Plir Isrht NCIIPIIIKET GETS iEirii IN Error till is rrrorgisirrri LINES SAFE IN till LAND iiiiiEiiSE iri CAUGHT IN NOTTAWASAGA ri than it lllIl iwcd III 1IL lost Lia lt irxx tltZItII Dcuxiaii Siiiiiirair5QualitySimmons Stylinq eipecially priced to celebrate their 50th Jubilee llowIcan you resist such combination when it brings you excit ing savingswhenait brings you an opportunity to replace needed sleeping comlorts and at price which may never be possible again come to out IIstore See for yourseli the autolthe ordinary values with whichSimmons are celebrating their 50th AnniVersary yzrsmm mer panel bed in richtwotdneiiinish Siiiiriionsnnetal bedLore not allected by moisture This optiit is completed with IheIGolden Jubilee Spring and genuine SimnionsJiriierSpriiig Mattress Goiiiiiii IUBIIEE ciiiir Pk Gdlbtir IUBIIIEEI PiiIIoIIw in ZIiI rii iitI oi Ili tiriI ripped iii tlr irriiiis rib Hit iiiwiiiritirrg ho Ii ulr weeks IIx Jit ir ws dcaler IA new lull panel Crib inivoryior gt1 lFOIIVCmEIICOln ItheIIcare oi the baby comm IIIBIIEE RIB MAniiEssf ArSpringlilled Crib Mattress in dares covering treated to actgas Water tepllent iwalnutftinishwfspring bottoanhich canberatedmiddwereditoraddd $1150 talfeta c0vering with zipper Avorlable in the newest smart lovelyupholstery coverings scientific construction olSimmons inInerspring plus the convenience be cleaned available in at operation makes this not only smart addition toIany living fl met Mr VPV WGe ll room but convenient bed for the unexpected guest or eggshell colours II opening to enable covering to sMH PQBNITURII srovris PAINTS rim 5351 are engaged in tire mining industry siver $9950 found thiit many cost items makc Iccorromic location for plant the rm of the finished product usually Association RAILWAYS HELP iNCiNiEIIN DEVELOPMENT ifoiittrriierl from INIOP one ltitit lii lit to iii iilvrI ii iioil or gtItriiii czi ii rl rr ilttt trial tiirii it tri ll izil ltlIiliiVilHiti of soiI torn tititltlrlln lt1tlr 10 tile iltltlilt liiiiilii and vi lt it till it tlt Iiltlillr to our country pLonIzeid by the lllllllIw tiriuir $115 valuable Ittlltl roni the lrritlii ollccs lltt iilvvi liic Hilliqt it all over trI wirld Into the ollieos corni liarL iIrIt Itfiii1ltliiti tiltli 1orrii1 methods ol handling certain iinnrodittcs llicsc iiiIIitirii ll rc lirrrrl back to tlic tlil ltZtil Iouartcrs in Canada and in tuiir ii iour inaiiiifactuicis liic Itcsorirccs Ipirtniriir olrtlit ttailways help in the development of our Ilgtl icsourris liiiiibirinu papcr fisheries and mines lirc dc prirliircnt must keep abreast of corilt Estantly Cillitlgltlg conditions and ihave kniwlciige of resources Ivarlable for dcvelopnuiit as well as their proper outlet riiarkcts In lttttt the value oi 000000 Close to 103000 employecr With payroll of nearly $125000 000 wlnlcananiuiimeandsanrzrccaic engaged in manufacturing explo chemicals tllClIlIiJly and other nppliesused In 1910 wocx ported IiLWSpltttl ll thi valtre orI S3000tttt while in this iiiI creisrl to 3120000000 Study Location or Industries The Industrial Department of the Railway have lQCLlilly been mak ing aireconomic study for the pro pui lo of certain industries Unit lcw Ivearr ago Iietories were built without regard to the econ omics ot proper location Through cost accounting industries have llou up the coSt of production which are unrelated to tire ability of mariage merit and skilled labor Ioday studies are being made by industry that will iii the course of time change their existing place of manu facture In it study at the most origin of raw material and Clem pleyMan impoltiill partflt may be found cheaper to hanI the raw ma acture 60504104th consuming mar kctycrit may be the opposite Ill depends on the type of commodity bardcrs wncn suclnr location is not economically sound because you hire an industry the vkandi lwo New IcintiIrs Inducted Onfederation io aiiswcr charges IitIrcIlliss diiI icly rr ii iirl tha9 cIr on it return from illegal ligthl Itcrial longdistancg and mindIT ilitiis mistake for municipaliticr ONS PAY FRIENDLY VISIT TO BARBIE Local tiiti May Sponsor alt tub in oripcratioii with