Ontario Community Newspapers

Barrie Examiner, 24 Jul 1941, p. 8

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rue gm rm BARRIE EXAMTKER BARRIE 0N1 CANADA iiiumm Jul 1141 Mc LL 38115 KIWANIS KARN EVifi2bf Dead RETAILERS To THRIFTY ANAoiA VV VII VV AV BH BUfo if jViVVV f7 iI it at III II iiiniru 93 st iiiil lll II 7I Iiii li1111i1ii1 5V itll7 II IF Vi VVV lunar 11 11 i17i7 111w 131 111 111 111 94C II CXYOII II SLIPS VV it 11211liil ii vriv iziiiiiliti24 II II ltl lltt of liltllt triiiiiia lVl Htl I1 IIiIIh him Iih ch III III III II II 111oit it in H5 II ht WhihI Isl7h jig to l3 II II III II II II IiiVVV VVVV VV VVV VV VV II WI Ra on Satin rI I1 III III iv iI 1i1ioe11 1illitlilgtlllltl in II II IIII II II IIIIIIIIIII NIII IIIId Vi ii VVVVVVDVV IV hV Vl ll If ltt tiilliS Climb in mm VV VVV ereVV large gtIt in lVilYWV ill and iVlti 11 highhh null value 1I III I7 wr Suedeflaifeta an lcii lip midc if ii1iulilltlltl II or SilifltVlVilltlill Iii1 lh Continued from Page ommands Northern Area llffectire today LieutCol W1I Johnson who has been recruiting officer for Mi liasiheen ap pointed commandant of the North rei MD and has been II iiniVinioted iii the rank of full Col ll ll iii ll ll liliillSlitlllSlilllti Yiiiiiiirszlca 32 10 LN hit CIUSh ReSISlCInC IIli VIN llillill 1V lIh Elvishive IIIIlflI lIiC IlIIflllmei CIUVL BIVIUCk iilli skew ii an a1nttirt iisiom Vio ias en iov QIIIIIIIIIII IIIIIIIIIII II IIIIIIIuu BY Sheer ShOCk i1i gt lVlHili its fightir ed to Ottawa The new commnnxl IV mm Power 31 111111pouer ant will work directly undel May trict OIlliCCr Ollllillllldlilg MD IiiiiIItlieii 1040 caiIiiinusI To 11 Iwlililli in the Cilllzldlzl VGcmr IVV cunsmmme D25 and V111 have In 11 lingoi COVanan ho LVVinLiVV VVVVVVR lI II II mph which So 108 Olllalloi Cllllllltllmnh Iill II WV 11 IIDSE VVVV Wilmed millgh the bllilge Smtlke Newmarket Military Camp and iii months With the coiiipgiay 111 wIli Ilut zit titlitllllM 513 ml Chamber of Horrors eluding Barrie but excluding GAINSHUSI of this insurance is 51mm he 71 If 1VVVI1V lV11IangI The bulltank which had met Camp Borden He will be stationed Itwecn the employee and the coin Improvemeht OveerI Iii IdVVIlIfndIIblllI iiicChanical grief behind the Canad at North Bay It is likely that Co pany IIi 111 ILCUIJCX in him front was stalled amid 1950 Johnson will conduct an inspection Om employees have and Im MalCheS VVm latowaste of derelict trenches and of SecondBattalion Grey and Sim taking their places in the life and 1mlffmj lIJllIrlplITdI old shellcraters It was restorcdcoe Foresters CA Col Johnson Citimhshh Bunm Fifteen 0f eS IV mm we to runuing order during the late Enlisted as private in the last war ziti ed from Page um imyg imvii hinted in thinana 1y omit 11 pluiit at Thedford IIhwnmmI lifter being an object ofiwlth the 58th Battalion emerging iAl dpm mems of your push than Aaive Service Forces many Th fllVig is 5me VVVHVi EVmthV VVUVdTV de tile llnmtnsc CllliOSlly all dBY The Cilplalllr imd has been active ncss have shown expansion with are now in England All cleoIJCCS III series of IIIIIIIIICS dealing lIlIIliIItIlIIlIIl IiiIIIIfIiIiilIJIIIlIIiIiIIS bu Ismmundcd by grad std the militia fol years lIiIeckcxrciIehiiohcgfIsgc 012111 SlItgstILllflcdSiCJlIilggllsllg ItIIiCRDcdSICI1Is ii ll aneerc Na Vlh mums new Armoured 1111 tillk Illt SUCll Cimlimk 3fILi$dVSiCIf test purl John Bugden Safe tions however was forecast in my Itory Loan Drive our employees is zt nlmwst my cable sain safe and well lLIt of last ear and the presenti ulchzsea over $3000 in Victory post hc moment it giunted ind ll Their heaved into motion was received last week by ROV illld additionsabeing addEd to your plant iBonst and 1002 of our employees formations The writer Kim Bcuttie is well known toCiinad