Ontario Community Newspapers

Barrie Examiner, 3 Apr 1941, p. 6

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geLAiLL the news for Barrie and TV thepenalty qu allowing ight in Thursds April if SPORT ANGLES 11111111 tis 111 ll 15 Wt ellguged 11 11 well st fe1d 11 TI f1 11 VVV 111 11 Whig l111l 111111i V1 111 S1 lid lvtl ll 1V 1V 1V Mtt1titil sittl ll Ah 111 hd m5 1111 ll l111 luld ll lsborll 11 1V Nmnmn Jmmm 5km 1111111 l1ltt1ui1 l111i1111s11111 111121 llcelby Johnson 11nd 111111VI 11 11111151111 lidl1111l 11ml ll1rl 1111 litiy llzld the 111111111 111 VllllllL 1111 1111 to Keller llld l1lllll1ll Thnmpmm Tliilhy mm Mull1111111111 11111 1111111 in 11111111 Brnwnell 11f MullJud fmm UNIV Wm HM Hum in Chm1115 Russ11s rink MitillilliiArlllstrhlli uld lully curried off lilt Mlilur111111131V John W1 1111111 lully With K1ll11 11s 11111111111p muck 11f 51111111 1119112111111 11111 Of the other ltlllrlic rinks ll llrownlll lost to lilurk 11nd Armstrong skip with ll Spicrs lully BORDEN WINS FROM BROADVIVEW 5538 lrolll Wings vel Borden Thanks are extended to the Broudvllw ttlllll ill coming to Borden hitticit 13 on decidedly short 11111111 to play 1111 exilibilluni gaunt with the Flyers They turn ed in 11 swell game but lillislle on the short end of the 115 111 11 score League Final Standing Chalnpinlsllip group rlympi1l Dominion Store Knights Dlug blore Lilbzuik llxumincr lllxies Smokers Runnersup glUtlDmllllis Gllrluzc RCAF Stransm11llsV Wholesale Garners Sports luw Groccieliu Years Hign Scoresllliizh single Ross Nixon 3413 high three Dixie Corbett 859 high 1ve1t1gc George Ichzlr 23L The Flycrs were clicking 111 llli ldepzlrtmcnts with VBrnli Shooterl Lambo Willis 11nd Brzuld 111111111111 up some nice high individual sc111eSl Broudview were using some juven RiulJQTiieasSistulcand did 1111f show 11 Ilb illc good effect they villlld huve illtd 1111111 regulur team all been present Brieker of the iLllllV 1911an With 11 total of 13 points to ills crcdii look high scorlllg hollours for both 11131111111 ii1 511111 1rd lZl tin1r opponents some tllitllliitlilllli 11m 111 itii T111 Dudley what p1111lgt 11y pawl 11 their sh111111111 111111idlytlopedp15 nothlllg but one of 11nd B1111dvew Borden Flyers Briekel 13 Bldli l2 Alldlevils Crowe TREES FROM MIDHURSI VCiulpLl Meyers The Reforestation Committee of Grant Shecter York County Council ill c1111pcraiPUU1wll Lumbo lionwhit Mgockburn Agljicul Whale Clititlan All teams in plzyolts will but llotiiiedwhell tiltyl1Vvl patriarch dueiu 1i11 111111115 nilht huve 1111 engagement Saturday turn Representative Newmizliket is Hiichl l31lldlflliski planning foltihe distribution of 34000111101 arms large number of young trees froml lllVzlnd the forestry Stillitlll nt lllidllulstt T111211 Vili Willis ll wirnong school pupils kill the 1t11r1l 1VVVAVVVVVVVVVV zlleus Total vV1 1V1 Readers of The Barrie Examiner Early copy ill news or advertising is appreciated Wishlet $21M and worth more Has your subscription lzlbel liltii Advertise in The Examiner nice p11idinodv1llcelook lailtic City