wn Continued from page one to me sharp work depamnent Ind wlil nlsn tench mnlhemauu Ind Miss Primth hu Joined the stall at th Prth depnrunent ropincihz Mndios Slzphens who hn relircd 1mm leaching Mia Thompson from Uxbridze District High Schoni replaces John Dempsier in he French deput mom and WI ram Sail flnel District High School is new nddliicn to the science and ngricui lure sin gum mm mm wanmmjtsm argest Enrolment In Barrie Schools About 3500 Pupils Heading the stat of the cotlpzt ale Institute ts Prlnctpal 11 Bow mnn VicePrincipal Heath also hdad the sctence department other dapartment heads are Chtshntm English Cockburn agriculture M15 Enid Coleridge commercial Cutler mathemat tcs Fisher history Hward Lacey clnwu and MN Nancy Smith mpdernL Other merrilwen the stall are Eingham librarian and Eng lish teacher Earl Bridles English teacher Miss Hughes 01 the commercial department Miss Mur lcl Kelso teacher of mathematics and girls health Kettle oi the boyr physical training and commerciab depamnent and his wife Mrs Eliwbeih Kettle of the home ecnnomicr department Victor Knox teacher 01 science and guid nnce Enhert Mitchell the math cmalics department Arthur Mar mw teacher at mathemmlcs and guidance Dniwn Nesbitl at the boys physical training and geo graphy departments Falwell general shap instructor Archie Russ teacher vpcal music and English ii Sheppard teacher of Art and EJrgiish Norman Synnom ot the agriculture and science de partmenis and M15 Hllda Taylor leacher at social rludle mum in aw lwiiilum Mnergnn teacher Frunch nnd Latin on last years staff who was replaced by Mr Dnmpsler in an the Maivern Cal lcglule instituie stall at Tonunto Si Josephl School lt ls expected that than will be an annulment at around 85 siudenis at St Josephs Separate High school on headay tor the lull term This will in about 20 more students nlnst year he teachan mu at SL Joseph min headld by the prnclpnl or Scolllslllzav who teaches Grud ii and 12 1h ather teacher on lib slnlt Ire Sister Eiheldredn Grade 10 and Sister James Francis irnm St Juwhs Academy ln 1x onln who mamas Sister Leo Pn trick n5 Grade When The lai lcr teacher has zone to St Cnth nrlnosl Element School Around 2400 chldrcn will tells cr 1n he public and mum mnmnry school name on me dny and nllhoulh this an in crease oi mm 200 over Ins yen1 figures the provision at our Ind possxbly ï¬ve more classrooms wm look after tha overflow The new Cmnn sum Publlc Schanl 1n lhe norllhfllt uctlon lawn wlll provlde llve clussmoml Iur Banle chlldrcn lhll full wllh um extra mom belna held In re serve lo nervu as an assembly mum or nudllorlum lhls yur One class mcm ls bzlnz closed at Hlllcrul Publlc SchJul for 1h llme belng In lhnl the oprnlni al the flaw school wlll mean only lnur cxlm publlc srlwol classrooms ln town The cxlrn space however ll hxippy new or school authorities lllmnans hnl mere wlll be pub ll school clnmoam land across rrle ol hrcund 32 puplls almost ldcnl usurp The new school cxvtclcd lo fully rumpleled and ln upbmllon mound we end Seplcmber hm Inuroonu an rcndy by he buglnnlnl Iclmol they will be used under Iyllcm llnnzrlnl lhu puplls Ind ll thlhcr con lHlmu permit man may be clau luld oulsldc nccordlni to pru lXll plans of lhe Dnrrln Public Sclmnl Llunrd The openlnu ol the new Ichool la unmivrly IN for ma nm wnck In Odin ll wm llkcly like the arm of In bitumen ceremony and nn lmcn Mum In the tthlnl Accordln to conservative nu mulu more will be Inn 96 now nlplla lnrludlnu