0101 Watch his face light up when he sees the name Forsyth on the shit you give him lorsytli mcnns much comfort Come in today Choose your gift from our wide selectmn of these distinctive llorsyrli Shirts Men Wear room 5511 BARRIE Mum Jullv 1541 rt== SPORT= ANGLES 11111119111 Ill never need to xxchange it lvnrlyb Sbirls lie and Humkerdiirfx are sly111 together to umrylngclbrr oucmouomoao en Season At Penetanggrnjyiondayi yers Op TA 111111111 lie 111111111 COLLEGIANS wiN 11111 111 11 111111 11111 111 111111r tztiitliy 1111112 111111111 ditto iwliznw 11 11 1111 piirtntent itiur1w 311111111w1n Alex 1111111 lly Shun it in 111111114111 11111 11 13111 Alhliltl l11111 111111 Litl 11111 11111 Allill 13111111 ll111 Ililttlfl 1111111111111 1111111 11111 11111 11nd l111n iv1 tl 1n 11 11311 911 1111 1111111 1111 11 z1111li1n1i1111 1114 110112 111111 1114111 313131111 for 111111111111s 1111 y11113111 DONT 211 21111 11 lf =12 1=1 11 11 2111111 111 1i 111 11 111 Wilt 113 15111111151 NIGHT lUXiC 111 1l liCNIIlAM illlNiiiANG S1711 11131111211 11111111 111 11 11 111 N17 111 11 1s1 N113 111i 111 tCltl 1111111 111111 111 ltCF HOURS liliC RAH GAME manpunch from their stwtitcen1 dy jaunt 1111 111131 slur to eiielzi in their own trill yard From now until the 11111 of tiliitn 21111 Norm was my 1111 111 tr 3111 11111111i11 lll pitch until sr 1311 nitSlave 111115 1111111111 iii YOU 1111 1111111 season 1111 games in Toronto will be 111g111111111es 1111111 those pity3 1111 Saturdays and holidays and every 1111111 will he l11i1s Night lolks 11111111 mitth to the park for nominti Newark Bears Leafs home stay with ironies on June 16 17 and 18 Syracuse Chiefs June 19 20 and 21 Rochester Rod Wintzs come in on June 25 and 26 Montreal Royals arrive for g11mcs on June 27 and 28 and RCCMstcr returns for the doubleheiuier Games on June 17 21 and 28 211111 also scheduled doubleheaders chr tooAL GIRLS START SOFTBALL All girls interested in playing ilSklll 10 meet Shear Park1lluiululc on Fri day evening at oclock for practice and organization titiissrlrcnc Storey who was presidenth the BarrieAllan dalc Royals last year is calling the meeting 41nd practice to 01 ganizc the main again Scvcral outside clubs have asked for games with the locals and as there appears to be considerable interest thetcam will be started again Most of the players are still available and few new comcrs are expected YOU GET IT ALL Readers of The Barrie Examiner get ALL the news iorBurric 11nd 1111 11 with the women stun Open the follow holiday July 511111 gt5 scc the Now market team in action They have mmcnwhotikcsmunnessstvleand iarranged home and home games with the Camp Borden Fliers who play their games in Barrie will be early next month Mean while thcFlicrs are goingto take few cracks at Local fans will softball are This Pcnetang Leafs Home Iune 16 Per Night Gamest gt The Leafs will return to To ronto on June 16 after back AND breaking roadtrip in which they will have visited Roeltester New 2111 Jersey City Syracuse and Manager Lena Black Elizabeth St Iburne has been tinkering with his lineup getting rid 01 wornou cogs and fitting iiinew parts and r1117i if the players are not too BullDistiict $200 and worthimorc Baltimore Lfgk no chnnyces wilth Internal fSIuggjishnss FYCUdin feel disincl Elaine in the daysiwgrlc IllEv is to make an eort cause may lieinternal sliiggishhess This hand icap is very common 0ftenits due to lack of bulk in the diet Pleasant Precquonlhaf CanjHelp Prevent Trouble Constipationldue to lack of 11qu 1111011le yield toPosts Bran Flakes eaten regularly Thcy prayidcemughnatural bulk