SeaVGullVstrecently total of 27 penalties was meted out by 1111 1111 dlllllel Wl 11s 1111 Sutllrdzly VLivingston supplies Pass oanhis Goal penalty trecord 1n 108V hockey 111115 shlishdirrAtlantic in 11111121151511 Leaguegame between RiverValeSkectrs and theVAt VReterieeInChiet McLHarwood At one timenineplayers weVrechoi11Vding which Vsevn majors onenlinor and i1V li11i 11 1111 11311 11 111 is 1121 i1 i1rii 111 1111 I11V1111V1l llzlll li1l1t11l 1111111 1l 111111111 1111k ll plzly 11111y from 11111 1111 111111 difficultyV 1111 11111l l1111f1 lllld allowed The Struttlud team were wry 11111tlr1 111 lll1ll pllly 1111111111 1111 illlslul1sp1cl1lly on tllklug rebounds 111 hike the 511111 11111111l Score Stl111111ld it Flyers ill The Borden 1111111 deserves 11lll si1l1111bl11111111 1111 1111151111 the illl gave up their vuluzlblc weekend paws 111 ploy Sgt Fir7 Hender 11111 stayed over on his posting 21nd AL iildll 11111111111 111811111 ford while on lellve to pllly 111 tilt 1411111113 llny enjoyed the lllp 111111 the ll11spiiullty 11f Silllifiild until slllcirely wish them success ill the group tllulls ii Meyers lptlll ANNY oAPPROACH Mcluvnh All 511 ye leave VGlus gow 1111 Monday Wllilt urc ye Jllrvic lolnolrow 1llllls1luy Alltlllc llle nitht VlVm free lhtll 11111 All What will ye be 1lzltill1oll Oll Suturdzly dine with the Buchunsfi Wh1111 1110in Au wunted ye llbe Burrie Examiner curries more Classified Advertising than any 11th tl11l1 1f mil ll 111 111 11111 DudleyMSpeaks to Lions and Barri the Barrie lilili Club Villld 11 1ppl1111111 llllli 111111 We ore p11lld 111 111111 15 wlil be of vulu 111y1111 111 the larger m2 maul sxssmmi 1111111119 our AKADA 1l 1111111111 Bame Wms Two ups FLYERSLOSE TO At Mdl ISTRATFORD 40 1ll Hum111914 lfizwl W11 1111 nil1 llw rinks wt li1lrl1 ttllill 11111 ll ll1ttl1 111111 1131 11 VV 111 1111 11111111111 1111111111 1111 1111l11111111 Webb Sir11111 11111 11 V11 11V1111V411111 1V1 1111 1111 VV VV 111v 1111 came 111111 3111 1111 lll11 Mitiiilllli 1111 111d 11 gtllt1l1l ii Vifiltin Willi 4+ VVV 111 11 111 111 the three 11111131111 11111 ulw Mullollloll 111111 11x1111 1111 gt 111 1111 1111Vl 11 11 VV i111 1111 111l 111111 5111111111 1tl111il 1111 1l1 1111l lililt it lllltltti 111 number 111 ill 11111 l1ll1l l1ll111l 1l1 111 VV CW1 MM 1mm 1V111 11 1111111 11111 111111 1111111 11 111 11 111111c111 11 111 VV VV aid rim MW hiH 11111 11 111bl111l 11 111lslltiil11ilil 511111111111 i112111V 111 Vlud11y 11 11 11 11 lt 111111 billiilllti 111 111 11h11 1111111111111 111111 SIM1 111111 11 11 ll1111 111 11 llVlt 1111111Vl11111 1Vl1V1 1VI1V V1V VA 1111 iv 111 MmUmmn 11 Vol ll lll1ll1lll 1111111 li Ullzllo 1V lVlV it lViuV ivlV VVV VVV VVV VV VVV MU dvth itll1111 ll 1thin IM MWWVE UNIV 51 Mi hmllw 61 111Hl11 IJ iii 11 1VV 1Vl111111V1111tt11111n 11111 111 111 it ill 1111ll K1111 1111i 1111 iVii Rnbmmm lmuL funk 11 ll 1111171111 11 11Illl 1111111 111 ClIW Wk lr 13 5111111 Stlulfrud El Myers ill lLl unlit 1111111l11111i 1lll1111 111 s1111zl1i 11p1s1 itll 111 the 111zxti111111d1 tornl 11 gtCi1i1l1 111 