Ynllnulnu Iuwrmlbull um lulr IIIurruu by Mr Saumlrlw um Mr IIml llvr uynl Illlhmw nmkr Inr wvnnl Inluulrl nml lhm VINml IF lulllhn wlvlch Illllrll II Ilul llIHV units lhl Mun urnnnhna 11 llmhru wu lmv lllnl whlln rural um Mm nllk mm wllh 1mm mu Inhmml wmw hm rumm Mu Illdm wmr hlun Irruqallnn rnln Oil and mm wlulo Iml Hulh luvInn mm umunuxnwl bum llle uln Alumni llyuu wmml num Haul wrn Alllnnmu Mu Mnjmr llunlllon munbrr In llytlm Mum 1mm Mnynr mm mmlh ml Mu Hmllh rm gumn Hymn qunl mnuar and humu MI Ind M1 KJ Wllll uh Vlrlum lnwn IN Illll llvrlvlvllnq an Allin Tmlll lml Mu MM lthHl new MIMI ullwy nlul Mu III my Tecdï¬uietii Mrnnwhllr Illugum Full mm and plum In laln lur mm In 1mm bule lhr curmtu Mulch wm Ilmrd lur Nu uLIuck bruntl ml Tn mlm pally Whlch INN lhr lluynl Ilmhmm lnrlluhd lrlquu Aluxnmlm Prrmlur lmllr Frosl Inhulu Hyan lmmnnn llobvrl Suumlmu Myth Gumml Mlmlurr MIL Hun ll Clmllkl shlkr QC Imd nlhur EIC ufllclvlll and LLLnl Kmlllxly 0on Sound rrxhlrul mqu MUNICIle Julrlu Awninlhm hmvrll IF element In Hm mun wny nx wmr 2000 111le In Imnl lhun wNu huddled unvlvl ulnhlrllm clmll pm or wlul willcllnu llwy cvuld In was curllrd um In lhr pm mar llydrus Luna tlnHIl clock TIN hmmiful IRII drcunllrrl In royal bluu nut pmqu from Um rnln mx mnvm MiltIll In In luck krpt wind mm rlvvr Dchnllc llu alvmly Inwlplnll min the hfllllul owning by Duchlw of Km 0nurlu Hydmu Slf Allénn Urck Nlnuulln Generating Smlun Nu lumi non on Monday nmrxmun was nu lmpuxvlvl IHlluly Bccnusc the hollduy nu cun ccrl will be rckcnlld his Sunday nlgm but the band plans to play on Sundny Scpl 12 ul Vincent Park which has lhc only Gland urge enmth and uh ample park ln space close Fur the winter lhtrv will be scvcrnl spnclal con ccru In llw Roxy Tnmue Varied program of selections marchn and hymru was glvcn by he wellbalanced lruup DI mus lclnns Barr Cltlzcm Band proscnlcd Ulclr ninth concert nl hc summer season last Sunduy at St Vinccnl Park under the dlrcqu nlJoa Mchlch There was lzirzmnll tcndancc despite he rnthcr cool evening Duchess Opens Hydro Slalion Niagara River No Band Concert This Weekend Final on Sept 12 TIIE FOLLOWING are the boun daries as shown above which have been set by the Barrie Pub Hc School Board These are ten uuve however and should con dldons show aflcr the September enrolment that chnnxu need to be made um hoard reserves 1110 right make tho necessary changes he boundarlcs are KING ED WARD SCHOOLarea soulh of but not including Brock Street and wilhln own limits PRINCE OF WALES SCHOOL on the south 90th YearNol OI AN INDEPENDENT NEWBIAHI Serving THE TOWN OF BABE AND COUNTY or 3131005 Since l8 of he lnml unlllnmllnu Im vuwrlliï¬llu nl Ilm mlhï¬lnll lllll yr II II lrllrrulnllvm III Ilul llmlmu umlrr ll IXIINXlun Ul Ill mmmr llnwimlnr nlp vIHI Am Hllll hnvn hrrn llrmllhd In Innt nllrncllvo bIzmln nl yellaw nml my um lmmunlxln Ihule 01 new Inl IJNII uud Irmlml In mum wnm mw mm mm mm pmvlll Ml ym by lh lmmn rump rll mulvllrn ï¬rm Human alwn duvulnl Ilrh Iummr ll lho nrhnol rlllllnzl Ilnwlvvmwm In 1h ululor n1 Ihe chMIn nu bun Illa pnvlnl up llu drlewy la Tl mujur clmnuu ln murch nl ludy the wllwlnul wlll he ln llln home rcoxmmlcl nnd nlmp wnrk lcxurlmrnln both whlcll hnvn cxlrmlrd ln Guuln 12 New null mll lmvn lzccn lllrul ln oucll Ind lulrrelllnu llevclnllmrnl In In ullulnlu currlculum will he mn lurlnil llu lllJHlfl mm Wllrn hr lwo lwarlmcnll wlll ovum UllllllHy clnnrx nn rxlcnllon 1le ldrn llml lnu bun nmlllrd luccmmuy ln llm Inullc drpnrl menu ll nclmoL Umlrr lllla plan Wm ln Grndv IO and Mule ll wlll lIflYl MI pmlunlly lu lnku llmo tnurm In ulna