Ontario Community Newspapers

Barrie Examiner, 5 Jun 1941, p. 5

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lhuhdJ June 11le slur ulr mt iinuuui EKATINEn it go UNEMPLOYMENT INSURANCE IN on You TAKE MAEEKET 5M WM COLWELL lllllllllltltll ll iifiii1iloI IiI iiieiit iiid 111mm miti it rt on 1111 Zir II VVW ll al it it lztl tr lltvltlllllu lino lI rru HI ln ii trout lll 1r l3l 11lil 13714 i71 tlbul mt tied to Th employee cl mployer to Em ting the POSCmd mac obtum 63 om 0113 on it tom lllS Wages ac101 book by is now 111 the mb ks or all his 81 mp5 will be oiiixed lOIO also emp1oyer tor 16 issumgms maa has to whetiet Boo Ji ing on to 11 once con If there are ie 118 ecor ee them Sligebook is the analogignfes unemP QYQd 321 ogmp 99 32 when you reitum when mnce 10x ins onto mbmmnslh record lIOm lhlcg 111511 b0 Smomet Gillord You do us Iwggest PM1 ofms F111 11 the p05 or to 11 not med 1116 mod A11 employers enelilS may ave Xe 011 bent 10 you when You hiorm which is DOW lagmg and ask l0 ON pnof 59 ched ate 91 ogtcoid must cat 19 be II the mat led at Can 51 has been 30 mm15510n e19 lh all 9111 The Plan OE proce ll mployex ond em The CO th in Pawn 0d wn to it ed n15 sulloiion bolt 10 assuf ottenllo iszxtl let Con nd 19 one vexllle 95 ulsoW an ions0 ram om xii27 910319 osign thirty Yea exponenc x1111ylcttltot registrantxcii Enlygction of the been eto racism Greol Britom adds 20 lmy 01131 sublect ponomes it to emmen ow II Bilinn The Dommon ilxloyee employer Con INSURANCE COMMXSSOR 111m nnl nlki 130 Ml to 231 1110 com med 1113 UNMLOYISAWA CANADA 112 220 innni who on NORMAN M5223 are in One or More of Imp It Not to no man it Smelt Listed Bel eq SubsidlorY 1133 oummenl pxml it in ll 12 80 covarnmen ploy Whon tho emploYI 223 no hmucnimu ondmm atopn 91 union all mo not author old an moulded gm are Mrs tini Clllllllllll held suca regular 6mm 13 3mm and title that omvlm 19 WW gnotblrZhildlo PM toting loull we ontimxiiy layoo 1tctiil ll of her household cl Lum mm units at ml 11 enamelx 1d 10 playlnq Itlllllllll 11 111 lttl on Saturduv lust 23335313mm opomtian hwmum mmlulc or he 20 Whole pa xiii and Mrs Alfred Houuhlon dimpptua 16 not the mum gumo dill Rb liIii Red Creek New York Visited mII 52313211 by water Sign 103d it 11 gmg hymn who mannuity it so Kc gt Llllllldlltlli rklml girdlvodorlq int101 ndot was flhlilvngnd 21 ryeng day or I1 WI mman Elllrfrliiilltml llir 11 Domestic aervlcoln or ammo employ conlxol bummed pOYI oumun on Mon IbI II i1111ll on week to Muieiret Amer mi in mac than coo mph NR 1141 l111li ll lllliollt of the non future not canted on It 01 0mm ucoedlq lg fmhim day irll 311 iii on lllllt 311 MM Mrs llllillt Allul On Tuesday quilting was held 17mnssion0llnrmg Trad mi liu$d23 mama 10 emphymonl nlt Hlil lair iiid Mr llilll iie Coiiiiiiunitv Hall by MS numdPmbulo In hack In $2003m1hbnudtng wellXth 11 uVullOIozmonl or 110 li Llllllllltll the ceremony thicliEWOIkers Ioi tlic Ullitcd Church iiil aTeochlele fjlobotmuwdl mumbledgpm on week th tiliici ll New leeli lisoiiltlllJlllitlmli