l3111r11 Hockey Club who shutd lll1 l1 had waited 11 lloulzil 11f il111 lllllt feeling it friendliness and 1pple1luii11ll for the inlp Mr l111lly 111111 1l1lt git1111 ll1 bus been 1111111111 friend 11f11uls 11111 County 1111111 who iteuds 111 111st hockey 1155111111111111 111 ll 111l1ilrGuru e1 lecturid Mr Dudley 1111141111l2ltcd the Billilt Lions Club 1111 this unlluul 1flllll ill l11 druw After ilil the clinic llt ill1 11111111 1111111111111 lltli who wills To the Barrie Colts would 111 1111 11111111111 czlrecr before you Your 11116111 curcer 112 Gets Silver Tea Service COLLINGS SCORES AS BRADFORD WINS FROMPLATTSVILLE 111 since 111 111111 their 111111 ltutillli the ll inlet 11111ll1t1 1111ilin1s bl1 Brill f11l1l 1111111121 funs been so strum 11 up the current season llulr Soutli Simeon champions 111 currently engaged ill iii tllll iltllllnldilite fill Ii llgllinst lluttsville defending ylilillilliill ltrlulford and llllttsvilll bun iiltll pinyin 11 best of five ser i1s lillch ttllnl butt 111111111 until Monday night when they met 11 hill and Bradford scored 11 victory to go one up Four of the Bradford goals V111Vr1 scored by lloy Cuttings ullo is on the turtle NJK Stil lion stuff and the other by illudc Nosbill 11f Burlies Him 01 Hotel stuff Both ollings 11nd Nisbiit live in Bradford but 1111111111111 to Barrie for work Vil1 111111111 Wartime 1111111151 11g11lllil11lls b1d btlll conesired as Qilud idea but bud 1111 worked 1111 gt1 well Mr Slllltiold 1511111111 Flyels Weiill ll l1111b1 Lignmi iii 191 your 11 rundpmun hockey 11illiy turn your litrud YVot 5ij VV 311161 chul use your nrltkly zlssocintlon Ednlullds Willis 121 51 by 501 Please Hum VVVVVVVVV 1V Bum VVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVilijlllllbgl hll 1111111115 in the head Evzms Ivmdmlmu Vlulos VofVlllc spllVltV111gVVllllges are often G111ltlveilr lrledhlnski lifwgoic VH3 qumkiy lolllliusoll 131111111 kn11y1111 1110 11 hockey town olle of the 411111 hockey towns of the Vlllle changed 11111111111 11f the CAllA toward alleged profesxionulism of hockey llhtl5 While there has been 11 lol1 veiled professlmullism 11nd subter fuges ill the post have never 111k tlle ultitllde thut those in 1111111111 iiilllllid bury their bends like ostrich ies he declared have admitted dcllvoured to clarify the situation open 11nd zlbove board it is no 5111 my more 111 puy your hockey pluy jerlnwn weekly in Canada Results are the reason one miscondlict were dished outf1 xw One of the brightispotsAotLthegame which ended in 1122 tieisVshow11 in Alfie Websters ofVSudbury Ont goal on apass fiom DickLivingstonof Barrie in picture No Watch ingthe puck gh past himis River Vales goalie Paul LeSsard Behind Webster is Skeeter SwedeManson and from left to rightDefencemalV1 BusPprtlan WingmanFrilnkieRannikerVand DefVVllcemanIiVihrchant 9V1 1c1111llt1yff ll Dudley sllld as h1I pol1111111111111 his address by explzlillilljjs 111 with 3200111 11111111 but 11 ra+ Vlhzlt he be given Dudley sziid They wore pretty haw11d rules including 111111 111111 61111 1111lil ttplilte