1311 um Slaimd um varnishbd Vertical homing applied mo gable end at an on projecting the 1mm nflers pleasing commuï¬n the white painted clapboard used an the other Uhhldc walla of Th6 Glenn Todays dwiun mm the name the Wm Plan Service 5mum huuae wilh an nlllc mr slurngc Measuring 30x22 on he wan1 lng could be placed on 1m mu 501001 homage with larger 1m brcczcway and garage could be added on the mummy my 01 he house The cubnuu the hnusc ns uhuwn ls moo teal J11 original lunr plan lncludu survlcc entry un llm nm In tho CONTRASTING MATERIALS GIVE PLEASING EFFECT EQUIPMINI Ouxhn Mr nullunlml I1 sum lluullnx ulul llllllux HumeI Feature Home of The Week FLOOR PLAN house mm of the kil chen The house pictprnd how ever has the service uii at the roar This necessilains diiiercm kitchcn layout as shown in in alternate pinn slang Space in Alilc Because of lilo roof pitch Ihc aiiic cannot in used or nnyihing also but slnrngc However win dows at either and 01 the mic should he inslailed to give good light and ventilation us one wmuuw humm cMnu mhlncm nu lhu wall wrmcc mm um mum wnuld urn uhly rmorvml lnr uucsu wrup Mrr hrth no will Islam In mm mun Jull om Xe nan mm luur In ou Lthpnl uulrul hall llnrn rlnwl cull vrnlrmly lurMcd Jml luylmd mu chmd by dmrr uc In nlnllï¬l In llu nllk The cnvmd mm at the door Mmrds some sheller the element and at the limo makes an inlcrmlng Imc milkCS an inlcrmtlng break in the mo line The Iron door opening Inm he living mum is gland give extra light other light and vanlallon for lhe lflx 12400 Hvlng rnnm comes lrom window at lhu rant Um hmxsu and pair smallrr wln dnws whlch flunk he flmphcc Space under lhrscwlnduws ovum br ï¬lled th bulllln bonkcasc Two duan in me lun Inside wall the llvln mum npcn on we smnn hallsone connucllnu uman mm mm and bull Ulc oUHr passing UN 11 slalrway beluga reachin lhc 1m rhcn nmnm Clusel In Kllchen TM kllchun whlch mmmr 111x col hm bmom cluscl bu shlv lhu rumng and range and he sink and wmkllu cuunms arc viliclLnlly 11ml uuL Wimlnwu 4m expusum pmvhlc crust m1 lwn cxpnsum vnlllnllun Illnan rnum mlJulnlnz nu kllchvn 4m Um Irnr um hnusvu nwnsuus rm rmmr Alm Thr lwvrn ll Imnl Thr mulmnm 11 1mm bo lwvrn Uu va leHIUlIH Larger llm hrdumnu the but nl lhr mm 11 II Imuw mrnulxllm 1mm Tm yum mm CLARKE FLOOR SANDING EQUIPMENT You rm dn prolnlloml nllnllhlnl loll wllh nur romnllll nyAI lulu IlmlI inllpmnfl um um mum nul lvr mu llom mw buuly um lumlh lpmml mlinllll Ind rnmplflc hlkllllrllolll llll IIHNTAI ILAN INCLUle IIVIZIWTIIINH YOU NEED ITH EAHY T0 HEM IIY TIIOHH OLD FLOORS IF YOU IN IT Yflllllh Wllll CLARK FLOOR SANDING EQUIPMENT PHONE YOUR RESERVATIONS mm mm measures 1311an foot Both rooms have wlnrlaws on lwo exposure and each roam contain large clothes closet Compicle plans nnd speciï¬calluns or this Home ihp Week or any other arshln series are nvaHahln moderato cusL To ascerlnln mt exact price lhesc documnnLï¬ wrllc ID the Alamo Building Editor and cnclmc selfaddressed envelope benrlnx 3ccnl sump has une week should be allowed for reply In lhc full cullar the herding plant placed under the