Ontario Community Newspapers

Barrie Examiner, 26 Mar 1954, p. 16

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wm £2000 wnntcd fll slim er Good commercial humless SD Barrie Exnminer Imj WANTED $1000 nu nkmma or 000 second mung an Bum emu Box 17 Barre nu phone 301 Coolutnwn 91 CALF for Veaung Apply noizm Campbell Churcmll Phnno 19le nm 9101 Rama Registered Hcmlnrd bull also Pigs diflumn ages Ray Goodlellnw phone Struund 11131 ply ma fiicker iii smuon Phune am Ora HEREFORD Bull years alsn Herelurd heifer years old In calf Keilough Lenny phone 1714 0107108 fiE one gnnd set of team har ne brass mounted and bridle and breaching call11s used times like new Sacrifice Phone 53 mm McCarIpEyJ POLLED Hereford bull calf pair brown matched registered Hackney pnnlcs and years old rubber urea Show bunny Zwheel trailer Perry Ada Barrien OUTSTANDING Ransom brad Scoch Sharlhurn Hire Sire years nldpqulct Priced to 5911 as his daughters are being rammed Harvey 51 Son Cooksluwn Phone 55r3 Ecemn 9106107 the Nngnm chllh Unfl rullcvcfl htthritls sinus phlehms varicose vdns cunsflpatinn inscmma im provm blood plrculafian massages Na Dieting Nn Exercise No Discomfort Nu Disrublng Lési POUND TREATMENT lrEMmcnls 5500 Peggys Reducing Salon Duckwarlh SL Barrie Appolnlmonu phone 3992 30IM145 Take advantage or Ithtse Amazing Reg $500 cold wave $400 reduction on mornlnl appoint menu Reg $500 machlnclcu wave $400 Cold Wave mz $700 $300 Cold anc regjflm 35m WILL Mu Ernie 133R Mrs 1v Rawn or nnynne knowing crwngrcqpuum please write Box AFRHI uf your mlrrur Use chercx Olntmnnl and Sam uclally mcdlculvd or complcxlml rrcgulnrllivs Imvcn by use against th mnsl slubbom skln candlllam All Druggisls 30401 00 Maple Ave IF CONSIDERING manln an um Mnrrluxc Wellnrn Spec nllsl by mnll Eslnbllshvd H100 0vcrfl000 nu rlch nml pour married n1 ly Scrupulnus secrecy Slm max 71 chkcns mm mum Winnipeg aqnm hnne JermEy 1m NB ianle phone 85114 nflrr BpJn slofiwl LIVESTOCK FER SALE Cullch Order ERNEST CHARMi mmnv Clerk 01 um Cnunly mp County or Slmcm 10 mm mm by nu Onlvr In ml mm mm Um 21m dny nl July mm wnI mama Um Hymw Numlmr mu the Curuurnunn nl um Town at llnnlc nml xmm wnx lhrnby up Imvml nmzlnu nu Hume vw HUN Highland Avmuw Thr Innnwlnu or emu whlch had bf me Cnrpurmlnn Ilarrlnas Inllnws Tu Wll Hy Vlrluu wnrnml 1mm hy llu HPrVr in luwmhlp lnllllnl undrr Ihv mml and IF In Fnhl urpurnllml lirnlln lulu lM 7l day Juno In lllllll In unrau 11 um In Hm Tuwlkhhl Inullxlll hrlhl mum nlnmrln um 7m lay ul scpmnmr Au um Thr nanr nnmn rnmu Hrrl Im 71 any sw Mr 15 In all Church nl Im Hm in day nlnlmr mt ll Ihr mm nrluck In llw Hellman unlru mo In Ind cm In Inunrr mle Ml ll mahy ulvcn lhnl Hm Mil nl Inn Hr nr MN lax wr puhlldml In 11m Outll luv ml Um Jul day Jul WM and um my llw mm my be hm any uflluo AND TAKE FUHTIITJI NOTIFY Ill lhc mljnumml MI ha mm Ilm mm hmlr mm dly Odnhrr I0 lmvuuy lh fuv Nation Tllwlvllflxl lmufll Inlrmlu pvmchnu any at In lumll amtd Iur ulna ml the full Inmunl all mm In will he nallml mm In mu urvu Icmlrrrl Olllzn lhln Mh July mu Permanent Waves am Special START REDUCING FOR BEITER HEALTH MONEY T0 LOAN no issuing TlllZASlllllfl SALE OF LANDS FOIL TAXES Township of lnnldil cum Humnu HIGHLAND AVENUE narne xmemér aomJm CAMERON Change Name PELLHW STREET lo PERSONAL good work hams Ap Dickcrrm No 05 axe CALIle Hnnlrlr WHUI Clflmtalc bro rucrlvud he Tuwn MlwIW Phone 7473751 