rm gunuLZ UiUHU JU 13 annubuusu LlIJILL 11 p11 cw Adzerrtsrrrmd ji CENTRAL 0110 New Hgke 00V II II II II 11m gt armI good as pound lirus izui 53x uh mi ti 11111211114111 V111rtrtiiliv 11111 11 llinr IIIIII IIIIIIII II IllIllillIli1lill 1iiV1Ii1Ir iiII1ItI1ltIIII1IIiIIIy I1i11 r1K v11 inning WU Hm mun H11st Euithout adding ilixouruuz gndltnt but 1Hll11itlIl to haw your 1111 lltllii Unix11111110 iii s1111111iuiiiI1111t ind easily 1I111orii H111 Bruins 3rd tiuscn 171211 WU 3W WV 1111111 xi 111111 111 l1 t11ke enough hrUWiiiiin WT amm 11 luzw Alli 111t111111 11111 111 11i111e Its the ixoiiuiiiiral 111 lI V1 $1111 on Winnie Liking salts too Mi 31111111111 31 31 AllliiiltrQliillll WNWMYThim to peiit iii Knisilien it tiwmtI mint 1131 1i1l 311 AMY 11151111 11f irritating or 1111111111111 tho Mr and Mi 11111 3111 lfiululhtii fiI colon t21ttr1uti totlii11iloii 11101 11IIIHIIII1I HIV ITEI ML 1I1IH1I IIhlVI lIlmI1IlI1I LU IL 11 rIIII 11I1Ili1ltiiIiIlI llilIlrlLit 111 IIIIquIInI whit IQHIIIlutVXIII MR mi gt11 11111111 itlltlI li1l211I 12 1112II IIIIII IMIIII IIIIi Hillynnwisli Uiltllil1Illllill11 Mm mm MMIIV IV que rIpIeiIuaiirI 1I 11V IIIIIIIIII ml Mm by FWNIHIWL HI IIIIIIII III MIVIII JIVIm MI I1I1III III111i1111 111ll11 III II III DII IIIIIII MIIII 11 Iungpt riisilieu train all druggistsr New 11tt no1 11 slmlw 11i 5c 11111 Loc 11 11 SW WU H111 Elm1 311 14111111 rpclll Sunday with 11 Altitude1 11111 111 iihil 11 Hi mm IL1 iv 11111111 li ltll Sunday c1111 MI iitliihlll llHIl 111111 111 1111111 1115 911110 to Ms 11 1V FERGUSONVALE new 11 111 li 11111111 1111 yolo 1ll1111 lt11 11w Mm LIN NH 17 12 iv II I1 HUM mm mm mm mil Viilriililih 1131 tibialTyliiii Be rd sill ill lluirie 11 Vll15 VI1IIZ 316$ MUM 111 1111111 ti 7111s Jan than 01 111 1min 11111 lglztV Ml M13 hi mm Mr and Mrs Carl Sir111ori lM 31 IHHIH 77 Emil Xlrili lluiiulo spent his 1t1ii with Mrs II1I 11 IIII 11 I1I Hit EIlvlt tlttilhxtl 51111 111111 Humlmd ml AliV ml Mrs PeriIv GUI Muir HIJ III I1I ji llei3tif HI iIhli I15 IIm IHW I1lillli iliii lu11i SildiilllI iIiIil AliI 11ml mire Hoyle and mn li litv IIN It W1111111 ultiil led ll ttl1 with Mr 111 11s 1101131ij 11 1VV WM 11111111 1111 tune at Orillia 11 Whatever your oli lllltt1 111IlitlI1w11v 03 13isIIIlil11Ii itldllI lto liI Idvtilll VilillItIlillIlltgt1ll Mm Awlm mm Jmm RMIV VV If IIlli 111 11 11 ltllt1iitil Vx Yiizuiivi um 11111 yfjy 19 1111111 11 111 11 111111 31355glidffjmlfl1311 11113311 Zfwnilgfu My In IHmx tiled ross 111 Id Secretary on itiwIilRtiwiiI1peilt Sunday wuh A111 mm 1m krb Ml vrit to Incl oeiet on rk 11111 lis upson 11 ii 11 11 nulds dullmc lmnwmm 011 iutsdzty ewiiiiilh 3111i iillltgixinillilmi Elllllllhlllfllllilol1 11131iodlmiitKhalil glillalil 11 11 11 He Myer p01 Watson l1ild 311111113 ioi tlr lIIIm Wm 111mm md wlili Mr and Mrs 12111 lloheriy In 11 ll 111 111 101mm mildm 9W1 501111711wsi111 11 iudislosll hometown CL GINJ um 41 inn Wt Emoruur 31 mm jl ytoerwvltlotoInroatvtltolcrltllillitl111laalolltlo of anuda enables ton to meet iveiiers oi the Flo1 lied liosdviw Twin gimp Md bilmdtx lmnlahhtvilliikil 1gtU 11 hm 553 5531 Wd mmh lmmlfl 11mj illlllll lrs Cilltilltl Rollers Mr Mililllti ME Ed Armstrong 1511 Premiums are exertdiueg low 11 Him11011331122SlhIthIV 111111 nlis llioiiias Dickey