klndcrxnncn chll arm in It puhllc than HM rlu m1 yrmn Around 15 Ihuo will be cmnlnl In rum he Annu sum um mmlly nnmxed by he lnwn lhue wll ho dlvldcd on lwu om nllo bltwern lxlncn ul Wnlu nnd Klllfl Edwnrd publlc Hlmoll Mnryl Squall School ex mu UV 300 pupil to mum on luudly In lncn mom Ihnn 21 uvrr lul yo rnrohnenl Fur um xrnwn may mmnry for Kim Itlml bond lo open dun ln Indllmlum nw In tnnHmllnl Ill pmqmu of whom omeMn rllulpmlfll ll KIM lawrd Ind Idlnoll Duh have by nfw In wu hundml nd to klndrrarl NI umlh rrllllutd In Jum Ind Ulrrn wlll be Inn 30 or morn nylnmlnl In nu all lulnulnu munmmd lolnl In 240 or 750 11 wt It on bum hn rod lllnlrfl Ill wolrlm nnlull Im yruvrmrnl wllh llum In lwu mun pusz mum own llw ulrrlor poly Kln lwu mun publlc mum own llw uurlor mu KIM Mwud nml Illnm Mn than hll brer lrlmmul 1n Iumuolu and vhlll lo much In ullur MIMIC Hlmull mu Ind lb 10er ll nxhllnl ml King Edward flchun The In nmund lllllcr Iddltlan oo rnnl Int ygly lnlnl uun Hymn unr KIM TAMIll ll mom Ind Wu In Walu Cllllrml nml blnckbolrdn in hml pld Ivy mu nutlta bulnh In two lrlncu of Villa nan Ind mm KI mwud mum II mm min while shoal Nu mum mu turwuu ï¬x mum on llllf luchlnl llmh while shoal Nu mum mu turwuu lurk Imllmll on hair luchlnl mm Hull yur One of lb nvw CI mum lg 12an euwmhluv wed 1n Cuuda ram Genny mm yenn In Ind attended unchen college in Albem In yen Sb the ï¬rst of her 12m to nrflv In lhll wuntry um ts hoplng to be Joxned later by other membul at her mull Mix Ntuwinh In In be on lhe mu Hillcresl Public SChooI On the m1 of King Edward Pub Hc School will be either mm England Miss Phyllis Webky who came to Canada last yearInd has balm unending teachers college in Home In all there Wlll be live addition al ache on the public schnul teaching slat In Barrlc thls year Included In the new teachers One at those Miss Marlon Webb whu has lauxh at Slloud or 30mg years wlll be an addmonal Illn Irant remedial teacher The 0mm wnmm the our uddnlonnl class rwms openefl Remaining on the stall ni Cod ringwn Puibiic School are Principal Mi Macbennan Mrs Frances Bessï¬z Miss qun Burkiil Mrs Cameron Miss Agnes Flynn Misx Marjorie Gough MrLBalbllfl iHousinn Mrs MacLemun Miss Hally Spier and Mrs Vern Wiidman James Multan omerly asslxl nm prlnclpal lllllcresl head he smt ol the ncw Gunn Slrcet Fuh llc School as prlnclpal lhls year and wlll teach Grades und Oth er lnll member at Gunn Street wlll be Mrs llllrlnm Nelll ram Waterloo Mlss Joan Fisher kln derznrlen teacher who has been lcnchln ln Gull ind who wlll be There are three new lencherson the Cndrlngton stat lhls year Mrsl Nmma Churchill who hasjus zln dualed 1mm North Bay Teachers College wlll replace Mrs Hall as klndcrgarlfln teacher Mrs Hall has been Iranslcrred to Hillcmst School to replace the nrmcr Miss Rem Parker now Mrs 5111 clnlr public school leachlnl stat has acquired its louth husband and wltu cam Mr and Mrs Harvey Jonesl Mr Jones Who taught near anlanbroak last year has re mlnced Thoma Glbsun an the Cod nnglon mu Mr Gibson will be aching this year In York Town Marian Milne former Sas kaichcwan teacher who hasbeen leaching on supply basis in Mid land and Barrie has replaced Mrs Flora Brainy an inn school slaii Remaining nn lhc stair at Hill cresl Schoal are Principal Bell Mrs Mae Agncw Mrs Janet Barrand Miss Channen Mrs Clark Miss Nora Dalian Mlss Gaodiellow IL Grema public school induslrlal arts in struciar Mls Joan Laklng Mrs leingsmn Miss Lflih Miu Vera Lyons Miss Catharine lwilkinson and