living mom and laundry admit3 under lhn kllchen This leave he space under the bedronmx lo be Darn uuned on admixed Flambing Pipo Pusher Saves Digging Up Lawn now Hydraulic pipe pusher enables plumblng wmraclnrs 10 lnslnll plue undorxround wmmul tearing up lnwnn driveways floors and pavomunl Thu plpc usher also ullmlnalm lullum dgmnu lunnellnu buckï¬lling and re pavlhu my lhc Plumblng llnd Healing Industries Ilumm Thc duvln can he warmed by um man onnblm Mm nun plpc nnnunn lm ummd nnd umlur on nlucllllna rnmmnn runs or Injury can be climlnnkd kllchcn cablmh mulppcd wllh mrlmnlnlly ililllnu doors luluad of uwlnu In Ilnmx Thur rllmlmllc lhc danmr of bullan lnlu than that are rnrrlmxly lcfl ihlndlm open Insulation ovu all cclllngs In he house 15 recommended Kitchen Cabinet Sliding Doors Eliminate Bumps cqu In um um and um hung at my mMnm itmill um dnnnl amm Hut mm Dunn should equal wlelh nva nwr Ill Inclws lur rmy Upfr Minn nlul my mm to mm In nmm nf um cahlnol The door horny Opaque nr mm mm Inn Imrdbonrd can 110 mud ur mnxpnrunl Mn sluClA UK nunwarli Something Md samelhlng new they say on wedding day and the years roll by the saying holds 800d It applies parv tlculnny the home BecausEy while natural In want nice nuw why theres uomcthlng about lhl old 1an lhat make us reluctant move nul flit mu matter how entlclng the realcsfl lnle advertlsmcnts may hp And so iLanok surprising in ï¬nd thousands of people blending the 01d and the newlo mnke their homes more upodnleand murc Lnmimmbie lqiive in This trend says the Canadian Insiilulc plumbing and Heating nowhere more cvlden lhnn in he Installa tan 01 complete new bathrooms in older type houses practice which seems in be gaining ground every year Actually ls most logical do vclopmflm Hs hardly likely that In country like Canada wlmne mast people can trade In me nld car alrly regularly Im new one where lhc radln makes way for televislnn and the old refflgemmr Is replaced by the cnmblnntlun rc rlgcmlur and dcepIroezL anyone would be content with an out dnled bathroom And few thlngz can dale house like bathrooms Alter n1 mod em bathroom such as are going Into new housing development every day nre as diflcrcnt rdm he hathmums of even couple at decades ago as your new car 13 mm prowurm9dcls because bathroom design and Ihc design of bathroom flx lures has kept pace with modern Ideas 01 living Only In compara tivcly law years all In accent was on ulilily would an automn bllc run did radiator gel 7m rnuld you wash yarnJul 1n the bathroom These were the 1m pmth qucsuons And the an wcr was yes everyone was sat imed Today In addition to uumy we dnmand cumtort convenience and beauly in our nmcnllies And that Ls what people are getting In the new bathrooms they Insml In lake he place of the old Bathroom ï¬xtures an not only more bcnulllully styled but may be had In varlcly of shades of color In bolh color and do In todays bathroom ï¬xturm bland wllh the walls and flooring Io make completely harmnnlou SOMETHING OLD SOMETHINGNEW EXCELLENT BLEND FOR COMFORTABLE LIVING And inr convenience long list new