Ontario Community Newspapers

Barrie Examiner, 5 Jun 1941, p. 4

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lhiuradu June lll Page Five THE BARBIE EXAMINER lt UtRlE NT ANADA Jubilee Is Marked 161112151113111116 it COilllltutVOnltjn11151 II it II II II By County WCTU 1I 11111111111311 llrllllwIIu tilI II III II History ReviewedIei=ifiti imm550eeg T6 ti TwoDay Convention Held in Barrie Success STARTED IN 1891 Miss Maud McKee Daughter of Founder Speaker 11 11111 1111 11111 111 111 11211 11 1111 when 111 11111111111115Llw1 11111 of xi 11111111 tlt11 itttl 1w 11 13111 12 Orl EREMEMBER STORE CLQSE wen pmcEs EFFECTWE lNlll llllll llll lllilwh5 lttlttiirfi 131111 iisi iii 11 11 rvr1 llir 111 to 1112111 IEIE 1111111 oi 11 111131311111 111 111 1111111Iiitir 131 ens 13111 11 tilt izl lt lli Iti 11111 ti 1111111 li llziirir 1141 11 vi 11111 litisiiitss p111 ot thi 9292 111iitvii 1121 111 lt511111tliizstiaIiStiVm In 11111111 111111131 r11IiIir1 llllliii jil11 ti recessions 11=ti1i1 1n1111 11111 1111l 111111 tril 11nitiiii 11111 li 11111 Iugt11i 11111111111 111113111111 11111111111 11111 11ly 111111111 lieetiiiizs e1 to 1111 1111 1tegt iiiiii liev Iiiiizistnr ot lit er St 11 l1I111 11 1143 11111 Principal ll iiltl ll otitt irpiiseitwt 1111 but Hl1 Inunibeis 11111 Alis 111111 11li11l ltl111 11 behalf 11 1111 county 111221111111 day Evening 11111 minister iii United htireh Allan 11111111111111 devotionql 1xi1i1 th liIigt1t1y owning 1Iltioi1 L1lllll St United Church choir providid music The Male Quaru sang ltuv lt intriiI iliteli speaker lttV Dr iid lit111llt iiiziiister of it Iouoocouonnnuno t1lz v11 11111112 Vllllitll111lt tv Y1 119 5111 1111111 11 111111I1111111 11 in 121315 1111 iron t11t tv 11111 191111 11 II 111oi 1ii 11 11 III II or the tilii 111121 ilti111ttiI11111I IIII II V111i11 IIIIIIIIII 11111 iloiiit 11 vIII 11 111111 111111 11111111115 T11 gt My Iltl11gt lt 111 11 11 p11 lil Man 11 11 111 11 lill1 1111 iIr= it it tliiviliftl In mu 1111111 llgt T111411 11 r1111ui 7111 1I Minx lloiiel ltr iltimvz immziz 11121 ii 8111 li llollirvl11l il la 111111 ti it Hi Waikei lis 311111 111 li 3113Wlilbr1111Sharer 1i1 1111 1111krpitltllitil secret 11 11 1vmv11 hull ll NY llttlli 1le JELLY POWDERS 15c iii iisom ll1111 or liniinto Cream Cheese 1111 111 1Ii1it Alas 1w111tl 111 FLOOR POLISH oo 111 gt11gtttl l1 litiii 111311 l1tilttl on on to 111111 IICllltlLll loioiitml 1iit llltittitiiti 111 tht hogzirt 111 11123 tlitfl tillifilttlh of the 111111311 harsh 111 lt no llw also 111111111111111 1111 bciieilittiin W1 1121151111y Ltlotiiiiig 1111 V11lnesilay morning s1ssioii is opened 11111 levvitions 1111 by is 11111lt Goddard 1111111IitiL1t followed by illc reading of the iiiii1 1111 The various lspiirlnients 1r1 driiiuiis liii DINNER to 19 treanl Snore 43 is 55mm 121135 11111111101111 ruin Flush 12 53me unoerrrls simmer or P0RK1KEKNS OLD ENGLEE EES in 11lllf itrhwshmcut11 22 011177 menu Series 11 27c Sllit111u III III IIII IIII My tllll$ its tt I1 Sllutlnl N1 lttilztthtt IIIIIII iii11 11I12111 iIiIII STERK NIQNSE Wlieathearts Tomato 11 Ft UL ltv WM DELIGHT no zilw 5C with 111 1111e11 Mrs Galbraith discussed the 19111 and Exhibits Department The worlt Iotthe 1111111 White libbhiiers se 111 to hp at standstill and there liltt motion was made that 11 thcrs Meetings and the Little White ltibhonersbe combined An 5111131131 llltlll was caiiiedthat the Chi retain its present set11p bii 1111 et iiigs with the Mothers be worked in with this The irpiit of the herlalICoir lusts was made byllrs Gifford Illollinshcad Huntsville Dr J1111111 itirey Wildinaii llziirc gave tho bei of Moral Education Mothers meeting and Health and Heredity It was suggested that meetings1m tMotlters be revived Mrs Galbraith sium SOAP FLAMES IORY SQAP MIL IIIJIlilIIolIIIIIII Lilith 211111 11 lIIin coin Inneriiiwouaniziitv GREEN GIANTI pEAs HI iIIIIIIor ii rakiriigw HElNz JUNIOR FOODS 71 FREE Aeroplane Picture HERE IS ALL YOU HAVE TO DO to get photos of the