and Char me Mr and hits Ihos Marshall 111 111 gt izi El THMdldfIVlL that had been done the help iiivIIIIZl IQVI1VZSHB1Y RlIlfllltlif mm Mm WWW v8 11111 111 1r11111s en by the Elmvale Board 111 11er fr liiiiies lCy attended the tum1111 43 lt Certificatesnd cwnzulhc cud 1f1huml1SnailI IIllEIIVim 1111111111 Irwin 11 11111511111 1111 ABId IIlIIIIIIIIIEErxlend Healer and DGlIOSteYI PeruICE 1i it 140 fans gulnd ILIilli Sllllll account oi the work oi thell WIS 13mm 19 ill1 neighbors gathered at the home II mt IMI W1 gt it 1111 I1 11 1V inI JNLI IL Pufuuluim 139tiff 121 131 ildale Slllltll tllltllltilllpl the even MXV11IHEd IMIIMIHGIQmmlle 11 If lUWCFII HI 0H mml I5 xiiiLI II IIIIIU III1IltII gun1 1111nh ouI Fawn Intuum ioiitiiumh III IIIIIIIII III II IIIII IIIV I111 II 1IIIII 1I IIIIIII Mm xi ouwillbcablelo uscllic 1i 105llltxilvltllilll church winch had 11 11 131001 in need James Ctlllllllllll nee lertie Eh 11M llililti 111 relatnes met 111111111 Reduchon irocecds of 0111 War buvm rs he 91 f0 lLCllilllllti lid 01 ttuiiuo Simlll 11 11111 11 it eu 111 11 111 coupl 10 DH lit ii 111 St 1mmth ls ilicy mamre pairs Dr 11 Campbell Murk LIIed isitlIUWEnmemtmom Q10 Wlistlll oi illtllilll truly1 and 10 111 MW 11 WvMW I1 mi pay the premiums it11I332$uftflbgraIgrzilfW or which included many useful Sltvltu 311 imlml lllvlll tiIlliiI idillllUI41111110 I1I and beautiful lzlfiS T110 VCIHIW 1311 Brown vol lliltl 01 his 11 liliml 50 totally Injured at Smelter ChgJ was spent Singing Old 3011115 103d 1111 was stolen soire tune 11111 11111 10 Permanent proecmm BWCC AHOL deg 111113 0101 Dretml 199le was 111111111 111111 l7111111 lltlldtll m4 rlIcIVicmry POliCVniwpfmm man Room spent the weekend lIiaiii AIlltii Illllllrktltldhdlsedt SILIin on was brought in by Mm mi SWIM Row and use EmmmercmssmedsV VIWNNMNINNN NIIunuuuuunnuu UI ilV Merle CununingI Iho t5 lw With 1W 09 mm mm murmu Elmer lluhhcrt is spending In the 51118110 81 CODPGI iff were opened by Mrs IRutlzind 131 has been specially prepared to weeks holidays at his home here VhtlU ht W415 011101190 ROUIC rick presented by MISS MCGIIth meet wurimmcditt needs 111Hmmft is Simmjmii 11killlhtfigqlllriliiii MC andv mile byn Mvr51rdlillili10013113 provide fun prawn 01111121 With Muster D1110 SI PIIIIIIIIIIIV Garden Party ml IIV1QVIIII dummm TlI 11mm Vlcmrvpohcyf 81 tI Tm VIk to James Rem and JnSV CummmgI 1ss vo he L1 union on 111 mm 1131111 of 51 Idliic is available to every adult who CI is visiting 1101 1mm Mm Church hrd II wry successful gap our two soldier boysI 111th giftsI isinsumblc andis especially Burtch 10 mm the parish lawn 101 each fountain pen Iaiir md women Mrs Kerr and son Billy ale liS Wednesday evening July 161 Dwell and mimerv beltmescm milmu 01 itinir Mr and Mr and Mrs liniintcous supper was scrvcdbltheled by TWO J0 1510 With modest incomes IBImksV 11mm D1 I1I EI Hanna won $25 in The address was siener on hr Mr and Mrs Brown are spend cash Mrs William lienry1oront01 half or WWS or St P331 Ailayournwrcxl AlllllldlLlfe rcpre mg ton weeks at their summer $15 WMISngS Certificate and Church FeieiIisonIiililItk bvd Pitd reumliueforrompetc details oft1i home here Mrs 11 Cleaiy won $10 in cash Rmhaidsfm an Wm or In to MMmm LiI Mm Pembenon and Lavma In $01an he prizowmmng