Vully pitlyCl ll liscd 11 my time from zlnywhcle This lludllt worked 11111 1ll Dudley irti111i illut XQIAV11CCdCi 21 larger ltlsllXC 1101 standing $351100 because of illeuly travelling 1XJclltgt 11nd s11nlc gtL1l 11111111111 Colt CHU Come early to Stroud Ftldily evening to hear Lleut Hulllilton 111111 his Ctlllll Borden Follies 1112 Iii lJ ltiilwlll Iii 111 111111 11 1lgt11 fliufy itdllllut 1111 lIV ngm 152111111 lvililil CW 31151 J1 5111111111 Ailiullult how all lIl VS111111 Ellltimllu 1111 oil llelulld 21nd Pl Add Um 150 ln lrtl1 short speech its giirll IMi MMhi 1111111 L11 if 15111111 who 11111 111111111111 by Mr 111111 Mrs lintllill l111l111 11nd lulllllr 11111 lliltltt 111 111111111 1111 Slluldllv Mr 1111 Mrs Bttlllli tMr 11nd Mrs Jl li111r1isxlll Ml 1111111 Mr litititll licurtisllll iiIl Vzllld ilgt 111111 1111111151111 Mrs Belt ltuwllv Mr P21111111 Alctur Mls lluroid Alelltr 11nd i1sM11ll 1111 111111 1111111 Mrs 11111 Ten ltoonl litnges Kinds Mrs ltll1ll1 111111 Bluld Intro lllkell 111r the F1111 Lllllltl l111 Room 11111111111 cplruled 111 Mrs Klllllelll Riltilllti Vllley 111111 possessllul on ltltsllzl 1111111111114 Forumr S1rlll Shells Mls W111 lillllvulc Resident Laid to rst 111r1 Tlle ftlthltll of Archibald l111n was held from his late sidellce 11 Etlcllvzlle t1 Jennterv on VPliduy Murcil 2i er McLean llud been resident of Elllliule for 11 number of yours before llloville to Edenvule The sylllpntlly at 11121111 friends is cxl tended to the bereaved funny Presbyterian W315 gt1 ppcr and Concert Owing to the storm on March the Presbyterizlil WLMS post 111111111 their Irish supper 11nd coni cert until March 125 and it proved 11 decidedv success 1111111111 1111111 111111 enjoying llle delicious su VRCHILL Me 10 Elllllulc ilenei Snitlliltl1tllUC 1111111 1111111111lAusplces Stroud War Fund 1411 Iilm 11111 111111 $115000 lrl sell Sunshine Mission Blind 111111 The Sunshine Mlsslon Blind llCltii 115111 l1151$1lllltl 11151111111111 in sezl 11 successful trokmole 11111111 in 1an tiltV 51001 rooan oi the CVilulltilV Ellch 11f1l11 11i111 branches v11iF1v Millan The allies 11 Liven 510110 111promote minor illl He pl11p11lt1 some ilsslstuluo 111 ccoullt of 111 war Mr Dudley 1111 toldo 11 11 1111 ilvith the l11fltgti11111i hockey club for euch plllycr lley 111111111111 11f 11m hilltllllll was not le 111 the smctu 0L Diesel Siigu Ml DUdlLy Cml iolls funds1111 was turned over 1111M15V HaFLVVThonm on the tlnucd c1111 say that WC 19 911he club which llz11l brouglltdhc boys dong 111111 llludc 1111111111 plllycls 11 1hcm 31s The term 1lnlliut iSltOWle Vvrmwmn mfmherSmeiheCAHA fined We think 1h new Whey llwentld the 1111j111lcueues they 41CIL 11111111101 Wilcyv 1159 illresnlClTEli bought from the Association for make urge gates ulld this thing wus nine of illetlll1ll 111111115 When the liion was granted zsilid Mr Dudley commented on th illeuvy expenses incurred ill bringill Villliltllil $271 1111511115 11111111113111111 playMt games vllell games 111111 111 be played small arenas the gate did not meet llile travelling