following aeroplanesM Spitre Deant Hurricane Airacolirn Faircy linttlcllnnc Lockheed Hudson Bristol Blenheim lll lltgx 184 gt Flvini Beat 1111 15 other modern planes bill me the latest olliriaIl photographs in full detaintor cnh aeroplane photoyou wish send one Bee Hive Syrup liilicl Specify plane or plants wanted your name and 111111135 enclose neressniy labels rind mail requests to the St Lawrence Stnrch Co Limited Port Credit Ontario ix IVORYENOW ShunDive Bomber lnircy Swordsh Bocinu Flyinir Fortress Suiulcrland no lnl1r 1111 undo ontmt 11111111 in 22 11 111111 11 11 OXYEDS COTTAGE Brand Slllll or Iixsruicn suesot White Whn Wheat TN Htilltl ROYAL HOIUSEHOLD 311 tracked lierit II lilLV ZloIz imiir mm III II LIMA BEANS 14 read the Press report The cor iepondingy secretary read the re lpoit of Publicity and Social Meet1 tags Reports on Red Cross work were made triim Collingwood and MH lzindw113re goodly number of garments for soldiers had bCCll made IMajor Beaumont Salvation Army Barrio gave reportof Pris on Work mcntionii1g the services held in Barrie Gaol each Sunday lVIissIIMeudMcKec Toronto took the chair for electionofotficcrs re sults of which were published in last weeks Examinerp An invitation for next years conI vcntion was received from the Huntsville dclegales Noontidc prayer was offered by Lennox Barrie Wednesday Atterhoon The Wednesday afternoon session began with devotions led by Mrs Sinclair Allandale followed memoria scrv1ce Mrs Hollinshead After hymn and raver tribute ws aid to the lives of Mrs Ballantyne Miss LeWis Mrs Rainfard and Mrs Thomas Smith BarrieMrs McCrackcn Midland Mrs Locheed Calling wood Mrs Gardner andMrs Bell Huntsville airofWhom had died 1during the past year Mrs Walter Bayliss and Miss Gowan sang One Sweetly SolcmZJ SPECIAL PLAIN REEEAU SEEEESE illilINlllIlt lli71 Tl71115 SPlthIALmCllDlCll 717 31 llil1lclgtl1tlltl II II III II II SPElelprllmtn EQRGEQS ME 05 It 11 11 Metttmt Sphereser sm 11 gt imam me ewewe rzgzqceTagi +m+ 1010 nus Tender razor BALL SewvctoeLAns De $2 lli an 141114 ee lllIl NZ COOK 101 nanan 00 sun so no no on up 54 SPECIALTHICK SHGRT SPECIALCHOIle llONELESS RQUNEB ESTEth SPECIALLEAN CHOICE BLENDS of 111 WORLDS FINEST COFFEEs ROASTER FRESH VERY ECOFIOSIICAL Delirious 211111 litArty 5111111 If may 1711 smuermnucumrmhgt1 35 +++ shown elitism shim5 0004 11 Uiouliil littllzI FillL 11 +1 goneiess Fm my 11 or 111 ililttilllll Ground rucicrrcerrss CHOICE MILK run 111nm Quality and lttllllllIi hit rliurn IiounzL mmwe tI QAEWCQI THREE LITTLE il In ViSking Casiiij p14 Ierw II Pi$tt$e QT 21119 Hamil 5th IlIiItIgtIIntIITIII$$11I Innis 711 and lvi this rec II II iII Ingredients 1h liIt1 liI motif llil tlllltlpltt llllltltllllllluttln rnmhs large Union eliIopped1I tear IIIIIIIIILI IIgIIIIr IIIIIII from Jr up II the sidewall where cs buy out one cup hie promise to sun rain land last destroy their resh Ilvlh 311 ydwm 11 35$ are 111 bottom 01 nit11 Inixtim cover 13111 Ir ill minutes Serve mtli tnmo initrmiihu Fires11 DAILY NEW seasons extractorhows TR are as was NEW JALlFORNlA VINE Irirnsau Cy cIiiriiieiirrs 101251 Nicw 171101 ALIivonsiii vnr11gtcriaw retentiunuws 51 selection Iof at least11 5111 to choose tom Thought Mrs McGilhGlencairn rea These times make bigger demands report prepared Mrs Stephens 91 workers Many nd the going Glencairn which owed more than htd tile easily Often the one hundred 1511s to the Sick and 414 IcaIusc isIusIt internal sluggishness Spa mwers fruit md clothingfor the sick so common because modern diets Irma corresponding secrgiary read are apt to laCk proper bulk the minutes of an executive meeting held during the lunch hour at which thetollowingsuperintendents were appointed Evangelistic and ChristianiSteW ardship Mrs APetch Barrie AntiNarcotic and Medical Temper anceMiSs EKihg Barrie Canadi collation and Citizenship Mrs Cook iGravenhursty Fairs and ExhibitseI Mrs Wright MidlandIFlower Mission Mrs StephenstlenaI cairni ISabbath Observance Law