mbjrrl Up In tho pru tl llml lllu rlnllrl hnvu llllll mm lzy yup In mm grmlcl only unllunm Mullc hu opernlrd ulna uMnl Jnr Hm mun lmmm very mccmruny In put walk and lhu plan for hnnw munlulu Illd Ihup work wlll bu wry ulmllnr rlll wn llnmvhvwnll Mn Nlhr Inn lhvlr Ihlnl ynnr ojwrnllun ll ll Irluml TIme nddlllunn Inter urn on llll lhcctlllluinw llllllulc lhll yrllr brlnxlnu llle lolnl num brr lbuchcrl In DUI lullslnllon Dunlc District Cnllcxmlc hull ulc expect nn addmonul 00 Hud ml In Grndu IN yum and loud enruhncnt uruund 925 und mln an Tucsdny Thla Rurc up ruaclxlnz he rolleulnlol rnpnclly OK 1000 Iludnlh lrlntipnl 11 Human rcpoEls ppmng lwoAnmv nsgraoml Barrie schools are ready or the biggest invasion of child ren in the history or the town next Tuesday Sepii Accord ing to estimates by oducniionni authorities there will be in the neighborhood oi 3500 pupils enrolling in the elementary and secondary classrooms and the number of teachers has also reached on oillimo high oi 110 mnéglm Om wlll be Grade Imdnnln and tho olhur Grade IO Iludcnu Classroom spacehas accordingly increased with the an ticipated opening in late September at five new classrooms at the new elementary school which tentatively goes under the name oi Gunn Street School which is slightly oilset by the closing one lilllcrcst School classroom tor the time being lit the Barrie District Collegiate institute where the ltaii has been increased by three teachers two new class cums not in use last year are being opened At St Marys 3eparate School it is expected that increased enrolment may necessitate the holding of class in the auditorium bolh sides of Brock Street town limit In the west on the north bolh sides of the followan streak Dunald Street south on Rules to Park Sheet east along Park to Toronto Street hen south to Dun lop Street West then out nlong Dunlap was and cast to Poynlz hen scum to the bay ILL CEESI SCHOOL area cast of and southal town limits and north of Prlncc of Wales boundary Wcsl boundary both side of the follow mz streetsPeel Street south Largest Enrolment In History Of Barrie Schools Is Expected Next Week Nearly 3500 Pupils 112 iï¬arrié Examiner or far Colluma bull There have been lcvcml humus mm In Hw collculnle mu Ihln you wllh nlnn now lunch hlrcd Mia Yvonne Glmwnod who urndu Mud Ulh ytnr from Onllrlo Col hKe EdHUIUGH wlll loin the 111 of me hlflory lmd Enzllxh drpnnmrnl rcplncl Mlu Mum Ilunnld who hnl lam tn naynl ank Colltulnlc Imlllule In Elnb coke Trrwnnhlp Mn llnwnrd Lucy In cmnlnu an we ncrmpncnl ml mm wllh her hulbnnd who II hcnd n1 Hu collvnlnlo lllll drmrlmcnt wlll mnko Um ncon hmbnnd nnd wlk lmn un lhe Ilnfl Lnll ynlr Amy did nume walk to buck of the schol mm Bradford Slnel Immc MW nullum lllc flour hm urcnlly hnprovld lhc Ichnol Hbrnry Grov Street west along vae to Owen Street soth on Owen In Saphln cash cast alonz Sophln east Mulcaslor than on to Pcnelang to Join the Gunn Street and Cod rlnglon Schools boundarlu The area was at Codrlnglun boundary INN STREET SCHOOL The area can of Hillcrul boundary and souLh town limits can and scum boundaries both sides at Duckworth Street south In Ponc Lang wast slung Pcnclang but excluding he block between Duck Thus wlll nn pummuun nu Mnmlny my rnr llu lnllowllu munuu um vuln tn um um Mnudly nn lhlul In um um Mom dly Im 11 no my Mml Ilumewwn pun minmp men or In dullnl Illa lumer Io VI llllllll llw III III Al IM llrM Nol lo 111 umlnrl which mull pmvldn lulu Invlrc lnr un mun wm Inï¬nity qmuqnmlly whllc pmvlrllnl lwa umr mumy 14 lhl III NIan hhlrh hmu inllllmlll llme II mn nonmy In any an nll lummrr wllh