use 52 niuuum Juli llill 7777 77 was MWMMNII Stroud Wins Rose Bowl For County The Best Report Given At Record Of itsPeople South Simcoe Annual InThe Armed Services 77 Illtlil Vi ill 77 111171177V 111i IlItI7 ltlti 111 linlllik i7 ii ltIllIlll 17 11tti 11 tltlliil Ciro lllt canvassir corilizil WtlttHltt Your application will uiit prompt and 2711 11 iii Wiiiin gt 1131 iittlriittt rorerilestrvt much praise for thelp ilit lllt NilWH 11V L1 71 11137 to tho lltitllltllllCtllllllbllllitll to this worthy plan lioarii and it is llltptdlllili when Im ll lIILI 1mm the war is over verv Ctllllltill 17 gtinn and 111 litlLt in tho stain ECeriVmka wwmg Um MI lI MN71 111 WW lmll lian and armed activities tlllilllg I11 VI VI 7l7 77 IIII Hi awn11 itL It II IIl 1mm 111 V1 II VI1IHI ll mil7111 lilttItn colors loinnth VV mom prt1lint dining tln liot sum mr 11III1ImI I11oi huiclii VVV lmcmnr bVI VVVICVIVVVIVIdV Mm 5i II IIIEIVMI t7 V1 77 1111 min lllt 117 iVlHWl Iii1 WW7 II IIl 11mi llv 17111 7i 1m ti ll liliilitll til llll Juli tltglldlttl Ill 71 lio art1 rtioI 1n VVVVVVVV VIVNHVVtVVV VVV dVVIV VVV HS Vm 47u 77 7777 77 VV Vi VV VVVIVIVVVVVnIC VV VV VV VV VJ 11ml illk 11111111 or 111 7xit If Iisired earn1117011 lei111 if iritnuiit 11 llrliitl twin271 retir in Ih III WW Mll In actilitmn to 11n itiotis com lll Llittl man humus tLLitlrtl lllttl II l7 71 Jot No plro elippnw MIIVKQ eonr1114 thi Vmu rpm1 rmuu HVu VIV VVIV VVV VV VVVV VVV VVV 11 117 lVlt 11 and lllttlIVhVI VMVHW VVIVIVVVIVIVVV HVVV mm VV VV VnVV VVVV hV VVV tV VV Him MM hVVIh as VVIVIVV oonto iiiiiitis as all or Ir VV VI llltl antl 1irlt7 fall llltilllllrl it gtVlV1V71lVHl horn11 111111 lintn liintitiitw VI VVVV mum Immdpm mm Vll tum7 llmtllll ll leel county and its people Will be Summer Mn In of mat rs II 11111111CIltClllllC li 17 llt wII KIIIIV II WWW f1VIlnVII iittlltl from nuntn Dunn it aiildblt fol ltlUUlU Alld llllor troubles lint tliarrltGa dysentery iiTl 131tlaswt7l iltv1itieanl West III II 7V VVVVIIVVV il 1Mll 7ll 17 711 IlJttliINlltxllllll1gt 11 11 11 lln 1111 um iIViiV Ham hii snpm oi lio scheme liolh itigts11liiiit lllt 111111 lllllltl taiinsinoie nun unrhm H055 VHIHVVVIV VV VV VV an VII VHV no It dIiI VVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVV VVVVV VVVVV VVVVVVVVVVVVVVV VVVVVVV 1111 piithV lttitltlt lo not hot local papers in pool has hem lllSIl Ip 11111 llttI1t71 tiltIv mil1 llt tuni iiznler the stiliervrsiou 1m 113 VV VV lllt ciliat sclnnn is on olllll 1C2 DWPDSCSV mI Wm lV SClWL 51ml Vli tlillillitllllIl Samor Sh sp iki lirafly siresnil 11 lllillllt lll titlinens in honi II IVVI VII 7l Ill ii =11 1111771r 11 hoard ttlieiont Al 17 Clissitnl ir11ligtii1 han ziiv oh litllil tll ltlllltitt lt lllIJ lium til VIV IV v11 1111 new VVV VIVIVVVIVVVVVIVVVV VVVV VVVVVVVVVVV ltt 1111 of tliist 11o him 1V wars on lllt altr1 tor llt tllliSl 11111 II HVV VVVVVV VIV Vh VIVV1m i5 Nl VVV7VVVVV llU llowtl iiililili tiltllttllilll llilltlttn tary huntli the exception 01 IIIl MIlnllllm mmlllu lII Landof Our llirth and lcar Laini it the co of lllllllll5 stationery 113 0Ul 103l015kWV mmtr urn1 51 11 iitttssit oi Distints EcttuV II II ir it and desire to pili III II II II 53 tlllitt VIVVVVV 117 winter Lin 11 ch 1vttii7r onl lllllII VoIVIVi VVVI mva 11 117111 viifin illll 111 Imi1i7 thi lll1IVIrVVVIVl All 11 111 ltt 11 lane the ori iiliiiitttitl in tillllttlliitl vith thgz 01 WY lttlui ill lolliitlli VlitllllS lt Imi 1i 117i taint limit IVVVV VVVVVV VVVVVVV VVV Vi VhVVV VVVV DVVV 1111 at in tum oi tln t1r iro gti Dosing 131113 VmbimaV mmSV MCVV anyone who has enlisted tor activi colic irainps ainl pains in the in 1511ng 1y1ocn39V01 this howels SllOllltl liavoiinnicihatonat llllll ml tontion fizry thiil 1VltII 111111 Iiontstl done is ti contribution WW T111 lnnir