Ontario Community Newspapers

Barrie Examiner, 24 Jul 1941, p. 6

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Yogi iiiluo iSEESREDUfED PRODUCTION Trying to Releosc gt NonVital Workers For Harvest Period durum levels Sound II all lull +1 21 31 WM 11 19 zitlrl 31 51 ll SLdwll l1=1lli lc llul Ii IIIITIIIIII IIIf1III logical to fccd ration that contains the III mfgm ncccssnry lngrcllicnts in flu plopcl ploI IlllelsIvIrn SIIN portions to pcrnlit thcnl to mark all the 111 11 mm rnllk tllcy urc clrpzlblc of producnl ill lull l11ly11gt1112 11 to 111 Ell lmuh vI 11 dubics for His 3113 mg 1111 1k II II II II II for 111 311 Sellilrcs and Sheep 31 IV1 UMW II 3fo11111 1111K Net Shay Dogs 11 11 MW minim 1m mt II TII II lillllbI lulncrl f1 iy pl Produce II 115311 chkaui ll Iltl thlllllll lltl ll lllLlt v1 11 11 Slowmq loul form opol1 lo11l 11 Hm tillllcd Illll ltourlallliii ill 31 Immucnl 11111 11 mi of linking llilllc plwlzlcz 1111 dog1Rlv1IBuns and cukrs 15c dot to 251 lt3ltlllllllt 11 xw 221 In 11 131111 l1mghzluls doz 201 filllltl Minn lil 111 1111 of lmy ullllomcmzldc blczll white or molly Ifnlu 111 Nomi llx losws lluppcl bloWll 8c and 10 ugh 1111 ul 11111 HERA to $71111 111011 11151131 llo och months 2r llulsI 1117011 llll llllll 11 11v fllill Qlllil lfl hlk Lnollo tow lllls llltSl0Clill Bllklllg 1111 of formic If 1le Fruit 30 ll lt1lltl llllil Rod cumulus qt lynx 201l ml but llvv 111 kcpi UH Rlpltlll 11mm box 111 vnzrol lmy dog nlfltftll 11111louschcrrlcr box 20w II 111111 lro lcportcd to ho ltluglolllltocs it 10 no 111 1llllllllll by iltpllnilt who 11 llcillzuvcsl pics lo buskct 151 l1u1x llcm lmnlcdzutcly from 11111 ovcg 501 ocks of The lXllllllll has nbt claimed llols ll 11 arld the uumbcl is lucrcllsulg CliCllthliOll but one guaranteed by on Al chlutcrcd uccountuuts audit hlblti1 NATIONALIEMERGENCY Canada is right up against an acute shortage of gasoline and fueloil Tankers that normally supply our country hale been commandeered for vitally important overseas service Th Cemmonwealth AirTrainIing Plan the rapid development of Canadcfsi meCthZEd army units and the great work carried on by Our corvettos mke The demand for fuel urgent Canada does not ask or request you topulyour car up IIShgjgetelYI asks IIfIIOr your help asksthat you walk sometimes when the distance isnt trio great that you take shorter drive on Sunday afternoon that you loot after your car and keep it in good condition that you say toyourneigh bour Lets use my today Jimr well use yours tomorrowsf Our crude oil intake is limited There is just one thing to do if our lighting forcesare to carry on with full tank Every Canadian motorist is asked tortutwhis daily gas consumption in halfl 17warlsa usollll some I1 Approved by Automobile Experts Reduce driving speedfrornSO to 40 on the open road Avoid jackrabbit starts Avoid useless or nonessential driving There are many ways by which this 50 saving can be made ways and mearlsIte give yOu mere mileage per gallon You can drive slower sothal you will use less gasoline Yowcan fiftvflx Withveuz norms invitingfeach other to share cars ior business and for pleasure om Every day in greater and greuter=vquantity we must release gasoline and Ioilby the thousandso gallonsto II purj throbbing murritionsvi CPIeioplEqn gdgigg ITutfrflIwhnnotiuiusedonotleaveialingf iauifukf and tr mworllo ether Dull YQPIwindetitwnmupslbwlv cm lg Dont strainyour engine cltange gem 81 gum our usmg one car ms 1Keepcarburetorcleanediandipmpele await ghting hombem im aging One sellon oi Tune uprootontimiug etca Keep sporkplugs and valves clean Checlc cooling system overheating wastesgoolino totem corvette merchant ply the lubricateelticientlyiwornirngines waste gasoline the day of victory may DriVe in groupsto and from work using Sooner he at carcdlterrmto days WilliII YOUI hIIelpIfiI esvn instead 01 seventh Weenieswell mens IImakeIthese savings 99 amount of girsoline used in Canada