Ontario Community Newspapers

Barrie Examiner, 24 Jul 1941, p. 5

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IIIIIIIIIII IIIII II III MRI EmmnI IIIIIIIIIIIIII IIIIITI IIIIIIIIIIIIII II MTW LIIiii TII 7ffif Ihn IVI7II IAu IfIIIILTIIIIIIAII IIIIMIVVI 11w1I HINT 27 of the latest RAF i3 lit111 it1 131411 ii1il 14111 HOMEBODIES III II II II loixiliiiiillls JljSSlll ALLEN BROWN Mclnnis was her only iitielitlalilIIIII 1111 won pink chiffon dress untilin hite picture hat and 1151111 11fIIII hite carnations llarry A1111 wasi scrvtd ill gtnlall quantities tastes looks lime llicl 1113111 111111 en 121ilt 11y little 1111s 11 er 1111 more 11111 twoiwxes II mam lliltl 11 1111 i1l 1tlltli ll 11111111s 11 II 5111111 11 gt iii tllhilllltl gt II II III lll Wei nu 11 011115 Va 11111r11i11l 31113113111 II II 15111111 il111iite oi IL ll vl 11 ts In IIII II 1111 III 11 111 114 11 ll II I111 IN II liiaii Jill 11 itll it 1111I1 II it ll II II IIIII III 11 lllt 11 111 III IIIIII IIIIIII II 111 111 111 II flittl 11l 11 11 111 11111111111 11111 thaw 111 11 Ev 11 itl liillllltl Hi 11 11 111 inlliiiiiiiiisox mviw 177 1111111111 51111 111 Igrwvmmmxm mmmmmxmm 11121 111 111111 11111 111 111 1111111 II 1111 HI lliuiinn 11111 11111 131v 11 Hi Vp 11 1111111i111l 1111I 111I III III II SMIHLMCRVHS 111111 mi lath11 tllilI II II 111 11 lIifttl 111 =11 11111111111 II II III 11 511111 Allitlitan 111111111 111 IIIII III II IIIII III IIIIII mi Hi t11l 113 10 WNW 11 lllltl 221 ii in lle II IRI I11I II III III11L1llllll on the afternoon 111 June 311 Il1111lllililli 1111 i111111 11111111II II 11 mH IIIIIII IIIIIIIIIII IIIIIIIII 111111 il 111111111111 11f Al 11 11 111 Lll Ml ll 11 Ml i1I 1111115 itUlUt St Tori11111 1111111 INK 1W1 gt 11 VI I1 Ulln 11111 11111111111111 Ml MIhlm ml 1m ii HidI 43 11 work With 11111 of 1111511 111114 111 Ii late 1lt 1111115 of John St llai 11111 111 Highpz 111 1111 il 11 II II 1mm 1II1I1N Wu 1111 11111 II II II II II II III II IIIIIIIIII lit 1t 1111 tilt MIL 11 111111111 II II II ll lI TII Sinltll Sherllinlrne Stl1runio gt111111llllvlliim 1111K 1I11111111ili111lils 1111 II VI I1I llttIlI 1II1 1111IiI1 iIII It II11I 111 IIII III IIIIII III II 111 and Min 11 iI SIIIIUII NIIIII I1II 111111 iIIiIi 1111I1II1 Itllt II II It lbw Ill mI II Name ile iiaee hliilltltuL liw hi it 11 tiil Jiil 111 iii 11 1111 mum mm All NH W1 Mliillll ifiiiiilltdv 11 mm 1111111111111 1111 iwliile leii 1111 ililiiilill 1193 111d IEII llie llllVt given 111 111111iatti MM Lu p14 11 3111111101 11 011111111 tlltl on 111111 4114 gt 11 IN 11 Dim I111 help II mp III MIHIIII II 11 1111 lliothei tecll lthllllil anrl wore gown 111111110 chiffon with 111I 11 marmww 47 II II 311111 picture hat illltl tllSlltIL 111 luo at lllllt 111111 valuations My 11 xlllmm 11 ML 311 Ml WWI 111111 nltl error have held11 fruit II lililth EFlElllllI lZNlH Slllil NIGHT HLl Blitll 111111 tlii liizlii to limit 1111 llL IIIIIIIIIIIIHII II nlav 111111 tilat is Funnwmu II Cplmun II To IlI IlIlInILI II IIUI II II III IAIIIIIIIIIII ouziniilirs oi all mirclialullse to 1ion was held at the home of Mrs iillnill limil Homcnnde Style Sweet mill Ilkli iiiiiiiialtnh II IIIIIIIIV IIIIIIIIIII II IIIIIIIIIII III 1111 ll 1111 11111 nli GREEN TOMATO 1lirlelt mother recciuxl wearing navy blue eillbroidered chiffon ialt son of Mini Oakley and 1m III III II IQ IIIIIIIIS IIIIIII II CIIIISIIIIC III IICd IIIISCSI Noiinall IatItLlstIInIi of 1111111 IIIIIIIII II II II III IIIII i1ii1if1ifil1 130 31501f2ii 1m bride was prettily 11mm 11 II IIIIIIIIII IIIId brown IIIISCIIIDIIII my Ia dress of white slicer trimmed Mvvvvvv Spec ll l0 CC Willi tillquolsc 111110 it tilt SJm ls are residillu 111 Toronto mimmlwllm Milte Iim ImltChi II