ticket Cumming Burks Falls visited with Mr and AVI thm new Canadian Club 11W ww Mrs Wigkllisu The animal meeting of Stayner imLZM During the pas week 16 Caiia Canadian Club was new at cedar trans and 19 Americans were Gum hmI Thursday evening July guests at the CYH 15V when the Ionng wears Tm Miss Phyllis Robson Bradford voreclcclcd01194142PastI1esV is spending few days with Mr RexV lmw pres Oehm Miss Muriel McDmmidI Tommol III inow Vv OF CANADA aiiliIlInltIrswlil lgIIIKIeIidall dI Vicepcsw JV Wilton $9813 Spending the summer vacation Ww ESTABLISHED mg 551 Saunders lreas AV with her sister Mrs Robins OVTHO omnm GROWN 31111 II db II For II 81g332igghsgmhoggl at mt liIaIiInzIEdIiioiI Bill IRoss Diieciorlf mRecent visitors with M1 Imml WWII This 17C tiii 0wno yf my on It gt IlIiIiiisto1talI1onI 11 Ives MFSI Mac E150 were Mn and MISII Quality 11 WI IBlaIkeIofL Gelphl roibmei rector off SIpoiItIs IIIYaiiIBoaiegI 91 Colweu Arnold ToromoI and IM1I OXIIIIIIIIII IIIOIIIN TI igg$lilmoolgghaqmaacgfimfm EILIECIVIVbh If Eggilglwemm and Lee Keller and family of MI AYLMER II 2I7I 7C Representave Misses IleenL and Erma HfnsonIA MOI31C0 Entertainment Re Rennew mac ls Im 4I III III VIV II VIV Dalton Streeh have remmed to they Ihome giagam plIlLILDlItlIlc fIBfillfII3llI3ItISd III CINIRI osmmo nous ANN pAGL 23c Gravenhurst after visumir With 19151 C01 CanadidnBrmd Choice 286 In Mortison and Frank Watson Barrie Ontario their aunt Miwon here Trade John Mothers Auditors 2mm 15c ONTARIO GROWN COOKING VQGRNILAKES KELLOGGorQUAKER 2111 35 Effective June 29 19413 II lIliIItIJ723C Eastern Standard Time 0315119632 TORONTO LINE Prcjll 5c BULK Box southbound Lulu TODDS TIGER W5 F5 EXPERIENCE and MODERNiEQUIPMENT keep banking Jack Kearns Manning Pool imam we CMIWRNL 11 minty cououv liiis 7111 7H up to date Spgllcggyifgmwhiglgxggggggl0 geme Alieavgl TArrivIe 3110r511m DDZ OLDV lb MILD lb mner own 11 VALEXC 211 71152 2111 It takes only fcw mmutes to 100k E61 glenfdmlly of the me Leo B1yme 46 454 am 51011231 705 am 11011211111111 Bags 1131 311 afteryour needsuistho SAVINGSand Ee 42 757 am805 am1005 1m 36 Wi Piepaiations me getting under II IL We II WHITE CLOVER II ImI Ilgc CURRENT ACCOUNT departments or th 1111 arden art 56 15 pm 204 pm 345 91111 your Purchase of MONEY ORDERS livelith nijrlmthe 44 4l15 1511 433 pan 640 pdllil 1A YELLOW ili5 TRAVEL CHEQUESI etc dWilfreIci Marley isthust thgse 156 033 pm 844 pm 1045 p1ii 102 256 DstlgSe 15 mac me Northbwnd 219 Hes mg IIIII There 18 security and llVIlOy 1n the Rev Gerald LoftusI ToronImI Tram No ANN SAFETY DEPOSITBOX VDEVARTMENT SpVeInthg fewthdays of his vacation Leave Arrive Arrive PAGE II SOAP Bars Eye II 15 m0 erI Toronto Allandale Barrie Mrs Catherine HayVes Toronto Connects VwitliNo 42 CIIIontentslI BusinessIr path1919 snoarnin ROAST 11521 ijBRiVSKET porous was Im Ples 07 9333mm 53 662 cakes 01175 gagging APELsnmeJuugVV Orange8 Grapefruit 23 5gIgzII3lc WNVT VL 215pm V405 me 14Conneets with No 44 045 pm 835 pm Connects withNo 1481f 13211123c1 1ll agging Draggin 31 Northbound Pains In dollar irts lt 63 745 pm 935 pm Connects with Nos4V4 and 662 oNitXNIifrHiiNo fainted arrur ATjiiVEXAMINBlt Yu111oollt upilovExomineIprinf work when youve seen what fine job we dofhow quicklwae mm is EONELESSMROLLED