deveinpmems ha been in lmducnd Dfllhiubs for inslnncc are nnw mostly opme messed iypc inr cgslor cleaning and mm crni maintenance They an buiil low so aslu be rasy in get into and out oi Many bathtub are nnw equipped with buiitin sent pariiculariy weleeme innavalian ior lhc cidcriy 1pr oral low and Pcrhnns ilm Krnnicsl change has taken plum In ihe washbasin FD mcrly Solitarylooking Muir sinnding pmiwialvllkc against wall xomnllmcs wiih small mud cine mum over it many wash basiru are nuw surrounded by counloriypc vani that combine nil inc ndvnniauv oi dressing In blc with he convcnicncc oi mn ninu inn and mid mm can nisn bu equipme wlih picnlyoi tupbonnls bnih lfcncnih nnd nbovc ll sn Um all HID mvdlclnm lu lnns cwmcflu nnd her Dunl phcrnnlia he nmdvm bmhmum can be we ka1 care of um um has mm chnnm cnmpncuy wl1 vnlgr wllh vnlnr tank rlosc ur rumkm quieter npcrnllun and cvrlnlnly much mnrc plenum Imwarnllcc In lhc Inycul III Hw mndcm bulmnum luu lhc mile MPH imusltl In mm rrcvsm In Imlhmmn fllllnm also 11ml chunqu hm lukcn mm um and cult 11w nnw rnmblnml mm mm Mrcnm Inf wulvr blvmhd In the vxncl lrmnrmlurn rpqulml Faun mndlul nn waxy In mm mm mlnulv nllrucer il Dependable Electrical Work lor Shop 54 Sophia Ru 193 Bayflold SO lltslllrntlnl nml lmlunlrlnl erlng Ilcpnlr Vurk mmlnx Future OIL BURNERS SALES Cr SERVICE PHONE 3230 WALLWIN ELECTRICRL CONTRRCTRRS AUTHOR Sale cull IN IlmlrrKo ulm New wood can be glen the mellowed Effect at nge with brown utaln whléh is easily ap plied wllh brush Apnfll of flat varnlsh over the slaln wlll heigh Ien the elfect nndhelp to pre serve the wood ï¬nal cnnllm at wnx may be nppllnd posslble in have tails Ia an por milfluy FHDIFW All ln nll thém ls yerhnps noth lng that will do more 10 make wellluved old home mpre cum ortabl= no brlng ll greater ulr DI modernity than the Installation really uptodate bathroom AgingNéyi Wood Mrs Barbara Saunders nhd chlldmn Janet and Dubarnh Plug Rupert EC and Mrs Joun yal and daughter Kerry Iona pen seven ays wuh their grandfathgr Donnelly Mr and Mrs and Joan ol wuckend Wilh Shun V13 nllnlsler Am Monm Mr and Mrs Nclsan Bley and Mm Shirley of Smumh Ruck Falls spent Sunday evening with the Rev Mlssilmcncc Hunter and Mrs Hunlcr on their way In Calharincs where Min Shh lcy is teacher Motor To West Con Mr and Mrs Robert Sinclair and Mr and Mrs HarryTodd 19 last week on molar trip the Wm Coast Holldays Over Holldnys an over and the ch dren are backtn schnol with Miss Grace MacDonald as Ieachcr at SS ND and M15 Elhclflndd nl Zlon Annlversary Anniversary at Zion Presbyior inn Church was held an Sunday Sch 12 at 11 um and 730 pm Rev John Hell Dunlroon was he speaker Congratulmlnnu in Mr and Mn Hahn Maddnck the blrlhnl son Roger Timothy in the Royal Victoria Hospital minimum Sal urdny SgpL Jlm Eamlng Toronto spent the week with his grandmother Mrs Mngnmptg Mr and Mrs Jack Matthews and daughter Louise of Port Arthur are visiting Mr andv Mrs Glenn Klnncar Mrs Walklnshaw flnd Mend Colllnxwond and Mr and MrL Donald Walklnshaw Burrlc and Frank Smyncr called on Mr and MN Duckwonh Sun day nnurnuon