hk 76111 Year Etalice Board Io Consist 01 Mayor 131s of lolzei for the 1111v11 of 1111 BARRIE Plan Adopted Opposition Magistrate TOWN ludge COUNCI FULL CONTROL 3m ONLY ONE ABSENTEH Operation Of POhC Town Council held its $1 11111111111 out Of Hands zlily inciting Monday evening with all members present except A1111 Of CounC11 May 111 addition 1111 large auto1111 of routine business the chief iltfli 1112111 was pissed by Town was the passing of bylaw setting Paint1 3111111113 11111111 to con 11p 111111111 of Commissioners of lo of titttte 13111111 of Police tom 11cc 111s11111 1111 the lowu of 1111111 Authoizty is C11mi MARKET DAY 11le aliiii1ip1l institutions Act 1150 11 Was decided to hold the wcckly lille tniipjoi is 11111 11111 nml market day Friday 111slciidof Sat 211111 111111111 tiriiezidmeots 11111111 the latter being public 11111 1911131 ltJlllll 11 p11 11 ldty show of liiiiitlr1o one iiltztl 11111111151 W4 CAVALCAIHC VISIT Mayor 11 Robertson was uiven authority to make lilltillcl11111 for holding partial 1111111111 or some such other arrangement in Corned tion with the Visit of the Cavalcade $111121111111lilill111131th 11111131 11101111111Inf Vicmry Lle cumlmlwb Til Tom 01 HWIL linge Cavalcade 1s expo1121 to visit illurrrc about June 12 1111 11 and shall consist of the head of the Council 11 1111 Town oil DOG SITUATION Bum lllldt 3th CNN 011 Although it was rep151111 that 11 1111111 5111191 5W JUIEL Johii Iludsoii had turned in abou 19 wwwb 113 11191119111111 H200 dog license fees to due Illayoi WeimimcUm 31 W11 191 Robertson declared 11111 the 1111 isttaie asnthe said 1icttteniintioV minim was v3 Lad mm 14 crnortnt ouuczl may ltSllilllllU Egestcd appointment of 11 eatciitr 13 The piwers and duties of the Such an individuil is being sought said lloard of Commissioners of 1111111 Ilillg 1t11 111111111 s11tll1TRANSPORTATION FOR FORCES be thoat provided by law for boards Council endorsed resolution of of commissioners of police of towns illitittttord City 3013131 115111112 111111 transportation armed forces Short Disciissiom liollowr ii 111 Gave 0071 10 PCT 09111 01 11 1111 1111111111 of 1111 the full ma bylaw 111111 is very short dis 111551011an fact less than intng BARRIER DIVVYU liav by 11 uptettd llow11ti Liquor Comm Board of Ommu council eziictcd 11 liit Board 111 Toznnitsston lic be 111111 the suite is hereby 11nv symbol of an 1111111111 5111111111 at Westhill short distance east Council had agreed in plllttiplt on fowvwdod Cm uc Ur $911430 the measure at the prcvious incct It ing on May so that there Wis Ill in be HM PM LL of thehotcl authority fees collected Oppuimun bymw Monday by liquor Control Boird from the cvcntnt hotels 111 Barrie Estimated revenue IAILL 5111111111 dLLLJFLd 1113 front this source was $1200 The belief 11111 1111 Chief of Police amount received last year was $1 should be placed in charge of all 148 31 indicating an increase of $91i6whcrc the batlalion will fpend 1111 Adoption of the Commission form May 118 represented considerable lilies that it would be good traiii of operation of the local lioliechJC saving over taxi bills and $30 per mg and also provide residents of constables with full supervision chept in the matter of salaries CHECK UP ON TAXIS If we must have Commission Ald C1ark SUEECSled 10 Ald LtW would say that only the Chief Cr chairman of Police Committee should be responsible to thcCtm that check may be made on fast mission and not the police officers lilXi 51109113 in town Mcmbtls 01 he stated Council agreed that something Am Sinclair said he wouldwhke should be done about this nuisance which is also danger The cruiser to hear rciorts from other centres car has gone onlyvabout 1000 miles where the Commisston form of op cration now obtained POLICE CAR COST IThe bylaw passed on show 111 Gasoline for the new police cruis iands Without opposition cm c051551632 Im thc eod from partment was recommended in El month for the Chiefs car report submitted last fall by In specter Loughced 0n ario AMUSEMENT LICENSE Provincial Police following his pri Council granted license to Wil vate investigation of the Barrie liam Ness Allandale