by inch nu 131151 Minna aging mi alum gt lhumui Mo 21 1941 THORNTON glutian IMPORTANT New lhrlor llxrr Nov 11 You 11 Save Money gt 11 XI 11 i1 IL it it it v1 bin 111 12111111111 twin 1119 111111 lllt LAlltH 111 1h 11i with 111 11i ll $111 Limp in 311 1111 lil Nth ti 1A 11 gt in r1tti1 lid 31 ill 11 1M 11 11 RI gt1 in ihinwn liitllt litl IV ll ll 11l Min Ken i111 lvriiiin uvt Al M13 lrhllzl is 111111 It 15 hard to Luv 10 human mumii zl 11ii lllt 11 ll th ll run out Wl Sundry ii Ml ul il tll 1431111 My Al Mrs Gordon Vlnpp and ehtl of doors Dot proptiiy elml have 011 1111 llllll Mmmlm 5le JUIm too iiiueli elotliivmzinil get overheated ll lthw Saturday 11111111 11 it 1111 111 11t 111 and cool oil too suddenly they get 111 Km 13 1li iilml hullwillilllAdd flit llhhlillllill 111m 1111 wt knk oil the liesl ti tii illit gt 13a 111111 1111r111r 11 1111 11 liiiioiliilorlt llltillllli the an llllm Film Th th mmth isItl1iilmln fillllli Ml Tim ulltilitili llirllllY oi llizll lviil Mr and Mrs mutth than all the time so what is MRWHJ VA 1111i lupini uh imii imi iii lhwi kiwi WW lwailhv limmm she going to thl Hit uspeetet is won 111 WAQH 111il l1ivl 11 131 11illmtlitli ll 171 11111153 11 111111 purhmmini Im mlir um Mothers shouilil never neglect the 11 gt1 1121 ii PAUL Hfulm ml Utm v1 1111th 11 i1 111W1111111pll11th1 the 1llltloil1et llllltlltlh of Eire lion eliilrln cough or cold but on its 111 rrrrrr ill 11 511 net1 111 MP hi X1 11111 11111 l111r1111111 11 KL Him mum uwmlr ammm Mm Maw uption should pic lrt ltottlo of fiLJllllytIl 11 up IM mm XHmhw 11110101110 Dr Fred Russ oi lhirrte Dr WUOJB 30r 10 Symp It t111 111111tvt 11o1 to her gt 13 gumbo stunt Idiom1833 oxwii bound he 11 ln ffdkl hnxlfiihlftXS flmg 11 DirehnnieS ttUlt the vuunrrgtmg mire it without any fuss 1111111 111mm W31 it lwit 105 uhm WW ii frmws MMw 3D and Mn win111 Mimi 11 who mourn Co Toronto 0m PM 111 gtIl wU Nil llm Jllll tinned Hlllw lExonilner Ce 11le th fhlrli mhl 11111111111111 11m 11 Queen Unl on Saturday lli lltlllt llwivknis llMk NIH 17 111 1111111il ranrum i11 Moni 111111 111 othnuwood l111111i t11l Ali nitl Iis All 1ni11it 11 For Victoria Day 51mm MM 11 ML hfl vmwwll mi mm n11in WM Immwh In 11 i1 11 1s Hit liiti1l wrw Siiznup H1 mama Mt 13 Mllv unriliv lnv 2i being Vie ll111 lllllltl lioneer Home is old 11ihl1 nrd 1lu ii111v e1 p111 llx Orrne nosonpuol1e lltLlllllt th to lie lowint HR lllw the lndizin Reservation wm1 12 ll ium Flu $101 itllitti 115 11 11 1111 11 11 wt o1 1111d ill 115 MWU ml bum mm mm Bugness canuCt llmniinl lii Jr litiivllnl mil Sunnidnle St IIWL ll hilllllliis lulonuetl to IS you ll John Ross llllitersilr oi loA IzijllTlrlif 13 thfllllllngl WWhhiirirziiy is spendini tortniszhis IN MEMORIAM theing with and Mo lt1 1gtlv1h1711321113 l7gtY1lllig tmns Pom Cliirk Lake Huron ml mums es Dutde ileiiiiinee bl enouen 14111 13 Eh MUIllYI only for the tirst lot house About 501 RUHRD In mmmry of 10Vtililigllmtli132Illill0f 1irllllll ienrs zieo the present brick house 11 mother Mr lIllllllPllgrdillinlil York lhnisdnr ind lvridnr gUrul Illiiwiid1ii1ieiiliiwlhv tier toiii1vl md ChmlumlMlmmm 11 Mrs 14le