Ontario Community Newspapers

Barrie Examiner, 12 Jun 1941, p. 16

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VVV Ordinary Seed Com MongelTurnip Rape5ugczr Cane Sudan Gross etc etc Help 111111 1111 Job VV iii 111 111111 BONDS 11 lioncs 1111 and 114 3110er co 111 51111 11 xiii ld Shun1111 111 1ii11 1lo rel1 v11 ol ili1uli 91111 by 1101 11 Pit1 Victor Mi 1iii iii1111111 11111 pitanail 11111 coir11121 111 11111111 1111 111 11 llt11111111 111I11111111 ti1ltllli 3A 12 liso1 1110 Walker Cald1 accepted c1111 1ir rlltti 11211111 by 1111 V11 Iiivttl for payment 11 my 11o 11111111111yum1 ll11ltl Anderson VIlmi 11 lLn l11gtllll lilt1lltil x11 111111 110011111 11111 1111 111111 11 iVVcII 111111 Iii111 11111111111 1111V VV y1111 11111111111 to the Ion11 VVVV lit1urcr llttt iiirais iiiii1 iiov 5111 111111 This wan accepted 111 111 1V 2111 tll1lts of 11 1111111 LN1 11VL1 1hi1 was 11111 11 fee days 111 1121 111 51111s1 fully 111 111 C1 ik School Sun1 11st llllllllL 1111 oiiiiiil liiid 1111111 oici township 11111 111121 1111 1112111 Supt was 11ii 1111 lions 1121111111121 various lends111 ork to be done 1cpuivl1cvc liidliopc 111111 111 UxVV 131100 from McMillan for salt5 o1 wood on Bass Lake Road Can wr 1111 NOW 1oi11111n 111 givci you complete sprint service on 1111 types of cars 211111 1r11ekspriugsVIVHI made to order also radiators re 111 paired and iccorcd Tubes and rct liners for all makes of cars 1111111 1H 111 11111111 loioi llClllCCl Road Supt Bell ll11llti lii trucks Satisfaction guaranteed Oll $31 Instructed to issui clicuucs 111 lllVl mum rofunmV 111 kits iiicnt 101 VSillllt The various accounts biInrc tini Council were passcdior punkn 11111111 liou Domlnlon Auto wrecker VVVVV iand Count11 11111011111111 to mot1 VVVVIVV1V 011 11 11 511k 11 again oii1liiiid1v July in iv next Sunday 1111 11111 STl 151111112111 David McCiinn Sunday gt1 Damage Due to Tth SIOL 1111 1111111111 dsL Thursday ir and Charles Mills Jr Essa Township will pay 11 bounty of five dollars effectivc Jan 1041 to any person dc he troying any wolf 111 the township Ml after satisfactory proof has been given Vthat the County Treasurer ias paid abounty on said wolves motion to this effect spon aored by DeputyReeve MClV tor and Ceuii Jennett was pass one day last week ut the regular meeting of 11111 Township Council held at Angus on June Sheep owners In Essa have suf fered very heavy losses supposed ly from dogs but the recentcap ture of six wolf puppies in iliatiMlS township has given added strength tothe belief that wolges fiViaveVhad part in ravaging ticks Before this bounty had been dc Kuubum cidVed upon Council had passed 11 ofcvr$100 11 njured and tees Those making McMullen sheep and two injured 83000 T111111 ilielotte last week BusiiieSs orV TFToiiTlie al is shemnHlambs killed and injured $4950 Cochrane ifPleasure IUDATIIEEVE 25Good Models of the 1940 Chevrolet Coach 1939 Chevrolet Master Coach Josepiymouih Sedcin In addition to above and number of relief bills the follotv mg werftheinain payments 11114 thoiized Eaer Woolsley eolleeting garbage at Angus $4000 John Ellis constable $1100 Department St Georges WA Coxworth relief officer $700 letter was receivedifronithe their approval to contract for glisegltgv gggshosglsgd drawing gravel in 13553 Twp The following verVe appointed as 331d111yhfxilgfngeimg recruiting committee ingEssa Charles Mills Jr VJas Dawson Allen Miller Lyon VV onicic oac JagsE egg gogem 13th your 1911 tingfromVThe =ltr4wWm Th va VBllfFleEXmlhel fastautomhtif Buick Sedan BOARD OFVHEALrH pressEs