F0 rm mums EDUAHNEH mums oxr AonIA 11umhI1I Jul 11 WW NW gt AV 277 iiv HWA gt C4 11 1112211 llin 11 111 1111 3111 Hi 11131111111111 3111111111 1111111 hula111 1111 lili sitticizims niwzgt311w3am Today Fashion eat313 I1 eI 111 113111115th fl mild lllklt 1I llzt llllllitl inuiiills 11 11 It 11 II II II I11 III DUST Illlh IN 20 MIN II II II mulls mums ARMY Iiqcms ll1 tl ii 11 will lli11tllll lllllt LU lu Jxuf 11 111111111gt 11 i1i111tilli 111 lint11111 111111111 111 1iI3 Bayiiilil ht lllonc 413 11 11 11v 11 11111111 I111Iyl ll llllilivit1111 11 111 111 tnzu mw ll Vi Mi SM 11 1111111 1111 111 IIII1111 11111 11 111 1111 ixri 11 tllltllillli 11 iii 111111 11lt1711v1t 111111 111111 1111 liltan 11 11 Hill LR kn 11 1111 111111 1111 II III III ZI IIIIyII 1I III III III III III 1111 11111II1 II 11 1l7il 11 AWKWARI litlll SITTING 11 41 11 11 11lir1erelvit IH Hi II 1111 II Museum EXhlbllS xilin liillltls 111111 111 ll 11l 51 hm NINTH 111 mini 11i 1111 111111111111 11111111 11 411111111 111111 Wiiiilh lrltl 1111l1 111II1I1I1I vII II IIII wl In 111 iH I1I III IIII III 11 II Md 1111111111 1l111u11ii 11111111152111 p111 the 1111115 liliiiie illllVill 111111 if 1111111 11 Mimi gt ii 11 11111134 11111 Iiill lilzs rivly the 51 111 Win 111111111i111sti111i 11 ca llllililuil 11 111111 1111 111 ti111hert 3ll H1 111111 111111111v 11111111EI1 11w 1111 11111 lliiati II 11 successful luuaim llllli II Imd TI III II I1 II II 1I Il II III ml III IIII II II II II IIIIIIIIIIIIII 11 111 111 1111 11 ImI I1 UNI HivamVII km CIVIL III IhIIII 11 Aml ml my 15 mi 511 Will 521111 in 11h 1111111t41ltia It1H 1111 11 11I I11 II III IIIIIII IIIIIIIIII IIIII IIIIIIIIIII IIIII III 11II II I11 111 11 m1 IiII iII 111111111f 11111 311 III 511111115 LIAhi MHLIi II1I iIIII1I III1IIH1 m1 lI NIm 111 11f 11111111111 21111I1n111111 11 11111115 1115 lirlt1r11tr 1111 111011 1111111 Call 311 11 111 11 gt1 ll 11n 1111111 lillll tl 11n 11 11111 in 111i ili 11 1111 mental H111 11 111 2121 tno LdllVCll ll mmM 111 I1 11 11 illlllltt 111 1111111 and Mi III II 111111 hm II III IIId 111 11 v1 ht 11111 1m garmns in town 811 1lt 11 1111 111mi 111 111111 11111111 ladies 51111 lt as realizxt The many your 1l11 vsiaiiil 11c Tuesday EvIeiyIiO Paickgt0f 111 Quest 111111 31111113 Norman lilixabeth Chg 31111111 111111 1111111 1111111 3111 111111 Jane Phillip illmiii llliiii iliyit SH Will Ellitlit Joyce Little llilrla Dunbar The new Home Sister ill iliarue 111111111 31 311111 111mm ileuizi 1nlan Marie Vandcrbm 111 12111111 lieinnmtl lenesday night 9Margar IrI IIII IIIII 5I 111 11111111 1111 11111 Iv 111111111 11211 1111111llly111s IJUllll I1 1Ii Ilm mepcmen 111111 l71I ITITIII1III1I Iiilltv Rm DiugIIifists bliiLIAl VALULSAND RIaMlNDthfor Thursday Friday and Saturday Alliance es TI 1111 1II SPF limit quantiti 710 llarki K1 II 1111 111leducation at 11111111111 lllll 11111 1i 111111te 111 tin11111 rlilee Lorraine Rode Yoli 1111111i1ll For the past ilexlzr 11511111 Thursday nigillt SWIM llCSl of all fl killers 11 11 CIII 1II1It11I1I In 11 111 111 1111 1II tIIJIudIi lenox lIllitIv liIrlIim Nora CAPS SIIIICIIIII can quu sun 1111111 11 the ltiinliii liici lt11 ii1111111 l11115ltllltlCllV Smli1 19c 250 clic11u1sk0urDruil gt1gt 1111111111 as assistant super 1111111 Whith Kw Osborn IIIIIIIIIIIIIIICI or UIIIIIIrIII II IIIII IIIIIIII IIIIII IIIIIII IIIIIIIIIIIIIIII III III I10 II IUIIIIII TIIIIIIlIIIIIIII GI 91 It 390 490 btUFU 1511111 Registered Nayscc