lld lJllsct suggestion Worth llyili AN lilll IlI lOIt IJll ll11 311111 1411 11f 111 Mill lien 1111 11111 iii 11 Eli file 111 far ciipcs Sficc111 pas whlre thc lost 11 kl 111 ugly 11 11111111 is lllllllli Before 111 purines the to lir1icl Youil unth And niel 11111 friendly fledgling robin not long from its 111M Soon other birds begin to sing sweet and tuneful lay lhal breaks upon ilie silence jus before the noise of day And then the clung of business tilt 111 rush of working crowds Descend upon the quiet of the thorn like darkened clouds And next news flashes cabled from afar are quickly hurled hn anxious frvvrish rumors of lt1 feartorn warmad world early 111111 311111 Tr idriftiiTbiiiikii to 11101 Todays Fashion if lor mother or lJllLilltl ll illli 11101le llllll iiic 11 when 1i11dllc1 1l 1111 ll liiilisil 111 111111111 bc 1111 bride of lpr fillllt 11111111111 Kunp ll 111ic11 1111y 1111 Mrs Alfrcd 111v tierrulte lnl inlurqu 1l1lt wore graw locket 11111 inn1111s cred Illf 111 lllt 11111111111y dinner we1 the horn of the 111111111 ractivo in the i1 lhe happy Couple lcli amid show crs of confetti for Niauara Falls nd other 111111 The bride tra velled in grey and Willie jacket ifrock lll matching accessories ii CONSTABLE ALLAN livcrgrecn Place Churchill 011 Saturday June 28 1911 under lpink and while arch banked with summer flowers the marriage took place of Grace 11 daughter of Mr Illllid Mrs Howard Allan to Mr lg William Do11sablcsol1 of Mr lillld Mrs AlexConsfablc Rev Fred hiawi vou sit and wonder will 9his Bllml pastor of Churclnil United mldness cvir cease And wi1en1his ld Will lisuln t4 the 111131 Morn oileacc RALPH GORDON 628 Crawfoxd St Tcnonto llsons wedding day iher sister Miss Louise Allan as Church officiating The bride given 111 ni1r1iage by her father wllrea cdwn of white lvelveree11 11Cl saiin and carried lsnower bouquet of pink roses and delphlnluihs She wore her mothers wcdding veil of fingertip length llet and necklace which was her fathers gift to her mother on their Sherwas attended by imaid of honoui and Miss Marion Copeland tozonio as bridesmaid The maid of honour wore romance BEALLr KILL One pedicillsfliesnll day and every day for or weeks pads in each wackct No spraying no stickiness woAmdsdorrtskyour Druggist arocery or General Store 10 CENTS PER PACKET WHY PAY MORE SARING PEAKS lEWElED lAKES AvPlNE SPORTSf 5m WlLSONMADLQ 1411111111015 on white accessories thdbridemiaid was 111 511511 pink net and 121cc over taffeta both wear ing Ci Lasting 101 and flower head dre lhey led bouquets of while and pinkicarnations predom mating Mr MncKenZie Constable ova gromnsnlauiand Miss rRuth Hughes played the wedding march Mrs Allan received wearing dus rky pink Cllperllltd corsaec 0111112111 1121 Hill roses while Mrs Constable mother of the bridegroom wore powder blucr with corsagc Bf pink roses AnKnigdhemaihappy 3110le was Mr jl Sturgeon the brides LEEllLtllelElLllQ3l ISjlassed his ninetyfirst birthday The bride travelled in blue ith gt After an extend cd trip down the St Lawrence the happy couple will reside in Chur chill LYONCROWTHER St Pauls Anglican Church To rontomwasthe setting for an in teresting wedding on June 27 when Miss Jane Kappele Crowther daughtebfMlssg Young was married lo Mr ugh Mortimer Lyon 13011 OfrDl amp Mrs Moiti mer Lyons Bishop RJ Renjson performed the ceremony and Mr Maitland Farmerfwas at the or gen Creanl gladioli formed the JasperivPatkrilodgci beautifullyblendingjhackgrounll for andnatures greatest Alpine Show avvait rryou alljasper big gest NationalPaxk on this Continent See all the Rockies Conic via the smart airconditioned Continental Limited Low Summer Rail Fares the softycreamgownsi of the blide arl her attendants The biidetltlh03finotlier gave her in marriage wore ivory net over taffeta made in Empire style with bouffant skirt the yoke and sleeves appliqued with Limerick lace Her long veilvwas of tulle and she carried cream gladioli and bouvardla MTSGallelOIITh0mp son Lane matron of honor and Miss Joyce Rous bridesmaid were similarly gowned with tucks ln stead of the