Cuu on aptin the woekfnd with Mr nml Mrs gar Kcnrnun ml Rulnnd Hammond and son Mumrml and Mr nnd Mrs Dan Tnmnlo spent nu wcokvnd wilh Mr nnd Mrs Hammond Puncml of shkrInan Mm Hnmmnnr wvm In Tur unlu Mommy uvrnlnu attend her Mchrlnluw uncrnL Drew sympmhy is cxlcndul In Mr and Mn llnmmnml ME Elfline West Toronto spent the week d7 at her ham Mr and Mrs wllllnm Muir T0 roma spent Monday with Mr nnd Mrs Fred Lnllmlr and MN Sundford Dumpsm Im undue Ex Winston Wm amended the Ex hibfllnnranrdrwcn may 13 lhulvu when Arm MIN Elllnbulh Vlllklr III llmll In lluynl Vlclurln Ilupflu wnn 1110ka mm nrtlvld in nr nrclnrnL litr mnny Manda wlsh hrr wme rccavcry mn mlurn rmmo Mr nmX Mrs Urmu cm mun upon the wrvkvnd wm Mm cnmne Llnklnlrr lelr mo ummm rflurmd Imlnc wun mm nllrr uumllnu Ilw nuInlncr wllh Illrlr urMIlIuInUur vlm To mp1 Mr mm Mn nonluu Hth mm mum of my anlv wllh um mnlulnw mm xlmmmnr Mr mu Mm mum hrldurr HOMELY HUMOR onihnm EanNEn van rnmrmrhmmm 2m Ewr llmn my Imlmvul Illxcnv urd ull rw lrrrn mumm ll wr Ihuuhlnl ml Imnn um up 1mm CHURCHILL ANGUS nrlvmu nl mm or quick urva or phone camel Elmud MI Cluzu Beverley Dundas spent 011 Mr and Mn mm min 11 1m 11 Innms 51mm limited PAINSWICK School Ilenpens School opened new arm wnh Frank Klussan in charge Bhuws Plumen Dr Frank Cole Cooksville whose summer harm is at Barril 1i Park showed Ihc plrlurcs at church hem of his recent tour New Zbaland India Ceylun Aus Inna and the Mediterranean Thurms Rnss salnv Far Away Places was very mung and much enjoyed Mr Dull rinsed with prayer The church was well Hlledjnd the evening was Mr andMrs Bower Powers Falrpolm NYspem the hollday wth Mr and Mrs Elmer Uncles Mr and Mrs James Boyd nl Blalr spam the weekend wllh Mr and Mrs Vk floss Here For Few Dflyx Mrs Nobel Shier Tom spent low days at the Dnlby and with Miss chmn Drinklll Kelurn Home Mr and Mrs Norman Greenwood nnd Buddy rMurnod to their home in Kenosha Wls after spcndlng the summer with Mrs Farnuy Vlslted Son Mrs Thnmas Reynolds visited her 5an Clqrencc and Iamlly In Montrea wm Relative Mrl and Mn Armmlr Mum and Myrna of Brights Grove snarl lhu holiday with relatives Recent Vlsltura M15 onvo Hung n1 Midland sucm Wednesday wllh Mlss Zulma iDrlnklll Weekend Visual with Mr and Mr Elwood Johnstnm warp Mr and Mr Elwood Beavs and Ellen Barr Mr nnd Mrs Johnny Camphfll and Morris at Vesprn Mr and Mrs Jack Campbell 10 rcnmn At mama Wedding ML and Mrs Elwood Johnstonc amended the CockDolph wedding in Tomnm an Aug 27 Vlsn ln Wu Frank Dunsmare In last week mo visit friends and relntlvcs in Wuslt WA Executive Mcel 0n llnlldly The Womans Assoclnllon Exec ullvc Simcoc Prcsbylorymct In like Unllcd Church on Tuvsdnx Mr and Mn Clarence mm and Imnlly Frnnklnnl span the wwkcnd with Mr and Mrs Nagy Hurlgg much enlsycd Wackend when Mr and Mrs nobcr Burke and family Toronto Spent lhe weekend wilh Mrs John Kells School rteopen School rcopencd on Tuesday th Runnld French uI Elmvalc as principal nnd Miss DamMn Thvmpson Klnmrdinu nx Juniur mach Mus LuisCuncuxs nn nuimuy her home Mr ind Mm CDC Knll mum mauve over he weekend rs cwmms