Cit son since thesinking 0f HMS Bon he ra was hmk fmm Ml Beau has lV1 VV VV VVH men the driver had been bribed to give tallenture one of Britains newest 111111 the infantrymans 50 lngV Very mUCh 1189de Shipping Bmcebriageu recently been appointed Fca him rough passage As the lum7 sepII III 18 III lt3 no cylinder ngins balked den OlllllVl former will hogtc correct this adverse ubscllbed for war Savings Certi iiin readers blttlitlllln 1n gt 11 re 15 its II bI II Camdian mmer high md til VlVVbVm5 fmbd the not colrtdeiiylfhijf 2313 Zhgfilcysel 0f cookstown from their son trend hd 8110W your beef endiOf ficatesi ll th yt pVVVVVVV VVlVVCVV SiVVVVDlCVVV thothOVVVVV no lOI stiff officer was enticed inside John Bugdeni Who is taking 599 the bllsmess takef atlllarger mace It Joe 5m whirls VVVV IVVKIVV 1mm C91 01V mug iV Cial training with the Royal Navy in the Opera ions company FALL FAIR DATES his work has appeared in sev lurnund shocked through them with 115 ETFILPE Sugotcatslag $2232 This is the first news that Mr and The new addition will permit an Amish IIIIIIIIIIIIII Sept 18I19 eral magazines as well as tiiczliiful jars and shudders and 95 Prge Mrs Bugden have had from the expansion in the poultry and egg Barrie IsepL1511 demonstration not knong thdl end of the business as well as giw BeeIon 30 Oct IIISCptI 18I 19 VVV lures Editor of the Army Press ltCCt iImIlHUlt illk 8111 they bprin monherlumhed and rocked cruiser sqmetlme in AprilI Djlfaciitiets for domestic and exportI Goldwater Liaison 0mch tti1I Ikil kc on11 obstructions 111 den enlisted last Jul with the pro ue IIIIIIII Se tI2527 iterrlhle llllliCllZililllCL That clearly the hedfxdiup sea 0fcraters gogl Nv1yvolumer The estimatedcost of this ad calllrifg00d Se 2224 1d 71 the drivcrobligcd and permitted his ya an 13 dihon which calls for one Storey Eldel No single weapon in the history ff Ii mlj lull hum 18 passcngers shouts of anguish to 140 Reserve and he has been Overs with excavated foundation reim HUMSVIHC Sepi 231 26 0f militill SClLllCe has milldwd 10 but 011m 11 ML unheard in the din The demoii 59135t September taking SpemaV forced fire roof construction is Lindsay Sept 10 lthnks rapid hhd hrewmubie mmhi IAiicicut WarCarts Shanon of what the tank could do chaining With the Royal Navy ple $10 000 Meaford Oct 23 mm of future illmics and their inc lhehistury of thetiiIiiI1cc1iiillttstartlover mgng country lasted fun paratory to being recommended for Ihe lam has been kept in good Midland Sept 1113 illci Glm ildeCY did llv bill 111 it Cl 115 mmVLaFV Vmth 20 11111111055 When7thestaff officer Commission Mr and MrSBugd911Vepall= pmachlnery and mTufpment Om sept 10 bithiTl Israelite have been adv1sed from headquart= godIcondition we have added Owen Sound Sept 2730 lcIamIion Iwas 1000 years in aeeonip hill The imd at last Staggered forthI he was nau lishing the complete transformationllulPllhIlSllildmllbllelmnF We seatedby noxious gasesI deafened which the mill has archipved in iCl1Llid begin Ilth 3i IIIIiuSSJtL IIZlI by the noiseI exhausted by the homeIto IBlitalnI where Will be ton capacity This with our present quamIelEtufyI CZlIlt or the Roman tortoiseI or man and hadheen joltedand 33mm examined rothis commissmn machineI Wm asswfe continuous re FIRE STILL BURNING Born to defeat the entrenched ma Iyih lCtter by Leonardo da VillICl almost into InsensibhityI When he frigemtiO th lack ofIwhich was COLLINGWOOD Collingwogax Chlllegu WhiCh hdd trilltn SUCH hie ffde bmld VVar could speak he turned on the me Armored DlVlSion Inspected very great danger we were al fire brigade isstill battling blaze strength to the defence that it dcad mourcd vehicle which would fcitrry Chamcal chamber of horrors and MajbrGeneral Brown ways subject to when we were de that began