iill niilllu liXAEUNER mums our CANADA Madly any mi REALM mgr wellizoumwd WNOlE WN EAT om out lltllll diet amt Womans Viewpoint on This and That il 3i ASSHJNIWQUETIE lta Ullqtutte only dlllgl and Mrs Czllltle illf llllllld WAS tilllted ill mil Monday April 23 lSHl lot wl in Min of tll and Mrs ilt tSLEiEl Iilktlhllflkl The till pcifolllild lgt liLV slcx linen marriage by llll father llflle worl White who With to lti and carried an arm bt1Ui or while elirnzltlolis llet lllld Miss Evelyn ItilIblllzirdi li pull and carried pink earnag ll tax 91 hr illulill Ln do the home of the brides parcntr lftl tlllt of lllt iccvptloli cllllg the brlde changed tailored suit lilvy wtiit llz ill lttkltlFIltltl II II ii illi Bmmu WWW Pl lllt 73 llllltg Illt of Bradfords popular laughl ll Margaret Ellis ltllllg3 liligiilvi or Dr Ellis zinc ls to IIIII ngtIc Alis Ellis was married lt Elie elll ldtk United Church Chalk xi vfl lltllll Htlittk last Thursday IIX ii Htgt IfGC ll April ill it Flying Olllttl Two Nabisco Shredded illiii rt lleylrlnilth RCA Who at Mr and Mrs II Freycr at wnhacuph Of Mlk and Fresh Frurt llih of llligtlllll lowa It htarl the day rig1 with this lohlin officiated llii hridol who was ittven lu Mldnus illrhhmg VIMC llblill lirellktast lllillge llltl lather Dr Ellisl lllt gtlttlllllllllttlI in triple At all food stores ask tor it litclcllHllili lll llclcqshadc Willli hy the full name Nlllisco Shredded Wheat known accessories and she wore of roses IHE CANADIAN SHREDDED WHEAT COMPANY DI Niagara Fulln Cnn Following the ceremony the wedl IN CANADA 0F CANADIAN WHEAT II ln lilllllill story about lll party which included intimate 1lllil llltronl llllll 1ii IIlIlIIIIItIiIIilIIIIlIIIlIIlI lIIIIIIiIIIIIII IIIIiblIIIIlIII MURPHY 01le aIlllIlI IIIIItItIlI ItIIL not IlllIIoldI lines and additll to IODI 51113 SiI H4 11 ago If All interesting wedding was that Wt lllill NHL 0n llIul llll12illl1llllW11 M155 15111111911110 will 011 mririot1 tlllt ihvl tht Arlngtttxnut ull nlll diamond Hopkins daughter of Mr and Mrs in l1 NANAH5 out of Shh lmlncdialelx ll llopkins Kinmlunt and Dr Hm mm mp VHWWL MNMW UH II II llanilot so but ll tlllllllltt on tllcl llloli ltlllttlls put through tllitllut mom lit lillIll1l to how 1111113 A1119 1v1I MUFPhY WI upper it all lit when tile tillrmoi cup brown sugar teilgtpooll Ilttl lI ll bxlttal da 111 31111115 AA 15 M111l11 51113 iltllltl dllppsd ltl Itll lndi me tltlltpgtltt1Irillli tenpinvr 11131111111RI 3111 hlth took place quietly Wcl ltttthll it on lllitll tl illllllili leliper teaspion cloves ll IIttllll1gtIWNldy1111q1111011iI All1i1 30 1911 turn ltlilltll again iniilllt bi Mix the ingredients and bliil uli II lllll wa ll St hilds Angllcllll hllrcll Ilw done It is worth tlyznlj as thri til thick Pour into sterilized he il hx head of Illtitt hey Nicholson lsslst llilltolniltle tulllx till pairl roastI lies alld Mlill This makes good tidIby Rev II Stringer Stllytlel anl not tllltllltllltil Ih lll1Ilttll sauce and helps tide you tillr 1itllttllllttl and Mrs1 Nicholson lllltlltlttllt tllll tor cakes and thtlt until the tall ll the organ other form of lllltlj Isorlli tllldl iltlltt as result Hit The bride vorc suit of platinum perfect ill this tI11I11 1tttlIl1I1gtIi1I 1111105 Rilttli grey velvet trimmed with galyak ID 111v 131m 1l1t1ub flll pznk and grey accessories lind cor Iiiarlc held Thursday aftel3agc of galdcliias and Africanl nmll iltld 051 Him st 11 