Ontario Community Newspapers

Barrie Examiner, 28 Aug 1941, p. 14

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Pun noun 1H1l11llllilllill il xuwi iflzieen and Princesses Review Cadets lllsl Three More 1ilys OUR GREAT AUGUST SALE Ends Saturday August 30th if you have not already filled your requirements mes ST is Li WMJ r4raaa aaeca4za Dunlop BUY NOWDONTWISHYOUHAD Phone lmluwuLtzxi VV gm MIDHURST FENNELLS Vt l1lEilltt xlllll llrs painting lllld redte Williilll lllllllll mEm VW iltllt ltttllk tililllllu lilt school illst ll lli llllii flitnits lll llulltllll lsa MLss Dorothea Lets lorolilo 15 ltlltlllto lIIE it 11 tt allltt spellillls ollli lllllt iltl llUllt llelllillil lllliltltlll spoil llliEl 11ulll ililiiV Mr illid Mrs Wilson Brown iliili iolllo Il llilv Point into tit Et 1olEIlillllilv and Mrs Jolln Brown spell Mrs lliirlrs Hilltillll llld Bruce will lSlllllith lit Orr Luke ll lurontil 5mm Mom Mm vlllllulli tilt and Miss Ailktll llld Paulette in unit Mrs llzlloiltdltll lzi lllltliillu lliliiWillderlilclc were recent visitor lIr ilild Mrs lllollle tlllti 111 with Louise Cockburn itllzi litlllllHllit llld Mrs lrvlnlv ll lizil llilll Sllcilvr Mr and Mrs Best arc in lIllllillon spent Sunday with 32 1i lt El solidle lint 1r Violliler spean the weekend Mrs Aitlltitlll lilliilsllziw slitlit ililtllrll Ellrty llollllevs couple or ll ills week or lltl EI Mvv lllEV Villllliiffl IEltilEtlll llltl ill itliihllii llollon Vil11 illI llld Mrs lllliwit llfllllll in zllil tils tornllo xltll Mr illlll All ome 0x Amen Mills Vi Hibllllllltlll illilllil Millgmm rm Joan Alf VI E1 llll wvl iilit lli Mi Hm lIllgtlld Nlllgima Frills Sunday coneer an enJOYREbVle ther ML Vilsilim 13 IV Newman mill LlllVlV lEl lull Sdlll rent iliulth the latter being hi brother Rev PLUMS lllll 396 Basket till Ktllev is lloiile for it IUUIIVV V30 llIblflllltiiili on vacation Halime ReVV Wm Newman of your yjI Hm MVVVVIVI mm N01 hm OVVVV Vuppei lltlltil 1le illllt OKING ElE IVIV In II lt illd Mrs ltli 121 Mrs Sidney Rowe EE El lt WVVVVVIVVVV IV mg VVIVVIVVVVVSI MVI IVVVVV The V1VVV Cmmm WV VVV VV Ins lhllitli aflellioon the Cialghurst is at present away on APPLES 23c Bsk nil MI 5mm ihxmbm Mr unit Mr thcoluc llllllsoll 211 lllllll ol liilullllrsig Mm Cockburil Mrs and Mrs ll Scott lllllililton II VV tti Vlllil llvrSllthlm dlld DOXHML VNllEd iii Hi Hill rilnllLilc singm llltol 111 will 1an llillsdtlle and SecontlELlne Flos Slillll with Ml llltl Mrs 111 111 Alllilillit on Moll OWHK 18 ll nittes AME777 mil lllztl mr the or Red Cross MGM lillld ill 1ll mm 11 11 Il lithlllll Lllltl son VCliilrt anm or AIUSUSlZ ClOWtS W1 1W 1E tliilih 2x zllti lllllllllt llllttoll oi Ior llliltVs blurs socks plilr SVCZl 14411 1IIVVV wt Mrs Vlll Dunn onlllllHS SOCKS Edgar WI tunics H41 llllll itv llll EE 1L HEHIV Vu llliE Ib101l505V8 suits boys pyjamas Rev Mr Wilkinson is away or EE ill Kennevs pIHldmmV Mis llllwlll Marion Evu Sllll malls pyjamas sleeveless