Asoudq 191mm dec INIugznI ed THE WILSON FLy pAD II IIIIIII III OIIIIIIIII III 1978450 PI II III II III VIIIIIIL CHEAPER SUN KIDNEY COIIHAMILIONIONII II II IIIIaIlIII Lil 111i 1L 1I Ioll1 TAKES LESS To KILL Active which means working energetic ahpmcs Well GLASSES 121115 my 15 gay round 111I parties have 111 group of women under Mrs 11 TI 16 TI t1oul IlAID1uIist as lllLJllbLIl of Hit Lollllllulllly 150 25C rioms Mg ieany been hehl 1111 Jean WilsoliIHillllelt made qtllll from patch Pz 11 gtl1 lior he works energetically to further the 500 3WCl 1111 11iv1e 11 115 3131 I1 II Vow11 111111ul1sillilloss at 11 lighzllttfiqiwkl SllgllSISAllclllllaigl HHILAB V1 community ld 34 I1 hum IIIIIIII II lichtfnl iniscclianeons sliowerI1he draw the proceeds of which SUPEIIIlnglIIIiIiEg 1mm TImIIIMITI1II1IdI II 2f 1115291 BLENHEM BOMBER SPTHRE SimTililwvwrmiiIm1Hlewd 1l 11 lliiiii Willi lms were were turnrd over to tile local Red ll 11 Repellent Hllgllilxigxo BRITEllElglini Viiillhlliiiii 11111 1111 1111 111050111111 ill decorated basket itross WWW illl Cffllls ftll 10ml lliilTltVLiiii151 390 13 SUNDERLANDIFLYWG BOAr IlIlITIBIIIlIlrtIlX 1I1II1IIII uII1I1II11I11IIII1I1II11III IIiISIII tiIIirIinIlI Iilittitstln ILlllllt was Isptn llle lxiuanls also gave the Red ehaiities 1111 ll paying local laxcs liLcLssaiy to HMSiil10lEEJITIIRIKIRfYM 11111111111r3h Multan i1eliillgtoll 11 IIIllIImfmag II 055 AiiXiliiiiy the privilege Or community lipkcepand BY other personal means 110 Velvetta Emlish SW19 lb ETWUL 05 was 10 33 Ions Wlmlmlg bmm Id was SUNBURN MOTorslglBOTlggyaarqgf cums llwdfl 2mm 119 lettersiiillm dL by mil Cigeuc group Styli colnmumty mm the NOW from CREAM llb Tl Tlllil ll lll hile tmmlls Mm llmi umle 39 int ind111111 1111111 11 of 111 melICCIlOClIS mother Dresmed Serve by Conserving is new slo BENSDNS 9111 If Ilbk $111110 21 Ciimpiilli llillilCliCd by the DDOR0NO CORN STARCH Mrs William Palk cnteitained at1Agrchultural Department of the 11 teI1 and cup and saucer shower iDominionI government It is ailn SAVE 10c Cleam SILVER GL0 LAUFDRY AFC 951W Ill1 UThC 110w led Chmlmllng Slc lf mtg Deodorant Chocnllte ml MAM mm mm Rm mm presented to red on land vegetables Cllluldlm are Rtglllur 330 bmi 39C FoodDrink CROWN BRAND SYRUP 1c1 neon 111 decorated with ked k11 111 fr 1r LILY WHITE SYRUP htI as ma sole no 111 IIIDIAI KARO pink 111I vegetables go to waste this summer III II NEET 1111 11 T113 Allilt 11 ll Wibdimi liiid MIS beenl the are Uatllercl 01 In if ltll Kclcov gave pantry Shelf dISIIIEIIDd in Immgdiae If Regular 33c Cream Hair 1I 11 Remov 51111 101 111 10111 llluisd evcnim Lck of rainfall has leducd Lolly 81 iuw 101 backache lhtumatism and tired 19c 68c last large veddinrT min was lt up mngCDPS md the mu II filled with the gifts while the Clem use must be made if the fceling Tllcy provide natural 34110515 11 failed 10 iiiiSIWCI HUGS 1fruit and vegetables coming on the1 IISiIiiTiUlillltlli 111 1110 kldlltys Buy BRITISH market later on QUALITY 45 II FII4I Dunc IIII EABY CREAM wensI 1111111116 DISHES 7GRAND FOR 5U MER Mm The Blble and Madern Extlzamsensi 1min GLOVES 1239 cum cams on 110199 Archaeological VDisCovery BY MC tive gives you clearer Ezj sharper sna wI 25 To keep the religious development 25c 3002 35c etc roll of of the Hebrewg in the forefmm of II My 63 RECIPE the mind it is Well to frequently read up in Rev Dr Mer 111 New British lNDlVIWIZZlED cers book The Rise andhuwth 11 Antiseptic