annwrd DlMWI 5107109 irmm mm ALLAN nm 407 671315 F71 Pamcorner Rose and Feel SL1 Phone ma WIN118 McCORMXCK Deerlng Coxn Bin dnr Ind IDMBLAPPIY Kinl phone betray 104101 cocxggwjn Haw Chane Bone Barrlz phone 711 aFUEEOW Fleury Plough new Wayld consider urraw plougj as COCKSHUH No Manure Sprea def Cockshun 8A Giant Mower These machinu are thoroughly cvcrhauleiThomns Dawes Cock shuu Dealer Hixbdnle Ont 3510740 RUBBER nred Wagon In good wnditlnn Reasonable Also large farm mun wllh noel frame Phone 84412 3910840 ALMS Chalmers BO combine wllh hln scour cleaned straw spreader all ln flml class condltlon Ken Hetherlngton phone 92 Stayner 3910mm nrt payment Apply Burinn Cur Barrie Highway 11 3910040 Box Urluln Gasoline Engines and Equip menL specialist 1n thls Held Bcrczy st OArmslmnga Flnor Covering Linoleum Rubber and Asphalt Tile Plus Wall Tllc Materials Suupllcd and Installed Free Bllmnlm IlACKlILLING EXCAVAHNG DEMOLITION 0F BUILDINGS TOP SOIL 0R FILL FLOOR COVERING WOLFENDEN Fhano 5032 Ann our noon Ihnbby mm our 11 gn Speed Flour Snndu and Tcflnhh like new Humnnnblo flu All you flour flnlahu Ivnllnbh BOYDS PAINT AND WALLPAPER l9 Clapperton St Ph 5206 bmt EXCAVAIING Ditches and Farm Ponds PHONE STROUD53R34 filmHOF FREE IZSTIMAIIIS ALI WORK HHIC IN Vlnyl mMmmmmmu mu luhllu Hlmm my mm mm Cull uwmo 11L nuns plum uni omu rnmzk Lrllnlnx mul mun mm lnl lhvuw 5MB 0310 muhnmlux na hlnmr rluulnl ml nan and mm 54an Funmmfid alum mm umm um ulcu mum mlxu wllh Iltclrh mull nlfavlud luv Irrlllvy day or wuk Ihlvnr In IOIHOF mnmm Mlxyl llut thth flnlllml luvl kwuuke In Lmlmlml lnrrululn cr Mulhornl lnvl lIlulmled lnldrr wme llmunlu Hum OnL Phone collect on nucuun 5115 Order to Orlllln 761 GERRY DOUCETTE ELECTRIC FLOOR SANDERS llnvl Ammm Awhnll lmI hummuym yquln Wall VMll GOODS UHDEIlImV VAIU ILYWOOD UUNTEH IVIIH FLOUR MHUIHH CMUIJ SERVICE Mnlrrlnl SumIIINI Inllnllrll FNEF HHIIMATPH PHONE llllJ Ull NIH IVV Ir1M LOADING GRADING FARM EQUIPMENT TIM RURAL FERGUSONREID Nu collection No chm Cmdll Bunu of Slmcae County DON BEATTY QHAS THORNTON Licensed Auctioneer 106 Naywash Siren ORILLIA MISCELLANEOUS SMALL MACHINE REPAIRS COLLECTIONS Floor Service TILE Phone 5139 STEWART Tenn reasonable PHONE 5876 WIRING T0 RENT Com Elndur near Dancer RH No 307124 3901 IIAHIU Prim 4m Phone 5185 599 mm 57571 Hull Barr 507 Farm Broker ghnnly Buy Ont mo Aurel level clny lolm l0 Large hap barn Equipped or dalrylnz Iaafln ham mllklnp parlor with ma em mllkln equipl ment spray Iypc cooler and com bln mnker two mllk quota Beamqu home wllh modern kllcll cn urnnce and bath on ground floor Self comnlned nvnrlment Ion resend floor Closulu Nol ll Highwny and only leven mllcl mm Enrrle real bargan or can he bought as golnz concern 00 acres mllu lrorn Battle on splendid road lwo mlles ram 11 Highway Splundld bulldlnu and has of sail Mnny nlhem choose from have mnre exclu lvo llstlngs than nver belorel Write for lists and nlcturcs Congidcrpblc portions of the Antarctic conuncm sun havnbeen teen onlyrum thevnlr FARMS EOR SALE nn Shaw Bay nrphone Barrie mm ELLWOOD BLACK ELLWOOD BLACK Modern flangh lype xlx mom hrlck hunnlow cut and loclllon ulll New he like oak lldnnfirnulmut comhlmllun lllem Ind dlnlnimom Tiled bafllrhdmfoll bunny Ll lot Phunu or luflhtr pznlculan md nuke appointment lIo no lhls new home Reasonable lawn paymcnl1ermx OTHER GOOD BUYS HIIANTY HAY ROI Modrrn slx mom brick bunnaluw v0 