Ihm nr out nlemhpu I7 HIII llll munl ulu wnvk Own an Iha Job Itl IM Ilnlltlly Ionm an nnl Qvul IMII Ill nul hem two 04 um Mmpodnl mu mmI pl burl umll am In IIIII II no will lune nl Thu liumlurr mumhm In ION Intl 150 II Men III lml In um yur In mm mm wllh ruulnr IIWeeth ulml Me Only Ifllllnlll lullrd In Ioc whlth All MI InIMIy 1015 Edition None Labor Day On Short Staff uARRIE ONTARIO CANADA LWEVDNESDAYKVSEPTEMBER I954 Lummnn 1mm Slmcoo DY rm Hlxh School replace Donald McIntyre In the commercial depart menl and Miss Mnfy MacDonald who anduatcd lhll you from the Ontario Milena Educnllon wlll be luchlnl llrh phyllcnl educa llnn She nplnccs Min Rulh Kil llck Mls Allcc Mark unolhcr 1054 OCE lrndulle wlll be In addlllon leucher In he home economic dcpnnmcnl and Mn also teach mu lhlmlllcl 11¢le ml lull wen mi Ilul durlm one prtvkml plnclnz lnhn Dcmpxlgr after Easter She rcplam Miss Laura Younl who but mind and wlllhn anch In gulls and 11ln Parker also OCE ud uulc ml yan In lhn nu m1 lllon Turn la pale him plum on whlrh he wnxrmu cullrd lur lhtlr Irrlvul narrly dullnu Iho lnu mm ho knoll Hwy muer Hrrclly mrr he lmnwrlul film ma rnlvuncr In Nancy IIIIIHL Bu luhlly mind wnn Um 1nrnmlull um Inc mm In Inland Hm wln Inn and II hula Isl lhr lrnr vlnnr 1mm mum lull at he lrndlnl mum ll wnl lllmi Ilyllm Hqu lhn llllhl llwln lly lllr lull lull anl llrlll Ind Jnmrl AyHnd In Vlmun llturl mm IL uullo mun um wan mnuul 0M lry MAI II mm ruli 1l1rlrr CH Ihllllu lur CIH In numnnmu Tullquul who unvrllnl llu nummll ulm Hulnnlun HmI IIIW lwm lnlny In mum nvnlumunl nl plan ulu Mr Mnln lml pomp Imw wnllo llmu lr llleMAylllul llflllvllkml le Im lulu wlth mm ml or nunMm Hum In lludml rlnlex In uvulml muly 00 per rm Whlll I1 look DIN HKxmu by IICM nml clvlllnn pll 255022 n=z czm=mu mo wmnI IOZOEZQ mam nzcw=z OU Nnuy yum nnu nndwcn1y days err the Marl of their hM lurynnklmz mm mm Wrian ouch In FHKIJIIM lhry Wm Illrlnbcrrd by Orlnnl unvnHlfll lnexrwrlnl zllrn and with Hul will Iw llu flymutt whlrh will llvu lbs xnrmurlrl of flu mu lhruna 1m Wnuuzn Ileuch ml Huhmhy nflnlmnnn umnnry thch wlll 11w Innunur all re mllmllun hr crrnnuuy whlch nrrnlmmnlfll Uu uuvrlllm II ur nulltll An Mmhnllu lrmn 1mm CM Crnlmlln hllM Ilnlv lhv mow Fly lnu lmlr Hnrwml plnnu In llghl nuumnun lhry nwrm 1qu ho him at Um an1 Ipll ecujxd is wurth Ind St Vincent stroeLl and inciudini both side at Penetani Street between St Vincent and where this boundary mecL the Hiitcrcst Ind Codrinzton boundar cs CODIHNGION 81 SCHOOL in Lha west the area an and south Gunn Strth School haun dary and including both lidu Ecrczy Street south to Poymz and both sides Payntz Street to the bay The north and east boun flEttcs an the town Iimiui cm mul Ayllng he Ixnmu ly Inu mm wrrc hmmrrd Wm DInch Saturday nucnwm Uuflulhm mmmlll tnmlunul 151 HW Ad 10an LIlmml wn Mn fllthll 1AM COMMhr pull km llummn lllflmlu Mu Ind Tunnh Mudllon Yullclmung lu lhc mnNIll Villlln we Wllhur Nu new Wm llmdu lullm rum Inn MD IlllImwxwd WIHIIIII fllvblnlnn MI Mull4 IL Thu Culllncwuml All Cumin unruly IIIIJMI Illhula mm uul mum AI lwluhm llc pulnw um um hmmh My hlll lllkd In rlhtlllllh the long dbflnlnu va Hwy Inuth lhry muvlrlm llu 11m IIKTPIIHII lump Illlance IM mm the llInannd Cle lu lllllnln The nmnmlnl calm unvelled 5nlnnlny win Ivy he lnrlc Slltl and Mulmxlullll Dom Clnmla Chnlmmn of the bowl Dr Trad Landon Am lun lnnner vlwvrclllirnl Unl vrnlly or Vrmnl OMAHIL mn rd Held Ind Ayllnu lwo vary brave and daring yuunu mm DL lmulnn nulllrd ll Illnul Cullhmwmnl lllllnrlnn wllh lullm llvï¬ lhr mmnmm Ill HIM ll ll IHIIIUIIII nl llw Illuric HM ml