ll toltiiluilts liolitiily AA tlll Et mm 11 VV ltlltlltlI NEI1511111 103115 and Valid cap Edgar WA quilt llolidzlylnp lit Parry Soumt VV iElllt1 ll lilii VInlIhmlIlIE 131 lll Exillv ilielldlz last week Dill SOCkS Sleeveless Sweatelx IR llllllliil Toronto vismid mwrwJ Kmlw lllE lIIllliillilt lilll1ill loll Hllll lEllirCll Mrs Wall cal Algwm Chlb 01 in MI lllld Mrs Lee Baman Mllniml soon 5M mullth IL mt McGowan Mm lust week undergoing an operation E1 llillltlEElllol and 1111211 ilxl Ilitlit lllltl Jlills GlllllS 311 his nose tltlliluliltl Ilollli mlEI VI With Mr EE MiS Dre EEEI EE Ell IOlonto th rim VEmVI VIVEHV Im VVVVIVVVVVV KVRamsay HokamsI RCASICII VIlVlVlVd VMiss Vlenmlv IymmMmL tlzllllill ml MW HIE lngston spent tie weekend with 01110 Visited with Mr zllld tum It LUVVIVEVIV VVVV Vw herVIglsLelV MrsI Field11ousI Mrs lenhox on Fride MISS BeaV BmW Lawrence lld Mr lid Mrs Jennett fl IVIml VVVVIV1V mm 01 VBHIY SDelt few days at the fawn 10 Toronto on illr 111 101110 or YlIln PetersIAllanlale 155 mum Lyons went home VV VVV VVVVVVVVV MVV VVVVVVVt VVVVVV VVViVVVV VV 1ka Nmm BIUV 15 Mlss Bermce Kemermuhnm mm mm Vsnulrn an two weeks nilll 1il been IumtVVnV EVllle Vlld NitWyn PirIVktl rammed to frown after having vammonI 19 will Mi 11 lisp l11 0mm mud he 599 some me WithlSE JilmES VVV JV VVmHd ZIVVHV VVVIVV SHIVVVIVVVI VV VVVVVV VVVV IEllllll ll luvs ills veek Coutts VV WV it nice amount of rain but it woltld in VI EIV 1VVVVVIVVVIV MI VIVVVVV MVVV VVVIVVVVVVV VVVV 1le InllzeV have been of more benefit had it if 1= 11 11113 Ml lllii Vilnlllit 11 lillllt to 1m CE 3011b and come sooner However it all helps 113 itEl lll ttlllill fillli km ll vlln lll Niflltllli lll titliu 11 llt lll V1 Sillmdily ClODS MAll iIg If Elltw VVVV Vl IVV VV V1 th lllllllVlVV vVVliVlViVVl MLVllllil Mis Montana VI IVV IlVVVVVVVtVtVVVYolVilVit lglfVlVVVllVIlV3eYV number from here attended EV VV IV El Elnll 11 his rillll lEllllillllli ue II Peacock were Mr and Mrs ChasV rut lllll on ViololthVoVlltullVlvlIstnllci EIlVi sumo vE IVE1VllilEtllle mid Youlqus during Robinson and daughter Eunice IiilIZAlSElH SI WEST VV VV VV VVVlltlllt ollV AlltllltilVl VltVl stV IlllillilV Mls Vt 11gulImI Vtlm unwind Kitchener Mr and Mrs Mm mV7VVVII VVV VVVElellif Zill lHtle lll lili llIl no Llltd lI 1mm Ehm 1m 11mm mo mm in St Kissock Penetang ETEv 003 JrWilt it 111m oilnit 111 inn it lEhI II Te me LL ill null 13m Mr tlllll Nils 53 lEifiEW 11 SilliilWiGsr Park Midi lEl1tti ovullis lilgilitfilivhglnggj Sewme in St Pauls Anglican 23Vlv HE Ji 11 glutlliitt to mom ers roni lal Am II VVI in he 111le VVznglrlignliEZVJVlVilVVlJXCVDfVlSVliVn ArE Mr Iis Wilfred Violation 21 JfofMrs Sidney Cox Followin the ll 1ilill ITtiriiiitii spelit tilt weekend CanlmVVEVV X1 VivlVlVllliVllV snipEmcmng about ladieSV enoyed VCAREROTS 159 is 3l $1113 Dulcmubmmls 5191 MVSdiostesS Mpg NW lllliCLSllDDCl on thelawn GHERKINS 69c qts EV II KlllltI Miss Marie ltili llolllilvlli iitlllolonto