years old on healing Uptn fireplace ccilcnl Vkw of hle Irltn $2800 $1000 down memwm LOCATION In Allnndale vary mmm brick home Thrcc roams down we mun nml bum up Garage Under $12000 Terms OWEN ST Two 1m ohl llve mm lvvltk Innmu um um Inlck mm unmmua wllll all lha mm Ilcm enmlurhhln mm mnmlvIy dulnud um almlmmy mm by owner Mum unuplelcly 111 but uun mun hm hn drllnln qulllly ulunver rumpu Ir7 wlml wwnllrl Il WSW Von elmIn ma Ind uhqu mm mm In low In some lumm POPULAR PRICED HOMES IAnummt mnvn M4 mm hnmonnll mm wllvnlul hllhly dulrnhle ex In luculhn upan qurnl rm mm 00 wllh lfllml HumIn locallun ml Ilnry An mm mu 1mm mum hnl wmr Iur only tum dan and no mnmh Full pdrn umm mu ALLANIMMJ mum Immn wllh pm MM mumnu mm nml mum wm nll mu uuml mum lnw mm will ImmUr SLESSOR WALK DOWNTOWN mun mln wllh HENRY ELRICK MICHIE F011 BEST BUYS ALWAYS CONSULT HOMESBF THE WEEK INTlflflBlflflY EXAMINER DON1i fill SALES REPRESENTATIVE MEMBER MIME AND Dmmcr REAL ESTATE HOMID 3101 IN ACRE Firm barn Ind home Ibcut on new workable car Humpwn Fullwdce $3750 Elm vue hm mo acres new bun mm dflvlnl flied Ind chlcken heme good house hydra In II buildln Small bush and 65 new waxkw 2Ap IyG Hum Eula tar phone mi 1516 own Callingwaod VIMHR Properfy for Salerorillrent OWN BuflhElI of our own or slle or exchnnze xenernl flux and equipment Co Slnrnn lockem modem 1e Irate house Barrie dllklzt Wan comlder 1n nxchlnue prnpcrly In or near Hare rIe Phdne Barrie 4801 ZSXDNOB Sunnldnleflownship Cnuncll and WasagnBeanh Chambcrml Com merce caoperamt in clqnnlng strclch beach MOakvlew ann ship gave $100 loaned grader and opcrnldr whHe lhc at hirnd rucks and Index Fiftyflve lands of debrlswém taken at in about CLEAN dawn smmu FARMS FOR SALE POULTRY IllFEBED BY BHBBIES lEfllllNG REAL ESTATE FIRMS URNUINR RAURIHCE new mull Ilmlll wllh all cmwrnhncru Mhl many all mm llluhurlI out In NI 91 $5900 wllll H100 duwn anlJllNfl IAYINX Vlclulln nl Jun nil llulllunl hum llrrrly MHI ullfl wldt Ilrmy 1y Ill have Ivvwn srrvlrn lOflfllllLK IHIIIJIX halhvmmu wflh romm wm many MIMI lnrlmlhn 1mm null hr elulrlc DIM wulrr va1y drm IIHI 0500 FOUR ROOMS modern newly bull hnme wilh forced air healing Priced at $7600 wllh low down payment FOUR llOOMfi all cnnvcnlenccs woth lhn price askcd $6M IN ANaus new lwmc wnh Inrue 1mm mom and kllchcn Two bedrooms Full prlce $35m Terms 7MIHILTON HTIIHET IIION 5935 75 Wm month old wm sell or mac or older hem AM Spunk pups Plum 669i 1410 25 yaw Hnlgpqhhe 13mm firms ear old or Sale 11101 Gnu hone 3061 uun Phone nae 15 ampsmu gnd ComgghT Cm puueu er HEA heath old lnylnl ROY Fraser No Hawkenone Phone grn QUANTITY at ready to In Hymn Pullets or sale Cll 2735 for deHvery nowor lnler Gflrflorc Hatchery £0 Penzmnz EL BanXe 1495th MONTHS Hamn Ruck Full or sale ready to lay large at small amounm Yearling hens Ive ur dressed Ensemble Dan nely Ens slde Highway 11 VI mile nmth Churchill 1410111 In 1963Canadinns used an aver age at 334 yards 01 Comm tabrics each almon hall which were meuncd PHONE 3752 HlDfiWI Blind 8217 ll Auction sale oi houuhnld iumilure im Mn Dean Minurn Sheet Ann Term mil Sale 130 pmi lhar Jerry Coughiin nuclioncer 102 Sunni Sept 18 Thu under signed will seii by public auction arm mack and implements pro party of Leonard Vunaxe Lot i2H Con 11 Township 01 West Gwill imbury Sale at pm Terms cash Fred Smith Auciinnner Phone 181 Newmnrkci 103107 Tuesdxy Sept 28 Auction sale