expenses of the ViSr Hing team Mac Stewarts on VThe speaker pointed out liltli the nd Inmnaiionl RBIRHOH Association had granted the Gov erlmlcnt $10000 lust year for war nurposs 111 here was 21 surplus iilS3Qarii Silidht would pror In pose1h11111 be given to the vasicouu itflilmetlt or some fund such tiethe iBIillSh War Victims Fund 111 his remarks thanking an advancel 61 AWAYricotta HOLLYWOOD fed 1111 with Hollywood After about to set off on vacationxsoln one asked trim where they were Vg ing vlWereg ding to pisteTaVibigl pi where we1e Vstopping Locks Repaired New Keys Made GENERAL VVVVVMALL REPAIRS ElectricAppliances Lamps Bicycles Etc 311 Bliyfleld s1 Phone 453 irungemelll which bud bet11 11111110 thatithnshcmloinf011llldieni 4913113Lover 39 iii ilssclili1011mm lleur rullks Vileexplained lhutithis it has lillicll two years to get 111 Q1500 or fol $250 whenthey went to lerzldullted 111 big time the Assocul the speaker Terry Robinsonf secretary 1f11fBrrll1r HockeyClubrstatedmthat plot one cent hudbeen paid the Barrie Collthhis year strictly all amuleurleam andone 1player had resented suggestion It had been The1Vllewsoaper correspondent was Yedr of trudging the IVIOIlywood beat the wifeary scribe nd his wife were 11 1111715 of Clark Gable on the outside oi the car he related and drive Vim til someone 51le Whos lhatVv Thats Radio Sets Guns andRViflesV iiURRYvBROS the shape 01 Easter rabbits viib 1111111111 11nd yellow 1111i tasselsV were made by Merlln and smiley 1lld Lloyd Coleman and older cllildlell Kathleen Taylor md Howard All111 lunch W115 served IltfViileCiQSET gt074 Scllior institute The March meeting of the In tltute was held at the home ot 2611 The aitelldhlicc wusnot verylurge as some oi the roads were llnpas lanble 11nd junfortullately the d11t= 11Lthclneetll VlVitS 1101 announced 111 the papertlle previous week 1119 Miss Annie eive gave cur rent events Edith Black more eruptup from Leiroy and song very delightfulsolo Mrs Boyes address Ireland and Her Story was very much enjoyed It wus 11 timely talk for Mllrcll 11nd Ville lllelllb111svll11 were 11 sent missed 11 treat Mrs Tllomus 11nd 1191 311111 1111111r1 gldllltllt opened 31er 111111 itlltlllu ltli1lljg lym 111111 zllo 11111 11 rough 111 llllt icual VVVVVX UVVVVV 111 Do J1me pined ti comet ml VlVL N121 ViLttiittl11Ll if ML Marv Could 111 Ulul rs by 111111 Down1 111111 VVIV Mons CNN the 3111 th1l111 attended tin 11111111llih in uh111111 01111111 1111 3101111111 tHIlrr with 11111115 1111 1111111 llnillllc tGch 1ff szzys 11 lot the housc Todd The prize winners were for the slllullcr ones Donnie Siulgeoll for 11121 hostesses 3111111 The 111 111131 chorus by Wennlc 11 1211 c11e111c by tile 11 Ahdlrts Willi ilz 2L1 lllclzlblls 1111 111 111 11l1l Ml ltkivmfi 11lil1cl the 111i114 1111 their line Mr 11111 ilj 1111 MANN rurli 111t 1111 11511 i111 who 111111 1111 111 11 111111111 511151 111ll131 1111111611111111 l111111111 pulp 1111 Nils lit1l1 15111 l1L111U 1111 1111 illllll 11 mm 1V hphmV lllt11l4111 ii 2iitl1gt tiltlili lllz MI MN VV 11Mng 1V 