if mm and done nlIlho armed hm Wu an ethanol who 1W lump lo it 11ocd by rccciiiion Visitors over the weekend ln 10 Mmbulhopublla soIVlCU 10 Cu lfaux N131 llli llit l3llu Sweet C21 111 llm Mild WWW Hum Muml md Hugh Bnmlmd Why Mr md Mrs Writer 1011111011 llltlll Stouffvillc Mrs tRev hotel nettuiiil ot the ichdmu iiiiiitms Victoria Squarc Mrs Aber1 ttllt1l ii this issue iictliy Weston Jane Walt TONll rito Ruth and Mrs iiiswell lo iii CAPORAL CIGARE Trs llama lllilll3l HI III Lyu sunnl orners tItoii iiiid Burl Brodericii Toronto MIMIwill butt mm zI Hv Tn mmidvr Rlhuilding much VA ttItlltilmJlllflll meetimr of the UNEMPLOYMENT SURANCE Add fM Illiiic sum few 13W Ullll lllllCli mum Mon JN ltaiOnt tic illlii June to occuls ll am AllXII IM3lll zUIlflsite oi new pliicc of Ni Eiit iil SllllhiW 1i1 lltii 1fl liliiltlill 10 19 vw Am ltqrgth7m friends Griihtiiii Colllen place their April 28 church burned on Itl1lj5 with Mr and 11 111mi llbwnil lvi 9i ill UTm munwmuy rs In tit iiith Church held lust Sutitu AgLOI NTAN PS II LEGAL Il leird spent Jumliw Vllh filled the liuildinu to cziiincitrl Yt lldenIvnic zllll llltilllltl iiiid splendid spirit MOW and mmy spent WELCH ANDERSON it lliIY Stiiiduy with friends rd Wycvule iiiid brother pisis LlCCIlSd Drugiess Thorn dli BARR lSlER SOLICITOR ETC reek IMIIIICIV loan St omas duiine the MASSEYHAIRRIS IICoL LIMITED Buy Victory Bonds Holpjinish Mrs in Oliver McLeod Riidio ElecItJIlccchmm ThClIIamI Ross Block Barrie MllnoI qvoron Cunningham and Jiiiitiiv Phone 40 spent with Mr are itine Mr and Mrs WilliuiIii the ltbl ET RISTER soLicrro BAR MrsilBrype Mr andMrs Blair 1d McKINNEY GENERAL HEALTH SERVICE MInlgyglzgcqfsuggifI 18 Mr and Mrs John 31110 and Fort Visited With Mr and N118 Chiropractic hmroiiztihy iEdd nd Archie Buie weiri Sllll1Loglllb CaritIlIsheIEIs StItIndaIy iii sitors witi Lir tn rs orono is Visizmg and Drugles Tr up MEDICAL for 2i fc onths with his griind Lou Burkholders Clearview WAVERLEY WQGL Ethel WE Violet McKinney Graduates CC Collegozindnnnnbmi College of Druglcss PhysiCians phv gGsEulgoelgn CompleteIPhysicIal end Chemical 139 OwenulII ghone 1915 Exammatm Office HoursL12I30200 6309 ptm Rd Allzindale Phone 891 DR FA LEWIS TEOPATHY Surgery and Diseases of Womcnknehgedgpm J1 1559173 Chief Coroner Countyof Simcoe Vrg Game and EDWIN WILSON 1581 110 and DR Macrnnnsorl my viat To me weaken parents land Mrs Leonard iMr and Mrs Bishop Barrie and Mrs Porter New Lowell soent Sunday with Mr and Mrs Ravwn The Presbyterian ladies held their regular meeting on Wednes day afternoon at Mrs Annonds with splendid attendance Quite number of the ladies frOm here attended the District mm rumination 70 Essa daughter 13 Preemie me The girls Junior Institute met at the home ofMrs Robins JrISaturday afternoon The meet ing was in Icharge of Miss IMar by appointment DR LITTLE CTQRgNAcgypggngquUggi Associate cooier CEuy Simcoe arrie ran IR imm230tt30 9ng everywed Pllgcians and Surgeons order Apblmon fort Hurst SerlOffice1I47 anie Ave Telephone 213 