Ontario Community Newspapers

Barrie Examiner, 19 Jun 1941, p. 6

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ilnlzltm or HM In in vn tom nosns WWWn mmtWMW Achievement Report Which Won DistrictTrophy forStroud Institute if in or ii for lll the to 20 t1IlllL or for 13 llants lhdo beans pint measure It lizard peas pint Krinty bets Seed corn pn lotzio Iltxhllt IV In lllllv tltl1l lant rs iri Slilvki tli rltl igrl lll ltllilltl wl xv tr iaio iti lltl fir llal liar lsiv ovx flit 2x to plants lDt to 35 will tt mliI ninilie continent oil darting wth first house Ill Stroud ll ltlltl rlll on roller rout paper on lilllttl iill giihvzznz wi done Irorluce hicleis ll ll ii illuth lottl lie bulldnl Slllill lth xii Bile to ltlc and tr lh el She in flaking l5c doz to 27a common She id such gatinrngs and l1l of iti tlllltI Ilnns and cakis Doughnuts Homemade bread white or brown ezich doL stzince rlenointralt how nppies re pzn lllll and corn looked and lilninien was l1l 1min rid Mnl 11 ili of Siiiieoe fninty enl we found that whzn they were listed togellnr we had qrnte The einvener then conducted sale of rage and bull llll had lunch donntnl the pro errls of Fund November rnwting and the conveier read iloll item by the late Lord Baden lowell on Peace lir rinlwned than war answered hell the eziuse of l1 Mfr the Arm LtrllVllllA pixel by the representative to arrange poly each nionh to the inxl five months in Stroud Community War Fund different committee range etch one ford District Peaco coiivencr Luest peaki and gave very in ttrt sting talk on Peace the lltreign Situations andvstlessw that though we are in war we must paper on current events was readby mom very delightful piano solo was given by another 1Cfllllltl This was munity Activities and Relief Com mittee meetzngand the niottTiTvat Preserve the 1spirit of goodwill throughout the coming year The roll call was answered by asilver since we particularly needy families in our community at this time we circul to buy Christmasp the boys who have this community for the January Six school childrc iv Christmas carols ley Stroud United Church minis ter was guest speaker and he gave very interesting address on the origin of Christmas customs such as the candle mistletoe holly gifts The copvener had pre pared 51 very attractive displaylol Christmas candy At the conclus ion of themeeting box was pack ed with the different articlesvthat had been brought by the Tnembers to be given to lady whose home hadibeen burned JanuaryThe Institute members entertained their families to very instead of the regular meeting Over one hun dred people sat down toavery bountiful meal after which there was short programme of local After the programme Treasure Trail programme was con ducted The happy evening closed with community singing FebruaryThe Home Economics convenor was in meeting and read lovely poem On the motto The home is what you make it The r511 response Wartime Economy Was turned 8L and 19 Conrtuedhfrom Page One DUNN Sillhlilltdb the lllllli lshotlltlns in walch slipping off thrilthcy started to go to Minets loint who woke in three canoes hm oan ho only bellhey saw Inspector Cox with an the end of llxyfield St vliziitllh he did for hvh met loutboard him and several canoe il by leorge Wright and Emerson rlrne who were in motorboat med by the former was of somei lies Iurts dxen Special Baking Fruit Domestic iicenings qt paper oilu ililtlt illtililli Sill ll kw on tin llaiid ll faint Scotlltitl lSWith rland an tXlIl2ll Dist rie rptaki las Ll st of line Wales living personal lexperienees tiiev wereniade very Ilidl til zoii to the Fr lll lithll Churchill co id slliill interesting and educational papei on the laws of the Institute as tak cn lllm the llanzl Book llatlttlll Solos vcieslliig by school vl cattle fairly close to the canoes uh 0f the mm from when me Wright said he went out at once contest lllitl created swell while the lat mm uhshh but he mome wlsliri 35 or 40 seconds sad theamotorboa did not coinej and that thny veiestnndingt lhe ltllllli was CCJM ni the wharf when word passed nof to harn until you cease l1lltllllltl canoe had capsized and two1 the roll cell was anewrrcd by innitn were in the water llook have enjoyed and its illlri ltpotlttl gained lot fve socials plat he