111lrl1111 111 51111112 itlllrllzli idlllll he 1111111 21111 11 lltLH 11 St Jililfls 1V1 VVVVVIVVVH Ylll our Lulu1111till111111 111 11111 1111 111111 11111 11111 11 AM MFAHM 111i V3 VH MUM VLVE llV 11111l111111 liltlxllLtltti 111111 1111 131VHV 111211 11111 Shadow5 1111111 151 Mr 111111 quml 111111 W11 Wm 1111 Alilsibll gtl11ll 111 11111211111 illilililll 1mm MIVV HM VVVlllitV 11111lll1 1111 111111 111 lol1i111l Mitt111 1111i lIlll1l111 ixV 11 111 Sltlll1l11 prml Wm 11 up Mll111k llzlien p11 withind 11111111110 1m uh V1VSV fllt Hull 11111 111111111 1Ll hm WI VVmi 1mm 11111113 lln 111 1111111 11 lillll21 mum 111 m1 VAN 111 KitilltViill 111 1111 xrnv mmh mmm mm Collgrutllllluolls 111 1111111 Muir Mr and ll 1ll1l til111 1111i mm Hi MI Ml 11nd ll 11lll l11l111l111 Mining 13 PM Um will VVVVVVV VVVVVVVV VVE MVVV VV lllthlr valsool 11 11 liliztllo ALE Hlllt 1111 181111114 indium Hm ml 1111 113 111 11 lll1 ilitli Q5 111Id filliltl 1111 1110 111 1r an Mil Jm Mimi him 1111111l 11111 1111 111 Mls 11115 5111 11111 11111111 111 111 1111 11m IVVVVVV QM and 111 1111 11111i1l11ll1111111 111 5151 VVVVVV hm VVIVVWVVVV 111 liiillJll bus muted 111thll llll 11nd Mtr Jos Mlll1111ll11 ilmil 1Mle WWW IIIHi VV 1111 7mm MM mmm uiit 19111111111 ilitli llttliii 1111 111 111111 1111111111111s 111111 111 llt Wedlleriu 11l Jllrcnill 111111rt for Red ross AV111111111 111 elulll 111111111111 111 to 111lltzlb1111 111 the Rd 111111111111 1111 111111 111 1111 1111 111111111 lll1 51111111 1v1llt ill Eur 11111s1111s b1111 11111111111 111 1111 111111 iresun 111111111111 111 docks ot11111l 11111111112111 le 11 211111 1111111111111 Sluls 11111 bollltls 1111 1111v 11111111111 1111 11 lie for Adults 111111 11 tor villi drell lllon WHlx 111 111 er 111111111 111111111 The children ralnsgeu 111 1111 Murlcl 111111 0111111111111 011111111 l1il11=111 111 Stilifls by Murl 111V acted 115 Jollll Lllwsoll lulllel Betty Linton well Jones The Owl 111111 1111 Pussy Cat and Meme111 Rose The Windmill Soup and Johnny by Mur jorlo Edwards 1311111 ClllWlUid Mllrlelle 11311111111111 Belly 111111111 and Gwen Jones 11 31illlittii1 Im So Tired Gwen JonesM lcnu 13111111111111 Marjorie EdwuruslV 111111 101111 Lawson recitation by Ronnie Lawson DitliltlfI druln 111111s1r111s1lc 1111111 Low son horn Betty Crawford Sever11 choruses and the Nlllltiltfll An them concluded the proulnmme Proceeds amounted to $136 which the group proudly handed to the Red Cross llITS lVlllIlUIIIER TONIlt1 lll CLUlld buooumi llud 11 nlliltl Areni l1l lrunsfeld 11nd 111 1111111 ill from 11f the operu bolls1 dccldcd 111 Would buy 11 tick llld 1111 once hear what the 0110111 sounded llke fl11llltile flolii 111911 llld h1 bollght 11 good SS SCtli Vlile 111xd1y 11 roilezllslll the first bzlssoollis zlsked him who he bud 11111111 1111 his lliull 11ft Well look busmuns 1111 went 111 the 11111111 he sold llol iduy How was it 1111 Wellwrou kllov tllul purl where llllve bcll going ozlmpull 1111111 for el he asked Well i1ied1111 Tllyo tiltiorezrlorsnngif illclptpV farmers 111 securing 11111111 1seed D1 humming