Veal rm 759 Tonsnn Wlllll rsuVNNYrIELD 2113c Many wonieiiliave to do their om housework and the constant bend IingI emf fIItiIngIIImIagImg gs Note No 60 uauy except Sun Igweepmg immng 8mg so nm day and Monday Nos 861 662163 to eerorni their houaehold dauy except Sunday No 160 Sun dayonly 1111151 STEWV AYLMER zuns 21c EOWL 111111111 rfiiiriitb27iil KELLOEGS Alli1335111 MACARONL Cr CHEESE LOAFlb 25 Mm anus mommys1 513 I3cli11 23 BOLOGNA sliced Beer Lilac TOMHIOshiomw 111 106 Courteous and condential discus BUIWMSMIIIIIISIIHIm her Sistel Mrs Loftus fox 41 900 am 1105 am 1127 am NGLISH 11 23c altos EEC VISI 55 1105 am 1247 1255 111 lolly19Ml35l939bowel ngmaugwWWshrew dayslasl week 43VV12I30thIVVVV2I25ng 23031 VVVV VV In IIWiiiI 239 StMlliIiigmlfrwegolviegggggs 45 535 pm 740 pm 751 pm Queensbury 111111 90 giI of Mrs Fraser and SPlatt 1050 Pm 1245 Dm 1253 Pinl pLAlNI 133 23c JIP11ITEC 11 mil 23c Mr and Mrs Ftrankf lilialeyj Cal 471115 pm 105 amI 119am 111r IIIIII IJkc giyrgrggldcagggg Sonofmrg igg NoterNos 46 47 11111141115 42V Bgumwls Doz 12C HIKE ILGMEigg run 24c Village sumday N0 15lgdlhagllgdfic ZMZI Ha it 633 DIr Jos LoftIusI Mrs Loftus Nan LICED Loafiac Clam and B11119 were weekend 43I Saturday onlyI Bab I4 MIMI guests of Mn VandMrsI Frank Lot mm mp Tin T111 32 9v CENTURY 0F BANKING EXPERIENCE tus and Mrs JillHall ALLANDALEPENETANG PRUNES ioSIIIIsoI thI MISS Margaret 1MCAVOY New Southbound 01131 11 York Mrs James rMeAvenyEfermn Arrive Allandale Sliced or Unsliced oz Boneless Tim IcAveyTPay SoundI In Page White mm VI called IInIgriIelnds hef IlhuidQGEEEY Northbound II II II II GICKENIHHDBIE I12 ii1 325 ElumndlehefeI theemcgmgig notsoleav Leangngndle AnggpenetgI HIVIIIIII IIIIIIVI North and east it is much better 397 11201111 105 p111 P1 GuingMEATS TOILET YUKOHLUB time of cutting gt Both trains mixed dailytxcept 17 Many are wendmg their way to or WOODBURY SI he Plams neariwasaga Beach Sunday Sirloin Wing Cube Steak Only FACIAL where IblueIIIberries are good Face Rummmt mm summon 15 $312133 pyggtrifulianggriggsgif ALLANDALEMEAFOBDI GWSTEaAK zcakes LIME RICKa moorland HAMBUR EtraLeaa 11111 JERGENSi 11 gt With wellfilled Lem oz CI VeMcatord VArriveAllandale ARBOUC 483 II Pals so 1111511 115 PRIME RIB RoAsr 1125 Bar duties pu heavy strain on the back and kidneysundirtheiewore Newspaper ALLANDALEHAMILTON 11 1111 s111 soz 14 oz d1 and how Inexpensive 12311112111311131 1111 WEINEM 11251 Emmi Hmz 1111239 vDoana Kidney Pills help to give Leave Leave Arrive It paysrdletus handle your job Plant Can Do Printing Better Job relief to Barrio Allandale Hamilton VinoAsVr DUTCHLOAFI 11 25 MAICIIS mumm 3311 ienxcnumirowoah Zuni19 vveak backache kidney suf forin oomen 662 415pm 430 pm 800 pm Connects with Nos 44 and662 Some spring crops 1001 rather light 393 I230 pImI 428 IpImI but may be much ImPTOVEd by Connects withNos41and661 hint to market artsKidney Pills are ut up Connects with No 44 Pm iuanioblong grey box with 0111 trade Northbound Vchwgem pumhases limited nark Maple Leaf on 18 Leave Arrive June to mi1y weekly winner 81 I1 III II wrapper V1 Hamilton Allandale Barrie IV Postomce Square1101111 Dont we Bubstltm Be 601 720 am 1059 am 1127 am ingots 011er am Opemhri 111 In Ed Dlms mtfggtgsefitswh 511 it II 11 ay mm