mumu hnt nmr spcndLnu lhc pm hw munlhs lu Turnnln In Londan Mr and Mn Harry May spam few days In London llalflax fnnlrnnte Humn smwun Ilcllu Ewarl and Tumntm Ion Turonlu on lay murmng Sept 10 lo Mlund ImCouncil Adull Cunhrunre at me Unlul Church Cnnnlln mum and mm unlnu un Snckvlllc New Hrumwkk mm mm Gcmml Cmmcll ur Ihr ummx Chum1 nf wlllcll Cmnullssllmrr by rumn nu ulllco lhr prmlllrnl IN Tur unlu Cunlrrrnrr Lay mucmflnm Adan I1 spummmm mmhlnl mm nqu rum nny mlmanq wlllch mmmu In nu Thu uIpnrmmdnl rxhmnl Him Cnumh um Lmulllulrd In 1mm null II nrluhully umhr ll srcnvmyy II 16 Vnu Ilmnhl put um If your lnrnmr inln Ihr rnmhm In In 1an whirl 0110 II luv lrr plm Hum In ynur him Iml min yum plln In In mmhllm ynu wnnl ORO STATION BELLE EWART WAVERLEY Far Away mung and Dull clnscd church was evening was THEPARRIE EXAMINER MONDAY SEPT 13 Although some linumol produce falled la attract buycm gcnemlly business was quite brisk nu sm urgtay morning 230nm owl rans LI pound Home Baking large vnrkty homo baking was uflered with rnspbvrry ap ple and peach plus gnlnx at 50 cents Dufler m1 told 50 hum dozen and conï¬anut and chocolate layer cakm were prlrcd at 50 cums Frun cake sold at an cents pound and huller wn nlsu priced 410 cents Qullnd ErIEhtIvnflnrud nmmml Colorful Display mu Mendel of Sunnidnle Road was out or muflrsl me this year with colurful display undion aulside ul Ihu Market building The lowcrs wm uulllng Ill 30 cums Prlccs eggs showa no Kraut change rum rccvnl weeks They ranged from pullcls at as mu medium 45 cums large an cans extra large 63 and Jumbn 05 EDIllnguwl was offered at 40 Vegetable Prices Small ghurklns were JLIHM 75 cents and $1 lur slxqunrl basket and lhc larKLr dill sizu were nilercd In between 40 and 50 cents xixquart basket Poulou were priced at 45 mm per sixquart basket canals at 50 cents bouts 50 ccnu uurn lumaluuy 40 numb Iumnlm 50 mm beans 15 mm per quuxl box andlollunc nml mum V1 ronls hunch Grcnlol WA Stall variciy handka gnmh wvre elkrod the Grvnlul VA stall In In Mun with mum hnmcbkinu Layrr unktu lecrcm klnd were SUM nl hr warn 50 um 75 cvnl Vhllv run and bullur Inns went LIHU wllll cunklcs 33 NHL luwn lrlLLJ on humclnadc relish VII hd 1mm In 33 crnll Egg Prices Mandicolored ummca rug were suld at much Marrow were priced at br vlrn 10 um 15 rLnU acorn nnd pepper squash at 10 ccnls cab baue HI ID and HI unlx WIUI Duchess npvlul and plums selling at 05 cani per sixmm mku CALL HIE EXAMINER F0 HINTINO PHONE Ill BUY NOW SATURDAY SEPT 1X You gm the nuumhlo lllllll by ralllng And 5qu ji Halimx hnrbnr was early Imcag nisz by Frenth and British as nneufthe Hut5 nuclmrages 1n the world Mary 5L lhlrrlc Ill 24G £5113 14163301472 EAT wondefluw tonvenient This famous WallFlume Oil Burner easily can verts your present heat ing plnnt from coal to oil Ihouanndareportilanves up to 25 or more on oil costs too Theres Timken Silent Automatic the right type and size to moot yaurlmmo heating need Free surveys and cost estimatesliberal terms Fuel Oil Contract gum nntcod Phan us todnvl THE snmnm co EST ANCHORAGE mumm MEIMDD LIM ITEI