Miss Rhoda Young New members of lhe Hlllcrest slat are Gathers who gradu alcd ml year from Tonemu Teach Ers College Lilllcjahn who has been on ï¬le supply 513 In Tomnlo 101 number of years Mrs Hall from Codringlan Schonl Mrs Muriel Lamb who taught last year In the Cumm Slmcne Inspectorate Miss Ellzabclh chnle new public school home Economics instructor who has betn on the Colllngwnod public schaol stall and complemd her home monumlc training In Jen and M13 Nwwmh Gloom was the dominant theme in Western capitals this week as the French National Assembly rejected the European Defence Community treaty and knocked out the comet store West European deience plans Some hope was altered through reference to little NATO plan as an alternative to EDC but in Washington new European pol icy must replace EDC The gravest danger was in Ger many where Chancellor Konrad Adenauer laced crisis of pcllcy and it seemed that foreign policy might change irom unification with Europe to nationalism and deals with the Russians or the sake of uniiied Germany The French Nntlonal Assuriny was the scene 01 violence and Warm shouting sxnglng Ind leaching Grade with Mrsi Neill Miss Margaret Thorburn turmerly on the Hillcrest stnfl whu will be teaching Grade and and Mrs Velma Walker who has been teach ing in the Centre Slmcoe Inspect orate and wlll ae teaching Grade There have been three stat changes at King Edward School this yeeari New teachers include Mrs May Huugh 4mm Larder Lake Miss Helen Storey who joined the stall at Prince of Wales atithe beginning at the year and ha transferred and Miss Phyllis Web 1qu Remaining on Ihe King Edward stall are Princile Gerald Smith Adut Mlss Edna Ball Mr Ruby Bell MISS Elaine Cransto Fuller M15 June Hamlltun Miss Eleanor Mason Mrs ShhIcy Mnyes Miss Flam McGregor and Miss Ruby Schenk Four new teachers have jolned lhe Prince of Wales School stall Miss Sue Burgon who graduated this year from Ngmh Bay Teach ers College Mrs Harrison who formerly laugh at Furl High School Mrs Jane Jams whn laugh near Newmarkel and has jalned Ihe Barrie publlc school sh with her husband and Mrs Margaret McPherson who has lrnnsrerred from King Edward 1Schanl Teacher remaining on the staff inrince oi Wnies are Principal Law Mrs Deneidn Ayres Mrs Banting Miss Car ruihers Miss Kirby Mrs Law Miss Audrey Millikan Miss Simpson Suiherilnd Mrs Tompkins and Liuyd Turiord WM it music nupervlsar liar in pubilc Mimi cl Banit Mrs Marin Smith remains il lnernnt reme inl leather in the Fugue schoolsI en rice wlll condnuu as principal St Marys Separate School lhll yur nachlnx Grades and 0her leach rcgnnlnlnn on UN stafl are M15 Jann Sasu who teaches Grade Simu Sc Jerome tom2m drndes and Induser alchud and teacher the mm are Mr Hender san rum Midland roplnclng Frank LcVny ML Mnher mm Penelnng who will be tnmmenclnz MI in ynnr of teaching nnd Mm Mndlyn Saso who graduated thls your from Town Tonnhnn Collexé To avoid the poulbillly of tire trouble on your holiday eqqu your car to day with set of Fitment Super BnlloonICanudnu No Ireï¬nk formllcagc 0de and value In Addition to libcral dudein allow me for your old llm guvlyï¬udgd tcrmi an available FRANCE EASY BUDGET TERMS téttc mfircs lilo Unhappy the may all mry day by mm In mum 11m STONE MMZ AVENUE AT DUNIDI ST Wm Blllfllnllnn Guaranteed unnrsuonns W331 jcers Monday night as the historic dedsion to Vrulecl an European Delence Community mau was made after years Indecision and three day 01 debate vole 319 to 264 knocked