MINISTER or Axon liiltlitilve nInisir ill7liiLltbSi schools VV ia 11 Cllllillliiit ripor 7rd in 111s lillllllll riptirts reconnd lint ail indicate lIiiltlIiitlitl Hl cziiiirtl 111 throatEr out 1111 lstiit print deal of saknkss llltl llillltlltlt 11$ niilagc of very hail roads llilltl lIllllCl in many ltlLllLtl mttilllg atid late vliah will 17 1717119 by the chair man of tin horn1 inc tititen sten VV Wm V1 ppm my mnmmIVV1VIIH titliiltilltls 11 Brampton 111w volun it post neliarenients Do not ll7llItlI lllli WWI737 lCIMllWCHln dwell on llllgtl ruinls but look for lIll 15 11 Work for the purpose 111l iml 11115 mm1 1glmlII 11 triniterring the inlornmtion 1111 igttit it His va to he done f51111Ilttilv ill131111171 lll NHL 7Iii iii1p Ko williner Illldlltld by 11 wailme and Rm me such large 1iiinilier 01 people in alt1111111 iipoitiir 11111 Fed the county has made the completion Encourage all oigaiiizalions 27 7in7nitnr anti Education nice in any branch of our armed forces tlit7y art pktzl to ttiiiiiiiit irate the name and address 11 both the enlistcc and the nextotkin to the supervising recorder of the pro per area In this very important 11 worEVi the County of Peel has stepped out in front of all the other counties in the Dominion llieaition of Dr Fowlers llxtrael of Wild Htinwlitriy is pleasant rapnl relialile anl ttJJitual in help 111 to check the unnatural liti cliarges It has been on the market fortho Vpnst lll yearsfso wliy experiment with new and untried rtnntliesl lot Dr Fowler and feel safe This MillinVin Co LtdIIoIionto Ont 51 77 reports eiatii limo1 mettints 11 was re 77 77 Mrs ClarcnceICoony lhornton guti m1 we mmmoV 5111 Whit li island to 7117 arr 7711 17 lien Voii ltlill 7o11i tttltllllfJ lo VVoii clear Itfiiillil by Miss lriizi Tilt311 poiz ttIilIlltIlIltlI lIlSllllilEItJIlI tIlit antl tlilincl owr lllllltllttl IolI llllVltri of ltlt at the 112111111 Boaril mom14 VV VI 77 phoni line tlnii repeater lulus artIii action II VMTS Ethtm VlVVIIl5lil llk Chiliiw AILgym Suggpsmd 11 its 17 mu Hm lNIl ll llnlrzlhr ll IIII tiltngIvIvIttIo pm mat mm jbiIIlliIl lhlhfiwpf lor liiiw lar it is llilClllllL 17 HHIHC OUVfh lliltc RIVUS Qtllbh Lu t1 Pals e1iii support of lllllllCS lightlul piano solo and my in 0mmme DWI For Community Health grammus StllI supporting branch do not 1in ints3 grant11 obtain lLrflIlld IslilJILLIItliniiltl all Cdi l1 l5 11 bi used for educational purler 1117ID1S35 prms iluitl ante of public llutllll Vsc VVVV VVd VVV VI IVVV for South Simcoe David 5111111 77llll7 tomes outlincd the steps already 121th in elc HIV7 bIlIillChcs Sde to the drafting of sixmoiiths pio pr$lledCVVgtIl b7VIlVlVll 91110 uramme on Communit Healtl lltl again cation and emphasizeyd the iIti1 CNEj Ila IIWIIO Spam $3100 for mobile field kitchen Two were 7tentliiir its seo 1e lblmy or 7bmphs fonowmg mtg purchased and possibly third In V7 VI VColmn to lllm programme The booklet was avail Cowmuc CVVVVMmen t0 Vhe oiinils Rmeaicli has made the telephony able at nominal costu FWIO WEIV equal to wartime The programme covers school SIlmlniiiiriiii loiillicckos domnmlgV VV health public IhCilllh and lethal oertizvonI i7 reIcIucstdd IIrIivest health was decided thathirs in in V1510 11mm VVas ur ed Mrs JLVloVan and Mrs 1ae ImI Vule VVV knd to imewi Directors to takennines of conveners to their branch and all business un counc1ls of Essa Innsfil returns 11 Manager VV und WV GwmimbmyV asking UV VV detaken by District MVVVV ICV VVV members are urged to sup cooplamnIm SIlb port Canadian aiidBiitish pro taVblisn centres thiougnout the Dis ductSV USeVJam and less Shortem PU ing the oil used in shortening is mud Takes Trophy from MeincliiiiimJandisCanadian thMissdCollinshread the diciVsVion of product Buy Canadianwarid buyI in geont reports It