Ontario Community Newspapers

Barrie Examiner, 6 Feb 1941, p. 7

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P555 gm tiHiliH XXAMINHL DAKKIE UNL CANADA 1131112911 11111111 111111111 siertaiziim +1111111suninNW 11111 13111113110113 11001 QUESTION itLLISTON HAVE HOUSING REFERRED BACKK ZNEW RECTORS SHOP FOR BOTH ifIIjeIIinnumiiI Bedding FOR BOYS Pea keit 11111 elixir Ur Quality and Sailings e1ul19i hiznxif 115 1215 acceded to 111111 11 Liv e11 1111311 1pc 11 P111103 wotlat iilstttiigbV 11111ipfu1ie1on HOPE cues1 111ms SHIRTS 011 in connnunilv math111 and 1m EtiiiiIiedhiuLitigdhzr Eaisutiiiiti1 diet 111 1e Lillt own 111i II I1 I11 1w DJm 10 aLma Wa 1111 11 function and nsisted in man rhiiu lied Simis with IV 111 til1 dads 3111131011 01 its vorthwiith Lfiorts Whlil ll lime Chigt1 label 01 1111 ii 111111 111111111 itmziiiwd in maincc 111111111 emit11 in mhrd is 6111 W111 111 ligt111i111 WA quilted 11 iltltlit 111 raetiie 11 111111 11111113 11151 Vednmday Hum ml Mk 4111 II School Board 101 averat vein5 1111 celli=1111ie xrapgier Size 111 In mu nmmcd departing rector of St Andrewz by $115 $173 Value 21 St ndiiu 11o ilall vVkn 31 nitiWWe 11111n gt111111L110n pWWd Wmcumy iii1 IIIIIIII II 1I III II IIIIIIIi IIIIIIIIIYIimmn II WI 111111561 was Harm0 $114111 inlllh tHULK Hlixt 14 11 II lin 1S 11111 in tho Unittni on 1111351111115 on which other inunv III1II1 II 1111 11 21111111 111111 oni 111111 1111 1111111110 11915 of the board needed ndvee 1111111111 31 ii nt 1111 111112 1111 ir Duii loud 1111ii lh11il111h In Mi NV 11 5pm 11111112111I1iI 11m gut 11nd 111 511 putt 111 111 AIM lew lumvmvr Li mm Mi by Re My Bun JUMHH mnk am Hv 111 in 11111 11111114 1311 11111111 11m 1111111 111 11111101 Mlon1e Order and he also 111111 teh iir 12111 tt1tilt 1w 11 zoow uh lh Jlddl 11ml 11 111 iii 11111bh tollonid in lttitillifl hr intuitioni111 111 the Orange and 5H 1III1i 111 1e II II HHHJ Ill 111111113 hilid Mm 12 111M Mm 111 I1 1111111111 Huck ngmi 11 1mm 0m EMMA mii ztdh Uiil 1UI1rIII1I 11111111 51L 11131 II 11 11111 ii 111 1111 11111 13111 111 111nm P1111111 $11115 1211111 11m AUhAtil II ff 1111111 111ii rosx 01k thin the Mine oi iiind Giannini II 5111p 111111 1111 511 IVIIIIII 1I 111 WI 11 Imuwd Imd LI 11111111 1111111 IIIII IIIHII IXLIIIIIIII IIIIIII MOUIIII III IIIII MIISIIIIIC IIIIIICIIIIIIV and III WI I11l11II11111I11 111 111 III II III I111 111111111111 vinai Illilm 111111 111 tin1111111111111 lttdlplucu he wIIImunIlium III 111111111 1111 111 tcrhi Mr 57C 11 1111 1111111t11 11 11v 11111 1m 1011111111111 1111 OUUNHH hiri 111111111 7511 Value Spot111 hpeerai 11 1111 Lidi 111d 21M and Hal lasin 1ii11 litere ManLarch be 111111 1111 111111111111 111 littfttcitth 511 to 1toonone tor the month AI 11 aidom vacant Mr knight 1H1 1111 11 111 adod 01111 tnpoririv itkt the cad and c1111il11dii1 111111112111 1111 11111 Jaiiihtii 111115 11111111145 ikih 01 St011 Ahhii 11110 11 11 111 1111111 and lite1 111 out 511141115 1mm 511111 1Hmlh tin 11511111 trundx 111 Port C11 11ln11 1111 sheets trauuently as are New Lee 01 3111qu1IiIiiiiigtt zII11I111 111111 IntII11121111i1t11nI1111 111111115 11 1111IIIIIIIIIII III SIIIIHIISI 17 In IOCkSIII IIIIIlI A1 IIIIIIIIII IIIIIIIII uIIytEIIIIII III mm H1 Hm timpulm fimlim mi and mun PW 131111 JUN 11111111 111 171 1111115111 speeinl nature trnnspires 11 inc himllu 11W my mmtmu Ttlmn 1mm Wka 31 mm lodge 111111111155 here II an Al tiiu 11112111 lune Mr Knight ti 11111i1i1i 11 I111 