nt armpiarm shack impiomums huy and grain or James McGrnde at Lo 13 Con iedumJLLh Town ship Term cuhi Sale at mi sharp Jerry Cnughiln Autum eer 1061119 Wednesday Sept 29 Auction sale at tum slack implements he in Lorne Alkimon Lat 13 hay nnmgmin mm the estate oi Can 10 Sunnidnic Township Terms cash Sale at L30 pm sharp Jerry Coughlin Auctioneer Iuesday Oct Aucllnn sale oi nrm stock Xm lcmems hay and grain or he me Wilhlrt Davis wv Let Con mea Tuwn AUCTION SALES YEAR OLD HOUSE H5 510 on 100 10 Clnsc in lull price $850000 Nzw mm house wllh xaraxt Muslem In every spent Full buemenl cnmplele wllh laundry Inyx lmmtdhhs Poumlon Full pllce $950000 Terms Irnngtd ll 00 STORY wlld brick house In Al nndale New urnacc Small down payment INVESTMENT PROPERTY Duplex fully rcnlcd milEstm Burden Full prch $570000 32 High St Ihnne 267B or To 1m mmm Himy mu lnlck Ilmw Illgn mm lml vHulna nu mull lullnhlr or rv IlNInmmn lame chum Porcer hm nlr ml uMlmz mm nmumm lmlumm bunnnluw lulu Hvlnx mm mulwwul Im lmly hummm wrll lyrnl Iml rink which nlludlvrly mm he mm 01 um Irvmm Cuumnluml Hum mwmmn HM Ilmcy lnlrk hmm IMMI Ill rllPerM tnmllUlIll Hun nth gupmm nr lumny hunm Muslin representative llue your cnnlldrnu hm upelllntl mm hue man Inmnluw my homel mmlnn runnnlmm MullM mmmL Mnnlhly plymenlla lm than nnL Imm yaw mum to 1mm our Iwmel hrlnm buylnl CLIFF BROWN Realtor llElllESENTATIV Ted Culhherl Ind Irld Forster COUTTS Real Estate iqauo ship mflu straight ponh Mlnulnx villlze Terms cub salt at Cum shlrp Iany Coulblln Aucuunefl 107113 TIE BAIRE EXAMINER DAY 881117 195 nr ha Vma Wasaza Beach 51mm exDer ence and Sahry ex pected wfll be receive by the undersigned or the Wasagn Bench Hydro J3m mlsflon stating experience nd salary expected will be received by the undersigned Duues to commence Butcher 15 HOMES YOU WILL LIKE CHARLES PROCTOR Clerk Box 98 Wnsagn Beach lMIIOWF CLERKTYPIST TENDERS FOR ASSESSOR TENDERS FOR FIVE FEATURES Inge mag Box 98 Wasnga 1mger Broker GAS STATION and lunch counler High gal lnnngn Good opportunin or nmblliuus pur scn Ahnm $350000 BEDROOM COTTAGE Il Mlncls Folnl complcln wllh bath monL Owner must sell cheap LARGE STORY hrle house suitable 0r duplex Close In COLLIER 1mm Lariv 10 mm hmun vllh mum wnlrr In rnrh lwlrnmn hnl wallr mum mllmln In muvrlllmL mm lam hum linkd Cum MIL ltmmmnnm NT mum Hurry hut bvlrk mum wen mumml lmnl an rwu bonnlllul mnlllr mm mm lmlnum Ind Ilvpurlln Mumlu Wu mn Mnr 1th ma buy wm vlnnnlnl 0r lullhl Iuw hmur mnmil um mu unll Um prutnhm Nu mnmnnu Clerk xga Bench lga Beach 106110WF Owen EL nanlt llmm 2117 uu Evcnlnxs lhohc 6192 at 44125 NOTICE 10 CREDITORS AND OTHERS IN mt MATTER OF Butflu of BEBECCA JANE GAZLBY All parlon havlng claim ngnlml he male Rebecca Jane Gazlef late the Town Bar rle thc Counly at slmcoe wldaw who died an ar about In lilh day at lnnuuryll154 if hereby mulled to send parllculm same In the undesiznnd on or belore the lfilh day of October 1954 alter whlnh date he 661nm wlll be dlslrlbuted wlth regard anly Io lhe dalm of whlch 1h undersigned ullall than have nutlce Hna lhe undurslgnedwlll not be llahle to any pexjsnn of whusa claims they shall not then have notice ronlo Ontarln Erncsl David anley and Velma June Grilfln Executors by their Solicitor WILLIAM SHEP PARD 70 Queen Street East To Daéedm mo any Mom this Mlh day of September 195L 11mm ué

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