Jniki sh Dwghmm 11111111 were Snndiiy Visitors Vllllt Mrs ll Strong and lhos Juck lililil Colltll1lllllls to Kathleen llxuns 111111 llillh lhonipson who graduated 111st week from Toronto Nlllllllll Sellout on their years week Mrs Jennie Wilson and Evelyn Millie Wilson Eli Downey and Howard Alliston spent Sunday with Mr and Mrs Alfred Carlson Main St west Jubilee Presbyterian Church will hold Covennnters Service on We welcome your stieges tions it you know 111 111 way in Wlllill we turn ini 11 mu l1111t1 prove our service wed tippietinte your tell llt 11s so lheyine youririshm is port 111 our pol gr Gel Our Estimates 71$1 ht his lim llll In ltll memory of 1111 11 that iliHilltl lnue PrJtt vhoi Hm poxrd away Mn 23 illll Ill HH Hwy Vm l1111e takes ltlly the edge of grief Liritl tinnzly wish 11 Xlll$gt liitt re urntztutl 11 1111511 lltILllllJHlS 751 GOE liliillll tributes in their recent be to Mr niltl Mrs Swim 111 pm gt and Emma lltlthIlltflll in the losso dour thee llzninnh Deane ll son THE SIGN or GOOD LUMBER llifli Lllllllllllll llt llvirr IVi SHINGLESr RUBEROID BIRD VULCANITB JEWELED LAKES ALPINE SPORTS We and will 2111 MiltlllllN YT nononus ln lovmg memory 501 GRAHAM Mr Joseph Gr1 11 rinsprtnr illi Hill 0411 fother who passed away Vlinrn end lllmil lllll If Mi mfl MI lhul July 16 1938 and dear mother smch 11km gtn11111 11 gt 111 May 30 mm Check the security rating of YES your present roof NO NT lynl 71t111111i wt 5e Siiilt1i111 lattes 11nd shadows mil 411 ltt pin 1111 isaeinlxitnee nunnsts RikiXIXllnlymt 13b 1m 1111 111 iivlinii if mum 1m Jchmee it waigiiigligpgdweatheyhshi Willi INNN Slyli ml 21p wFiimily Jenn lies sueiiiiteiidentof the including caves ridges and 1h RU lurimr wife 11ml mother Nureeg 111j11111ir School 010011111114 chimney ashings 71 lt11 ll Pslt1 RW 11111 11 rr Travel Bargains ililg will 11 1311 sm 1mm MAYB 31lllilLl sincere 1311111 1111 kindness in lllioil lhllnllyi mil lilizililMilillfil1tlsvhtpaSS in August at Fort Wiiiiam hmne sor nearby lives 777 mmIRST 10 W11 them in their recent be Riv 1111i11n11 111 comm 1iil Juli 15 1921 rind May Mrs McMulleiL and Yvonne IORoVll 3180 fiillkfmlllr 211gtl1lvY 7m 111 Vmmrl 20 1937 Jasper go Mrs Willard Coulis and Doreen Shinglessound and adhering quill lm MOIR The wifx mid 1tliltgt ot llo 11rr1 on of mu limr changes mzmy things andmluresgmmct Gillespie Toronto rind Mrs Earl lute arsicr Muir 15 11 11111 lr1r11s 1111111013 17111 hre and memory ever Cllngn Alpine Slim Lurinier Oshawa were weekend oo mnk Ml b71llll $11391 Vn ll lloltl VEVM ljmwmbmd by daughter you at JasPcr big guilt 11113 ank Wmsfm Finish and appemncesalls muiwlSLnmmxmll 1m ill Isabella gcst National Park nli Ouf slaynm Jt factor and worthy of heme 111 1111 lltli llltLJllh last week Liiored the con 111111 dtl li1i1 11 win 11 or iyrry mm rommm romance of six oclock closrng viih Id nelshbouhood Illllflllnilltil JPSIIL Ir Orlt1r 11111 713 liloiv thinnilll l385 590 ilthclROCkILS exception 01 Tuesng and Sntur rd gt FF me viatie smart lay eveninfs throurhout the sum in re acemen necessa GPPY Vh7lrillzlllflirfarm 1lilldliiiriiltllyv afrlcodhioncd mm