an c1ie coonia ooilolic Io linLrlpA1RM IIIIIIIII IIIId IIIIIII IIIISIIIII IICII IIIIIII ill1 01mm IMCt md hm WM mm 11111119 SpecialPrime BeefBoneless Phyllis Marion daughter of My Miss Stella Rhiel of GaltI was II l1 11 mtmqm 113 uenddlll She Ni Macheters Golden Bar 111 1ldllwood Prophet 21111 of Mr and Huce er55 rimmed mm malaise IAIN 3111 irsJi1hnProphetHawkesloneWere colored buttons with hat 11 11111111 311mm lkgh Special PIIme Beef united in lllillllil in 15811101 132111115 and carried colonial 11 lililCt of church on Saiiirzlliy afternoon July white Mid pink rose mm with Pride Of Fundy smOIKCd II II IIIIIIIIII CIIICIIIIIIIII IICIIIIIImCd IIIIIII IIIbeIIIS II Tins II II Dy Rex3 B31013 rnc BhURh Neltlh KC MaCd 11d 0f haul SPCOialPllme 309 MI II we in II IIXIIECigguTh Wgdlng17Ehfxfggtgfgnzcrcmony 1111 Spec rave um wee ene 30 Fl nlusc 19 11LLl Kenneth Bier ico tion was ll at 110 home oi 11111iec111111il V1lll Pitts Mi 1lld Gordon7 Fittin 51 IT ceia rime ee moi the day to invest sma sum in future IIIII mde IIIVIIII III IIIIIIIIIIIIIIII by IIIIhICh IIIS CCIIIIIIIed IIIIIII pIIIk IIIIIII Irradiaied Pk her father was gowned in white not white gldioli alld dolphlnlillllS 1955 ea our 15 50 me 1ver taffeta and all lace bolero She The ta looked lovely contrcrl pp wore vciiof embroidered1101mm =witii twotiered wedding Carei Libbys With sauce 11 SPeciaiDelicious Prime Beef Olliglitnowyou cunpul your dont even lmvclo rclncmlicr 11 place With wreath of white flan id withpinkand wnite tapersQF tt 01Til25 gelfnndyoulfnlilyon another to piiy ouch premium as it flowers and carried bouquet of red an pink sweet peas in silver hold lb pny roll that will take over conicsililc for the Company 11 ller iIster Miss Doris Pat sIIIhe grooms gift to the hrldcs when your pay stops coming will accept your 12 small terson was bridesmade She woreImzud was an evening Colnbltllillml IS specialprime Beef in No need to save up meet mommy cheques dalcd hemp II blue IICI IIIICIIIIIHCIIIII and II hmddre imam purse and compactI and II II peeia es Illii insurance premiums Ils II of blue flowers and carried 111 1110 11111011151113 Cigarette lltlllcl Silvriul Budgm Poncy Camp ru vmmg 11181 of pink roses Little lri at Later Mr and Mrs Pattrson lcit ff dcm the 11m ingieposiisyoumnn on ou II IIIIvIIII IIIIIWC lwms toison dlcssed in pink iaff and or short trip to Toronto and 111 ollhis weeks pay envelope IIIIIIIITVIIIIIII1II IIIIIIIIIIIIIIII CII ying II basket of SW eI IICIISI IIIISII visit the grooms moth IIII tczous ll II For example at 11ch 30 thei somIl IcquporIl today for folder ghIIlIIlImgIIgEngIIIIquIIS12 8r 26C rcmium on lhisvcllousnul ICXp tuning 19W you 011 gc lt II 30 SSIIIOOI policy is only IIICIImIIIIIIiIIII you mu for as be mImI II whlte accessoneSI The yUUIIuI lbI 25C II at the brIdeS CIIupleIveIc the recme If MIIIII rich shorIbread Iype At the rcecptio $615 each month And you little as 85 monthly ivooweo OFFICE 112 King SleclvwcsliTOlomo ride and groom ileft alterf home Mrs terson received ilovelv gifts They Will resde at 151 Loose 24C gowned 111 bit figured sheer and Forest Road Gait Galt Reporliri blscmt with rakes IIgC of III as IIIId swceI IIeIISI IISI I1 mg fruit flavoure 11 gt looms mother Who ch03 PETERS HOLDEN cream filling dainlyeut into The AnglicanChm Of meow square moulds and Suitable to lb Shepherd Wyebridge was the scene Please send me information about your special Budget wardswn aIlIloneymoon trip to the of II delighul summe weddIIIg III serve on any occasion Average Policy together with free Pocket Memo Budget Booklet MUSkOkd D151I1CL tilt bride lfiivelv four oJock Saturday aftermmI ling in blue sheerdress with white July IIQI WI when Eileen AMI