for business awful and nonessential clinical is amazingly high oportiorr tothatused viighting ferces One atthe figuroswould For golf picnics mother outings use ouecarinatead of tour Talro those short shopping trips ON PQQE and curry parcelsliome Walk to and from thoImovies Boat owners too canholpbyroducing speed Your service station gladly Willin th lheseandatherwaysofsavinggasolirie Consulthim do II made you is II IIIII mastic dyad commercial anguished noseso mm mm 111111111 EBBSta WW IIIIThefGoVernmont of the common on dumps ACTING THROUGH Ul II ABLE HOIWE Minislerunilmm and Supply 5m we 5h vrcrov 1n7 chfi sawhowmdvdu m1 Fur enammt mp5 no 011 COTTRELLE all Controller for Canada rIII wol lluh Knight they use the soil and also when they are wcds will be killed Istage nummuln costs offproduction will Former Crop Inspector Hewasfound deed by lll bro Elva Ivan Tdv and Glenn Feed Your Way to More Profits by balancing owprotein roughage wit7 Quaker 24 Protein Dairy Ration QliKER Dairy liutipns nrc mode to lva your cows up to pcnk production lluiry cows just like lnucllincs make more profit and rcdnco ovcrhcud costs vllcn thcv on working at capacity hcll you spend your moncy and years of Wort in brooding producing ability into your hcrll it is only Rural Promotions 58 N1 NllrSAl FARMFRS TOUR lllonouis 73 tl null and oc 1115 ill per cent Iolul cmolulcul ill lusscd linlloucc lldtlt II to SI Holly Jouc NcQutcu lli llulh lzlcluisl llcryl Cumpbcll llcd hulmun Jock Collins lhcrcsu Continued from PutP ilUiS New Lowell llmly Plosscrsl fulul 1111 llllctics 11113 Sunni talc Corners Buic tl dude to 7hlllllll Btllllitlbnrkin varieties lllfzgomlghnfwlag HIBIIIIEOI JItIIllnginIIIIlIlIiIilIIclI I1Iolm Iiidds farm barley varic lll Shirley McQueen ll Agnes lb 1owliug ll Dorothy Evans lllII DI Wvowyc Fdlvqgeyv lMilliC 0th EIVClV DUVllnli lfulm ohls varieties 130 Elmi IIffIUiIllDNIll$ IMIHIil Milliimmlvulc ll 13 Simpsons flum barley IAgIIIIIIEII I313 IIIltIgtI1Ilt1 IeIIlIIIIIW IIII vurictics 215 Hillsdulc Thomu= ii 11 flmlic Fisher ll John DowliulIgigrcfhlmfggnlr Etijl1ollllllil 1111 Murjolic Evans ll equal 10th Ir VmiCuCo i315 Mitchel Grade to 2Dcnis lullclison lumc Crtlufolas falm Lom IIliIIIaggIlIlseIlilIlIlllei OIlIOlIIIIIEOI Ill IlgilICIbinc ill operation 311 Guthrie Io HI Willis 1lelllloloulcws form oats AIudlcy McLaughlin Marlon lhu Imposeush Om 5151mm Ewes 2115 Cluwfords form picnic supper MABLL TA HAVEREDON 101101101Isczllltcr Dr Mcltostic head of Field Husbandry Department OAC Guelph Note All plotszuc grown with and without fertilizer Anyone not free to take in the II whole our will be mostwclcome lo FRIEND VII 10 ViniNImHC Bdl join the bully at any point conven IIetE Nihlfly Shfllilhiv 1icnt In addition to the plots be IllMilt VI 10 IVUNGIUCUS Allilnspcctcd itvill be of COllSldClJblC ms Mmley Bulwmns Douglas FlilHntcrcst to all to see the various llcklylyl1Ncl1lll sections of the Cllllllly through GRADr TO VivLlllc Bloull which the party will travel IUll IIlegII Evcrclt McMillan Vcluzl Mc fortunately tune Will not pctt to on Immoral Pond GRADE lll TO lVRoy Barron Mervin Booth Margaret Dawson Jimmie IGlllClllCl GRADE Il TO IllRussell Brown mg Szmdy McMillan IGRADE TO llRonnic Barron Keith Gardner Woltcl Sydizlhzl lNzlmcs 1111111ng in alphabetical order GLADYSIE SPRING Teacher lolfll1 Grade to 87 Mary Dowllllg ill llcuuy Collins Kclmcth Evans viii SS NO 17 INNISFIL SIPAULS GRADE Vlll lO rerrOu yours Successful on D51=r1ulcut11 Examination Cecil Browning all of the experimental plots and those interested are urged to visit the plots not inspected on the Tour at any convenient time Out vulicly plots not included in the tour are located on the farms of Preston Donn Phelpston and Thor burn Orillia RR Potato Plots later in Ithe season the following bf HorIrOWS potato plots should worth Kills Many Weed Seeds Watching at any time Roland Maurice Lafontaine Spurgeon Brown Elmvale Elmvalci