lituygihaism9 esnowforyem ensehee cu s1 Jrs Gm mm tM Kidd tor their many kndnessss Continentnlhuimited T6311 tgalhecqllmi gazelclllfckfefd roofsecurilth1thhtiermanknlle lucl mm H51 and expresswns oi 3511111311111va in Low Summer Rail an approvedresolution aim much thahmpiovet cw oeappeaiancco yo mm Kilicll recent herenvenitnt ill Idiscussion to commence daylight ed Coin Firel itliil l1 IwiSONML Albm mam FFRRIFR inr rite reiclenee saviorr on June lindcontinue RARfm omayovgmmrm 5711 ome Man lsiilrlip His IllmWlpk llhiusmlldmay hl uxlllhsgizilhlis 1C Ciuthers Geo run at LimitR0111 MP 10 Hlllne 53 heir ineere thonks hmi in iii hngllinz Slim Dome Clemeuce Lyle Currie Geo Pain Ask your Dealer or Write for Booklet Consult vvlJinrnre lfrientls lClllllVCS and neighbors Vllt 01 KWWF llglgulllLll Browxumge thnswn RoofsecuricyCrownedwith Colour D1 9theirktnd XDJCSSXOHS of sympathy lfgih yam lmufllwm lXV1 Your local Agent will gladly furnish Morrison Taylor and Misses lG 5Tllll3xslx ledCd willful their IUcelliiid 011 you with descriptive booklehrandlull Bcssie Fishermand Helen McAr Produced in Canada it bClCVOmCDlU 11 21b glllul at ndeda meeting Piulilmililfihio inc Merldai Mn Iii45331 53 mmamm tomes hits etc we Prtcfsbyterial at Orillfizisugn number oi inch Oddfeilriws cv Morrlson flimd 17 CANADIAN TlmSdaV pi Gmhnns am on 1010 gt gt pect to go to Owen Sound on June Frank JUhnSan lndilnupl Duggtyscgggl lgefirsglg MONTREAL TORONTO HAMILTON when Americus Lodge of Sy Inddcl Jeanninltmg wisel of mugic Marv Ken took SMNTJOHN HAUFAX LL15 will DQLJIEQMI yo 41 1121 511151199 pair in the Musical Festival held NNPEG mirrxemplity degree Orill ndl 1the Collingwood ArenaFriday Jolgfglrl At taint 11 lug Sponsored weSt Jobbitt in 64th year IHEO May seems to be moving time ment St Paul innistii Mziy 20 15011 Fishers have movedwinto METCALFEAlltllle GeneralHOS Russel Rawns house on King St 11 bitulrrlnmiitvnzjo$lifflrM973L Eh5M1rTebWand Shall It 20 1941 Chmlmu WW Fmmentumm Vir low of Robert Metczilfe south St mini$30M Stevenm Foulr Square Securiwior Dundas in her 64th year Resting 1n iSM2krY Coopers Cpl and MrsFSthart Funeral Home at the Mitson ealv mto Ch Bothy7 ofthecomm on dzs to service on Friday tit Dun gt pm Interment Park Lawn YOLI undaYour ITDTAL ASSETS igmryy Toronto rlt gt gt $9I5im ill SCOURING dayMay10119411Jenme 595525 Gertrude died in Collingwood BranChOlhces Through can beloved Wife of Charles Franklin and H0 dais gt orser in her 77111 year intef THEANTISEPHC URINE Mavl F3131 ai 58117116 ngigellcgi no RngfbgsgiltC$EYby1ues A7 ringer at GBAN Mill gaANgHt lM dam May 20 1941553TlucHhmmf To ALL STATIONS IN on ed for hardlubbmg arid Vigdriggiigvmziiie ngumllilgilfnegii Viiif 747 is no ant13 son belOVEd hUSband Of Jane Scrubbingwhen You was made in Sta25 Cemeten gt 350 Dunlap StBarrie 111 Society is solution pf Gilletts Puij Flake Siam Home Strnth and father CflAlice Mrs leman South Bend dism1buun PM lcanadm to hemmed 1899 giftiillghdi infill SPECIAL BARGAIN Lylt cutsrightthmygh grease 33333111 ljzlglfellblfliilgl 194 PLYMOUTH COACH 1938 BLYMOUTHCOACH rida rm =seesre1 fesidgnce ll Biadtgd