Mmumwnll Hoard Iflll Mu llmulnl lhmmln Mum mHl llnl hlmm Aumlnlluu Ilnt luo WWII Hand Inr muln llklnï¬ he udmlnlflnllvo IM mum linhmhyl ulvurvlnu mornIng at 1030 oclock acnlor band wIII compete In lIon the annual compcmlnn and In the lumen 230 oclock alunlnr band wIlI compete In nec tIon II but year In mllan the band game away wIIh close lacond Thu dIvIIIon mmband was made by the dIrector In order In IUDW the hand Into Iwn d1 erenI clams no plsynr II vacd Io enm more than only class In sectlon the band cannot In clude more men 35 muxlclnns and IlmII at 28 players II In lec Ilun whlch or band Irnm owns wIlh around 3000 popula uonl There In class nflered um would IIIow Mr rum to ma Lhe emlre band Post Office For Labor Day Holiday Your name l7 1ch had been 1011 In Irullbocmnlc lam mid Mr Muin Dm lhry hid the courage nnd enunprhn that Ind people to do Inky lhlnaluknowlnz lhnt the cxlruunilmry many will be rummmwlncu numer lhry dmmnntmtcd lhu lull mxuy nf Hymn lhn Mllnuc nm lere nil ow ytnrl hlcr whrn ll Irrlcrvnllon nl nur Independ tnw and My at Mo nqulrm Lhc human lerryhr nl mlllur Munfl om of It lrcw lho lmn Allnlmc nlr urnIN worner by TruluLanldl MLLIJWV With prize mnncy considerably railed thin your the student group in high hope 01 coming hame with extra tunda The bind wili be playing the north bandsmnd ml the Duflcrln sum entrance to the ONE Two bands mm Barrie DV um Collegiate Immulc updcr the dlrccflon of Fisher Irr enlerud 1n the band companion ll the Canadian National Exhibi ltqn tomorrow Two BCI Bands Entered in CNE Fompetitipns In In unnonmmcm whlch IIII hut bun mIdeJollmulor IL Klhucy mm mm than will be no Idler urrlzr ar runl mu urvloe an labor my Mend Etpt var the men dullvcry Ind postu pump with will be open or two hum mm 10 mm only No uvlnn hint or many order urvlco will be Ive One ml Idler box no llon wlll be man In the me noon um um melpt llld dc pnfch of null will be All hnflldIlltl will bi in el lecl Inr klndenlflen clllldrm wlui the exception of Lhn boundlry between Hlllcnlt Ind Gunn Street uhoall Be cause Hllluml School animal IncommOdzle Oh klnderpmn pup In that nu Ion klndernmn children llvlntï¬n In Hlllcréli boundlry will lend Dunn Street School kin dugrun The new Gnnn Blue Ethan wlll take up In mve VI club dun only Thu ruin Ind VIII chlldrm will II either lllllcrul or Codrlnnqn school Arrangements For Children Going To New School Thon hive moved lnlo ths ml durln fllu Inmmer In uked to contact ma uhool prlncipah or am secretary at hm honour Imus for IIItrua on dcpenminion um uhool minded 151 yen JACK 1101 the town dutnchmem Oll 15 mm Imam the pullco omco nmka lng Illa entry In the occurrunco book In cunnecllon with to report of the mlulng bay CflHDfldl clllzem arrived at mo Incklom here an nInc band akogelher compellnu including the BCI Junior Bani other Kraufl are from Dundis Graven hurst Thomld Caledonia Mustard Allmon Wallord Ind Hanover In scclmn he WI group will meet with somn 51m compulluan mm Lorne Scots Band Gooer mwn very Rood band which has won this class or many years Two nlhcr bands Ire also emer ed 1n lhll class he Norwich Mush cal Society Band and tho Burling lnnBand JOHN STEPHENSON of 13 Cumberland Street Allnndnlc 15 seen here wlth his pnronta Mr nnd Mrs Donnld Stephenson nor he wna round Mondny night around midnight ullcr lmvlnu been mlaslng Irom hln homn Mince 230 In the nnemoon Tho Lnnkinl Hula the warm tor his experience John who Is pup at King Edward School old The Ex Iamlner that herb1d been playing during Ihe nttcrnoon wnh chum Phlllp Blrch who uvcd on Cum Llnm and Their actual claucl would