to operate on Police orceactingioninstructions amusementmachine Fee for $100 of AttorneyGeneral Conant was enclosed DISCONTINUE PHONES BObVHOdges Elected wM Council decided to discontinue of Kerr Lodge police street phones as of May 25 1941 audio have number of phone omens of Ken Lodge No 230 in Police Office changed to 2121 AF andAM for the ensuing year were elected at the regular meetingl BUY WELFARE WOOD on Thursday night last asyforllows izegegarirghoantifBoogie DELIVER wM Robt DHodgesi 5w Thrive US 1112115 11111511 THE lhts mighty llrt 1111111 rate is 11111 of detention lost 111111113 if Canadtan industry whose tat1111 produce the pi aiies ail1 szrp 111111rtit Mighty Lion Counts on You 1111 Urillia Woman and Young narrower this tlcstgp t1 111111112 11111 1111111 111111111 ivsitl 311s prtxi round511 11 311 71s in 11211 111111 1111 1111 vltlrtIy 15113111 11 2t 11111113111113 11111131511161 01 ON LUNG TREK F1151 13011011011 EXpCCICCll To Decorate to Spend at Least Port of Summer There PROCEEDIWNCCON FOOT lPlan LOCOl Features In Cavalcade Here First 11111111111111 irey 11111Slltlt1it Foresters 1A1 is now engaged out long trek 1111 011 from Tiroiitol to Trenton along Kongs Highway and will likely train at Trenton for at least part of the sonimei In command 111 Major 11 Fell the unit left Exhibition Camp Toronto Tuesday morning and planned to march all the way with out the aid of mechanical iransl port except for baggage and cuntp merit The Foresters spent the first night of Toronto and marched yesterdayi from Westhill to Whitby Today they Were scheduled to reach Bow manvillc The unit expects to bivouac at Bowmanvillc for the night and then journey on to Cobourg tomorrow weekend drumhcad seridco for 111111 troops and public will be held int Cobourg on Sunday On Monday May 213 the bat talion will hike to Colboine until then on to Trenton the final obl jcctive of the weeklong march on Tuesday May 27 In deciding to send the Grey and Simcoes 011 foot to their new camp instead of using the 111111csctts toinary in this war or even by train it was felt by the author1 view of the soldiers The current recruiting campaign also had some bearing on the decision Allandaleforthepur11oseoL991 Commission 11 11L 11 OFFERS To BUY LOT vernon 138 James St offered to irchasc part of lot on tic Chaplain Gerald Smith spmi Cl Jhn DObSOIl Roy MCVIE To PURCHASE TANK Council decided to purchase tank for the removalof sludge from the Treasurer Robt Leishman Secre sonic Temple 00 Rodgers $2511 Ald James Chairman of Auditors MacDonald and Works explaied that the tank Hannah wouldbe placed on the present In The officers W111 be installed at ternarionai truck He thought this the Junemceting by RfWoruBro mama best way womb comer 1111mm Mrs Crapper secretary La sen centennial Speaker dies Auxiliary toBarrie Lions Club Wrote asking permission to erect it erect dwelling costing at least wgetsposaipprant ahacost of 500 Referred to mittee gt WItEFEREDMTO WSOLICITOIEM Ruth wrote stating that he had broken spring of his car on Bradford St on April 10 due to hole on the road and asking that he beypaid for the damage Re KIWANIS KARNIVKE small boxes on several of lamp posts Post Office Square on July 151617 along the main street in Barrie and Request was granted Prices of iPOrkProduicts ingpe1rnision to hold carnival at protecting tion follOwsi wick and educated in Philadelphia about 73 00 EpiscopaltlChurtlh in Gamma and nearly 30000 itng per week speaker The Canadian BaconABoards re sumerfore long periodhas resulted cent action in regulating the hog in the greatest capita consumption of supply is havvingvsome effect on the pork for which there are any re price of pork products in this court tryiaswell as Canadianexports lol The c011sumption at home has The Examiner requested KN Morrison generatimanager of FirstGreat Britpinlsmeduirements orthe Cooperative Packers cf Ontario Limlamount she contracted for particu ited Barrie to explainthe situalrly as in addition to the amount 1191 the best Capndian lcctive For33 GO10Tttiiitioitwar Lan 15 $1200000 4130000 From Barrier YOUTH URGED ATTEND EMPIRE YOUTH MEETING 