accessories On their return they HbldenI daughIer of WWI and MASTER 1311121 TERRIER KIBBLE or will reside in Niagara Falls Name Holden Wyebrldge 01m 111 of Allandale became the bride 11i 5I lkgs yATTERSONGARDNER James Clifton Petem YAMCwl gv Used in Thousands of Homes 41048 quiet Wedding Wasperformed Camp Borden son of MFSI PW Friday afternoon IJuly 4I 1941 at and therlate Feters Ingersoili II IS ICT FICE EtesJIoIlIiIn 2212511 CllllelICllBrectOIYy RThQIIIICERleTIOIIlg waIsIIIpEIeIrfIgm While Naptha GHERKINS DOZEN 1N VELLOPHIINE TR Flt II Vo F1 town 60 ev en r1 9s aim1 loop sllili united in marriage Audrey daugh er assistdby Rev Macke GI 3ICIakes II 2007 33 hm Ivr 22 DUNLOP VTREET BARRIE E12651qu Mr Luctmlgrlilr 0f wesmnwthe brides uncle and Rm SlipCrCrcamcd Home am arm 50 Derwyn Own The wedding music 111 ELECTED onuronxu ilzuno sm WdprIlHYed by MFS Hilde ITi Winide lII the rides mother Thee urc was Conccnmmd laud attractivel decorated with summer BPl AW flowers Smlbeny 72 EMIIIKE GROW 3E The bride who was given 111I Commm JAM 50$ fnarriage by her uncle Richlt Giant mm rectin ards wore lovely afternoon dress Size Pkg II 0NTARIO GROWN IIIITE LARGE mcII ofbiush pink crepe with Imatchms 28 veiled turban corsage of pink sweet Brand II peas and brown panSIes and czii ONTAmo GROWN Grade III mod blue prayer book PURITY The matron of honour Mrs lay Webb Wallaceburg sister of iha FLOUR Diet AMeut Base ONTARIO GROlN bride wore an ofIternoon dress Diet BFish Base 7lb 313115th Ipile bluexreperwmmatchipgb111 Die Pcmesn iggLncompNiBnGI IIIIInagI 367W gIIII III IIIIIIIWIIIIII IIVIIIIIIIIIII II Sicture hagkand corsage of 1pink and 1II ONTARIO GROWIII II 1151511199 Ipeas 1601 large 11 The groomsman Iwas Duncan Tim OGILVIE huncheS Features IS3mithINIorIlIntoaIrlhe uksheif lifere 3M WHEAT Irian co and Irac we or 115 alwaysldiiglgywcd fQII LOWc0511 Cooking onto1 II IIHabitantIFrench style HEARTS fdggfihiEiiiealndfidgai1011211110455 naval IgoiI II The wedding ceremony was fol1 38 fluxd19 jmm homing siqemaik where exposure sungram SgpeFSiieITwin Uit OnePic Stainless lowedI py aIcomlInuInion service at II II IQzItulsI II II IIIPkIIIIVIIIIII10 II destioys their IreshnIess II Oven BorcelaincookingTop ter which reception was hechlII at vlwuqdamWmWyl$ OnePicePozcelain the Georgian Hotel Midland heI Eighsped Blmler Cabinet brides mother wore pink floral SpecalDIAMONP Bram SIM II I83 21 gqulng ToI anpk Icreperdrehss wilhd navy redingfoteI IiilId Is Tin IH II I13 IIIIIIII FI crmlzer 00 Ier Iplc ure at an corsage Iw 19 II omogen gei ar III oz 111 OWarmmg Oven Iroseruds IThe grooms mother WOle White0r Peach 20m LIBBIYIS BABY FOODS New Exclusive quinniiib floral mauve sheer dresswhite Sheet GREEN IGIANT 1211 Cooking Units 9qu wimpy accessoriesI andIcorsage of white Boxes FANCY ASPARAGUS TIPS MITI II redial cooking windi IroIselJuds MW 00 16 18 MODEL 315 Latin MI andIMrsIIngteIrsI lift Nu III HEINZ SANDWICH SPREA an I1 on oneymoon rip ate 1I VeryTemptlng MODELS EmaEVERY Mcideby land Haliburlon followed by 31m Igconomicai CHRSTE75 Rnz CRACKERS tor trip to Ottawa For travelling WWW COTTAGE Brand It New and Delicious mo th 46 III III IA II III II Makers of III famous wIeIIIp1113qgxilferriggmcziz II SIIced OI ynslIced MORODALE LIQUID COFFEE Bottle mem erms vain NW 1116111111 111mm BREAD DEMONSTRATION TobAyI Collegiate Institute St HildaIs Col ZWI 15 LoaLAws nan LAIEEL Whwgllnmmi wwwe1 use II $01 fsor two yafsIIIIind was girls or ecretary of to YWC I1 II WM gAII Saskatoon gask nine groom is Iavwvwwwnaw l9 0m 777 77777 YZMAW arServiceySe rctaryt 7Tl 54 11 75 mic is 61 Mi Mii Irh CampBorden OBIAw 00 InI1 II IIII III 1I

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