Lloyd Turner Harrowln wll1 mp 501 weed Arthur Walt Midhurst problems on Ontario farms states John MacLeod Reduces Huc Neigwliggill in amte OStS 0f Pmducmn Morris Darby Waverley Gordon Anrlual weeds such as Mustard hambs Quarters Plgwccd Stink wmed and others may be killed in the seedling stage by limely use of the spiketoothedor lever har row states John MacLeod Crops Seeds and Woods Branch Ontario apt of Agriculture Toronto The harrowmay Ialso be used on spring sown crops sucheas oats and barley which hive been seeded down whenithe crop is two to three inches high This implement will save agreat deal pf labor on heed crops before they emerge from Hickling Barrie Lorne Isaac Vas ey Horace Bernell McKay HawkestOneI head of the Field Husbandry De partment OAC Guelph will be present for the whole Tour to dis cuss poirlts ofillterest In ordexullp conserve gasoline and to save expenses so far as possible it is suggestedmthat full carloads join thgggugm each centre Bring basket lunch for the noon mealT obtain llmch at Elmvale The ladies are especially invited Those incharge of the Tour in Up twoor three inches By using theharrow at the pro per time air is perrilitted to enter the songthe surface crustis broken land mulchj formed moisture is Iconservedifor the growingcropend Imost important of all from the standpoint of the farmer who is Short of help milliousIof annual in the seedling Representative Ernest Crawford President and Morris Darby Sec retary North Simcoe Crop Im provement Association timsIcovels every type of essential goods The childrens happiness isnt neglected either 1Forexample all the entries in the dolldressing competition at theCanadian Nu rorz SALE AND RECOMMENDED BY Itwu yours Scnlcncc was condition3 llllt seriousness of his action see all parts of the County or oven While it is hoped to be able 10 arrange special Potato Plot Toull Organist St Georges Chumh Johnstori Elmvale gt clude Stewart Page Agricultural Caxiadlan aid to Bntlsliwsrylcr is what Quaker Dairy llutions have plown thcy czrn dothcy are available in and 21 protcin content so tl the one that will work host with homegrown grains and ntence Suspended Sc Convicted by Mugisllutc Dick in lilllu Politc Court of Slttllllll 11W bout $115 from lIulzcnc Icszhls host in on lilllu hotel llivulcl IIlncsl Bois llmp Bordon vus pluccd on suspcndcd scutcncc lo 1l on restitution bcilu mullc According to cvidcncc Boi hull been picked up qun who lives in Corliston and who wus on lllllll trip with his family 21nd token to hotel in Olllllit and entertained During the temporary absence of his hosts purse containing the money was taken from that hotel room Almzmd quu ogcd ninc told the court that he saw Bois he had been drinking whisky drink to which he was not litmus befuddled state as not to ZIPPICLlLIlC Officers of his lcgmlcnt said llouc ACCOUNTANTS WELCH ANDERSON COMPANY Chartered Accountants Trustees etc Crown Life Building 59 Yonge St Toronto MUSIC LESSONS Edmund Hardy Mus Boo FTCM Tcacherof Piano Organ Vocal and Musical Irheory Organist and Choir master of St Andrews Presbyterian Church Gold Medalist Toronto Con servatory of Music and University of Toronto 113 Worsley St Barrie MAYDEE McAULEY A1CM Teacher of Piano and Theory 115 BayfIield St Barrie CKIROPRACTDRS GEO ELSIE BURNS DsC Licensed Drugless Therapists Electric Radio Hydro and Mechano Therapy 82A Dunlop St Phone405 II1cKmNEI GENERAL HEALTH SERVICE Naturopathy Chiropractic College of Drugless Physicians Complete PhYSlcal and Chemical Examination 70 Essa Rd Allandale Phone I891 OSTEOPATHIY WIN WILSON sA no if OSTEOPATHIC SICIAN QH nice puid illzltlvuncc loilk tulle 11 133 In his dcfcncc Rois stutcd thotV tomcd and that he uzls such Money to loan lllulxdxwJul Wit lot you can choose your roughugc Simcoe District Co Up Services aler Baldwin St Phone 1407 1f lllc missing 1111115 llJlil bccn fouud Miller In his pl vasnou or in On Soldier for