ha and With the sen lor hand Mr Fisher using about clgm xmcuam jlhe police olflcer whil driving cruiser during march just at midnight on Monday spotted the hay John Edmund Stephenson the son oi Mr and Dunald Stephenson 73 Cumbe land Street iflder lilac bush about 200 yards th home Mrs Stephenson was the Last person In see her son around 230 123111 Monday attornaun He did nai reiurnhume durinz the even ing and the pulicc were called in Just alter pm Radio station CKBB interrupted it normni bmadcasu to issue descriptions of the boyand around midnight the pnlice through the iacliitiux oi the xlation asked citizens to mcat at the Town Hail to organize search Moments inter the report came in that the boy hnd been found Alert Police Officer Sees Ry MisgingFrpm HomeForlO Hours Asleep Under Bush Near Home Hub or the alertness otPC Thomas Holmes of the OPP town detachment sevenyenrold boy might not have been found for conslderably longer time thgn the 10 hours he was missing from hls home on Monday night Im clni MAMA Am lam clrntlflknl plcked up game panels in Allandale and John Wm WM 1mm handed them aver to him and told him in uke hum home and put hm 1n the home He left me and was making th way back hume when got on the Km to go ova to work in Barrie Hls moniér said um the 1m llmc she had seen him we 1230 1n ghc nflomoan Later in the evening PC Holmes was making another lweep or the are in ihe cruiser with Win Stephenson As they were turning round curve on to Cumberland Sirect ihe police uuicer noticed something zllntlng underneath lllzclbush He atcpgzd to investi gate and this pmde to be part at Johns tricycle which he had tak en under ihebuxh with him The little boy was lound sound asleep and in dazed candilion when he Wu picked up He wau immed iaiely taken home and had soon made complete recovery from his experience John Iald The Examiner wan gang home when no Ind and Just LIY dawn underlhe bush and want In mew bcrlam Sheet short distance away from the Stephenmn hmne John 1c the Birch home around elsht oclock and was seen leave on tricycle In the direction his home by memlml the Birch lamlly An Immediate search of the area was carried out by PC Nell Chad duck and he Stephenson famlly butno trace the boy was inund when he did not mum home his moohar immediately contented the olher family who then laid her that her son had somé lime helme Mowcver whcn the younavboy Town mu around midnight when new em unrch nlnrm was put over rndlu uln llnn mum by the police but shortly after wnnlu tho mlulng yuonwer VIM mulled by Thomna llolmcn young boy ls believed to have llrcd himself out while rldlmz his tricycle He wns found lying under lllnc bush about 200 yard nwny rum his home sound sleep and In dnzcd condition MONDAY WEDNESDAY and FRIDAY Mn Stephenson last words were just wish to thank all those peqplc or the way they turned nut We were very gram ful tor the anhlancoyhlzh they were pnrpmed to give tillng iopy Jusl as carlmds ol citizenl ready to take pm In general march arrived at the Town Hall the news came lhmugh halv the youngster had been found As Mrs Stcphensnn explained John had only received hh ri cyclu that day after It had been In for repair He was so pltastd to get back that he Just would not slop riding it Perhaps that wax one Ihe reasons he was so ï¬nd when he was coming home de arrive at his home he lefl the parcel an the doarslcpjnd went away with his tricycle tawny with his rrlcnd It is belleved that me Irlcyclc was Sn large flan regpon sibxe or wha happened to the boy subsequently 16 Pages wa Sections PC TIIOMAs HOLMES 20 5311M rain