in theform of bran to keep food wastes moving promptly Its both wine and pleasant toieaolbsts Bran Flakes nean aidto tness They haven Crisp nutlike avour which really isdclicious If do not readily relieve internal sluggish nose see your doctor1 M11 wmi they out 1111 orawiim ouL unxnuu tuxgJuiinn AAlLLll RCAF Station Forms ROSS MALKIN SETS Team All Home Games Barrie Ploy 11 Pene 10113 June it THREE RECORDSi 111 5111111 slill former 111111 sin 11 15ls1ttlirc1ne 111111111 11 the 1111111 Firm1111 1111111 iiIilx 1111 Vctinmiktl 1111 11 11 l1kln in his iist season it 111 herln 1111111111111 1mor 5111 1111111 lournil 1111 inirh in the mile H11 touts 1111 110 1r11 111 lulmvrl 1111diin jun 1111 champion in 1111 llillt ll rin 1111 lullr in tour niin um 11111 711171 11s knocking nine 111lllil 1111 1111 11111 nurk 111 tinn 1111 1111= Ski min utm 211111 11 1s 15 111ins1 111111111 11111111131111 lle elippcd more 1111111 sci111111 off 1111 11111 1111 mark FROM HILL 51 1111 lien1 1111i1111i littlts 11 111 l1li 13111111111 111 111 111nnny 1111111 11111115 1111 1311111211111 111 1111111 111p 1111i111 11 111 111 limes 11y 111 1111193111 111istrun 1111111 1115s lgtX11111111lSL111 1111 1111 1s 4111111 in 1111 pinches Roses 111 nine on They 11111 their only run in the sixth on d1111bl1s11yi111b icy 111111511111 Seort by innings ll 11 Richmond 11111 11 11 11 0M1 llitrrie ii 23 091 XAJi 10 Richmond liiiirc1n 311111111 rf Soul 21 31111111111 11 ilrown 11 iiciliin Cummings I111 Young 11 11111111 11111 Marshall 211 0011 Miles 211011 11 Steve Ilines Uinpires llood and Miles SOLDIERS BEAT CLARKES BY 1110 Agricultural Park Barrie on Mon day night The weather was chilly the attendance sparse but the laughs were numerous and terrific Between arguments featuring the umpires the combatants andrthc spectators the game proceeded The Newmarket soldiers started 111 they had increased their total to nine runs whilethe local Tan Ncwmarkct winning the gamea11d before the smoke had cleared away had sev cnlruns in just oneshort of tie Ron Birnie started on the mound for Clarkes Hits Off his delivery were scarce but walks plate umpire Cpl Anderson of Newmarket just couldnt get llong Cpl Anderson claimedEm delivery wasillegal much to the latterfs disgust andwwhen he 111i1121i1 zlxlilllil iiir lilll1ll 111 inltritipr 111 311 1121111 11111 111 1mn 1111 Ml 11111 11tllt1l into H117 3121 1111 it On the 1131111111 111111 11112311 1111111 12111111111 11 1h 11111 Ross 11111 1111 ilnspttul 1111 1111111111 51 121 as 111111111 11 first 11 11111 1111 tllitli Men 111111 1s 11111111111s 111 1hr oGREENe 3i llalliahing 11 Inch Murphy Chuck Miles r1 Hurry 111111511 Tommy Rock Maurice Hines lbw 1111111 and 11111115 1111111 Ncwmarkct Mililary Tlalllirlti 11Centro nosed nou Clarke Tanners 1110 in weird match of the county softball league at the PEACHESmssrrwr 2111111211 IONA isim for 23c Tortuous MAYONNAIS off with four runs in their first batting Bythe endof the four1 ners had two Atthe end of the sixth the score stood 113 which looked comfortable enough slow But the Tanners were not n1 ished by any means In their last Jaatting they came AWiulJlOSILJQJ wererthciopposite Birnieandthe BADLY INIURED 11111 111111 1111111411 111 Lindy 1111 1111 put 31111 2134 li liven 1113 1111 is 11 11 ii 11111111 1111 111 11 sin1 lnii HELP 11111 11111111 11111 1111 HNISH 111111 11s running 111 THE JOB 11 Ihltl 1111 11111 llr 1111 15 11l1111 111 1211 f2 r11111111 11111 11121111rr urri 111111 111m 1111 111 11111 up for mini Be Fuel Slippy Co LN Till Ilil lltlll BONDS 41 JIWXRQ 1l11 Js RMNNBF Sor AI xv$ax1tlt1 T612111 