con talk on the trounced the speak Sheffield England will spoke ontlie women She told of llflJllliltlllf which had to be made and of the food rationing and what had to be done wncn the air raid siren sound chcn small sang sevoral spring songs airowas book lLVlLW Wilder ness Wife Gifts have been given to the needy families in the Community War Savings Stamps were given to each new baby of members nations were given to the Federat ed Womens Institutes War Fund Room Horticultural Flowers and sent to all members who were ill and all are doing war work lhc number of subscriberstOthe supports Seventeen books were bought iuringthe year are members of the CountyLibr Board which entitles us to ab 30 books every three months We feel we have had very satJ caused the WW istactory year SureQuick Relief from Asthma Ind Hay Fever with KELLOGGS which want to Vll T2 lwo dc This was our ltilff childrin conducted by the ltlllllfl Aprzl melting ltsti Ilfl collrrv lllnll llCt this was the ljducationhlj liic motto vctories and the jllow can replri Illlnt v2 convene hlh reins on liltl The roll by Donts for lltlZl WitS lliol lll Liafj 1219 Itannpanion of llltllitdllltlll test llil eaten their super at the White lHe said it would have been alright llld that he had been at Camp Bor Circle in Barrie den with the Essex Scottish for At the time of the accident thelborne prepared to dilc and Rear little over three weeks He had canoe was about 100 to 150 yards dons but came up Harold Brandon known Reardon for two months and from the dock was also in the boat wzis friend of his litntss said they had engaged canoe the boat house to go for lf tzii We lftltlt irnn ned durum the winter vczicr gaze slltlll lllllfou then Mrs oi lrnzts cour but to in by ti local leader of th WWI Edi ivlrs Green Brad of England the re Ni iCusr1g my first DillfKtllll got two started off about eight oclock ACCOUNTANTS LEGAL BOYS BOYS Trustees etc Barristers Solicitors Notaries Pub Conveyancers etc at lowest rates of interest l3 Ow en St Masonic Temple auadmg names maramnion BoysJ Woods AMERON CAMERON BARRISTERS SOLICITORS ETC Owen StBirrie MONEY TO LOAN COWAN COWAN Barristers Solicitors Conveyancers Notaries Public etc 17 Owen Street Barrier OLA R055 Cowan FRANK HAMMOND BA KC Ilarrister Temple Bldg Barrie Vloney to loan DUNCAN McCUAIG KC BARRISTER SOLICITOR ETC Ross Block Barrie WELCII ANDERSON It COMPANY Chartered Account Crown Life Build Bob was lILlHt with school ChllOlOn Money and there my bl VIL wkl encily lll experienced can Speedbom cut oeist but had been in one before He had not beep in one before learned later quhad onmy light MUSIC IIISSONS the Com Elmvale drill without tunic he had on full battle dress We were just follewing the other fellowsangling away from the cessfully but was scared dock or We were takin our time Ever fruit WCIething went aldng alright we heard Babby laughmg We and around the west Side of the Edmund Hardy Mus 1110 IM Musical llieairy master of Si ARC Church Gold lie Telephone 406 colleetian and have lsarric Rest Soeiety MAYDEIC McAILICY ATI Teacher of Piano and Theory Organist St Georges Church ll5Bayfield St Barrie CHIROPRACTORS GEO ELSIE BURNS DSC Licensed Drugless Therapists Electric Radio Hydro and Mechano Therapy lop St MCKINNEY AL HEALTH SERVICE Naturopathy and llrugless Therapy WG Ethel WE Violet McKinney GraduatesNCC College and National College of Drugless Physleians vComplete Physical and Chemical Examination Essaqu Allandale Phone 891 OSTEOPATHY EDWIN WILSON BSA Do OSTEOPATHIC PHYSICIAN King Block Barrie Telephone 345 Office Hours942130 to ahdlby appointment VWORIAN ORDERTF NURSES Barrie Branchh Well Baby Clinic from 230 to 430 oclock everyWed nesday Application for nurses scr vices may be made dire ddcto sents for ed from Plariirwere made Library is 40 on the bbttom ofthe canoe When ever It was about 25 yards away We the boat rocked it ppcd oyer We Immediately he Peacock started My seemed to be heading into waves to turn the canoe about to the boys bUt dld net recall he 11 that came from behind The only thing thatcould have into the speed boat when We came Fund party sangseveral Rev Pais Solicitor etc Masonic SPeakersdtlilV TherrwereseveralwavesThe all been most Interestingand the cooperation of allthe ladies been