thirty years agoWhen locked the 191418 battlefield theIiirtiller and force path 501 the roared Never again demon willI lDSOVi MCv AdjutantGenerali and pending on one machine only the old Charlton lumber mills tank not Only did 50 but CV0 suv mmVIYV BL to Canadiandelgw enter your scalding bowels lc Kay DireCtor 0f Ori During the year operations have burnedto the ground completely th machinegun mobility lit had the tank Will alwaysttatefrom New TankCOmfortII Vgaization VBVV Vat Vthe AGVSV Sta been mde difficult durin certain destroying half mini7n in him more than reversed the forbidding 111ungiilnlyDENYilbuurndn COW The modem cruiser tank which visited Camp Borden Friday last periods bauseiof enlistients of her and buildings Atthat time the cost of attackbefore thelastwwar which foundertl in their the canadmnArmoured Division General Brown visited units of Ithe our men in the Active Service forc firemen Ithought the flaines had FHSF canadan Armored 3th es and by drafting of some of our been WHEULSEJQT me buts erg that the son 15 now on hls way another iimmonia compresser of 40 sever BlldgeI 77 777 7777777 VVVltV Ulmvb the mm me Will use ln action and the heavy was over Through development Vb of the armomhucd wzapml um 13 the 5th Canadian Brigade cap tank of the lst Canadian Tank Canadian Division accompanied Dun er men in the Canadian home every year the old sawdust pile its tactical adapmtiom armies based tIiIireId Ci5iircelIete The males were BrigadeI are welLCUShiOHed mow by MajorGeneral Sansom game Camp Borden has also been that stretchelong the western on caterpillar Iwhcels and gasoline ustiiigusIhchl HotcnkissI 6I smeswhen compared to thoseiorig geperalFOfIfllc9r corrlmmmg factor at times in 00mpeting for walelffront vermgrneayIa hun have bean glven unprecedented pounderIIiii bdtthIte on each side inal water tanks for Mes ots 1v1510n inspec ion was om menis when dred acres leaks out anew dry speed range and hitting strength7t1n addllltm to the Vleera mniwhiehimeyihadibemmued dunmgII made of the First and Second BriI We have advanced wages gener Iseason always gives the oral bIrt ltI gades commanded resppetively by any about fteenpercent in the gadeits annual C117t0xtul Thegt have too much power ier the guns 0f thImc11ltSl The COWtank dEfEFlCeand the milk V15 thus the Sgd VBmm adeep ate near 2131 gCVthchVliatrliVetgriiViilgquriigdeifs Bug Rutherford and Brlg past twelve months and all of our theIIfIire ruthless overlord of the modern Insicresrand7renmmedlhetm77gc9 mmeIu CSpe91 9dt17ll $9Ptfasemployees are receiying speciali battlesceneI tcsquc elplessnessiorweeks whileR1Itmmffb+ IIIEh IIIiat the Armored DiviSional bignaIls living alloyahce of $125 week People naturIany 100k The Ex AlmoststilLBmI it ser cites landmark for troops Vt ea 1133 CWW filmmmandei by LleuLCOL F1 IThls living allowance bonus we aminersiComing Events for dates rgoing in and out of the line But 10 co Obtamed Fy tln Clark VV gt linto effect July lst 1941 Employ of dancessuppers etc In 1940 The Nor has anyomer mmam to 1114 bull broke dOWn further back Crews Who had good VSmn and ees who were with the company in Examiner carried 2583 lines of this ImOdem arms undergone more not far from Contalmaison and was Who 5011 Wm0rk mic9mf0rt illlien AdvertiseV in The Examiner I1940 were also given bonus of classc advertising 77 attentlon has beenpaid to theder painful processgiorllllfreperimcnLa Ilaterusedafor joyriding purposes road towards adoptionVas ainilitary IIIBingmeis Debut sign of the modern tanks interior instrument The tank was almost That day September Ethan TheBritish led the Ivmrlds armies 22511222destination 7c are mecashiercaucuses tank on the ba ie twas not was nearlyabandoned before plansIarl hush1010115 introduction Theyihave