and fine assortment of type The selection of dumping place for garbage was left to the 1931EssexCoupe RS decision oi JV pail DrxWest V1 anVrIinhG gaming Reevg oar recommeu at Pontla SeVdan all children 111 the township be given Voxoid treatment againstl Mfr ITV if 77 Tights paidr Dr HOTIofrik 1936 FordiVPVotnel Truch ttonV$0220 ViVispecticVVanand iOXVODld reamenY rep WtEVst $58VL00V sanitary gnspecfn an quar er yV sa ary ert Quay ruinigating home $400 V11 FOR TORONTO TELEHONE 3123 83811 51121119511151 Fl 11 1111 51101035 cutvnoter SN aVAaiex OLDSOM $1522 DhrVfCarr$32V25 N$ 08x wor years 511 ary 82 COURT or REVISION aSalrbue H01 Btaintlngi WI JJ lMcMaster Haugh Banting Jennett XE 235111 ml Coxworth clerk and eon Whiteslde assessor There was aFlldays 011W only one Rgllfpeald against the As bSat Siin Hol sessors an he assessment Ve AEESSQLWgs Bus Travel Information At be of dogs were the roll having died since as sessment was made After revis ing the roll to page 81 the Court adjournedto meet in Angus on June at oclock Etienneloo Vi9wBonds 52 =1 111 1111 111111 131 111 ycel Vi 1l J11ll lit VV Et 111111 s1 11 11 1111 at 11 IE1 ouitc 111 11 Oro Tax Arrears on 191 31 111 11 11 11111111 12111112 Turned OYCI Ic was vi llil and S111 To County frcasurcr 11 1V 1111 home int111 111111111 Iiiiii Loiuicll VV inotid ounell 111111 Mrs 11111 tioiipo 111 tliiiLti plcndid sui 1111111 111111Lc1i for 111 1111 111111 on the 11111 111 111 siiiiccc 1111 13111111111 was 21 121111in 1111 ladies ltuv 1111111 1111 lililiitlii acted ti1iiiV1iid Mr 111211111111 111111 oi SIigtlll iictil mes of ca 1111111 vows 11yearold heifcu 111111 indeing competi mllEilllkl 1111111 1iiiiiiiiiiiiily 11111111 31111 cciivcncr VVUVVVIMWIYV II open to all v1 much 11 ill11111100 llllltllw on iod 1111 WW IIUWI urtidci lllt ordered 11 Hum hm1 11 newt1 111 til 11111111111111 111 their 111091111 11 Moiiiav 1111111 decided 111 11111 new church on the si 11 1111 one litilllt down Tin 111112 115111 was its 111 favor of and two against The 1111 now 1111 lie llfllltis 111 1111 1111111s to advertise 1111 endi Plans were submitted by V11t1klll in Newmarket Vine with her sister Miss Al 1111 report 101 work done11111111 M1111 My 11 liiis was accepted and licasiirii 01113EMkhgigmlmt mL and Mrs Rose Markham were at Sloanlioliiie Cottage Cedar Har VVV ilowers for sale proceeds in aid Hm 1m mimm ChurcnliVof War Victims Fund Cannon las 11 volunteer is asking for more volunteers in gathering scrap iron etc for Red Cross r1rmnMrsWflones and 11unilv visited VBecton relatives 0111 Mr and Mrs Fair and 1am 1y Toronto at his home Jack ll 1311111 visucd then aunt Mrs ROVVCCV TVVVVOVVVOV with momeLV 1V Mrs Royce Miss Marie Byers Toronto withmMrs Boyes J1 Miss Jean Watt Toronto at Wm Stewarts The Churchill Jr Institute will meet the evening of June at lthc home of Ruth Hughes The Legislation eonvener Mary Irving has for her speaker Mrs 01 Allan Those wishing to become members are asked to bring fees to this meeting Congraiuliizions io Percy Varcoe Count11 Thinks Much of Sheep 211111 Miss Frances BClillClOllL who Mr and Mrs Errol Banting and tilt for Sheep ibubv 81111111 spent Sunday with V1li and Mrs Tiirnbull and itlllllVB11Xltfl were Sunday visiI tors with the foriners brother and MrsVasey and Russell of VVasey visited the Mc 1ni C1 11111 lies rind Andrew Millers met on Sergt and Mrs MeMurrav and ison Billie Kingston visitedthe ilzittcrs parents Mr and Mis Ber Sinccre sympathy is extended to George EEllis and family 1111 the loss of his sister Mrs Lorne