splendid Hughes Secret Extra copies of The Examiner 5c PdeBdb Bad Blood the thrust Money to loan DONALD MacLAREN BA BARRISTER SOLICITOR ETC Masonic Temple Building Barrie MONEY TO LOAN MEDICAL DR BIGELOW Physician and Surgeon 39 Wen St Office Hours 12302200 76309 pm DR LEWIS Surgery and Diseasesof Women ChiefCoronerhCounty of Simcoe and DR MacPHERSON Physician and Surgeon Office58 Collier St 830930 am lZHIO and 6308pmr DR LITTLE Associate Coroner County of Simcoe ifvrand DR WILL Physicians and Surgeons Office 47 Maple Ave Tclephcme 213 Office hours to4v pm to pm or by appointment DR LAURIE Physician andSurgeon 110 Elizabeth St Phone Office hours 130339 700830 mourns Phy cian and Surgeon Owen St at Collier MilOffice Hours130330 7830 pmi Phone 700 Residence 41 Collier DR GEORGI SEYMOUR Physician andSurgeon Phone 405 wavesrcameimmbehind and were back toward the deck behind th its caused when the motorboat circled 82A Dun and tree GENER practic 5th the water notover ten minutes but Peacobk had when the accident happened The waves caught the canoe It Dr Fielder to the eagt rocked couple Of times andthen Dr EC Fielden Toronto path PteLDouglasSlplins recalled turned over to the rightl Smyth said the motorboat was 30 rem 139de bOdy June from 0f the canoe was the same 40 yards away at therma Itstestified that an internal examin boat that eventually picked up when boilgIstart to break out on Speed was pretty lively was ation of the body showed that one Smyth Time elapsed was approx dierent partsOf the body it is an going fairly fast He didnt pay d9 0f the heart was Emly The lately five minutes evidence that the blood is loaded up with impurities Just wheuyout Phone 10l5 pleasant banquet an awful lot of attention When the canoe tipped over Ilhead Inmy Oplmoh the cat156 0f Pie Dalton Finkbiener another threw myself c1an Reatdoh must ideath was asphymazfrom dfoWhmg soldier on the canoing party cOuld have hungvon because he was un he Stalw derneath arOund could see his feet work CanoeWthephenSvrtesnelat board He was quite some distance trig back and forth under the canoe they wereiabmhmo yards 01 from took hold of bhe edge of the the wharf when he saw speedboat canoe and turned it right side up It gomtng from the We to the easl Mrs Elizabeth Laird SimcoeHoa was fun of water Reardon camel saw the boat overturn and we i911 was rowboat on the water aftelr turned canoe owandhe med lortlm the Canoetamlmd near the whawwasiusfgro BlOOd Bltter 3929t9ll8nlhhp grabbed the side of the canoe He We didnlt haverrluch trouble negligence on the partof the oWner boilolplhouaanda have used it forgyms three feet awaywhen he came ridingjhepswelt We Only 39 the 0f the speedbuliiSb deClaredJ am purpose duringthopasteo yearn up He didnt make noise Heone The boat went dOWn pretty was out there and saw it all wasnt struggling but reached for lpwamLshlppcd little bit of water When the speedbanmming up the canoe dlidntknow at the and thats all only saw thetwo toward the dockwent by Betty was time bTitI have founding couldnt for an instant Withsssaia the soldiers were not Speedboat weredaughing The two iPhone 61 think you are rid of oe another cropsup to take its place and prolong your misery All the lancing and poulticing you may do willnotstop more coming Why not give that old reliable lblOodj purifying medicine Burdock talent ct orthrough Telephone vammNARIAN MING SURGEON Phone 811 charge of this MY Nlnetyfive dollars over tovthe War Fund proceeds of the February party It wasdecid ed to send 25 Institute Central WarFund Plans for the next Red Cross were left tothe Executive Miss Isabelle Neilly Gilford nursing sister Of sthe lash war Was the speaker She Eaveavry interesting sketch of thehistoryofthe disturbances in Shej thinks thatnwe take the Union Jack too muchfor grant member had prepared very attractIVe demonstrathn of feed novelties The meeting closed with community singing MaichThis Was the Legislation meeting The short piece on the motto The law is not made for iighteoas man Ihe roll call was answered by 96 daily SBWIQQYS till 10 law that women should know $6260wasrealiaed attheMareir social $316001 which was used to buy clothing Victims DR cm 200 was VETERINARIAN and 48 Bayfleld St Barrie INERS Take 131313 and get rid of the be lblood