Cleills CnggfbddImS keCPS Out rlledir ggggdgpgngheg deans 1m 1940 DODGE COACH 1937 PLYMOUTH SEDAN El llll Bihlinyrlimel EXGURSIONS and Eman in be exhibited at ellii 19401LVMUTlSEAN 1937 CHRYSLERSEDAN F0 sMITgAt the Royal Victoria 15 scours plots and pans takesthe gortsilcligltural SAOcietymannualFlow 194OSTUDLBAKERGQACH 1936 TERRAPL COA Hospital Barlley or Eatuclilaezi GOING DATE hardworkqutbf heavy Cleaning prizes gonoagd 1940 DESOTO SEDAN gt May 17 19411Gerru mens institute 1936 DODGE SEM 194onons0NpOAcn nanometer Sinith beloqufiizife of GeorgeB DAILY MAY 17 To 281941 Keenetin always handy Smith of Guthrie pearnOthifdfi anet rs re filler Miss Percy RETURN WP4519AYS FREE BOOKLETTheGillettsTLye 56 her inmnent GuthriUCem TICKETS GOOD TOIRAVEL Booklet tells how this powerful cleanser eteliy TiresdayMzg1y 20 IN COACHES clears clogged 611313 keeps on 1934 GRAHAM SEDAN 19397PLYMOUIIH CUSTOM 19s FORD0011971 SEDAN 1931wa111st SEDAN 1939STUDEBAKnnsEDAN 19293QHRYSIER SEDAN 1939icmiv30LETCOAcn 1928 Henson SEDAN 1939 NASHCOACH 19281311101 COUPE Miss Gertrude Bertram Windsor is holidaying at her home here Rey West is exchanging pulpits with Rev Mr Burrylllllsl dale Sunday evening May 25 The remains of the late Mrs Frank0rser Midllsbwere housescleanapd odorless bydcstroying STRACHANAt Bracebridge Mem the contentsof the closet how it arial HQSpitzll onTuesday May Excursion tickets good in Tourist performs dozenssmcifdtasks Send for 20 1941 WilliamFranco StIHChr Parlohand Standard sleeping cars mmjhvtg mmibvgssgg an beloved husband of Frances algaavailable on payment of slightly men 17 Muriel Heap in His 15th YEW higher passage fares plusprlce Vol Interment Barrie Union Cgmglelbh terred here Sunday afternoom 1939NASH SEDAN 1928 HUDSON SEDAN Thursday May 22 Voarlor or sleegihcor $0901an smpathy is extended to Mr gt WINTERSOn Wednesday ser and other bereaved relatives 21936 FARGO TONCHASSIS AND CAB 1941 at me losliilal 031531 Riamilmts g9ghgmg WOOLGROWERSORG leA 1936 1361 TON CHASSIS AND 0K1 Children T01n my 0rt fl ur if icago 111 Winters daughter of Mr and or Smut Sta arie returning via lt 1935 FORD PICKUP 4935 TNTERNATmNALvANI =BOATS FQR SALE OUTBOARD BOAT New new 10 FOOT TOWING 1Pttbvteugh Sports mmny he travel Mls CllSlOn Winters 15 Charles iusame route line only Gen St Barrie in her fifth year In ewus opwal matings terment St Johns Cemetery Tecumsethr MYl5 STOPOVERswm be aiiowed ai anypoint in Canada on the going return triplor bothfwithin fins MAREIE limit oi ticket on application IT PAYS TO MARKET ON GRADED BASIS Obtain Seeks and Nine 929 LOCAL AGRICULTURAL OFFICE OR Tnos BOWMAN CHURCHILL to Conductor also at ChicagoaIll Sault Ste Marie Michand west DAIWISDN RNINVT in accordanCe with tariffs of Unit Eileen ed States lines victim mo Wool4 Dennis Mulcnsleii Plumez CHRYSLERPLYMQIlT omnisde and GARAGE 55173mm in gt mm mom OR DIRECT EROM da ter of Mrand rs er CANADIAN COOPER TIVE Bltgallmngba Pa Kenneth Full partggulms from any agent chcr dinolve lye lubdtwiner Thu WOOL OWERS LMITED Dawson 80h 30f DEW50 and tho lye Nell but the watch 217 Baystrg Toronto the rateHarryxCDawson Barrie gt