Ross Hamilton Those attending the drama from here were M1 and George Ellis Mr and Mrs Ernest Ellis John Ellis Mrs ElphickVD Miller and Austin The late Mrs Ross re sided here number of years ago Visitors this week were Mrs GeorSmittranddaughtersTMldi land with their aunt Mrs Rich Vard Bell Mr and Mrs Maurice Begtty 110101110 Alex Dempster an fami Collingwood and Jim lambs killed 31200 D5 Dempster Camp Borden with Mr $111 M31sCWV1VI DVSmpsterg Mr and 1s on ewton Room Limb klnedv $1000 1with Mr and Mrs Gilbert Iiiii The St Georges WA nieL at MisJ McCanns June 3with 77 an attendanceVof twelve members and three Visitors of HeathV VVVSVHVVVV $3310 JV Millei lead an interesting item Love Hone Discu Whiteside assessor $21000 11 the annual garlden palm 24 took place Authe close of the Department OEVV Highways giving meeting the dc1VJVngiegationa meg N0 nasggp and scrub inslirnywater1A soltition of GillettrPurc Flake Lye just liftsoff grease layers loosens hardbaked food takes the drudgery out of washing up Keepa V1111 always handy Davis$320 Banting 740 am 105 pm 530 pm 850 pm The rst sitting of Court of Revision was held on May 27 The FOR NORTH BAY Court was composed of 940 am xa 445 pm 111111161 Mulcstcr st Toronto0nt 51mm 1111 111111111 EXAMINER minus osr CANADA EDENVALE Hybrid Progressive Action Taken By Womens Institutes on New Community Health Plan District Annuals Declare in Favor of Programme wait EFFORT Questionnaire Will 10111911 Communitys itVtlilpA 1111x 111111n Eur V11 ii 11111 1111 l111ll 111 1111 prol 111111 lll twilin phasi 21 111 11111 b1 91101111 1111111 gtltillt5 1111 wholt starting 1111 army 1=l of 1111111L1 11 11 111 1121111111111111y111111g 111 11111 111111 1i1i1 l1 xi 121 nscss llli 1111 11121121111 11c 1xpcc 11111 School Health pro 11111111 111211111 11nd 1111 11 llocl 11 Systsiii will in dcvolari to 11gt 1111 coi 5111111111 by 1111 local branch to 1111 v1 121 1iiiiiiiiiiilys 111211111 Supply Study Ilii1iiil 1111i11l together with lltltllllll 1111 oiiiiiiiiziity 1111 Training 111111 1i1 llllll1l11lVll 11i expcttd 111211 11 each 115 iii l1 11111111p sci 11 b1 11111 111 1111 1111 to assist 11s CHURCHILL Miss Marion Proctor spent the Mrs Bennett Midland is stay Miss Lillian Sloan Toronto and Mr 21nd Mrs Wicks 11nd Ml Harry Cannon is offering c1111 Sunday visitors Byard Donnel Blue Bird Group of Girls WA LillsGiease1 quitizi11121111undifiiniiiuui 1ii Special Coniniittco emphasized 111c importance of war effort of 1111111 1111111 and increasing the health of 1111 cur1111 body They pointed out 11111 11111 preprc11by inc 1i Ill engaged the general liciillii oi 1111 community and 1111 nation is i11 factor in victory and they Vpcinicd to the acts of various other V1l1illlZllltill 111111 to llCSitlciil ml ltooscvclls Lend11311511 speech by lllll the importance of national health as 21 victoryfactor was lhis new development in prostrcsstd once in Toronto on Thursday Miss Neilly is in Richmond 31 Hill for few days this week ed over Sunday Mrs Robt Kell having fine success in their ef 1orts to meet their objective of eece Saturday 31411211 chuich with nine present Those taking part were Norma Willson Joyce Matcliett Ethel Hunter and Flor ence Flower Missionary sewing was engagedin and potluck supper enioyed Ion June 20H if 20er ANDBANS NVerer dissolve lye In hthvaatei The action the lye 3te 71 eat the water Tuesday June 10 FREE BOOKLET Vlhe Gillettl Lye Booklet telll him this M111 cleanser clears cloned drains keeps out ousculeannndpdbxlcubydutvoyina guru contents of the closet