the gonna stone om the West European defence plan vThere were immedme reper cumons In Premier Menzies Frances Cabinet one minister resigned and announced that wo Others would aka N512 All three are members 01 Mendcsannes Radku Panly Therc cumom Frances reï¬ned nmcndmenl proposals by MendesFrnnce to the EDC treaty had been turned down Brussels Week ago by the other ï¬ve EDC powersItaly the Neth erlands Luxambaurg Belafluyn and West Germany Alici the dalehi the plan the pmmier was quoted saying that no thought it new solution West ern defence problem wuid be aunt in maintaining Ind rein nrcing the North Minn Treaty Orginlgjign city was signed ln Paris in May 1852 by the nreikn minister France West Ger many lialyï¬nd the Benelux coun trlus bold eiiort bury Inc thousandyelrwld hatchet of FrancoGerman rivalry it provid ed for West Germany realmoment ind ihe linking West German oms with other EEG power in supranational defence esubllsh ment under NATO It was to come into effect at the some Lime asihl Bonn Contrnctuai agreement in which the Western El Three gave Inenr sovereignty to West Germany dovemlllnz wllh the Schumnn Plan or pooling industry The bl quesflon mark was ll ways France where opposlllan to the treaty grew in coumry lhnt Md been twine Jnvnded tom across Iha Rhine Nme succcslve French pram Iu belore MendesFrlnc relused to Rest he uncerulmy 1n the French Assembly with regard EM Alter wrapping up we Indo Chlmu truce on Jqu 20 he be gun to work an geulnx some kind of decision on EDC although hl ovgn vlpws were mymry UmnKmoualy ihe other ï¬ve milAmer meeting at Brussels pro taned MendelFrances Imepd grounds 1hul Ihey would destroy menu nu orlglnal only on he flhe suprlrmdam mum beyond mmlr This weeks developments msulved the mamanoun lssuc mime EDC mud Iuhorunlvc UNITED STATES mom had me tun Wishinxtou mun in elmpower con Hence would be called probably in October dawn the mu MN pun 1h Inder wth whlch he Un hal Slate am the re the free power of he wan watched the much looted the hlflh staku involved France would remain In uncertain pawnr ln lhe West em alumna torn as she wu by lnllernal discards and 1m nat lectlon BBC manusly grained In Western pullcy or Europe Len unresolvzd was the problem Franco5915 rccnnclllnluon and the pmblem at viable defence exam Cmmnunim EDC carded with ll the basic quasllon at Ger many puluun In the cold war on which he Eumpean policy bum Washington and Moscow de wnds The danger in Germany now Qua EDC had been dcfmlod was obvious to Western world The main fear was the West Germany recolunz before new demonslrn Hon anch dishusl might de lamina to sixIke nu on newmths and upset the whole balunw powgr Eyrope EDC has been lhe centrepiece of Amman policy In Eumpe and crave ncw decision now faced Washlnzlon Mm having penunded the ma Jorlly of Germans that their ml MIDI lay In European unity and FrauenGerman reconcillaflun 1n skand of reuniï¬cation all Ger many Chancellor Konrad Adon nuer was need wflh crisis of mjic Ifrwflle wave deypnlr for BBC SMITH 3MORE DAYS 114 DUNLOP ST BARRIE Gï¬RMANY CONTINIIES FDR GENEROUS TRADE IN ALLOWANCES BUDGET TERMS FREE DELIVERY Just more days of sensalianal bargains in line lagnilure Floors nicely ananged lor yau la ahoosa donl lail lo lake advanlage al lhe many end al sale specials FURNITURE LIMITED SON PHONE 5557 Mm Spurn hm returned ram Timmlns where She hu been vlsmnl with Mr And Mn Dumld Speam Mr and Mn Hurvie Merrick and SgtMnqu Lewis Merrick of Toronto visited with