V1955 mayrbe made dlrecmr mug Office hours to pm 7t0 OSTEOPATHIC PHSICIAN PhYSiClcm and Surgeon Le hton Snider Petawawa King BIlockBIarrie Teieophonq 84oIIPh0ne 6L OficeISBIcollier StI Sperm Ihelg weekend at his home convention of the IWomgnS In J+ iI Oflice 9115411 100 i0 830930 am 1300 and 61308 pm hm stituteiun4Elmyaleondliriday WW1 Mr and Mrs Crompton0ttgva and Mrs Coleen Hillsdale VlSlled Mr Brockand Mrs IDrinklerlast week gt an CacheBay Mr and go BurltisFailFat doctor T91Ph0n 36 pm or by appointment Morrisons er EIInd Virgo me meet WGHidenTor nto1 an rs oy 11 1w DR LAURIE snider Landis LSDle at MIS yourfeed as carefully as youaeect yourrpoduw PhysicianandSurgeon Sniders Mrs ClydeMcGee and GI OHICEI 110 Elizabethsn Phone 201 your choice willIlkar Quaker 18 Dairy Ration mansion tome FLEMIN ers Blackstook Teronto at Root VETERINARIAN and SURGEON Office hours 13933Q 700830 Andersons er and Mrs Frank 43 Bayeldst Bnrrie Phone 811 Broome and imnb Toronto an II W111 malntaln 111511 levelrnllkproductlombccauseut supplies Mrs Herman tun need WHENTERTMNERS Pfhysictin ansdt stIrigeIoIn erramt Lofttus Louissz nae 36 itl0h1emxetetmd minerals In ice Won rec Re nd ExammerICiassifieds is yisi ing is paren and WW Office Hours 130330 378130 pm waxa Mrs Jos Lortus 15905736211015 too can be fedadlaut3t51y Mrs Harold Archer and chll home grown feenganImqshaIge II Phone 700 Residencezt47Collier St DR GEORGE SEYMOUR Physician and Surgeon Office and Residence Corner Eliza beth and Toronto Sts Phone 140 Hours 130330 700830 pm dren Homiltonsoent few days with Mrs Geo Elrick Mr and Mrs John Hogan and family Detroit spentthe Weekend with Mrs John Mulrov Mrs Lockhart Sault Ste Marie Mich formerly Rose Legacei is The daily industryis list adoptingthe 18ioiryRetion no and zoductivotouso Feed Quinlan118 Daley to it Help To Lilies Past Middle Age When men mid women get past Versatile High Class Hum ertainer for your next Church or otherIEn tertairiment Illustrated ClTCll IRatioufot bigger oheckso Il18o Amy m1 latFREE Addressz GranOrd on TURNBULL spending some time with friends St TOTOHW 10m Giaduate McGill University Illlddle age the energxund gmty here MWWWom Office end residence corner Dunlap in many Instances begm to Mrs Fraser is not so well and is confined to bed Hersis Miss Violet Platt RN New orlt is with her All hope fora speedy recovery Mrs MacDonnell Miss Mon and their general vitality wane Little sickdeBSes and ailments seem harder to shake off than formerly and Poyntz Sts Phone 105 is on the Hours QlllIomI13I 78 IpmI OPTOMETRY wmoL DIRECTORS mm struchm EFFECT ff LAXATWE DAY we IIIIII loutii minim iii in in iazi it BOYS 0Y5 and Mi Betty Miiriin 01 comm Chilictttl Ali 113ltS2C 13lt1gt W1 111 evident ll twliiclfiHBoilduHourl is Mr and Mrs I1 Brim Barri0 Irono lizl 151 i1i binge 11 now II loiicyotIIo 110110 Imam D1 Gmmq who 11i11 spent Suiidiiy witli Mrs Add Me QIt ls to us to see that the wheels Of 0111 or mi io 111 in 154 inn is fltllill Master 13 Otieii Aliisontc lcIiiiplt some time wili llEl