrnliigi 602 Bru DOUBLECREAM custard Powders Zita SMINUTE nations inert DESSERT POWDERS ioz LIELLAMllzlfl If 2l01211Illri lL at CWhilrty row