how it performs dozens of tooin Send for free copy to Standard Brando Ltd Fraser Ave and Liberty Street llMti YOI $500 TU SPARE 11 you have llYt doilais to gt1llt why not put it 3110 1111 initial payment on Victory boiiil T11 this start you have to add less 1111111815011 week ior five months to pur 11211 11 $5000 Build This may purchase plan holds good for buy 111g whatever sixt ol bond you 1ch able to finance BUY BOND AND BEAT EITHER of 1111 11111111111 i1 tic ll111111v1 czdcti 111 1i 111 51111111 l1illklli 1Il1llrL the vioik of only 111111 1111 Stunting 01111111111115 ll v11 llikl ll 1111110 111 torturinticis 1111 111111111 111111 Commun 11 111Lllt yoiiit coniniiltcc oi loiiiiniinity 11111111 and to prepare gizilitl piogiaiiinie 111111111211 for list if the lot11 branches The Coiiviir V11 11 1111 Special 111111111111111 cx liltshtll llltll 1pii1ci111oii of the 11111tllltll l11ll Smith of tin 11 jvtlllllllllill lifc Irunuiig Institute 11 1111 preparation of the study 11111 11111 111111Icoiiiiiiiiiiiiy 1111 11111112111 111111111 Is rural exten 1111 gt131lt1 sponsored by the lltltrV mmww ii1iiiciit of University Extension University of Toronto and 111 1111 1111 11111 111111 Association for Adult induct 11111 The Community 1111 111 1111111111111 1111 programme the 111 101111 war such as We are onions Mim Rob1 Rotliwell spent several days in Toronto this week Wilford Neilly attended Conic13 Dr Clifton Kell Oshawa visit ers Hussey Alliston spent few days this week with her bro tlier Frank Kell Mr and Mrs Edgar Baleiiian and Joan were weekend visitors at Toni Nesbitts The Victory Loan canvassers are Mr and Mrs Roy Stauffer and Loreene andMrsfrrankStaufferfl Washington 0111 visited at Lou Ivcillys for the Weekend The many friends of Floience Luck are wishing her very speedy recovery from her operation at the General Hospital Toronto Scott Neilly has been transfer red from St Hubert Quebec to Trenton and RD Louie Neilly is also in Trenton taking advanced training Ewart Baker has secured posi tionV in Toronto So also has Dick Gibbons and Jim McDon nell This leaves our village very scarce of young men Sorry to have to report the criV tical illness of Mrs Eben Sawyers mother Mrs ICairns patient in the Royal Victoria spital Barrie Mrs Cairns pas away The farmers in thi localltyare in need of several Vd ys rain Hay crop is drying out The wheat is heading out wth the straw very short and one with straw berry crop will have none if the dry spell keeps up lBAXTER Mrs Parson moved laVst week to her new home in Barrie Miss Barbara Srigley is visiting with Mildred McQuay Barrie Mrs Foster is visiting at the homeVother son Norman in Chat waikom Stratford spt Sunday with his Vbrothen Walkom Art Worrall left on Tuesday for Halifax NS having been transferred Mrs Miskey Dartmouth NSl parents Mr and Mrs Ruddick is visiting her Mr andMrs Edgargand 1am ily spent Sunday with Mr and Mrs Sinalley Alliston spring croo Congratulations to Mrand Mrs William Hunter Thornton who celebrated their golden weddingpn Mr and Mrs Ruddickmo tored to Toronto onSunday to see the formersmother Mrs dickcw110 is very ill Mrs Regen Desjardine has re turned to her home in Sudbury after few weeks with her father Walkom Who is very ill vice on Sunday Mrs Ferguson Stroud Chas Campbells MA 4mberfremhereatten pupils for their excellent work For Free Estimate with Mi and an sseveralwverynbadlyworriekbv Rain is very badly needed in these parts The frost and dry weather ETC bad forithe The Sacrament of the Lords Supper Will be Vobserved