lacetrlmming their local gent will gladly furnish with descrlp ve booklets and full motionas 11o fares limitsetc gowns They wore net skull cans trimmed with gladioll petals carried cream gladioli andb1ue delphlnlums Mr Hugh Kort vrightsewas groomsmanrfand the ushers were Mr Donald Ferguson andiFlying Officer Southam The reception was held at the home or the bridefs mother and THE BARRIE EXAMINER BAKER OWL CANADA Anni it AAA 111 SE1 ll lt lt ul li llloiAL Luge shipment of clothing 13 l1 la to England last wool 15 1211 ixal Red Cross 11i1111ou donated ar 111re included in tin Au 1131 11111 11 11 111 12111 LUlilll Si huich iliiine 111111 1111111111 skirts sweat er bio ks for 111111 pil 11111111 of children clollll 1111111 from S1 3m Church Four new tunic 111111 ollicr St Illutcd W315 1111 from 1111 11ilil Auxiliary the Lions Club lwo 10211 p11 111 chiidieus felt house slip pct from 11111111 l111h Aid Hell131i linlr sat1111 made by Miss l1lie1 larm at Victorl School tlllvitw 111 well number of iiothaiu donat 11111 22111 1I11i Al uni lllfli 111i 61 51 11ci11111 11y ltl llcaii 12 will icl 11 111 Fifth v1 1lplin11111 ccd 1111 charci c1L 151111111 toiincrlyi 111 1111 1111111111 music 1i Cross is shown at Midhurst the display of wort 1111 Wardcns picnic Paik The society but lent where an interesting dis pliiyof the 1lll work of 1111 Ihd Cross was shown ltet Cross ainbuiiinc was also or il11 illllil noiiicrcd 11 11 lllllli 111 1111 11111 Miss l11y lllltgtll Have you any old furs storcii Mi ill lil away 111 your attic or clipboards lll lllilkii The local Red Cross is actliu Villulsc l1f llllllvas 11 collection agency for old ill nilllll llMri which will be sent on to the onto 1rotiu1IOll in Toronto 111 IIIo$bct HHH lsllll I01l has an arrangement will HUM llilimdn Mid Wil Crecds by which they will makc l11 11111 111 loiino iup old fur into warm jiickcts for 11s alcddinlz breakfast 11 thilsailors So if you want to 011 dcr lnldkl the brides math10111 old 1111 that has been hallglnr 11 tilliti 111 11110 slicer ltllll0lllll the house for zigcslleic 11111111 11111l1 corsago 11f gar is an opportunity to dispose oi 1111211 grooms1notherin 1111111 11 iii way that will bring coni 1111113111 sill dress with rcdii1got1ua tori to the men who are keeping 1131111 of token and boiit11c Empire llfl lines opcn v111i1a lior lili show 113lf ltllb wedding lrip lhb 1mm One of the most pleasant social Almliar or lvclvll1y recent activity of the lllti 1111 print dress with rcdinlzote white and 111 1cllllls After motor travelled 111 navy and white silk trip to Quebec the bride and groom fnncIlons for worth while causc was thl bridge given by the Red Cross Auxiliary at the home of Mrs Stewart last wcck Twenty 11 ill llr1 111 Toronto six tables were 111 play in the house The grmnn is graduate of UT $911111 on the spacious veranda and and is at present an instructor inllim Malnm The bride Presiding at the three tea tables Until 3713 of loronto student WCN 15 fivi at 711l4771li17s iblue net and lace 111014alf0la and and snapdragon Mrs Turnbull rs Ach Brown and Mrs ac LEIGCRAWFORD Laren lea assistants were Joyce The home of the brides parents with pink and while pconics T0508 and ferns was the setting for charming wedding on Saturday June 21 194i 11730 oclock when Orina Mary Catherine daughter of Mr and Mrs Fred Crawford was joined in matrimony to Norman Maxwell Leigh son of Mr and Mrs John Leigh Hawkestone Rev Roy Gray assisted by Rev MC Carten conducted the ceremony Mrs Jean Blackstock aunt of the bride was organist and during the signing of the register Miss Agnes MacMahon sang Because Miss Olive Leigh Hawkestone COllsinof the groom was brides maid and Albert Pearsal Oro Sta tion cousin of the bride was grocmsman The bride looked veryattraelive in floorlength gown of pink sheer over taffeta with matching finger tip length veilrghgld in place by pearl Coronet and she carried bou quet of pink roses and babys breath with sprig of heather sent from Scotland The bridesmaid was also attrac tive 11121 floorlength gown of violet shecrmer pink taffeta and wearing