aid the bongtoo 051 MmlruRCo Lid Tomato META to Omc Swrm stroke seems RALPH GORDON Versatile High Class Hum orousEritertainerfor your next or Church or other En Lads Illustrated Circu Cra Office and Residence Corner ElisaV beth and Toronto Sts Phone 140 rHours 130330 700830 pm DR TURNBULL itertairirhen Europe The FREE Toronto DIRECTORS grammar DIRECTORS SERVICE phoned wford 10tft or Address 62 Graduate McGill University lice and residence comer Dunlap Phone 105 and Poyntz Sts Ours 910 am 13 pan 78 pm forum1mm convener ad ROBERT SMITH EYESIGHISPECIALIST 53Dunlop $tPhone 80 mIANCE Hour AUCTIONEERm mrhox LICENSED AUCTIONEER Phone Ivy for Britishwai donation or $1095 to the Library bya member wasre ported It Was decided to give the usual donation to the Horticultural Sdcfety Thgfcoiivcderjgiv vry ESSOR camcrutch 19 Iugged Ewe Tia it lI newlyliquor arseS 67256 arse Feed The Quaker Oats Company due to widespread demand for high grade horse foul of rmsunulilc price has perfected Quaker Tlmrolircil Hum Feed This reliable feed is carefully compounded to mch the bodily needs of hard working horses from whom steady output of energy is required without losing weight or condition More Easily Digested This unique feed is made from choice recleuned rlulped outs and barley cracked corn wheat bran alfalfa meal linseed oil cake meal soyabenu oil cube meul eulcium carbonate iOdized salt uml molussrs It is extremely pulutulile and the processing greatly aids the digestibility reduction of colic and other uilnwnfolowhieli liorseaarecommonlysubject If is the few In use if nll take pride in the health and appearance of your horses origin FOR SALE AND RECOMMENDED BY Simcoe District Co Op Services Authorized Quaker Feedibealer Baldwin St Phone 1407 ard he said No Ile did not choke mvthmh like that Th went back in to my boat house Flinn saw him he was up to hisi Witness Said fw minutes lisif reached for him bill couldntlmm the PM bitch the Wharf no him grasped for him but he We were talking with Archie 1went down and didnt 59 himllludson about five mmutcs when nflcin pain Wham isomeone hollercd theres boat the former ltSllfltfl the motorg Wimp said he couldnt give uhylturned over matter of minutes juststayedl Inspector Cox was out on me buy where Bobby went down and triedlwifh an outboard motor boat wit to reach him until the same Inotor mess said His wife and tallghtcl boat came along and picked me outwerc in it the Sniyth Charles Frederick Smyth done no drinking whatever They ihold of him and tried to not him in lif he hadnt tried to stand up Os Ite Stephens Witness thought it would be 300 Pie Douglas Milton Stephens one yards out to where it took place of those on the canoe partv was we LiUhtthtifrcdthat tlteonlyo hundnd the bmt mm is Llellillmd 11 Cum byv RQY er boil outwith the canoes was Peacock and were about 25 yards hspQCerCOXSI He Chuid not ac fmmRemdOn and smym count for boat cutting across be We had no sooner got into the cause he did notlake his motorboat canoe and got out into the bay when pacldleswone apieceand the front and was bac Smyth stated around them James Bowles James Bowles who was at laneys boat house on that evening said he saw the boat turn over and immediately called George Wright He heardSmyth call out something He thought the accident took place about third ofthe way across All We had passed the 5W9 Wrightsboat camc from the cast across our bow heading into the easton diagonal The swells were still pretty strohg iHe was about 15 to 20 yards was in the stern and had considerable difficulty in steeringtthe canoe in to the waves We managed suc south out into the bay looked around and we were manip jock He was there two or three wave came fu behind at an uhtinv up to that time In mat minutes talkm ro Archie Hudson angle We were both Sitting on the ter of seconds Bud Peacodclooked witness didnitgsge any other boat Wedidnt have our knees around and the canoe had turned gesjde the canoes Witness said he rented the canoes ther or not he asked them if they They were Just haulmgSmyth could operate the canoe Lieut Sam Ervinc Lieut Sam Ervine Hastings and es was motor boat along The can0e was upside down awe were sitting Lipgm eating theMerlpund the had much experience with canoe station in 35 feet3 inches or