1110110mllliSils Miss Claire Hopkins was A1 11 13110 S1 lher cousins only attendant wear IxrhIll thiIlc rr ll tables lll play mg rock of desert gold crept 111131 11 VltlleH J1 910V01I Ibrown accessories and corsagc of 11W lt 111 lJ11715 Whldl yellow and white roses Arthur unpaid were weIli Iby Mrs Mmth was groomsman 01 hi In liltby Miss lcilu bailey and brewer Mrs Blake Underliill in the after Anal small feccpuon at the noon and Mrs CliittickMrs Immc of me brid eroaunt Mrs Percy Aldon Lilpt Mendel HopkinSI DFI Murphy and his bride Moran alld Mrs Moran 01 The members of the club wish to gnftsfggncfntredl Cy WI r051 killitilli all those who helped make the affair Hltll success The mclllbers of this eilclgclicgrollp arel 311151 ll Coleman Alis Lowe Il It lcleln llrlt IIA Hen ll Miss Martha Atkinson Mrs Spring llili Sallio we llllll toll llld Ult lllwmhle I3 tn talk on in unit liloicxl 111 41 ill hr tltd It 33 rllrulltilli iiii the can 11ml lub ltcly ll tl ll Itvl celltti nild ow Ivi ltS till tilt new and ill li rlg it til tl ltil iii lll cued tllwli tcndurtcxturo It rorthnhll 111 ilzr tie that talladlzlll hib ltldltkell durum ghiI 1mm illltls lit the bride and ltlotll3 elt to the Royal York Iloteli uiiirl rcccption was held Illlltll ll lili7l ii II bodies BY uissni ALLEN BRowN tl til it 314 iitlllllt il Wlllt British War Uetilns Fund is ithlng ISI1 we 59 1111 1W1 It Ni 51 YEARS MARRIED gain lll one way We lusttumSullltlfvwwwibeANfFfffvfiygwyuarg go other Somehow one cannot btillehhmdzy of In wCCk yum 11 llwLimln tpcople were married in Saginaw 111mm ReliSh iMichigan who were destined to play little book by Daphne Ill Maliricr lt11 111 11111111111 11lllJUi PctF111 very large Part ill the life of Mid which has been tlljllytfl by thous 111 Ptltl iltIHLtIl ittbllttlttl Filllnland to whicll they moved year ands both in Eilulandullll Cllnadi 1111111011 Lilllidl 11 111l1111lt011 The blidegloolliwas all lll One doeii not need to SlllerlllH to 511K111 tullbllooll cinnamon ittlltl coining mall whowas known the tenets of the Oxford iliovclnent UH I11lL1lillb in small pieces butgas Douglas Leland White Jr and to realize much or our lllippllltSn 10 1101 D001 Add the other inurcd his bride was Ida Moores daughter lies in our mmd0 mwards Omen lClllS and boil until thick stirring of Ernest Moores of Saginaw It is hard to reconcile the Daphne 11qulfjn11 Bottle and seal Michigan For fifty years they have Du Malilier of Com Wind Come 111101 this recipe last year and lived in Midland Weather to the Daphne Du Minnim It was the first time only made who wrote the robust almost llblld 114111 1110 Quantity That was nus The Progress of Julile It is at 181m 415 it was very popular It isfaetion to see lllllitlc talents run 11315 11 J11V11111W b91113 110511 nlng through three cincratlons 11110131 Wining when we are tried Many of us have loved lrilby wlilch was written alld illustrated The Du Maurich Collie Wind Como Weather is it All caIsy way to filld articles lost is to advertise in The Barrie Exami incr Classifieds One cent Word CASH minimum 25c BERTRAMMCCUICHEON At Churchill on April 24 1941 with the Rev Berner officiat ing thomarriagc was solemnized ioitilliiu MrsWilliamj Stephenson Late thehopcy couple left for an Noelands Mrs Boldt and Mrs Ellrvsday last and cream tapers between Thelma Margaret McCut cheon twin daughter of Mrand Mrs William McCutcheOliITif Cey Inhonor of Beth Sarjeztnt who