111111s11cing RALLY IN ARENA $11111111I11 set aside in 1111 parts 111 the Brit as Iiinpire Sunday Plans are being made for appropriate celebrations in evely church in Ontario IImpirc Day May 33 celebrated in titling manner in the schools tomorrow llarric will recognize limpire Sunday Youth lIin pire will be The objective for what is known as West Simcoe Dis trict in the War Loan Cani 11mg 1510110 milllonv two huni 111m The meeting will be held dred Thousand Dollars $1 200000 divided as follows 5100000 40000 70000 1141111 special aw mass meeting at 4110 11111 Sun in BI Auditor Youth 1111 May 35 outside if weather permits The service will be eondttctcd by young people Special speak er will be Squadron Leader John 1eab assistant principal 11in lain of Canada gt Iown ofllarric Iwp 111 Vespra Top of Innisfil Town of 1111111g1111011 f45000 Village of Stayner Village of rceniorc Twp of Nottiiwitsaga 70000 Twp 11f Suiiitidale Town of Alliston Twp of Tossorontio Tuipwof Adjalit lwp of Essa Bradford West iwillimbury Breton lottenliam Tecumsth 11111 1111111113 LOCEJOCIFU Death From hatural Causes IN 111111 OQM Dist Governor John MIBurden Gives Fine Address OVER 100 PRESE Jit 35000 25000 35000 450011 25000 25000 400110 250110 350110 200011 2001111 45111111 81200000 Tentative Plans At meeting of Barriechairmrn on Thursday night plans were 11 ensscd at length and tcntiitiv irl rangcmciits members delegated to look various features There will be an essay imp lioti for pupils of elementary secondary schools Two prizes 1s111 and $51 will bcwgivenfor each 11 Barrie Vespra and lnnisfil There will 21150 her 90111111 contest And best will be entered 111 the provincial competition 16in NT Five Kiwanis Clubs of this its triet Midland lenctanu Orilha and Barrie Trinity Parish IIill hire 1111 Mon day night to Welcome and hear John Burden Kiwanis Governor of the Ontaii11QttebccMaritime Allthe clubs were well represented tiicrebeing over hundred present very pleasing featurcnf the pro giuiii1viis severaielioruses bythu Choir pf Victoria School tinder the direction of Miss Strange Roy McVittie president of the Barrie Club presided and welcomcdl the visitors and Sid Horne of Oril lia and District LieutenantGover introduced speaker of the evening Challenge to Kiwanians life of nation tun made with inet Owen Sound Roberts discovered the body lying the towns to be passed betterl District AlexStcyvart Dousthdlliflcn ped ing tin foil which wtiuld otlicrtviselthc three be wasted Members of Council felt it wasoutside their jurisdiction and from secondary schools will be referred it to the Public Utilitiesjudged separately being sent 111 to Toronto The subject of the ecs is Why We Must Beat Hitler and glow the Victory Loan Will Help It is planned to hold big in in the Arena with June as the programme wtlrifrcmdean address by dis guishMyiatOr nor Governor north side of Grove St on whichisuggcsted date The The organized rests upon the life of the comn demonstrations THE BARRIE XAMINER ONTARIO CANADA THURSDAYRAN3319111 Sec MURDER HEARING WILL BE HELD ORILLIA FRIDAY liiu Ilemanded in Barrie Court Have Been iitfustody 0n County Basis lion Poges to ecruiting Drive N9LQrganized no 111111 iiiu 1111 tic1111 girl 1111 11111 1111 11111111 111 i111iziicil Iliat om face 11 1311 11111111 11 111111 11lt11i111 111 l11t1 111 111111 in 11111I w1i 11 1211 lervitito sot11 vv 111gt1 gtllllllllt111111 11 lesil 1111131 11l iiifore iiiy lllts royal calletl 11 titan 11311 111 11 for N11 Barkley llltllttl 1111 111 11111111151 could 111 1y 11111 511 tllc 1111 11111 sciliiill 11 1111 011111111 st1titis gtt111ls 11 111111111 1111 1111112 2111111 111 1111 11 mil gt11 1111 11 titiitioiis from the AltoiiirytieiirW Strochdn Dieslof 111 lirai 1111111111 1111 instruction 111 Lewis 1131s forced call off 11111 hearing and dismiss the Jury and wines TRANIENTVFOUND LYING DEAD IN According to Attending Phy sicians No Inquest Will Be Held Coroner Decides No inquest Will be held iiito Inc circttinstaiiccs surrounding thcl lLillll of Daniel Dousc 711yearl 11111 transient who was found dead 111 the corridor of the town lockup about 72011111 