or Israel 111 can be hadirom the Mi Mr BEEFCASSERLES GIBIRIEII 604 Jarvis SLI TorontOI at Win not LotionIDA Chop and C001 small in cost 0f $175 Dr MarCelWhas rub off guaranteed several times lectured to the Barrie I1 omon and 33151111 green Womens Canadian Club and 1ltnoWs Moneyback Ogylarcgllges pepper 1n utter the Hebrew development II In lt A1 UbI sgffhenlbrown Shghtlyi aguiilrrhgozfltUrtrabaonul Sigh Way ISmallIDPUIE MODESS I4ICUP 23 oz shredded Bagdaato the Persian Gulf in the Boxes of druid beef Add contents Euphrates Valley Wooley found 12 and 48 of medim tin Heinz hundreds and hundreds of mous 1I 7256 85c TRIALSIZE Cookrd ands ofclaytabIlets about by 41 Large bottle 9a our inches in size1 inscriioed in Ithe II For IIVegfnd FITCH into ramekms or large Cunelform andaIs eaSIIy read as LUCKYI STROKE Shampoo Wellstard cupSiBake 20 nTm 15ng JamCSrVersion 0f the 131 bleby those whoIhave studiedthe 1150 359 With 31 375F Cuneiform li is not an al hibetical 69c 98c size359 II languageIbut is varied arrange GOIId StsecII nient of dainty littleIWEidgeShaped Kills ATHLETE Pool fungi II MECCA figure eiich1 conlltplnatllgn repIreient AI hunk RELIEF Gllage Ito fit all ointment ing aIIsyl ab was mug tog so or etcpr razors 23c IIDIAI Brand Persia by the Sumerians who Were occupying Babylonia when ItheI 15IVWkd Md 1I 70 459 790 ISemites moved in froprtho desert ai Tiredswollen tool gt II thousand years befqreAbram Ileft imui 111m SHAVING BRUSH Reg 850 valuer 59c IKCRESS AINITlSEPTICLA Ur of the IIChaIlIdees It spreadall Corn 101 Effective mouthwash oIverI theIBible LaIIdII and at one ISM GILLETTE IILoNDONERII1Sha set 590 II II Healing II 4IIOZI Size timea Was the IumIVeisal form Of 5119 Salves writing Moses must haveknown firHi at and probably WroteIthe Ten Com It AQUA VELVA Lotion ands free blades I490 I2 You save1Iwork IandImoneyeandq mZIiIIIiIIilmteIIIItISIWilh it is Imidblunl WILDROOTW Still serve nourishing warmweather II eI weIreIIs ore rah II Trial size 150 SCHICK II II Evebneady Ith I1 II ms in all the private homes Ofgi W1 01 mealswhenyouchooquemz 00de Which Abrms was one uhuItIhe IRAZOIL SHAVING ICREAM $135 Size spaghetti as the main course We took his library away with him genuine Schick blades The cream With excep 98c Inthemwere found all the stories 381 RmIES 12s 15 and large size Palmolive iionailIbardsoften1ng 29c I133 our own SpaghetctlIIIddregih 1n fontainfed Gin the filIPIStteliteIiien chap $33 15 MEI Shaving Cream qualities BRITISH PkgI of IIII wwnc tomato sauce end wi ni ers eneSls ey were A11 hr If 2I I491 cheese order 1a few ns msdecigg WAR SAVINGS written in the religious expression M9mba Sealsr 10 Pkg0r 19 ee or 59C eg ctube 230 of the people that isfihe Smites Mamba Pectinin powdered II COMM 51AM PS ANDI 4m MAB andthe Sumerla who it form 150 22If0r 25c IeneIrIgygvmig and ready toIservIeIIdI III CERTIFICATES BabonnIa III thenIsImII Amp 161 II II II Bb1 i01393115i131 veil SSLANDS DOUGLAS KNIGHTS nonliiusoiiis P51 Creamy CheeseFlavour Mesoiztamitllvallfy Bynibf imp WMWMMMWWi$hm 1vmnsmmv rmwamw inmmsmmiv mwdmw 74 AI Ii jinn Gland Bylm owlthLehovorIs le parttof IIBabyjljnia IngIwIaIsI veIiIy 50 Dunlop Street wellington Hotel Block NeXt to Roxy Theatre 771 Opposite Post Office Han Co arc da Ltd wii A7 411mm an ran Wily eau mil131 42 his Howie mm atone time more soIlhanrrBabylonJ 92 r15 bill the latter deve 0p9d and b8 ifbrii camera more beautifulcity than Ur