and Legislation Mrs Wadge Mid land Little WhiteRibboners Mrs Belerurks Falls Medal Con tests Mrs Hollinshead Hunt Iville Moral IIIIEducatiOn Mothers Meetings Health and Heredity Mrs oRniziIsIrirI Ioun SUMMEH IIHOMEI IORDERstieiy lfwith your local manager will be for worded and made availariI II sense no Hipireemiie systng Narmal ThisIIquuraIl Pleosqnt Way +e+ ucsooaoovoocoou susn lMIORTED IJ SI GREEN crass 11259 nurtivmo ONTARlGI GROVVEN Cabbage Bunch IIIlcets Asmmgus Hothouse queumbcrsv Hothouse 1oniitocs Greer Onions Radish Head Lettuce Cauliflower Constipation due to lack of bulkI should yield thIosrs BranFlakes eaten regularlyxThcy provide enough natural bulk in theIIform of bran 10 kcepfood wastes mov ing promptly So 10 help prevent Islugglshness eat Posts Bran Flakes every day Theres real trczitrfOryouZin on on on no on no now 45 SllllllllCl camp or or roasterfesliInens is pr II vacuum ine c11 pro at the Loblaw Store nearest in very line 1111 In 1111 III Tin your Summer locaion we ouuuoo Rhubarb Spinach their appetizingly different nutg like avour Its simply delicious If the troublcstill persists iris time to see physician nun WITH tiring service to Barrie Union Mrs Leniiox Barrie pre II scntedareport ontheTC6ntefs and OTHER PARTS OF WHEAT IIislTW Dr Wildmanh Barrie Press Mrs Huffman Huntsville Publicity and Social Meetings Miss Duncliff Waubaushene At this juncture Dr Wildman was presented with Provincial Lite Membership by the Barrie Union in recognition of her years of un Prizes conducted throughout the County in our schools An inter ralher thanthe usual books and pic Plan Aid and Railway Employees railway stations in the county are esting feature of this report was that beingkept well supplied with 111 theeprizes Jawardedaithismyearnare eratuceaitpostersre1ninding lhc inlthe form of War Sailings Stamps public ofItemperance principles The ewowosssosss of the work being done amongst the ommended adrive against narcotics aminer soldiers and strong Barrie reported 011 Temp erance in Sunday Schdols high standard of work received was very encouraging she said Mrs McGill Glencairnp1e1 Tedt1 hrreportpfth rvaeHers sailors Mrs IA1111 The It was decided to send and campaign for new members letter tothe Federal Government training school fer temperance asking Workers will be held at Willard Hall the liquor trafc in trainee camps Toronto in August Mrs Roy Uiry and Miss Elsie be held on Wednesday August in Cloughley Barrie favoured with SpiiiingiterR111r Midhurst at tier information regarding motion was passe that picnic LOBLAW GROCETERJAS co LIMITED Head Office Terooio It teases Wednesday Evening An evening meeting was held Thursday the chief feature sing the presentation of prizcstor essays There were several musical num bers Rev John MeGillicuddy min ister of First Baptist Church led 11141011111911 ity Choir boys MajohBeaumbnt 8A prottouneedthe benediction Azc Advertise in The Examiner All of Work report was submitted tures Inher reportMrs Bell told by Mrs FieldHuntsville It rcc rng duet rrpvm Mrs Hollinshcad presented the It was also decided to have reportof the Resolutions Committee lspeaker tour the county during the It was decided to print the resolu linonth of October following the tithaudPJann Wotlriuthe directl Frovjncinl Convention IIII ories Several other resolutions lhe convention closed shortly all were also adopted full report of ter pm with closing prayer by which appeared in last weeks Ex MrsWI GalbraitlnStIayneri 2101tainmc11t numbers ineluded girlS vocal quintctte Misses Mac ReeveHclen and D0115inmbcrt insaeglcASTlIlgrclIIleggrcgd Jean Pickering BerIniceI Baldwm mgscmvezlie chm rennin 17101111 quartetteTSytmadiisheiTltlafrigrirnyrsrrmumer ianI HeathEileen Delaney Ronald benecialnhxuionI Armstrong selthlond IAIIrmstIronIgl mtrmmom RENE EADACHES inches Da uiuuntlcss tlwuaamln solo Miss Mae Reevejmusic Tlln Btoi suerinrz riddlesst rim nilme

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