Friday The man 11as iroin St Catharines Dr Smith and Dr W3 Lewis Chief Coroner were calll ed and they decided that death was due to natural tittlSCgt apptueiitlyl coronary trouble Constable Jamis1 lacc downward on the floor 11 is thought that the man had been dead several hours According to Clitcf of Polich idling laces and safety pins around ltotynfoiia day yotytyvognrd hadaskrm ted to stay in the lock11p for the inightfhbout 130 am he is report led to have complained to aiiothcu transientrabout pain across his chest yFour Baby Beaveryat Midhursf Forest Station Another attractionis being added 141 111 11 day when he passed away iqttcst will he held there Newspaper President Each Municipality To Have Local Committee WORK AHEAD Most Municipalities Represented At Meeting soy 111u 11 11113112 ti Court 111 1111111 when it 11111 411111 11 13 litilta RANK 11113111112 11I 11131171 limit ti 11511111111111111 111111i ll11 1iittititirtirl 11 ll1i11t1 1111 1111 1111 1111 McDon 1111 111111 1111111J1111131 501 11 it 1121 111th 11111 Sinictrt 41 11111 The 1Itllilllllllill1 YOUNGITHLETE 111let nit1111131 touchltl Vill 311111 it 111 311 1111 ll 11 1111 $11 Mil Dsfrn 111111 11l11riii 1111112tit Set11111 11111111111 tiitg 51111 511111111 Foresters Worden 11111111 11111111 11131101 1h ilSlL111nli $1111111 31 Brocebndge HospllOl 111 lllllllbts 111 pointed out After Agcident 11111 the 1onniron 111111111111111 11 Turn to page elulit please 111117 12111 of the 111111111111 Tigers liitirpyivxiciitl 11111111 1011111111 111311 111 NUWS iii 1311 111111 11 Wiir 1111 11 111m Francis Strachan 21 one ol khhl dkuMd 1111ti 11 13 iriic most popular 11111 most ver Hmd ml deu nu Hin Ebralieinan 111 the orthcrii 111111111 11 11 nmk me Imp md Cculvllltlcl on December 11 11111 and lmct had continued in that position over ymmlnd hC VR1 since meanwhile continuing to in lt bmkcnmn Emu Ducvmbllr mmgsirh 11 1511121 His fdllllr 11111 1111 ibccn master mechanic and assistant 1111 was 1111113 1115111111 111 ne Hm Mk Hu bum 111111111111 11111 I1vI son Lill ransferr ti p111 11211 Monday 31111113 iii the perl H1 Noith 1111 last slimmer formance of his duty lie was coup 1111114111 was 11111111111 on Novem 1111113115111111 fr iglit train when 111 11111 citilzli in 1111 1nd in 111 23 1940 24m birmdav Miss Frinccs Mtiric ICl 114 thrown bciieittlrtht slowly moving hm pi Hm 111111 one car izissiiw over his ill11 Surviving are his parents and his 131 id IN 11 young wife as well as three sisters Hittits1illewcic called inimedidtc Bultlvim Opium and Grace and and after tenderingr fitst atd1du NM Buy had illtlllJ111Ll man removed at 11 Briccbrtdgc niinial HOS1 liiltakl Scytltiil blood ktriinslusioiis wui Niven1 fri inds 11 the ung 1111111511111 liic pundit vcakzilcd nominally until about 11 11111 Ittesl Information from Huntsville is Crushgshplane While Taking that there is probabilityun 111 Off at Aerodrome at Camp Funeral This Afternoon 30319 Durmg Night lhcremains were brought from Tlilllllllg Bracebrtdge and have been resting 11 111 112113 rtsidince7l Wellington Wlltii the plane he was flying St West where funeral service 1514110 cradled lilllllsi 1541 WHEN being held at two oclvck Idaylignitwhilevtaking 111 at the north end saving timci this afternoon follow1if 1110 111Ud10mt ill Cilml Borden ed by lilltllllCllimtll Barrie Unionlaboulmidnigllt 1110111111 Leading Cemetery lAircraftman Gannon 21 Versatile Athlete 19311115 NOITlh Queensland Austra 511111 oniiovcmoer 23 19111 13111 11 S11Lllyilumed 51mm was the only son of luv The young airman was rushed to Iand Mrs GStrachaii formerly ERGAR 11051311111 Cilml Bmdtn by military units concert party band music short speeches in con7 the War Loan and neetron with +0 Md Springwater Parkthis season when the life of our democracy 15113311 Of bow 1910 ICCClVCd TL threatened we need to think raicemly f40Inmgfnclum Park and lot Barrie and now residing in Notith th 35 lClMIWCl 215 11 Bay He attended local publiciminediate danger although badly schools and then Barrie C1lcgizite1UllllllllCttQCtdCtit slgmng 0f theWll ih711iiiiiiiin Ltionauy figudailvwc landing 31113571 3011 mu baby 