water ologist who cOnducteld postmort statedthat the boat thatcrossed in lwas no evidence Of injury of theumemptlqphpihkbieherc thrw no lightvgnlwhether or not the canoe turned Ple ROY Charles peacock the the boat that passed was amout away Mrs Elizabeth Laird frightened Thelma men in the wt Vt35793335337118 motorboat went Prince Edward Regiment testified that he undertook dragging opera The motorboat circled us and then canoes somew ere trons eventually succeeding In 10 mr headed back fOr the dock Witness Statedlhey had been out DorlSi Stephens sald havenl body about 200 yards out from the lhtywei on from the pier Ill line ll most from mod to up immaskcd when they rented the chime boys tlr llIfltllltlf in the canoe the canoe but failed to make it Ii llltl Cllltltl llitlllle IL lltdtllttl under the rdge of the canoel George Wright lhe spudboa wen around the fllliu and tile allilt turned over oizd slinsped Hobby by the arm and iiltlilltl Wlltllll owner of the mo illllllttl him up on top lip was ytorboat testified that he had been vim Iilllll across the canoe llislaroundthebay for about ten min liody is pretty well out of waterHulls Emerson Osborne was riding asked llobbv if he oultl swimn hmrd WWW man lolll with one soldier in ll and we be soldier with us said maybe they vir lllill tun We just stayed right there boat just tell the wharf it was lszcrent lioal than the other one that cute them to upset The boat that more out had lifeguard on ll at least was supposed to hr lifeguard bi cause he was wear ine shorts was different boat than the other one Asked question by juror wit ncss said All lm saying is it would have lllill too bad if it had been my boy have three sons in the Can adian Army and they can all swim and one of them would have been able to rescue that boy The life guard jtlslttoil and looked into the water Pie Sinyth rescallcd said he lid of the water When got about halfway out not make he remark that Reardon Sinyih said he and Reardon had the first lad disappeared Igrabbed was Salllltlill Hi Im Ilzirry llzinimoncl He II II lllllllzlllfl said they had left the dock licfore the others and were about lilt yards There was boat moving first between us and the dock was going around in all directions Witness said the boat was an out board lllililllllli with clapside thh did ii That an 7i ya iiefHam mond was dufinitc that the boat which circled between them was the same as the one which picked Smyth up Emerson Osborne Emerson Osborne passenger in Wrightsboat said he had been riding on the surfboard dont igntcmber came at all he said We were riding around off Car leys boathonse dressed in Carn leys boathousc Later we went out and circled in the bayswin iownrdvthe station first and then out around the dock We werent going too fast What do you think of the sug gestion that it was sivell from your boat that upset this boat Well it might have recked them but it wouldnt have upset thcm distinctly heald Smyth say that Bobby had stood up Osborne stated VERY POPULAR Bowel complaints of Ghildren to diarrhoea dysentery colic cholera infaritiim andetlier b0wel com plaints Every mother shouldkeep bottle of Dr Fowlers Extract of Wild Strawberry in therhome as pro tection against Sudden attacks of these troubles Dothe no eThefBarrie Examiner carried 33076 lines ofClassified Advetising in 1940 with an average of 125 adlh lets per issue Results have done it It wasnt offthewharf but further During the hot miner and early lifall months Inf tr children Aland especially those teethingire amen ytlirnerrand untried remedies Consider your Achild shealthi Get Dr Fowlers P0l80l It has been successfully used by the market D0ntaccept substitute You all ll enjoying MriI of my M317 cosmopolitan Montreal Me era7 village Flam Minimal wwallexpensespoil My copy or dIdlidll vacations venom on tellyIlia mini limo am and pnlmsqitolfamng laircl of rural vbzmltlitechj MW afarMEG 411529 if MW Miami 47 MW PM Oqeletgdze me 45 hit Ibiping grandecr RotM In fire pm WW gm of cashdrkcowrlluenl madel WWWIM rmam all Bu Travel laformqlon al DUNLOP MULCASTER 81s PHONE 62 thousands of Canadiaumotbers din mg the past 94 years it hambceu on Gaming genuine fDr Eowles Hmll Milhnrn Cnuhlltd Toronto one

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