wreath of pink flowers in her hair She carried bouquet of sweet peas The brides mother received wear ing navy blue sheer withwhite ac r11 Station beautifully decorated long iswccping train She wore icntiico brooch keepsake of the brides grandmother and also beautiful necklace of pearls tliggifi of the groom The brides halo birds lot brocade satin to match her dress lmd the veil was of French embroid iered net arranged in lwolttwo effect and falling to the waist She carl ried white Eastern Star Bible with lllOSlllC orchid and profusion of slreamers with white Tbouvardia hangings The bridesmaid Miss Shirley Bon ney Midhurst wore pink point desprit over taffeta with hat to match and carried bouquet of Butterfly roses and cornflowers The groomsman was Garbutt sSmith Lorne Park brother of the bride and the ushers were George Caldwell Barliemblother of the groom and Gerald Smith Barrie brother of the bride reception was held algthehome 10f the brides parents 60 Mary St where the young couple vere as sisted in receiving the guests by the mothers of the bride and groom The brides mother wasattired in old rose French knot lace over taf feta with corsage of Butterfly roses and cornflowers and the grooms mother wore Wisteria lace over sat Iin with corsage of Butterfly roses and cornflowers was Served Later Mr and Mrs Caldwell left buffet lunch OOll Evy griinjigmcootgfgiegiggnggiss onahoneymoonlripvrtothedaaurenr ecL crepe dress with redingole of iglesiioues and COlSdge 0fplnk r05 japonica crepe beigefelt hat and The grooms gifts were to the lshoes pllrsi and Whit gloves mm bridesmaid gold locket to theimeqwnh Jal0nlca and corsage Of Sroomsman leather wallet and orchids on them returnthey will keycavse nd the Organist and reside at 67Owen St Barrie soloist white kid gloves Guests from distance included For their wedding trip to TorchMm Caldwell Newmarketi Mf Brampton and Inglewood theyand MIS Elder CaldwellElmir1 bride wora rose redingote em Mn and Mrs Caldwelland Lorne semblgmthmtinhat aawhite Preston Mr and Mrs Caldwell accessories and brown squirrel furs and Miss sadie Clarki Toronto the gift of thegroom SixteenthAnniversary of Wedding qurkd ylhmi Beach lily Tropics CALDWELLSMITH First Baptist Church Barrie was the scene of delightful summer wedding at 2pmTuesday July when Muriel Irene daughter of Mr Weetheartlroses appropriately and Mrs George FSmith was unil decoraw the dinner rtable when ed in marriage to DaltoniR CldiMF and Mrs Karly Brown 0f well son of Mrs Caldwell and thelMlmu catfiriiflmed celebration rate Caldwell Newmarket their511mm adding anni RemE Whan Fonthill and RevJVerSarY mdayi the Tammi John McGilllcuddy pastor of the church officiated at the ceremony The organist Was Miss Elsie Clough ley and the soloist was M155 Mar garet Sinclairwho sang Perfect Lovell nssoonasrthebride reached the altar and OhPromis Me duringthe signing bf the register The church was beautifully dec orated with ferns Madonna lilies sweet peas lupins and delphiniums Two candelaer each heldseven white candles whichlighted the in tcrior The kneeling benches were draped with white satin The bride wasvery charmingly gowned in imported heavy brocaded satin designed in princess style fas toned to the waistline With small covered buttons long tightfitting sleeves coming or point over the wrist The skirt was cut to form high waistline in front and had laterMr and Mrs Lyon left rfm Montreal and will live in Nobel Out The bride went away In tailored beige sllk dress with matching accessones Hotel Among toutoftzown guests was Mrs Katherine Dluckliehof NewAYork City Mr Brown is native of Nia gara rFallslOntnrio Mrs Druckr liobr will be remembered asKatie Brownlee of Barrie whogtrained as nurse in StaLukes General Hospital Ottawa She is now in charge of clinic at the New York HQSpitalf and Cornell Medical School New York City Mrs rucklleb and Mrs Brown are activeJn USA defence program me Mrs Brown is teaching class In Home Hygiene and First Aid and Mrs Drucklieb fin shed special course in Red Cross irst Aid before leaving for vacation in Florida