this week littiildiilu lllk llld Mrs Hillnld Matthews IV VI Hur EE ll lilllil llll IIEv IlrlIll lllit Mrs lust week old llrll Nllt1illll 1l EVE IIIVV HlIIn Ell llllollTlE lilltuld ticl Rld Cross Packliig lllilll llltlll ililtllll and Allied llld Bill Cook Visited 9410319115 pairs SOCkS Dim mitts Mis Earl Reid and A111 vE llllllo EE lULi it illlltllll lild Mlm HUT VH3 11 VVI VVV V1LVNmLn Hundwuw pairs socks polls mitts lullvood Jennett was in Toronto mm out PVVMV MISS 130110 MINOR Barri Sim UH Vilmw liliiill Miltllis St lEltlI lllld Mrs Jenny om Vim Vllka ii MI In HE ILI zVIIEn7 E1 lily inst week lingu itlltl sts 11 loltll1ltr SundayV ll lllit Mlr la IlllllilUll llul li mi All R0nam left This vicinity has been havingIa VIVVVVVVVVVVVVVEVVVV II II tt RU 1i Mid Mm HE tlicu soil Doug iillill llll lellOllL tlic Exlilbi 11m IVVV gound toward next yeals the joint meetings of the CINE EE rouills ill liillllgtitlli line With ll 11 lx 57 llV Ahmm Luke MUSkOka hur JJVIIjV VV IE EV VEV II VE Hm hghgvltiI who iVstlintlll 11 IHV Fwd Pun Son LawrenceV st and MIHCSIHK WA at the VVe tl lxtilllm illti tor Ciliilllllll IEdinlxirlxiili Que visited zit Geo sunday sump Wlth Mrs Tzlilrcl II= Mr Newman from Nova er and son Bari My KllllltV and soil JillT lldScliool llllt Villllclls re and Newton MACHle zild Mr lllid Mrsi illhlllSl All mus oi races and istitlit to Rev Win New ChurCh was conducted on sunday hOMBARD llltlllllfls of St Peters WA on holidays in Muskoka Motor no En 311 Kelley and his brother Ailllill 13 HMIEOIW VlilIRii hurst lilid Midlitirst at the home POIATOES 2306 qts iE Haversoil Mrs Patton and Senice in United Chumh itllevllvr ollllrrlv EIEE n1liilllgt with them after spending Ml HIIOII 811mm was conducted hv GV HusbandEspem the weekend GREEN Autn lAltfllit oil1 Ii tilt llolll no Llit holidays in the village Miss Merv McLean president of With Mr and Mrs Husband TOMATOES 2006 ts vllEl1E1n1 MWan KennmEho Weekend Visitors Mr and Mm 1c$1YOuni peo leE Miss jeanIT 10 Hold on ilrE Adi Atoll KIlko xtermlittlethAA Itiluimul Ironw ttith MrE villrl Paul Raw 5W1 two 31151le AAtlAAlW Nelson Fisgersstanltgtl the week with he llunltS iripindmg FRESH FRUITS =lll llltlA conducted lllOliA Allidx riot iill VIMV pm 171111811 cince 11CiilHultSV1119E Sued flilendfi iesilleill of ASiilc l5 bytn to omn By THE BASKET Al Alon iilltlii lil JITOAli liiil ill At wasl destroyed lll il iwrs Patterson Toronto Wim who we lllieO lddregz Mi My aim llllltli ie ien iE SS ar 1m No VE VIE and OIMI Imqjsonwhml VVVOVHVQ to the Lemmx 1mm on is Mi ind Mls Gem as return Militzlleric Spence Midhurst Phone for Prices 0f Hm was Ie Ito TOronto after it t1 Toronto lirliilli lr Lllltllon IIlttllVEthmE 111 libersmltilliermiiiiib geiliiiimifclliiiiibl 1013 week with Miss Peggvsplgugmg the Tomatoes Cucumbers Ms In ui fillliixlglls filigiik Houiliivoli my ME JElfiiiemdsyngllt gliderv Tilloiito 191111th t0 Iher Iliomell Mllmlld Mm 390 JOhnSton re MWAbemrmbw