crosns 11000 9111 Saturdays 1PiEASE SHOP EARLY 11111111111 15511 FINISMB 31 Orimflt and Grapefruit rmuvnunu 11111111111111111 20c Carrots Domestic Shortening liylmcr KELLOCGs 1114 pkg20 111111 SULTANA 211 19g WW1 MWNJIWI IIN Todds Tiger FRUITS for SALAD lillflfiil15 SALMDN 11 11011 69 11911 ASlllillilgtiltl 111111 Tins ANN Mos BEANS BakedGoods CHOCOLATE MARSIIMALLOW RDELS each 5c zAngeilakefiilhliihzac DOUGHNUTS 2c sooTnErtNsTYLEVV Fruit Cake 111251 CATCHUP Twill 14 ODEX SGAP 11 miss Siew11v111112121 Ilka wannmc Why Take Chances with Your Fuel Supply WE ADVISE BUYINGINOW There is No Substitute for BLUE COAL We are the Sole Agents for Blue Coal in Barrie m5 Satisfaction Guaranteed or Money Refunded iiilil ilili lllli 1011 39 11 No1xni am Ewan1311 12=4E9ti vmgnv Bananas Bogus Ca1Cmtaloupesfi 23c Tomatoes CalValOrangesDuz 25c Alabama Futatocs 1113 25c hunch 21211131 Head Lettuce liomcGicwu 50 117111 1211 15 391 3131 lbs lb 17c Brown 11 1111th pkg 421 Orange Yli1 lckot pkg 11111 11111111 1111 111 49c 111 78C 1111 331 1213 111 1213 1123 23c lit 25c $275 65c 911111 1111 35c EQC Aumultrl PINEAPPLE lltlhlhlGES 13311 511 1115 3411 Bat 3802 Tins DGILVIESZ D135192 511011 or rushcd 11137 27c viii11231 s=olit1 41 not SQEPS PRUNEJuiceiiiilifiiilill CHICKEN 331113 191 lumbarymms 21111 cm Straw asp olour Li Pectin 11111 PEAClill 1201111 111112 31311251 Ayllluli SUCCdASjZ Halves Tin Pkg 31c tin I31 BREAD VSLICEDTOIEUNSLTCE IL ANN PAGE WHITE iPTHE CEN Invite him in couldnfseem toget one over the plate to the umpires satisfaction nally left the game Big Dick Ree continued on the mound for Clurkcs and before it wasoner crime mighty close to getting 11 victory Stuckey went the route foriNew market and despite ninehits four walkssandfthree errors staggers through totagonerun win Short slob Menzies with two doubles triple and Walk was much the best batter the soldiers showed They only got eight hits all told off Birnie andngehhututhese Were four seasons to the hardball var iety and each pounded out tripleBillStreetganother forni er nhardballen fanned his rst three times up then connected for solid hit good for two runs in theseventh Score by innings 1R i111111111111111131 14o1 02 1111 Olarkes 11 itojrLo 93 Stuckey NewmarketBrown crg pMenzies ssVYpurth 3b Manson 1b Gantner 213 Hall Campbell rf Bunker if markeszarrw magazineset ryStr1msman 2b Bill street If Bud Kashnr 1b RonBirnie Dick Roe Ran Lee 3111 Ken McDonaldc Eddie Stransrrian cf Herbie Thompson v3b Umpires Anderson and Miles DRESS 1331 gs 13c CHEESE Nip 11524c MILD 1111111811 or 111914 sonnyneia CERES 913 1112291 03115311 his usurious 11111111121 home run RolyLLee connected for coupled with ten walks and three errors Bud Kashner and Eddiestrans man formerRoxy Aces returned to softball after deroting the past Canadian 23 1111 1111111111151 7080 Size 11190 Rayner rt Roly curater and completely as possible Wrapped Loich Crimson 131 MG WHEAT 1121 MILD MW MELLOW 111111 1131111 141 than 2151115276 s31 iifilerGROUNDEHrli DENIM roncnasns LIMITED TO FAMILY WEEKLY REQUIREMENTS PRICES SUBJECT TO MARKET CHANGES A81 gFHItntUltIuME ATS Steaks Roasts Powerhouse1SirloiniWingj CubeFacc Rump 7nlrlainburgSieakextralcanlb 1o PrimeRib Roast 131361111 2511 Prime Beef 91117181 11111111131111 11111291 TenderizetiSmokc11llamsf Roy11 Brand 1111111111 Or sums 3111 FaCeHall Tender Cookedlla 31 311111101031 dilly hail lb yrsv Vcss eaoasts ll9cj Rl1llll1lgtuti geef EoggVns sliced 17 our Colonymom einers llilklillts CookedHamiSiicedlb ll 29c Bindc Roast Rib Roast Meaty Short in 1115311 Readydo Serve 11137121 illS 3111 13111121 Aii rm