Department of Agriculture it ol Ziir lirirrr iiltlt Ir lNllir It ii lltI Alli Lliiti ttl co 1tlllll lon Irror oi aii ilti II iiii ii ip Ioi llic lriliiici llziitoii ll Ilao in auditors oi thy oi the Lhiir Erluiili Itlildty lllt lliil ii lfllill iil ucc up ll llItttlt ri trini Young Vespra Farmers Re Illegal Fishing Etc Made No Defence FIined JIJleyllllfllllOlllll Jottivluolllllullroolwailomm iwi ol tii ii liiii ttlpiltit Itl rlill chase tliiriiiizii Vcspra litltiII on the iiy IlliItlItttltl of prl la tllirn and Janie liav Ill and lit Mineszngz fainrcrs ip tpwarirl in court on Friday inoriiiiie znp without lltIIlH ions or rlrc Lime and iiitiis Iltll Wariirn iltltlttll lliric lkliliI itr trappnru tire illtvi it til iip tiilrrn Graves driving tliIE lttitt loritiar which the brothers had borrowed lrorn William Mcarr oi Minesinu hart suddenly steppedi on the gas dodecd past the car of Harry Icvil which was parkedl blocking the rarin beside the ca ot Briio almoststriking Levit who was gtlilllllllt1 beside his car He had then kept up the flight cutting ltllI the corners possible through liomj the ltth of Vcspra and finally IlflI ing in bush trail with the Pontiac in wrecked condition IGrlrne War dCtr Chew of Midland who ac conipanicd Iluic went back and picked up lit liiie pickerel which the officers had seen the brothers throw Iromth0 car All of these tlicyteliiincd had been taken witlI gillTiets Represented by John IVoods the brothers didnut otter airy defense William pleadingr guilty and lzimeIiIi pot gouty The latter took no active part in tlienflsuliini it VZISFIltVlil but had taken the car to get Wil liam Magistrate chis expresst his approval of the attitude of the bro thers in uttering iro defence and made the penalty the minimum in each case James while riot an active participant had been par ty to the having and transporting and was lined $1000 without costs William was ned $1000 and costs $1325 for driving without lie ense $500 and costs $725 Ilor careless driving and $2000 and mNmNoomooNomto NOOOOIONI oooleO OOOOOOONOIIN ovov at 04 owao oo Iliursday May lSIl REAL MOROCCO tltlfllf CHIFFON scnnrs SILK HOSE semi so FLOWERS tor dress 407DUNLOP sr WHAT IS IIXIICIIIl FROM GOOD NIIIGIIBOIIII iltraillorrt Illitl Bradford has received consider able iiiirlcsiralil publicity ill the duly press this week ltattgtt thc lcrl fire lighting Ittllllintltlll lid iit rcporirl to the call tor assist Illltt tioin our little iicielibor to the west llond Iliurd iii its hour ol ltrl lltlt on Moridiy afternoon one of lllt loycly churches was de stioycd by fire along with garage barn turd lIHlS That the fire did not tIiSStllilt even larger proportions is lClllltl to the an rival of lfirI brigades from Sclioin berg and Newrnarkct Rec Jcvctt pastor of the burrrcd churcnI quoted as iryiirq II the lirad lord tire iccl had tlilt when Iiist asked the clirirclr would hurt been saved lh Witness has at all times been the first to speak lll defence civic honor but for this lack good neiglrborlincssL we find our sclves along with the vast OLII heads Ill shame we ie LEARN WHERE TO IO People naturally look iii 11er aminers Coming Events for dates lot dances suppers etc In 1040 The Examiner carried 2583 lines of this class of advertising Mothers 901 Sunday May 11th Our sclcction of IIitliIrs had in years liverydcpartinInt in our store is ready to ollcr suggestions to assist you in making your selection Crepe HAND BAGS in navy black 198 Crepe HAND BAGS in navy black 250 BLACK ONLY KID GLOVES all sizes 250 CHAMOISETTE and SILK GLOVES 100 WHITE ASCOT SCARFS 100 MOIRE Black and White ASCOIT SCARFS 150 SATIN SILK HOSE service weight 115 CREPE HOSE Many other iiims not listed here rich as Lingerie Linens Itorisc liiocks Aprons etc All Irrake very suitable gills with which to rcirrcnitier Mother on this very special lay pur centage of local residents hanginnn litls is the licst we hate HAND BAGS 495 AND SAIIN 89C and 100 rvice 75c 89c and 100 or coat 29c to 50c MMOOIIOIMWIONIOOOOOONOOioaOIONONIt MOINiOIOIIIOVIJ IIIOOII OilNOIO lfldr PHONE 25 IOW Illl DAMAGED ltlililON iir luttl Iown ltdll damaged by lire thought ic