1293101ST1111 with Torch Day Iteis planned to prov1de certain local features for the big parade of floats while itis passing through Barrie The cavalcade startslrom Toronto on May 31 but is nothirkelyL to reach Barrie before the second week Organization for thecanvass is really well completed The work will be done by patriotic local 111 dividuals and committees and not by dealers as was done in the last war It is aimed to hiya thecam paign conducted at minimum of pense the crossroads Democracy hasbee ml The are 1101 YetDsmblismlli crushed in ttlarge part of the world by ruthless too If we are to srtifiuli season is over vive we must put every ounce of It is CXRCClCd that llilllsiplmmng ourselves and 0m 31111195 111101311121 shipping will be finished this the struggm It was the ideals Off week It is estimated that over six rmcbemsHmtsmadcrus ainationl million trees have been transplani icrosse and let us not forget that everyiCd 1111556350 and aDDIOXimalCIY 35 generation is trustee forrthe fit3 many Shipped 0111 101 YerlCtalloll Lure generation Most of the goodi WW things weaic enjoying today Eartynppy in newsor advertlsma cause of the Sacrifices made byllS appremaled some 0110111 years gOTe byourt freedompfthpuglit speech rcligtonl and standards of living For years past we watched dictat tors starve theirgpmnilc to build opl Turn to Page Eight Please ferred to Town Soiicitor it Barrie Kiwanis Club wrote askl ht please TuTn to pageetg cords lGretBritztin which the Canadian increased to such point that al GoVermperit is most concernedsin though our hogproduction is at an alltime high recurd therewas great danger in not7belng able to fill scdntracted for Great Britain had The comments of Mr Morrisonasked for increased quantities In who is membercf the Advisory lordcr to assure thatCreat Britains Committee of the Canadian Bacon irquirements were takencare of it Board andWas in Montrealin thatwas necessaryithat the Bacon Board REVJWILLARD BnanNG DD connection oniyiast week are as regulate the hi supply with the lresult that two weeks ago all ex Toronto Who 15 to speak at We The contract entered into bep6rting PaCkerS Were PUt 591 WCTU ConYenllon 01 tween Canada and the British Min connectionw1th the fiftiethann1 ism of Food of the United King Vega the 9le and Dismcl domilast October called for the de orgamzamn Born in New Brunsf livery to England of bacon from iquota forthedomestic market and 1all surplus hogs over and above this lamount the packer was obliged 10 deliver tothe Bacon Board in the form of Wiltshire bacon andChicagoirtiewasforfteen gggvwgy Thigwasan fncregg With exportingpackersbeingre years Bishop of the Reformed over the previous years contract or striated on the amount of pork pro ducts they could sell athome and Northern United States eight years uportunately the production of with the high home consumption Pastor of St AndrewsW651ey hogs in Canada during the new con Umteut Church Vancouver and for tract period is the highest In Ciin lhelast1hree years 1111151 0f 51 adas history H0wever industrial GCQrgeSlJnitd ChurCh Toronto conditions at home have greatly im Dr Brewmg is strong tempt proved and111s coupled with the ance adVOcate land dynamic fact that porklyhasbeen the cheapest meat available to the Canadian con resulted in greater demand than ev er from nonexporters These non exporlrs and wholesale butchers possibly because they were unaware of the necessity of sOme control found greatly increased demand Turn to Page Eight PteaSelf mission 35c 15c 5coumaimnuns+++ WCT+IECounty Convention Col lier Street Un and 281 May 27 20211 Bingo oldtime dance Gearin Hall lhclpstonyr Admission 25 Utopia Anglican garden party 24 Please itcd church levenrpicce orchestra from to rinsrr Monday May Fund Arena Gardens May mission 50c 35c Lawn Supper auspices Glad Club St Georges Parish Hall Wednes day June 18 Supper 530 to Adults 400 children under 12 30cb Square dammg every ThurSdiV COStS had increased tremendously at Ye Oldc Towne Hall Regular for everything thgy had t0huyIn dance With orchestra every Satur fact the Canadian Federation Other Agriculture had asked low or 