Aiiirton and 1s ST iliti Void 11 Civil Guard cl1aiiu MW mum Sim Advisory loard Connnittee andg Mrs Durid Miller is ilIlitilitllt Nit5 Marv Miittltith lorontir 1tliiLill he was elected eiiziirznnni in the 11V HOhMiUi Darrin gtigtiit the Ltkltt Vlttl her 1i 111 the Board of DilCLtLiln of 5U HQIMYSA J01 01119151 5010113 mum 11mm MH Thus 11le Mrs Oscar Rum and lit1111111111 1e 111 otiiee 111 it 11111111 fii eeondi ML and Fhm Monmm mm mt Mthlm uh HMS 111115111110 sient ouuday With Mr Ibolhnunood min Inuit Mrs lit Burr 1111110 crowd attended 1111 We enmn Memorial Ilospiai which 1111 knight was 11111111 Mr 111111I Mrs Ditk Moore Mid 1edirntion 01 Agriculture nineturn Dunn tor the Deanery ot South land 5111111 Sunday with Mr andIln the 1mm 11111 ltilllSdH 1111 SimCUCI Mrs Maurice Fitzgerald Quite number roai 111re at As new 1m 1w Church 11mm 01 mm 111103 Fitzgerald tended the Dix11111 011110 Simeon 11311 MlI 1111111111m11 mum 11 Mrs lhos Fitzgerald tform Cooiierntiie building in All11111110 irieiidlt who utter the iniiounee Cmmrim MCMMW Elm wodmxtdn mm MM Wit iii 111 hpiiillii Vl mliiL mm HI175 wwhww Aw Tod 00d mm ronto died on binnini 111111 191 no 1qu Lilirnri lrisldcni LXPXCLFUI the Sim KITS It 5110 mm muowmri 11111111 115 1141111111 b1101 11960115911 mum 11111 11mm H1 ma 111eetinr Tucsng Jan 28 in 1111 W1 rs Kinht 1111 11 the since the death 01 her husband 111 11 tonn 11111 1111 ottieeis nit 11 111 May 1921 in Toronto 141111 1111111311111 of the ludiu IoIf CIIIII from How ROSIIIIII Church I0P1Ie GeoIlIutlI hwy Mn 110111 Womins Guild and the Womtna HI CI II Machnin Fit11x Mis J05 G01 Auxiliary in Which organizntiom tE IIic MI II 0101don Librarian Mrs Wes Perry the rtctors wife 1111 taken keen Engine5 Ml Simihlhey Iiimrt VOW 110011 year inkIN 3111113111w31l Fred 1110 eldi of the hiCL hil iiurird Survivinu are seven 1111111111interred in the 110 Cemetery 12111 tudying 111 Toronto Uni children nnd 111o Iiru1grnnlti here The many lricnds of Mrs versitv Of the other two lsobei children 111501110 sisters Miss Fitzgerald 109111 with regret oi Brigid McMnhon af tiresent lll her d12rture from this lite Sing II 0113 II 11 md mum St Josephs Honuitl lorontonnd ccre sympathv is extended to 11 1111 Ruth Will finish her pri M15 Quinlan 132111111 Three 111 friends and relatives Us LdWmu W1 it MM her grandchildren are soldiers in Dunn Toronto and Mr UPPUSIte the regwry mile 5011 traininu two in the Royal A11 Mariin Pheloston are me and IplImIewiCkII Force and one 211 01111an Borden Mnurice and Leo F1114 14111 01 1111115111 Pin1111 1115 11111 chord Mr and Mr Iitzeerind were tli1stiaeeIIzI1Ire Ineizhewsf S1I 1111316 111 Chm311111 any51Turmerrmrieni orinigcoinmuni 3i Faun on Con ity and owned the farm Alvin Drcnnnn Hillndole now operatesi UUI NIHIr HRH 5111tl11l FUCK MII Fitzgerald Iereeted the fin1 Mr 131111111111 tin11 eonniulrum 1111131111 01191353311 3O$bdrh tgiiillcnflcdmdgl233323911th 01 Lhuimood Do you hitow why am like mm or at Bettast in Ireland and educated number 01 years before retiringlumde Mrs BraxtonzyNo dont but 11 St Snnons National Sthooi and EIIIIIEIIC$213333Iligliegig 0m wamcd IU ask y0uI the Technical Institute in his niI iive city Afterconiing to Canadn Mr 325 unwed wydmc CU leg in 1924131 iiitc11iiptedliis Audios there to go II as vo nntcer to open up mid it the inland mkSimti the Easmm Arctlg at Baker Lake in MythweTgrmoms He mum row Cd 10 Toronto in the fali of 1930 and gag from WYEIIIHC 