Chaslng the Male Fortune Teller Beware see dark woman following you Visitors rAiWell Ashellrgeti spretty tired of that Im letter car rier Advertise in The Examiner dusty and Womans Viewpoint on This and That Nurnmn Emily McBride Monica Norris Belly lIallwli Ulgw llailula Whitb 1ltl 1111 Jane l1llc it iwsley 1111 in cliuul fudge 111an11 211111115 while Waiiv illslll lfltl ili or 1111il1c 1111111 were v1 111 by 3111 1rd Stalins lion ch hit by out 311s 111 f1 Jail 11311111 chalk pastel by fills Stewart Was mu W111 l1lc11non lulul Smith brideelect of week has bllll much feted 1111 friends these few 9112111111 her lioLtlsscs were Mrs Smith who lllllllllltti tel and nilscellaucous shower The many lzzlls were arrange past 1111 wagon Pouringr tca were 3111s flurry Smith and Mrs Buchanan Miss Wilda Culbcrt arranged it lliitdullll surprise plrty at Isabels 11111111 and the lnidctobc was ziowcrcd with many lovely cups 1111111 aucers Mr Ilarl poured tea and the Lustanls were V1ld1 Culbcrl Helen Smith Lenv oltSlllOlCS and Mrs IIalry Brother Mrsonal shower was given by ll Caldwell and Mrs Harry Brother The gifts were jhnni by me 111s of clothes pegs on L1 banner in the centre of the iilrcllwa along with many balloons lllllld with confetti which were ylitnlcfll when the bridmeiect open 1111 her gifts During the even 11111 an 111111151111 ring game was 1pllycd Mrs Morrow entertained 1111 tea and towel shower At the Collier St United Church picnic last week Isabel was pre wnted with silver entree dish chncsdily last the lub of Collier St United Church held kitchen shower at the home of Frances Hurlburt Isabel is being married at home Saturday afternoon to Neil Mc LBlidc it It The Red Cross Auxiliary is hav 11gra bazaar and tea in the new Active Service club rooms Friday afternoon from one to six Tick Jls for the tea 21t25clmay be ob tained from any member of the Auxiliary In addition to assisting the Aux iliary in raising funds this will also give many who did not lakc ad vantage of the open house an opportunity to see the new club lOOIns it Many of you have by now seen the marvellous new Active Ser vice Club rooms They open ed Monday for the use of the men and NCOsof Camp Borden and their wives and already many have enjoyed the splendid facilities that these rooms offer Through the generosity of Morrow HITWright and the Landseair Club of Toronto the townnow has recreation centre for 4110 active army that needs take second place to none in the country The local War Ser vices Commiltee under the chairl manship of Hamilton and the volunteer workersunderMrs MontaguLeeds have work dlikeroopcrsforthc past few weeks to put things into shape for the opening Over hundred Barrie women will be working steadily from now until the dur ation to make certain not all who use the irooms enjoy to the ut most the pleasant surroundings Vitals up tonneremainder of the ing blue flowered crepe with whitewl5=lieblfidwtlalllifig inDiiiitisitmstbsetlihere aream ple finances to run the club 101 The Spring Field Day for the Coun of Association took place at the Bar rie Golf Club Friday June 27 ght membersfrom each club Orillia Midland and Barriecom petingi The cup was won by the Barrie team Miss Jean HaigMidland won low gross Mrs Frank Spry Barrie won 10w net Mrs Monkman Barrie won rthemlowmgross on the first nine holes Mrs HTLilja the low gross on second nine The longest drive was won by Miss Grace Brymner Mrs Bell Midland hadvthebest aggre gate of three drives with wooden clubsMrs Evans Orillia the best aggregate of three drives with iron MrsBrianOrillia the ap proaching and putting Mrs Little Barrie theputting Tea wasiServed after the events and the prizes awllrrded by the county President Mr Belg Mid land 11 marriage of wideinterest will take place on SaturdayJuly in Torontogyvhen Ruby Marion Carson will become the bride of Raymond GeorgeBridges Toronto The brideelect is former Barrie girl and graduate of BarrieCollegiate Institute and Barrie Business Col lege and left Barrie to takea posi tion on thestaffiof the Bell Tele phone Company where she hasbeen for