have been enltcil by lltlllittl cigar cttc butt thrown carelessly in th dead grass at llic lIii of the hall Within half an hour the blaze under control vlrcii it was attacked from two sides with two powerful lines of hose Help To those ri Whenanm and women get past middle agotheir energy and activity in many instances begin to decline and their general vitality is on the wane Little sickncsses and ailments seem harder to shake elf than formerly and hero and there evidences of breakdown licgin to appear Ntiw is the time when those who wish tILirraiIrtirin their health and vigor and retain their energy rin iiiipaircd should take nI course of MillinrnselIealtlv and Nervo Pills They brace up and invigorate tlroI system and hpr stall off the decrepi turle of advancing years illil Milhnrn 00 MIL Toronto Only Wstein Oiiiiile SpeciaIBargain Excursions FROM ALL STATIONS INIEASTERN CANADA GOING DAILYMAY 1728 1941 inclusive RETURN LIMIT45 DAYS TICKETS COACHES art arts approximately GOOD IN 540 per mile ltilfltISl SLEEPING CARS at fares approximately 1ch per mile STANDARD SLEEPINGCARS at fares approximately like per milc Cost of accommodationan sleeping cars additional BAGGAGE CHECKED Stopovers at all points en route C0515 $2250 forthe ViOlallml Ul Similar Excursions from Western to Eastern Canada During Same Icriu Tickets Sleeping Car Reservations Iand all information from any Agent the game and sheries act YOU GET IT ALL Readers ofThe Barrie Examiner get ALL the news for BarrieIand District $200 and worth more MANAD rim Wlielt the In sirloin 7x makesliyou want to SING HANDIBILL 4N T137I oNAIr Past iiiiiie Age constantly seeking favrir lower taxes reductionirin power or water rates and where they are compelled to pay low wages lunar der to compete Since the war started in Septem ber 1939 the Industrial Organiza iand industryash whole in assisting tions of the Railiivays have given suCll atw them in Endingruiraisieftiorationi for various typss ilf Industryjand evennding internment camps PostWar DeVelomeent After this ideplorable coriictis over Canada will undoubtedl be the oniyountrygin thcjwld can readily abernb alarge immi gration Qur transporttlon services can adequately handle lot more traffims was proVeD during the Ito encourage indrisths within their past year No deficitjscexpectd this yar from the CNR nor should we expect decitin any year after Canada grows to provide more com merce for the railway carriers Outl new plants new manufacturing war supplies can readily be adapted to the manufacture of peace time com moditles so that we can take new place inthe worldas an exporting nation The end of Nazism Fascism and all other ismsls the beginning of new era for Canada but right now it is essential that we lend our Imuch assistance Ityothe Government ii you knoiii youre gettingKeIIcygs IgornIIIakes arid ticother If youdidnt SeetlieIpaIckgeyoudstill know Kelloggs byItlie grand tastel No other com IIakesI have that monthwateringayouc that is Ihe secret 61 Kelloggsenormous popularity Impartial inves housewives voted experts agree rigators found that 410ut6f 45 Kelloggs rstqor atounTasteVI your palaterells you why And remember that grand avour gives you the kind of appetiteIIthat actuallyrhelps digestidn Serve Kelloggs Corn Fl packages from yo akes regularly Order two or three ur grocer tomorrow MadebyKelloggs in LopdonCanada out ibf 5Ivote for Kelloggs every effort to help rid the World of these Isms We should however prepare for greater Canada Mr Raymond was introduced by exIMaan Blair Nell MacDon rald extended thanks Roy Mchttie president presided During the last three years more than 5000 women have been asked What is your familys favourite cereal And each yearI lellaggs Corn Flakes have won by large majority Lastyear when housewives were asked specifically Which brand of comakes do you think tastes best 84 or our ofS of those interviewed said Kelloggs Yourfamily tooWill enioy Kelloggs Corn Flakes When you eat out ask for the tripleuwrapped individual package Hint for the thrifty TheiSOsecond breakfast comes inItwo sizes OIyTosis few Pennies serving for all the family breakfast