ThefhlnsIllluco Ilas your subscription label that Wrianwlrjitbry Ilononlo LEGAL BOYS BOYS Barrlstcrs Solicitors Notaries Pub lic Convcyz1ucersefc Money to loan at lowest rates of interest 015 flce 13 Owen SL Masonic Temple Building Barrie Branch office Elmvale BoysJ Woods CAMERON CAMERON BARRISTERS SOLICITORS ETC Owen St Barrie Telephone 406 MONEY TO LOAN COWAN COWAN Barristers Solicitors Conveyancers Notaries Public elc 17I Owen Street Barrie IG Ross Cowan FRANK HAMMOND 1311 Barrister Solicitor etc Masonic Temple Bldg Barriloney to loan DUNCAN MoCUAIG KC BARRISTER SOLICITOR ETC Ross Block Barrie DONALD FMaclLAREN BA AlngAaRRISTER SOLICITOR ETIC MONEY LOA VFWLHMDwglesslhmpyji It IS expected Dr PJVICROS 1e WIGII EthelINWIEII Violet McKinney MII MEDICAL Graduates CC College and Natidnal DR IBIGELOW Physician and Surgeon 39 Owen St Phone 10157 Office Hours 1230200 6309 pm WW LEWIS Surgery and Diseases of Women Chief Coroner County of Simcoe 411 DR MacPHERSQN Physician andSurgeofl King Block Barrie Telephone 345II Office Hours942 13019 and by appointment VICTORIAN onnslo ommmsIEIs Barrie Branch Well Baby Cllnlc from 230 to 430oclock everyJWed Phonetil Office58Collier St um LITTLE Ashoeiate Coroner County of Simcoe and DR ISAAC WELDON nesday Application for nursesSerI vicgsmay be made direct or through TelephoneI36 gtVETlRINAlolANI gt me do FLEMING VETERINARIAN and SURGEON Hartewing reduc IIihoeirlgIItoI Lari mater ieldSId tleIEngllsh girls who have been mum gay be expected says Mr Machod fHarrIowing will hel problems on the farms Add section302 two to your har rows thsspring They will paIy diVldends mumcli Suffers Fotal Seizure Provincial cropl inspector for many yeastEdmlmd CarrbbWhitef sidedled suddenly at his Ifarm three miles north of Bradford Fri dayxMr Whiteside whose home was at 196 Church St Weston had just gone to the fields to do some work and is believed to have squ fared seizure dialthou dysentery colic cramps or pains in the stomach or bowelsfor any looseuessofltheAbowolsr do not waste valuable timebut at once prov cure ll bottle of Dr Famous Etc tract WildSItlawberry andsee how quickly it will give you relief When you use Dr Fowmrs ncw and untried rsmo Iy but one thatth stood the testof time one thgrhbhort time later Surviving are his widow the EdlraSleeleltwodilught past veals Beware Ofmaubsti based your health and Doris and three sons Interment was lnmllstmlrunlon Cemetery Monday afterernII in iierrtlrwarnv 1101121 Exhibitidn will be sent to luf blitzegliffout Iofrdolleend dollhouse llyfsenlll Ifjoll arcisuddenlyuttuclred with you are not experimentin with some thathlls been on the market for tho momma Get ifDrilovvleihl ad feel slits 41 motion our rallies out lBBayflelcl St Barrie Phone 81l iv II SECURE The Versatile High Class Hum orous Entertainer foryourvnext Lodge or Church or other En tertainment lar FREE Address 628 Crawford ISL Toront 10m mFuN LLOYD STECKLEY FUNERAL DIRECTORS AMBULANCE SERVICE Elizabeth St SMITH CO 11831869 lnglkEma Motor ambulance in connection Illustrated Circu EnAlrDlltscrolos Phone 213 qut doiblob Physicians andSurgeons Office 47 Maple AveTelephone 213 Office hoursle to4pm pmjiorfby appointment mo 1111ILAURIE Physician and Surgeon Officeihours 130330 700830 DRJIE 1va ysi an and Surgeon OfficeOwen St at Collier Phpn 700 Reside eI 47CollieriS Physician and Surgeon Office andResidence CornenEliza beth anleoronto Sts Phone 140 llours 130330 mogsso DR GTUBNBIULLI Graduate McGill Universlty Office and residence corner Dunlap and Poyntz Sis 9119119165 Hourszslarrm 13 pm7 psm OPTOMETRY ROBERT EYESIGHTSP 53 DunlopI StPhope 80 Hours 96 daily IS brdaysIItlll 10 AUCTIONEER JACKSLESSOR LICENSED AUCTIONEEE Thornton swam triads Icm little Examiner Class 830930 am 1300and 6308 pm Officezjlo Elizabeth St Phone 200 Office Hours1303307330 mex CIALISD 7L nlcallortall summing Phonejvyllflt cm

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