in the rchurehfbereeonSundayevening and pr aratory service on Wed nesday evening Mr Little Allis ton will be in charge of the 50 Weekend visitors Mr and Mrs Milton Laugheed and Patricia Ann Toronto at Herb LougheedsMiss Muriel Shular and friend Toron to at JackVDunns Mr and Mrs ComptoriiRobson Barrie Mr and the musical demonstration at Thornton on Friday evening We congratulate the teacher Miss Me Dowel also the rnusic teacher Mrs McKelvey and the school Thursday June 12 1941 it if 411lt11 11 Feed Costs coat of feeding for heavy egg production With 13 ltulUlcp Egg llusli 173 whole 111115111111 lygiiiruteli grain your fViVctl may cost 115 much 15 15 to 20 less In this combination of grain and lulllcp 111 lzisli is wonderful balance of feed values exceptional yilziiiiins minerals and pronins to help liens maintain 11 high standard of lltllllll and production Make nun upointloom11515001111111 Ntiilvit 1111111 and youll repairs to worry you and own new furniture MAIVVE ON OUR DSIMCOE D3111 RED CEDAR 0001 SANTFORD SLABS Mollty 11111 Buy Baldwin St irrtisiir Relieve Asthma and Hay Fever Quickly with meet at Mrs Victor on June 18 at pm Mrs Kidd were Miss Joan Kidd Ml and Mrs Ewart Kidd and daughter Mr and Mrs Fred Promoli Miss Gladys Andrews of Toronto and Miss Gazy Kidd of Orillia Davis House Damaged byFire Fire bioke out in the home Henry Davis Sunday afterno in an upstairs bedrooni It ap parently had been under way some time when noticed by the fam ily who were iirthe other part of the house The larm was im mediately sounded and through the heroic efforts of the volun teer fire brigade the fire was confined to two bedrooms Con siderable damage was done to the contents of 111 Wovrmms The Ask for KVILEYLEAGHV LL Wedding bells are ringing Mrs Bert Huddleston is visiting her sister in Midhurst Florence Sturgess Toronto spent the weekend at her home Mr and Mel Cooke and Rodgers spent Sunday at Robt Rodgers ScotLSharueJaad sheep killed degs this week GUTHRIE Guthrie Institute The monthly eetingvof GuthrieT Womensjnsfituxflegwillbe held at 11111 111111 You ToWCall 109 an EN aw PANY llMlTEVDV BARRIEDNT KELLOGGS wwwwCouns evyrbeepiacedfatthe will Diekers on lTliursday June 19 1118 pm Edgar WMS and WA meet at Mrs Howard Brandons 1111111 1155s INDIA 00f Pills fiirLAZYLIVERS Clowes Womens Institute will Coax your liver to healthy actionl Help it keep tho Bile juice owing with Dr Morsas the im proved vegetable laxative reliable remedy by name at your druguistc 1115111111 111111111 2311d111n$g110cgntents were cover Mrs Besses on Thursday af See in Natural report of the convention will be given Hos tesses MrsJ Gilchrist Mrs CB cartMcGuai Thousands liar found faster tell Neuritls Neurnlgia Rheumaticwlaeiiisfiiliig sules because theycoutnlanREEJngredi In Onerelievcs Pain almost instantly mmmation aVs to bias i0 the other stimulates and afresh induces benecial laxatliuiyofthiietliiier NOW RELIEF WITHOOT REACTION 35 WINTERS SUPPLY Now BHQNE 881111 ternbonJune 19 JeaniGraywill C0151 JaSPPr bigge take as her subject What WeI National Parkon the Con them See dllTKIieRockies withjasper Park Lodge as your headquarters Theres plenty to do Come via the smart airconditioned Con tinental Limited Low SummerVRail Fares Yo local enlwlgladlylurnisli Headaches wrth Buckleya Cinnumated Cap yoiwith descgdpve booklets 311de What The Conditions Will Baum Pall7 aqu NOT Avon ALLWIWORRV AND 1311111 JUST THE ICOALXQILWANTVBY ORDERINGJOURNEXT VVV VVVVV 11111031 soups

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