be Ion Sask and Edward Alfred came the bride of Charles Kearsey Bertram son of Mrs Bertram and Sliillldlly last Elsa Knox was hostess thc late Mr Howard Bertram Dals alfa delightful kitchen shower lash ton wch IThc many useful gifts were The bride was charming in presentcd to the Quest of honour in Princess Marina blue gown with gully decorated basket Allili fuchsia flowered urban and small formal evIcniup was spentplaying blue VeiL She carried noseay games anc cont Mrs Saljleallt entertained at gigiiihggffgrrssehfeoraz233ml wore abccoming maize ensemble Following the ceremony in the United Church the bridal party drove to Toronto where Wed ding dinner and reception was held at213 Albany Avenue Gilmore The tea table was effectively ar ranged with 21 centre of creanlrcscs Mrs 01 iver and Mrs Fowilie aunts of the bride presided WflllC the as sistants were Mts Eric LSarjeanlI and Jean Sarjeant ext nded motor trip through Que be the bride travelling in gfwe used to think ItIhattlgoringsllgd folio experisivcffoj be beautiful but that was befordwe discoveredCongolelmi With itiour tloorsjooki10vclier thanW Were saving without sacricing 3701 100531 diseoyer Congdleum at your dealers in lhewidcst possible range otmorgeous new colours and patterns in rugsofIall sizes or bygtheyard priced to comfortably into wartime budgets Belongolgum rugs never curlialt theedges lightniopping and an occdSiorial waiting kecpsthcm bright as new Theifamous Gold SealisayourIguaianloofSatisfaiCJ tioIn andth chr BesulietO lbokhfor itgi IcoNGoLEUM CANADA LIMITED MONTREAL mam roerlLlllMMtheWZmm WAHSAVINS STAMPS gonomouomouo mouo=oo==opto SMITH QISIGQLEUM GOLD SEAL RUG DEALER 129 fDUNIiOP ST BARRIE 1 AIRVING MCEACHLAN CONGOLEIUM GLD SEAL RUG DEALER A335IESSA an oI=o===Lo=ox===o=o===ro=o====d cgol===o=io=idi====dno=o=ro===o=o==ol=o Jane No in iiouESTjAMILv will reside at 175 Annette St T0 ronto II coat for you she boughtit The marriageuof Miss Flbijence Hamiltorfpgncer youngest daughr ter ofer ad MrsrAlfreIdSpencer Tliornton to Alfred HenryIIAllan Altman RCAF Camp Borden youngest son of Mr and Mrs Fred lAltman Alsask SaskJ tookiplacc lquietly at the Hammocliie brides parents at oclock on Saturday af ternoonMayJ3 1941RergE Arm strong Trinity United Church 003 PHONE 535 ll iromron ofcrated axioms For rance Black Thornton played the wedding music iny immediate relatives and friends were presenL The bride given in marriage by herfalher was charming in floor length gown of turquoise blue sheer 0F BRITAINS EIGNTING PLANES matching veil andIan armlbouiiuet lirauilrliuv COLOUREISANDMOIUNTIED Qfpm Vmses iSPITFIRE nunriioIANE nErlAjN fr jbleslnad was the the sunnERLANo FLYING BOAT M155 M55199 Spencer Beelqu WELLINGTON BOMBER AND gowned in floorlengthyellow chif BLENHEM BOMBER fan and carrying an arm bouquetof Dont miss this opportunity mauve and yellow spring flowers Just take label from nli of CROWN GroomsmanwasLAC MCAI SYRUPwrite Ion the book your now and pine HEATS Camp Borden address and the titln of tho picture you want The grooms gifts were to thebrige llabelforcaclipiftllrcMiiilthelabcltoDcpt gold locketto the gmdmsman an lglgtg Vs Air Force blue leather billfold toIthe Wellington Si East bridesmaid aIbracelet and to the Toronto Your chosen pianist silver and crystal dish 1mm WW Guests from at distance included gfntgf19d Mrs as Crang and Mrs Ham ilton Toronto Mr and Mrs Jas Spencer Rock Island Que AC