the met somc form 11f cooperutiveheultll services for this district It was11 very illtcleSLillg lllEELi Good seed und good htllillliiiel itwo things every former shiimfbe filltelcsted in S11 11 huge llltelldllnce lis looked for l1l11 an 11111 ip l11 i1 1l 11 11 11 ill 11 Vj 1j115 vVil 11 14 51 Dulllop St Phone 94 lllL 1111111 Jlls CurV led lheuliher 111 rest of the 111cilxstru plies du ill Sllllllllon will address the mectillg 1111 with Services 11nd 1111 ciior will be made to organize fol Page Sric SOLD th 1011 1001151 11th1111 Frank Corrigon Named Gray Coach Lines Agent Covering Comp Borden 111i 1r 111111 11111111 111 11011 IN SURE Your llr for the EASTER TRAFFIC See us for rates today SarieantColtd 11111 1111 LICENSE PICTURES kn 25c 111 BILLS rulcr 71 Elizabeth St II Churchill Junior Institute Tile ChurclllllJullior Institute held its March meeting at Mrs the 20111 The ll ship Convener Willa Constable was absent so Ruth Hughes presi dent conducted the entire meet ingniTheu paper lover of Vhome the loveoi tryhas itsrise prepared by garet Kell poem Mary Sloan ship He cited come at home how Amencan and Lend arrangements with Britain Vand walk with athy God Jl Agricoltilre Federation cussed Churchill April meeting of the Federation 10 Agriculturfwill be held in the 01 An interesting programmeis ar speak oh its activities Donald Mc Lean sechelnry and field man will discuss the organization pt perm anent local branch of the Federa tion Lashley will help charge 111 display of seed grain samples each sample will be labeled showingth exhibit is der the auspices at in 011 the motto WillaConstable was read by Mar1 read Rev Berner spoke onl Peace and International Relation many incidents illustratingIgoodnighbolnlines and stated that peace must first He pointed out Canadian fllendllness whichhas existed for hundreds of years is nowbearing ifrult inf theforln of thelLease Mr Berner ended with arule for nelghboursDo justly lovq melpyl Churchill District Comparative HealthServices Is One of Several Questions 11 80 Disu ange Hallat Churchill on Friday afternoon April at oclock sharp ranged for 11nd every farmer and his wife should be present as that ters of vital importance id them will bwediscussed Toddpres identof the Cotlnty Federation will variety government grade germina tion testianrountforsale price and the owners namellind addressThis South Slmc Crop Improvement Association andshodd be ial ll 11111111111111 lt thissensoll supplies the Vitamin Bl and Illilltilii subshmecs so llelcssury to illlproretllo quality of the bloodulld ludp the nerves For better 1111111111 better IVllilVl1liVtileepV and Vior better llr CilusesNervo lood HOIEL SVINGLE Vs15o 1VVVgts2soV NpHiGijltRf gt1 iooolnoomin 11v Fs 1V 1111819611 and Nerves 11111l11l1 use ecuusle it digestion So do up 5011 andhonomiuf unfrmonuo mounts 63 Whonpldndidgyoui nelct hip 0011M Tickets and unwind in wens1111111111111 is issuers enroute you travel by motor coach yourlocal agent for all have information

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