again taken the lead over the reached the factoryfstage and it Shh unreliable that HMGgrmans The result isthat the II Was then forced through crisis after $211115 mgmws to reach Fiance British tank driver gunners and YOU CAN TRUSTTHE MAJORITY crisis Von the Western Frontbefore only 49 MIME anotemmhe atjIfradiooperatorshave as much elbow gt it was seriouslyaccepted asa Weap tack largelyVVfor the purpose room aS possible The laboratories tond thetobacco which glves them on Its sponsorsmad to surmount tot the Canadian National Research II II crackmgwstrpng pomts at Delvrllei scornridicule and disparagement as WOOdSI only 32 of those reached COuncll of which LLGEn AgG great easure 011 335 III an 77dthd rhv ke Iectidnsindrsigm nicccheanicglly oanlthge w2$11olwiiIvIar were partiallwespowble 05 Plpe Smoksrs have chosen Picobac But from the uncertain lunches were able to move at Zro he and eliminationof oil fumes an and dubious gwaddle of thc30ton only reached the German fronhigases The saddler and springmak you h39led 31 you Me fptobaVbily doing yoursielf out ofa while lth of real smdkingIIepjoymengVTry it todayLV IIts til pick of CziVnziIdas I7 I7V Barley crop alwaysVVa wonderfully mild cool steet smoke monstrosities ofv1916Which bogged ierhave5provided comfortable seats down brokdOWIi were filled With IghaoghzbsggegieadLThe chassis i559jngenioiglyIIdgingn gfaultsgand Whosercrwswar almost abandoned tanks scattered over hated that the flexible undercarriage blindt in theirliron coffins have battleeld 10 had ben putout 0absorbs eyen minor jolts iByvutil comel todaysqswitt efficient and Iachonhy She11reI lizing Ia floating axle principle tremendously powerful shockunits Howeveh the which did get in each wheel takes up its own shocks Wthh can FraSh lhmugh and sweep to German territory created enough Many IVmPNVVGmethS OVEF OfPletCe lJy narrow thlgsts havoc and demoralizatlon lo forth The modern tank shoWs as strik an oldstyle infantry force of infiny cash againI what they would do iii ing an improvement over its prede t1metheir strength in manpower the futurej One tank near Flats IcessoIrVon 191448 asthe RC IFs REoiAPE VV DELAY VVII lusieIgood in ciVVpVine IV $21 fIloIbiIndIeIriIngEgoxggehg and another near Guedecourt Spitfire does avetltheHddV 05 3r achieved especially fine work Flying Corpsl ame eavier ma IIcome the effImgnt tanks of Ilhe all The British ipanzerkmftwagensn chineguns and artillery pitaqu have m9ured formations which are the were subject of ridicule in the added to firepower improved relllupwfihe battlefield German High Command for months armourplate hasincreaed 9179 HANDY SEALTIGHT POUCH15c gt There has been literalln aiSneaner September 15th butthecon tionr engine eiiiciencyils equal substitution of machines for men in sternation they caused that first day that Iof theImotoncarI But WItIh 12LBI LOKJOE 65c offensive Operations The tank is among the German infantry was out careful attention to the Canad also packed in Pocket Tin no longer just secondary weapon heard in the startled Gawstrike ian shocktroopers vision and com 11 ClappertonSla Barrie Phonic 525 II in an infantry assault the skilled mepink of Tommies at Devils fort the new armoured dwisron Battle Manager soldiertechnicians who mans the Wood and the awestruck Sacre wouldbe unableco operate Iat the II VV Ph 482 Maw mm MKS9L FrechCinadians oneleftz 993 10983331 the GROWNalNISUNNYSUTHERN ONTARI Qlmlar 22 est one brigades and thefast cruisers of the front of Courcelett The secrethad fasttravelling enrangingias armoured division are this Weirs benwell kepILandI the tanks were of future British offensive in thei IV shocktroopersI Their machines frightening apparitions as they Iseoiidphaseofthe

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