Dis trict Miss Chapman the judgexhad And again all branches are asked difficulty deciding bethscnCiiolTs to continue their work Think well Tdnd Slrtoudstbutdflllillly gaveI before disbanding Publicize your er ecision Io 19Ll Jrosc Vworla keep your activities Well 152 bowl was presented to Mrs metricpublic Send only girls in Marquis and Mrs Small amidz terested in work to Girls Work the applause of the ladies As this courses is th second successive year StroudI Branches should bear in mind has Won first place the trophy passVthatIIthEy must carry their own ex es into its permanent possession penses first Fees and other obli This branch deserves the hearty gations must be met lirst before C6ngrammmnsI H153Ireceivmlgundswmkwmnded on Vme VVVV th VV eV VV 31 VWI 3113 3312111351212 Weed Control during The prowding ofihefoodstuVsforcinEmp1rc uiwmis GPfsidlgiousV year701 great service to home and war thVinough contacts with members undertaking Fortunately for our fortunes at war We CanIaccomi WWW Officcrs Eleted anng$iez1Zre are urged Ipllsh this withgomparativeedse and littleer no disturbance of MVSVWVV Stewartgm the RPM can oggbVehrcadv foVViVVrcestiiish our regularfarming regimeVAbundance is our problem of Nominating Committee and pre Eggrzndfdfzrwg 711 dial Eggs sented the slate for 194142 Mrs algae durig meI year riIBranches are Edom Wilson of Victoria Harbor VI 7t toductea electionlethme Mm 335231355Eiiilriiilgecgiimiiin zeszllSugigggMlggiidgl gramme for the yearHealth VEdIu wood Pres MnsI Bobt K011 muon Agrlcmmre and Commmmy to rr on oeration II ici co more enty to meet the presVeni difficult canditionsIIlhus modern form machineryVheIpIs ciQriculturo meet theVpeculiur challenge with which if is confronted in mdkinngII AI7 its Contribution to Canadas and the Empires war efiort WHATEVER HELPS AGRICULTUREa HELPS CANADA 77777777 lIorineily these repeater tithes rednireil as much electricity as l3watl lamp and lasted iilvii lItw wetks llell Ililtplione restarch antl nianiilIattiirt have developed lllltC that now lots littier Viol lasts 20 times as lone VoiisunnsIl oi the powtr and cost alioutIa quarter of the ltltl tulin That just an cxanipleof what research is 10 mg for telephone service improring it ex 1V To produce stich greotquontiesof form productstith minimum 70f labor rIeleasingmqfor more Iclirecf War aVctivitiesis the Via triumph of modern powrfcirmingV which wilhits timeSaving multiple operdiionthind costredUcing equipment helps the funnel VV Activities Continue standin Com Gilford lst VicePres Mrs Allan Churchill 2nd VicePres mittee convene already eketad VMODERN FARM MACHINERY HELPS AGRICULTURE Mrs Roy Goodfellow Stroud Sccy 251 V323 three mall Treas Mrs Monkman It Wasdecided that the Boardef COOkStown AuditorMrs MilneiAl Directors discuss and decide what liston assisted by local accountant further support the District can Fed Representative Mrs Btibt gierme Federation of Agriculture DlStliCt Director Mrs RObL Kcll Iiljhe annual for 1942 will be held Standmg Icomymee convenes in Cookstown Alliston extended Agriculture Mrs Patterson an int112111011 for1943 AVllandaVle Canadianization Mrs The presime Miss Dinwoodyex ggkyyame7ommuriity77 Activ tendcd77thanks77to gtIv7yf0r7 their kin itiesI and Relie IMIS Macaul hospitality especially their excellent TOIttenhm Educalmn MIS luncheon to the officers andall who KSnnedY Barrie Health Mrs assisted with the programme with Bredon Alliston RR Historical special reference to thegirlstIItem BoyeslIAnemate Miss memas In Cookstown Next Year77 gircbgglssicrI from MInIISIIIgI EY Bradford Legislation Mrs Sriglcy The Examiner has until claimed Holly Peace and International Rc circulation but one guaranteed by VV II 7H Vlalmsu Mrs MCDeTmOlti Ivy chartered accountanta auditV