and F111 for Pickles illllilitv extends it lzls the ioliiicrs Show and Toni Hyde all of HililiBll Dum Fmomo With ms mp tum mme smurday after ac qulgt was sclemnized II IW ems Mr mid MlSI Fran Rewexoinpnnriiis Mrfnnd Mrs Pog at the mange at Guthrie Saturdavi and Preserves Iiuiiulv VqliEl 1V1 wishlmv Hillhii llleli culled onVielat113VVVM1LD11 and Bobby TCronto lvilh inertHon 911 ml 1111011311 Normem August 23 1941 by the Rev Aoo 5m lHUlkl 3ch up MPllnlt Ln Rem DID 1K1 Wmflparemsi Elm 300m 811d Dorothy Ontario fa KilklandlLake Gray when Miss Doris AAber WE DELIVE Mb m1EIIIV mudLing VV KEV SIHSVVlltl l11llil oi Vcillln VVVVCVVVIVVVVVViilltVI VV onVlVVliVt Vlatholllf111V1lVE innit mm on WoodV Toman with men D3 ems Aim Johnston visitingr Qeorge P09 crumble was united in marriageto out or VIWVIIB VIII EdVoroVsEs sVeVllt glletrltlilali VVILVIV VIIVV VV VlV lily VIVE T1111Edy HES tMrlnd Mrs Jack Presser and SOIL JIE ill ROSSEQU WIhlle the par Tor Muir of Camp Borden ElUllElEl imp In iIIff1 SliciicHSFITW bulkierQ family Toronto with their moth ems were on their trip formerly Saskatchewan All nd Alb 10 0H large number 01 neighbors 91 NUFS LlZZle LaughlinV TorontoV A7 czll pain but it tlu luivll pairsV kin EilllellVlri W11 l3501l0ltVVI VIVII VV Valid other friends gathered mat her brothers Eleanor PattonI mg VVIVVIV VV lll nltite cups Dilll iVIIEIaVlVld MIV AlfeELV IVACrAEFVv Gelln Hall on MondayInielit last Toronto with her brother Mm llIVollllV lllI lvsleeii VPIIEVVEVVJM11IHV LIVE CflVllJEiVllV lnE and presented Mr and Mrs Vin wm Eddie with friends in Ba1 tilltie neck 2121191 f0 M315 110 tent KenneyE With miscelliln rte VllymuV VV my eiellziig Ll toch lob on El Pens Showelg The many gifts lllE EE pII Elliot nClallyIuinlwi EEPPI WHODerTl9mdicaterlthefeeling Of thecom gumu socks IE besl wishes ofVEtittii Imam flllld5tnlunuv towards MTV and Mrs Cllle qul Why to mind of men 13 helmCESV uuueVgo With them to their new holne often makes till snilerer utlltulletl to Keiine in the loss of all their pimples is to lillrlrove the general liecl swell llospittll supplies TCMhersSmlce health by rt tltfilElligll cleansing org Suits mens pyjamas pairs nvw EIWOJE Mimi he been 911 belongings very pleasant eyen imp was spam in dancmg tothe uwuwa Mung stoma pants hot or botth eased 10 teach the Thompsonulllllslc or local orchestra The rovcisgRefllgee clotiii 15 pilirsVlHe SChOCl f0 lemming VealEslicvcl was sponsored by Mrs and MrSE Jlm DIXOH aria Burdock Blood liitters clmnseg lmml sotks2 Ionls ming gm Teachers zire very scarce and will K9119 MISE 530k Monin lldCIrk Mquleton SDflt Sunday at Er md purmvs the MVVIVVVVW rid ofIVVIVRIVV 9wa GIGSSIIIYBE MRI mama mm med helVDIMVISV Omar Belem Cef Netis singiampton gt1 llli it RB Eflil for the donation of Quilts iroiiiLGUZ Phased 10 yep0 Bert im your PPPQ mm llielrtdiesef tlieEMeiinOnite church PW EHm 4l proving after mm 0139mm AA VCOUELSOllEbI HILL PAINSWICKI Cigiith3fSlltil Dixon