lziutzliitthlrs$101151 mlhnsymimogm lnar pm 11111 11CMns1mI camp 1301 wardndustry are kept turning toymaxxmum 3i1lt Blolicll tillulu lltlk Slltliliili lilirl llllfl lllOlllei Fight HC Sia 151811 Vm1u5 1911 51qu1 11113 weekend with 1115 capacity to accept the sacrices and read BlYSWl IV thtds Mr and Mrs Norinnii Spichfl for existenceallthroueh life from pglmts 11919 EdmundiirdyMusllu1tflt mm WWW Nii spent inst wortsemi an ill f10lsllicll decked the mu 2m MIIS 130011 Gallwvr justments that are necessary to feedthe war TCliClltl lf no1 of the formnrs 1Dlili it to the lllEllllllC iif lim ant rs Musicziinio =iiARiusriitsI soiiciioits Era MI Im cm WK TD 3mm110mhom E1IJII Gailaughm Sm machine and to ydoiso ungrudgingly to nd may Am in II Owen Sit litirrIio telephone lllll You SIMII 2H 01 MI emu3d 1111151011155 given by No Mr and Mrs wiward Andrews the money to nance our effort and to give it Church 101511 Conn MONLX lO LOAN IIm1 Wm MR and Mm III EonRobinson chop111 me mam Youngstown NY spentqu wetk servzilory of un id Iiiiivorsiy Mim in and livOsolociions given by end at MistCr With both hands to smk our petty differences of Toronto 113 MAP IOWA ML ms glo and guy Erma 11 male ouortette consisting of MISt MCAmmOnd and 111W II ICLoLiIiItcleynncere1mm1111mm MomC 511011 BritonRizitirlson Isaac King an present unlte ome rant to only la THEY T3I Paris and us lt of and Theory 17 0101 Sth Bume IilinIIIeIIino Mi on Mi 01L good IIIIIIIIL was csberiilly The with MIcEwenI 101117 enemies JAMES SDUNCANPrestdentanereneral Organist 51 6anng Church Boss Cowon MrImm MrsI Ins Martint 51b TorIonic on Saturday to see the Manager i115 Bayfield SlIBilfrlC FR IR nnmvn BA Krhmdcd me fun If 11191011 V1cory Lorin campaign paracle lp 11 ers cousin Mn Martin Int CHIROPRACTORS 1Lmfn ilasmm Ne costlc The Exominerhzisnotajclziimed I6 M1230 Bldb Bdlme my 10m Kid EMMY from S515k3the L1 circululioii but one guaranteed by GEO ELSIE BURNS DsC DUNCAN FI MCCUAIGI KICI won is isitint wyth her SlStEl 090 Wod Spent IJIVPEIWII In chartered IlCCluImmmSInuditII mm cinemas glNBULANCE SERVICE 3033511 9mm and here and there evidences of eta MacDonpellIMrs MorrisIand II lawman 1311119218 WIGHT SPECIALIST breakdownbegin to appear 11White JToronto anu Mrsuohn gt II 53 D111de StrPhone 30 Nmyh is the nite when those who Com Barrie VVee Vuxlda it 391 da T1110 guemoLlhslgeam gt Hourss ay ys wialnto maintain their health and Mix deMls Jfm Tc ick Mm QSWTHQCG AUCTIONEER vigor and reminrtheirlenergy 1311 Geo Elricknnd Mrs Vinnsrckic algsg impaired should take aconrsemt attended the funeral in Calif Ln Vimmefms LJACK3LESSQE Mummy Heap and News Ping Wood of the late Edward Andrew ll EMBAIMEHSQI LICENSED AUCEONEEFM my 1159 rigEEindgtlhe 313thgggoggaueg II gtI NWMI II uIWIW 33W ineonnie 011 Thornton hone Ivy Bra th 59661 II rhinoceros Authorized uaker Feed Dea er aldwm Stu Phone 14 er pI gt vI Examiner Classu II Emu IMIIWW lilieggdefgwasfhe bereaved min II III II III II buItdotitbtgthb

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