901ng DAYAND NIGHT CALLS mums 5pm 1931 rCOLLISIogDggggERS Mr Smyth was n351stant curatal on BODIES 11 11 All SszlintsCV lrch leghtdti0m OC febcr 1930 until his appointment FRAMES and AXLES DANGER 77 77777 MLOIDImnbm yonwseprgmbepr iiSTWGHTENEILv No No DIRT 0R IN TRUCKS SNOW AND ICE mum new ffctm St 13119101 MOTOrlc if 0f std19er a2511re iirchaitwigcisbitcgnilyuiiitcigtcdrig SALES AND SEvaCE II gon Used tor Tru draulic Horsts Stlpplg on otrcherous ceuled and Protected 311361 Hgmililaenpliela005fimy dis wnning bomd when YOIU Iwhcnihedeorsereclosed 1386 In aIdeaIl II dwnenmucamh Imams 01 I924 925II MUD 11 1933 and less danger of iiiiu Chevrolet equipped with Wepim andalsowrththeUniversrtyoT ronto Intercollegiate teams of 1925 1926 3111149311 Mrs symm was 1933111110 10f tho UniVQISity 0f TOFODtOPub liclIcalth Nursing Class Shewas lTK 1111 1111116 on LOHEMNG OfalienRev 33nd is WWW more com Ever mom toyourcur Mrs Murphy and granddaughter oi FROMALL STA111011131111 EASTERN CANADA 9731 tookbeiierjiliey stay 47 IgiiiunerT1hey provide NOttsnthG II Dr Hoyles Wifefofmerly principal sIrangerssi 1119 on the late Dr and Mrs HoytSl and find strangeror 11 11 11 foriqble entrance and exit TICKET GOOD 0L wycmfe omega Tommo CUM111115111 fares approximatelyliclpe prudice and therefore oi Osgoode Hall Toronto and also RETURN LIMIT45 DAYS 90515 sumy 59 youI And renterilliciorIUCuz Lemongi Elma 90 president and one of the founders happen here for Churn5 greater sortgtyirolherstI alt towpricedoars has this 1uaiilt leihasnorunningbohrds IRev and Mrs Smith were mar Cd 011 0910119114 1933 They haV RISE7511NGCAR5 Hales 499mm 18 11110 children MainEtheliiged 61 gifgfgommodamnin 51w SI cars ad chdusivc Iadvgnggcsj 111111 1N iron antlThOmaIS Williamfwho 18 We months5holt offour Wars BAGGAGE CECKED stopovers at fupmms goingIils Iod The new leekr Wm 11 15 be 51m Exam1101s 0m western EaStelnCantd Dunn ame er 3A7 it it Ciicyrplet It 1111 extra 12011 11I111 EASER SW1 rIlun10vcr 311m mm ISMARITERPMPRE iieved conduct his IIIfirSt5PViCS licIIkets Sleeping Car Reservations and allinformation from any Agent ENTRANCES EXIT I5 Managuswune hereon Maic111 The date or the ASK MR IHANDMLL iort1nerciisingDcLiixc ixiier1cl1on induction has not IIyet been Ian I5blcnnmpmnd The timimhn Witt nounced NIT Igawa1pgyno thrifty e111ciidaiili Valve111i II wnning bomb udem II II II 1Ltdfeithti IIIIIHcad EligiHCit pizicrsmtjhevrolet eukardesignglljgukos mrardovynon to te vG If irrimpler neuiorund III 1I II LCticurolet dealer toda MI imdeli alickIiturneduw II I1et Tmmt 13m Spendmg 519 rr mommahm II YangIJOAdjmet Ejlfti7u find it thereforqmiieiiiractive Tf 4mg fen mug marI rIurul for Jimm to camr See your more ptoasirigio the eye Miss Gracerand Donald Ja ob II II Totbnto vistedw1m me yam re ttv no the wee end aw 5Qtmltcic Jr realigned home to In momthe hospital Barim in ever town Biting 310118 ntCEIYlOE1 II Ho 18 the aegis nt he met with on Dunns 1smneittmeago enroute IWhenI Mr and Mrs IlnrryuGiffen Honored WUmioirendsand 1voutrdVe1bYj the 111111 on 3335 11517153 ifm Gigi IIriff II m0t0rCOGh 1311 011019 rs GI Herb n1 ott who were mmiea recently On 1beimlf or the young the community Miamid rs El flog gntfo lltxqvel II I1 people and the charivari Ysof Whenlonnindyourneiittttpioonsuit Elizabetliaaml Toronto 3118018 51 Rupertmnde the resntattbn punIIlopdr Mule tar Sis Phope glhwgesv ntnznd mt 13 II

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