the pasttcn years Many parties have been given in herhon our Bell Telephone Commercial Department pyrex shower Sales Department presentation Mrs cellaneous shower MissLG Bridg esand Mrs Cummins pan trysueifsu6wer Mrs tunes Grant miscellaneous shoter Mrs Small and Miss Miller party and presentation MrslEJ Carson cupandsaucer shower MM 11 MalLarch v1 in ll white wcdduuz bell on 11 sinlceHadleHoicemalkhad4no vlt min whateVer Green and MrsC McKay misiC lv FOR Home bodies BY JESSIK ALLEN BROWN We We 11111 ltii forest ibc one it anointing Sec Forest Fire halt l1111t111d slain 1111 If there 11111 to was 11v1111111y lkllllll to clluiw fllll llr1 Lion hale told you below ot 1111 island which li duectly 111 than oi 111 about two 111 11s aciom he Kclillcllcl11l Ruer 0111 Sun lay 111111111111 we 1111511111 voluinr of smoke suddenlynppnar 011 1111 island looking 111111111111 the llclll claws we could ll it luuss fire in small open clear lldf The tire 111ckly lllll into 1111 bush and the flame shot 11111 Wc could see it spreading quickly across another stictch of 1r1 in rto stand of trees Then it jumped unite distance and start ed 111 111 viilIous scilions We saw one b11111 go 111 in 1111ok11 and latcr on 111 the day the fire slow ly crept along until it rcachcd house and another 1111111 You never saw anything burn as quick ly as tiles1 did Some times idle down and the smoke would lessen then again the would shoot up 111 another place When night came it was quite sight to see the thin line of flame shooting up in half dozen places Later they all died down 11nd the fire apparently had burn ed itself out Next morninir there was little smoke but no sign of flames until late in the after noon when small fltcs broke out ncsday breaking fternoon Quiet in the morning and out again in the late So much devastation can occur from such little the to begin with Vitamin is lontc Both popular and technical mag Phillthea azines are carrying great deal about Vitamin these days Less has been known about it andas it is very complex yttamin scientists are doing great deal of research on it It can be safe ly said that few of us get enough vitamin It is tonic and when we have that tired feeling most of the time We probably lack vitamin It is great help to the middleaged in keeping 11p the waning store of energy It is good for the nerves It has been add ed to the bread in England and we will never know how iiulcli it has helped in keeping up the mor ale of the Englisln Our present day milling methods remove 1111 the vitamin from the flour and as most of us have come to pre fer white bread to wholewheat the simplest way of getting back the lost viamiu would be for the mlllers to add wheat germ which is high in it We Check Our Vitamins wanted to check up on the quantity of vitamins my family was actually getting so for four days calculated them knew we had fair supply of each but Idid not know how near we met the requirements found we were short of vitamin most days Some times we had the minimum but never the maxi mum We were all right on our vitamin requirements but some times were low in vitamin alI though We had the minimum If it werent for the quantity of milkbutterand eggs we usethe picture would be veryrdifferent found too juggling of foods in the menu planning made surprising dif ference Pork and ham are high in vitamin and if we had either on our days needs prepared cereal made from wholewhgatmade quite differ ence as most of the rcadytoeat Beans either frs or dried were one of the best vegetables for vitamin Even with the plenti ful use of fruits vegetables and milk it is difficult to get sufficient vitamin without adding ll cou centrate such as wheat germ oSstauizea Flowers was through the dayihe flames would flamej It smouldcred likc this until ch Monday July 114 27RA FREE PHOTOS All THE lATEST PICTURES Maul oniv 1m lf31 511111 Hun allot or letuhn Stunt label 51 lure duvet 11 15 lice Hive Syruplnlvel To Ilfl ulnl full 11 my to sly Rman ll1lliin LrliatilSpitfire nutty lulwls uni 1211119 St Lawrence Slnlghku luntitrd Pull Clch 0111 111211113 