21b 54 cents per pound 1of the chieit advantages of Tuesday note change of Come one come all to Belle Ewart Oldtime Dance May 24111 good music admission 25c The Lucky 3131 Pavilioiij Beach opens for dancing this 24th of May iiilibs Toronto Orchestra Strawberry festival June 25 An gus Community Park auspices Wo mans Associations Angus United Circuit Dance at Minets Point every night butMonday Boat service Barrie every half h0u une date Hall day Nickelodeon every night TPlan to attend chroyi United One church anniversary June lst Ser peggingthc mutimum price waste vices 11and7 standard time Rev AuldzMidland Watch for isted for some time Althoughva annual straWberry festival June minimum price had been prom 21b ised when the maximum was set last year no actionhad been taken now even wheh the maximum waslift Mr Norris pointed out that the 25c 212311 Afternoon tea at home of Mrsl Knight 39 Brook street Jun Bridge in cvning Auspices St Georges WA Galamidnight dance at YeOlde Towne Hall starting Sunday midi night 1205 Esquires orchestra Ad from return tAttention Milk and Cream Pro ducers and Breeders of Dairy Cat Thursday afternoon ad June 5th for Field Day at Considering everything the the dry weather continues the price is pretty fair Roy Hick minimum wont mean very much Who ling secretary or Barrie Milk Pro He said that just rew reverses Maste ZOZZbducers Association statedSt1ch might change thepicture to somelaiv 2122b Reserve iCerswells farm Bond Head Aus pleas of VsirncoefC0unty Holstein Breeders Club the Park but wfti be as 50911 astlic ltlStilLit4dtZitTYcltllt3 wastmenienQium WI 33330113111213 11y identified with various lines of 13d mmlcdlalEly 10 lilVCliEle 141C lspoit He proved star kicking hat11 ILElUns for the accldCIll lin rugby football and brilliantl Gannon was member of the lccntrc in basketball He played for 131511111 aiidwvas pilottrai Alliiiidale teams in softball aiidlalillg Wider the British Common nd was also proficient filallh 1191111 Aii tiling hockey player Bills pio11csHs4uLeuhlettrtvas Extent inot confinedto Barrie as he was Andrew Cumming 15mSt PICSldem football pteam in Thembel of Vihenpamppm Cubs ofiIBarrie Milk Producers Associa tron said he believed most farmers were pretty well satisfiedwith the la minimum price for butter meets with considerable favour on the butt of the farmers producing tain of reasonable margin of pro fit in the period of big prbduction few farmers of c0urse had hoped for slightly larger mini mum price on the ground that their Butter Minimum Mire eisehral Favour gtGenc1ally speaking the setting of iris the case when you realize that 10 themole yearn Cream in this area 1The pegged Situation is now not too bad Dance at Cpokstown liaviliontev price is 291 cents per pound for ry Fridaynighl to Willis Tippings May increasing lzcent per month Dancing until October ltitfb During the summer months exists Independent Order of Foresters the period 0512 PFOdUCUm annualidance aid Barrie Spitfire milk and creaml Farmers may 297511 now look ahead with some assur 21221 once that they are reasonablyicer end wethemmgmmhihasex seems to be being received very idea Itvvill steady the price at time when eightyfivepercent of the butterfat is producedin the summer months It is good WE 15FbtieinessialHaitiiidTand think 11111111 be better for the consumer to level off butterypriccs buttcrfat has been down to 21 cents during the past three years lliookiiig atboth sides of it the Kerr Mr Hickling pointed out that the incentive for speculation in lbutter practically had beenre moved and that half cent pound increase per month would provide sufficient incentive for stocks to be carriedover into Win ter CHM Norris proprieth Of BAr lrie Creamerypstatcd thatthepres ent price of butterfat was nine to ten cents per pound higher than it was year ago The low of 21 cents was reached in thelatter part of May and he earlypart of June last while the present price is Blucents per pound for No cream picked up at the farm lhe pegged minimum price favorably hgfsaidana dont think that is any too The farmers should have their innings season is two weeks earlyand if