Ferguson Picton AC George Spencer Trenton and AC 11Thos Allan Camp Borden Mr and Mrs Altman will reside in Branden the groom having just been transferred to that place Mrs Alt man travelledin dusy rese dress black coat and whiteaccessories garden glycgt thougan uglisim emble withmatchmgj 1TcacherTHelping Jane fasten her accessories On their return they coat Dill your mother hook this AtriNsrmca by George Du Mauricr the grand father ot Daphne Her father was Du Maurier Daphne has written diversified type fhooksI Rebecca being probably the bebtknown GoI ing back toth Oxtold movement AMilnc objected recently in the House of Commons tothc Group using the name Oxford AA Millie is contributor to Punch the writer of the Christopher Robin books and author of many plays and books and is memberfor Ox mudthereu wcrc Engliuh menfollowing the Bllckinan cult who were ill America living lilo of case when their place wasin England lielpiuglhpir country Greens When you are planning your to your grcens Lettuce should be planted al3iitervals IfIIit is allput in at fhEerielifnllyou vmcmcrc tlIaTIYOuTEITllStfilllcllfllbllltgct old and tougl1 but it you plant some at three week intellyou can always have tenderfrcsh let rfSWiShard=isxgiodier mer use There are tho who pre fer it to spinach Cres liingili vitamin animakes goodd dition to saladsiandwiches If your garden does not have some chives growing in it lilrwacrbout planting some It is more delicate than onion and when fall comes piece40f it may be brought in to flourish in your kitchcnwind0w Most people use beet greens have yoiiever tried turnip grccnsl ODEOf mycquntrIy friends says buckwheat greens are thebest of all That isa new one on me Some0fyou may have chanceto try them but Im afraid liwill not be ableito likerto have paisley mintand chite75 handyto the house They need not be in the garden proper but info decoratlvcenougll to plant any place The Automatic Oven We have an electric stove with an automatic oven current comes on itself to keep the hiitwat thc temperatureset The Lri$tiuctions said to put roastsinl cold oven set at 350 and tofcook the meatat that low temperature allowing 35 minutes per pound Being schooled in the method of putting meat into veryhot oven to sear the surface in order to keep in the juices and then to reduCP the heat viewed this method with misgiving However being ready to try anything once put my roast into the cold oven and gave it the long cooking at lbw tempera ture The method is an unquali fied success The strongheat of the upper element which Iisionun til the heat reaches 350 degrees is sufficient to1ibrownthe meat and sear it =aildnthe long slow cooking famous English actor Sir Gerald That is the ROBTI HAMILTpNu Opromcrlllsr SucceSsOi to Geo FitzpatriCkIII Office hours amto pin Saturday to pm I93 Dunlop St East of Post Office Phoile 332 OurIIIlIiankpf TorontoSiWings Recount certainly was wisemdvlets go om budget and see if we mitt inmoiisef an ovhly Wns We want lo be able to alfaiiiiflsiiiiv inherluthe Government makes its hex Will oan Youre rightwelde octicullyrefury nlshedour home and have been able to save the interest on my insurance by paying Premium in in Whats more we hadjhe money caved before we spent ill IWcmmii 1130lmirja1KfNTFlTAf LLANDALE PHONE 1876 ADDITIONAL WEDDINGS makes it very tender The Meat 93$on===o=o ogozgouogouo==m=0= Incorporated Iliass PAGE Fm isthoroughly cooked but is nice