mother Mrs Merrick 151 week Mr and Mr Badgiey Dale Street have returned mm mnlor trip that look unem flu in North Bay and Lhen down the northern mum to Miami Mdn trezl and Quebcé City The high light their threeday sojourn at the Chateau anlenuc wax natur ally the close up View 01 the Duke of Edinburgh the Royal ï¬ght Britannia in all its decor nteci spiendor and the evening concert on the innate by the Royal Marine Band Who were aboard the myni venei tor the trip Alter leaving Quebec ihey iraveiied across the State of Maine that sweptGermany there wzre slgns distinct changes in GerI man oplnhm There were signs that Mtlonnllsm might once nllln rise withm the country and talk at her asserting her right 10 de termine her own course In the world In blparflsnn approach to nrclgn pulley new nppmache to the Russtnn to seek German uni Iicntion might be favnred The Gzrmnns might well now make dents with the Russlpns in return for nnunnal unincntloxx Mr and Mn Elnle Slumt Wluhlushene We the en luemenl flack eldnt daughter um June In Wlllllm John un ion only Inn Mr Ind Mn WH Ham Linton at Barrie The mar rhu will take pllce on Saturday amber 9n 911019 in C01 Mr and Mn William Dickey Suyner announc the engutmem at me daughter Ruth Eleanor to Mr Hany Bailey Adams son of Mr and Mrs Leighton Adah Min eslng the wedding like pince Samrduy September 18 at threa nclnck in Jubnce Presbyterian Church Slaynnr Her 5mg tinned inlumti 0Ponlnd and down the Allan coast to Ogunqull where they snem week at the seaside vlsll mg the beaches at Old Orchard Kennebunke Ind Blddelnni Poo They relurncd lmnm via lake Winnlpesaukce NH Rulland Ver mont and Glen Falls Snratnga Springs Utlcd Syracuse Endles tar and NlngnmonIhehke NY having enjoyed excellent wcnlher and good read Ulroughnut thelr clrculnrlour cm 2000 mlles ENGAGEMENTS COOKED TOMATO SAUCE lElNZ CLARKS WITH CHILI SAUCE NEW SEASONS FANCY VACUUM PACK KERNELS Specllll SERVE WITH FRESH FRUIT MAKER MllllETS AYLMEE wrm PECHN ADDED Slndwlch Flller BEANS wm PORK wnuoua Pomo CHIPS Paris Pale mm 13 NIBLETS CORN Oils Jlr JDPS CHESS Pnocnssniicnhrse SPAGHEITI RRSPRERRY JRM ston was GLOVERLEAF FANCY IHII BREAKFAST BHCflN SWIFTS PREMIUM DEVON BRAND KIND 0N LEAN AND KATY BABY IlflLI PRES SW00 5M OKEI PORK SHOULDERS EKMBiMNTS WILLIAM nonamnnmn SOCKEYE SMMUN WEINERS WILLIAM IIIOIK IIIKANI WILLIARIIN COTTHGE ROLLS BLENDED JUICE unnpnrnm JUICE NWIJTI HSSflflTED CAME nucv tulrunh VIIINF BBHNGES EFKNISH ONIDNS GEEK REBEERS NU ONTARIO FREEHTHNH PEACHES Nzw mm mm Mitflcflunms Hunky mm ION mum Lmrrm vmm mmln 1mm mm OWNED AND 0mm nv mm lMllllll NTAIlIO on nkv DOZ 11 Mai Cul Wm 61 21 SMALL SIZE DOZEN nuluct u1 BI Show Ind Dance Cooks town Community Hail Friday Sept mm by Hank sm nnd Ihe Valley Ranth Boys 830 run to 1250 run 100103 Mixed danclnl every Friday Pine Crest mllal nanh Bar rle nn Highwly 27 or miles south of Elmvale Music by Hen lones Admission 50 BZKWE Budut PAPER Plcnlc Sweet PIBKLES Dance Ivy Orange Hall Suture day Sept old time and modem dancing 912 standard time Beul tys Orcheslrm Lunch counter Admbalnn 50E 101 Rubber 11 HINES Thn Allflslun Glee Club male would welcome anyone Interested in singlng especially high tenor Pmcdce Thursday nighu the home Dr Walker EIZE 209 Budut Wax Pltnlc SW Mlxed Rubber Jar LOCAL NEWS ATTRACTIVE IHlClJ 15 PL 02 rms 14 or 35 SPECIAL pound pkg IZ BIS PKG 20 11m 24 Jul Moxpu 100 ROLL POUND lb pkg 70 at 16 01 Jul 01 Th age 19° DOZ 39 SPECIAL SPECIAL SPECIAL Thu DKO Tin 115 35c 39 59 39 49 12