PLAY SAFE AND 2031353 NOW ored to CollingwoodI Thursday to AA VVI Ea IV see their daugmeMTSL Cfo Neff EV Mr lint11 Mrs Reuben Feigehen cordon Franck Barrys Bay WiggIhgzsPeell Very ill tnVhosptlaI EE are snemimlms VcVek in Comm GMV Snem Sunday at his howV fit Hilts Camp Bmden son II IV gtltgtltrm Al Ev EEE invecttn here and Mrs Fred Hum Eden VV Mhm Knegsm RCVAVF MVIVEan Mm IBM Tam miVIvale left Monday for HalifaxV E7 IMARKED FOR WI 2315 remark IBVJS OllllllnllleC as ivas home fromAy1llir for rtV View dauglltelIT01Ont0 visited with Nll itWhea he has 10m the WW Wer going shopping have days last We and MIiSV Harold KnowlesVVI was hlmdelVlVeVrv success IE some calls 310 iiiziltgVV EE MI andMrs Matthew EEKnee MiSVICeci1IHanisVand baby bOyV all rs Heibeit Linn of VV VVV EghVawVEImm ROliaIltt spelit Su lily from GrenfelVI are visiting With P01111130 EEMIlChd were Weekend It Eiqsllczites tire cvcrydliy EurscI of with Mr and MrsJacllt QOittsE Mn and Mm Selby can guffrs gnyrmfn $11M be viIcIesrieeessiiry DJnCllulldomen 0lstVtVtgylhdueV OfV MecheVVd MiESVVR VJ dW PeVrVrgIhIesliIiithonI Son bonnie OfSTorgngVESVVelm 1313ka bothliersonllyand in connect MM pen ays 51ml gum visited Vhis huntsMrs Win Gold Mrs Wm Wa11caI last week TV KW Wlth their aunt Mrs With their business activities ener and Mrs Frank Brown Ere Miss Ruth EKntght returneo es gt IV to thallium ma he mom gently Mr liege is elirouteT hornoVhomeV last Friday afteryvisitine my EA Yak Ey after attending 21E weekly news with friends on Manitoulin Islanrl go or to cash chequeI E2 II paper convention in Quebec CityV El EWV Th919wmbe ESerVice at LIl EI VVleiu lfltlloslllrlflng nlsfil Park under the leadership wlnVc so of mm mu 121de Everybody welcome nrdsons includecl Constable and and Mrs Ian Hutcheon iiee Mrs Alfred Wright nd 50113 7E IS YourGu ran VgiiImom order IE XfugIlegi it gallilgt 9L canng In VI VIE EV Misses IWilllllfletl nnd number from here attendedi Mrs EdWin RiChaldsoi Gerald Harrls Barrie are visiting aliI lor the miscellaneous shower for Ml ton Mrs Wm Breen Mr one Ice ehvery Monday September Mr and Mrs EIZIll Htttelieon Ilene Reynolds at the home 01 Miss McMiln Mr and Mrs Eltirrv at OSEEQM UgllunllinqSwellvs aromuilullle to wumul an Pauls choir willsupply special Recent visitors at Rich IvlllSlC ml Old webbvs 1mg week left To their new home ili Princo the brides parents Mr andMrs Carson and son all of Toronto Edward Island on Tuesday Reynolds BigrBay Point Ptes George Richardson Max Mrs Frank Arnistrong and son Visitors with Mr and Mrs Webb and Allan Hutton of 0011 EE of gt Week with her mother licre Mrs Li gnw Wes on Mrs son zliile an rs Mel Congrlltlllzitions to Mr Siliul Detroit Wm Wicklllln iiiid Cllllimn and Shirley Aline Eden Webb who celebrated his eightysonlvun F103 35 Mrs Hnr VfIlIlVliz dJean and Bessie fifth birthday on Sunday last ry Ridgeway an is IV Toronto an monommimmm

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