AND MRS BEYNCN THORNTON MARK FIFTIETH WEDDING ANNIVERSARY lfil Illzozlil 111 111 ill vii 111 lill 11 lo 11 i1ii 111151111111 llllli 1li lldi 1321 ll ll 11lililI v1 1V Solidi l1ii slll 1111 ll 11111i 111I 11y lnon 31 11131 11 111 lo 11 1111 cpiiinii in children f111111 Hint Mich 11 111 lllllmlil111lillllilnrMll ll future that they 1111 111111 c1117 11 11 hp 111 1111 luitcil hnrch 111151111gt111 that out 111111 lllixld from 111 dav 111111111141 liiv 11111111 and 111 lit 11111 Mom llal 5114 iiiwiin of fifty 111lliv1ilzlt 11 lii 111111111fillyyc111ofol 11 tllirll contaccd 1111 1111 1111111 lie 1=it ii 1111 if 1111 church 1111111111 f1rl11r11 was tillrildlh llllwralllzs 11 front of 1111 for the bride Your 111111 may chr but ours are yet to come and hope 111111 uome prrlcct lillll clusters of dark purple lilacs You 1111icht like to experiniviu wuh other small liIll Ihc 1110 ccdure is 1111 same for all lick perfect flowers and remove 11 much of the stem as po1bh 11 you are using more than the pet 11s Make heavy syrup byboll ing cup of 511911 111111 11 mar7 Itercup of water for tcn1nin1itc Dip the petals 111 the syrup 1drain ltlldltl on waxed paper to Museum Exhibit Supplied by Simcoe County Womens Inst llllltlI lllt17N till 11 15111111 if Horn 111 11111111 11 llv 111111111avc1y ll of 1111111 1111111 gtl1115 11111 1311111111 the torn 111111 11 wn 111 11c 11 lllllli 11111 11zlcr1al 111 1121 11111111c11r1y111wniv ldrv for few hours Brush them 1211111111111111 211cc 1111111 lln 111 111cls tinniit In c1111 lightly with slightly bcalcn 11111 while then dust with llllllllilllfl row 1llllll 111 wit 1121 llll1v1 sugar Let stand until thoroughly 11111 11111111 111 11111111 and then edged with 11lfillll loco 111111111111 dry and store in 1111 box lcnI ii1V stallized too Use cakes or desserts for decorating der little mint leaves may be cry The clochc 11l1ii sllows the slirll of the maker 111 1111 mtrlcalc pal Iterii lll the many Iollcd slitclul The ends of Strawberry Bavarian rcam ilrwly mm =lh1 strum arc illlllitl 1lh late and c1 strawberries 511 1I SC CUM Milo qulmbl the beauty of thi ch1l gathers oi plaits 111lli1 1111111 11 the top llll spoons igelutine cup crcanl which whimde tpltt pct of h1dtr1 that very little Soak the gelalille in the cold water Mix the crushed straw berries ilnd the sugar and bring to boiling point but do not boil Dissolve the gelaliile in the berry mixture and let stand until it just begins to congeal Fold in the whipped cream and mould in large mould or in sherbet glass es Garnish with whipped cream and whole berries LA The Examiner has not claiincdl circulation but one guaranteed by chartered accountants audit hot Im gamut rialu l111l be Aavo come with proposal of mar sorry daft What you tiil for yourmoncy am what you pay determines the value llliilh in news and advertising The Barrie Examiner ivcs by far the biggest value the Hillilllillv are proud SIIlll LY BUSINESS Ail waant see 1111 mallaucr ll11 111nauers c11 llc think rs Dont Stick Together for dinner we had goodistart Porridge or Gather ye rosebuds whilej ye may andsave some of them for winter use by crystallizlng them Maybe you are lucky enough to0 havesomrohe large dark vio lets and these too may be used so little cluster of three or four orangeblossoms will be the very thing whenyou are entertaining 77 Ariawin No love is lost between MrsdElizabethv Hitler wife of 11112 nitlls stepbrother and the frenzied Fuehr er Mrs Hitler is seen in New York pointing proudly to her Aid Britain pin just afterfinishing her first days work for the British War Reli of Society while poster portrait of Winston Churchill looks down appro vingly Her work with the Society is voluntary Ws PlfsET WERE homes its A4ADKF47R Wool55pm MFAMzr 3FAKFAsrsaz These honeycoloured bubbles of crispness tum breakfast into algayer meal in thousands of theyre so CRISP they crackle invcream lRice KriSpies is the tradesmarkettheKellogg Com any of Canada Limited for elicious brdud of oven popped rice Try them tomorrow mormng sure They snap they pop we mm 195 atwormmt MEMMVERH BPEAAFASBFUP